lOMoARcPSD|50078323 1 - ACcounting formations Accounting (Mapúa University) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 1.1.1 PARTNERSHIP FORMATION (M-7 S-24) =31 1. AMI , MELI and LEAH formed a partnership on April 30, with the following assets, measured at their fair market values, contributed by each partner: AMI MELI LEAH Cash P 50,000 P 60,000 P 150,000 Automobile 42,500 Delivery trucks 140,000 Computer and printer 25,500 Office furniture 17,500 12,500 Land and building 750,000 P 842,500 P 243,000 P 162,500 Although LEAH has contributed the most cash to the partnership, she did not have the full amount of P 150,000 available and was forced to borrow P 100,000. The land and building contributed by AMI has a mortgage of P 450,000 and the partnership is to assume responsibility of the loan. If the profit and loss sharing agreement is 40 percent, 40 percent, and 20 percent, respectively, for AMI, MELI and LEAH, what is the total capital investment of all the partners at the opening of business on April 30? a. P 798,000 b. P 1,248,000 c. P 698,000 Total assets contributed: AMi Meli Leah Less: Liability assumed (Mortgage) Total capital investment of all partners (Application) P 842,500 243,000 162,500 d. P 832,000 P1,248,000 450,000 P 798,000 1 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) A lOMoARcPSD|50078323 2. C Cola and R. Crown formed a partnership and agree to divide initial partnership capital equally, even though C. Cola contributed P50,000 in identifiable assets and R. Crown contributed P42,000. Such an agreement implies that R. Crown is contributing an unidentifiable assets such as individual talent, established clientele, or banking connections to the partnership. The unidentifiable asset is not recorded on the partnership books, the journal entry necessary to establish equal capital interest is: a. Cash P92,000 C. Cola, capital R. Crown, capital b. Cash P92,000 C. Cola, capital R. Crown, capital Equal interest Contribution Bonus to be recognized Journal entry: C. Cola, Capital R. Crown, Capital c. C. Cola, capital R. Crown, capital P50,000 42,000 d. R. Crown, capitalP4,000 C. Cola, capital P46,000 46,000 C Cola P46,000 P4,000 P4,000 P4,000 R Crown Total P46,000 P92,000 50,000 42,000 92,000 (P4,000) P 4,000 4,000 4,000 C (Application) 2 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 3. The balance sheet as of July 31, 2016, for the business owned by Sunshine, shows the following assets and liabilities: Cash 50,000 Accounts receivable 134,000 Merchandise inventory 220,000 Furniture and Fixtures Accounts payable P164,000 28,800 It is estimated that 5% of the receivables will prove uncollectible. The cash balance includes a 1,000 shares marketable equity securities recorded at its cost, P4,000. The stock last sold on the market at P17.50 per share. Merchandise inventory includes obsolete items costing P18,000 that will probably realized only P4,000. Depreciation has never been recorded; however, the furniture and fixtures are two years old, have an estimated total life of 10 years, and would cost P240,000 if purchased new. Prepaid items amount to P5,000. Paulo is to be admitted as a partner upon investing P200,000 cash and P100,000 merchandise. How much capital is to be credited to Sunshine upon formation of partnership? a. P539,200 b. P613,000 c. P565,000 d. P606,200 Assets contributed by Sunshine: Cash P 50,000 Accounts receivable 134,000 Merchandise inventory 220,000 Furniture and fixtures 164,000 P568,000 Less: Accounts payable ( 28,800) Unadjusted capital contributed P539,200 Adjustments: Allowance for bad debts (5% x 134,000) ( 6,700) Marketable securities (17,500 – 4,000) 13,500 Merchandise inventory (18,000 – 4,000) ( 14,000) Furniture and fixtures (240,000 x 80% - 164,000) 28,000 Prepaid items 5,000 Adjusted capital of Sunshine P565,000 3 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) C lOMoARcPSD|50078323 4. Paul admits Timothy as a partner in business. Accounts in the ledger for Paul on November 30, 2015, just before the admission of Timothy, show the following balances: Cash P 26,000 Accounts receivable 120,000 Merchandise inventory 180,000 Accounts payable Paul, capital P 62,000 264,000 It is agreed that for purposes of establishing Paul’s interest the following adjustments should be made: 1. An allowance for doubtful accounts of 2% of accounts receivable is to be established. 2. The merchandise inventory is to be valued at P202,000. 