See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Northparkes Mines -Step Change Project Conference Paper · June 2012 CITATIONS 0 2 authors, including: Sarah Webster Australian National University 14 PUBLICATIONS 20 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Sarah Webster on 21 October 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Northparkes Mines - Step Change Project Angus R Wyllie, Mine Design Superintendent, Rio Tinto Northparkes Mines BE (Min) (Hons) UNSW, MAusIMM Sarah B Webster, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Rio Tinto Northparkes Mines BSc (Geology) (Hons) Macq, MEngSci (Geomechanics) WASM, MAusIMM Abstract Northparkes Mines (Northparkes) a copper-gold mine in central west New South Wales, Australia has been operating since 1993. The mine was the first in Australia to utilise block cave mining and is currently producing at 5.8Mtpa from it third block cave E48 Lift 1. The Step Change Project, currently in Pre-Feasibility stage, provides an exciting opportunity for Northparkes to not just expand its’ operations and extend the life of mine but to lead the way in incorporating new technology and innovation while continuing to contribute to the local communities in which it operates. The Pre-Feasibility study will evaluate a series of large tonnage, low-grade areas of mineralisation within Northparkes’ existing mining leases. The potential exists for a large-scale underground mining and processing operation (approx 30Mtpa) based on multiple block cave operations using an expanded version of Northparkes’ highly productive block cave layout. The zones of additional mineralisation exploited by the Step Change Project represent depth extensions of the E26, E22 and E48 ore bodies and a new zone of mineralisation GRP314. Significant upside potential exists through the application of new technologies, upgrade of the existing resources and discovery of additional resources. This paper offers an account of the project design and evaluation and the new technologies being brought in to practise as part of this exciting project. Introduction Northparkes Mines (Northparkes) located 27 kilometres north of Parkes in central New South Wales, Australia operates block cave and open cut mines and an ore processing plant, producing copper-gold concentrates that are sold to custom smelters in Japan and China. The mine has been operating since 1993 from two open cuts E22 & E27 and three Underground block caves E26 Lift1 & E26 Lift 2 and E48, which is the current the production source. North Mining Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto) is the manager of the Northparkes unincorporated Joint Venture, which has the following ownership: • Rio Tinto (80 %). • Sumitomo Metal Mining Oceania Pty. Ltd (13.3 %). • Sumitomo Corporation (6.7 %). The E26 Lift 1 and Lift 2 block cave’s construction and operation have been covered at previous Massmin Conferences by Duffield (2000), Silvera (2004) and Ross (2008). The existing operation has a mine life to 2024 based on current reserves with production from the E48 block cave currently at 5.8Mtpa, ramping up to 6.2Mtpa. Some aspects of the E48 operation are covered within this paper but the focus is on the Step Change Project. The Step Change Project Northparkes completed an Order of Magnitude Study in May 2010 evaluating the potential for a large-scale underground mining and processing operation based on a series of large-tonnage lowgrade mineralised zones within Northparkes’ existing mine leases. The zones of additional mineralisation exploited by the Step Change Project represent depth extensions of the E26, E22 and E48 ore bodies and a new zone of mineralisation GRP314 (Figure 1). In August 2010, the Northparkes Mines Joint Venture partners approved a Pre-Feasibility Study to further evaluate the potential for a step change expansion. Figure 1: Cross-section showing the zones of mineralisation in relation to existing and proposed mine infrastructure. As part of the Pre-Feasibility Study an extensive drilling program is being undertaken to improve ore body knowledge, both geological and geotechnical, with 155km of diamond drilling planned from both surface and underground. The reported inferred resources at the end of the Order of Magnitude study were 271Mt at 0.55% Cu, 0.26g/t Au. Drilling to date has increased and extended the mineralised zones and an updated resource statement will be published at the completion of the PreFeasibility study (PFS). E22 L1 E48 L2 GRP L1 GRP L2 E26 L3 No. Draw points 257 883 271 615 968 Extraction level RL 9730 9200 9620 9120 8950 Depth (m) 550 1080 660 1160 1330 Table 1: Step Change Project block cave footprints Table 1 shows the proposed block caves extraction levels and depth below surface along with the number of draw points for each footprint which gives an indication of the potential scale of the project. The PFS drilling program is designed to have the ore body knowledge to a sufficient confidence level to allow the project to move straight into Feasibility study. Geotechnical Considerations The timely collection of 155km of geotechnical data for use in the determination of geotechnical parameters and eventual mine design presents a significant challenge. Current data collection is in the form of traditional