PHYS1112 - Electricity and Magnetism Lecture Notes Dr. Jason Chun Shing Pun Department of Physics The University of Hong Kong January 2005 Contents 1 Vector Algebra 1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Vector Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Components of Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Multiplication of Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Vector Field (Physics Point of View) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Other Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 4 6 6 2 Electric Force & Electric Field 2.1 Electric Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The Electric Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Continuous Charge Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Electric Field Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Point Charge in E-field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Dipole in E-field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 9 12 18 21 22 3 Electric Flux and Gauss’ Law 3.1 Electric Flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Gauss’ Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 E-field Calculation with Gauss’ Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Gauss’ Law and Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 28 28 31 4 Electric Potential 4.1 Potential Energy and Conservative Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Electric Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Relation Between Electric Field E and Electric Potential V . . . . 4.4 Equipotential Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 36 40 45 48 5 Capacitance and DC Circuits 5.1 Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Calculating Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Capacitors in Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Energy Storage in Capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 51 51 54 55 i 5.5 Dielectric Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Capacitor with Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Gauss’ Law in Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Ohm’s Law and Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 DC Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 RC Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 58 60 61 64 69 6 Magnetic Force 6.1 Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Motion of A Point Charge in Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Hall Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Magnetic Force on Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 73 75 76 78 7 Magnetic Field 7.1 Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Parallel Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Ampère’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Magnetic Dipole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Magnetic Dipole in A Constant B-field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Magnetic Properties of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 81 86 88 92 93 94 8 Faraday’s Law of Induction 98 8.1 Faraday’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 8.2 Lenz’ Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 8.3 Motional EMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 8.4 Induced Electric Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 9 Inductance 107 9.1 Inductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 9.2 LR Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 9.3 Energy Stored in Inductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 9.4 LC Circuit (Electromagnetic Oscillator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 9.5 RLC Circuit (Damped Oscillator) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 10 AC Circuits 116 10.1 Alternating Current (AC) Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 10.2 Phase Relation Between i, V for R,L and C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 10.3 Single Loop RLC AC Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 10.4 Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 10.5 Power in AC Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 10.6 The Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 ii 11 Displacement Current and Maxwell’s Equations 125 11.1 Displacement Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 11.2 Induced Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 11.3 Maxwell’s Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 iii Chapter 1 Vector Algebra 1.1 Definitions A vector consists of two components: magnitude and direction . (e.g. force, velocity, pressure) A scalar consists of magnitude only. (e.g. mass, charge, density) 1.2 Vector Algebra Figure 1.1: Vector algebra ~a + ~b = ~b + ~a ~ = (~a + ~c) + d~ ~a + (~c + d) 1.3. COMPONENTS OF VECTORS 1.3 2 Components of Vectors Usually vectors are expressed according to coordinate system. Each vector can be expressed in terms of components. The most common coordinate system: Cartesian ~a = ~ax + ~ay + ~az Magnitude of ~a = |~a| = a, a= q a2x + a2y + a2z ~a = ~ax + ~ay q a2x + a2y a = ax = a cosφ; ay = a sinφ ay tanφ = ax Figure 1.2: φ measured anti-clockwise from position x-axis Unit vectors have magnitude of 1 â = ~a = unit vector along ~a direction |~a| î ĵ l l x y k̂ l z are unit vectors along directions ~a = ax î + ay ĵ + az k̂ Other coordinate systems: 1.3. COMPONENTS OF VECTORS 3 1. Polar Coordinate: ~a = ar r̂ + aθ θ̂ Figure 1.3: Polar Coordinates 2. Cylindrical Coordinates: ~a = ar r̂ + aθ θ̂ + az ẑ r̂ originated from nearest point on z-axis (Point O’) Figure 1.4: Cylindrical Coordinates 3. Spherical Coordinates: ~a = ar r̂ + aθ θ̂ + aφ φ̂ r̂ originated from Origin O Figure 1.5: Spherical Coordinates 1.4. MULTIPLICATION OF VECTORS 1.4 4 Multiplication of Vectors 1. Scalar multiplication: ~b=m~a ~b,~a are vectors; m is a scalar If then b=m a (Relation between magnitude) o bx =m ax Components also follow relation by =m ay i.e. ~a = ax î + ay ĵ + az k̂ m~a = max î + may ĵ + maz k̂ 2. Dot Product (Scalar Product): ~a · ~b = |~a| · |~b| cosφ Result is always a scalar. It can be positive or negative depending on φ. ~a · ~b = ~b · ~a Notice: ~a · ~b = ab cosφ = ab cosφ0 i.e. Doesn’t matter how you measure angle φ between vectors. Figure 1.6: Dot Product î · î = |î| |î| cos0◦ = 1 · 1 · 1 = 1 î · ĵ = |î| |ĵ| cos90◦ = 1 · 1 · 0 = 0 î · î = ĵ · ĵ = k̂ · k̂ = 1 î · ĵ = ĵ · k̂ = k̂ · î = 0 ~a = ax î + ay ĵ + az k̂ ~b = bx î + by ĵ + bz k̂ then ~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by + az bz ~a · ~a = |~a| · |~a| cos0◦ = a · a = a2 If 1.4. MULTIPLICATION OF VECTORS 5 3. Cross Product (Vector Product): If ~c = ~a × ~b, then c = |~c| = a b sinφ ~a × ~b 6= ~b × ~a !!! ~a × ~b = −~b × ~a Figure 1.7: Note: How angle φ is measured • Direction of cross product determined from right hand rule. • Also, ~a × ~b is ⊥ to ~a and ~b, i.e. ~a · (~a × ~b) = 0 ~b · (~a × ~b) = 0 • IMPORTANT: ~a × ~a = a · a sin0◦ = 0 |î × î| = |î| |î| sin0◦ = 1 · 1 · 0 = 0 |î × ĵ| = |î| |ĵ| sin90◦ = 1 · 1 · 1 = 1 î × î = ĵ × ĵ = k̂ × k̂ = 0 î × ĵ = k̂; ĵ × k̂ = î; k̂ × î = ĵ ¯ î ¯ ~a × ~b = ¯¯ ax ¯ bx ĵ k̂ ¯¯ ¯ (ay bz − az by ) î ay az ¯¯ = +(az bx − ax bz ) ĵ by bz +(ax by − ay bx ) k̂ 1.5. VECTOR FIELD (PHYSICS POINT OF VIEW) 6 4. Vector identities: ~a × (~b + ~c) = ~a × ~b + ~a × ~c ~a · (~b × ~c) = ~b · (~c × ~a) = ~c · (~a × ~b) ~a × (~b × ~c) = (~a · ~c) ~b − (~a · ~b) ~c 1.5 Vector Field (Physics Point of View) ~ A vector field F(x, y, z) is a mathematical function which has a vector output for a position input. ~ y, z)) (Scalar field U(x, 1.6 Other Topics Tangential Vector Figure 1.8: d~l is a vector that is always tangential to the curve C with infinitesimal length dl Surface Vector Figure 1.9: d~a is a vector that is always perpendicular to the surface S with infinitesimal area da 1.6. OTHER TOPICS Some uncertainty! 7 (d~a versus − d~a) Two conventions: • Area formed from a closed curve Figure 1.10: Direction of d~a determined from right-hand rule • Closed surface enclosing a volume Figure 1.11: Direction of d~a going from inside to outside Chapter 2 Electric Force & Electric Field 2.1 Electric Force The electric force between two charges q1 and q2 can be described by Coulomb’s Law. F~12 = F orce on q1 exerted by q2 q1 q2 1 · r̂12 · F~12 = 4π² r2 0 12 where r̂12 = ~r12 is the unit vector which locates particle 1 relative to particle 2. |~r12 | i.e. ~r12 = ~r1 − ~r2 • q1 , q2 are electrical charges in units of Coulomb(C) • Charge is quantized Recall 1 electron carries 1.602 × 10−19 C • ²0 = Permittivity of free space = 8.85 × 10−12 C 2 /N m2 COULOMB’S LAW: (1) q1 , q2 can be either positive or negative. 2.2. THE ELECTRIC FIELD 9 (2) If q1 , q2 are of same sign, then the force experienced by q1 is in direction away from q2 , that is, repulsive. (3) Force on q2 exerted by q1 : F~21 = 1 q2 q1 · 2 · r̂21 4π²0 r21 BUT: r12 = r21 = distance between q1 , q2 ~r2 − ~r1 −~r12 ~r21 = = = −r̂12 r̂21 = r21 r21 r12 ∴ F~21 = −F~12 Newton’s 3rd Law SYSTEM WITH MANY CHARGES: The total force experienced by charge q1 is the vector sum of the forces on q1 exerted by other charges. F~1 = Force experienced by q1 = F~1,2 + F~1,3 + F~1,4 + · · · + F~1,N PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION: N X F~1 = F~1,j j=2 2.2 The Electric Field While we need two charges to quantify the electric force, we define the electric field for any single charge distribution to describe its effect on other charges. 2.2. THE ELECTRIC FIELD 10 Total force F~ = F~1 + F~2 + · · · + F~N The electric field is defined as F~ ~ =E q0 →0 q0 lim (a) E-field due to a single charge qi : From the definitions of Coulomb’s Law, the force experienced at location of q0 (point P) F~0,i = 1 q0 qi · 2 · r̂0,i 4π²0 r0,i where r̂0,i is the unit vector along the direction from charge qi to q0 , r̂0,i = Unit vector from charge qi to point P = r̂i (radical unit vector from qi ) F~ q0 →0 q0 ∴ E-field due to qi at point P: ~ = lim Recall E ~i = E 1 qi · 2 · r̂i 4π²0 ri where ~ri = Vector pointing from qi to point P, thus r̂i = Unit vector pointing from qi to point P Note: (1) E-field is a vector. (2) Direction of E-field depends on both position of P and sign of qi . (b) E-field due to system of charges: Principle of Superposition: In a system with N charges, the total E-field due to all charges is the vector sum of E-field due to individual charges. 2.2. THE ELECTRIC FIELD i.e. 11 ~ = E X ~i = E i 1 X qi r̂i 4π²0 i ri2 (c) Electric Dipole System of equal and opposite charges separated by a distance d. Figure 2.1: An electric dipole. (Direction of d~ from negative to positive charge) Electric Dipole Moment p~ = q d~ = qddˆ p = qd Example: ~ due to dipole along x-axis E Consider point P at distance x along the perpendicular axis of the dipole p~ : ~ E Notice: = ~+ E ↑ (E-field due to +q) + ~− E ↑ (E-field due to −q) ~ + and E ~ − cancel out. Horizontal E-field components of E ∴ Net E-field points along the axis oppo- site to the dipole moment vector. 