12 G 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 PROJECT H OUT OF PIT CRUSHING AND CONVEYING (OPCC) SYSTEMS 8228 H 11 RIGGING PLAN Cement SiLo-Batching PLant F 253 03 E 7603 6615 F G E OWNER PT ADARO INDONESIA, Tbk D D 9034 Menara Karya, 23rd Floor Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Phone: +6221-521-1265 C C 3140 CONTRACTOR B B 7664 FLSmidth Indonesia PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero), Tbk Gedung BRI II, 21st floor, Suite # 2101 Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 44-46 Jakarta 10210, Indonesia Tel +62 21 251 27 38/2739 Fax +62 21 251 27 40 Jl. DI Panjaitan Kav 9 Jakarta 13340 Phone : (62-21) 819 2808, 850 8640, 850 8650 Fax : (62-21) 856 4463, 819 1235 STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM A A DRAWING NUMBER : 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Installing Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 2 OWNER : PT ADARO INDONESIA CONTRACTORS : PT WIJAYA KARYA (PERSERO) Tbk PROJECT NAME : Out of Pit Crushing and Conveyor System LOCATION : TUTUPAN-KALIMANTAN SELATAN B 14 July Issued For Review HaGun SAFETY CM A 05 July Issued For Review HaGun SAFETY CM Made By Reviewed By Approved By REV DATE DESCRIPTION PT WIJAYA KARYA Reviewed By Approved By FLSmidth PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Installing Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 2 TABEL OF COUNTENT No Chapter Number Title 1 CHAPTER 1 Method Of Work 2 CHAPTER 2 Job Safety Assessment Procedure 3 CHAPTER 3 Safe Work Method Statement 4 CHAPTER 4 Risk Management Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) 5 CHAPTER 5 Rigging Plan 6 CHAPTER 6 Rigging Tools 7 CHAPTER 7 Critical Lift Worksheet 8 CHAPTER 8 Lift Study 9 CHAPTER 9 Crane Lift Study 10 CHAPTER 10 General Scaffolding Safety Checklist PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 1 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 14 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 14 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................4 2 PURPOSE ..........................................................................................................................4 3 GENERAL NOTE ................................................................................................................4 3.1 Inspection .....................................................................................................................4 3.2 Safety ...........................................................................................................................4 3.2.1 A safety officer presents all times Safety Briefing. .................................................4 3.2.2 Job Safety Assessment (JSA) must be carried out for all crane lifts and all other tasks that have potential risk to personnel of equipment. ....................................................4 3.2.3 Install scaffolding where necessary to install bolt in trestles / support legs connection...........................................................................................................................4 3.2.4 Pre lift study before any lifting activity. ...................................................................4 3.2.5 Lift briefing and Safety briefing before any lift; assign responsibility to all personnel involved. (Hand signals, Rigger to crane driver, etc.) ..........................................................4 3.2.6 Insure all equipment required for installation is on hand and in position before lift i.e. Chain blocks, Level blocks, Podgy, Drifts, Hammer, Spanners. Etc. ..............................4 3.2.7 Tag lines must be used to control lift. .....................................................................4 3.2.8 Ground conditions must be ready before activities. ................................................4 3.2.9 Set up safety rope around lifting area of Cement Silo - Batching Plant area and put notice board entered “KEEP OFF EXCEPT PERSONEL CONCERNED”. .....................4 4 3.2.10 Lifting equipment should be in certification and tagged. .........................................4 3.2.11 Crane and other machinery shall be inspected and certified. .................................4 3.3 Lifting ............................................................................................................................4 3.4 Assembly and erection .................................................................................................5 RESPONSIBILITY...............................................................................................................5 4.1 Construction Manager ..................................................................................................5 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 5 6 7 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 14 4.2 Field Engineer ..............................................................................................................5 4.3 Field Superintendent and Supervisor ............................................................................5 4.4 Quality Control Engineer ...............................................................................................5 4.5 Supporter Activities ......................................................................................................5 BASIC REQUIREMENT .....................................................................................................5 5.1 Schedule and Planning .................................................................................................5 5.2 Erection Drawing and Erection Manual .........................................................................5 5.3 Packing List ..................................................................................................................6 5.4 Storage Area and Warehouse ......................................................................................6 5.5 Resources ....................................................................................................................6 PREPARATION WORK ......................................................................................................6 6.1 Checking of Cement Silo - Batching Plant Erection Drawings ......................................6 6.2 Checking of Client Supplied Material and Equipment....................................................6 6.3 Checking of Erection Materials, Equipment, Tools and Machinery ................................6 6.4 Checking of Labour.......................................................................................................6 CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT ERECTION SEQUENCE ..........................................7 7.1 Preparation ...................................................................................................................7 7.2 Step of Works ...............................................................................................................8 7.2.1 Moving the Cement silo support from lay down to site area. ..................................8 7.2.2 Placed the Cement silo support on the Work Floor ................................................9 7.2.3 Moving the Cement silo from lay down to site area .............................................. 10 7.2.4 Placed Object on the Work Floor ......................................................................... 11 7.2.5 Lifting Process ..................................................................................................... 12 7.2.6 Lift the object on the surface of the work floor ...................................................... 13 7.2.7 Leaving the object at the destination lifting .......................................................... 14 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 14 GENERAL This procedure provides information about the erection of Cement Silo - Batching Plant at Out of Pit Crushing and Conveyor System Project. 2 PURPOSE This Procedure is to make sure that all people involve in the erection, assembly and welding of Cement Silo - Batching Plant activity understand and familiar to doing the work with quality control system for getting quality result as per client specification and requirement, drawing, standard and code. 3 GENERAL NOTE 3.1 Inspection As per the works required inspection, carry out inspection under attendance of Superintendent / Engineer and as surreally record is result. 3.2 Safety 3.2.1 A safety officer presents all times Safety Briefing. 3.2.2 Job Safety Assessment (JSA) must be carried out for all crane lifts and all other tasks that have potential risk to personnel of equipment. 3.2.3 Install scaffolding where necessary to install bolt in trestles / support legs connection. 3.2.4 Pre lift study before any lifting activity. 3.2.5 Lift briefing and Safety briefing before any lift; assign responsibility to all personnel involved. (Hand signals, Rigger to crane driver, etc.) 3.2.6 Insure all equipment required for installation is on hand and in position before lift i.e. Chain blocks, Level blocks, Podgy, Drifts, Hammer, Spanners. Etc. 3.2.7 Tag lines must be used to control lift. 3.2.8 Ground conditions must be ready before activities. 3.2.9 Set up safety rope around lifting area of Cement Silo - Batching Plant area and put notice board entered “KEEP OFF EXCEPT PERSONEL CONCERNED”. 3.2.10 Lifting equipment should be in certification and tagged. 3.2.11 Crane and other machinery shall be inspected and certified. 3.3 Lifting All conditions adapted to the lifting procedure. Prior to commencement of lifting works, assuredly carry out check of lifting equipment. PRELIMINARY METHOD OF WORK Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 3.4 Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 14 Assembly and erection Assembly and erection of Cement Silo - Batching Plant accordance to manual book of Cement Silo - Batching Plant and relevant drawing. 4 RESPONSIBILITY 4.1 Construction Manager Responsible for the overall planning, coordination and control of erection work. 4.2 Field Engineer Responsible for field erection work implementation and maintaining acceptable quality standard. 