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Essentials of Patient Education Book Review

Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet
ISSN: 1539-8285 (Print) 1539-8293 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wchi20
Essentials of Patient Education, by Susan B.
Kelsey Leonard
To cite this article: Kelsey Leonard (2017) Essentials of Patient Education, by Susan B. Bastable,
Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 21:3, 319-320, DOI: 10.1080/15398285.2017.1353294
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15398285.2017.1353294
Published online: 22 Sep 2017.
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Date: 19 November 2017, At: 22:09
2017, VOL. 21, NO. 3, 319–321
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 22:09 19 November 2017
Mary Katherine Haver, Book Review Editor
Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet considers for review books of
interest to librarians and health care consumers. This column will concentrate
on reviews of resources and recent books about consumer health care
information available on the Internet. Books available online and in print
about Internet resources will also be reviewed. In addition, titles that assist
the reader in utilizing Internet resources will occasionally be included. It is
the purpose of each review to provide a detailed description and critical
evaluation of the work. Recommendations for purchase are also included.
Reviews reflect the opinions of the reviewer, not of the editors or publisher
of the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet.
Persons interested in becoming a book reviewer or suggesting titles for
review in the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet should contact
the Book Review Editor: Mary Katherine Haver, Medical Librarian,
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Family Resource Center Library,
St. Petersburg, FL (mhaver1@jhmi.edu).
Essentials of Patient Education, by Susan B. Bastable, Burlington, MA,
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017, 570 pp., $63.95 (paperback), ISBN-13
Essentials of Patient Education is an excellent book for staff nurses in practice
and nursing students wanting to learn how to best provide patient education
to their patients. This book explores the nurse as the role of teacher as well as
how patients learn. The book is well organized and divided into three parts
that discuss perspectives on teaching and learning, learner characteristics,
and techniques for teaching and learning. Each chapter is organized at the
beginning with chapter highlights, objectives, and key terms; at the end of
each chapter is a summary, review questions, and a case study. Additionally,
each chapter is full of references, sources, figures, and tables, which contribute
to the overall strength of the book.
Overall, the book focuses on the nurse’s role as teacher in providing
patients and their family members with the best education. Part I begins with
an overview of education in health care while also focusing on ethics, legal
implications, and economics in relation to patient education. The chapter
on ethics, legal, and economics does a thorough job reviewing the ethical
and legal rights of the patient and discusses the nurse’s role in the legal
responsibility of providing all patients with education. Lastly, Part I reviews
how to apply learning theories to health care practice.
Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 22:09 19 November 2017
Part II does an exceptional job of reviewing the characteristics of the
learner, focusing on developmental stages, health literacy, health behaviors,
and cultural attributes. There are theories throughout, but there are also
methods for use in practice. The book reviews how people learn and what
motivates them while providing tools nurses can use to help them successfully
educate their patient population and make a difference in their patients’ lives.
Part III provides nurses with techniques and strategies for teaching and learning. Information on how to teach, using teach-back, advantages/limitations to
teaching methods, what materials to use, technology, and evaluation are discussed. This part reviews how to effectively teach the patient and their family
as well as how to evaluate the teaching of patient education. There is also a detailed
chapter on the use of technology in patient education, which looks at everything
from how to use technology in the health care setting to the digital divide.
Essentials of Patient Education is an excellent resource for those wanting to
learn how to best teach patients and family members about their health and
health care. It discusses the important role of nurses as teachers since they
are the ones primarily providing the patient education. This book is
recommended for college and hospital libraries as well.
Kelsey Leonard
Preston Medical Library, University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine,
Knoxville, Tennessee
© 2017 Kelsey Leonard
The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies Are Changing the Way
We Have Kids—And the Kids We Have, by Bonnie Rochman, New York,
Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017, 288 pp., $26.00 (hardcover, paper), ISBN-13 9780374160784, $12.99 (e-book), ISBN-13
How much do you want to know about your health? Would knowing which
diseases you are at risk for be unsettling or prepare you to take what measures
you could to prevent the disease? Would you choose your partner based on
their genetic risks? Should you know which diseases your child could acquire,
and should you tell them? Should certain diseases or health conditions be
eliminated? These are the kinds of questions award-winning journalist Bonnie
Rochman invites readers to consider and to contemplate.
Rochman superbly weaves scientific research, personal stories, and history
into an informative and thought-provoking book. Genetics is a hot topic these