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION 12 Magnitude of E-field = 2E+ cos θ E+ or E− magnitude! µ z ∴E =2 }| But r = s ³ d ´2 cos θ = ∴E = { ¶ 1 q · 2 4π²0 r 2 cos θ + x2 d/2 r 1 p · 4π²0 [x2 + ( d2 )2 ] 32 (p = qd) Special case: When x À d 3 d 3 d [x2 + ( )2 ] 2 = x3 [1 + ( )2 ] 2 2 2x • Binomial Approximation: (1 + y)n ≈ 1 + ny E-field of dipole + • Compare with if y ¿ 1 1 p 1 · 3 ∼ 3 4π²0 x x 1 E-field for single charge r2 • Result also valid for point P along any axis with respect to dipole 2.3 Continuous Charge Distribution E-field at point P due to dq: ~ = dE dq 1 · 2 · r̂ 4π²0 r 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION 13 ∴ E-field due to charge distribution: ˆ ~ = E ˆ ~ = dE V olume V olume 1 4π²0 · dq r2 · r̂ (1) In many cases, we can take advantage of the symmetry of the system to simplify the integral. (2) To write down the small charge element dq: 1-D 2-D 3-D Example 1: dq = λ ds dq = σ dA dq = ρ dV λ = linear charge density σ = surface charge density ρ = volume charge density ds = small length element dA = small area element dV = small volume element Uniform line of charge charge per unit length =λ (1) Symmetry considered: The E-field from +z and −z directions cancel along z-direction, ∴ Only horizontal E-field components need to be considered. (2) For each element of length dz, charge dq = λdz ∴ Horizontal E-field at point P due to element dz = ~ cos θ = |dE| 1 λdz · 2 cos θ 4π²0 r | {z } dEdz ∴ E-field due to entire line charge at point P ˆL/2 E = −L/2 λdz 1 · 2 cos θ 4π²0 r ˆL/2 = 2 0 dz λ · 2 cos θ 4π²0 r 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION 14 To calculate this integral: • First, notice that x is fixed, but z, r, θ all varies. • Change of variable (from z to θ) (1) z = x tan θ x = r cos θ ∴ dz = x sec2 θ dθ ∴ r 2 = x2 sec2 θ z=0 , (2) When θ = 0◦ z = L/2 θ = θ0 λ E = 2· 4π²0 = 2· λ 4π²0 where tan θ0 = ˆθ0 0 ˆθ0 0 L/2 x x sec2 θ dθ · cos θ x2 sec2 θ 1 · cos θ dθ x ¯θ0 λ 1 · · (sin θ)¯¯ 0 4π²0 x 1 λ · · sin θ0 = 2· 4π²0 x λ 1 L/2 = 2· · ·q 4π²0 x x2 + ( L )2 = 2· 2 E= 1 λL · q 4π²0 x x2 + ( L )2 along x-direction 2 Important limiting cases: λL 1 · 2 4π²0 x But λL = Total charge on rod ∴ System behave like a point charge 1. x À L : E+ 2. L À x : E+ 1 λL · 4π²0 x · L2 Ex = λ 2π²0 x ELECTRIC FIELD DUE TO INFINITELY LONG LINE OF CHARGE 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION Example 2: 15 Ring of Charge E-field at a height z above a ring of charge of radius R (1) Symmetry considered: For every charge element dq considered, there exists ~ field components cancel. dq0 where the horizontal E ⇒ Overall E-field lies along z-direction. (2) For each element of length dz, charge dq = λ ↑ Linear charge density · ds ↑ Circular length element dq = λ · R dφ, where φ is the angle measured on the ring plane ∴ Net E-field along z-axis due to dq: dE = dq 1 · 2 · cos θ 4π²0 r 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION 16 ˆ Total E-field = dE ˆ 2π = 0 Note: Here in this case, convert r, θ to R, z. 1 λR dφ · · cos θ 4π²0 r2 θ, R and r are fixed as φ varies! BUT we want to λRz 1 · 3 E= 4π²0 r E= BUT: Example 3: z (cos θ = ) r 1 λ(2πR)z · 2 4π²0 (z + R2 )3/2 ˆ 2π dφ 0 along z-axis λ(2πR) = total charge on the ring E-field from a disk of surface charge density σ We find the E-field of a disk by integrating concentric rings of charges. 2.3. CONTINUOUS CHARGE DISTRIBUTION 17 Total charge of ring dq = σ · ( 2πr | {z dr} ) Area of the ring Recall from Example 2: E-field from ring: dE = 1 dq z · 2 4π²0 (z + r2 )3/2 ˆ R 1 2πσr dr · z E = 4π²0 0 (z 2 + r2 )3/2 ˆ R r dr 1 2πσz 2 = 4π²0 0 (z + r2 )3/2 ∴ • Change of variable: ⇒ u = z 2 + r2 du = 2r dr ⇒ (z 2 + r2 )3/2 = u3/2 ⇒ r dr = 21 du • Change of integration limit: ( r = 0 , u = z2 r = R , u = z 2 + R2 1 ∴ E = · 2πσz 4π²0 ˆ BUT: u−3/2 du = ˆ z2 +R2 z2 1 −3/2 u du 2 u−1/2 = −2u−1/2 −1/2 ∴ E ¯z 2 +R2 1 ¯ σz (−u−1/2 )¯ 2 z 2²0 à ! 1 1 −1 σz √ 2 + = 2²0 z + R2 z = σ E= 2²0 " z 1− √ 2 z + R2 # 2.4. ELECTRIC FIELD LINES 18 VERY IMPORTANT LIMITING CASE: If R À z, that is if we have an infinite sheet of charge with charge density σ: " z σ E = 1− √ 2 2²0 z + R2 ¸ · σ z ≃ 1− 2²0 R E≈ # σ 2²0 E-field is normal to the charged surface Figure 2.2: E-field due to an infinite sheet of charge, charge density = σ Q: What’s the E-field belows the charged sheet? 2.4 Electric Field Lines To visualize the electric field, we can use a graphical tool called the electric field lines. Conventions: 1. The start on position charges and end on negative charges. 2. Direction of E-field at any point is given by tangent of E-field line. 3. Magnitude of E-field at any point is proportional to number of E-field lines per unit area perpendicular to the lines. 2.4. ELECTRIC FIELD LINES 19 2.4. ELECTRIC FIELD LINES 20 2.5. POINT CHARGE IN E-FIELD 2.5 21 Point Charge in E-field ~ the force experienced by the charge is When we place a charge q in an E-field E, ~ = m~a F~ = q E Applications: Ink-jet printer, TV cathoderay tube. Example: Ink particle has mass m, charge q (q < 0 here) Assume that mass of inkdrop is small, what’s the deflection y of the charge? Solution: First, the charge carried by the inkdrop is negtive, i.e. q < 0. Note: Horizontal motion: ~ points in opposite direction of E. ~ qE Net force = 0 ∴ L = vt (2.1) 2.6. DIPOLE IN E-FIELD Vertical motion: 22 ~ À |m~g |, |q E| q is negative, ∴ Net force = −qE = ma ∴ a=− Vertical distance travelled: y= 2.6 (Newton’s 2nd Law) qE m (2.2) 1 2 at 2 Dipole in E-field Consider the force exerted on the dipole in an external E-field: Assumption: E-field from dipole doesn’t affect the external E-field. • Dipole moment: p~ = q d~ • Force due to the E-field on +ve and −ve charge are equal and opposite in direction. Total external force on dipole = 0. BUT: There is an external torque on the center of the dipole. Reminder: Force F~ exerts at point P. The force exerts a torque ~τ = ~r × F~ on point P with respect to point O. Direction of the torque vector ~ τ is determined from the right-hand rule. 2.6. DIPOLE IN E-FIELD Reference: 23 Halliday Vol.1 Chap 9.1 (Pg.175) Chap 11.7 (Pg.243) torque work done Net torque ~τ • direction: torque clockwise • magnitude: τ = τ+ve + τ−ve d d = F · sin θ + F · sin θ 2 2 = qE · d sin θ = pE sin θ ~ ~τ = p~ × E Energy Consideration: When the dipole p~ rotates dθ, the E-field does work. Work done by external E-field on the dipole: dW = −τ dθ Negative sign here because torque by E-field acts to decrease θ. BUT: Because E-field is a conservative force field 1 2 , we can define a potential energy (U ) for the system, so that dU = −dW ∴ For the dipole in external E-field: dU = −dW = pE sin θ dθ ˆ ∴ U (θ) = ˆ dU = pE sin θ dθ = −pE cos θ + U0 1 2 more to come in Chap.4 of notes ref. Halliday Vol.1 Pg.257, Chap 12.1 2.6. DIPOLE IN E-FIELD 24 set U (θ = 90◦ ) = 0, ∴ 0 = −pE cos 90◦ + U0 ∴ U0 = 0 ∴ Potential energy: ~ U = −pE cos θ = −~p · E Chapter 3 Electric Flux and Gauss’ Law 3.1 Electric Flux Latin: flux = ”to flow” Graphically: Electric flux ΦE represents the number of E-field lines crossing a surface. Mathematically: ~ is perpendicular to the area A. Reminder: Vector of the area A ~ is not For non-uniform E-field & surface, direction of the area vector A uniform. ~ = Area vector for dA small area element dA 3.1. ELECTRIC FLUX ∴ Electric flux ~ through surface S: Electric flux of E 26 ~ · dA ~ dΦE = E ˆ ~ · dA ~ ΦE = E S ˆ = Surface integral over surface S S = Integration of integral over all area elements on surface S Example: ~ = E −2q 1 −q · 2 r̂ = r̂ 4π²0 r 2π²0 R2 ~ = dA r̂ For a hemisphere, dA ˆ −q ΦE = r̂ · (dA r̂) 2 S 2π²0 R ˆ q = − dA 2π²0 R2 S (∵ r̂ · r̂ = 1) | {z } 2πR2 = −q ²0 For a closed surface: ~ Recall: Direction of area vector dA goes from inside to outside of closed surface S. 3.1. ELECTRIC FLUX 27 ˛ ~ · dA ~ E Electric flux over closed surface S: ΦE = S ˛ = Surface integral over closed surface S S Example: Electric flux of charge q over closed spherical surface of radius R. ~ = E 1 q q · 2 r̂ = r̂ 4π²0 r 4π²0 R2 at the surface ~ = dA · r̂ Again, dA ˛ z ∴ ΦE ~ E }| { ~ dA z }| { q = r̂ · dA r̂ 2 S 4π²0 R ˛ q dA = 4π²0 R2 S | {z } ΦE Total surface area of S = 4πR2 q = ²0 IMPORTANT POINT: If we remove the spherical symmetry of closed surface S, the total number of E-field lines crossing the surface remains the same. ∴ The electric flux ΦE 3.2. GAUSS’ LAW 28 ˛ ˛ ~ · dA ~= E ΦE = S 3.2 S0 ~ · dA ~= q E ²0 Gauss’ Law ˛ ΦE = ~ · dA ~= q E ²0 S for any closed surface S And q is the net electric charge enclosed in closed surface S. • Gauss’ Law is valid for all charge distributions and all closed surfaces. (Gaussian surfaces) • Coulomb’s Law can be derived from Gauss’ Law. • For system with high order of symmetry, E-field can be easily determined if we construct Gaussian surfaces with the same symmetry and applies Gauss’ Law 3.3 E-field Calculation with Gauss’ Law (A) Infinite line of charge Linear charge density: λ Cylindrical symmetry. E-field directs radially outward from the rod. Construct a Gaussian surface S in the shape of a cylinder, making up of a curved surface S1 , and the top and bottom circles S2 , S3 . ˛ Gauss’ Law: ~ · dA ~ = Total charge = λL E ²0 ²0 S 3.3. E-FIELD CALCULATION WITH GAUSS’ LAW ˛ ˆ ˆ ~ · dA ~= E ˆ ~ · dA ~+ E S | S1 {z } ~ A ~ Ekd ∴ 29 ~ · dA ~+ E | S2 {z ~ · dA ~ E S3 } ~ ~ = 0 ∵E⊥d A ˆ dA = E S | 1{z } λL ²0 Total area of surface S1 λL E(2πrL) = ²0 ∴ E = λ 2π²0 r (Compare with Chapter 2 note) ~ = E λ r̂ 2π²0 r (B) Infinite sheet of charge Uniform surface charge density: σ Planar symmetry. E-field directs perpendicular to the sheet of charge. Construct Gaussian surface S in the shape of a cylinder (pill box) of cross-sectional area A. ˛ Gauss’ Law: ˆ ~ · dA ~ = Aσ E ²0 S ~ · dA ~=0 E ˆ S1 ˆ ~ · dA ~+ E S2 ~ ⊥ dA ~ over whole surface S1 ∵E ~ · dA ~ = 2EA (E ~ k dA ~ 2, E ~ k dA ~ 3) E S3 3.3. E-FIELD CALCULATION WITH GAUSS’ LAW 30 ~ and dA ~ 2 point up Note: For S2 , both E ~ and dA ~ 3 point down For S3 , both E ∴ 2EA = Aσ ²0 ⇒ E= σ 2²0 (Compare with Chapter 2 note) (C) Uniformly charged sphere Total charge = Q Spherical symmetry. (a) For r > R: Consider a spherical Gaussian surface S of radius r: ~ k dA ~ k r̂ E ˛ ~ · dA ~=Q E Gauss’ Law: ²0 S ˛ Q E · dA = ²0 S ˛ Q E dA = ²0 S | {z } surface area of S = 4πr2 ∴ ~ = E Q r̂ ; 4π²0 r2 for r > R (b) For r < R: Consider a spherical Gaussian surface S 0 of radius r < R, then total charge included q is proportional to the volume included by S 0 ∴ Volume enclosed by S 0 q = Q Total volume of sphere 3.4. GAUSS’ LAW AND CONDUCTORS ˛ Gauss’ Law: q 4/3 πr3 = Q 4/3 πR3 31 ⇒ q= r3 Q R3 ~ · dA ~= q E ²0 S0 ˛ E dA = 0 | S{z } r3 1 ·Q R3 ²0 surface area of S 0 = 4πr2 ∴ 3.4 ~ = E 1 Q · 3 r r̂ ; 4π²0 R for r ≤ R Gauss’ Law and Conductors For isolated conductors, charges are free to move until all charges lie outside the surface of the conductor. Also, the Efield at the surface of a conductor is perpendicular to its surface. (Why?) Consider Gaussian surface S of shape of cylinder: ˛ ~ · dA ~ = σA E ²0 S 3.4. GAUSS’ LAW AND CONDUCTORS 32 ˆ BUT ˆS1 ~ · dA ~=0 (∵ E ~ ⊥ dA ~) E ~ · dA ~=0 (∵ E ~ = 0 inside conductor ) E S3 ˆ ˆ ~ · dA ~ = E E S2 ~ k dA ~) (∵ E dA S2 | {z } Area of S2 = EA ∴ Gauss’ Law ∴ ⇒ EA = σA ²0 On conductor’s surface E = σ ²0 BUT, there’s no charge inside conductors. ∴ Notice: Inside conductors E = 0 Always! Surface charge density on a conductor’s surface is not uniform. Example: Conductor with a charge inside Note: This is not an isolated system (because of the charge inside). Example: 3.4. GAUSS’ LAW AND CONDUCTORS 33 I. Charge sprayed on a conductor sphere: First, we know that charges all move to the surface of conductors. (i) For r < R: Consider Gaussian surface S2 ˛ ~ · dA ~ = 0 ( ∵ no charge inside ) E S2 ⇒ E = 0 everywhere. (ii) For r ≥ R: Consider Gaussian surface S1 : ˛ ~ · dA ~ = Q E ²0 S1 ˛ ~ = Q E dA ²0 S1 For a conductor z }| { ~ k dA ~ k r̂ ) ( E | {z } 4πr2 E = II. Conductor sphere with hole inside: Q 4π²0 r2 |{z} Spherically symmetric 3.4. GAUSS’ LAW AND CONDUCTORS 34 Consider Gaussian surface S1 : charge included = 0 Total ∴ E-field = 0 inside The E-field is identical to the case of a solid conductor!! III. A long hollow cylindrical conductor: Example: Inside hollow cylinder ( +2q ) ( Inner radius Outer radius a b Outside hollow cylinder ( −3q ) ( Question: Inner radius Outer radius c d Find the charge on each surface of the conductor. For the inside hollow cylinder, charges distribute only on the surface. ∴ Inner radius a surface, charge = 0 and Outer radius b surface, charge = +2q For the outside hollow cylinder, charges do not distribute only on outside. ∵ It’s not an isolated system. (There are charges inside!) Consider Gaussian surface S 0 inside the conductor: E-field always = 0 ∴ Need charge −2q on radius c surface to balance the charge of inner cylinder. So charge on radius d surface = −q. (Why?) IV. Large sheets of charge: Total charge Q on sheet of area A, 3.4. GAUSS’ LAW AND CONDUCTORS ∴ Surface charge density σ = 35 Q A By principle of superposition Region A: Region B: Region C: E=0 Q E= ²0 A E=0 E=0 Q E= ²0 A E=0 Chapter 4 Electric Potential 4.1 Potential Energy and Conservative Forces (Read Halliday Vol.1 Chap.12) Electric force is a conservative force Work done by the electric force F~ as a charge moves an infinitesimal distance d~s along Path A = dW Note: d~s is in the tangent direction of the curve of Path A. dW = F~ · d~s ~ in moving the particle from Point 1 to Point 2 ∴ Total work done W by force F ˆ 2 W = F~ · d~s 1 Path A ˆ 2 = Path Integral 1 Path A = Integration over Path A from Point 1 to Point 2. 4.1. POTENTIAL ENERGY AND CONSERVATIVE FORCES 37 DEFINITION: A force is conservative if the work done on a particle by the force is independent of the path taken. ∴ For conservative forces, ˆ 2 F~ · d~s = ˆ 2 F~ · d~s 1 1 Path A Path B Let’s consider a path starting at point 1 to 2 through Path A and from 2 to 1 through Path C ˆ 2 Work done = F~ · d~s ˆ 1 + 1 2 Path A Path C ˆ 2 = F~ · d~s − ˆ 2 F~ · d~s F~ · d~s 1 1 Path A Path B DEFINITION: The work done by a conservative force on a particle when it moves around a closed path returning to its initial position is zero. ~ × F~ = 0 everywhere for conservative force F~ MATHEMATICALLY, ∇ Conclusion: Since the work done by a conservative force F~ is path-independent, we can define a quantity, potential energy, that depends only on the position of the particle. Convention: We define potential energy U such that ˆ dU = −W = − F~ · d~s ∴ For particle moving from 1 to 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 dU = U2 − U1 = − 1 F~ · d~s 1 where U1 , U2 are potential energy at position 1, 2. 4.1. POTENTIAL ENERGY AND CONSERVATIVE FORCES 38 Example: Suppose charge q2 moves from point 1 to 2. ˆ 2 From definition: U2 − U1 = − F~ · d~r 1 ˆ r2 = − F dr ( ∵ F~ k d~r ) ˆr1r2 1 q1 q2 dr 2 r1 4π²0 r ¯r ˆ dr 1 1 q1 q2 ¯¯ 2 (∵ =− +C ) = ¯ r2 r 4π²0 r ¯r1 µ ¶ 1 1 1 q1 q2 − −∆W = ∆U = 4π²0 r2 r1 = − Note: (1) This result is generally true for 2-Dimension or 3-D motion. (2) If q2 moves away from q1 , then r2 > r1 , we have • If q1 , q2 are of same sign, then ∆U < 0, ∆W > 0 (∆W = Work done by electric repulsive force) • If q1 , q2 are of different sign, then ∆U > 0, ∆W < 0 (∆W = Work done by electric attractive force) (3) If q2 moves towards q1 , then r2 < r1 , we have • If q1 , q2 are of same sign, then ∆U 0, ∆W 0 • If q1 , q2 are of different sign, then ∆U 0, ∆W 0 4.1. POTENTIAL ENERGY AND CONSERVATIVE FORCES 39 (4) Note: It is the difference in potential energy that is important. REFERENCE POINT: U (r = ∞) = 0 ¶ µ 1 1 1 ∴ U∞ − U1 = q1 q2 − 4π²0 r2 r1 ↓ ∞ U (r) = q1 q2 1 · 4π²0 r If q1 , q2 same sign, then U (r) > 0 for all r If q1 , q2 opposite sign, then U (r) < 0 for all r (5) Conservation of Mechanical Energy: For a system of charges with no external force, E = K . (Kinetic Energy) or + U = Constant & (Potential Energy) ∆E = ∆K + ∆U = 0 Potential Energy of A System of Charges Example: P.E. of 3 charges q1 , q2 , q3 Start: q1 , q2 , q3 all at r = ∞, U = 0 Step1: Move q1 from ∞ to its position ⇒ U = 0 Move q2 from ∞ to new position ⇒ Step2: U= 1 q1 q2 4π²0 r12 Move q3 from ∞ to new position ⇒ Total P.E. Step3: Step4: What if there are 4 charges? 1 U= 4π²0 · q1 q2 q1 q3 q2 q3 + + r12 r13 r23 ¸ 4.2. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 4.2 40 Electric Potential Consider a charge q at center, we consider its effect on test charge q0 DEFINITION: We define electric potential V so that ∆V = ∆U −∆W = q0 q0 ( ∴ V is the P.E. per unit charge) • Similarly, we take V (r = ∞) = 0. • Electric Potential is a scalar. • Unit: V olt(V ) = Joules/Coulomb • For a single point charge: V (r) = 1 q · 4π²0 r • Energy Unit: ∆U = q∆V electron − V olt(eV ) = 1.6 ×{z10−19} J | charge of electron Potential For A System of Charges For a total of N point charges, the potential V at any point P can be derived from the principle of superposition. Recall that potential due to q1 at q1 1 · point P: V1 = 4π²0 r1 ∴ Total potential at point P due to N charges: V = V1 + V2 + · · · + VN (principle of superposition) · ¸ 1 qN q1 q2 = + + ··· + 4π²0 r1 r2 rN 4.2. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 41 V = N 1 X qi 4π²0 i=1 ri ~ F~ , we have a sum of vectors Note: For E, For V, U , we have a sum of scalars Example: Potential of an electric dipole Consider the potential of point P at distance x > d2 from dipole. " 1 +q −q V = d + 4π²0 x − 2 x + d2 Special Limiting Case: xÀd " 1 d 1 1 1 1± · d = d ≃ x 1 ∓ 2x x 2x x∓ 2 " # # 1 q d d ∴ V = · 1+ − (1 − ) 4π²0 x 2x 2x p (Recall p = qd) V = 4π²0 x2 1 1 For a point charge E ∝ 2 V ∝ r r For a dipole E∝ 1 r3 V ∝ 1 r2 For a quadrupole E∝ 1 r4 V ∝ 1 r3 Electric Potential of Continuous Charge Distribution For any charge distribution, we write the electrical potential dV due to infinitesimal charge dq: dV = dq 1 · 4π²0 r # 4.2. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 42 ˆ ∴ V = 1 dq · 4π²0 r charge distribution Similar to the previous examples on E-field, for the case of uniform charge distribution: 1-D 2-D 3-D ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ long rod charge sheet uniformly charged body Example (1): ⇒ dq = λ dx ⇒ dq = σ dA ⇒ dq = ρ dV Uniformly-charged ring Length of the infinitesimal ring element = ds = Rdθ ∴ dV = charge dq = λ ds = λR dθ 1 dq 1 λR dθ · = ·√ 2 4π²0 r 4π²0 R + z2 The integration is around the entire ring. ˆ ∴ V = dV ring ˆ 2π λR dθ 1 ·√ 2 4π²0 R + z2 0 ˆ 2π λR √ dθ = 4π²0 R2 + z 2 | 0 {z } = 2π Total charge on the ring = λ · (2πR) LIMITING CASE: V = zÀR ⇒ V = Q √ 4π²0 R2 + z 2 Q Q √ = 2 4π²0 |z| 4π²0 z 4.2. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL Example (2): 43 Uniformly-charged disk Using the principle of superposition, we will find the potential of a disk of uniform charge density by integrating the potential of concentric rings. ˆ 1 dq ∴ dV = 4π²0 r disk Ring of radius x: dq = σ dA = σ (2πxdx) ˆ R ∴ V V 1 σ2πx dx ·√ 2 x + z2 0 4π²0 ˆ R σ d(x2 + z 2 ) = 4²0 0 (x2 + z 2 )1/2 √ σ √ 2 = ( z + R2 − z 2 ) 2²0 σ √ 2 = ( z + R2 − |z|) 2²0 = Recall: n |x| = +x; −x; x≥0 x<0 Limiting Case: (1) If |z| À R √ s ³ R2 ´ z2 ³ R2 ´ 1 = |z| · 1 + 2 2 z ³ R2 ´ ≃ |z| · 1 + 2 2z z 2 + R2 = z2 1 + ( (1 + x)n ≈ 1 + nx if x ¿ 1 ) ( |z| 1 = ) 2 z |z| σ R2 Q · = (like a point charge) 2²0 2|z| 4π²0 |z| where Q = total charge on disk = σ · πR2 ∴ At large z, V ≃ 4.2. ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 44 (2) If |z| ¿ R √ ∴ At z = 0, V = σR ; 2²0 ∴ ³ z 2 ´ 12 R2 ³ z2 ´ ≃ R 1+ 2R2 z 2 + R2 = R · 1 + σ h z2 i V ≃ R − |z| + 2²0 2R Let’s call this V0 σR h |z| z2 i 1− + 2²0 R 2R2 h |z| z2 i V (z) = V0 1 − + R 2R2 V (z) = The key here is that it is the difference between potentials of two points that is important. ⇒ A convenience reference point to compare in this example is the potential of the charged disk. ∴ The important quantity here is V (z) − V0 = − z 2 ½½ |z| V0 + ½2 V0 R 2R ½ neglected as z ¿ R V (z) − V0 = − V0 |z| R 4.3. RELATION BETWEEN ELECTRIC FIELD E AND ELECTRIC POTENTIAL V 4.3 45 Relation Between Electric Field E and Electric Potential V ~ (A) To get V from E: Recall our definition of the potential V: ∆V = W12 ∆U =− q0 q0 where ∆U is the change in P.E.; W12 is the work done in bringing charge q0 from point 1 to 2. ´2 − 1 F~ · d~s ∴ ∆V = V2 − V1 = q0 However, the definition of E-field: ~ F~ = q0 E ˆ 2 ∴ ∆V = V2 − V1 = − ~ · d~s E 1 Note: The integral on the right hand side of the above can be calculated along any path from point 1 to 2. (Path-Independent) ˆ P ~ · d~s Convention: V∞ = 0 ⇒ VP = − E ∞ ~ from V : (B) To get E Again, use the definition of V : ∆U = q0 ∆V = −W | {z } Work done However, W = ~ · ∆~s qE 0 |{z} Electric force = q0 Es ∆s where Es is the E-field component along the path ∆~s. ∴ q0 ∆V = −q0 Es ∆s 4.3. RELATION BETWEEN ELECTRIC FIELD E AND ELECTRIC POTENTIAL V 46 ∆V ∆s ∴ Es = − ∴ Es = − For infinitesimal ∆s, dV ds Note: (1) Therefore the E-field component along any direction is the negtive derivative of the potential along the same direction. ~ then ∆V = 0 (2) If d~s ⊥ E, ~ (3) ∆V is biggest/smallest if d~s k E ~ Generally, for a potential V (x, y, z), the relation between E(x, y, z) and V is ∂V ∂V ∂V Ex = − Ey = − Ez = − ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂ ∂ ∂ , , are partial derivatives ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂ For V (x, y, z), everything y, z are treated like a constant and we only ∂x take derivative with respect to x. Example: If ∂V ∂x = ∂V ∂y = ∂V ∂z = V (x, y, z) = x2 y − z For other co-ordinate systems (1) Cylindrical: V (r, θ, z) Er = − ∂V ∂r 1 ∂V · E = − θ r ∂θ Ez = − ∂V ∂z 4.3. RELATION BETWEEN ELECTRIC FIELD E AND ELECTRIC POTENTIAL V 47 (2) Spherical: Er = − ∂V ∂r 1 ∂V Eθ = − · r ∂θ V (r, θ, φ) Eφ = − 1 ∂V · r sin θ ∂φ Note: Calculating V involves summation of scalars, which is easier than adding vectors for calculating E-field. ∴ To find the E-field of a general charge system, we first calculate ~ from the partial derivative. V , and then derive E Example: Uniformly charged disk From potential calculations: σ √ 2 V = ( R + z 2 − |z| ) 2²0 For z > 0, ∴ for a point along the z-axis |z| = z Ez = − i ∂V σ h z = 1− √ 2 ∂z 2²0 R + z2 (Compare with Chap.2 notes) Example: Uniform electric field (e.g. Uniformly charged +ve and −ve plates) Consider a path going from the −ve plate to the +ve plate Potential at point P, VP can be deduced from definition. ˆ s i.e. VP − V− = − ~ · d~s E ˆ0 s = − (−E ds) ˆ0 s = E ds = Es 0 Convenient reference: V− = 0 ∴ VP = E · s (V− = Potential of −ve plate) ~ d~s pointing ∵ E, opposite directions 4.4. EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES 4.4 48 Equipotential Surfaces Equipotential surface is a surface on which the potential is constant. ⇒ (∆V = 0) V (r) = 1 +q · = const 4π²0 r ⇒ r = const ⇒ Equipotential surfaces are circles/spherical surfaces Note: (1) A charge can move freely on an equipotential surface without any work done. (2) The electric field lines must be perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces. (Why?) On