Applied Physics A (2023) 129:216 S.I. : 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF APPLIED PHYSICS Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices Sudarshan Singh1 · Samaresh Das2 · Samit K. Ray1 Received: 18 November 2022 / Accepted: 2 February 2023 / Published online: 25 February 2023 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2023 Abstract Despite the dominance in consumer electronics, the use of group-IV semiconductors and their heterostructures is still limited for photonic devices, attributed to the poor emission quantum efficiency in Si and Ge due to their indirect bandgap nature. This has posed serious bottlenecks towards the rapid progress of integrated silicon photonics. However, the recent advances of low-dimensional Si-based heterostructures have shown enormous potential in this direction owing to the significant modification of band structures, leading to improved optical and electronic properties over their bulk counterparts. In this regard, one dimensional Si and Ge nanowires have witnessed an explosion of research interests because of their potential in several promising applications for ultra-compact, silicon-compatible, and functional optoelectronic devices. Novel device architectures integrated with single nanowires and nanowire array geometries have been actively studied and developed. This review presents recent advances in the study of group-IV semiconductor nanowires and their heterostructure-based photonic devices like photodetectors, solar cells and light-emitting diodes etc. Several novel but rational device designs are presented and discussed here, from single nanowire for extraordinary performance to nanowire array heterostructures for large area applications. Keywords Si/Ge nanowires · Single nanowire devices · Nanowire heterostructures · Radial heterojunction · Photodetectors · Solar cells · Light emitting diodes 1 Introduction There has been a progressive interest in developing new materials and devices with reduced size and dimensionality over the last two decades for advanced electronic and photonic applications. This has been driven by the aggressively scaled semiconductor devices for achieving ultra-large scale integration density (more than a billion of transistors in a chip), high speed communication (in GHz range) and computations with lower power dissipation. This has led to the development of an emerging area of integrated photonics also known as “Silicon photonics”, where the optical components can be integrated on a silicon (Si) complementary–metal–oxide–semiconductor * Samit K. Ray 1 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India 2 Centre for Applied Research in Electronics (CARE), IIT Delhi, Delhi 110016, India (CMOS) platform. To achieve the goals, considerable progress has been made, particularly towards the use of Si and germanium (Ge) nanostructures in electronic, photonic, energy harvesting and quantum devices [1–5]. Reducing the dimension of the material below a critical length scale viz., exciton Bohr radius can modify the fundamental properties such as recombination lifetime, phonon mean free path, spin coherence length, electronic band structure etc., compared to their bulk counterparts [6]. For instance, quantum confinement, strain-induced band structure modification and impurity doping enabled optical emission from Si/Ge nanostructures, which may lead to the integration of photonic components with mature Si CMOS technology in near future [7–13]. In 1990, the report of an intense room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) emission from porous Si in the visible wavelength range sparked significant research interests for using group-IV semiconductor nanostructures for optical sources [14]. Owing to the high surface-to-volume ratio and ease of device topology, one dimensional nanostructures such as nanowires (NWs) or nanorods have been found to be very 13 Vol.:(0123456789) 216 Page 2 of 21 attractive for applications in photodetectors, photovoltaics, optical switches, optical interconnects, transceivers, and biological and chemical sensing etc. [15–17]. In this regard, a combination of alloying and size variation accompanied by the carrier confinement in one direction in NWs results in unique transport properties of electrons, phonons, and photons. For example, unlike pure Si or pure Ge nanowires, SiGe alloy nanowires provide the possibility of modulating their electronic, optical, and transport properties, not only by changing the size of the system but also by altering the geometry of the Si/Ge interface and the proportion of Si and Ge atoms [18]. Therefore, NWs of group-IV materials (Si, Ge and α-Sn) and their alloys are being widely investigated for Si optoelectronic devices, to exploit the versatility and lower costs of Si technology to create