3. Prepaid expenses of P6,500 and accrued liabilities of P4,000 are to be established. Timothy is to invest sufficient funds in order to receive a 1/3 interest in the partnership. How much must Timothy contribute? a. P132,000 b. P143,050 c. P95,360 Unadjusted capital of Paul Adjustment: Allowance for doubtful accounts (2% x 120,000) Merchandise inventory (202,000 – 180,000) Prepaid expenses recognized Accrued liabilities recognized Adjusted capital of Paul P264,000 ( x Cash contribution by Timothy (application) d. P88,000 2,400) 22,000 6,500 ( 4,000) P286,100 = 2/3 ½ P143,050 = 1/3 4 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) B lOMoARcPSD|50078323 5. Effective August 1, 2016, Alex and Bob agreed to form a partnership from their two respective proprietorships. The balance sheets presented below reflect the financial position of both proprietorships as of July 31, 2016: ALEX BOB Cash P 12,000 P 30,000 Accounts Receivable 72,000 42,000 Merchandise Inventory 198,000 252,000 Prepaid Rent 24,000 Store Equipment 240,000 180,000 Accumulated Depreciation (90,000) (108,000) Building 750,000 Accumulated Depreciation (150,000) Land 360,000 _ Totals P1,392,000 P420,000 Accounts Payable Mortgage Payable Alex, Capital Bob, Capital Totals P 45,000 360,000 987,000 _ P1,392,000 P 18,000 402,000 P420,000 As of August 1, 2016, the fair value of Alex’s assets were: merchandise inventory, P162,000; store equipment, P90,000; building, P1,500,000; and land, P600,000. For Bob, the fair value of the assets on the same date were: merchandise inventory, P270,000; store equipment, P39,000; prepaid rent, P 0. All other items on the two balance sheets were stated at their fair values. How much capital must be credited to Alex upon formation of partnership? a. P2,031,000 b. P1,791,000 c. P363,000 d. P2,394,000 MI SE Building Land PR Alex 987,000 (36,000) (60,000) 900,000 240,000 2,031,00 0 Bob 402,000 18,000 (33,000) (24,000) 363,000 5 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 6. Roy admits Al as a partner in the business. Balance sheet accounts of Roy on September 30, just before admission of Al show: Cash P 15,600 Accounts receivable 72,000 Merchandise inventory 108,000 Accounts payable P 37,200 Roy, capital 158,400 It is agreed that for purposes of establishing Roy’s interest, the following adjustments shall be made: a. An allowance for doubtful accounts of 2% is to be established. b. Merchandise inventory is to be valued at P121,200 c. Prepaid expenses of P2,100 and accrued expenses of P2,400 are to be recognized. Al is to invest sufficient cash to obtain a 1/3 interest in the partnership. How much is Al’s investment to the partnership? a. P84,930 b. P105,600 c. P85,830 d. P47,520 A Roy’s capital a. b. c. Roy’s capital Cap ratio of Roy Total capital 158,400 (1,440) 13,200 2,100 (2,400) 169,860 ÷ 2/3 254,790 X 1/3 84,930 6 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 7. Francis, Chris, and Ivan are to form a partnership. Francis is to contribute cash of P350,000; Chris, P35,000; and Ivan, P350,000. Francis and Ivan are not to actively participate in the business, but will refer customers, while Chris will manage the firm. Chris has to give up his present job, which gives him an annual income of P420,000. The partners decided that profits & losses should be shared equally. Upon formation, partners’ capital balances would respectively be: a. P245,000; P245,000; and P245,000 b. P350,000; P35,000; and P350,000 c. P350,000; P455,000; and P350,000 d. P385,000; P385,000; and P385,000 Francis Chris 350,00035,000 Ivan Total 350,000 7 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 A. P, I and A are new CPA’s and are to form an accounting partnership. P is to contribute cash of P75,000 and his computer originally bought at P80,000 but has a second hand value of P50,000. I is to contribute cash of P100,000, and tables and chairs worth P20,000 but acquired by I for only P18,000. A, whose family is selling computers, is to contribute cash of P40,000 and a brand new computer plus printer with regular price at P80,000 but which cost their family’s computer dealership P70,000. Partners agree to share profits 3:2:3. 