import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats.contingency import expected_freq from import mosaic 1. Variable Classification Variable Data Scale Classification Explanation age (in years) ratio quantitative The age is measured in years. If the age is zero, it means no age in year (small baby). This variable has zero measuremen t, indicating a lack of the characteristi c. It is quantitative because its realizations reflect both differences and magnitudes. case (identifier) nominal qualitative The case identifier is a label that does not allow for meaningful comparison beyond equality or inequality. Case (identifier) shows which category a person belongs to, consequentl y, it's Variable Data Scale Classification Explanation nominal data. It is qualitative, as it describes an attribute — identifier. sleep (mins sleep at night, per week) ratio quantitative This variable has a true zero, meaning that if sleep time is zero, the person did not sleep at all. It is quantitative since its realizations reflect both differences and magnitudes. educ (years of schooling) ratio quantitative This variable has a true zero, representing a complete lack of education (e.g., a toddler with no schooling). It is quantitative since its realizations reflect both differences and magnitudes. exper (age - educ - 6) ratio quantitative This is a derived quantitative variable Variable Data Scale Classification Explanation representing experience. It is ratio because it has a true zero when the individual has no work experience. yngkid (=1 if children < 3 present) nominal qualitative A categorical variable indicating whether a young child is present. It does not allow for meaningful numerical comparisons beyond equality or inequality. It is qualitative, as it describes a personal attribute. yrsmarr (years married) ratio quantitative This variable has a true zero, meaning that if the value is zero, the person has never been married. It is quantitative because its realizations reflect both differences and magnitudes. Variable Data Scale Classification Explanation male (=1 if male) nominal qualitative A categorical variable indicating whether the person is male. It does not allow for meaningful numerical comparisons beyond equality or inequality. It is qualitative, as it describes a personal attribute — sex. hrwage (hourly wage) ratio quantitative This variable has a true zero, meaning that if the value is zero, the person has no hourly wage (i.e., not employed or unpaid labor). It is quantitative since its realizations reflect both differences and magnitudes. marr (=1 if married) nominal qualitative A categorical variable indicating marital status (married or not). It doesn't Variable Data Scale Classification Explanation allow for meaningful numerical comparisons beyond equality or inequality. It is qualitative, as it describes a personal attribute — marital status. data_set = pd.read_csv('HW1_dataset.csv') df = data_set['hrwage'] 1. Computing of common location measures: mean, median, upper and lower quartiles, the upper and lower 5%-quantiles. Economic interpretation for every location measure. From this data we can see that average hourly wage is 5.16. But we cannot focus on this indicator, because mean is sensitive to outliers. (For example if we have 3 person with wages [1, 2, 99] and their mean wage is 34; and we can see that it is not representative.) Median is 4.61, that says us that 50% of our respondents has hour wage less than 4.61. Lower quartile means that 25% of people have hour wage less than 3.03. Upper quartile means that 75% of people from dataset have hour wage less than 6.24. Lower quantile means that 5% of people have hourly wage less than 1.44. Upper quantile means that 95% of people from dataset have hourly wage less than 10.39. location_measures= {"Mean": round(float(df.mean()), 2), "Median": round(float(df.median()), 2), "Lower quartile": round(float(df.quantile(0.25)), 2), "Upper quartile": round(float(df.quantile(0.75)), 2) } upper_and_lower_5_quanlile = {"Lower quantile (5%)": round(float(df.quantile(0.05)), 2), "Upper quantile (5%)": round(float(df.quantile(0.95)), 2)} print(location_measures) print(upper_and_lower_5_quanlile) {'Mean': 5.16, 'Median': 4.61, 'Lower quartile': 3.03, 'Upper quartile': 6.24} {'Lower quantile (5%)': 1.44, 'Upper quantile (5%)': 10.39} 1. Computing measures of variation for hrwage: range, interquartile range, variance. Range (the difference between lowest and highest hour wage) is 35.16. It can indicates about inequality of population or outliers. Interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the 75-quantile and the 25quantile is 3.21. IQR shows us how typical the hourly wages are in the middle half of the group. IQR helps to focus on the middle of the data, but not accounting very big or very low hourly wage. In our case it tells us that the half of group in the middle (from the 25th to the 75th percentile) have wages that range from 3.03 to 6.24(lower quartile + IQR) per hour. Variance 13.47 indicates that in average hour wage deviates by 13.47 squared from the mean. In meant that wages are not all located closely around the mean. Some workers prorably earn higher or lower than average hour wage. measures_of_variation = {"range": round(float(df.max() - df.min()), 2), "Interquartile range": round(float(location_measures["Upper quartile"] location_measures["Lower quartile"]), 2), "Variance": round(float(df.var()), 2)} measures_of_variation {'range': 35.16, 'Interquartile range': 3.21, 'Variance': 13.47} 1. Ploting the histogram of hrwage and the Box-plot. Computing skewness of hrwage and make the conclusion whether the distribution of this variable is symmetric. Skewness 3.39 is positive, which indicates that we have some values which are located at the right side of the mean. In case of hourly wages it means that there are a few people who has higher hourly wage, than majority. Based on this information we can say that our distribution isn't symmetric, but it's right-skewed. skewness = round(float(df.skew()), 2) f"Skewness of {skewness}" 'Skewness of 3.39' 1. Histogram for logarithmizated(hrwage). Comparison histogram of logarithmized data with histogram of original data. Calculation of skewness of log(hrwage) conclusions. log_data = np.log(df) plt.hist(log_data, bins=12, edgecolor='pink') plt.title("Histogram of logarithm hrwage") plt.xlabel("logarithm of data") plt.ylabel("frequency") We can see that log data reduced extreme right skew, which we could see in original data (skewness = -0.37). But there is still slight left skew. It means that there are few low wages, but their effect isn't significant. Logarithmization makes the distribution more symmetric compared to the original. skewness_log = round(float(log_data.skew()), 2) f"Skewness of log(hrwage): {skewness_log}" 'Skewness of log(hrwage): -0.37' 1. Plot the scatter plots of hrwage vs. educ, yrsmarr, age, sleep. Compute the corresponding correlation (Pearson and Spearmann) coefficients and interpret the results. fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10)) axs[0, 0].scatter(data_set['educ'], data_set['hrwage'], color='blue', alpha=0.7) axs[0, 0].set_title('hrwage vs educ') axs[0, 0].set_xlabel('Years of education') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('Hourly wage') axs[0, 1].scatter(data_set['yrsmarr'], data_set['hrwage'], color='green', alpha=0.7) axs[0, 1].set_title('hrwage vs yrsmarr') axs[0, 1].set_xlabel('Years married') axs[0, 1].set_ylabel('Hourly wage') axs[1, 0].scatter(data_set['age'], data_set['hrwage'], color='red', alpha=0.7) axs[1, 0].set_title('hrwage vs age') axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('Age') axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('Hourly wage') axs[1, 1].scatter(data_set['sleep'], data_set['hrwage'], color='purple', alpha=0.7) axs[1, 1].set_title('hrwage vs. sleep') axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('Sleep (hours)') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('Hourly wage') plt.tight_layout() pearson_corr = data_set[['hrwage', 'educ', 'yrsmarr', 'age', 'sleep']].corr(method='pearson').round(2).iloc[:1] spearman_corr = data_set[['hrwage', 'educ', 'yrsmarr', 'age', 'sleep']].corr(method='spearman').round(2).iloc[:1] print("Pearson correlation coefficients:\n", pearson_corr) print("\nSpearman correlation coefficients:\n", spearman_corr) Pearson correlation coefficients: hrwage educ yrsmarr age sleep hrwage 1.0 0.26 0.13 0.12 -0.05 Spearman correlation coefficients: hrwage educ yrsmarr age sleep hrwage 1.0 0.25 0.14 0.1 -0.08 Pearson correlation coefficients range from 1 to -1. In our case this