integrated photonic systems. The scope of the present manuscript is to apprise recent developments in the study of optoelectronic devices of group-IV elemental as well as alloyed NWs and their heterostructures with other direct bandgap materials for their potential applications in photonic devices. Indeed, one of the key advantages of the nanowire heterostructures is the ability to realise two different device geometries. In the first case, the growing sections of different materials along the wire axis form an axial heterostructure. In contrast, a radial heterostructure is composed of two coaxial cylindrical elements: in which the core and shell are made from two different materials. In addition to NWs/nanorods [19, 20], several geometries of one-dimensional (1D) structures such as nanocones (NCs) [21], nanodomes [22], and nanopyramids [23] have been studied for use in nanoscale optoelectronic and biosensing devices. Because of their excellent antireflection properties, cone-like nanostructures are particularly promising for energy harvesting devices. On the other hand, a higher exciton Bohr radius of Ge (~ 24.3 nm) compared to Si (~ 4.9 nm) results in a stronger quantum confinement effect with superior optical properties for photonic applications [9, 24–26]. Ge nanowires (Ge NWs) have therefore received a lot of attention as promising platforms for developing optical nanodevices such as photodetectors and light emitters that operate in the optical communication wavelength range [17]. Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of a an axial nanowire junction; b a core–shell radial nanowire junction; c a vertical nanowire array template for growing heterojunctions with a different material. The regions with different colours indicate either different doping or different materials for homo- and heterojunctions, respectively 13 S. Singh et al. The recent progress in group-IV NWs-based photonic devices, including the advances in device architecture is reviewed in this manuscript. For single nanowire-based devices, recently developed new strategies to improve the performance with an extended wavelength range of operation, have been discussed. In addition to NWs homojunction, this manuscript highlights the recent developments on several heterojunctions made-up with direct bandgap semiconductors on nanowire array templates for photodetection, light emission, and energy harvesting applications. 2 Nanowires for photonic devices Nanowires have been used extensively for prototype applications, such as high-efficiency solar cells [27, 28] aggressive scaled field effect transistors (FETs), [29, 30] bio/chemical sensors, [31, 32] low power light emitting diodes (LEDs), [33, 34] wavelength selective photodetectors [35–37] etc. There are a number of ways in which NWs can be used to create 1-D photonic devices, including metal–semiconductor Schottky junctions and homo- or hetero-junction devices which can be formed either axially along the nanowire (Fig. 1a), or radially by the application of conformal coatings (core–shell junctions in Fig. 1b). There is also the possibility of directly growing vertical NW arrays on a variety of substrates (Fig. 1c), which substantially broadens the scope of device architectures and material combinations, which can be used to realize NW photonic device arrays of large area [38]. In addition to the advantages of the individual elements, nanowire heterojunctions with multiple components possess additional benefits due to combinatorial properties of different materials. Under light illumination, the built-in potential at the junction effectively separates the electron–hole pairs produced in the depletion region and within the diffusion length of the axial nanowire junction in each side of Fig. 1a [39]. The greater junction area along the surface of the nanowires caused by the radial structure in Fig. 1b results in a shorter carrier diffusion path for efficient carrier separation and transport. Since the dimension of both the core and Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices shell can be made lower than the carriers' diffusion length in radial junction, the bulk recombination of photogenerated carriers is significantly reduced compared to the axial one, giving rise to ultra-high responsivity and photoconductive gain of the photodetector devices. In the following sections, we will review the status and trends of recently investigated group-IV nanowire-based photonic devices using the architectures discussed in Fig. 1. 