diamond core logging, photo logging of old holes and geophysical methods of Acoustic Televiewer and Full Wave Sonic down hole surveys. With 6 underground and 2 surface diamond drill rigs operating on a continuous 24/7 roster a high volume of core is required to be processed. The core shed is staffed by four shifts of geo-technicians on a rotating day and night shift roster responsible for the traditional Geotechnical core logging which is split into two areas: RQD log and detail log. The RQD log is performed for all core on approximate three metre intervals, collecting core recovery, RQD, microfracture estimate, and counts of open, strong, weak and smooth fractures. The detail log is performed on 30% of the core and includes structure type, alpha, beta, roughness, planarity and infill characteristics. A team of experienced geologists is responsible for marking out lithological boundaries and major structures as well as selecting the geotechnically representative 30% intervals for detailed logging. Within these representative intervals every discontinuity greater than 1mm is logged. Although only 30% of core is logged this way, within this percentage, it is possible to perform statistical analysis of the spacing of discontinuity sets. This detailed spacing data is a fundamental input to predicting fragmentation of a cave. The number of holes logged hinges on the geological requirements for resource classification with geotechnical data required on 50m spacings per rock type for fragmentation and draw zone prediction purposes (Laubscher, 2000). Outside of the 30% detail log, the major structures marked by the geologists are also selected for orientation. Photo logging of old holes is performed as a QAQC check of core logging and to ground truth processed data. This is not a regular exercise however has provided a reliable method of comparing the processed rock mass characteristics within a domain against the actual core photos. To improve the speed and reliability of data collection within the Step Change Project, Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) and Full Wave Sonic (FWS) surveys have been performed on 33 holes over the four mining areas. ATV and FWS surveys are a form of geophysical log where a sonde tool, connected to a surface logging unit is lowered, via winch, into a bore hole. The ATV tool generates an image of the borehole by transmitting ultrasound pulses from a rotating sensor and recording the amplitude and travel time of the signals reflected at the borehole wall. The image of the borehole reveals discontinuity traces as lower or higher amplitude reflections relative to surrounding rock that can be traced and resolved to true discontinuity orientations. Benefits of the ATV are: • a digital record of the hole can be preserved and re-logged irrespective of core cutting • reduction of time and human error of projecting orientation lines and measuring alpha and beta angles manually • structure orientations can be processed within a day of receiving the survey • orientations can be achieved through broken zones where core orientations are typically lost • reliable set, orientation and spacing data throughout the length of survey borehole breakouts can be orientated to determine the principal horizontal stress direction. ( • Figure 2) Figure 2 Dark vertical region in ATV survey from break out of hole wall indicating principal horizontal stress orientation perpendicular to breakout. FWS surveys measure the waveforms of the tool emitting and receiving sonic impulses. These waveforms are interpreted using WellCAD to determine P and S wave velocities. The velocities, along with density measurements, are used to determine the elastic moduli and variations in rock strength down the hole (Figure 3). Figure 3 ATV, FWS and logging data for section of hole E48D101. Three of the planned extraction levels in the Pre-Feasibility study are at depths exceeding 1000m below surface. At below surface. At this depth, projected, principal stress magnitudes are in the order of 70Mpa and high stress mining high stress mining conditions are anticipated. Preliminary access development has commenced from the bottom of the bottom of the E26 Lift 2 decline (9400RL) and is planned to reach 1100m below surface (9200RL) late in 2012 (9200RL) late in 2012 where Hollow Inclusion (HI) Cell stress measurements are planned. As mine design design commenced in 2011 decisions on stress orientations were necessary early in the Pre-Feasibility stage. The stage. The combination of historic site HI measurements at around 800m below surface and bore hole breakouts in breakouts in ATV surveys ( Figure 2) gave confidence to an interpreted East-West principal horizontal stress direction. This direction was used to orientate extraction drives parallel to the principal stress direction where effects of stress are minimised during development (Figure 4). Figure 4 E48 Orientation of stress and major structures used to determine preferred orientation of extraction drives. Mine Design Considerations The Step Change Project aims to maintain the efficiency integral to Northparkes small footprint caves and apply that knowledge to larger footprints. Maintaining the high efficiencies achieved at Northparkes in E26 Lift 2 and E48 Lift 1 is crucial to sustaining