Block Cave Learning Curve and Considerations as Caves Mine Deeper and Higher. Sarah Webster a,* a Evolution Mining, Australia Abstract The risks in caving can be attributed to multiple source mechanisms. For this reason, evaluating a cave's success and its critical risks cannot be performed with binary rules alone. An understanding of the variables of geomechanics in all aspects of design, construction, and operation is required to operate a mine safely. While Laubscher (2000) set the fundamentals of caving knowledge, the mining method evolving into deeper footprints and stronger rock masses have brought new challenges. This paper discusses industry-published cases and learnings from evolving risks with the transitions to the increasing size of crusher chambers, footprint dimensions and heights of draw, along with ground support scheme quantification and caveability. This multifaceted challenge is why ongoing research and innovation continue to provide leaps in understanding how caves behave and how to best design and operate them. Many learnings have been taken from Northparkes Operations, Australia (Northparkes) who continue to evolve as the industry learns more about block caving. Examples from E26 and E48 are provided, where challenges were cave forecasting and reserve recovery, capital investment in infrastructure, cave material properties and distances from caves to major excavations. Keywords: mudrush, caveability modelling, ground support, monitoring, case studies 1. Introduction The mining industry is moving towards methods that have less surface impact, lower cost and are deeper as surface ore sources are exhausted. Block caving is a solution; however, it comes with significant considerations, particularly at depth. Operations must be prepared to commit to sometimes more than three years ahead of ore delivery, higher initial capital funds, and a mining strategy that can withstand cave establishment and reserve delivery risks. For a greenfield mining site, the parameters required to produce a bankable feasibility study, without applicable empirical data, can sometimes be difficult to defend. However, brownfield caving sites, like Northparkes Operations (Northparkes), Australia, benefit from learning from their past cave performance. As a caving industry, we must learn from each other's operations and address the challenges as mines move from shallow into higher heights of draw and deeper footprints through informed engineering commitment. Block-caving knowledge was founded on comprehensive work, initially at mines where rock masses cave and fragment readily. Laubscher (2000) indicates that as mines move into large, more competent ore bodies, there is a need to assess parameters of fragmentation, caveability, draw control design, sequence and ground support. Additionally, when writing A Practical Mining on Block Caving, there was still so much to be learnt and discovered, and information from mines to be analyzed and shared. * Corresponding author Email address: 1 The caving community has continued to innovate, collaborate and share learnings, resulting in much collective knowledge and solutions to caving hazards, some of these key knowledge milestones include hydrofracturing for caveability (van As and Jeffrey 2000) of air blast modelling (Vejrazka 2016), cave flow markers (Whiteman et al. 2016), mud rush risk controls (Butcher, Stacey, and Joughin 2005), and coupled caveability and flow models (Beck, Sharrock, and Capes 2011). The learning trajectory from Laubscher's original graph extended to the year 2000 and as the industry has required, extrapolation of the caving manual guidelines beyond the limits originally provided is happening, Figure 1. Figure 1 Evolution of Challenges, research and Technology in block caving (after Laubscher (2000)). Northparkes has been cave mining for 27 years and has completed three block caves. E26 lift one is 480m deep, E26 lift two is 830m deep, and E48 lift one is 581m deep (Figure 2). Each of these caves has a cave extension constructed at a later stage, and cave columns are an average of 500m in height. Northparkes has all current reserves at less than 500m depth; however, considering future caves in the resource category, more than 60% of the material is located beneath 500m depth. A second lift option to E48 caves is possible, as is a third lift at E26, taking it to 1000+ m depth in high-stress conditions. Undoubtedly, learnings from past Northparkes caves will be used for future designs. With the extensive considerations required to design and manage multiple lifts and draw columns higher than 800m, new techniques gleaned from other caving sites are equally important. This paper outlines learnings, opportunities and future considerations Northparkes has for its deeper caves and discusses some of the critical risks of deep caving. Figure 2 Oblique section of Northparkes looking ESE. Provided here is an overview of recent technical challenges and learnings from diverse mining operations, as they mine larger and deeper block caves. The paper does not cover all risks associated with mining in block caves in high-stress environments however, the focus is on large excavation spans, extraction level design trends, ground support for deformation, caveability, and high lift heights. Also provided are innovations that address the risks of these challenges and some emerging technologies that will continue to keep caving on the continual learning curve. 