an equipotential surface, V = constant ~ · d~l = 0, where d~l is tangent to equipotential surface ⇒ ∆V = 0 ⇒ E ~ must be perpendicular to equipotential surfaces. ∴ E Example: Uniformly charged surface (infinite) Recall V = V0 − ↑ σ |z| 2²0 Potential at z = 0 Equipotential surface means σ |z| = C 2²0 ⇒ |z| = constant V = const ⇒ V0 − 4.4. EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES 49 Example: Isolated spherical charged conductors Recall: (1) E-field inside = 0 (2) charge distributed on the outside of conductors. (i) Inside conductor: E = 0 ⇒ ∆V = 0 everywhere in conductor ⇒ V = constant everywhere in conductor ⇒ The entire conductor is at the same potential (ii) Outside conductor: Q 4π²0 r ∵ Spherically symmetric (Just like a point charge.) BUT not true for conductors of arbitrary shape. V = Example: Connected conducting spheres Two conductors connected can be seen as a single conductor 4.4. EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES ∴ 50 Potential everywhere is identical. Potential of radius R1 sphere Potential of radius R2 sphere q1 4π²0 R1 q2 V2 = 4π²0 R2 V1 = V1 = V2 q1 q2 ⇒ = R1 R2 ⇒ q1 R1 = q2 R2 Surface charge density σ1 = q1 4πR12 | {z } Surface area of radius R1 sphere ∴ ∴ σ1 q1 R22 R2 = · 2 = σ2 q2 R 1 R1 If R1 < R2 , then σ1 > σ2 And the surface electric field E1 > E2 For arbitrary shape conductor: At every point on the conductor, we fit a circle. The radius of this circle is the radius of curvature. Note: Charge distribution on a conductor does not have to be uniform. Chapter 5 Capacitance and DC Circuits 5.1 Capacitors A capacitor is a system of two conductors that carries equal and opposite charges. A capacitor stores charge and energy in the form of electro-static field. We define capacitance as C= Q V Unit: Farad(F) where Q = Charge on one plate V = Potential difference between the plates Note: The C of a capacitor is a constant that depends only on its shape and material. i.e. If we increase V for a capacitor, we can increase Q stored. 5.2 Calculating Capacitance 5.2.1 Parallel-Plate Capacitor 5.2. CALCULATING CAPACITANCE 52 (1) Recall from Chapter 3 note, Q σ = ²0 ²0 A ~ = |E| (2) Recall from Chapter 4 note, ˆ + ∆V = V+ − V− = − ~ · d~s E − Again, notice that this integral is independent of the path taken. ~ ∴ We can take the path that is parallel to the E-field. ˆ − ∴ ∆V = ~ · d~s E + ˆ − = + = Q ²0 A E · ds ˆ − ds + | {z } Length of path taken = (3) ∴ 5.2.2 Q ·d ²0 A C= Q ²0 A = ∆V d Cylindrical Capacitor Consider two concentric cylindrical wire of innner and outer radii r1 and r2 respectively. The length of the capacitor is L where r1 < r2 ¿ L. 5.2. CALCULATING CAPACITANCE 53 (1) Using Gauss’ Law, we determine that the E-field between the conductors is (cf. Chap3 note) ~ = E 1 1 λ Q r̂ · r̂ = · 2π²0 r 2π²0 Lr where λ is charge per unit length (2) ˆ − ∆V = ~ · d~s E + ~ Again, we choose the path of integration so that d~s k r̂ k E ˆ r2 ˆ r2 Q dr ∴ ∆V = E dr = 2π²0 L r1 r r1 | {z } r ln( r2 ) 1 ∴ 5.2.3 C= Q L = 2π²0 ∆V ln(r2 /r1 ) Spherical Capacitor For the space between the two conductors, E= 1 Q · 2; 4π²0 r ˆ − ∆V = ~ · d~s E ˆ+r2 Choose d~ s k r̂ Q 1 · 2 dr r1 4π²0 r · ¸ Q 1 1 = − 4π²0 r1 r2 = · C = 4π²0 r1 r2 r2 − r1 ¸ r 1 < r < r2 5.3. CAPACITORS IN COMBINATION 5.3 54 Capacitors in Combination (a) Capacitors in Parallel In this case, it’s the potential difference V = Va − Vb that is the same across the capacitor. BUT: Charge on each capacitor different Total charge Q = Q1 + Q2 = C1 V + C2 V Q = (C1 + C2 ) V {z } | Equivalent capacitance ∴ For capacitors in parallel: C = C1 + C2 (b) Capacitors in Series The charge across capacitors are the same. BUT: Potential difference (P.D.) across capacitors different ∴ Q C1 Q = Vc − Vb = C2 ∆V1 = Va − Vc = P.D. across C1 ∆V2 P.D. across C2 Potential difference ∆V = Va − Vb = ∆V1 + ∆V2 1 1 Q = Q( + )= C1 C2 C ∆V where C is the Equivalent Capacitance ∴ 1 1 1 = + C C1 C2 5.4. ENERGY STORAGE IN CAPACITOR 5.4 55 Energy Storage in Capacitor In charging a capacitor, positive charge is being moved from the negative plate to the positive plate. ⇒ NEEDS WORK DONE! Suppose we move charge dq from −ve to +ve plate, change in potential energy dU = ∆V · dq = q dq C Suppose we keep putting in a total charge Q to the capacitor, the total potential energy ˆ ˆ Q q U = dU = dq 0 C U= ∴ Q2 1 = C∆V 2 2C 2 (∵ Q=C∆V ) The energy stored in the capacitor is stored in the electric field between the plates. Note : In a parallel-plate capacitor, the E-field is constant between the plates. ∴ We can consider the E-field energy density u = ∴ Total energy stored Total volume with E-field u= U Ad |{z} Rectangular volume Recall C E = ²0 A d = ∆V d C z }| { ∴ ⇒ ∆V = Ed (∆V )2 1 V olume z}|{ z}|{ 1 ²0 A 1 u= ( ) · ( Ed )2 · 2 d Ad 5.4. ENERGY STORAGE IN CAPACITOR 1 ²0 E 2 2 ↑ can be generally applied u= 56 Energy per unit volume of the electrostatic field Example : Changing capacitance (1) Isolated Capacitor: Charge on the capacitor plates remains constant. ²0 A 1 BUT: Cnew = = Cold 2d 2 Q2 Q2 ∴ Unew = = = 2Uold 2Cnew 2Cold /2 ∴ In pulling the plates apart, work done W > 0 Summary : (V = Q ) ⇒ C 1 ² E2 = 2 0 Q V u → Q → 2V → u C E U → C/2 → E → 2U (2) Capacitor connected to a battery: Potential difference between capacitor plates remains constant. 1 1 1 1 Unew = Cnew ∆V 2 = · Cold ∆V 2 = Uold 2 2 2 2 ∴ In pulling the plates apart, work done by battery < 0 Summary : Q V u → → → Q/2 V u/4 C E U → → → C/2 E/2 U/2 (E = Vd ) (U = u · volume) 5.5. DIELECTRIC CONSTANT 5.5 57 Dielectric Constant We first recall the case for a conductor being placed in an external E-field E0 . In a conductor, charges are free to move inside so that the internal E-field E 0 set up by these charges E 0 = −E0 so that E-field inside conductor = 0. Generally, for dielectric, the atoms and molecules behave like a dipole in an E-field. Or, we can envision this so that in the absence of E-field, the direction of dipole in the dielectric are randomly distributed. 5.6. CAPACITOR WITH DIELECTRIC 58 The aligned dipoles will generate an induced E-field E 0 , where |E 0 | < |E0 |. We can observe the aligned dipoles in the form of induced surface charge. Dielectric Constant : When a dielectric is placed in an external E-field E0 , the E-field inside a dielectric is induced. E-field in dielectric E= 1 E0 Ke Ke = dielectric constant ≥1 Example : Vacuum Porcelain Water Perfect conductor Air 5.6 Ke = 1 Ke = 6.5 Ke ∼ 80 Ke = ∞ Ke = 1.00059 Capacitor with Dielectric Case I : Again, the charge remains constant after dielectric is inserted. 1 BUT: Enew = Eold Ke 1 ∆Vold ∴ ∆V = Ed ⇒ ∆Vnew = Ke Q ∴ C= ⇒ Cnew = Ke Cold ∆V For a parallel-plate capacitor with dielectric: C= Ke ²0 A d 5.6. CAPACITOR WITH DIELECTRIC We can also write C= ² = Ke ²0 ²A d 59 in general with (called permittivity of dielectric) (Recall ²0 = Permittivity of free space) Q2 Energy stored U = ; 2C 1 ∴ Unew = Uold < Uold Ke ∴ Work done in inserting dielectric < 0 Case II : Capacitor connected to a battery Voltage across capacitor plates remains constant after insertion of dielectric. In both scenarios, the E-field inside capacitor remains constant (∵ E = V /d) BUT: How can E-field remain constant? ANSWER: By having extra charge on capacitor plates. Recall: For conductors, σ ²0 Q E = ²0 A E = ⇒ (Chapter 3 note) (σ = charge per unit area = Q/A) After insertion of dielectric: E0 = E Q0 = Ke Ke ²0 A But E-field remains constant! ∴ E0 = E ⇒ Q0 Q = Ke ²0 A ²0 A ⇒ Q0 = Ke Q > Q 5.7. GAUSS’ LAW IN DIELECTRIC Capacitor C = Q/V Energy stored U = 21 CV 2 (i.e. Unew > Uold ) ∴ ∴ 5.7 60 ⇒ ⇒ C 0 → Ke C U 0 → Ke U Work done to insert dielectric > 0 Gauss’ Law in Dielectric The Gauss’ Law we’ve learned is applicable in vacuum only. Let’s use the capacitor as an example to examine Gauss’ Law in dielectric. Free charge on plates ±Q ±Q Induced charge on dielectric 0 ∓Q0 ˛ Gauss’ Law ˛ Gauss’ Law: 0 Q ~ · dA ~= ~ 0 · dA ~ = Q−Q E E ²0 ²0 S S 0 Q Q − Q ⇒ E0 = (1) ∴ E0 = (2) ²0 A ²0 A E0 However, we define E0 = (3) Ke Q Q0 Q = − From (1), (2), (3) ∴ Ke ²0 A ²0 A ²0 A ∴ Induced charge density σ 0 = ³ Q0 1 ´ =σ 1− <σ A Ke where σ is free charge density. Recall Gauss’ Law in Dielectric: ˛ ~ 0 · dA ~ ²0 E = S Q − Q0 ↑ ↑ ↑ E-field in dielectric free charge induced charge 5.8. OHM’S LAW AND RESISTANCE ˛ 61 h ~ 0 · dA ~ =Q−Q 1− 1 E Ke ˛S Q ~ 0 · dA ~= ⇒ ²0 E Ke S ⇒ ²0 ˛ ~ 0 · dA ~=Q Ke E ²0 S i Gauss’ Law in dielectric Note : E0 for dielectric Ke (2) Only free charges need to be considered, even for dielectric where there are induced charges. (1) This goes back to the Gauss’ Law in vacuum with E = (3) Another way to write: where ˛ ~ · dA ~=Q E ² S ~ is E-field in dielectric, E ² = Ke ²0 is Permittivity Energy stored with dielectric: Total energy stored: With dielectric, recall 1 CV 2 2 Ke ²0 A C= d U= V = Ed ∴ Energy stored per unit volume: ue = U 1 = Ke ²0 E 2 Ad 2 and udielectric = Ke uvacuum ∴ More energy is stored per unit volume in dielectric than in vacuum. 5.8 Ohm’s Law and Resistance ELECTRIC CURRENT is defined as the flow of electric charge through a cross-sectional area. 5.8. OHM’S LAW AND RESISTANCE i= dQ dt 62 Unit: Ampere (A) = C/second Convention : (1) Direction of current is the direction of flow of positive charge. (2) Current is NOT a vector, but the current density is a vector. ~j = charge flow per unit time per unit area ˆ ~ ~j · dA i= Drift Velocity : Consider a current i flowing through a cross-sectional area A: ∴ In time ∆t, total charges passing through segment: ∆Q = q A(Vd ∆t) n | {z } Volume of charge passing through where q is charge of the current carrier, per unit volume ∴ Current: Current Density: i= n is density of charge carrier ∆Q = nqAvd ∆t ~j = nq~vd Note : For metal, the charge carriers are the free electrons inside. ∴ ~j = −ne~ vd for metals ∴ Inside metals, ~j and ~vd are in opposite direction. We define a general property, conductivity (σ), of a material as: ~ ~j = σ E 5.8. OHM’S LAW AND RESISTANCE 63 Note : In general, σ is NOT a constant number, but rather a function of position and applied E-field. A more commonly used property, resistivity (ρ), is defined as ∴ ρ= 1 σ ~ = ρ~j E Unit of ρ : Ohm-meter (Ωm) where Ohm (Ω) = Volt/Ampere OHM’S LAW: Ohmic materials have resistivity that are independent of the applied electric field. i.e. metals (in not too high E-field) Example : Consider a resistor (ohmic material) of length L and cross-sectional area A. ∴ Electric field inside conductor: ˆ ~ · d~s = E · L ∆V = E Current density: j= ⇒ E= ∆V L i A ∴ E j ∆V 1 ρ = · L i/A ρ = ∆V L =R=ρ i A where R is the resistance of the conductor. Note: ∆V = iR is NOT a statement of Ohm’s Law. It’s just a definition for resistance. 