PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION LET REVIEWER 2023 (New Curriculum) - 150 ITEMS MARVEN S. LANGUITA, LPT 7. What contribute (s) heaviest to the student grade in MAPEH and TLE? A. Leadership B. Performance tasks C. Discipline 1. As many cultures had different ideas of a teacher, which of the following in closest to the idea of a modern classroom teacher? D. Written work 8. As an intellectual leader, which characteristics trait A. Preacher must a teacher display? B. Instructor A. Dislikes for teacher organizations C. Guru D. Is convinced by illogical arguments D. Master C. In prejudiced toward lazy students 2. How is the technology behind virtual or cyber learning be best described? D. Research-based in his lectures A. Mechanical technology 9. What kind of assessment uses a checklist, portfolio rubrics or a rating scale? B. Analogue technology A. Informal assessment C. Psycho-motor technology B. Authentic assessment D. Digital technology C. Placement assessment 3. In preparing instructional materials, what is the primary factor to be considered? D. Alternative assessment A. The objectives of the lesson 10. What facet of teaching-and-learning can best draw participation of every student into classroom discussion? B. The technology available in the classroom A. Dominance of individuals in a group C. The diversity of the learners B. Creative thinking of each participant D. The methods and techniques C. Reacting to everything 4. Which materials are used for instructional planning of course content and strategies? D. Feeling of being part of a group B. Seating arrangement 11. What is a form of distance learning that uses computernetworking technology to provide interaction of teacher to learner? C. Instructional materials A. Independent study D. Syllabus B. Mentorship 5. What is the least authentic mode of assessment? C. Telescoping A. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary D. On-line learning A. Exhibits B. Oral performance to asses students' spoken communication skills C. Experiments in science to assess skill in the use of scientific methods D. Artistic production for music or art subject 6. Dyslexia is a severe reading disability. A learner who has this should be placed in a ___. A. Clinical reading program B. Remedial reading program C. Developmental reading program D. Enrichment reading program 12. In the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, how are science concepts taught in Grade 1 to 2? A. Unity B. Gender sensitivity A. By the use of Science modules C. Exclusivity B. Integrated with English D. Inclusivity C. Through the Science clubs D. Integrated in Math subjects 19. Which can be said of Patrick who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in Grammar? 13. Which of the following needs is addressed when teacher encourage active class participation through individual and group activities? A. He was among those who failed the test. A. The need to be popular within the group. C. He answered 75 items correctly. B. The need to be close to the teacher. D. He is superior in ranking. C. The need to be accepted, important and appreciated. 20. What is the descriptor for a numerical grade of 90 D. The need to be happy and satisfied at the expense of others. as level of proficiency? 14. According to the Reading Skills Ladder, higher reading skills cannot be achieved at a flash", which means that is cannot be done ___. A. Instantly B. Immediately B. He performed better than 25% of his classmates. A. advanced B. satisfactory C. fairly satisfactory D. developing C. Remotely 21. The most important factor to consider in using an instructional material is ___. D. Proximately A. It's cost 15. An essay test is most appropriate when ___. B. If it's fit with the objective A. A considerable number of test items need to be graded C. It's learning benefit B. Instructional objectives specify high-level cognitive processes D. It's appeal C. Test security is not a problem 22. Teacher Ian wants his pupil to master the multiplication table. What activity will be most suitable? D. Class size is a consideration A. Reflection 16. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists? B. Simulation I. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events. C. Drill D. Game II. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment. III. The mind of the new born child is “tabula rasa”. A. I only B. II only C. III only D. All of the above 17. Clear and organize presentation of lecture and/or instruction can be done by means of ___. A. diskette B. acetate 23. Which is the best definition of inclusive education endorsed by DepEd (Department of Education)? A. It is a flexible and individualized support system for children and youth with special education or needs B. It is a mandate to include all children and youth in all community activities C. It is a system to support children and youth in exclusive schools D. It is a special support for children and youth who cannot attend school C. powerpoint D. glass board 24. As of the Republic Act 7836, the Licensure Examination for Teachers is with the ___. 