the low operating cost/tonne allowing the exploitation of the low grade deposits. The Northparkes layout shown below (Figure 5) utilises a single production horizon (no vent or haulage levels) feeding a large capacity jaw gyratory crusher with electric LHDs. Figure 5 E48 Lift 1 Extraction Level Layout and Materials Handling System The efficiency integral to this layout comes from: • The LHD tramming bucket first to the crusher, no turning on rim drive maximising high speed tramming. • The capacity of the crusher and ROM bin able to handle material up to 3m3, reducing need for secondary break and rehandle of material • Electric boggers with low operating cost • Loader Automation with the ability to lockout and separate drives and zones of interaction. As the time taken to achieve first production is a major driver of block cave NPV the second major mine design consideration for the Step Change extraction levels is a focus on development efficiency/ constructability. Learning from E48 development, construction efficiency is just as if not more important than production operability. The Step Change design is focused on; traffic management, ensuring multiple access point to the extraction level and undercut development; design of truck loading bays to remove the bogger and truck from the access drive and; improving ventilation flows during construction when more diesel equipment is employed. Ore Processing Considerations The size of the operation is a key value driver, a range of plants between 10-40Mtpa have been evaluated to determine the optimal production rate for the operation. The throughput rate effects the capital and operating costs for the project and therefore the economic parameters used in PCBC to determine the optimal footprint at various cut off values. The ramp up and development sequence of the different ore bodies has a major effect on project value but the ability to mine from multiple ore sources during production provides great flexibility for the project. This has required a high number of iterations to be run to determine the optimal production rate of 30Mtpa. The proposed new milling/processing circuit is expected to half the current plant operating cost per tonne through economies of scale and improved technology. The proposed processing plant will consist of dual train comminution and rougher / scavenger flotation circuits and a single stream cleaner flotation and concentrate handling system. Two options are being investigated for the comminution circuit being SAG mill, ball mill and pebble crushing (SABC); and secondary crushing, tertiary crushing utilising high pressure grinding rolls and ball mills (HPGR). Lab scale testing of E48 Lift 1 ore (current operation) using HPGR has been undertaken in open and closed circuits, with a pilot scale trial planned on site in May 2012. The use of HPGR could deliver energy savings of approximately 10-15% depending on ore type providing significant operating cost savings for the project. Material Handling System The current operation utilises a series of inclined conveyors reporting to a 470m deep 6.0m dia shaft with twin 16t rope guide skips. As part of the Order of Magnitude study the material handling system options for the project were reviewed considering a number of hoisting shafts versus inclined conveyor scenarios. The results of the study showed the capital costs, given the level of accuracy of the cost estimates, was not a clear differentiator between the options. However the option of a full inclined conveyor system to surface is being taken forward in the Pre-Feasibility study for a number other reasons: • Shafts have higher inherent risks - Vertical openings, lower reliability and greater statutory constraints. • • • • Shafts require complex loading stations both design and excavation. As well as additional large underground excavations for surge bins The advantage of shafts being faster to depth is offset by Northparkes’ ability to leverage existing development already 900m below surface. Conveyors are more reliable having greater visibility/ accessibility for maintenance, Conveyors offer greater flexibility to the multiple ore bodies, different levels and large geographical extent of the project. There have been significant advances with conveyor technology in recent years with stronger belts allowing the application of larger drive motors and higher operating speeds of the conveyor. The design of the proposed main inclined conveyors for the Step Change Project intends to take full advantage of this technology. The 2 legs of the proposed conveyor have evenly matched belts and drives for commonality of spares and maintence. The conveyors, designed utilising ST10000 steel corded conveyor belt, are 3.8km long with a 750m vertical lift and design capacity of 4,100tph connected by single acute angle main transfer station (Figure 6). Each conveyor is to be driven by 2 x 6MW Gearless Motor Drives (GMD) with the first leg’s drive station located on the surface and the second leg’s located at the transfer station at 9600RL. The number of complex transfer stations required underground is minimised by achieving the 1500m of vertical lift in two conveyor legs. The excavation at the 9600RL will be complex due to the size of the drive station; however it is