5.9. DC CIRCUITS 64 ENERGY IN CURRENT: Assuming a charge ∆Q enters with potential V1 and leaves with potential V2 : ∴ Potential energy lost in the wire: ∆U = ∆Q V2 − ∆Q V1 ∆U = ∆Q(V2 − V1 ) ∴ Rate of energy lost per unit time ∆U ∆Q = (V2 − V1 ) ∆t ∆t Joule’s heating For a resistor R, 5.9 P = i2 R = P = i · ∆V = Power dissipated in conductor ∆V 2 R DC Circuits A battery is a device that supplies electrical energy to maintain a current in a circuit. In moving from point 1 to 2, electric potential energy increase by ∆U = ∆Q(V2 − V1 ) = Work done by E Define E = Work done/charge = V2 − V1 5.9. DC CIRCUITS 65 Example : Va = Vc Vb = Vd ) assuming(1) perfect conducting wires. By Definition: Vc − Vd = iR Va − Vb = E E R (2) Also, we have assumed zero resistance inside battery. ∴ E = iR ⇒ i= Resistance in combination : Potential differece (P.D.) Va − Vb = (Va − Vc ) + (Vc − Vb ) = iR1 + iR2 ∴ Equivalent Resistance R = R1 + R2 1 1 1 = + R R1 R2 for resistors in series for resistors in parallel 5.9. DC CIRCUITS 66 Example : For real battery, there is an internal resistance that we cannot ignore. ∴ E = i(R + r) E i = R+r Joule’s heating in resistor R : P = i · (P.D. across resistor R) = i2 R E 2R P = (R + r)2 Question: What is the value of R to obtain maximum Joule’s heating? Answer: We want to find R to maximize P. dP E2 E 2 2R = − dR (R + r)2 (R + r)3 Setting dP E2 =0 ⇒ [(R + r) − 2R] = 0 dR (R + r)3 ⇒ r−R=0 ⇒ R=r 5.9. DC CIRCUITS 67 ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX CIRCUITS: KIRCHOFF’S LAWS: (1) First Law (Junction Rule): Total current entering a junction equal to the total current leaving the junction. (2) Second Law (Loop Rule): The sum of potential differences around a complete circuit loop is zero. Convention : (i) Va > Vb ⇒ Potential difference = −iR i.e. Potential drops across resistors (ii) Vb > Va ⇒ Potential difference = +E i.e. Potential rises across the negative plate of the battery. Example : 5.9. DC CIRCUITS 68 By junction rule: i1 = i2 + i3 (5.1) Loop A ⇒ 2E0 − i1 R − i2 R + E0 − i1 R = 0 Loop B ⇒ −i3 R − E0 − i3 R − E0 + i2 R = 0 Loop C ⇒ 2E0 − i1 R − i3 R − E0 − i3 R − i1 R = 0 (5.2) (5.3) (5.4) By loop rule: BUT: (5.4) = (5.2) + (5.3) General rule: Need only 3 equations for 3 current i1 = i2 + i3 3E0 − 2i1 R − i2 R = 0 −2E0 + i2 R − 2i3 R = 0 (5.1) (5.2) (5.3) Substitute (5.1) into (5.2) : 3E0 − 2(i2 + i3 )R − i2 R = 0 ⇒ 3E0 − 3i2 R − 2i3 R = 0 Subtract (5.3) from (5.4), i.e. (5.4)−(5.3) 3E0 − (−2E0 ) − 3i2 R − i2 R = 0 ⇒ i2 = 5 E0 · 4 R Substitute i2 into (5.3) : −2E0 + E0 ´ R − 2i3 R = 0 4 R ³5 · (5.4) 5.10. RC CIRCUITS 69 3 E0 i3 = − · 8 R ⇒ Substitute i2 , i3 into (5.1) : i1 = ³5 4 − 3 ´ E0 7 E0 = · 8 R 8 R Note: A negative current means that it is flowing in opposite direction from the one assumed. 5.10 RC Circuits (A) Charging a capacitor with battery: Using the loop rule: +E0 − Q iR − =0 |{z} C |{z} P.D. across R P.D. across C Note: Direction of i is chosen so that the current represents the rate at which the charge on the capacitor is increasing. i z}|{ ∴ ⇒ dQ Q 1st order + differential eqn. dt C dt dQ = EC − Q RC E =R Integrate both sides and use the initial condition: t = 0, Q on capacitor = 0 ˆ Q ˆ t dQ dt = 0 EC − Q 0 RC 5.10. RC CIRCUITS 70 ¯Q − ln(EC − Q)¯¯ = 0 t ¯¯t ¯ RC 0 ⇒ − ln(EC − Q) + ln(EC) = ³ 1 ´ t = Q RC 1 − EC 1 t/RC ⇒ Q = e 1 − EC Q ⇒ = 1 − e−t/RC EC ⇒ Q(t) = EC(1 − e−t/RC ) t RC ⇒ ln Note: (1) At t = 0 , Q(t = 0) = EC(1 − 1) = 0 (2) As t → ∞ , Q(t → ∞) = EC(1 − 0) = EC = Final charge on capacitor (Q0 ) (3) Current: dQ i = dt ³ 1 ´ = EC e−t/RC RC E −t/RC i(t) = e R E = Initial current = i0 i(t = 0) = R i(t → ∞) = 0 (4) At time = 0, the capacitor acts like short circuit when there is zero charge on the capacitor. (5) As time → ∞, the capacitor is fully charged and current = 0, it acts like a open circuit. 5.10. RC CIRCUITS 71 (6) τc = RC is called the time constant. It’s the time it takes for the charge to reach (1 − 1e ) Q0 ≃ 0.63Q0 (B) Discharging a charged capacitor: Note: Direction of i is chosen so that the current represents the rate at which the charge on the capacitor is decreasing. ∴ i=− dQ dt Loop Rule: Vc − iR = 0 Q dQ + R=0 ⇒ C dt dQ 1 ⇒ =− Q dt RC Integrate both sides and use the initial condition: t = 0, Q on capacitor = Q0 ˆ Q ˆ t dQ 1 =− dt RC 0 Q0 Q t ⇒ ln Q − ln Q0 = − RC ³Q´ t ⇒ ln =− Q0 RC Q = e−t/RC ⇒ Q0 ⇒ Q(t) = Q0 e−t/RC dQ Q0 −t/RC (i = − ) ⇒ i(t) = e dt RC 1 Q0 (At t = 0) ⇒ i(t = 0) = · R |{z} C Initial P.D. across capacitor i0 = V0 R 5.10. RC CIRCUITS At t = RC = τ 72 Q(t = RC) = 1 Q0 ≃ 0.37Q0 e Chapter 6 Magnetic Force 6.1 Magnetic Field For stationary charges, they experienced an electric force in an electric field. For moving charges, they experienced a magnetic force in a magnetic field. Mathematically, ~ (electric force) F~E = q E ~ (magnetic force) F~B = q~v × B Direction of the magnetic force determined from right hand rule. ~ : Unit = Tesla (T) Magnetic field B 1T = 1C moving at 1m/s experiencing 1N Common Unit: 1 Gauss (G) = 10−4 T ≈ magnetic field on earth’s surface Example: What’s the force on a 0.1C charge moving at velocity ~v = (10ĵ − ~ = (−3î + 4k̂) × 10−4 T 20k̂)ms−1 in a magnetic field B ~ F~ = q~v × B 6.1. MAGNETIC FIELD 74 = +0.1 (10ĵ − 20k̂) × (−3î + 4k̂) × 10−4 N = 10−5 (−30 · −k̂ + 40î + 60ĵ + 0)N Effects of magnetic field is usually quite small. ~ F~ = q~v × B |F~ | = qvB sin θ, ∴ ~ where θ is the angle between ~v and B ~ Magnetic force is maximum when θ = 90◦ (i.e. ~v ⊥ B) ~ Magnetic force is minimum (0) when θ = 0◦ , 180◦ (i.e. ~v k B) Graphical representation of B-field: Magnetic field lines Compared with Electric field lines: Similar characteristics : (1) Direction of E-field/B-field indicated by tangent of the field lines. (2) Magnitude of E-field/B-field indicated by density of the field lines. Differeces : (1) F~E k E-field lines; F~B ⊥ B-field lines (2) E-field line begins at positive charge and ends at negative charge; Bfield line forms a closed loop. Example : Chap35, Pg803 Halliday Note: Isolated magnetic monopoles do not exist. 6.2. MOTION OF A POINT CHARGE IN MAGNETIC FIELD 6.2 75 Motion of A Point Charge in Magnetic Field Since F~B ⊥ ~v , therefore B-field only changes the direction of the velocity but not its magnitude. ~ = q v⊥ B , Generally, F~B = q~v × B ∴ We only need to consider the motion component ⊥ to B-field. We have circular motion. Magnetic force provides the centripetal force on the moving charge particles. ∴ v2 r v2 |q| vB = m r mv ∴ r = |q|B FB = m where r is radius of circular motion. Time for moving around one orbit: T = 2πr 2πm = v qB Cyclotron Period (1) Independent of v (non-relativistic) (2) Use it to measure m/q Generally, charged particles with constant velocity moves in helix in the presence of constant B-field. 6.3. HALL EFFECT 76 Note : (1) B-field does NO work on particles. (2) B-field does NOT change K.E. of particles. Particle Motion in Presence of E-field & B-field: ~ + q~v × B ~ F~ = q E Special Case : Lorentz Force ~ ⊥B ~ E When |F~E | = |F~B | qE = qvB ⇒ v= E B ∴ For charged particles moving at v = E/B, they will pass through the crossed E and B fields without vertical displacement. ⇒ velocity selector Applications : • Cyclotron (Lawrence & Livingston 1934) • Measuring e/m for electrons (Thomson 1897) • Mass Spectrometer (Aston 1919) 6.3 Hall Effect Charges travelling in a conducting wire will be pushed to one side of the wire by the external magnetic field. This separation of charge in the wire is called the Hall Effect. 6.3. HALL EFFECT 77 The separation will stop when FB experienced by the current carrier is balanced by the force F~H caused by the E-field set up by the separated charges. Define : ∆VH = Hall Voltage = Potential difference across the conducting strip ∆VH E-field from separated charges: EH = W where W = width of conducting strip ∴ In equilibrium: ~ H + q~vd × B ~ = 0, where ~vd is drift velocity qE ∆VH = vd B W ∴ Recall from Chapter 5, i = nqAvd where n is density of charge carrier, A is cross-sectional area = width × thickness = W · t ∴ ⇒ n= ∆VH i = B W nqW t iB qt∆VH To determine density of charge carriers Suppose we determine n for a particular metal (∴ q = e), then we can measure B-field strength by measuring the Hall voltage: B= net ∆VH i 6.4. MAGNETIC FORCE ON CURRENTS 6.4 78 Magnetic Force on Currents Current = many charges moving together Consider a wire segment, length L, carrying current i in a magnetic field. ~ )· Total magnetic force = ( q~vd × B | {z } force on one charge carrier n | A {z L} Total number of charge carrier Recall i = nqvd A ∴ ~ ×B ~ Magnetic force on current F~ = iL ~ = Vector of which: |L| ~ = length of current segment; direction = where L direction of current For an infinitesimal wire segment d~l ~ dF~ = i d~l × B Example 1: Force on a semicircle current loop d~l = Infinitesimal ~ arc length element ⊥ B ∴ dl = R dθ ∴ dF = iRB dθ By symmetry argument, we only need to consider vertical forces, dF · sin θ ˆ π ∴ Net force F = dF sin θ 0 ˆ π = iRB sin θ dθ 0 F = 2iRB (downward) 6.4. MAGNETIC FORCE ON CURRENTS 79 Method 2: Write d~l in î, ĵ components ∴ d~l = −dl sin θ î + dl cos θ ĵ = R dθ (− sin θ î + cos θ ĵ) ~ = −B k̂ (into the page) B ~ dF~ = i d~l × B = −iRB sin θ dθ ĵ − iRB cos θ î ∴ F~ = ˆ π dF~ 0 "ˆ π = −iRB ˆ π sin θ dθ ĵ + 0 # cos θ dθ î 0 = −2iRB ĵ Example 2: Current loop in B-field For segment2: F2 = ibB sin(90◦ + θ) = ibB cos θ (pointing downward) For segment4: F2 = ibB sin(90◦ − θ) = ibB cos θ (pointing upward) 6.4. MAGNETIC FORCE ON CURRENTS 80 For segment1: F1 = iaB For segment3: F3 = iaB ∴ Net force on the current loop = 0 But, net torque on the loop about O = τ1 + τ3 b b = iaB · sin θ + iaB · sin θ 2 2 = i |{z} ab B sin θ A = area of loop Suppose the loop is a coil with N turns of wires: Total torque τ = N iAB sin θ Define: Unit vector n̂ to represent the area-vector (using right hand rule) Then we can rewrite the torque equation as ~ ~τ = N iA n̂ × B Define: N iA n̂ = ~µ = Magnetic dipole moment of loop ~ ~τ = ~µ × B Chapter 7 Magnetic Field 7.1 Magnetic Field experiences magnetic force in B-field. A moving charge can generate B-field. ~ due to moving point charge: Magnetic field B ~ = µ0 · q~v × r̂ = µ0 · q~v × ~r B 4π r2 4π r3 where µ0 = 4π × 10−7 Tm/A (N/A2 ) Permeability of free space (Magnetic constant) ~ = µ0 · qv sin θ |B| 4π r2 ( maximum when θ = 90◦ minimum when θ = 0◦ /180◦ ~ at P0 = 0 = B ~ at P1 B ~ ~ B at P2 < B at P3 However, a single moving charge will NOT generate a steady magnetic field. stationary charges generate steady E-field. steady currents generate steady B-field. 7.1. MAGNETIC FIELD 82 Magnetic field at point P can be obtained by integrating the contribution from individual current segments. (Principle of Superposition) ∴ Notice: dq ~v = dq · ~ = dB µ0 dq ~v × r̂ · 4π r2 d~s = i d~s dt ~ = dB µ0 i d~s × r̂ · 4π r2 Biot-Savart Law For current around a whole circuit: ˆ ˆ ~ = ~ = B dB entire circuit entire circuit µ0 i d~s × r̂ · 4π r2 Biot-Savart Law is to magnetic field as Coulomb’s Law is to electric field. Basic element of E-field: Electric charges dq Basic element of B-field: Current element i d~s Example 1 : Magnetic field due to straight current segment 7.1. MAGNETIC FIELD 83 ∴ |d~ s × r̂| = dz sin φ = dz sin(π − φ) (Trigonometry Identity) d d · dz = dz · = √ 2 r d + z2 µ0 i dz d µ0 i d dz · 2 · = · 2 4π r r 4π (d + z 2 )3/2 ˆ L/2 ˆ µ0 id +L/2 dz B= dB = 2 4π −L/2 (d + z 2 )3/2 −L/2 dB = ∴ ¯ ¯+L/2 µ0 i z ¯ · 2 4πd (z + d2 )1/2 ¯−L/2 µ0 i L B = · L2 4πd ( 4 + d2 )1/2 B = Limiting Cases : When L À d (B-field due to long wire) ³ L2 4 ∴ Recall : E = B= + d2 ´−1/2 ≈ ³ L2 ´−1/2 4 = 2 L µ0 i direction of B-field determined ; from right-hand screw rule 2πd λ for an infinite long line of charge. 