2. Major Excavation Size Block and sublevel caves are bulk underground mining methods. High production rates are traditionally achieved through conveyor transport rather than trucking, which can be constrained by ventilation and traffic congestion. Conveyor systems require underground crushers to reduce the fragment size. The chamber excavated to house a primary crusher is termed a 'large excavation' because the spans are far greater than those required for regular mine development. Mining at depth comes with greater cost, and increasing production can mitigate this. Productivity from underground can come from not causing delay or congestion for load haul dumps and cave production. Ways to increase production are larger bucket sizes and reducing congestion by maximizing the number of tipping points for crushers. The author notes that near vertical porphyry caves, typical of Northparkes and Cadia, Australia, locate their crushers on the same level as the cave extraction level. The distance from the level is a focus of the design. More lateral extensive block caves and panel caves traditionally locate their crushers beneath the extraction level, and this vertical distance is considered for induced stress levels and magnitudes beneath the cave. At higher stress, the risks of large excavations change, and the magnitude of problems can increase. Stress and shear on structures increase, and the magnitude of seismic events tends to increase. The distance from other openings, such as the extraction level, must increase as pillars between excavations are subject to increased stress. E26 lift one was designed in 1992 with two jaw crushers to process all future production from the Northparkes caves. When designing E26 lift two, a continuous improvement approach lead to a single hybrid jaw-gyratory crusher being selected due to its ability to accept a larger feed size, produce a finer product at a higher rate (Duffield 2000). Savings were achieved as only one chamber needed to be excavated. Caves at Cadia followed a similar path of starting with a jaw crusher and then transitioning to a jaw-gyratory (Cuello and Newcombe 2018). While E26 lift one was not considered high stress, the excavation of the E26 lift two chamber was 350m beneath lift one, 850m below the surface, and in higher stress conditions. The experience is documented by Nixon and Weston (2005) which notes that major hazards identified with the excavation were seismic events with the potential for injury to persons and ground loosening around the crusher chamber. The controls for these hazards included excavation sequence, ground support tailored to the conditions, re-entry procedures after firing, QAQC and design verification after installations. The chamber roof spanned 38m x 16m and was approximately 42m from the cave (Figure 3). The 32 MPa principal stress estimated from hydraulic fracturing was revised following a hollow inclusion cell stress estimate from the undercut level with an estimated principal stress of 53 MPa, considerably more than initially estimated. The crusher chamber and associated feeder station development experienced seismic activity with almost every round, including overbreak and ejection. During the excavation of the hydroset floor, a 10 kg explosive blast was performed to remove a section that did not break with the rock hammer. Approximately 10 minutes after the blast, a seismic event occurred in the crusher chamber, resulting in cracking in the floor concrete and wall deformation detected by extensometers. Investigations and fault tree risk assessment provided additional controls to enable excavation to recommence. Actions included the installation of additional cable bolts into the walls, a two-hour re-entry time for future blasting and, continuous monitoring by the seismic system and measurement of the extensometers (Nixon and Weston 2005). 38m 12.7m Figure 3 E26 Lift 2 crusher chamber and ore pass (Nixon and Weston 2005) Oyu Tolgoi (OT) in Mongolia is one of the more recent block caving provinces, and mining is at more than 1000m in depth. The crusher excavation contains two main chambers connected to each other (Figure 4) with the arched roof spanning 25m x 21m. OT stand-off distance for the crusher is 280m at 1300m depth (Sharrock, Ooi, and Baasanjav 2022), and it is noted this is 60m in proximity to a major regional fault intersecting the cave. In Australia, Ernest Henry's crusher chamber is at 1000m depth, with roof dimensions of 9.5m wide and 35m long, and it is located 180m from the ore body. Geotechnical drilling into the initially planned location intersected a large fault zone not previously identified. The crusher location was moved to a more stable location; however, the proximity to the fault and induced mining stress from the sublevel cave (SLC) indicated extensive ground support would still be required (Campbell et al. 2013). Figure 4 Oyu Tolgoi Panel Cave two crusher chamber dimensions (Sharrock, Ooi, and Baasanjav 2022) E26 Lift One North (E26L1N), a cave extension beneath E26 at Northparkes, constructed a crusher in 2019. The crusher height needed to be reduced to tie into the existing conveyor system. To achieve this, a reevaluation at the plate feeder resulted in a change to a direct feed geometry onto the top shell and spider cap as shown in Figure 5 (Cunningham, Melloni, and Greenaway 2023). These enabled areas of the chamber to be reduced in span and overall volume with a height of 27m. Although high stress was not the motivator for reducing the size of the excavation, this engineering change and chamber reduction is an example of where engineering can find solutions when required. This approach may benefit future chambers looking to reduce excavation dimensions in high-stress. 27m Figure 5 (a) Section through Northparkes E26L1N Primary Crusher with direct tip (b) oblique view of crusher spider and tip shell design. The risks associated with mining large chambers in high-stress environments are mitigated through: Investigation for determining rock mass, structures and stress conditions Locating the chamber's sufficient distance outside the induced stress zone Construction using incremental development cuts. Suorineni (2017) notes that mechanized excavation in several small steps appears more favourable to seismicity management than single long or large blasts. Stages of ground support appropriate for each opening of the excavation Minimizing excavation size Ground support and QAQC during installation Cadia East notes a stand-off distance for critical infrastructure of 110 to 130m dependent on the elevation (Cuello and Newcombe 2018). Cadia and Codelco, Chile, are using hydrofracturing to manage seismicity in crusher chamber excavations. The technique is expanded upon more in Section 5.1. 