4.3 Field Superintendent and Supervisor Responsible for the actual performance of the erection crew and examine the actual progress of work to ensure that it fit the drawing specifications and standards. 4.4 Quality Control Engineer Responsible to monitor and inspect the erection activities to ensure it is being done in compliance with procedure, ITP (Inspection and Test Plant), drawing, Project specification and other reference standard document and procedures. 4.5 Supporter Activities These activities will support by Material Control, Quality Control, Welding Section, and others section related with these activities. 5 BASIC REQUIREMENT 5.1 Schedule and Planning Master schedule is usually provided by FLSmidth. The detailed schedule is prepared by Wijaya Karya according to his planning which is based on FLSmidth’s master schedule. The milestone and the critical path can be identified which require proper planning. The sequence of erection activities and the resources required is included in the planning. 5.2 Erection Drawing and Erection Manual Erection drawing and manual usually provided by Wijaya Karya. The Field Engineer and Superintendent shall check all drawings intended for Cement Silo - Batching Plant Erection. All the information required is completed and all drawings shall be of current revision. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 5.3 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 14 Packing List Packing List shall be made available by Wijaya Karya. This included all the listing of materials, equipment and parts that are supplied. The Packing List should indicate the quantity of the material and equipment supplied and its specification as described in the erection drawing. This will also indicate the size and the total weight of the component and the method of storage. Also the packing number and material coding is very essential. 5.4 Storage Area and Warehouse Upon a thorough check on the drawing and the packing list, the quantity of materials and equipment is already known, including the method of storing, the size of the storage area and the warehouse can be identifies. 5.5 Resources Identification of resources is integral part of planning and scheduling is the most essential part of the basic requirement in undertaking Out of Pit Crushing and Conveyor System Project in particular and in all jobs in general. Resources means, the materials, labour and equipment needed to perform Out of Pit Crushing and Conveyor System Project. 6 PREPARATION WORK 6.1 Checking of Cement Silo - Batching Plant Erection Drawings This has to be done by the Construction Manager, Field Engineer, Superintendent and Supervisor to determine the correct resources needed to perform the job. 6.2 Checking of Client Supplied Material and Equipment Checking and inspection of the materials and equipment including the spare parts is to be done by the material control. He will make sure that all materials, equipment and spare parts received from FLSmidth, conform to the quantity and the specifications started in the packing list or shipping. 6.3 Checking of Erection Materials, Equipment, Tools and Machinery In the early stage of planning, these resources had been already identified. The schedule of mobilization is as planed schedule made by the Construction Manager and Engineer. 6.4 Checking of Labour Labour requirement for every stage of erection job is prepared by the Chief Engineer and his erection team, which is in accordance to their planning. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 14 CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT ERECTION SEQUENCE It is assumed in this procedure that before starting the erection of the Cement Silo - Batching Plant, the supporting structure were already erected and checked by others and clearance to proceed with the Cement Silo - Batching Plant System erection had been obtained. The following sequences are for reference only. During actual field assembly, refer to lifting procedure and erection drawing (Rigging plan). 7.1 Preparation Make sure the job site in a safe condition for the installation work, in accordance with the requirements of Health Safety Environment department. Prepare equipment and materials that will be done. All equipment in good condition. In accordance with the Safety Equipment Checklist. All man power associated with lifting and installation job, certainly in good health. Make sure if the main frame for support of Cement Silo in ready for supporting. Make sure that if the Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons in good condition. In accordance with the results inspection crane safety checklist. This use for main crane for lifting. Make sure that if the rough crane 45 ton in good condition. In accordance with the results inspection crane safety checklist. This use for main crane for tailing. Ensure the use of 20 millimetre thick steel plate to the floor where the position of crawler cranes for work. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant 7.2 Step of Works 7.2.1 Moving the Cement silo support from lay down to site area. Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 14 Figure 1 These activities: 1. The Cement silo support was taken from the lay down to the job site using a trailer. 2. After arriving at work sites, the Cement silo support will be derived from the trailer using Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons. 3. Connected all sling to the Cement silo support. 4. All connected must be safety, refer to Safety lifting checklist. 5. Lift the Cement silo support until 1 meter up to trailer. 6. Trailer moves left the job site. 7. The Cement silo support is placed on the work floor. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.2 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Placed the Cement silo support on the Work Floor Figure 2 These activities: 1. Leaving the Cement silo support to the Work Floor. Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 9 of 14 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.3 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 10 of 14 Moving the Cement silo from lay down to site area Figure 3 These activities: 1. The cement silo was taken from the lay down to the job site using a trailer. 2. After arriving at work sites, the cement silo will be derived from the trailer using Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons. 3. Connected all sling to the cement silo. 4. All connected must be safety, refer to Safety lifting checklist. 5. Lift the cement silo until 1 meter up to trailer. 6. Trailer moves left the job site. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.4 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Placed Object on the Work Floor Figure 4 These activities: 1. Hanging object until safe condition. 2. The cement silo is placed on the work floor. Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 11 of 14 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.5 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Lifting Process Figure 5 These activities: 1. Connected all sling to the cement silo. 2. All connected must be safety, refer to Safety lifting checklist. 3. Lifts slowly object by Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons. Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 12 of 14 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.6 METHOD OF WORK Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 13 of 14 Lift the object on the surface of the work floor Figure 6 These activities 1. Cement silo slowly lift on the floor. 2. Hanging objects by Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons. 3. Rotated boom of Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons to target position. PRELIMINARY METHOD OF WORK Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7.2.7 Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 14 of 14 Leaving the object at the destination lifting Figure 7 These activities: 1. Lift the object up to 1 meter above the drift in cement silo support. 2. Object is slowly lowered. 3. Rigger and Fitter are positioning the cement silo to target placement. 4. After the cement silos are in correct position, connected it by using bolts and nuts are recommended. Strengthen all the connector. 5. Make sure the cement silos have been strong enough to stand alone. Refer to lifting safety checklist. 6. Disconnect all the connectors to the cement silo crane. 7. Crane left the job site. 8. Welcome to the Quality Control to do the inspection. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 2 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 10 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................3 2 DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................3 3 RESPONSIBILITIES ...........................................................................................................4 4 3.1 MANAGERS .................................................................................................................4 3.2 SUPERVISORS ............................................................................................................4 3.3 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER ............................................................................................4 3.4 PERMIT AUTHORISER ................................................................................................4 3.5 PERMIT HOLDER ........................................................................................................5 3.6 TEAM MEMBERS (WORKERS PERFORMING THE TASK) ........................................5 3.7 SAFETY ADVISOR AND TRAINING IMPROVEMENT COORDINATOR ......................5 3.8 SHIFT SUPERVISOR ...................................................................................................6 3.9 SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES ....................................................................................6 3.10 COMPLIANCE TEAM................................................................................................6 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) PROCESS ........................................................................6 4.1 5 PROCESS STEP DETAILS ..........................................................................................7 NOTICE ............................................................................................................................ 