18. What does the Madrasah program of the K to 12 Curriculum prove? A. Commission on Higher Education B. Civil Service Commission B. Collaborative work C. Professional Regulation Commission C. Drills and exercises D. Department of Education D. Problem solving tasks 25. Authentic performance assessment refers to ___. A. Demonstration of skillful activity 32. Which question can help develop students' creative thinking skills after reading the story of The Monkey and The Turtle? B. Role playing sessions with students A. Why did the Turtle treat the Monkey that way? C. Tasks similar to real-world activities B. If you were to re-write the story, how would you end it? D. Summative assessment of skillful activities C. Did you find the story interesting? Explain your answer. 26. Which of these enables people to browse documents connected by hypertext links? D. Who is the wiser-the Monkey or the Turtle why? A. Welcome page 33. How present-day citizen students are properly referred to today? B. URL A. Computer buffs C. World Wide Web B. Digital generation D. Browser C. Facebook followers 27. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic assessment? D. U-tube viral viewers A. Unrealistic performances 34. Which of the following could be a reason for using the lecture method? B. De-contextualized drills A. when subject is very new and there are no references yet C. Real world application of lessons learned B. when teacher is substituting for the regular teacher D. Answering high multiple choice test items C. when subject is very broad in scope 28. Adjustment to the online teaching and learning gave use to suchinnovative teaching strategies such as blended, pre recorded, modular, virtual and others which proved that ___. D. when students are poor motivated 35. How will you characterize a school curriculum which reflects the world's economic, political, and industrial trends? A. Conversion is a noble act. A. It is classical B. A stitch In time saves nine. B. It is localized C. Necessity is the mother of inventions. C. It is process-oriented D. Be silent always when you doubt your sense. D. It is globalist 29. The math curriculum is composed of how many content areas? A. three 36. What can the teacher use as the most effective partner of the textbook that provides curricular hub of instruction at all levels? B. four A. Computer C. five B. Copying machine D. six C. Graphs and tables 30. On the variety of intelligence as dispositions, what is one work inclination of a learner who can speak and write effectively? D. Workbooks 37. What numerical grade corresponds to to the descriptor “Developing?” A. To be a journalist B. To be an economist C. To be a singer A. 74% B. 85% C. 92% D. 77% D. To be an ecologist 38. Who among the following readers is expected to understand the alphabet and words (concepts of prints)? 31. Which of the following does not match a Pragmatic philosophy of education which teachers can do in the classroom? A. Beginning reader A. Experimentation B. Emergent reader C. Intermediate reader B. adhering to a policy D. Transitional reader C. helping students lear D. life in school 39. During the COVID virtual learning, what is missed by teachers and learners? 45. Which of the following demonstrates the teacher's integrity? A. Face-to-face-teaching-learning A. Innovation B. Virtual interaction B. Entrepreneurship C. On-line instruction C. Moral courage D. Cyber interchange D. Decisive thinking 40. How many percent is given to performance task in MAPEH and TLE for Grade 1-10? 46. Karen got a final grade of 85 in his Mathematics subject. Which best describes her performance? A. 30% A. Proficient B. 40% B. Advanced C. 50% C. Developing D. 60% D. Beginning 41. Which of the following is the correct response of the teacher to diversity of learners in the classroom? 47. These two Presidents are responsible for the implementation of K to 12 in the Philippines. A. Teacher sees high and low cultures A. Ferdinand Marcos and Corazon Aquino B. Teacher disregards what is diverse B. Gloria Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III C. Teacher sees nothing common among students C. Joseph Estrada and Gloria Arroyo D. Teacher accepts and values diversity D. Benigno Aquino III and Rodrigo Duterte 42. Teacher John wants to teach patterns, abstractions, and concepts. Which method is most suitable? 