located at a level where the rock stress is suitable for such a chamber. Access is made easy by its close proximity to the E22 extraction level allowing excavation early in the project. Figure 6: Inclined Conveyor Layout The main conveyor design with two long straight legs provides the option for a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) to be used for the development. Discussions are under way with TBM suppliers for the design of a machine capable of being disassembled, turned and rebuilt UG for the second leg. The Jaw Gyratory crushers (Krupp BK160-190) used in E26 Lift 2 and E48 Lift 1 are considered the most appropriate for the Step Change Project for following reasons • Suitable for direct tipping from multiple drives into a Run of Mine (ROM)ore bin. • Excellent reduction ratio which maximises mill throughput. • Product shape is well suited to high speed conveying systems. The down side of these crushers is the large chamber excavation required. With improved design the excavation size was reduced by 15% between E26 Lift 2 and E48 Lift 1 chamber (Figure 7). To further reduce the size of the crushing station excavation work is currently underway with the OEM to trial an innovative lower profile version of the crusher. Figure 7 3D Model of the E48 Lift 1 Jaw-Gyratory Crushing Station Innovation A tunnel boring system (TBS) developed by Aker Wirth in conjunction with Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation (T&I) will be trialled at Northparkes. The trial, to commence in July 2012, will develop the access drive to the E22 ore body 580m below surface, from the E48 Lift 1 operation. The TBS innovation is focussed on improving single heading development rates to provide rapid access to the ore body footprint improving the time taken to develop block caves. The TBS is designed to cut 30m radius corners and install two passes of ground support suitable for extraction level infrastructure. The goal of the TBS project is to achieve double the industry bench mark of 6m/ day for single heading drill and blast development. Figure 8 TBS Front End under construction in Germany Human Resources As part of the Pre-Feasibility study 3.1km of development was initially approved to provide drilling platforms for the evaluation program. Northparkes made the decision to purchase development equipment to undertake this work with the aim of building up an owner operator development team capable of forming the basis of the Step Change Project. Previous underground development at Northparkes has been undertaken by contractors. The Step Change project requires the excavation of over 110km of lateral development providing the long term scope to justify the capital equipment and training of personnel. Northparkes has been actively training local personnel since the mine commenced. Most recently 185 people with no previous exposure to the mining industry were trained during the 2.5 year E22 open cut campaign. Northparkes is positioned within Rio Tinto as a centre of excellence for underground block caving. Construction has commenced on a specifically designed training centre at Northparkes to cater for training of personnel for Rio Tinto’s major development projects across the globe. Northparkes also currently has a 110% employment policy for professional staff to ensure a strong team with knowledge of block cave mining is in place to provide momentum to both the Step Change Project and Rio Tinto’s global block cave projects. Community and Environment Considerations Northparkes was awarded Australian Mine of the Year 2010 at the annual Australian Mining Prospect Awards in recognition for our commitment to best practice environmentally sustainable mining and our focus on building strong relationships with our local community including our Traditional Owners and local farmers. Northparkes is a proud sponsor of the GP Cup, helping to recruit doctors to regional communities and the Parkes Elvis festival, a major local event bring over 15,000 people to town more than doubling the local population. Our strong level of community engagement has provided local support for the project and continued community consultation is central to the prefeasibility study. The key driving principle of the project is sustainable development, involving the assessment of both existing and new technology that will deliver environmental outcomes including improving water and energy efficiency and biodiversity. References Duffield, S. (2000) Design of the second block cave at Northparkes E26 mine Proceedings MassMin 2000, Brisbane, Australia, p335-346 Laubscher, D.H. (2000). Block caving manual. Prepared for International Caving Study. JKMRC and Itasca Group, Inc: Brisbane. Ross, I.T. (2008) Northparkes E26 lift 2 block cave – a case study, Proceedings MassMin 2008, Lulea Sweden, p25-34 Silvera, A. (2004) Undercutting at E26 lift 2 Northparkes, Proceedings MassMin 2004, Sanitago, Chile, p410-414 Acknowledgements This paper has been compiled from published and unpublished Northparkes and Rio Tinto reports. The contribution of all members of the Step Change Project is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are extended to both Northparkes and Rio Tinto Management for their permission to compile and publish this paper. View publication stats