coefficient range from -0.05 to 0.26. It means that correlation between hrwage and education, years of marrige, age and sleep is weak or very weak. The same situation with Spearman correlation coefficients, from table data we can see that correlation is weak or very weak. 1. Two subsamples of observation: male (male = 1) and female (male = 0). Ploting separate histograms and boxplots. Compare the results. Compute the corresponding location and dispertion measures. What conclusions can be made? female_sample = data_set[data_set['male'] == 0] male_sample = data_set[data_set['male'] == 1] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharey=True) axs[0].hist(female_sample['hrwage'], bins=8, color='blue', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7) axs[0].set_title('Female hourly wage') axs[0].set_xlabel('Hourly wage') axs[0].set_ylabel('Frequency') axs[1].hist(male_sample['hrwage'], bins=8, color='red', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7) axs[1].set_title('Male hourly wage') axs[1].set_xlabel('Hourly wage') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax.boxplot([female_sample['hrwage'], male_sample['hrwage']], labels=['Female', 'Male']) ax.set_ylabel('Hourly wage') ax.set_title('Boxplot of wourly wages by sex') /var/folders/lr/g27h7d295svcp5fxx4r1hn080000gn/T/ ipykernel_98489/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 'labels' parameter of boxplot() has been renamed 'tick_labels' since Matplotlib 3.9; support for the old name will be dropped in 3.11. ax.boxplot([female_sample['hrwage'], male_sample['hrwage']], labels=['Female', 'Male']) Histograms and boxplots indicates, that female hourly wages median is lower than male hourly wages median. Also boxplots indicate that the maximum hourly wage for women doesn't exceed 15 units per hour, while the male wage reaches up to 35 units per hour in some cases. Mean hourly wage for female is lower than male. And in general variance of female hourly wage (hw) less than male hw variance. It means that women earn approximately the same low amount per hour. (In my opinion, this can be related to poorer access to quality education and consequently to the choice of high-paying jobs.) female_location_measures= {"Mean": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].mean()), 2), "Median": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].median()), 2), "Lower quartile": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].quantile(0.25)), 2), "Upper quartile": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].quantile(0.75)), 2) } female_measures_of_variation = {"range": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].max() female_sample['hrwage'].min()), 2), "Interquartile range": round(float(female_location_measures["Upper quartile"] female_location_measures["Lower quartile"]), 2), "Variance": round(float(female_sample['hrwage'].var()), 2)} # female_location_measures, female_measures_of_variation male_location_measures= {"Mean": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].mean()), 2), "Median": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].median()), 2), "Lower quartile": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].quantile(0.25)), 2), "Upper quartile": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].quantile(0.75)), 2) } male_measures_of_variation = {"range": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].max() male_sample['hrwage'].min()), 2), "Interquartile range": round(float(male_location_measures["Upper quartile"] male_location_measures["Lower quartile"]), 2), "Variance": round(float(male_sample['hrwage'].var()), 2)} # male_location_measures, male_measures_of_variation In the table below can see difference between average hourly wage in female and male. The difference is significant. Of course, I remember, that mean is sensetive to outliers. But median hourly wage of men is more than 70% higher than the median hourly wage of women. This is an indication of discrimination. Also measures of variation indicates that women in average rarely have high-paying jobs. Interquartile range (IQR) indicates how spread out the middle half of the data is, ignoring the very low and very high values. IQR shows us how typical the hourly wages are in the middle half of the group. Also range for feamle 10.87 indicates that female