10 JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 10 GENERAL This document applies to all employees and Contractors of Wijya Karya, and full compliance is required by 15 July 2011, in the erection of Cement Silo - Batching Plant at Out of Pit Crushing and Conveyor System Project. 2 DEFINITIONS Task A segment of work that requires a set of specific and distinct actions, which has a definable goal or outcome. Job A specific task that is performed in a particular location. A job’s hazards are a combination of the task hazards and the work area hazards. Minor Job A task of negligible risk (typically a single step) that is planned to be performed in a work area such that it: does not involve moving off a walkway, is within handrails, does not have the potential to make contact with moving parts or hazardous substances (i.e. no additional PPE), does not require isolations, and Does not require additional support equipment (e.g. ladder, scaffolding, harness). For example: JSA Opening or closing a Valve. Visual inspection of equipment. Lubrication. Plant cleaning, where no isolation is required. Non-intrusive condition monitoring etc. Job Safety Analysis is a structured risk assessment used for tasks of substantial size; ideally developed by those conducting the work. TBRA Team Based Risk Assessment. A risk assessment structured that is used for complex and high hazard situations on work. Standard Procedure A document, which contains detailed instruction regarding a particular task (routine or non-routine) and will over time, come to JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 10 contain a risk assessment document (where there is any risk other than negligible). The types of Standard Procedures include: Standard Operating Procedure held in Document Management System. Standard Maintenance Procedure / PM’s / Work Orders that are used on a scheduled or as needed basis. A personal safety check, completed by an individual, and which identifies hazards and encourages review of risks before carrying out a task. 3 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 MANAGERS Managers shall ensure compliance with this guide manual within their area of responsibility 3.2 SUPERVISORS Supervisors shall: 1. Ensure their personnel are competent in basic risk assessments and comply with the requirements of this guide manual. 2. Ensure all tasks are risk assessed in accordance with this guide manual. 3. Authorise JSA’s that are used to create or revise Standard Procedures. 3.3 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER The Responsible Officer (RO) shall: 1. Ensure Contractors have an adequate risk assessment in accordance with this guide manual. 2. Review and endorse (by signature) all JSA’s, Standard Procedure or other generic risk assessments to be used. This task-based risk document is then supplemented by risk assessing the hazards associated with the work environment just prior to the work by: a. updating the JSA b. working under a new Work Permit 3.4 PERMIT AUTHORISER The Permit Authoriser shall: PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 10 1. Ensure risk assessment for the task is adequate before authorizing the Work Permit. 2. Understand the hazards and controls that have been put in place to minimize the risk of incidents. 3. Discuss additional area specific hazards and controls with the Permit Holder as identified on the new Work Permit or ensure that these are identified by “Take 5” or revised JSA. 3.5 PERMIT HOLDER The Permit Holder shall: 1. Ensure the appropriate level of risk assessment for the type of job is completed. 2. Walk through the work area escorted by an operational person if they are not familiar with the hazards and layout. 3. Ensure all hazard controls are maintained during the task and personnel working on the task follow the requirements of all the risk management documentation: Standard Procedures (SOP’s, PM’s, Work Orders), JSA, Work Permit 3.6 TEAM MEMBERS (WORKERS PERFORMING THE TASK) The Team Members shall: 1. Participate in developing risk assessment or read, review and include any additional risk controls to existing JSA / Standard Procedure / Work Permit. 2. Understand the hazards and controls that have been put in place to minimize the risk of incidents and their responsibility in maintaining those hazard controls. 3. Where a JSA risk assessment is used, write the date, their name and sign onto the document before commencing the task every day / shift they are on that task to indicate their acceptance to work in line with the risk assessments on the job. 3.7 SAFETY ADVISOR AND TRAINING IMPROVEMENT COORDINATOR The Safety Advisor and Training Improvement Coordinator shall: 1. Provide support to all aspects of the risk assessment process. 2. Audit risk assessments in their area of responsibility to ensure compliance with this guide manual. 3. Facilitate JSA’s is being absorbed into Standard Procedures. 4. Deliver Basic Risk Assessment training sessions. 5. Approve use of a contractor’s own format of risk assessment (Safety Advisor and Shift Supervisors only). JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 3.8 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 10 SHIFT SUPERVISOR The Shift Supervisor shall: 1. Approve use of a contractor’s own format of risk assessment outside of normal working hours. 3.9 SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES The Safety Representatives shall: 1. Facilitate and support the JSA process for their area of responsibility. 3.10 COMPLIANCE TEAM The Compliance Team shall: 1. Verify the implementation of this guide manual by: a. Review of documentation. b. Interview of personnel. 4 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) PROCESS There are eight (8) steps in preparing a JSA as follows. Step 1 Select the job to be analyzed Step 2 Using the JSA worksheet, break down the job into logical steps and in the correct sequence that the work will be carried out Step 3 Identify all the hazards in each step Step 4 Develop Hazard Controls required Step 5 Measure the Residual Risk Step 6 Sign JSA Acknowledgement Sheet Step 7 Review and Update the JSA Step 8 File the JSA JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 4.1 Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 10 PROCESS STEP DETAILS 1. Select the job to be analysed. 2. Using the JSA worksheet, break down the job into logical steps and in the correct sequence that the work will be carried out. 3. Identify all the hazards in each step. This can be done by: a. Reviewing the listing of hazards on the JSA worksheet itself. b. Considering any additional hazards that may arise. c. Considering pollution of the environment, competency of workers, fitness issues, fatigue of workers, simultaneous operations in the area and other personnel in the area and damage to equipment. 4. Develop Hazard Controls required When determining hazard control measures use the following preferred order of controls: a. Elimination of the hazard. b. Substitution with a less hazardous process or substance. c. Engineering controls (guarding, interlocks, mechanical aids, barriers). d. Administration controls (operating or maintenance procedures, JSA, reducing exposure time). e. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment (refer checklist on front of JSA form). 5. Measure the Residual Risk In order to check that the hazards have been sufficiently controlled by the actions nominated, it is a requirement to assess the residual risk that exists with the controls in place. “Risk” is the combination of the likelihood of an incident resulting from a hazard and the potential consequences if it occurs. Refer Table 2. “Consequence” is the outcome that can be reasonably expected, refer Table 1. “Likelihood” is how possible it is for the incident to occur, refer Table 1. JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 10 Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DESCRIPTION CONSEQUENCE Injury / Illness Environment Insignificant Minor Injury / Illness Little or no environmental impact Minor Medical Treatment Injury / Illness Small and/or localized impact Moderate Restricted Duties Injury / Illness Substantial environmental impact Major Lost Time Injury / Illness Serious environmental impact Fatality or Permanent Disability Injury / Widespread environmental Illness impact Catastrophic ….. RISK RANK LIKELIHOOD DESCRIPTION IMPACT Rare Only by exception E Extreme risk Unlikely Could occur at some stage H High risk Possible Might occur at some time M Medium risk Likely Will probably occur L Low risk Almost certain Is expected to occur Table 1 – JSA Risk Assessment: Consequence, Likelihood and Risk Ranking Definitions a. Once the reasonable consequence and likelihood of each potential unwanted event is determined, the risk can be ranked using the “Risk Matrix” below and recorded on the JSA Worksheet LIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCE Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Rare L L M H H Unlikely L L M H E Possible L M H E E Likely M H H E E H H E E E Almost certain Table 2 – JSA Risk Matrix: Likelihood versus Consequence JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 9 of 10 b. The risk ranking is then used to determine those risks that have an “acceptable” level of risk i.e. are controlled. c. An Extreme risk outcome is not acceptable and the job cannot commence. Risk rank scores of Extreme require additional risk reduction strategies to be implemented. Risk rank scores of High need to be highlighted to both the workers in the team and the Permit Authorizer. d. Responsible Officers shall be made aware of any High risk work planned by the Contractors. e. Potential work that results in an Extreme risk ranking shall not go ahead. Additional hazard controls need to be implemented. If these are not known to those planning to undertake the work, an additional risk assessment tool is required, such as Team Based Risk Assessment. The Business Unit Manager (or their designate) shall authorize the outcome of the TBRA as it relates to the planned work. 6. Sign JSA Acknowledgement Sheet Construction Manager, Safety Manager and Rigging Supervisor, shall sign the JSA Acknowledgement Sheet to confirm that they have read and understood the risk reduction measures specified in the JSA. This is done every day that the work is being progressed under the JSA. This is completed after revalidation of the Work Permit by the Permit Authorizer and briefing by the Permit Holder to their team on any changed conditions. The person in charge of a job, signs to endorse the JSA as appropriate for the task, on the day of the task. 7. Review and Update the JSA The JSA is to be reviewed and updated whenever there are changes to the job or the hazards and controls required. This may trigger changes to the Standard Procedure. 