3. Extraction level design 3.1. Extraction level design Block cave layouts are incrementally improved from one cave mine to the next. Extraction-level layouts of El Teniente or Herringbone shapes are still typical, and dimensions must consider loads for pillar strength and geometry orientation at high stress. At the same time, fragmentation can be finer due to stress fracturing, and the risks of isolated draw/chimneying need to be balanced against reserve recovery. The draw points and extraction level drive spacings have been trending to larger dimensions at Northparkes and other caves, as shown in Table 1. At the same time, the smaller spacings derived from Laubscher (2000), fragmentation-based rules are evolving for harder rock with coarser fragmentation. Advancements in flow monitoring using markers have improved the understanding and mitigation of isolated draw situations. Table 1 Extraction level drive spacing from Block Caves Mine Cave name Year constructed Drawbell spacing (m) Footprint design Crusher roof span (m) Distance from cave Northparkes E26 Lift 2 1993 14 × 28 Herringbone 33 × 13 50 m Northparkes E26 Lift 2 2003 18 × 30 Herringbone 38 × 16 42 m Northparkes E48 2010 18 × 30 Herringbone 47 × 13 55 m Northparkes E26L1N 2019 18 × 30 El Teniente 45 × 10 45 m Cadia Ridgeway Deeps 18 × 30 (Cuello and Newcombe 2018) Herringbone Cadia PC1 PC2 20 × 32 (Cuello and Newcombe 2018) El Teniente 20 × 30 (Brannon et al. 2020) El Teniente Grasberg Block Cave 3.2. Extraction speed The excavation rate of block and sub-level caves directly impacts the financial and seismic response. When commencing block cave construction, the time to the first draw bell firing and cave production is an important milestone. Development rates and drawbelling rates are drivers to achieve this. The efficiency of extractionlevel construction design can be improved by increasing the spacing between extraction-level drives (major pillar) and the drawpoints (minor pillar). At the same time, the faster the excavation rate, that is, the removal of rock and creation of voids, the less time the rock has to adjust to the new stress conditions. This is investigated by Suorineni (2017) through laboratory testing, where loading rates and mining volume excavated rates are evaluated. At high loading or excavation rates, there is less time allowed for stress redistribution and energy dissipation. This can result in an aseismic rock being seismic. Laubscher (2000) also noted that the rate of caving impacts seismic activity, as rapid draw places high-induced stress on the cave back. At El Teniente, Chile, the level of seismic activity is related to the cave's extraction rate or propagation rate. Drawbelling rate is a balance between turning over the caving front fast enough not to allow induced stress to sit for too long, loading the extraction level past peak strength and slowing enough to allow a manageable rate of stress redistribution during excavation. The drawbelling firing rate needs to commence and ramp up gradually to be achievable for the underground workforce executing this work. The tasks of drilling, charging, firing and mining bells are highly specialized, and time is needed to allow the tasks to align into an efficient marching sequence of peak drawbelling rate. Sequencing of lead and lags between drawbell firings, undercutting rings, sub-level cave levels, and caving fronts is important for mitigating excessive induced stress from geometry. Sequencing excavations such as the undercut ahead or behind the extraction in a level is critical at depth. The advance undercutting technique has been recommended to ensure a minimum amount of development ahead of the cave front (Laubscher 2000). Additionally, the undercutting direction should be from weak to strong ground to place the induced stress onto the higher-strength material and induce fractures. However, if the weaker material caves preferentially, this area may take off and leave the stronger material. Northparkes experiences preferential caving of the volcanic units over the monzonite units, and examples from E26 Lift two North show this caving up in the volcanic units, particularly the geological contact with monzonite the (Talu, van As, Seloka, et al. 2010). The balance of draw bell level spacings is made by considering in order of importance: 1) Pillar stability (increase size to address instability) 2) Reserve recovery (decrease size to achieve interactive draw) 3) Economics (increase size to reduce capital cost) The draw belling rate is made by considering: 1) Induced stress onto pillars 2) Shape and length of undercut front to allow sufficient turnover of the undercut 3) Resources available to turn overdraw bell firings A cave's rate of advance, through undercutting or cave growth, influences the period that the ground is subject to induced stress. A balance must be established between fast (not enough time to shed stress) and slow (stress loading the extraction level pillars past peak strength). 