2.1 Single nanowire photodetectors Single nanowire-based devices are being used to create tiny electronics with improved responsivity, low noise, wide bandwidth, and quick response times. Due to its high surface-to-volume ratio, nanowire devices have an inherent photoconductive gain mechanism that allows them to sense weak optical signals with a high sensitivity. Conventional photodetector principles and architectures, such as semiconductor p–n or p–i–n photodiodes, are being reproduced in NW structures in order to provide highly sensitive photodetectors with the potential for denser integration, better specificity, and responsive to light polarisation. To realize such devices homo- and hetero-junctions are either formed directly during the NW growth (bottom-up approach) or prior to the NW fabrication (top-down approach). The following provides a survey of some of the single NW and nanowire array-based photodetectors that have been demonstrated in the literature. 2.1.1 Si nanowire devices Due to their compatibility with CMOS processing, doping controlled resistivity, and good thermal conductivity, silicon nanowires are among the most widely investigated onedimensional nanomaterials. However, the indirect bandgap of Si featuring relatively poor light absorption close to the band edge. Several approaches including leaky mode resonances [40–42], forming a metal nanoparticle/semiconductor NWs hybrid system [43, 44], engineering the size, geometry, orientation of NWs [45–49] etc. have been employed to enhance the optical absorption in single nanowire. Single nanowire-based detector devices are the subject of intensive research to create miniaturised devices with ultra-high responsivity, high gain, and low noise with a large bandwidth and quick response time [35, 50, 51]. Das et al. have demonstrated a metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) based single NW photodetector exhibiting an ultra-high responsivity over a wide wavelength range of 400–1100 nm [52]. Si NWs of different diameters were fabricated using metal (Ag)-assisted chemical etching of p-type Si (100) wafers with a resistivity of ∼1.0 Ω cm. To fabricate the device, single Si NW was connected to the patterned electrodes (Cr/Au) on an oxidized Si substrate Page 3 of 21 216 ­(SiO2 thickness ∼300 nm) using a combination of photolithography and electron beam lithography (EBL). Figure 2a illustrates the schematic of the fabricated single Si nanowire device. The devices fabricated with single nanowire are capable to generate a significant photocurrent even with zero bias. For instance, Fig. 2b depicts the typical pulsed photocurrent response of a single nanowire photodetector at a wavelength of 514 nm, fabricated with a NW of diameter ~ 80 nm. The data was recorded without any applied bias, which are repeatable for several consecutive cycles. The observation of zero-bias photoresponse indicates that an axial built-in electric field can efficiently separate the electron–hole pairs that are generated in the depletion region [53–55]. Such reversible switching behaviour under optical modulation signifies the potential of a single Si nanowire device for optical switching applications. The fabricated devices is also sensitive to the angle of incidence of a linearly polarized light. It has been reported that linearly polarized light incident in the direction parallel to the nanowire axis is most effective in optically exciting the NWs [56]. The polarization dependent photoresponse of the fabricated devices with different NW diameter, as shown in Fig. 2c, reveal the potential use of single nanowire based devices for polarization sensitive optical detection applications. Moreover, the device exhibits a wideband spectral photoresponse (Fig. 2d) ranging from visible to the nearIR region due to electronic transitions beyond the bandedges of Si. A very high value of zero-bias peak responsivity ~ 2 × ­104 ­AW−1 at a wavelength of around ~ 900 nm for the device with ∼80 nm diameter was reported. The responsivity value found for such a single NW based device is much higher than those reported for most of the photodetectors fabricated with bulk Si and nanostructured Si surfaces [35, 36]. At a higher external bias, the depletion region width increases which leads to a higher photocurrent and results in the improved photoresponsivity at larger applied bias. A higher responsivity of the single NW photodetectors is attributed to their inherent photoconductive gain. Recently, Guan et al. reported numerical simulation based on the optoelectronic coupling of the optical and electrical responses via the finite-element method (FEM) and proposed that the radially configured Schottky junction based devices exhibit higher responsivity in comparison to the axial one [57]. The study revealed that radial junction in a single-nanowire design leads to a strong light absorption along with very efficient and fast carrier transport. As shown in Fig. 2e, the study was performed on a single nanowire based photodetector in two different Schottky junction configurations, namely radial (Device I) and axial (Device II). In both the devices, indium