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Flat Stomach Exercises: 8 Moves for a Toned Core

8 exercises to help
achieve a flat stomach
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The standard plank engages the following muscles:
the core, a group of major muscles that connect the spine and pelvis
the upper abdominal muscles
the lower abdominal muscles
Planking burns more calories than other abdominal exercises, since it
engages the arms, legs, and back.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Lie flat on the stomach, with the forearms parallel to the floor.
Step 2: Using the forearms and toes for support, push the body up
from the floor.
Step 3: Ensure that the head, neck, back, and legs remain in a
straight line.
Step 4: Hold the position for as long as is comfortable before
returning to the starting position.
Side planks
The side plank engages the following muscles:
the obliques, the side core muscles
the arms
the glutes
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Lie on the left side, with the torso raised so that the left forearm is
directly under the left shoulder, and the left palm is flat on the floor.
Step 2: Stack the right foot on top of the left foot, so that the right leg lies
directly on top of the left leg.
Step 3: Lift the left hip away from the floor, ensuring a straight line through
the torso, hips, and legs.
Step 4: Tighten the core and glutes to maintain balance.
Step 5: Hold the position before slowly bringing the left hip back to the
Step 6: Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
A modification of this exercise involves rotation. When getting into position, a
person raises their top arm, then slowly rotates their torso while moving the top
arm underneath the body in a scooping fashion.
A person should aim to do 8–10 repetitions on one side before switching to the
Toe reaches
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This exercise engages the abdominal muscles.
Beginners might start with this exercise to build up their core strength. A person
can follow these steps:
Step 1: Lie on the back with the legs and feet raised at at a 90-degree angle.
Step 2: Lift the upper body while tensing the core to reach for the toes.
Step 3: Hold the position for 1 or 2 counts before slowly lowering the upper
body while continuing to engage the core.
A person can begin with 1–3 sets of 18–20 repetitions each.
Leg raises
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This exercise engages the following muscles:
lower back muscles
upper abdominal muscles
lower abdominal muscles
hamstring muscles
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Lie flat on the back, with the legs straight out in front.
Step 2: Engaging the core, slowly raise the straightened legs toward the
Step 3: Continuing to engage the core, slowly lower the legs as far as
possible without allowing them to rest on the floor.
Step 4: Continuing to engage the core, slowly raise the straightened legs
back up toward the ceiling.
Aim to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.
Roll ups or straight-legged sit-up
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Roll-ups engage the following muscles:
the abdominal muscles
the lower back muscles
the obliques
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Lie on the back, with the legs straight out and slightly apart.
Step 2: Place both hands behind the head.
Step 3: Slowly lift the upper body while keeping the back straight, and stop
in an upright seated position.
Step 4: Slowly lower the upper body while continuing to keep the back
straight, until the entire body is lying flat.
A person can perform up to 3 sets, with each set lasting 1 minute.
Bicycle crunches
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Bicycle crunches help tone the abdominal muscles and obliques.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Lie flat on the back, with the fingers interlaced behind the head.
Raise the head and shoulders from the floor, and raise the knees so that they
are directly above the hips.
Step 2: While exhaling, twist the torso to bring the left elbow toward the
right knee, and extend the left leg.
Step 3: Hold the position for 1–2 counts.
Step 4: While inhaling, return to the starting position.
Step 5: Repeat on the opposite side.
Aim to perform 3 sets of 12–20 repetitions. Rest for 30–60 seconds after each set.
Boat pose
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This yoga pose helps to strengthen the core and spinal muscles while improving
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Sit with the knees bent and both feet flat on the floor.
Step 2: Lift both feet and slowly lean back while engaging the core. Keep
the knees bent so that the shins are parallel to the floor.
Step 3: Straighten the legs to a 45-degree angle, so that the legs and upper
body make a “V” shape.
Step 4: Reach the arms out in front, so that they are parallel to the floor.
Step 5: Aim to balance on the sitting bones while maintaining the pose for
several breaths.
Step 6: Exhale while releasing the legs and returning to the starting position.
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Burpees help burn calories and build muscle mass.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Slowly squat down while bringing the hands in front of the body.
Step 3: Lower the hands to the floor and kick the legs back into a plank
Step 4: Jump the legs forward to resume a squatting position.
Step 5: Rise to stand.
A beginner might start with 2 sets of burpees, each consisting of 10–15 repetitions.
Rest for 30–60 seconds after each set.
Other tips for a flat stomach
To have a flat stomach, a person needs to reduce their total body fat mass. Below
are some tips.
Regularly doing physical activity
Low levels of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with weight
gain. A 2020 studyTrusted Source found that getting more than 150 minutes of
moderate to vigorous physical activity per week can counteract weight gain.
Doing resistance training
Weightlifting and other forms of resistance training are excellent ways to burn
calories and increase muscle mass.
And intense weightlifting continues to burn fat after the workout has finished.
Health and fitness experts refer to this as the “afterburn effect.”
A 2018 study found that resistance training reduces muscle loss associated with
calorie reduction, while also reducing body fat mass.
Maintaining a healthy diet
Anyone looking to reduce their total body fat should opt for healthier foods, such
as those high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. It is also important to reduce the
intake of sugar, since the body transforms excess glucose into fat.
Staying hydrated
Drinking water can promote a feeling of fullness, which may help reduce
overeating at meal times. It also prevents water retention and bloating, which can
cause the stomach to appear more prominent.
Dehydration can also mask itself as hunger, which may cause a person to crave
sugary foods.
Getting enough sleep
According to a 2018 review, studies show that low-quality sleep can have these
negative health effects, among others:
changes to hormone levels, particularly those that regulate appetite and
changes to metabolism
an increased risk of diabetes
A different 2018 study found that poor sleep quality makes a person more hungry
and more likely to overeat.
Reducing stress
Stress causes the body to release a hormone called cortisol. This can boost the
appetite and slow down metabolism.
Chronic stress can cause persistent high cortisol levels. This can lead to a rise
in blood sugar and an increased risk of weight gain and obesity.
Losing belly fat involves reducing the total mass of body fat.
Some exercises that can help include planks, bicycle crunches, and burpees. Other
techniques for reducing belly fat include reducing the calorie intake, staying
hydrated, and improving sleep hygiene.
Many factors can affect how long desired weight loss takes. Anyone who
consistently exercises tends to see and feel changes in several weeks to a few
months. But each person is different. It can help to avoid comparing one’s own
progress with that of others.