2π²0 d Example 2 : A circular current loop 7.1. MAGNETIC FIELD 84 ~1 Notice that for every current element id~s1 , generating a magnetic field dB at point P , there is an opposite current element id~s2 , generating B-field ~ 2 so that dB ~ 1 sin α = −dB ~ 2 sin α dB ∴ Only vertical component of B-field needs to be considered at point P . ∵d~ s⊥r̂ z}|{ µ0 i ds sin 90◦ dB = · 4π r2 ∴ B-field at point P : ˆ B= dB cos | {z α} consider vertical component around circuit ˆ2π ∴ µ0 i cos α · |{z} ds 4πr2 Rdθ 0 ˆ 2π µ0 i R = · ds 4π r3 0 B = | {z } Integrate around circumference of circle = 2πR ∴ B= B = µ0 iR2 2r3 µ0 iR2 direction of B-field determined ; from right-hand screw rule 2 2 3/2 2(R + z ) Limiting Cases : (1) B-field at center of loop: z=0 ⇒ B= µ0 i 2R (2) For z À R, B= ³ µ0 iR2 ≈ ´ 2 3/2 2z 3 1 + Rz2 µ0 iR2 1 ∝ 3 3 2z z p 4π²0 x3 ∴ A circular current loop is also called a magnetic dipole. Recall E-field for an electric dipole: E= 7.1. MAGNETIC FIELD 85 (3) A current arc: ˆ B = dB cos | {z α} around circuit z=0 ⇒ α = 0 here. Rθ = length of arc z }| { µ0 i R = · 3 · 4π |{z} r R=r when α = 0 B = ˆ θ 0 ds |{z} Rdθ µ0 i θ 4πR Example 3 : Magnetic field of a solenoid Solenoid is used to produce a strong and uniform magnetic field inside its coils. Consider a solenoid of length L consisting of N turns of wire. N Define: n = Number of turns per unit length = L Consider B-field at distance d from the center of the solenoid: For a segment of length dz, number of current turns = ndz ∴ Total current = ni dz 7.2. PARALLEL CURRENTS 86 Using the result from one coil in Example 2, we get B-field from coils of length dz at distance z from center: dB = µ0 (ni dz)R2 2r3 q However r = R2 + (z − d)2 ˆ +L/2 ∴ B = (Integrating over the entire solenoid) dB −L/2 µ0 niR2 = 2 ˆ +L/2 −L/2 dz [R2 + (z − d)2 ]3/2 L L +d −d µ0 ni 2 2 q B = +q 2 R2 + ( L + d)2 R2 + ( L − d)2 2 2 along negative z direction Ideal Solenoid : then ∴ LÀR µ0 ni B= [1 + 1] 2 direction of B-field determined B = µ0 ni ; from right-hand screw rule Question : What is the B-field at the end of an ideal solenoid? B= µ02ni 7.2 Parallel Currents ~ due to two Magnetic field at point P B currents i1 and i2 is the vector sum of ~ fields B ~ 1, B ~ 2 due to individual curthe B rents. (Principle of Superposition) 7.2. PARALLEL CURRENTS 87 Force Between Parallel Currents : Consider a segment of length L on i2 : ~ 1 = µ0 i1 (pointing down) B 2πd Force on i2 coming from i1 : ∴ ~ 2 = µ0 i1 B 2πd (pointing up) ~ ×B ~ 1 = µ0 Li1 i2 = |F~12 | |F~21 | = i2 L (Def ’n of ampere, A) 2πd Parallel currents attract, anti-parallel currents repel. Example : Sheet of current Consider an infinitesimal wire of width dx at position x, there exists another ~ ~ +x and B ~ −x cancel. element at −x so that vertical B-field components of B ∴ Magnetic field due to dx wire: dB = ∴ µ0 · di 2πr ³ dx ´ where di = i a Total B-field (pointing along −x axis) at point P : +a/2 ˆ B= +a/2 ˆ dB cos θ = −a/2 −a/2 µ0 i dx · · cos θ 2πa r 7.3. AMPÈRE’S LAW 88 Variable transformation (Goal: change r, x to d, θ, then integrate over θ): ( d = r cos θ ⇒ r = d sec θ x = d tan θ ⇒ dx = d sec2 θ dθ Limits of integration: −θ0 to θ0 , ∴ µ0 i B = 2πa where tan θ0 = a 2d ˆ θ0 d sec2 θ dθ · cos θ d sec θ −θ0 ˆ µ0 i θ0 = dθ 2πa −θ0 ³ a ´ µ0 iθ0 µ0 i B = = tan−1 πa πa 2d Limiting Cases : (1) d À a a 2d µ0 i B= 2πa tan θ = ∴ ⇒ θ≈ a 2d B-field due to infinite long wire (2) d ¿ a (Infinite sheet of current) tan θ = ∴ a → ∞ 2d B= µ0 i 2a ⇒ θ= π 2 Constant! Question : Large sheet of opposite flowing currents. What’s the B-field between & outside the sheets? 7.3 Ampère’s Law In our study of electricity, we notice that the inverse square force law leads to Gauss’ Law, which is useful for finding E-field for systems with high level of symmetry. For magnetism, Gauss’ Law is simple 7.3. AMPÈRE’S LAW 89 ‹ ˛ ∵ There is no magnetic monopole. ~=0 ~ · dA B S S A more useful law for calculating B-field for highly symmetric situations is the Ampère’s Law: ˛ ˛ ~ · d~s = µ0 i B C C ˛ = Line intefral evaluated around a closed loop C (Amperian curve) C i = Net current that penetrates the area bounded by curve C ∗ (topological property) Convention : Use the right-hand screw rule to determine the sign of current. ˛ ~ · d~s = µ0 (i1 − i3 + i4 − i4 ) B C = µ0 (i1 − i3 ) Applications of the Ampere’s Law : (1) Long-straight wire Construct an Amperian curve of radius d: ~ By symmetry argument, we know B-field only has tangential component ˛ ~ · d~s = µ0 i ∴ B C 7.3. AMPÈRE’S LAW 90 Take d~s to be the tangential vector around the circular path: ∴ ~ B ˛ · d~s = B ds B ds = µ0 i | C{z } Circumference of circle = 2πd B-field due to long, straight current ∴ B(2πd) = µ0 i B= µ0 i 2πd (Compare with 7.1 Example 1) (2) Inside a current-carrying wire Again, symmetry argument ~ is tangential implies that B to the Amperian curve and ~ → B(r)θ̂ B Consider an Amperian curve of radius r(< R) ˛ ˛ ~ B · d~s = B ds = B(2πr) = µ0 iincluded C But iincluded ∝ cross-sectional area of C ∴ ∴ ∴ Recall: Uniformly charged infinite long rod (3) Solenoid (Ideal) Consider the rectangular Amperian curve 1234. iincluded πr2 = i πR2 r2 iincluded = i R2 B= µ0 i ·r ∝r 2πR2 7.3. AMPÈRE’S LAW 91 ˛ ˆ ~ · d~s = B C ˆ ~ · d~s + B 1 ˆ = 2 ˆ ( =0 ∵ 4 ˆ =0 3 ˛ ∴ 2 ½ ½ ~ ·½ B s+ ½ d~ ½ ˆ ½ ~ ·½ B s+ ½ d~ ½ 3 ½ ˆ ½ ~ ·½ B s ½ d~ ½ 4 ½ ~ · d~s = 0 inside solenoid B ~ = 0 outside solenoid B ~ = 0 outside solenoid B ˆ ~ · d~s = B ~ · d~s = Bl = µ0 itot B ∵ C 1 But itot = |{z} nl ·i Number of coils included ∴ B = µ0 ni Note : ~ = 0 outside the ideal solenoid is only (i) The assumption that B approximate. (Halliday, Pg.763) (ii) B-field everywhere inside the solenoid is a constant. (for ideal solenoid) (4) Toroid (A circular solenoid) By symmetry argument, the B-field lines form concentric circles inside the toroid. Take Amperian curve C to be a circle of radius r inside the toroid. ˛ ˛ ~ B · d~s = B ds = B · 2πr = µ0 (N i) C C ∴ B= µ0 N i 2πr inside toroid 7.4. MAGNETIC DIPOLE 92 Note : (i) B 6= constant inside toroid (ii) Outside toroid: Take Amperian curve to be circle of radius r > R. ˛ ˛ ~ B · d~s = B ds = B · 2πr = µ0 · iincl = 0 C C ∴ B=0 Similarly, in the central cavity B = 0 7.4 Magnetic Dipole Recall from §6.4, we define the magnetic dipole moment of a rectangular current loop ~µ = N iAn̂ where n̂ = area unit vector with direction determined by the right-hand rule N = Number of turns in current loop A = Area of current loop This is actually a general definition of a magnetic dipole, i.e. we use it for current loops of all shapes. A common and symmetric example: circular current. Recall from §7.1 Example 2, magnetic field at point P (height z above the ring) ~ = B µ0 iR2 n̂ µ0 ~µ = 2 2 3/2 2 2(R + z ) 2π(R + z 2 )3/2 7.5. MAGNETIC DIPOLE IN A CONSTANT B-FIELD 93 At distance z À R, ~ = µ0 ~µ B 2πz 3 due to magnetic dipole (for z À R) p~ 4π²0 z 3 due to electric dipole (for z À d) ~ = E " Also, notice ~µ = magnetic dipole moment Unit: Am2 J/T # µ0 = Permeability of free space = 4π × 10−7 Tm/A 7.5 Magnetic Dipole in A Constant B-field In the presence of a constant magnetic field, we have shown for a rectangular ~ . It applies to any magnetic current loop, it experiences a torque ~τ = ~µ × B dipole in general. 7.6. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 94 External magnetic field aligns the magnetic dipoles. ∴ Similar to electric dipole in a E-field, we can consider the work done in rotating the magnetic dipole. (refer to Chapter 2) dW = −dU, where U is potential energy of dipole ~ U = −~µ · B Note : (1) We cannot define the potential energy of a magnetic field in general. However, we can define the potential energy of a magnetic dipole in a constant magnetic field. (2) In a non-uniform external B-field, the magnetic dipole will experience a net force (not only net torque) 7.6 Magnetic Properties of Materials Recall intrinsic electric dipole in molecules: Intrinsic dipole (magnetic) in atoms: In our classical model of atoms, electrons revolve around a positive nuclear. ∴ ”Current” i = e , P where P is period of one orbit around nucleus 7.6. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 95 2πr , where v is velocity of electron v ∴ Orbit magnetic dipole of atom: ³ ev ´ erv µ = iA = (πr2 ) = 2πr 2 Recall: angular momentum of rotation l = mrv e ·l ∴ µ= 2m In quantum mechanics, we know that P = l is quantized, i.e. l = N · h 2π where N = Any positive integer (1,2,3, ... ) h = Planck’s constant (6.63 × 10−34 J · s) ∴ Orbital magnetic dipole moment µl = eh ·N |4mπ {z } Bohr’s magneton µB =9.27×10−24 J/T There is another source of intrinsic magnetic dipole moment inside an atom: Spin dipole moment: coming from the intrinsic ”spin” of electrons. Quantum mechanics suggests that e− are always spinning and it’s either an ”up” spin or a ”down” spin µe = 9.65 × 10−27 ≈ µB So can there be induced magnetic dipole? 7.6. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS Recall: for electric field Edielectric = Ke Evacuum ; Ke ≥ 1 For magnetic field in a material: ~ net = B ~0 B ↑ + ~M B ↑ B-field produced by induced dipoles applied B-field In many materials (except ferromagnets), ~M ∝ B ~0 B Define : ~ M = χm B ~0 B χm is a number called magnetic susceptibility. ∴ ~ net = B ~ 0 + χm B ~0 B ~0 = (1 + χm ) B ~ net = κm B ~0 ; B κm = 1 + χm Define : κm is a number called relative permeability. One more term ...... Define : the Magnetization of a material: ~ = d~µ M dV where µ ~ is magnetic dipole moment, V is volume (or, the net magnetic dipole moment per unit volume) In most materials (except ferromagnets), ~ M = µ0 M ~ B Three types of magnetic materials: (1) Paramagnetic: κm ≥ 1 , (χm ≥ 0) induced magnetic dipoles aligned with the applied B-field. 96 7.6. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS . e.g. Al (χm = 2.2 × 10−5 ), Mg (1.2 × 10−5 ), O2 (2.0 × 10−6 ) (2) Diamagnetic: κm ≤ 1 , (χm ≤ 0) induced magnetic dipoles aligned opposite with the applied B-field. e.g. Cu (χm ≈ −1 × 10−5 ), Ag (−2.6 × 10−5 ), N2 (−5 × 10−9 ) (3) Ferromagnetic: e.g. Fe, Co, Ni Magnetization not linearly proportional to applied field. Bnet ⇒ not a constant (can be as Bapp big as ∼ 5000 − 100, 000) Interesting Case : Superconductors χm = −1 A perfect diamagnetic. NO magnetic field inside. 97 Chapter 8 Faraday’s Law of Induction 8.1 Faraday’s Law In the previous chapter, we have shown that steady electric current can give steady magnetic field because of the symmetry between electricity & magnetism. We can ask: Steady magnetic field can give steady electric current. × OR Changing magnetic field can give steady electric current. X Define : (1) Magnetic flux through surface S: ˆ ~ · dA ~ B Φm = S Unit of Φm : Weber (Wb) 1Wb = 1Tm2 (2) Graphical: Φm = Number of magnetic field lines passing through surface S Faraday’s law of induction: ¯ ¯ ¯ dΦ ¯ m¯ ¯ Induced emf |E| = N ¯¯ ¯ dt ¯ where N = Number of coils in the circuit. 8.2. LENZ’ LAW ~ = Constant B ~ = Constant A E =0 99 ~ = Constant B  = Constant dA/dt 6= 0 ∴ |E| > 0 B̂ = Constant dB/dt 6= 0 ~ A = Constant ∴ |E| > 0 ~ = Constant B A = Constant dÂ/dt 6= 0 ∴ |E| > 0 Note : The induced emf drives a current throughout the circuit, similar to the function of a battery. However, the difference here is that the induced emf is distributed throughout the circuit. The consequence is that we cannot define a potential difference between any two points in the circuit. Suppose there is an induced current in the loop, can we define ∆VAB ? Recall: ∆VAB = VA − VB = iR > 0 ⇒ VA > VB Going anti-clockwise (same as i), If we start from A, going to B, then we get VA > VB . If we start from B, going to A, then we get VB > VA . ∴ We cannot define ∆VAB !! This situation is like when we study the interior of a battery. A battery chemical reactions. provides the energy needed to drive the charge carriers around the circuit by The loop sources of emf 8.2 changing magnetic flux. non-electric means Lenz’ Law (1) The flux of the magnetic field due to induced current opposes the change in flux that causes the induced current. 