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Placebo Effect: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

I chose the topic "Placebo Effect". I heard of this topic
from my sister and it sounded very interesting and I
wanted to know more. I hope to learn more about the way
that our brain works and how our mental state affects our
The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which people
experience a benefit after the use of an inactive “fake”
treatment or drug which has no medical effect. Most of the
time the placebo is in the form of a pill or an injection.
Sometimes the patient can be affected from the treatment,
positively or negatively. For example, the person's
symptoms may improve. These responses are known as
the "placebo effect”.We don't know for sure how placebo
works but we have a number of theories. The main theory
that answers the question, is that the placebo effect is due
to the person's expectations. because a person expects a
pill to do something, then the body's own chemistry can
cause an effect similar to what an active drug would have
done. placebo is commonly used when determining the
effectiveness of a new treatment. Some people in a study
are given a placebo, while others get the new treatment. If
participants taking the active drug have an improvement
over those taking the placebo, the treatment is effective.
To sum up, the placebo effect is a phenomenon which can
have neither negative nor positive effects. No one knows
for sure how and why placebo works and that’s why we
have diverse theories that try to answer the question. It's
very useful and mostly used in drug research to determine
whether the drug is effective or not, which shows us the
importance of this discovery.
at the start of the project i had a really hard time finding a
subject but when I finally chose the “placebo effect” to be
the subject of my project I started really enjoying this. it
was really fun to learn from articles and studies in English
which is something that I don't usually do, especially when
it's such an interesting topic. I learned a lot from this
project, for example, I didn't know that placebo had been
used for drug research. in conclusion, it was a fun
experience and I learned a lot.
The Placebo Effect: What Is It?
What is the placebo effect?
Name of Topic: “placebo effect”
Names of members: Dor Agmon
What We KNOW
What We WANT to
-placebo effect is a
phenomenon in which
people experience an
impact from an inactive
-why and how the effect
-the uses of the placebo
-how people benefit from
-the main theory for how
placebo works
-what are its uses.