48. Which of the following qualities is MOST becoming of a professional teacher? A. Discovery A. Love of the profession B. Deductive Method B. Frugality in saving C. Indirect Instruction C. Regularity in discipline D. Problem Solving D. Humility in work 43. Which of the following is an example of formative assassment of students? 49. Which among the statements below does not characterize effective classroom management? A. Psychological test A. It teaches students to depend on others for self-control and self-regulation. B. Quizzes B. It redirects misbehavior quickly once it occurs. C. Final exam C. It respects cultural norms and creeds of students. D. Placement evaluation D. Strategies are uncomplicated that they can be enforced consistently. 44. Mr. Alfred finds satisfaction and fulfilment in teaching especially when he shares his skils and expertise in choral works and conducting to students. This situation is a depiction that a teacher is passionate about teaching because you are fervent about ___. A. your discipline 50. Teachers should go through Continuing Professional Education (CPE). A. Vocation B. Mission C. Profession D. Calling 51. Along Erikson's psychosocial theory what is displayed by the child in saying “I do things without worrying about them?" D. Most of the students got low scores. A. Endurance 58. What numerical grade corresponds to the descriptor “Very Satisfactory?” B. Discipline A. 90 C. Obedience B. 85% D. Autonomy C. 92% 52. A toddler wishes to go to the restroom alone and wishes to care for himself if not treated properly will have develop or lead to which of the following psychosocial stages based on Erikson's model? D. 80% A. Doubt 59. Research says that both subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are positively correlated with teacher's teaching performance. Based on this finding, which is a logical recommendation? A teacher must ___. B. Guilt A. must specialize in at least one subject area C. Gullibility B. must go through a strong liberal education D. Mistrust C. have an in-depth knowledge of content and skilled in teaching strategy 53. Why did Math teacher choose a web application that helps his students gain Arithmetic through a game where players earn tokens and feel they are successful through a fun experience? D. must be generalist and expert in the use of appropriate teaching methodology 60. What is shown by results in a pre-test? A. It teaches high skills A. Current moral moral skills B. It is difficuit B. Present psycho-motor skills C. It is engaging C. Previous knowledge D. It requires mentorship D. Past Experience 54. It is a common form of distance learning in which teaching and learning take place via the Internet. A. Online learning 61. Teacher Anne teaches Business Mathematics and she wants to know if her students understood the concept of rate, ratio, and proportion. If the assessment method is conventional, which of the following will she most likely do? B. Face-to-face teaching A. Write worded problems C. Self-reliance B. Conduct role playing D. Symposium C. Conduct plant visits 55. The following apps can be used for collaborative work, except ___. A. Edmodo D. Observe students 62. Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices? B. Google Chrome A. Cost C. Google Drive B. Novelty D. Wikispaces C. Appropriateness 56. What is the level of mastery for a grade of 80? D. Attractiveness A. Fairly Satisfactory B. Outstanding C. Satisfactory D. Did Not Meet Expectations 57. Which statement can describe a positively skewed distribution of students performance? A. Few students got low scores. B. Most of the students got average scores. C. The scores are normally distributed. 63. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you agree? A. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating information B. Learning is strengthening the connection between stimulus and response C. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank D. Respect for authority D. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus 70. Which of the following should be recognized when dealing with cultural diversity among learners? 64. This educational program promotes equality among students belonging to a multi-cultural and A. That inferior culture should be disregarded inter-faith classroom. B. That superior culture must prevail A. Indigenous development C. That all students are the same in their cultures B. Sectoral solidification D. That each student is unique in his/her own way C. Multicultural education 71. The principle of individual differences enables a teacher to ___. D. Cultural immersion A. Provide different activities to meet student needs 65. Which of the following is an integral part of the teaching process? B. Reduce students engagement in learning A. rubric C. Requires much time to teach B. lesson plan D. Treat all learners alike while inside the classroom C. teachers and principal D. classroom management 72. When curriculum is viewed as a process, what should the teacher consider primarily in designing his/her lessons? 