4. Ground Support and Redevelopment Quantifying the rock mass static and dynamic demand from a ground support scheme must consider a block cave's high extraction ratio, complex geometry, and sequence. The ground support in the block cave needs to account for damage from static and dynamic loading during excavation. Additionally, the production draw schedule, then periods of no draw during mine shutdowns, repeatedly cycles the ground through loaded and unloaded stress states. Deeper block caves require rock support to be substantial enough for uninterrupted production. At the same time, construction is to be timely and cost-effective (Kaiser and Moss 2022). The staged construction tasks create opportunities to schedule ground support installations for stages of high stress, such as undercutting. Caution should be taken if delaying final ground support until later in the schedule, as when dealing with major projects and the variable nature of the rock, areas can be missed or loads incorrectly estimated and ground may be undersupported. Laubscher (2000) summarised this as 'A consideration for extraction level construction is the installation sequence of the complete ground support as opposed to the attitude of expediency and convenience'. Laubscher provided guidelines for low and high-stress conditions, as in Figure 6. Advancements through trials, research, modelling, and ground support design have built on this work to improve safety and efficiency for block caving. The demand from the ground support in a block cave needs to consider the stages of: Development Undercutting Cave establishment with oversize Cave breakthrough Prolonged years of cave draw, including cycles of shutdown and increased draw Cave footprint closure A note on the cave breakthrough stage is when stress concentrated on the vertically growing cave back breaks through to a void. This change can quickly shed stress back down to the extraction level. This cavinginduced stress may invoke significant seismic events at the extraction level sometime after cave establishment. The ground support tools suggested by Laubscher (2000) are still relevant and used in many caves. These include: Typical bolts, cables, fibre-reinforced shotcrete and mesh Welded mesh straps Tendon straps and cable slings (Figure 7) Steel arches Reinforced concrete arches Shotcrete kerbs at sidewall floor protecting bucket undercutting Chain link mesh is an additional ground support tool used in areas prone to bursting (Louchnikov, Brown, and Bucher 2011). Northparkes and industry have tested alternatives to steel arches, such as concrete arches (Shea 2019) and brow beams, to find a less labour-intensive installation as steel sets can be challenging to repair when damaged. While some of these alternatives to brow support have their place in short-term draw points, it is difficult to replicate the robustness of a steel arch. The evolution of ground support in caves is demonstrated at Codelco, having been in operation since 1905 and mining with the effects of stress since 1976. The work by Valdivia, Munoz, and Landeros Córdova (2023) shows the changing dynamic rock support systems used in the panel caves (Figure 8). These ground and surface elements are not specific to caving, as other underground mines that are progressively deepening and encountering rock-bursting conditions would follow a similar path. The Canadian Rockburst Support Handbook (Kaiser et al. 1996) provided guidelines for rock support in highstress conditions, and since then, many researchers have built on this work as rockburst data sets expanded to further the understanding of rock burst mechanisms and ground support schemes, including E et al. (2016), Heal, Potvin, and Hudyma (2006), Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou (2020). Monitoring technology has allowed the industry to verify the demand the ground is presenting and research the dynamic capacity of the components of ground support elements to meet this demand. Kaiser and Moss (2022) provide guiding principles for deformation-based support design. Under this approach, the installed ground support capacity is reduced as displacements occur during subsequent excavation stages and mining production and the remaining deformation capacity in the ground support is required to be tracked. The workflow for this support design consists of: 1. identifying the vulnerability of excavations to all possible failure modes 2. defining and documenting the engineering design assumptions, dominant design parameters and any rules for selecting the ground support system 3. estimating the demands on the support and safety margins over the life of the excavation using applicable calculations, empirical methods and numerical models to establish a safety margin; 4. verifying the design's deformation consumption over the excavation's life. Kaiser and Moss (2022) note that the detailed design steps are complex and involve iterations and comparisons of alternatives. It is the author's experience that during the block cave study stages, the draw bell firing, undercutting timing, scheduling of construction tasks, and mining rates are highly fluid. The geotechnical engineer needs to be aware of these changes and the impact of sequence on the stress conditions. Including design change controls and sign-off is an important part of ensuring the ground support and installation timing remain appropriate. Figure 6 Low-stress and high-stress support techniques from Laubscher (2000). Figure 7 Plan view of camel back and bull nose restraint from cables wrapped around and grouted inside the drawpoint Laubscher (2000). Figure 8 Main changes in rock support elements used to manage rock bursts at El Teniente. Graph includes annual rockburst numbers and production tonnes per day (Valdivia, Munoz, and Landeros Córdova 2023). 4.1. Verification of Deformation accounting for ground support Modern underground displacement monitoring for convergence of underground excavations allows a far greater number of data points to measure the rock mass response. Traditional extensometers and convergence point monitoring have provided very accurate measurements until now but at low densities in the mine. Determining and acting on the response between these point measurements has been done by making assumptions from the nearest data point or by making visual observations. This was the case for years with open pit monitoring relying on prisms. The availability of scanning techniques covering the entire excavation surface gives a far more accurate picture of the response of the ground, highlighting areas converging and areas not moving. The ability to calibrate numerical models and understand the extent of failure and its mechanisms is enhanced when based on orders of magnitude greater quantities of data. As explained by Kaiser and Moss (2022), the deformation-based support design requires tracking of the safety factor remaining based on the ground support scheme capacity. Using a laser scanning monitoring technique to monitor the convergence, while not as sub-millimetre accurate as extensometers or convergence points, allows more informed decisions on managing ground support rehabilitation across the entire monitoring area. The deformation-based approach is a proactive ground support rehabilitation one as opposed to reactive rehabilitation, where re-supporting is made on areas once evidence of plates and bolts failing has occurred. 