8.3. MOTIONAL EMF 100 (2) The induced current is in such a direction as to oppose the changes that produces it. (3) Incorporating Lentz’ Law into Faraday’s Law: E = −N dΦm dt dΦm > 0, Φm ↑ dt ⇒ E appears ⇒ ~ ⇒ B-field due to induced current ⇒ change in Φm so that If =⇒ Induced current appears. Φm ↓ (4) Lenz’ Law is a consequence from the principle of conservation of energy. 8.3 Motional EMF Let’s try to look at a special case when the changing magnetic flux is carried by motion in the circuit wires. Consider a conductor of length L moving ~ with a velocity v in a magnetic field B. 8.3. MOTIONAL EMF 101 Hall Effect for the charge carriers in the rod: F~E + F~B = 0 ~ + q~v × B ~ =0 ⇒ qE ~ = −~v × B ~ ⇒ E ~ is Hall electric field) (where E Hall Voltage inside rod: ˆ L ∆V = − ∆V = −EL ~ · d~s E 0 ∴ Hall Voltage : ∆V = vBL Now, suppose the moving wire slides without friction on a stationary U-shape conductor. The motional emf can drive an electric current i in the U-shape conductor. ⇒ Power is dissipated in the circuit. ⇒ Pout = V i (Joule’s heating) (see Lecture Notes Chapter 4) What is the source of this power? Look at the forces acting on the conducting rod: • Magnetic force: ~ ×B ~ F~m = iL Fm = iLB (pointing left) • For the rod to continue to move at constant velocity v, we need to apply an external force: F~ext = −F~m = iLB ∴ (pointing right) Power required to keep the rod moving: Pin = F~ext · ~v = iBLv dx = iBL dt d(xL) = iB dt d(BA) = i dt ( xL = A, area enclosed by circuit) ( BA = Φm , magnetic flux) 8.3. MOTIONAL EMF 102 Since energy is not being stored in the system, ∴ We ”prove” Faraday’s Law Pin + Pout = 0 dΦm iV + i = 0 dt ⇒ V =− dΦm dt Applications : (1) Eddy current: moving conductors in presence of magnetic field Induced current ⇒ Power lost in Joule’s heating ³E2 ´ R ⇒ Extra power input to keep moving To reduce Eddy currents: (2) Generators and Motors: Assume that the circuit loop is rotating at a constant angular velocity ω, (Source of rotation, e.g. steam produced by burner, water falling from a dam) 8.3. MOTIONAL EMF 103 Magnetic flux through the loop Number of coils ↓ ´ ~ · dA ~ = N BA cos θ ΦB = N B loop ↓ changes with time! θ = ωt ∴ ΦB = N BA cos ωt Induced emf: E = − dΦB dt = −N BA d (cos ωt) dt = N BAω sin ωt Induced current: i = E R = N BAω sin ωt R Alternating current (AC) voltage generator Power has to be provided by the source of rotation to overcome the torque acting on a current loop in a magnetic field. µ ~ z }| { ~ ×B ~ ~τ = N iA ∴ τ = N iAB sin θ 8.4. INDUCED ELECTRIC FIELD 104 The net effect of the torque is to oppose the rotation of the coil. An electric motor is simply a generator operating in reverse. ⇒ Replace the load resistance R with a battery of emf E. With the battery, there is a current in the coil, and it experiences a torque in the B-field. ⇒ Rotation of the coil leads to an induced emf, Eind , in the direction opposite of that of the battery. (Lenz’ Law) ∴ i= E − Eind R ⇒ As motor speeds up, Eind ↑, ∴ i ↓ mechanical power delivered = torque delivered = N iAB sin θ ↓ In conclusion, we can show that ∴ Pelectric = i2 R + Electric power input 8.4 Pmechanical Mechanical power delivered Induced Electric Field So far we have discussed that a change in magnetic flux will lead in an induced emf distributed in the loop, resulting from an induced E-field. However, even in the absence of the loop (so that there is no induced current), the induced E-field will still accompany a change in magnetic flux. 8.4. INDUCED ELECTRIC FIELD 105 ∴ Consider a circular path in a region with changing magnetic field. The induced E-field only has tangential components. (i.e. radial E-field = 0) Why? Imagine a point charge q0 travelling around the circular path. Work done by induced E-field = q0 Eind · 2πr |{z} | {z } f orce distance Recall work done also equals to q0 E, where E is induced emf ∴ E = Eind 2πr Generally, ˛ E= ~ ind · d~s E ¸ ~ ind is induced E-field, ~s is where is line integral around a closed loop, E tangential vector of path. ∴ Faraday’s Law becomes ˛ ˆ d ~ ind · d~s = − ~ · dA ~ E B dt C S L.H.S. = Integral around a closed loop C R.H.S. = Integral over a surface bounded by C ~ determined by direction of line integration C (Right-Hand Rule) Direction of dA 8.4. INDUCED ELECTRIC FIELD 106 ”Regular” E-field Induced E-field created by charges created by changing B-field E-field lines start from +ve and end on −ve charge E-field lines form closed loops can define electric potential so that we can discuss potential difference between two points Electric potential cannot be defined (or, potential has no meaning) ⇓ Conservative force field ⇓ Non-conservative force field The classification of electric and magnetic effects depend on the frame of reference of the observer. e.g. For motional emf, observer in the reference frame of the moving loop, will NOT see an induced E-field, just a ”regular” E-field. (Read: Halliday Chap.33-6, 34-7) Chapter 9 Inductance 9.1 Inductance An inductor stores energy in the magnetic field just as a capacitor stores energy in the electric field. We have shown earlier that a changing B-field will lead to an induced emf in a circuit. Question : If a circuit generates a changing magnetic field, does it lead to an induced emf in the same circuit? YES! Self-Inductance The inductance L of any current element is EL = ∆VL = −L Unit of L: Henry(H) di dt The negative sign comes from Lenz Law. 1H=1· Vs A • All circuit elements (including resistors) have some inductance. • Commonly used inductors: solenoids, toroids • circuit symbol: Example : Solenoid EL = VB − VA = −L ∴ VB < VA di <0 dt EL = VB − VA = −L VB > VA di >0 dt 9.1. INDUCTANCE 108 Recall Faraday’s Law, EL = −N dΦB d = − (N ΦB ) dt dt where ΦB is magnetic flux, N ΦB is flux linkage. ∴ Alternative definition of Inductance: − ∴ d di (N ΦB ) = −L dt dt ⇒ L= N ΦB i Inductance is also flux linkage per unit current. Calculating Inductance: (1) Solenoid: To first order approximation, B = µ0 ni where n = N/L = Number of coils per unit length. Consider a subsection of length l of the solenoid: Flux linkage = N ΦB = nl · BA where A is cross-sectional area N ΦB L= = µ0 n2 lA i ∴ L = µ0 n2 A = Inductance per unit length l Notice : (i) L ∝ n2 (ii) The inductance, like the capacitance, depends only on geometric factors, not on i. 9.1. INDUCTANCE 109 (2) Toroid: Recall: B-field lines are concentric circles. Inside the toroid: µ0 iN 2πr (NOT a constant) B= where r is the distance from center. Outside the toroid: B=0 Flux linkage through the toroid ˆ ~ · d~a N ΦB = N B ( ˆ µ0 iN 2 b h dr = 2π r a 2 ³ µ0 iN h b´ = ln 2π a ∴ Inductance Again, ~ k d~a Notice B Write da = h dr N ΦB µ0 N 2 h ³ b ´ L= = ln i 2π a L ∝ N2 Inductance with magnetic materials : We showed earlier that for capacitors: ( ~ → E/κ ~ e E C → κe C (after insertion of dielectric κe > 1) For inductors, we first know that ~ → κm B ~ B Inductance However (after insertion of magnetic material) N ΦB ˆi ~ · dA ~ → κm ΦB ΦB = B L= + KEY 9.2. LR CIRCUITS 110 ∴ L → κm L (after insertion of magnetic material) To increase inductance, fill the interior of inductor with ferromagnetic materials. (×103 − 104 ) ∴ 9.2 LR Circuits (A) ”Charging” an inductor When the switch is adjusted to position a, By loop rule (clockwise) : E0 − ∆VR + ∆VL = 0 ↓ ↓ di E0 − iR − L = 0 dt di R E0 First Order Differ∴ + i= ential Equation dt L L Similar to the equation for charging a capacitor! (Chap5) ´ E0 ³ 1 − e−t/τL R where τL = Inductive time constant = L/R Solution: i(t) = ∴ iR = E0 (1 − e−t/τL ) di E0 1 |∆VL | = L = L· · · e−t/τL = E0 e−t/τL dt R τL |∆VR | = 9.2. LR CIRCUITS 111 (B) ”Discharging” an inductor When the switch is adjusted at position b after the inductor has been ”charged” (i.e. current i = E0 /R is flowing in the circuit.). By loop rule: ∆VL − ∆VR = 0 ↓ ↓ di −L − iR = 0 dt (Treat inductor as source of emf) ∴ di R + i=0 dt L Discharging a capacitor (Chap5) i(t) = i0 e−t/τL where i0 = i(t = 0) = Current when the circuit just switch to position b. Summary : During charging of inductor, 1. At t = 0, inductor acts like open circuit when current flowing is zero. 2. At t → ∞, inductor acts like short circuit when current flowing is stablized at maximum. 3. Inductors are used everyday in switches for safety concerns. 9.3. ENERGY STORED IN INDUCTORS 9.3 112 Energy Stored in Inductors Inductors stored magnetic energy through the magnetic field stored in the circuit. Recall the equation for charging inductors: E0 − iR − L di =0 dt Multiply both sides by i : E0 i |{z} Power input by emf (Energy supplied to one charge = qE0 ) i2 R |{z} = di | {zdt} + Joule’s heating (Power dissipated by resistor) Li Power stored in inductor dUB di Power stored in inductor = = Li dt dt Integrating both sides and use initial condition ∴ At t = 0, ∴ i(t = 0) = UB (t = 0) = 0 Energy stored in inductor: UB = 1 2 Li 2 Energy Density Stored in Inductors : Consider an infinitely long solenoid of cross-sectional area A. For a portion l of the solenoid, we know from §8.1, L = µ0 n2 lA ∴ Energy stored in inductor: UB = 1 2 1 Li = µ0 n2 i2|{z} lA 2 2 Volume of solenoid ∴ Energy density (= Energy stored per unit volume) inside inductor: uB = UB 1 = µ0 n2 i2 lA 2 Recall magnetic field inside solenoid (Chap7) B = µ0 ni ∴ uB = B2 2µ0 This is a general result of the energy stored in a magnetic field. 9.4. LC CIRCUIT (ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATOR) 9.4 113 LC Circuit (Electromagnetic Oscillator) Initial charge on capacitor = Q Initial current = 0 No battery. Assume current i to be in the direction that increases charge on the positive capacitor plate. dQ ⇒ i= (9.1) dt By Lenz Law, we also know the ”poles” of the inductor. Loop rule: VC + VL = 0 Q di − −L = 0 C dt (9.2) Combining equations (9.1) and (9.2), we get d2 Q 1 + Q=0 dt2 LC This is similar to the equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator: d2 x k + x=0 2 dt m Another approach (conservation of energy) Total energy stored in circuit: U = UE ↓ Q2 U = 2C + UB ↓ 1 2 + Li 2 Since the resistance in the circuit is zero, no energy is dissipated in the circuit. Energy contained in the circuit is conserved. ∴ ∴ dU =0 dt Q dQ¶ di ⇒ · ¶ + L¢i =0 C ¶dt dt (∵ i = dQ ) dt 9.4. LC CIRCUIT (ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATOR) 114 di Q + =0 dt C d2 Q 1 + Q=0 2 dt LC ⇒ L ⇒ The solution to this differential equation is in the form Q(t) = Q0 cos(ωt + φ) dQ = −ωQ0 sin(ωt + φ) ∴ dt d2 Q = −ω 2 Q0 cos(ωt + φ) 2 dt = −ω 2 Q ∴ d2 Q + ω2Q = 0 2 dt ∴ ω2 = 1 LC Angular frequency of the LC oscillator Also, Q0 , φ are constants derived from the ¯ initial conditions. (Two initial condidQ ¯ tions, e.g. Q(t = 0), and i(t = 0) = dt ¯ are required.) t=0 Energy stored in C = Q2 2C = Energy stored in L = 1 2 Li = 2 1 C = ∵ Lω 2 = ∴ Total energy stored = = Q20 cos2 (ωt + φ) 2C 1 Lω 2 Q20 sin2 (ωt + φ) 2 Q20 sin2 (ωt + φ) 2C Q20 2C Initial energy stored in capacitor 9.5. RLC CIRCUIT (DAMPED OSCILLATOR) 9.5 115 RLC Circuit (Damped Oscillator) In real life circuit, there’s always resistance. In