tin oxide (ITO) and silver (Ag) electrodes were used to form Schottky and Ohmic contacts, respectively, to avoid a back-to-back Schottky 13 216 Page 4 of 21 S. Singh et al. Fig. 2 a Schematic representation of a fabricated single Si nanowire device. b Optical modulation characteristics of the fabricated device at zero bias for a fixed illumination power density. c Polarization angle dependent photocurrent for ~ 80 nm and ~ 100 nm diameter Si nanowires. d Spectral responsivity of single nanowire photodetector devices fabricated with a diameter ~ 80 nm for different applied bias. [Figures a–d, reprinted from Ref. [52] with the permission of Royal Society of Chemistry]. e Schematics of the radial (Device I) and axial (Device II) device configurations on single Si nanowire. Device I: ITO and Si shells enclose the Ag core, where ITO and Ag serve as the positive and negative electrodes, respectively. Device II: single Si nanowire is axially connected by ITO and Ag electrodes. f Typical I–V curves of the radial and axial nanowire PDs in the dark and under illumination (420 nm with a power density of 1 W/m2). g Photocurrent and responsivity of Device I as a function of incident light intensity at zero bias under 420 nm light illumination. h The wavelengthdependent responsivity and specific detectivity of radial Schottky junction device at zero bias. [Figures e–h, reprinted from Ref. [57] with the permission of AIP Publishing] junction, which lowers the internal potential barrier and weakens the internal electric field and carrier separation capability [57]. As show in Fig. 2f, Device I demonstrates remarkable photoresponse with a high Ion/I off ratio ~ ­107 at zero bias, under uniform illumination condition with λ = 420 nm and a power density P 0 = 1 W/m 2. Such enhancement in the radial structure is attributed to the efficient separation and transport of photogenerated carriers across larger junction area under the influence of a built-in electric field. Moreover, the reflection of Ag layer and the anti-reflection property of the ITO cladding result in the enhanced absorption in radial structures. Device I exhibits an ultrahigh responsivity up to 1­ 07 A/W (Fig. 2g), which is four orders magnitude higher than that of an axial device, owing to the relatively short channel length of the radial structure. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 2h, the Device I reveals a wide photocurrent spectral response within 250 ≤ λ ≤ 950 nm with the peak response observed at λ = 420 nm (radial) for zero applied voltage. Thus single nanowire photodetectors fabricated in such configurations open up a new avenue of fabricating highly compact, self-powered devices with high responsivity, faster response and high specific detectivity. 2.1.2 Ge nanowire devices 13 In a photoconductive detector, the responsivity of the device is directly proportional to the carrier mobility. In this context, the fabrication of photodetectors using Ge nanowire is attractive not only because of its higher mobility compared to Si but also for the longer wavelength operation, extending well into the NIR region of the spectrum due to the smaller bandgap. Single Ge NW based photodetectors have been studied to accomplish high photosensitivity [58–60]. Sett et al. reported the photoconductive properties of vapour-liquid–solid (VLS) grown single Ge nanowire of diameter < 100 nm in the spectral range of 300–1100 nm range [61]. The fabricated device with a nanowire diameter of ~ 30 nm exhibits a broad band photoresponse showing peak responsivity ~ ­107 A/W at a minimal bias of 2 V with a very high photoconductive gain. Such high gain and responsivity arise from the presence of ­GeOx, layer at the surface of Ge nanowire, which gives rise to a depletion layer that traps electrons of the photogenerated electron–hole pair, and leaves the hole free to reach electrodes without recombination [61]. Our group has also reported MSM photodetectors based on single Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices Page 5 of 21 216 ­G eO 2–Ge nanowire [62]. The devices show self-biased photoresponse characteristics with a very high responsivity and polarization sensitivity. G ­ eO2–Ge nanowires were grown by the metal catalyst assisted VLS method using Au-coated p-Si (001) substrates in a horizontal alumina tube furnace at 0.2 bar and 920 °C with a constant flow of ­N2 gas at a rate of 30 standard cubic centimetre per minute (sccm). The photodetection properties was studied by fabricating a single NW based planar MSM photodetector. For that, nanowires were coated on oxidized Si substrates ­(SiO2 thickness ∼300 nm) with pre-patterned electrodes and an individual nanowire of a specific diameter was connected by using a combination of e-beam lithography and focused electron beam assisted metal deposition. Typical