4.2. Redevelopment Deeper and longer-life block caves may experience areas with excessive convergence from areas of failed pillars performing at their post-peak residual strength. Continuing safe mining in these areas requires increased geotechnical management to monitor deformation, adjust cave draw control to disperse cave column loads and tailor rehabilitation ground support. This was the case in areas of E48 in regions that had experienced high convergence and redevelopment to maintain access. Here, the rock surrounding the drive has converged and bulking consists of slabs and smaller blocks as a failed rock shell. The failed ground is still safely retained by the bolts and cable ground support tying it back (Figure 9). Pouring cement plugs into drives with excessive deformation was used at E48 on two occasions. Redevelopment through a plug requires cycles of shortcuts and support to reestablish the drive profile. Resin injection was used to consolidate the ground to enable anchor holes to be drilled and remain open (Brenchley et al. 2013). This acted to penetrate the defects and voids, filling and re-consolidating broken ground. The redeveloped ground is maintained by a ground support arch through the broken ground, which resembles the 'Gabion panel' concept (Kaiser and Moss 2022). (a) (b) Figure 9 (a) Deformed rock mass of a pillar with stress-fractured, failed rock and ground control in the walls tying back the failed rock regions into solid rock (Kaiser and Moss 2022). (b) example of rehabilitation ground support from Northparkes E48 Mine EDA, March 2015 (Snyman and Webster 2022). 5. Caveability Caveability from empirical charts indicates mining spans required for a rock mass to cave naturally after undercutting. The influence of structural features, variations in rock mass quality, stress, adjacent mining, water, mining geometries and mining sequence all influence caveability and are not possible to quantify from charts alone. Additionally, the caveability must be estimated through all units of the cave propagation path and the variable span of the cave back included in the assessments. Numerical modelling of cave establishment and growth allows an understanding of cave extents and timing. The introduction of coupled geomechanical and flow models (Beck, Sharrock, and Capes 2011) allowed the cave draw schedule to be integrated and the two highly related activities, such as an air gap or swell buttressing the cave back, to be reflected in the model. Northparkes caves have experienced varying caveability behaviours including cave stall (Ross and van As 2005), arch over (Talu, van As, Seloka, et al. 2010) and fast caving (Snyman and Webster 2022). With developments in input data collection and monitoring techniques, there are opportunities to improve subsequent numerical models, and examples are given in Pfitzner et al. (2010) and Kamp et al. (2022). These examples show how seismic data can further our understanding of cave growth, by supplementing traditional open hole and extensometer monitoring with new technology to improve the calibration of numerical models. 5.1. Preconditioning for caveability and induced seismicity Preconditioning is treating the ground through blasting or hydraulic fracturing to reduce the rock mass strength, providing benefits to caveability and managing seismic magnitude. Preconditioned blasting was performed on a rib pillar at Mt Charlotte, Australia, to promote yielding on blast fractures rather than dynamic yielding in a large seismic event (Mikula, Lee, and McNabb 1995). Hydrofracturing was first performed for caveability at Northparkes in the E26 Lift one block cave (van As and Jeffrey 2000). Subsequently, Northparkes used hydrofracturing and blasting to promote the caving of the eastern side of the E26 Lift 2 North extension (Talu, van As, Seloka, et al. 2010) and the E48 ore body, then E48 extensions (Webster, Snyman, and Samosir 2016). During these projects Northparkes hired the CSIRO equipment and followed the same methodology, as hydrofracturing is not continuously performed at the mine. Other caving sites have opted to purchase their own pumps and hydrofracturing equipment and have contracted drilling companies to perform hydrofracturing at the mine using a technique like CSIRO. A measure of a hydrofracturing program's success is the number of fractures or total water volume and, thus, damage that can be induced into the rock mass. This relates to the number and speed at which fractures are performed, driven by minimizing time when the team is not fracturing. The Northparkes program's pump rate was in the range of 400 litres per minute, and fractures were performed at 2.5m intervals between inflated packers. Although there can be benefits in mixing gels for more viscous fluids in fractured regions, this process increased the time between fracturing and thus reduced the number of fractures performed each shift. It is concluded that more fractures performed in intact rock create more damage to the rock mass than fewer fractures using gel. The Cadia East Underground Project is one of the deepest panel caves in the world, with the first panel (PC1) located 1,200m below the surface and the second (PC2) 1,450m below the surface. The whole footprint of these caves was intensively preconditioned with blasting up-holes and hydraulic fracturing down-holes before the initiation of the cave, as shown in Figure 10 (Catalan, Onederra, and Chitombo 2017b). This treatment increased caving rates, reduced secondary fragmentation, and enhanced cave