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DEI & Ethics in Healthcare Assessment Instructions

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 DEI and Ethics in Healthcare
This assessment is an opportunity for you to analyze and have a better
understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and the importance of
recognizing unconscious bias and microaggressions in the field of healthcare. Your
insights and reflections are valued, so feel free to draw from your own experiences
to provide depth to your paper. In addition to the suggested readings, use the
Capella library to locate at least two academic peer-reviewed journal articles
published within the last 3–5 years to support your main points and conclusions.
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Write Your Paper
Describe the evolution of DEI in healthcare and how it is continuing to
influence patient care.
Reflect on how the concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion has
evolved during your career.
Discuss any significant changes, initiatives, or policies that have
contributed to a more inclusive healthcare environment.
Explain how unconscious bias leads to microaggressions.
Discuss how unconscious bias can lead individuals to make assumptions
about others based on their appearance or other characteristics
associated with their identity.
Describe the ways in which individuals may not be aware of the biases
that influence their perceptions and behaviors.
Explain how unconscious bias may lead individuals to show preference
for those who are perceived as being similar to themselves in terms of
race, gender, or other characteristics.
Discuss how, while often unintended, microaggressions have a negative
impact on the individuals who experience them.
Describe strategies for overcoming bias in healthcare and how they can
continue to shape DEI practices in the future.
Discuss any initiatives or training programs that address unconscious
bias and microaggressions, and how they have influenced your practice.
Explain the importance of diverse workforce and leadership.
Explain how DEI in healthcare results in improved health outcomes and
increased patient satisfaction.
Discuss how healthcare providers are better equipped to understand and
respect the cultural beliefs, practices, and preferences of their diverse
patient population.
Describe how an inclusive company allows patients to feel heard,
understood, and valued.
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billing cycle
Organize your paper using the following structure and headings:
Title page. (A separate page.)
Describe the evolution of DEI in healthcare and how it is continuing to
influence patient care.
Explain how unconscious bias leads to microaggressions.
Describe strategies for overcoming bias in healthcare and how they can
continue to shape DEI practices in the future.
Explain how DEI in healthcare results in improved health outcomes and
increased patient satisfaction.
Conclusion. (One paragraph.)
References. (A separate page.)
Academic Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Length: Include at least 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to the
title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.
Writing: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and
mechanical errors.
Sources: Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources, evidence,
and citation style.
References: Use at least two scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal
articles and three in-text citations within the paper. Visit the Evidence and
APA page if needed. Use scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal
articles published during the past 3–5 years that relate to your topic.
Visit BSN Program Library Research Guide for help with research.
Academic Honesty: Submit a draft of your assessment to Turnitin and make
any necessary changes before you submit it to your instructor for grading.
Email: emilytutors01@gmail.com for help with RN TO BSN in a Single
billing cycle
Example assessment: You may use the Assessment 4 Example [PDF] to give you
an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency
in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 4: Describe strategies for overcoming biases in healthcare
Describe the evolution of DEI in healthcare and how it is continuing to
influence patient care.
Explain how unconscious bias leads to microaggressions.
Describe strategies for overcoming bias in healthcare and how they can
continue to shape DEI practices in the future.
Explain how DEI in healthcare results in improved health outcomes and
increased patient satisfaction.
Competency 5: Write for a specific audience, in an appropriate tone and style,
in accordance with Capella writing standards.
Produce text with minimal grammatical, usage, spelling, and mechanical
Integrate into text appropriate use of scholarly sources, evidence, and
citation style.
https://nursfpx.us/nurs-fpx-4000-assessment-1-pledge-of-academic-honestyand-bsn-practicum-acknowledgement/ Email: emilytutors01@gmail.com
for help with RN TO BSN in a Single billing cycle