8. File the JSA There is no regulatory requirement to retain a completed JSA unless there has been an incident on that task and then it forms part of the investigation documents. PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 JOB SAFETY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 10 of 10 The only exception to this is confined space activities where JSA’s shall be retained for 5 years as required under legislation. As a business decision, once the JSA has been used on the task, the JSA is to be retained as a controlled document in CSBP’s Document Management System for future reference. Refer to Section 10: JSA’s and Standard Procedures for further details 5 NOTICE The other things which not be coverage and included in this regulation will be added and described in the other documents. PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Rev. : B Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CHAPTER 3 Cement Silo - Batching Plant 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 8 SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT PRELIMINARY Rev. : B Document Number 15 July 2011 Cement Silo - Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Work activity: Location: Project: Page 2 of 8 ITP Reference: Project No.: SWMS No.: Prepared by: Name: Signature: Position: Gunawan, H Rigging Engineer HaGun Project Engineer Name: Signature: Position: Reviewed and Approved by: Name: Signature: Position HaGun Gunawan Hg Gunawan, H HaGun Gunawan Date safe work method prepared: 15 July 2011 Date work to be commenced: Date: PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Rev. : B Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 8 Action before work commences: All Wijaya Karya inductions complete. Client Liaison Coordinator advised (if applicable). Warning signage for overhead electrical power to be placed on every mast and gantry. Work method shall be explained to all personnel participating in the task prior to the commencement of the activity, all personnel to sign the Work Method Statement. Daily Pre-start meetings to be undertaken and recorded. Daily plant pre-start checklist completed. All personnel advised of first aid location. Action during work: All PPE must be correctly worn at all times. Work site to be kept clean and tidy at all times. Safety Pins to be installed on all Quick Hitch attachments. Regular review and assessment of controls shall be carried out. Positive communication shall be established with the crane operator using 2-way radios or precise hand signals. When issued all work to adhere to SCA conditions Action after works is complete: All plant to be securely locked up at conclusion of each workday. All tools and equipment to be cleaned, and securely stored away at conclusion of each workday. Work area to be kept clean and tidy. All gates to be locked after all personnel have exited. Personnel qualification & experience required: Crane Operators, Riggers, Protection Officer, Supervisors, Labourers Engineering details/certificates authority approval required: Lifting Assembly to be fully certified. PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Rev. : B Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 8 Supervision: Foreman, Protection Officer Permits e.g., confined spaces, hot work etc: Environmental Permits, Cultural Heritage Areas plan. Plant, equipment & materials to be used and the maintenance checks to be completed: Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons, trailers, Warning signs and control measures: Clear zones are to be established around the crane and where the Cement Silo - Batching Plants will be lowered on the piers. All loads are to be lifted and slung by a Qualified Rigger or Dogman. Spotter present when working close to the track (overhead power lines). All lifting equipment must be checked and tagged current. Warning signage for overhead electrical power to be placed on every mast and gantry. Lift plan to be provide before commencement works and approved. Training and Instruction: All Operators and Riggers must be suitably trained and carryall relevant certificates. Tool Box on Safe Work Method, Daily Pre-start Brief. Personal protective equipment requirements: PPE according to the S2K standard. Legislation, codes of practice, standards applicable: AS 2550 - 1 Cranes Safe Use General Required AS 2550 - 5 Cranes Safe Use Mobile & Vehicle AS 2550 - 6 Cranes Safe Use - Guided St & Ret App AS 2550 - 10 Cranes Safe Use – EWPs AS 1891 3 Industrial Fall Arrest Devices Crane Book by Crane Vendor List of attachments (e.g. material safety data sheets, diagrams etc): Lind ores SWMS: Lifting and positioning of Cement Silo - Batching Plant units onto that position. SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT PRELIMINARY Rev. : B Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 How severely could it hurt someone or how ill could it make someone? Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health Long term illness or serious injury Medical attention and several days off work First aid needed 15 July 2011 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Page 5 of 8 How likely is it to occur? Very likely Could happen any time Likely Could happen sometime Unlikely Could happen but very rarely Very unlikely Could happen, but probably never will 1/H 1/H 1/H 2/M 1/H 1/H 2/M 2/M 1/H 2/M 2/M 3/L 2/M 2/M 3/L 3/L PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Rev. : B Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 ITEM WHAT ARE THE BASIC STEPS Cement Silo - Batching Plant POTENTIAL HAZARDS (What may cause an injury/illness to occur) RISK RANKING 1 (H), 2 (M), OR 3 (L) 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 8 HAZARD CONTROLS (What controls can be put in place to prevent an injury/illness) N.B. Control measures must not raise or create an increased risk WHO WILL ENSURE THAT THIS IS DONE 1 Daily Pre-Start Safety Brief Plant in unsafe condition causing slips trips, falls 2 Daily Pre-Start Plant Check Plant failure 3 Start up plant 4 Position 120 ton crawler crane in accordance with PT Wijaya Karya Safe Work Method Statement Wika Personnel 5 Load required amount of counter weights xxx onto Cement Silo Batching Plant of crawler crane, install and secure weights in accordance with PT Wijaya Karya Safe Work Method Statement Wika Personnel 6 Check all lifting equipment. Raise crane boom to a safe radius. Check all Wika Personnel Electro conduction All work group to be made aware of scope of All personal works Ticketed/certified personnel to carry out pre start check Plant Operators Plant Operators SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT PRELIMINARY Rev. : B Document Number Cement Silo - Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 8 motions, limits and operation of controls in accordance with PT Wijaya Karya Safe Work Method Statement 7 Position elastomeric bearings on new piers (off scaffolding next to blade piers) 8 Lift Cement Silo - Batching Plants, attach specified tag line & static line and place Cement Silo - Batching Plants on piers in accordance with PT Wijaya Karya Safe Work Method Statement 9 Remove lifting chains from Cement Silo - Batching Plant 10 Repeat steps 7-9 until all 2 Cement Silo - Batching Plants have been placed 11 Move plant to a designated shutdown area at the conclusion of each work day Limb injuries Fall from scaffolding Ensure appropriate care is taken. Ensure good manual handling techniques are employed and work process communicated to workers. Ensure workers are wearing safety harnesses attached to horizontal safety bar (edge protection) of scaffold Wika Personnel Wika Personnel Fall from Cement Silo - Batching Plant Ensure dogman is wearing safety harness attached to static line on Cement Silo Batching Plant. Wika Personnel Wika Personnel Collision with personnel, structures Ensure appropriate care is taken while operating plant and adequate safety distance is adhered while moving vehicles. Operators SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT PRELIMINARY Rev. : B Document Number Cement Silo - Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 12 Move temporary fencing back to original position 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 8 etc. Limb injuries Shutdown plant in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and/or specifications. Limb injuries from poor manual handling Ensure good manual handling techniques are employed and communicated to all workers Foreman RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CHAPTER 4 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 7 RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 7 COMPANY NAME: PROJECT: Work Activity: Lifting Cement Silo - Batching Plant Developed by: Principal Contractor: H Gunawan Approved by: SWMS number: Position: Date: WIKA-OPCCRESORCES: Equipment Used: Trades Involved: Riggers. Crane Operators Relevant certificates of competency and General Induction certificate. Pink card. Maintenance checks: Current lifting chain test certificates, all crane log books to be up to date. Materials used: Rigging equipment, Appropriate warning signs & Barricade tape. Relevant tag line. Relevant Personnel Protection Equipment required: Hard hats. Steel caped safety boots, Harness with double lanyard, eye and sun protection. High vies clothing or vests, Gloves. LIST THE RELEVANT OHS ACT and REGULATIONS: AS 2550 - 1 Cranes Safe Use General Required AS 2550 - 5 Cranes Safe Use Mobile & Vehicle AS 2550 - 6 Cranes Safe Use - Guided St & Ret App AS 2550 - 10 Cranes Safe Use – EWPs AS 1891 3 Industrial Fall Arrest Devices . LIST THE RELEVANT CODES OF PRACTICE APPLICABLE TO YOUR WORK: RISK MANAGEMENT SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Page 3 of 7 JOB STEP Break the job down into Steps (where practical in sequence) POTENTIAL HAZARDS Identify the Hazards associated with each step. Examine each to find possibilities that could lead to an incident involving injury. Equipment damage or environmental harm. EXISTING CONTROLS List the existing controls we currently have in place to address the identified hazard for each job step Conduct a risk assessment utilising the attached Matrix Not understanding the job in hand Ensure all personnel involved in the unloading and positioning of Cement Silo Batching Plant understand procedure and sign SWMS Toolbox meeting and signing of JSA in relation to the unloading and positioning of Cement Silo - Batching Plant units. Boom configuration Weight of load being lifted Cement Silo Batching Plant units. Radius required: 7.66m. Boom length: 25.3m. Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons Note; weight of lifting hook, lifting equipment and spreader to be in overall weight. 15 July 2011 RANKING OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B Cement Silo - Batching Plant CONSEQUENCE Document Number PROBABILITY PRELIMINARY ADDITIONAL CONTROLS If the risk rating is too high add additional controls and nominate Person/s Responsible. PERSON/S RESPONSIBLE All work to carry out by qualified personnel. No unauthorised personnel permitted in the work area. Wika personnel to clearly identify all potential underground and over head hazards and services in relation to work and access areas of crawler cranes and relevant transport. Wika personnel RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 7 Use of relevant PPE equipment and up to date Pink card Equipment failure Personnel injury crushing and pinch points. Back strain, Muscular injuries, and falling objects. Ensure that all personnel are trained and competent in the relevant use of PPE. Ensure all relevant PPE equipment is used at all times. Harnesses are to be worn and lanyards attached at heights greater than 2m or in the event of no edge protection or risk of falling exists. PPE required; eye protection, safety boots, sun protection, hard hats, and harness with double layer high vis vests and cover all. All personnel working on ground and round plant or machinery are to wear high vis clothing or vests. All personnel to comply with Pink card induction requirements. Ensure that all WIKA personnel are conversant with WIKA safe working policies Wika personnel Establish exclusion zone. Falling objects and protection of site personnel and public. All loads to be contained within exclusion zone Wika to notify of required exclusion zone and notify site personnel of work activity. Exclusions zones to be barricaded of using appropriate signage & barricading tape to ensure an exclusion zone is set. No unauthorised access will be permitted into areas during the rigging and derigging of the 120t crane. Wika personnel If access is required during the lifting of units, Wika personnel are to be notified of access. All loads are to be slung and directed by a qualified rigger or Dogman. RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 7 Manual handling Back strain, Muscular injuries Seek assistance if required, use correct manual handling techniques. Ensure that all Wika personnel are conversant with Wika safe working policies. Wika personnel Organize communication Communications Failure to understand directions All two way radios to be tested before starting. Riggers to carry or have access to fresh battery when required, whistle to be used in the event of radio failure. Wika personnel Establish Rough Terrain Crane 45 tons at required radius from centre of rift on head stocks. Ground failure, Structural failure, and personnel injury. Crane to be set up as per manufactures specifications. An audible wind speed indicator is installed to indicate if wind speed is too great to continue lifts safely, Operator to monitor conditions and to notify relevant supervisors. Wika personnel Crane counters weight radius and clearance. Ground conditions. Riggers to observe position of boom at all times when working in close proximity to overhead obstructions. Impact of counter weight resulting in load swing or sling breakage and catastrophic load fall. Check swing radius and clearances. Crane base tracks sink resulting in uneven lift, load shift and excess boom stress and collapses. Ground compaction report to be supplied before the setting up of crawler crane, use steel ground pads under crane tracks. Wika personnel to clearly identify all potential underground and over head hazards and services in relation to work and access areas of crawler cranes and relevant transport. RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 7 Check all lifting gear and relevant equipment on 120t crane required for lift being performed Mechanical Failure, Personal injury, sling breaks, load drops, and boom collapses. All lifting equipment must be checked and tagged current. Any faults must be reported immediately to site supervisor. All loads are to slung and directed by a qualified rigger or dogman Any lifting equipment that has been supplied by other parties is to be compatible for required lifts and to be of Australian Standards and have required test certificates. Wika personnel Attach lifting equipment to required lift as per manufactures specified lifting points on Cement Silo Batching Plant. Structural failure, personnel injury, and inclement weather conditions. Load Falls from height. Ensure all personnel involved in the lifting of the Cement Silo - Batching Plant understand the procedure and sign SWMS. All loads are to be slung and directed by a qualified rigger. Wika personnel Lugs on units not suitable to take the weight of the load on the lift being performed. Harnesses are to be worn and lanyards attached at heights greater than 2m or in the event of no edge protection or risk of falling exists. All work to be carried out by qualified personnel. No unauthorised personnel permitted in the work area or access onto crane. Lugs on Cement Silo Batching Plant have been engineered to withstand the required weights that are required for the lift being performed In the event of any deviation from this Safe Work Method Statement Stop all work activities Hold a toolbox meeting record and adjust SWMS variations To be authorised by Wika safety representative Wika personnel RISK MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) Cement Silo - Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 7 THIS SWYIS HAS BEEN DEVELOPED THROUGH CONSULTATIONS WITH LCR EMPLOYEES AND HAS BEEN READ AND UNDERSTOOD THEN SIGNED BY ALL EMPLOYEES INVOLVED WITH THIS ACTIVITY NAME SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE . PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE TASK: SPECIFIC TRAINING REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS TASK: APPROVALS: 12 H G 11 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 PROJECT H OUT OF PIT CRUSHING AND CONVEYING (OPCC) SYSTEMS G RIGGING PLAN Cement SiLo-Batching PLant F F E E OWNER PT ADARO INDONESIA, Tbk D D Menara Karya, 23rd Floor Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Phone: +6221-521-1265 C C CONTRACTOR B B FLSmidth Indonesia PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero), Tbk Gedung BRI II, 21st floor, Suite # 2101 Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 44-46 Jakarta 10210, Indonesia Tel +62 21 251 27 38/2739 Fax +62 21 251 27 40 Jl. DI Panjaitan Kav 9 Jakarta 13340 Phone : (62-21) 819 2808, 850 8640, 850 8650 Fax : (62-21) 856 4463, 819 1235 A A DRAWING NUMBER : 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters RIGGING DEPARTMENT H H ANALYZE AND PLANED ACTIVITY FOR LIFTING AND ERECTION WORK START G G DATA MATERIAL 1. DIMENSION 2. WEIGHT F 7. E REFERENCE 1. RIGGING BOOK 2. EQUIPMENT MANUAL 3. ASME B30.5-2004 Mobil & Locomotive cranes 4. ASME B30.6-2003 Derrick 5. ASME B30.10-1999 Hook 6. ASME B30.21-2005 manually lever operated hoist ASME B30.24-2003 Safety standard for cranes,derrick, hoist, jacks, and Sling 8. ASME B30.26-2004 Rigging Hardware 9. BS EN 5973 Scaffolding 10. Australian Standard, AS 3569--1989, Wire ropes 11. Australian Standard, AS 2759--1985, Wire ropes NEED DUO CRANE No F E For Information For Approval For Release For As-Built Yes REV. TAILING DESIGN DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS MONO CRANE D For Review D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER Risk JOB SAFETY ANALISYS Safe CONTRACTOR RIGGING PLAN C C ACTION CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A CONTROL NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : Final Inspection by WIKA No B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Yes Prepare Final Report for ApprovaL Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE Handover A : 01 / 10 DWG NO : OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE FINISH INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H H RIGGING PROCEDURE G 01. OBJECTIVE G Rigging Study of install Cement SiLo-Batching PLant. 02. SCOPE OF APPLICATION Rigging study is describe the guidelines and operating step of lifting Cement SiLo-Batching PLant. F F 03. REFERENCE 1. PT WIJAYA KARYA RIGGING DEPARTMENT REFERENCE 04. EQUIPMENT E No 01 02 Equipment ROUGH TRAIN CRANE TRAILER Qty 1 unit 1 unit Capacities 45 ton 20 ton E Remark New New For Information 05. RIGGING TOOLS No 01 02 03 D C Equipment Wire Sling 1 inch x 10m Omega Type Shackle Chain BLock REV. Qty 4 pcs 4 pcs 2 pcs Capacities 7.7 ton 5 ton 5 ton Equipment Safety Barricade Red White Safety Cone DATE For Approval For Release For As-Built DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS Remark D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER 06. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS No 01 02 For Review CONTRACTOR C Qty 77 mtr 7 pcs CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 02 / 10 DWG NO : OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters Cement SiLo-Batching PLant INSTALLATION LAY DOWN ACTIVITY H G PREPARING ACTIVITY IN SITE F E D H START Moving Preparation by Rigger Crew G Move Cement SiLo-Batching PLant by Trailer to Site Control Position of Cement SiLo-Batching PLant to be Lifted by Rigging Supervisor F Cleaning Cement SiLo-Batching PLant E For Information Inspection Quality by QC & Safety For Review For Approval For Release For As-Built No Yes REV. DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D Connected all Sling for Lifting REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER ERECTION ACTIVITY C B Lifting Cement SiLo-Batching PLant by Crawler Crane to Target Elevation From ELev. 0.000 CONTRACTOR C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: Connected Cement SiLo-Batching PLant Foundation RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract Object on Target Position AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 03 / 10 DWG NO : FINISH OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H H G G BOTTOM FRAME CRANE STUDY: F LIFT CRANE DATA CRANE CRANE TYPE CAPACITIES BOOM LENGTH SLING REEVES OPERATING RADIUS CAPACITY DESIGN ERECTION WEIGHT RIGGING WEIGHT TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT SAFETY FACTOR E F MOBILE Tadano TR450XL-4 45 ton 25.300 m 2 7.600 m Max 16600 Kg 10000 Kg 500 Kg 10500 Kg 1.34 E For Information REV. For Review DATE For Approval For Release For As-Built DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR 03 76 C C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 04 / 10 DWG NO : STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H G G F F 16042 H E E For Information For Review For Approval For Release For As-Built 03 253 REV. DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C 6684 03 76 C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A 7664 STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM : 05 / 10 DWG NO : OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H H G G CEMENT SILO CRANE STUDY: F F LIFT CRANE DATA CRANE MOBILE CRANE TYPE Tadano TR450XL-4 CAPACITIES 45 ton BOOM LENGTH 25.300 m SLING REEVES 2 OPERATING RADIUS 7.600 m Max CAPACITY 16600 Kg DESIGN ERECTION WEIGHT 5000 Kg RIGGING WEIGHT 500 Kg TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT 5500 Kg SAFETY FACTOR 2.57 E E For Information For Review For Approval For Release For As-Built 03 253 REV. DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C 6684 C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A 7664 STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM : 06 / 10 DWG NO : OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H H G G F F E E For Information REV. For Review DATE For Approval For Release For As-Built DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 07 / 10 DWG NO : STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H H G G F F E E For Information REV. For Review DATE For Approval For Release For As-Built DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 08 / 10 DWG NO : STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H G G 8228 H F F E E For Information For Review For Approval For Release For As-Built 6631 03 253 REV. DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C 9017 C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A 7664 STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM : 09 / 10 DWG NO : OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: REMARK: -. All dimension in millimeters H G G 8228 H F F E E For Review For Approval For Release For As-Built 03 253 7603 6631 For Information REV. DATE DRAWN CHKD APRD BP APRD DATE DATE DATE DATE DESCRIPTION REVISIONS D D REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG NO. TITLE OWNER CONTRACTOR C 9017 C CORE EQUIP ITEM NO : NON LIFECYCLE CODE : A OR B ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : C, B, A NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, RE, AB RESUBMISSION DATE : NEXT SUBMISSION DATE: B RESPONSIBLE DEPT. / PERSON : B REVIEW DATE : 3140 C: ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS B: ACCEPTED WITH COMMENTS A: DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED AND REISSUED Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Vendor / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract AREA : SITE FACILITIES TYPE : CEMENT SILO - BATCHING PLANT DETAIL : RIGGING PLAN PAGE A : 10 / 10 DWG NO : 7664 STEEL PLATE T = 20 MM OPCC-90-RIG-0001 DATE INITIALS DRAWN Hg CHECKED HaGun ENGINEER Gunawan H APPROVED SUKMA ARI SIGN. SCALE 1:200 SIZE A4 REV. B FILE NAME: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 RIGGING TOOLS Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 6 Rev. : A 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 4 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 RIGGING TOOLS Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : A 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 4 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 WORKING LOAD LIMIT - 1770 GRADE W.R.C. .................................................................3 2 GRADE 'S' SHACKLES.......................................................................................................3 3 POLYESTER ROUND SLINGS & FLAT WEB SLINGS QUALITY .......................................3 4 3G Industrial Chain Block - 5 tonne Capacity ............................................................4 RIGGING TOOLS PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1 Rev. : A 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 4 Cement Silo Batching Plant WORKING LOAD LIMIT - 1770 GRADE W.R.C. DIRECT CHOKE LOADED HITCH 2-LEG ASSEMBLY 4-LEG ASSEMBLY METHOD OF LOADING Round Rect. load Included 1.00 0.75 factor x 0.95 x 0.95 Rigid load Flexible load 30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 45° 60° 90° 120° 45° 60° 90° 120° 0.50 1.93 1.85 1.73 1.41 1.00 1.85 1.73 1.41 1.00 3.70 3.46 2.83 2.00 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 angle a Loading Angle a is between opposite legs load Nominal rope dia. Working Load Limit -- tonnes mm 20 4.9 3.7 2.4 9.4 9.0 8.4 6.9 4.9 9.0 8.4 6.9 4.9 18.0 16.9 13.9 9.8 22 5.9 4.4 3.0 11.4 10.8 10.2 8.3 5.9 10.8 10.2 8.3 5.9 21.9 20.5 16.7 11.8 24 7.0 5.3 3.5 13.6 12.9 12.2 9.9 7.0 12.9 12.2 9.9 7.0 25.9 24.3 19.9 14.1 2 GRADE 'S' SHACKLES WORKING LOAD DIA BOW DIA PIN LIMIT WIDTH CHAIN ANCHOR TYPE TYPE WIDTH APPROX. WEIGHT OF BOW EACH in kgs D d a C C 2r mm mm mm mm mm mm 6.5 22 25 36 73 83 58 8.5 25 28 43 85 95 68 metric tons 3 INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE SCREW SAFETY PIN PIN 1.56 1.88 2.32 2.78 POLYESTER ROUND SLINGS & FLAT WEB SLINGS QUALITY FLAT WEB ROUND SLEEVE SLING WIDTH SLING WIDTH CODE MM CODE MM KG KG KG KG KG FS-2-5000 150 SRS-5000 80 5,000 4,000 10,000 9,500 7,000 FS-2-8000 240 SRS-8000 86 8,000 6,400 16,000 15,200 1,1200 FS-2-10000 300 SRS-10000 100 10,000 8,000 20,000 19,000 14,000 RIGGING TOOLS PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 4 3G Industrial Chain Block - 5 tonne Capacity Product Code 500503M Rated Capacity 5 tonne Colour Code Red Standard Lift 3m Falls of Chain 2 Efforts to lift full load 42kg Net Weight 39kg Hand Chain Overhauled 154m to lift load one metre Load Chain diameter 10mm Clearance Dimensions A (Headroom) 620 B (Width) 240 C (Depth) 178 D (Diameter) 218 Hook opening (upper) 45 Hook opening (lower) 45 Rev. : A 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 4 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 7 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 6 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 6 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................1 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET ...................................................................................................3 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 6 Cement Silo Batching Plant CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Title: Date: Project: Job Number: Description: Jobsite Address: Customer: P.O./ Contract#: Lift Plan Drawings and Load Placement Drawing attached? YES / NO Notes: Crane Information Lift Information Manufacturer: Crane Radius: Model: Crane Capacity at Radius: Serial #: Capacity at Pick Point: Capacity at Set Point: Notes: Notes: Crane Configuration Load Configuration Crane Carrier: Net Load Weight Counterweigh: Description: Chart Capacity: Dimensions: Main Boom Length: Load Weight: Boom Sections: Rigging Weight: Parts of Line: Hook Weight: PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Cement Silo Batching Plant Line Size: Block Weight: Capacity of Line @ Parts: Load Line Weight: Radius: Hook Height: Boom Angle: Sling Length: Tip Height: Sling Angle: Jib Used? Sling Equipment #: Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 6 Jib: Jib offsets: Sling Type: Jib Angle from Ground: Ground Bearing Pressure (Worst Case): Spreader Bar #: Spreader Bar Capacity: Hook Block: Setup Information Shackle Type: Crane Setup (Over Rear) Shackle Qty: Shackle Capacity Setup Distance Additional Rigging Mat Used? Additional Rigging Capacity: Mat dimensions: % of Chart Capacity Ground Bearing Pressure Below Mat: Chart Capacity Deduction Notes: Deduct Capacity Notes: Not for construction use. For pre-planning only. Title: Date: PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Cement Silo Batching Plant Project: Job Number: Notes: Notes: Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 6 Pre-Lift Checklist Crane Operator: Name: Signalperson Assigned: Name: Communication Method: Crane Inspected by Operator? YES / NO Rigging Inspected? YES / NO All Permits Obtained? YES / NO Are weather conditions OK? YES / NO Wind OK? YES / NO Are there Power Lines? YES / NO Is Operators Certification Card current? YES / NO Is area OK for entry and exit of jobsite? YES / NO Has a pre-lift meeting between operator, signalperson, supervisor, and any and all other persons occurred? YES / NO Other Considerations: PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRITICAL LIFT WORKSHEET Cement Silo Batching Plant Signatures Engineer: Supervisor: Operator: Client: Not for construction use. For pre-planning only. Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 6 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CHAPTER 8 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 15 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 LIFT PLAN – METHOD AND PROCEDURE .......................................................................3 2 Personnel - Equipment List ................................................................................................4 3 Rigging/Slinging Equipment List ..........................................................................................5 4 Crane Load Chart................................................................................................................6 4.1 Rough Terrain Crane Capacities 45 ton ........................................................................6 5 Rigging/Slinging –Diagram ..................................................................................................6 6 Planning Process Check List ............................................................................................. 10 7 Operational Progress - Check List..................................................................................... 11 8 Main Specification ............................................................................................................. 12 8.1 9 Rough Terrain Crane Capacities 45 ton (Model TR-450XL-4) ..................................... 12 Landfill - Check List ........................................................................................................... 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 15 LIFT PLAN – METHOD AND PROCEDURE Customer: Job No.: Customer Contact: Phone: Project Title: Project Address: Commencement Date: Completion Date: Task Description Crawler Crane 120 tons used to lift of Cement Silo - Batching Plant to position while installing. Load Description Dimensions: Weight Load: Lift Equipment: Total: Supervisor / Controller: Date Weight Distribution: Equal Centre of Gravity: Prepared by: Gunawan, H HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 2 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 15 Personnel - Equipment List Personnel Name Classification Cart Number Crane Operator Rigger Cranes Unit Make Capacity Plan No Reg Inspect Proposed Boom Date CWT Jib Hook Max Load Length Length Riving SWL Share No. Transport Unit No. Prime Trailer Reg No. Mover Inspect Max Load Proposed Date Cap Load Other: Prepared by: Gunawan, H Supervisor / Controller: Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 3 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 15 Rigging/Slinging Equipment List Chains Lift Point Diameter Length SWL Inspected Load Share Details Diameter Length SWL Inspected Load Share Details No Slings Lift Point No Shackles Lift Point No Size SWL Inspected Load Share Details Load Share Details Other – Lifting Beams, Spreader, Equal sling Sheaves, etc. Lift Point No Description Prepared by: Gunawan, H SWL Inspected Supervisor / Controller: Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 4 Crane Load Chart 4.1 Rough Terrain Crane Capacities 45 ton 5 Rigging/Slinging –Diagram Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 15 Sketch the Load and mark: Nominated Lift Points, Weight at each Lift Point, Centre of Gravity, Load Sharing Calculation, and Rigging Arrangement. PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo Batching Plant Prepared by: Gunawan, H Supervisor / Controller: Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 9 of 15 Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 6 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 10 of 15 Planning Process Check List Item Checked Access on site is suitable for cranes and transport vehicles Cranes standing and working area is level. compacted and suitable for assembly Outrigger point loadings calculated Outrigger packing identified and prepared to suit ground conditions Adequate and suitable area identified to unload, assemble, handle and store the load All overhead obstructions, power wires, structures etc, identified and controlled All underground obstructions, pipes drains, manholes etc, identified and controlled All permits, authorities, etc, identified and organised Methods are designed and implemented to control unauthorised entry of others Barriers, barricades, signage. warning lights, etc, identified and prepared Scaffold, ladders, access platforms, to all work areas identified and prepared Communication and control methods established and instructed Clearances for tail swing, boom operation and load movement are confirmed All appropriate P.P.E. is identified and provided All hazards are identified and control measures prepared All necessary information and instruction is given to all persons involved The supervisor or lift controller is identified to all persons involved All arrangements are confirmed with the customer representative Prepared by: Gunawan, H Supervisor / Controller: Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 7 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 11 of 15 Operational Progress - Check List Item Checked Personnel On arrival at site all personnel are briefed and delegated particular tasks The site area is cleared of all persons and equipment not involved Barricades, signage warning devices installed Access to work areas installed - P.P.E. Control measures applied to hazardous areas or situations CRANES Crane/s positioned in accordance with plan, radius and S.W.L. confirmed Outrigger packing positioned, outrigger beams extended, outrigger jacks extended Crane jacked level, locking pins and devices fitted, as per crane manual Boom assembled or extended to required length, pins, wedges, safety devices etc., fitted Counterweight fitted, hooks revved, bolts, pins, wedges, safety devices etc. fitted Boom erected, brakes, pawls, lock outs, weigh gauges, etc. tested Tail swing and boom clearances confirmed, communications system tested LOAD Item is positioned or assembled, supported and brace, in a safe stable manner Rigging/Slinging is fitted, protection for gear installed as per plan Load is lifted clear of ground, slinging checked, outriggers checked Observance for hazards is made, confirmation to proceed is given Load is lifted and placed in final position and safely secure Rigging / Slinging equipment disconnected and lowered to ground MOVE OUT All equipment is safely dis-assembled, stowed loaded and tied on transport Cranes are prepared for travel in accordance with manuals and permits Inspection made to ensure no hazards remain as a result of activity All personnel and equipment depart from site in a safe. orderly manner Prepared by: Gunawan, H Supervisor / Controller: Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 8 Main Specification 8.1 Rough Terrain Crane Capacities 45 ton (Model TR-450XL-4) Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 12 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 13 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 14 of 15 PRELIMINARY LIFT STUDY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 9 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 15 of 15 Landfill - Check List ITEM Checked Are all surface encumbrances that may create a hazard re-moved or supported? Have all underground utility installation been located? Are employees exposed to vehicular traffic wearing warning vests made of reflector zed or high visibility material? Is a warning system such as barricades, hand or mechanical signals or stop logs used when mobile equipment approaches the edge of the excavation? Is there Settlement (Low spots) in the ground? Are there Cracks in the ground? Is there Erosion in the ground? Are there Alternative Cover (armoured rock, concrete, etc.) in the ground? Whether the soil has a horizontal surface? Prepared by: Gunawan, H Supervisor / Controller: Date HaGun Issued to: Date PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 9 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 10 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 2 HYDRAULIC ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE ...........................................................................3 1.1 GENERAL DIMENSION ...............................................................................................4 1.2 CRANE SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................5 1.3 TR-450XL-4 WORKING RANGE CHART .....................................................................7 1.4 TR-450XL-4 RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES.................................................................8 1.5 BOOM LENGTH IN FEET.............................................................................................8 ACTUAL CONDITION .........................................................................................................9 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1 CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant HYDRAULIC ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1.1 GENERAL DIMENSION CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 10 PRELIMINARY CRANE LIFT STUDY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1.2 CRANE SPECIFICATIONS Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 1.3 CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant TR-450XL-4 WORKING RANGE CHART Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 10 PRELIMINARY CRANE LIFT STUDY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Cement Silo Batching Plant 1.4 TR-450XL-4 RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES 1.5 BOOM LENGTH IN FEET Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 2 ACTUAL CONDITION Figure 1Lifting Position CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 9 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Figure 