this case, energy stored in the LC oscillator is NOT conserved, dU = Power dissipated in the resistor = −i2 R dt Negative sign shows that energy U is decreasing. and (Joule’s heating) i z}|{ ∴ Li di Q dQ + · = −i2 R dt C dt d2 Q R dQ 1 + · + Q=0 dt2 L dt LC This is similar to the equation of motion of a damped harmonic oscillator (e.g. if a mass-spring system faces a frictional force F~ = −b~v ). Solution to the equation is in the form Q(t) = eλt If damping is not too big (i.e. R not too big), solution would become ⇒ R Q(t) = Q0 e| −{z2L }t cos(ω1 t + φ) | {z } exponential oscillating decay term term where ³ R ´2 1 − LC 2L ³ R ´2 ω12 = ω 2 − 2L ω12 = Damped oscillator always oscillates at a lower frequency than the natural frequency of the oscillator. (Refer to Halliday, Vol1, Chap17 for more details.) Check this at home: What is UE (t) + UB (t) for the case when damping is small? (i.e. R ¿ ω) Chapter 10 AC Circuits 10.1 Alternating Current (AC) Voltage Recall that an AC generator described in Chapter 9 generates a sinusoidal emf. i.e. E = Em sin(ωt + δ) Note : This circuit is the RLC circuit with one additional element : the time varying AC power supply. This is similar to a driven (damped) oscillator. d2 Q dQ 1 +R + Q = Em sin(ωt + δ) 2 dt dt C The general solution consists of two parts: L transient : rapidly dies away in a few cycles (not interesting) steady state : Q(t), i(t) varies sinusoidally with the same frequency as input ³ R ´2 1 Note : Current does NOT vary at frequency ω12 = − LC 2L Since we only concern about the steady state solution, therefore we can take any time as starting reference time = 0 For convenience, we can write E = Em sin ωt And we can write i = im sin(ωt − φ) where im is current amplitude, φ is phase constant. Our goal is to determine im and φ. 10.2. PHASE RELATION BETWEEN I, V FOR R,L AND C 10.2 117 Phase Relation Between i, V for R,L and C (A) Resistive Element ∴ ∆VR = VA − VB = iR ∆VR = im R sin(ωt − φ) ∆VR and i are in phase, i.e. what’s inside the ”sine bracket” (phase) is the same for ∆VR and i. Graphically, we introduce phasor diagrams properties of phasors: (1) Length of a phasor is proportional to the maximum value. (2) Projection of a phasor onto the vertical axis gives instantaneous value. (3) Convention: Phasors rotate anti-clockwise in a uniform circular motion with angular velocity. ∴ ∆VR = (∆VR )m sin(ωt − φ) (∆VR )m = im R ”Ohm’s Law like” relation for AC resistor 10.2. PHASE RELATION BETWEEN I, V FOR R,L AND C 118 (B) The Inductive Element Potential drop across inductor ∆VL = VA − VB = −EL = L ∴ ∆VL = Lim ω cos(ωt − φ) π ) 2 π = im XL sin(ωt − φ + ) 2 = Lim ω sin(ωt − φ + [∵ cos θ = sin(θ + XL = Inductive Reactance XL = ωL As i ↑, VA > VB i ↓, VA < VB ∴ ∆VL > 0 ∴ ∆VL < 0 ∆VL leads i by i lags ∆VL by (C) Capacitive Element ∆VC = VA − VB = π )] 2 ”Ohm’s Law like” relation for AC inductor (∆VL )m = im XL where di dt Q C π 2 π 2 10.3. SINGLE LOOP RLC AC CIRCUIT 119 where Q = charge on the positive plate of the capacitor. ˆ dQ ∴ i= ⇒ Q = i dt dt ˆ = im sin(ωt − φ) dt = − ∴ im cos(ωt − φ) ωC π = im XC sin(ωt − φ − ) 2 ∆VC = − ∴ where 10.3 im cos(ωt − φ) ω XC = [∵ − cos θ = sin(θ − ”Ohm’s Law like” relation for AC capacitor (∆VC )m = im XC 1 = Capacitive Reactance ωC ∆VC lags i by i leads ∆VC by π 2 π 2 Single Loop RLC AC Circuit Given that E = Em sin ωt, we want to find im and φ so that we can write i = im sin(ωt − φ) Loop rule: E − ∆VR − ∆VL − ∆VC = 0 ⇒ E = ∆VR + ∆VL + ∆VC π )] 2 10.3. SINGLE LOOP RLC AC CIRCUIT 120 Using results from the previous section, we can write Em sin ωt = im R sin(ωt − φ) +im XL cos(ωt − φ) − im XC cos(ωt − φ) h i Em sin ωt = im R sin(ωt − φ) + (XL − XC ) cos(ωt − φ) Answer : 1. Take tan φ = 2. Define Z = XL − XC R q R2 + (XL − XC )2 as the impedance of the circuit. 3. Then im = Em Z or Em = im Z ”Ohm’s Law like” relation for AC RLC circuits Check : i XL − XC cos(ωt − φ) Z hZ i = im Z cos φ sin(ωt − φ) + sin φ cos(ωt − φ) R.H.S. = im Z hR sin(ωt − φ) + Use the relation: sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B Here: A = ωt − φ, B = φ = im Z sin(ωt − φ + φ) = im z sin ωt = L.H.S. if Em = im Z Phasor Approach : QED. 10.4. RESONANCE 10.4 121 Resonance Em im = is at maximum for an AC circuit of fixed input frequency ω when Z Z is at minimum. s q Z= R2 + (XL − XC )2 = ³ R2 + ωL − 1 ´2 ωC is at a minimum for a fixed ω when XL − XC = ωL − ⇒ ⇒ 1 = 0 ωC 1 ωL = ωC 1 ω2 = LC same as that for a RLC circuit In Hong Kong, the AC power input is 50Hz. (In US, as mentioned in Halliday, is 60Hz.) ∴ 10.5 ω = 2πf = 314.2s−1 Power in AC Circuits Consider the Power dissipated by R in an AC circuit: P = i2 R = i2m R sin2 (ωt − φ) The average power dissipated in each cycle: ´ 2π/ω P dt 2π Pave = 0 ( is period of each cycle) 2π/ω ω ˆ 2π/ω P dt = 0 i2m R = i2m R ˆ 2π/ω sin2 (ωt − φ) dt 0 ˆ 2π/ω 0 i 1h 1 − cos 2(ωt − φ) dt 2 ©¯ © sin2 (ωt −© φ) i¯¯2π/ω © = − © ¯ 2 ©© 4ω 0 1 2π = i2m R · · 2 ω i2m R · ht 10.5. POWER IN AC CIRCUITS ∴ 122 i2 Pave = m R = i2rms R 2 where irms = root-mean-square current im irms = √ 2 Symbol : ∵ Current is a sinusoidal func. hP i = Pave = Average of P over time For sine and cosine functions of time: Average : hsin ωti = hcos ωti = 0 Amplitude : Peak value, e.g. Em , im , (∆VR )m , · · · Root-Mean-Square(RMS) : It’s a measure of the ”time-averaged” deviation from zero. q xrms = hx2 i For sines and cosines, for whatever quantity x: xm xrms = √ 2 (xm is amplitude) For an AC resistor circuit: 2 Erms R hP i = i2rms R = Laws for DC circuits can be used to describe AC circuits if we use rms values for i and E. For general AC circuits: z E }| { z i }| { P = Ei = Em sin ωt · im sin(ωt − φ) = Em im sin ωt [sin ωt cos φ − cos ωt sin φ] 2 P = Em im [ sin | {zωt} cos φ − sin | ωt{zcos ωt} sin φ ] 1 2 hP i = Em im cos φ 2 hP i = Erms irms cos φ | {z } power factor 0 (check this!) 10.6. THE TRANSFORMER Recall 123 XL − XC R R cos φ = Z tan φ = ∴ Maximum power dissipated in circuit when cos φ = 1 Two possibilities: (1) XL = XC = 0 (2) XL − XC = 0 ⇒ XL = XC ⇒ ωL = (Resonance Condition) 10.6 1 ωC ⇒ ω2 = 1 LC The Transformer Power dissipated in resistor hP i = i2rms R ∴ For power transmission, we’d like to keep irms at minimum. ⇒ HIGH potential difference across transmission wires. (So that total power transmitted P = irms Erms is constant.) However, for home safety, we would like LOW emf supply. Solution : Transformers Primary : Number of winding = NP 10.6. THE TRANSFORMER 124 Secondary : Number of winding = NS In primary circuit, RP ≈ CP ≈ 0 Pure inductive ∴ R ≈0 Z No power delivered from emf to transformer. Power factor : ∴ cos φ = The varying current (∵ AC!) in the primary produces an induced emf in the secondary coils. Assuming perfect magnetic flux linkage: emf per turn in primary = emf per turn in secondary dΦB = − dt ∆VP NP ∆VS emf per turn in secondary = NS (∆VP is P.D. across primary) emf per turn in primary = ⇒ ∆VP NP = ∆VS NS If NP > NS , then ∆VP > ∆VS Step-Down If NP < NS , then ∆VP < ∆VS Step-Up Consider power in circuit: iP ∆VP = iS ∆VS In the secondary, we have ∆VS = iS R Combining the 3 equations, we have ∆VP = ³ N ´2 P NS R · iP ”Equivalence Resistor” = ³ N ´2 P NS R Chapter 11 Displacement Current and Maxwell’s Equations 11.1 Displacement Current We saw in Chap.7 that we can use Ampère’s law to calculate magnetic fields due to currents. ¸ ~ · d~s We know that the integral C B around any close loop C is equal to µ0 iincl , where iincl = current passing an area bounded by the closed curve C. e.g. = Flat surface bounded by loop C = Curved surface bounded by loop C If Ampère’s law is true all the time, then the iincl determined should be independent of the surface chosen. 11.1. DISPLACEMENT CURRENT 126 Let’s consider a simple case: charging a capacitor. From Chap.5, we know there is a current flowing i(t) = ER0 e−t/RC , which leads ~ With to a magnetic ¸field observed B. ~ Ampère’s law, C B · d~s = µ0 iincl . BUT WHAT IS iincl ? If we look at , If we look at iincl = i(t) , iincl = 0 (∵ There is no charge flow between the capacitor plates.) ∴ Ampère’s law is either WRONG or INCOMPLETE. Two observations: 1. While there is no current between the capacitor’s plates, there is a timevarying electric field between the plates of the capacitor. 2. We know Ampère’s law is mostly correct from measurements of B-field around circuits. ⇓ Can we revise Ampère’s law to fix it? σ Q = , where Q = charge on ε0 ε0 A capacitor’s plates, A = Area of capacitor’s plates. Electric field between capacitor’s plates: E = ∴ Q = ε0 E · A} = ε0 ΦE | {z Electric flux ∴ We can define dQ dΦE = ε0 = idisp dt dt where idisp is called Displacement Current (first proposed by Maxwell). Maxwell first proposed that this is the missing term for the Ampère’s law: ˛ ~ · d~s = µ0 (iincl + ε0 dΦE ) Ampère-Maxwell law B dt C 11.2. INDUCED MAGNETIC FIELD 127 Where iincl = current through any surface bounded by C, ´ ~ ·d~a. ΦE = electric flux through that same surface bounded by curve C, ΦE = S E 11.2 Induced Magnetic Field We learn earlier that electric field can be generated by ( charges . changing magnetic flux We ( see from Ampère-Maxwell law that a magnetic field can be generated by moving charges (current) . changing electric flux That is, a change in electric flux through a surface bounded by C can lead to an induced magnetic field along the loop C. Notes The induced magnetic field is along the same direction as caused by the changing electric flux. Example What is the magnetic field strength inside a circular plate capacitor of radius R with a current I(t) charging it? Answer Electric field of capacitor E= Q Q = ε0 A ε0 πR2 11.3. MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 128 Electric flux inside capacitor through a loop C of radius r: ΦE = E · πr2 = Qr2 ε0 R 2 Ampère-Maxwell Law inside capacitor: ˛ dΦE ~ · d~s = µ0 (© © + ε0 B iincl ) dt C | {z } ~ induced kd~s ∵B 2πr |{z} Binduced = µ0 ε0 Length of loop C = µ0 d ³ Qr2 ´ dt ε0 R2 r2 dQ R2 |{z} dt I(t) ∴ Binduced = µ0 r I(t) 2πR2 for r < R Outside the capacitor plate: Electric flux through loop C: ΦE = E · Q πR2 = ε0 ˛ ~ · d~s = µ0 (iincl + ε0 dΦE ) B dt C 2πrBinduced = µ0 ε0 ∴ Binduced = 11.3 ³1 ε0 · dQ ´ dt µ0 I(t) 2πr Maxwell’s Equations The four equations that completely describe the behaviors of electric and magnetic fields. 11.3. MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS ˛ S ˛ 129 ~ · d~a = Qincl E ε0 ~ · d~a = 0 B S ˛ C ˛ ~ · d~s = − d E dt ˆ ~ · d~a B S ~ · d~s = µ0 iincl + µ0 ε0 d B dt C ˆ ~ · d~a E S The one equation that describes how matter reacts to electric and magnetic fields. ~ + ~v × B) ~ F~ = q(E Features of Maxwell’s equations: (1) There is a high level of symmetry in the equations. That’s why the study of electricity and magnetism is also called electromagnetism. There are small asymmetries though: i) There is NO point ”charge” of magnetism / NO magnetic monopole. ii) Direction of induced E-field opposes to B-flux change. Direction of induced B-filed enhances E-flux change. (2) Maxwell’s equations predicted the existence of propagating waves of E-field and B-field, known as electromagnetic waves (EM waves). Examples of EM waves: visible light, radio, TV signals, mobile phone signals, X-rays, UV, Infrared, gamma-ray, microwaves... (3) Maxwell’s equations are entirely consistent with the special theory of relativity. This is not true for Newton’s laws!