earn approximately the same low amount per hour compared to male, where range is 34.79. Сomparative table of location and variation measures Measure Female Male Mean 3.56 6.29 Median 3.2 5.54 Lower Quartile 2.31 3.96 Upper Quartile 4.61 7.35 Range 10.87 34.79 Interquartile Range 2.3 3.39 Location Measures Measures of Variation Measure Female Male Variance 3.65 17.35 1. In this task I consider the grouping of data (from original dataset HW1 dataset.csv) for • Group1 (low wage) with hrwage ≤ 3 • Group2 (medium wage) with 3 < hrwage ≤ 6 • Group3 (heigh wage) with hrwage > 6 Below is the contingency table with absolute and relative frequencies. We can see that more than 70% of Group 1 consists of women. However, as the hourly wage increases (in Groups 2 and 3), the proportion of women decreases. This indicates inequality in hourly wages between females and males. I have used this guideline to calculate contigency coefficient of Pearson(CCP). I have got CCP equals to 0.55, which indicate strong relation between sex and hourly wage. Accorging to this data set, there is correlation between being female and earning less. We can not apply Pearson or Spearmann correlation coefficients to make some conclusions about the relation of interest, because scale of measurement should be interval or ratio, but in our case this scale is nominal (male and group of hourly wage). Group # Female Total in group Male Count % Count % Count % Group 1 (low wage) 90 73% 34 27% 124 100% Group 2 (medium wage) 97 41% 141 59% 238 100% Group 3 (heigh wage) 20 14% 118 86% 138 100% If you don't like numbers, look at this table! You can see the same, but in more pleasant way for you 👇 contigency_table = np.array([[90, 34], [97, 141], [20, 118]]) obs = pd.DataFrame( contigency_table, columns=["female", "male",], index=["Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"]) mosaic(obs.stack(), title="Observations") obs Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 female 90 97 20 male 34 141 118 group_1 = data_set[data_set['hrwage'] <= 3] group_2 = data_set[(data_set['hrwage'] > 3) & (data_set['hrwage'] <= 6)] group_3 = data_set[data_set['hrwage'] > 6] print(f"Dataset size: {df.size}\nGroup 1 size: {group_1.shape[0]}\ nGroup 2 size: {group_2.shape[0]}\nGroup 3 size: {group_3.shape[0]}") Dataset size: 500 Group 1 size: 124 Group 2 size: 238 Group 3 size: 138 female_group_1 = group_1[group_1['male'] == 0] male_group_1 = group_1[group_1['male'] == 1] female_number_group_1 = female_group_1.shape[0] female_percent_group_1 = round(female_number_group_1/group_1.shape[0]*100, 2) print("Group 1") print(f"Fem num: {female_number_group_1}; fem percent: {female_percent_group_1}\nMale num:: {group_1.shape[0] female_number_group_1}; Male percent: {100-female_percent_group_1}") Group 1 Fem num: 90; fem percent: 72.58 Male num:: 34; Male percent: 27.42 female_group_2 = group_2[group_2['male'] == 0] male_group_2 = group_2[group_2['male'] == 1] female_number_group_2 = female_group_2.shape[0] female_percent_group_2 = round(female_number_group_2/group_2.shape[0]*100, 2) print("Group 2") print(f"Fem num: {female_number_group_2}; fem percent: {female_percent_group_2}\nMale num:: {group_2.shape[0] female_number_group_2}; Male percent: {100-female_percent_group_2}") Group 2 Fem num: 97; fem percent: 40.76 Male num:: 141; Male percent: 59.24 female_group_3 = group_3[group_3['male'] == 0] male_group_3 = group_3[group_3['male'] == 1] female_number_group_3 = female_group_3.shape[0] female_percent_group_3 = round(female_number_group_3/group_3.shape[0]*100, 2) print("Group 3") print(f"Fem num: {female_number_group_3}; fem percent: {female_percent_group_3}\nMale num:: {group_3.shape[0] female_number_group_3}; Male percent: {100-female_percent_group_3}") Group 3 Fem num: 20; fem percent: 14.49 Male num:: 118; Male percent: 85.51 Below I calculate contigency coefficient of Pearson chisqVal = np.sum((contigency_table - expected_freq(obs)) ** 2 / expected_freq(obs)) chisqVal np.float64(90.91665766095004) C_star = np.sqrt(chisqVal / (np.sum(contigency_table) + chisqVal)) C_star np.float64(0.3922460821192232) count_row = obs.shape[0] count_col = obs.shape[1] r, c = obs.shape k = min(r, c) C_star_max = np.sqrt((k - 1) / k) contigency_coeff_of_Pearson = C_star / C_star_max contigency_coeff_of_Pearson np.float64(0.5547197291207162)