66. To awaken thought among learners, which kind of questioning helps the process of reflection? A. national competency-based competencies A. Open-ended question B. various methods and strategies B. Specific question C. outcome-based learning objectives C. Directed question D. different modes of assessments D. Concrete question 73. In a portfolio,which of the following determines the students ability for original and critical ideas? A. Tests 67. Constructivist Teacher Karen asked her students to present ideas on what should characterize modern political heroes in today's millennial society. What kind of presentation does she expect from her students? B. Essay C. Certificates A. Narrative D. Photos B. Schema 74. The Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PATE) proposed a new curriculum for Teacher Education to make the graduates globally competitive. What type of curriculum is this? C. Advance organizer D. Script A. Supported curriculum 68. The statement that says, “We don't live in a vacuum” means people are ___. B. Recommended curriculum A. Nature-bred C. Assessed curriculum B. Biological organisms D. Hidden curriculum C. Social beings D. Urban dwellers 69. This principle was violated when Mrs. Chan talked badly about the new school principal Dr. Yang in front of her students by telling them that Dr. Yang is incompetent yet arrogant. 75. What in the concrete outcomes is outcomes A. Fidelity A. Tangible products of class projects B. Confidentiality based-education? B. Competencies in knowledge, skills and values C. Objectives of learning in course lessons C. Loyalty D. Results by way of behavior change in learners D. multi-literate 76. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must be done? 83. How is reflection recorded in action research? A. Console parents whose children are non-performing A. Through the curriculum by telling them that nobody fails. B. Through a report journal B. Announce names of students who need to help. C. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest then C. Through a lesson plan distribute the same according to rank. D. Through a syllabus D. Explain how the grades were computed. 84. To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do, while preparing materials for the school activity? 77. Do parents have a role in curriculum implementation and instruction? A. No, they have no formal training in pedagogy. B. Yes, they may provide insights on the curriculum. C. Yes, but only in helping their children with school work. D. It depends on a school's private or public status. 78. You want to know who a good teacher is. In the Philippines which would you consult? A. Professional Philippine Teacher Standards B. Professional Code of Ethics C. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers A. Get sponsors B. Collect from your class C. Use less materials and props D. Use indigenous materials. 85. How can I promote fairness in my learning environment? A. Respect individual differences B. Separate girls from boys C. Place all children with special in front D. Isolate the unruly children in class D. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards 86. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated by being gender sensitive and inclusive towards learners? 79. Which learning disability affects a person's handwriting ability and fine motor skills? A. Motivation A. Dysgraphia B. Dyslexia C. Dyspepsia B. Passion C. Fairness D. Efficiency D. Dyscalculia 87. Mr. Roy is teaching in a multi-grade class, what materials must be employed? 80. Who pioneered in the study of language acquisition of children? A. Electronic materials A. Chomsky B. Vygotsky C. Gardner B. Less-costly materials C. Differentiated materials D. Commercially-made materials D. Goleman 88. What test allows the learners to perform in real-life episodes? 