ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC MACHINERY AND DRIVE SYSTEMS Secorrd Edition PAUL C. KRAUSE OLEG WASiYNCZUK SCOTT D. SUDHOFF Purdue University 'j i , IEEE Power Engineering Society, Sponspr >?*."" t .XQ' , SERIES POWER EI\JGINEERING ON IEEE Press 130wer Engineering Series Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Series Editor W I L,EY- INTERSCIENCE A JOHN WIl,E\t & SONS, INC. PUBLICATION .., ' Chapter 3 REFERENCE-FRAME THEORY The voltage ecpations that describe the performance of induction and synchronous machines were: established in Chapter 1. We found that some of the machine inductances are functions of the rotor speed, whereupon the coefficients of the differential equations (voltage, equations) that describe the behavior of these machines are timevarying except when the rotor is stalled. A change of variables is often used to reduce the complexity of these differential equations. There are several changes of variables that are used, and it was originally thought that each change of variables was different and therefore they were treated separately [I-41. It was later learned that all changes of variables used to transform real variables are contained in one [5,6]. This general transformation refers machine variables to a frame of reference that rotates at an arbitrary angular velocity. ,All known real transformations are obtained from this transformation by simply aslsigningthe speed of the rotation of the reference frame. In this chapter this transformation is set forth and, because many of its properties can be studied without the complexities of the machine equations, it is applied to the equations that describe resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuit elements. By this approach, many olf the basic concepts and interpretations of this general transformation are readi1:y and concisely established. Extending the material presented in this chapter to the analysis of ac machines is straightforward involving a minimum of trigonometric manipulations. 3.2 BACKGROUND In the late 192Os, R. H. Park [I] introduced a new approach to electric machine analysis. He formulated a charrge of variables which, in effect, replaced the variables Chapter 4 SYMMEiTRlCAL INDUCTION MACHINES The induction machine is used in a wide variety of applications as a means of converting electric power to mechanical work. It is without doubt the workhorse of the electric power industry. Pump, steel mill, and hoist drives are but a few applications of large multiplhase inductioln motors. On a smaller scale, the 2-phase servomotor is used in position-follow-up control systems, and single-phase induction motors are widely used in household appliances as well as in hand and bench tools. In the beginning of this chapter, classical techniques are used to establish the voltage and torque equations for a symmetrical induction machine expressed in terms of machine varialbles. Next, the transformation to the arbitrary reference frame presented in Chapter 3 is modified to accommodate rotating circuits. Once this groundwork has bee11 laid, the machine voltage equations are .written in the arbitrary reference frame, directly without a laborious exercise in trigonometry with which one is faced when starting from the substitution of the equations of transformations into the voltage equations expressed in machine variables. The equations may then be expressed in any reference frame by appropriate assig~imentof the referenceframe speed in the arbitrary reference-frame voltage equations rather than performing each transformation individually as in the past. Although the stationary reference frame, the refe:rence frame fixed in the rotor, and the synchronollsly rotating referenlce frame are most frequently used, the arbitrary reference frame offers a direct means of obtaiining the voltage equations in these and all other reference frames. The steady-state voltage equations for an induction machine are obtained from the voltage equations in the arbitrary reference frame by direct application of the material presented in Chapter 3. Computer solutions are used to illustrate the