2 On Base Position CRANE LIFT STUDY Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 10 of 10 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST Cement Silo Batching Plant CHAPTER 10 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 1 of 8 PRELIMINARY Document Number OPCC-90-RIG-0001 GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST Cement Silo Batching Plant Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 8 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................2 1 Documentation: ...................................................................................................................3 2 Supporting structure: ...........................................................................................................3 3 Foundation: .........................................................................................................................3 4 Openings in scaffolding e.g. driveways: ..............................................................................4 5 Steel wire mesh/shade cloth/containment sheeting/signage: ...............................................4 6 Over head power lines (OHPL): ..........................................................................................4 7 Mixed components: .............................................................................................................5 8 Ties: ....................................................................................................................................5 9 Temporary ladders: .............................................................................................................6 10 Platforms (general):.............................................................................................................6 11 Temporary stairways: ..........................................................................................................7 12 Bracing:...............................................................................................................................7 13 Access: ...............................................................................................................................7 14 Edge protection: ..................................................................................................................8 15 Trades using the scaffolding: ..............................................................................................8 GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 8 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: 1 Documentation: Is a hand over certificate available on site or such things as scaffolding tag Has steel wire mesh/ shade cloth or containment sheeting been provided where members of the public exposed to a risk of falling materials from the scaffolding Has steel wire mesh/ shade cloth or containment sheeting been provided where workers are exposed to a risk of falling materials from the scaffolding Where the working platform is less than 4m was it erected by a competent person Are procedures in place to inspect scaffolding every 30 days System in place to inspect the scaffolding after trades have used it e.g. form workers, concreters, bricklayers, tillers Is a work method statement or appropriate documentation available for the management of scaffolding on site once erected Is there a system in place to prevent damage from loads suspended from a crane and is it recorded in SWMS Have trades been inducted on the safe use of the scaffolding 2 Supporting structure: Is the supporting structure in good condition and adequate strength/has it been assessed by a competent person/ engineers certificate obtained Is there a risk of the supporting structure being overloaded from other sources adequately controlled 3 Foundation: Scaffolding erected on suitable foundation/footings e.g. not adjacent to trenches, excavation, underground services, soft ground Base plates used are a minimum 100mm x 100mm and 6mm thick If on soft ground are sole boards being used to distribute the load evenly yes no n/a GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 8 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: e.g. unstable ground, gaps Are the sole boards continuous and where ever possible support 2 standards. and a minimum 220mm wide Are the sole boards a minimum 220mm wide Is packing used under sole boards suitable e.g. hard wood Screw Jacks not to extend more than 600 mm or as per manufacturers requirements 4 Openings in scaffolding e.g. driveways: System in place to prevent scaffolding being struck by vehicles and or plant e.g. concrete blocks, guards, fenders, traffic management 5 Steel wire mesh/shade cloth/containment sheeting/signage: Has the scaffolding been designed for wind loading where signage is being tied to the scaffolding Are the sheets adequately fixed/tied Are there any rips or gaps in sheeting Is there an engineer’s certificate for the ties Is there a minimum 50mm overlap Signs on scaffolding – any engineering calculations - wind loading design 6 Over head power lines (OHPL): Is the scaffolding erected close to OHPL Has the OHPL been de energized If the OHPL have not been de energized is there a system of work to ensure the scaffolding complies with local requirements during erection, altering, use and dismantling yes no n/a GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY Document Number Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 8 Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: 7 yes Mixed components: Are mixed components being used Are they compatible Engineers certificate available if required 8 Ties: Have ties been installed as per manufacturers/suppliers instructions/ information and AS/NZS 1576 System in place to monitor ties as other trades progress e.g. form workers, bricklaying, tillers etc System in place to monitor ties as the structure is demolished Do the ties pick up 2 standards or ledgers Are single leg ties used –is relevant documentation available 0 Have 90 fittings been used (swivel fittings not to be used) Are ties provided every 4m (vertically) in height rd Are ties provided as per AS 1576 - Vertical = every 4m Horizontal = 3 bay Height of scaffolding Between ground Between 15m Between 30 And 15m And 30m And 45m < 15m Every 3 standard rd - - 15m – 30m Every 2 standard nd Every 3 standard > 30m Every standard Every 2 standard rd - nd Every 3 standard rd Where drilled in anchors being used are engineering drawings/calculations etc available on site no n/a GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 6 of 8 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: Do the ties obstruct access along the full length of the working and access platforms 9 Temporary ladders: Are ladders adequately secured at the top and bottom Is the ladder in good condition Are ladders no less than 1:4 or no more than 1:6 slope Is the ladder extended 900- 1000 mm above the landing platform Are temporary ladders no > 6m between successive ladder landings 10 Platforms (general): Are platforms free from obstruction Are planks in good condition and a minimum 220mm wide Do planks overhang supports by 150-300mm Are planks adequately secured where they overlap Are loads on any given platform evenly distributed Are standards correctly positioned i.e. staggered Is the duty of the scaffolding suitable for the task i.e. heavy, medium or light Is the scaffold width appropriate for the duty e.g. heavy duty 5 planks Are signs erected on the bays indicating duty of the bay/s (i.e. scaffold tag) Are any of the platform bays being used to stack/store materials e.g. bricks, F. Work Does the weight of these material exceed the rated WLL per platform bay Is there any materiel etc being stacked/stored above the height of the yes no n/a GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST PRELIMINARY Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 7 of 8 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: guardrail Is there any signage indicating scaffolding incomplete where required Are openings at working platform level covered and secured e.g. plywood (17mm), planks 11 Temporary stairways: Has separate stairway access been provided to access scaffolding Is the stairway a minimum 500mm wide Is the access landing a minimum 500mm x 450mm Is a handrail provided along each the stairway 12 Bracing: Has face bracing been provided i.e. longitudinal at no more than 3 bays apart, unless otherwise specified Has been provided at the end of the scaffolding i.e. transverse bracing Does the bracing extend the full height of the scaffolding Hop up brackets: If hop up brackets are 500mm above or below the working platform has adequate fall prevention been provided 13 Access: Is the access along the working platform - minimum 450mm wide for persons and tools only (2 planks) Is the access along the working platform - minimum 675mm wide for persons and materials (3 planks) Are incomplete scaffolding platforms etc blocked off and or signs used Is there suitable access to and from the working platform e.g. from the building to the scaffold yes no n/a PRELIMINARY GENERAL SCAFFOLDING SAFETY CHECKLIST Document Number Cement Silo Batching Plant OPCC-90-RIG-0001 Rev. : B 15 July 2011 Page 8 of 8 General scaffolding safety checklist Site address: Is there safe access between working platform during use, erection and dismantling 14 Edge protection: Is edge protection provided where a person or object could fall (2m or) more Handrail, mid rail and toe board or brick guard provided Where guardrails and toe boards (150mm) only are being used is a suitable infill such as brick guards or infill panels being used Are guardrails erected between 900mm and 1100mm above the platform Where brick guards are being used is the mesh aperture no > 50mm x 50mm Where the gap between scaffolding and supporting structure is > 225mm has edge protection been provided 15 Trades using the scaffolding: Do the trades on site using the scaffolding alter the scaffolding themselves Are the trades on site that are using the scaffolding aware that any alterations to the scaffolding are to be done by a scaffolder. yes no n/a