81. Learners learn with more physical presence and intervention of teacher in a ___. A. Paper and pencil type of test A. webinar B. virtual interaction C. online teaching B. Essay type of test C. Traditional assessment D. Authentic assessment D. face-to-face set up 82. All of the following are characteristics of a 21st century teacher EXCEPT ___. A. innovative B. lifelong learner C. incompetent 89. What is known as regular procedure or normal practice that can efficiently contribute to good classroom management? A. Dialogue B. Routine C. Reinforce D. Discipline 90. What is the basis for ascertaining that a teacher succeeds in her work of educating individual learners? C. Relationships and interactions are characterized with competition, survival, and power-grabbing. D. Students and staff members feel safe emotionally and physically, and the school facilities promote safety. A. Their getting out of school B. Their acquired competencies 96. What are equivalent to standards under the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers? C. Their getting a diploma A. Levels of qualifications D. Their being praised by parents B. Certificates of training 91. On age period of development, at what age should the school teach knowledge and appreciation of career and professional values? C. Accreditations of schools A. About 17 to 45 years 97. Which of the following is FALSE about the community where the school belongs? D. Cost of higher education B. About 45 to 65 years C. From birth to about 18 months D. About 18 months to 6 years 92. When do you establish classroom routines? A. At the middle of the year B. At the end of the year C. At the beginning of the year A. In a wider perspective, community affects the school environment and vice versa. B. The community is part of the learning environment as students learn also externally. C. The community serves as a school garden where local plants grow and children play. D. There is an abundance of learning resources in the community - both human and material. D. Anytime of the year 98. The provision of academic freedom is applicable for teachers in: 93. As a student intern, I need to fully understand the expectations of my cooperating teacher to ensure ___. A. Colleges and universities A. Better rapport harmoniously relationship. B. Greater familiarity on his/her needs and interests. C. The development of learning materials. D. The establishment of classroom routines. 94. Which is a field of study and an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational opportunities from diverse racial, ethnic, social class, and cultural groups? A. Consensus in Grouping B. Differentiated Instruction B. Private tertiary institutions C. Basic education teachers D. Public schools only 99. Which is a good attention getter in introducing a lesson? A. Relate lesson with anecdotes B. Reading lesson objectives C. Assigning reading before the class D. Revealing lesson conclusions C. Educational Interaction 100. How can teachers make parents find reporting of grades of their children meaningful? D. Multicultural Education A. By comparing grades of individual students B. By distributing grade report cards C. By telling parents the limitations of their children D. By explaining grades and performance of students 95. Which of the following situations does NOT translate to a positive school culture? A. The individual successes of teachers and students are recognized and celebrated. B. School leaders, teachers, and staff members model positive and healthy behaviors for students. 101. How can the multi-grade system be set in place in order to respond to the needs of remote elementary schools where enrolment is low? A. Mainstream special with regular students B. Combine two to three grade levels C. Assign teachers to specific grade levels D. Upgrade students to a higher level 102. Which of the following is an example of multimedia? 109. Of the following, what is a good example of “learning to do” activity in teaching-and-learning? A. a picture A. Self-assessment of learning a module B. video podcast B. Lecture on the topic of patriots C. CAI in mathematics C. Demonstration of baking skills D. a book D. Monitoring of learning drills 103. The following are guidelines in designing instructional materials EXCEPT: 110. What is the measure of relevance in education? A. Consistency A. Democratization of access B. Legibility B. Functionality and meaningfulness C. Expensiveness C. Ability to sustain education through the future D. Quality D. Excellence and effectiveness 104. Programming in computers is a course under ICT. As assessment, none of the students passed the exam and acquired the certificate as they graduate the course. And if there are some students who passed, they are underemployed. The primary problem of this course is: 111. What kind of preschool math application or app should Teacher Rose use in her kindergarten class? A. Student's learning and interest B. Curriculum design & instruction A. A developmentally appropriate app B. An easy-access high math app C. A beautifully designed app D. A sophisticated app C. Teacher's teaching method D. School's incapability to manage 112. How is periodic reporting of student grades useful? 