1. The capital balance of partner P upon formation is: a. P 125,000 b. P155,000 c. P 143,625 d. P136,875 2. The capital balance of partner I upon formation is: a. P120,000 b. P118,000 c. P 95,750 d. P91,250 3. The capital balance of partner A upon formation is: a. P120.000 b. P 110.000 c. P 143,625 d. P136,875 4. Assuming that except for the partners’ capital contribution and their agreed profit and loss sharing, all other factors in relation to service and compensation of partners are equal, if the partnership will make a profit, the agreement is: a. b. c. d. Inherently advantageous to partner A. Equally fair for all the partners Inherently advantageous to partner P Inherently advantageous to partner I Cash contributed Fair value of: Computer Tables & Chairs Computer & Printer Total capital credit P P 75,000 I P100,000 A P 40,000 50,000 20,000 P125,000 P120,000 80,000 P120,000 B. A, M, and I are forming a new partnership each contributing cash of P500,000 and their respective office equipment and supplies valued at P200,000, P400,000, and P500,000, respectively. A’s noncash contribution is his own developed audit software valued at cost which he could sell for a mark-up twice the cost. Partners agree to admit his software at market value and they will share profits equally. 1. The capital balance of partner A upon formation is: a. P 1,100,000 b. P 900,000 c. P1,000,000 2. The capital balance of partners M and I, respectively are: a. P900,000 and P1,000,000 b. P1,000,000 and P1,000,000 8 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) d. P1,300,000 lOMoARcPSD|50078323 c. P900,000 and P900,000 d. P1,000,000 and P900,000 3. Assuming that except for the partners’ capital contribution and their agreed profit and loss sharing, all other factors in relation to service and compensation of partners are equal, if the partnership will make a profit, the agreement is: a. b. c. d. Inherently advantageous to partner M. Equally fair for all the partners Inherently advantageous to partner A Inherently advantageous to partner I 4. After the formation of the partnership, which of the following statement is incorrect: a. The partners will be liable for the personal liabilities of the other partner b. The partnership may be dissolved at any time by action of the partners or operation of law. c. The partnership has a legal personality separate and distinct from that of each of the partners d. Any partner may act as an agent for the partnership in conducting its affairs. Cash contributed Office equipment & supplies Capital balances (Application) A M I P500,000 P500,000 P500,000 600,000 400,000 500,000 P1,100,000 P900,000 P1,000,000 C. Andy and Don are joining their separate businesses to form a partnership. Property and cash are to be contributed for a total capital of P400,000. The property to be contributed and liabilities to be assumed are: Andy Don Book value Fair value Book value Fair value Accounts receivable 30,000 P 30,000 Inventories 30,000 45,000 P80,000 P 90,000 Equipment 50,000 40,000 90,000 95,000 Total Assets P 110,000 P 115,000 P 170,000 P 185,000 Accounts payable 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 Net Assets P 95,000 P 100,000 P 160,000 P 175,000 The partners’ capital accounts are to be equal after all contributions and assumptions of liabilities. Profit and loss ratio is 45% Andy and 55% Don. 1. The amount of cash Andy must contribute: a. P100,000 b. P80,000 2. The amount of cash Don must contribute:\ c. P5,000 d. P25,000, a. P25,000 b. P45,000; c. P70,000 d. P40,000 9 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 3. Assuming that except for the partners’ capital contribution and their agreed profit and loss sharing, all other factors in relation to service and compensation of partners are equal, if the partnership will make a profit, the agreement is: a. b. c. d. Inherently advantageous to partner Don. Equally fair for both partners Inherently advantageous to partner Andy Inherently disadvantageous to partner Don 4. The partners may have entered into the partnership because of the following reasons except: a. The partnership as a separate entity will protect the personal assets of the partner against the creditors of the partnership. b. The combined personal credit of the partners offers better opportunity for obtaining additional capital than does a sole proprietorship, c. The participation in the business by more than one person makes possible for a closer supervision of its activities; d. It is easier and inexpensive to organize compared with a corporation Andy Equal capital P200,000 Total fair value of net assets contributed Assets – Liabilities 100,000 Cash contribution P100,000 Don P200,000 Total P400,000 175,000 P 25,000 275,000 P125,000 D. Kong, Pat, and Soy are new CPAs and are to form an auditing firm. Kong is to contribute cash of P30,000 and his computer originally bought at P60,000 but has a second hand value of P50,000. Pat is to contribute cash of P80,000 and tables and chairs worth P20,000 but acquired by Pat for only P5,000. Soy, whose family is selling computers, is to contribute cash of P40,000 and a brand new computer plus printer with regular price at P80,000 but which cost their family’s computer dealership P70,000. Partners agree to share profits 4:5:6. 