draw. Improvements were also observed in the better control of the magnitude of seismicity from caving-induced stress. Figure 10 Section through Cadia East block cave levels with a sequence for intensive preconditioning using blasting and hydrofracturing (Catalan, Onederra, and Chitombo 2017a). Codelco have a history of testing and applying hydrofracturing to precondition rock masses at El Teniente Mine to control mining-induced seismicity near the current infrastructure (Ghazvinian et al. 2020). The methodology used was the packer method. The application of hydrofracturing has demonstrated an increase in low-magnitude seismicity, enhanced cave propagation rate, and lowered probability of air blast generation (Navarrete Vallejos et al. 2022)The area treated is the rock column at least 100m above the level and, in the selected area, the rock mass below the production level. This aims to create seismic protection for infrastructure and personnel at the production level. More recently, hydrofracturing has been performed with larger pumps where the amount of water injected per fracking interval is far greater. Due to the large equipment size, it has been performed on the surface rather than in underground locations. This technique, termed 'Plug and Perf', is documented at Cadia by Amorer et al. (2022) and has been used at other Australian caves to promote cave growth successfully. The fracturing technique stems from the oil and gas industry and involves installing steel casing into a drill hole, which is then perforated using shaped explosive charges. The openings created form the initial path for fluid pumped up to 3,000 litres per minute from the surface. After the duration of fracturing is complete, plastic 'bio-balls' are released from the surface and flow into the frac zone, sealing off the holes. This allows the water pressure to find the next weakest opening and continue to propagate fractures. The faster pumping rate and ability to fracture longer intervals make this an efficient method of creating damage to the rock mass. 6. Lift height, fragmentation, flow and fines generation The lift height is the height of the caved column of material above the extraction level that is included in the reserves to be recovered. Higher lift heights involve rock travelling greater distances through the cave column, resulting in higher comminution and more fines generation. The higher columns containing unconsolidated and potentially water-bearing cave material also have a greater inrush risk. 6.1. Height of draw and flow The higher the lift height, the less influence the draw has on the cave back and the greater the risk of dilution to upper reserves. It was noted at E26 lift 2 North that the draw loses influence on the cave back after around 200m (Talu, van As, Seloka, et al. 2010). For these reasons design heights of draw were typically 500m, although these are growing with Cuello and Newcombe (2018) noting Cadia caves mining between 1200 to 1400m height of draw (Figure 11). Figure 11 Caving mines depth, block height and footprint production (bubble size) (Cuello and Newcombe 2018). Sub-level and block cave flow has been further understood through reduced-scale experiments, models and full-scale installed markers. Marker trials in block caves started using objects such as painted tyres and various steel shapes. SLC trials at Kiruna and Grängesberg mines in Sweden, then Ridgeway mine in Australia, incorporated loading uniquely coded steel tube markers into drill fans within the burden of an unfired SLC ring (Power 2004). The aim was to understand the granular flow mechanisms, assess interactive draw, and quantify recovery and dilution. The sophistication of markers improved with the introduction of 'smart markers' from Elexon Electronics that were again installed in boreholes and had improved recovery of data as they were able to be read electronically when the material was trammed underneath a detector at the crusher tipple (Talu, van As, Henry, et al. 2010)These allowed higher numbers to be recovered, and analysis of the rate of movement through the cave, along with lateral rilling rates into areas of the higher draw, was possible. The markers were upgraded again with the development of the Elexon Mining Cave Tracker system that emitted a signal, allowing the position of the beacon to be determined as it moved through the cave (Whiteman et al. 2016). The data from Cave Tracker beacons was the first full-scale data within the cave, providing insights into the muckpiles' response to draw. 6.2. Fragmentation Fragmentation describes the distribution of material sizes presenting to the drawpoints throughout the life of a cave. Predictions for fragmentation require assessments of the contribution from faults and fractures, veins, and cemented joints. The cemented features can be overlooked as they are not obviously weak planes; however, work conducted by Codelco (Brzovic and Villaescusa 2007) indicates that their strength modifies the rock mass ratings, and careful logging is required. Quantifying the coarse component, the frequency of hangups, and the oversize is important for ensuring sufficient resources are allocated for secondary breakage. Laubscher (2000) noted, the flow cone dimensions, particularly the diameter, are described by a percentage passing fragmentation size, where coarse fragmentation produces larger, more interactive draw cones. The caving rules of even draw across the level aim to reduce mixing within the cave column and reduce the detrimental effects of the uneven draw, such as loading on the extraction level, higher generation of fines, and funnelling of the draw. If a draw point or localized zone is mined harder than surrounding draw points, the region above becomes less dense while the surrounding material compacts. With the continual isolated draw, the area becomes a focus for flow that can fast-track material from higher in the cave, preferentially over adjacent material. In addition, finer material can flow into voids more readily than larger, coarse material, making the fine material present earlier in the draw sequence. Fragmentation can be mapped visually at the draw point; however, it is more accurate to quantify fragmentation through photogrammetry and laser scanning methods. 