105. Among thinking skills, Complex-Cognitive means ability ___. A. As feedback A. to integrate varied information B. As an obligation B. to maintain distinctions C. As way to please parents C. to break down varied information D. As way to win support for the school D. to identify and place ideas into categories 113. Which of the following features represents the new paradigm shift in education? 106. In the levels of proficiency, 79 belongs to ___. A. Beginning B. Advanced C. Approaching D. Developing 107. Which kind of teacher planning establishes general content and is often prepared by a committee of experts? A. Weekly planning B. Unit planning C. Term planning D. Course mapping 108. Which of the following ideas exemplify stereotyping that is unfair to student-learners? A. All students require quality instruction B. All students from peasant communities are dull C. All students have rights to be respected D. All students can best learn at their own pace A. Traditional pedagogies B. Lifelong education for all C. Rigid subject matter boundaries D. Knowledge as the only learning outcome 114. Which of the following characteristics is of primary importance in the choice of instructional aids? A. Stimulating and colorful B. Suitable to lesson outcomes C. Novel and true D. At par with the grade level 115. Which of the following is TRUE of brainstorming as a group dynamics activity? A. True ideas surface in discussion B. Ideas tax the brain C. No ideas are rejected D. Best ideas are selected 116. Which best describes self-directed learning? A. Students take and pass all test and quizzes A. Student's friends B. Peers assist each other in the recall of knowledge B. Guidance Counselors C. The teacher delivers learning inputs C. Facilitators of learning D. Student discover answers to problems D. Substitute parents 117. What does it mean when a misdemeanor has a "ripple effect" on the class? 124. K - 12 curriculum cannot be described as ___ A. Learner-centered A. That misbehavlor will end B. Inclusive B. That the class will know the misbehavior C. Technical C. That the whole class is to be blamed for the misbehavior D. Contextualized D. That in can affect the whole class 118. The teacher direct students in conventional and procedural use of technology tool. 125. On classroom activities, the following are appropriate for learners who have good verbal-linguistic skills, but NOT to include ___. A. Entry A. Calculations B. Adoption B. Journal writing C. Infusion C. Discussion D. Constructive D. Debates 119. The teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to the system. 126. During classroom-level curriculum implementation, the strategies that work are classified as "green." Which of the following belongs to this category? A. Transformation A. Content delivery based on lessons B. Adoption B. Teacher enthusiasm C. Active C. Excess in chalkboard talk D. Entry D. Homogenous students grouping 120. How many learning areas graded as "Did not meat expectations" will mean retention in the same grade level for grades 1-to-10? 127. The student's score was: 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, what is the score 86? A. Three or more A. Mean B. Two B. None C. One or two C. Median D. One D. Mode 121. He is considered as the “Father of Modern Media in Education”. 128. How can the local government support schools? A. Give donations for school projects A. Jean Piaget B. Allow school to join civic celebrations B. Robert Gagne C. Provide security in school premises C. B.F. Skinner D. Provide fiscal funding to support schools D. Edgar Dale 122. Which is an implication of a positively skewed distribution? 129. What is referred to as average of scores? A. Students have high IQ A. Mean B. There was mastery of the lesson B. Median C. Teaching was effective C. Mode D. Teaching was not effective D. Median and Mode 123. The increase in the number of school children left by OFW parents intensifies the teacher role as ___. 130. A teacher is able to demonstrate an understanding of the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and learning practices and programs. In what career stage is the teacher vis-a-vis assessment and reporting? 136. At what point does the science learner engage in critical thinking? A. Beginning A. Learning procedures B. Proficient B. Examining and judging object C. Highly proficient C. Observing objects D. Distinguished D. Gathering evidence 131. On the theoretical foundation of the curriculum, why is organizing data prior to making general conclusions important to curriculum planning and designing? 137. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of what law? A. R.A. 7836 A. This is the way of essentialist philosophy B. R.A. 7610 B. This is the way adopted by classical philosophers C. R.A. 10533 C. This is the easy way to obtain results D. R.A 10353 D. This is the scientific way to a valid curriculum 132. Jomar is in Grade 7 and unfortunately, he failed in two learning areas, which means that he will ___. 138. Which of the following is an improvement in the physical learning environment of a classroom? A. More concept mapping A. Repeat subjects with failures B. More student-teacher interaction B. Be retained in the same level C. Longer lesson presentation C. Not be accepted for enrolment D. Better classroom ventilation D. Undergo remedial classes 133. On contemporary cognitive psychology, learning is proposed to be task-oriented, purposive and efficient which is same as being ___. 139. Among thinking strategies, Comprehension Monitoring is the ability ___. A. to make appropriate choices A. goal-directed B. to check progress B. situational C. to be relaxed yet alert C. meaningful D. to synthesize new information D. appropriate 140. Which of the following is the most appropriate message by teachers on the first day of class? 134. Before giving students access to the internet, teachers should follow these steps, except: A. That the year will require much discipline and work for all A. Teach students to test reliability and authenticity of a website. B. That the year will prove the best and so each must compete for grades B. Provide students parameters. C. That the year will require much work and industry to pass the grade C. Require students to cite all the websites they use to ensure that they give proper credit and avoid plagiarism. D. That the year will be a fulfilling experience for new learning D. Allow students to explore websites with inappropriate content 141. Which of the following situations can show that ateacher is “chill” in a tense situation? A. Not excited, but calm B. Not passive, but active C. Not alone, but with peers 135. Give the most fitting tagline for the slogan on cultural diversity which says "different roads sometimes lead to the same castle." A. Cultural identity B. Cultural norm C. Cultural diversity D. Unity in cultural diversity D. Not revengeful, but forgiving 142. This type of mode of distance learning involves providing audio-video media to large audiences. A. Simultaneous learning B. One - way video C. Video - conferencing D. Virtual classrooms 143. What could be a fitting realization on the research finding? "A majority of the respondents strongly agreed that teachers help develop the moral character of the children." A. I should impose discipline in all my learning instructions. B. I should model the values to children because "values are caught." D. Digital Communication 150. Using Johann Friedrich Herbart's approach to lesson delivery, which step is most relevant in developing the young learner's moral consciousness? A. Focus on topic of interest. B. Question the introduced topic. C. I will ask students to research about social issues and problems. D. My syllabus should have a listing of values intended for integration. C. Relate concepts to daily living. D. Sum the lesson’s achievement 144. The following are Community-Based Roles of a Teacher, EXCEPT: A. Agent of Change B. Community Organizer C. Researcher D. Role Model 145. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Cooley? A. It is how I look myself through the eyes of others B. It is how I influence others C. It is how others look at me D. It is how others affect me 146. By what name is Indirect instruction the Socratic method also known? A. Mastery learning B. Indirect Method C. Morrison method D. Questioning method 147. In the context of teacher standards, what is meant by CPD? A. Continuing Personal Development B. Continuous Professional Delivery C. Continuing Professional Development D. Continuing Program for Development 148. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more ___. questions. A. closed B. fact C. concept D. convergent 149. Teacher Dave teaches about technology and use of technology to his learners. What element in digital citizenship is he implying? PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION LET REVIEWER 2023 - 150 ITEMS A. Digital Access ANSWER KEY B. Digital Commerce 1. B. Instructor C. Digital Literacy 2. D. Digital technology 3. A. The objectives of the lesson 40. D. 60% 4. D. syllabus 41. D. Teacher accepts and values diversity 5. A. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary 42. C. Indirect Instruction 6. C. Developmental reading program 43. B. Quizzes 7. B. Performance tasks 44. A. your discipline 8. D. Research-based in his lectures 45. C. Moral courage 9. D. Alternative assessment 46. A. Proficient 10. D. Feeling of being part of a group 47. B. Gloria Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III 11. D. On-line learning 48. A. Love of the profession 12. B. Integrated with English 49. A. It teaches students to depend on others for selfcontrol and self-regulation 13. C. The need to be accepted, important and appreciated. 50. C. Profession 14. A. Instantly 51. D. Autonomy 15. B. Instructional objectives specify high-level cognitive processes 52. A. Doubt 53. C. It is engaging 16. A. I only 54. A. On-line learning 17. C. powerpoint 55. B. Google Chrome 18. D. Inclusivity 56. C. Satisfactory 19. C. He answered 75 items correctly. 57. D. Most of the students got low scores 20. A. advanced 58. B. 85% 21. B. If it's fit with the objective 22. C. Drill 23. A. It is a flexible and individualized support system for children and youth with special education or needs 59. C. have an in-depth knowledge of content and skilled in teaching strategy 60. C. Previous knowledge 61. A. Write worded problems 24. C. Professional Regulation Commission 62. C. Appropriateness 25. C. Tasks similar to real-world activities 26. B. URL 63. A. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating information 27. C. Real world application of lessons learned 64. C. Multicultural education 28. C. Necessity is the mother of inventions. 65. D. classroom management 29. C. five 66. A. Open-ended question 30. A. To be a journalist 67. C. Advance organizer 31. C. Drills and exercises 68. C. Social beings 32. B. If you were to re-write the story, how would you end it? 69. D. Respect for authority 70. D. That each student is unique in his/her own way 33. B. Digital generation 71. A. Provide different activities to meet student needs 34. A. when subject is very new and there are no references yet 72. B. various methods and strategies 35. D. It is globalist 73. B. Essay 36. A. Computer 74. B. Recommended curriculum 37. D. 77 75. B. Competencies in knowledge, skills and values 38. B. Emergent reader 76. D. Explain how the grades were computed. 39. A. Face-to-face-teaching-learning 77. B. Yes, they may provide insights on the curriculum. 78. B. Professional Code of Ethics 116. D. Student discover answers to problems 79. A. Dysgraphia 117. D. That in can affect the whole class 80. A. Chomsky 118. B. Adoption 81. D. face-to-face set up 119. D. Entry 82. C. incompetent 120. A. Three or more 83. B. Through a report journal 121. D. Edgar Dale 84. D. Use indigenous materials 122. D. Teaching was not effective 85. A. Respect individual differences 123. D. Substitute parents 86. C. Fairness 124. D. Contextualized 87. C. Differentiated materials 125. A. Calculations 88. D. Authentic assessment 126. B. Teacher enthusiasm 89. B. Routine 127. C. Median 90. B. Their acquired competencies 128. C. Provide security in school premises 91. A. About 17 to 45 years 129. A. Mean 92. C. At the beginning of the year 130. A. Beginning 93. A. Better rapport harmoniously relationship. 131. D. This is the scientific way to a valid curriculum 94. D. Multicultural Education 132. D. Undergo remedial classes 95. C. Relationships and interactions are characterized with competition, survival, and power-grabbing. 133. A. goal-directed 96. A. Levels of qualifications 97. C. The community serves as a school garden where local plants grow and children play. 134. D. Allow students to explore websites with inappropriate content 135. D. Unity in cultural diversity 136. D. Gathering evidence 98. A. Colleges and universities 137. C. R.A. 10533 99. C. Assigning reading before the class 138. B. More student-teacher interaction 100. D. By explaining grades and performance of students 139. B. to check progress 101. B. Combine two to three grade levels 102. B. video podcast 140. D. That the year will be a fulfilling experience for new learning 103. C. Expensiveness 141. A. Not excited, but calm 104. B. Curriculum design & instruction 142. B. One - way video 105. A. to integrate varied information 143. B. I should model the values to children because "values are caught." 106. D. Developing 144. C. Researcher 107. D. Course mapping 145. A. It is how I look myself through the eyes of others 108. B. All students from peasant communities are dull 146. D. Questioning method 109. C. Demonstration of baking skills 147. C. Continuing Professional Development 110. B. Functionality and meaningfulness 148. D. convergent 111. A. A developmentally appropriate app 149. C. Digital Literacy 112. A. As feedback 150. C. Relate concepts to daily living. 113. B. Lifelong education for all 114. B. Suitable to lesson outcomes GODBLESS AND GOODLUCK 115. C. No ideas are rejected FUTURE LPT!!