1. The capital balance of partner Kong upon formation is: b. P 80,000 b. P155,000 c. P 143,625 d. P136,875 2. The capital balance of partner Pat upon formation is: b. P100,000 b. P118,000 c. P 95,750 d. P91,250 3. Assuming that all other factors in relation to service and compensation of partners are equal, the agreement is: a. b. c. d. Equally fair for all the partners Inherently advantageous to partner Pat Inherently advantageous to partner Kong Inherently advantageous to partner Soy 4. The partners may have entered into the partnership because of the following reasons except: a. It is easier and inexpensive to organize compared with a corporation. b. The direct gain to the partners is an incentive to give close attention to the business. 10 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 c. The combined personal credit of the partners offers better opportunity for obtaining additional capital than does a sole proprietorship, d. The participation in the business by more than one person makes possible for a closer supervision of its activities; Kong 30,000 50,000 80,000 Pat 80,000 20,000 Soy 40,000 80,000 120,000 100,000 E. X and Y are partners sharing profits 60:40. A balance sheet prepared for the partnership on April 1, 2016 shows the following: Cash P 48,000 Accounts payable Accounts receivable 92,000 X, capital Inventory 165,000 Y, capital Equipment 70,000 Accumulated depreciation ( 45,000) P 330,000 P 89,000 133,000 108,000 P330,000 On this date, the partners agree to admit Z as a partner. The terms of the agreement is that assets and liabilities are to be restated as follows: b. c. d. e. An allowance for possible uncollectibles of P 4,500 is to be established. Inventories are to be restated at their present replacement values of P 170,000. Equipment are to be restated at a value of P 35,000. Accrued expenses of P 4,000 are to be recognized. X, Y, and Z will divide profits in the ratio of 5:3:2. Capital balances for the new partners are to be in this ratio with X and Y making cash settlement outside of the partnership for the required capital adjustment between themselves and Z investing cash in the partnership for his interest. 1. How much cash Z should contribute? a. P 61,875 b. P 49,496 c. P 60,250 Unadjusted capital of X & Y (133,000 + 108,000) Adjustments: a. Allowance for uncollectibles b. Inventories (170,000 – 165,000) c. Equipment (35,000 – 25,000) d. Accrued expenses recognized Adjusted capital of X & Y Cash contribution of Z d. P 50,625 P 241,000 ( 4,500) 5,000 10,000 ( 4,000) P 247,500 = 8 x ¼ P 61,875 = 2 A 2. What capital adjustments should be made between X and Y? a. X must pay Y, P17,785. b. Y must pay X, P17,785. c. X must invest cash of P17,785. d. Y must invest cash of P17,785. X Y Total 11 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|50078323 Unadjusted capital P 133,000 P 108,000 P 241,000 Adjustment: 6,500 x 60% 3,900 6,500 x 40% 2,600 6,500 Adjusted capital P 136,900 P 110,600 P 247,500 Agreed capital 247,500 x 5/8 154,687.50 247,500 x 3/8 92,812.50 247,500 Settlement (P 17,787.50) P 17,787.50 Answer: X must pay Y, P 17,785 A 3. Upon admission of Partner Z to the partnership, the following statements are true except; a. Each of the partners will be liable for the personal liabilities of any of the partners b. Partner Z becomes a co-owner of all of the assets of the partnership together with partners X and Y c. Partner Z becomes a co- obligor of all of the liabilities of the partnership together with partners X and Y d. The partnership may be dissolved upon the withdrawal of any of the partners X, Y or Z. 4. Assuming that all other factors in relation to service and compensation of partners are equal, the agreement is: e. f. g. h. Equally fair for all the partners Inherently advantageous to partner x Inherently advantageous to partner Y Inherently advantageous to partner Z 12 Downloaded by Duane Marco Pineda (marcopineda992@gmail.com)