6.3. Fines and inrush The generation of fine material in a block cave occurs due to comminution between rock mobile fragments and rock fragments and the cave edges. The amount of fines generated is related to the mineralogy of the rock, its strength, microfractures and veins that contribute to breaking up more quickly, or the degree of chemical disintegration due to water or oxidation during the caving duration. Time in the cave is also a factor, and examples of fragmentation from E48 are given in Figure 12 where the early material is coarse and fresh while later years are finer, grained, and then oxidized. Butcher, Stacey, and Joughin (2005) describes the breakdown of kimberlite and shale, both containing clay minerals, comminuting in the muck pile and creating a source of fines for mud from South African mines. This was observed from sampling the porphyry rocks of E26 at Northparkes after 20 years of caving. It was observed that the low-strength material in the muck pile had the consistency of stiff clays, and the texture indicated it was part fines and part rock textures that had weathered since mining had ceased (Webster, Samosir, and Wyllie 2020). Fines can also come from dilution or surface sources of weathered and oxidized rock. In the early years of a cave, water can drain freely through the fragmented rock however, as the cave matures and the amount of fines increases, the cave can become less permeable, and water can be retained within the fragmented ore (Ghadirianniari et al. 2024). The height of a cave column when using standard tools expressed by Laubscher (2000) was based on studies of low lifts, less than 200m, where dilution factors are provided up to 300m draw and caves are described to 500m. In weaker ground, cave heights of draw are kept to 200m or less (deWolfe and Ross 2016) to manage reserve loss from isolated draw columns better. Grasberg Block Cave has an average reserve height of 500m (Brannon et al. 2020). Mining stronger rock caves are trending to higher heights of draw (Figure 11) Simultaneously, this can generate more fines due to ore spending a longer time in the cave column. Caves with vertical orebodies mine subsequently deeper lifts, and they can be exposed to fines generated from previous cave lifts above them. The presence of sufficient fines within a cave column can create dry fines inrush events. Where the cave has a point of entry of water, such as an aquifer, or opens into a water catchment area of an extensive subsidence zone or an open pit, the mechanism of fines with water must be considered. An example is the Grasberg Block Cave, one of the largest block caves in the world, below one of the largest open pits, the Grasberg Open Pit in an area that receives greater than 5 m of rain a year (Brannon et al. 2020) Butcher, Stacey, and Joughin (2005) note four factors required to trigger a wet inrush event: the holding capacity of water, the presence of fines forming minerals, a disturbance in the ore column and the inrush discharge capacity at a drawpoint. The combination of these factors with fines generation, either from weak ore or high heights of draw combined with a water source accumulating in the cave, poses an increased risk of wet muck rushes as seen at Cullinan, South Africa (Figure 13 a). Mudrush dynamics in underground mining are especially complex due to the confinement and stress within the muckpile (Jakubec, Clayton, and Guest 2012). Uncontrolled inrush can result in injury, fatality, damage, dilution, production delays, or mine closure. (a) 2013 (b) 2020 (c) 2023 Figure 12 E48 Fragmentation from years left to right, 2013, 2020, 2023. Figure 13 (a) example of a fluid type mudrush from Cullinan. (b) Example of very stiff clay protrusion from drawpoint at Northparkes mine (Jakubec, Clayton, and Guest 2012). Grasbergs Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) mine in Indonesia has extensive data sets aiding in analyzing wet inrush hazards. The draw point classification scheme details the percentage of fines and the water contents, and it also notes contributing factors of isolated draw and height of draw (Edgar, Prasetyo, and Wilkinson 2020). Here, the height of draw for the upper case is greater than 200m. Statistical analysis performed at DOZ places weight on the caving rules of even draw. Here, it was found that with draw rates above 150t/d, spills were 16 times more likely in isolated draw areas compared to even draw areas (Ghadirianniari et al. 2024). Northparkes has a unique scenario where the surface clay stockpile at Northparkes failed into the subsidence zone of E26 lift one. This resulted in red clay mixed into the ore that preferentially flowed through narrow draw zones and reported to draw points (Figure 13 b), causing blockages in the material handling system and flotation issues in the mill (Webster, Samosir, and Wyllie 2020). The areas where fines and wet material appear are managed using a Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) involving mapping clay and fines contents and moisture observations. Should these values exceed the limits defined in the TARP, drawpoints are mined remotely. While compaction is not currently a problem with short shutdowns, caves that have ceased operations are not readily restarted due to compaction over longer closure times. Northparkes is a relatively dry mine compared to DOZ and, thus, less susceptible to fluid mudrushes. The site has, however, experienced fines generation as the cave matures, particularly at the cave edges. The examples in Figure 14 are from the E48 cave edges where dry fines entered from one of the draw points, resulting in a new fragmentation category being developed, referred to as 'superfine' – baby powder-sized material. Subsequent fines inrushes occurred in the remaining years of E48 as the height of draw moved towards the final height of 450m and are almost always located along the cave boundary and/or associated with lithology contacts and/or geological features (Snyman and Webster 2022). A similar observation is made at Cadia East Operations, where fine inrushes are termed rill swell events and tend to occur at the boundaries of the cave back. Cadia manages this risk again through statistical analysis and a mathematical model implemented at the mine (Lett et al. 2022). The analysis aligns with that seen at DOZ, where influencing factors are the height of draw, previous inrush events, the proximity to the cave back shape, the extraction rate, and isolated draw. A statistical analysis approach has also been used at El Teniente to rank the probability of mud entry into the drawpoints. The wet muck entry input model is represented by the variables of the extraction ratio (height of draw and in situ primary rock height ratio), percentage of material extracted, fragmentation sizing threshold, and annual precipitation (Salas et al. 2022). (a) (b) Figure 14 (a) First fines inrush from AS6, Northparkes E48 Block Cave, October 2014, (Snyman and Webster 2022), (b) fines in E48 drawpoint 1N4. The risk of mud rush at a mine can be assessed by noting the amount of fines generated, the sources of water, and the triggering energy. Mudrush is more likely after a static period when the muck pile is not kept mobile. Constantly drawing a cave promotes drainage and prevents fines from settling and accumulating in the cave column. Additionally, areas of a cave mined preferentially result in zones of low-density material that fine fractions can migrate into (Jakubec, Clayton, and Guest 2012). A triggering event can be vibration from blasting or mining equipment, excess pressure from rising water levels, or new material collapse onto the mud. Considering block caves are mined at increasing heights of draws, exceeding 500m, and from multiple lifts, it is imperative that risk management continue to understand and manage these risks. 7. Future emerging innovations to address challenges Reflecting on the foundation work in block caving from Laubscher (2000) and the progress from researchers, caving operations, suppliers, and collaborative caving studies has continuously provided distinct progress in understanding caving mechanisms. In this section, emerging technologies are discussed. 7.1. Cave back mapping The cave back has been defined from drill holes where the back is observed via camera or extensometers installed as monitoring. The data point from a hole represents a small part of the cave surface, and the surface needs to be interpreted between data points. The introduction of optical fibre monitoring of cave backs has allowed higher resolution strain monitoring within boreholes. The optical fibre installation is no more complex than other hole monitoring installations; however, a limitation is that an abundance of data has been produced that needs to be stored, postprocessed, and used for decisions and action. Industry will need to adapt to manage these large data sets and create thresholds for responding to the changes revealed in the data. Examples of this monitoring are from Silixa (Furlong and Anderson 2022) and an example from monitoring at Carrapateena SLC is available from Poulter et al. (2022). The ability to measure the cave back and have high-resolution strain values of the ground from the failed edge through the seismic zone into intact rock provides a great opportunity to understand the mechanisms and depth of the cave's influence. Furthering the ability to understand the cave back is Muon tomography technology. This form of monitoring infers density by measuring the attenuation of cosmic ray muons from the upper atmosphere as they penetrate the earth. The measurement of the flux arriving at certain directions by the detectors situated underground are used to reconstruct a 3D model of the underground density (Schouten 2018b). Muon-based geophysics investigates mineral exploration near existing mines, oil and gas reservoirs, and block cave monitoring. The creation of cave shape based on density has numerous benefits to cave management, calibration of numerical models, and reconciliation of reserves. At the time of writing case studies are being published and current examples are; Schouten (2018a), Hivert et al. (2016) Lechmann et al. (2021). 7.2. Coupled cave flow, caveability, hydrology modelling The ability to couple the geomechanical and particle flow codes in a caveability numerical model provided a tool for managing caveability where cave loads are incorporated into the model, which is essential for forecasting cave behaviour and managing production (Beck, Sharrock, and Capes 2011). Further work has coupled these models with the hydrological influences to understand the flow paths and the effects of fluid pressure on the geomechanical model (Flatten and Beck 2016). The coupled nature of the numerical models allows a better replication of the complex mechanisms influencing block caves. 7.3. Flow modelling with fragmentation monitoring results The abundant data generated from the technology of ore body knowledge, flow paths and fragmentation sizings produced through the life of the cave poses a great opportunity for back analysis of caves. This could provide caving studies with numerous projects to account for the range of caving results we see. 8. Conclusion Caving is the lowest operating cost underground mining method, provided that draw point spacing, draw point size and ore handling facilities are designed to suit the caved material and that the draw point horizon is maintained for the draw life (Laubscher 2000). The mining method depends on the rock mass characteristics, and as rock mass varies, so does caving success. The multifaceted mechanisms of strength, stress, structure, geometry, excavation rates, draw strategy, flow, fragmentation, and water make designing and operating caves safely a complex approach. 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