field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images of the fabricated single nanowire device at a lower and higher magnification are presented in Fig. 3a, b, respectively. The schematic illustration of the device is depicted in Fig. 3c. The spectral photoresponse of the ­GeO2–Ge single nanowire MSM photodetector has been characterized by measuring the responsivity in the spectral range from 350 to 900 nm. The device exhibits a peak responsivity greater than 5 × ­1 0 3 A/W with a broad spectral response cantered on ~ 550 nm, at zero bias, as shown in Fig. 3d. A broad peak around 550 nm arises from the large number of surface trap states originating from the defect-induced space charge layer in ­GeO2. The current is amplified due to the long lifetime of trapped electrons in the single NW device. The responsivity increases sub-linearly with increasing applied bias and nearly saturates to ∼1 × ­104 A/W above 2.0 V as the photogenerated carriers get collected (Fig. 3d). Moreover, a unique polarization anisotropy with parallel excitation (TM mode) is observed in the device that generates a higher photocurrent over that of the perpendicular excitation (TE mode), as shown in Fig. 3e, with a polarization anisotropy of ~ 0.62. Staudinger et al. has also reported an extraordinary high photosensitivity of Ge based single NW photodetectors by reducing the channel lengths down to sizes at which ballistic transport occurs, enabling the first demonstration of an ultrahigh gain quantum Ge photodetector working in Fig. 3 Typical FESEM image of a Ge–GeO2 core–shell single nanowire device with a lower and b higher magnifications. c Schematic device diagram of a Ge–GeO2 core–shell single nanowire on a ­SiO2-coated Si substrate. d Room temperature bias-dependent spectral responsivity of the as-fabricated single NW device for a wavelength range of 350–900 nm. e Polarization-dependent photocurrent of the single NW device exhibiting a cosine-function behaviour with high anisotropy. [Figures a–e, reprinted from Ref. [62] with the permission of American Chemical Society]. f FESEM image of a single nanowire after etching step, to expose the Ge for metallization. g Schematic illustration of a single nanowire photodetector. h SEM image of a completed single nanowire photodetector from a 45° top angle view. i Optical measurement setup for the nanowire photodetector, with a backside excitation of the device and confocal microscopy setup for active area alignment. j I–V plot of single nanowire photodetector in dark and under laser excitation at 1.55 µm wavelength. k The response of the photodetector, measured via a current amplifier, to pulsed laser excitation at 10 kHz. [Figures f–k, reprinted from Ref. [64] with the permission of AIP Publishing] 13 216 Page 6 of 21 ballistic mode at room temperature [63]. The epitaxially grown Ge has also been studied for single nanowire based photodetector exhibiting very high photoconductive gain and low dark current with the process compatible to planar Si-CMOS technology. Otuonye et al. investigated the photoresponse characteristics of a single Ge nanowire epitaxially grown on n-type Si (111) substrate using VLS method [64]. The nanowire growth was achieved using low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). To fabricate single nanowire devices, an e-beam lithography process was used. Figure 3f depicts the FESEM image of a single NW after etching steps to expose the Ge for metallization step. The bottom contact of the nanowire was taken from the n-type Si substrate (P-doped to 1­ 015 ­cm3), forming a Ge/Si P/N junction. The schematic representation and FESEM image (top view angle 45) of a fabricated single nanowire photodetector is presented in Fig. 3g, h, respectively. The nanowire device at dark exhibits a typical PN diode behaviour with a saturation current (dark current) of ~ 1 nA at reverse bias (Fig. 3j) with an ideality factor of 1.9 at forward bias. The device shows a significant enhancement in the device current under laser excitation at a wavelength of 1.55 µm with an internal quantum efficiency and responsivity value of 2000 and 22.6 A/W, respectively. Moreover, the fabricated single NW photodetector showed excellent response to the pulsed laser with frequencies above 10 kHz (Fig. 3k). However, the speed was found to be limited due to the electrical parasitic effects, including high output resistance of the photodetector and the large parasitic capacitance of the measurement configuration [64]. 2.1.3 SiGe nanowire devices Silicon nanowire based photodetectors operate with a cut-off wavelength only up to ~ 1100 nm, failing to cover the C-band communication region. On the other hand, Ge being a preferable candidate for C-band communication, has issues of higher dark current due to its lower bandgap and requires a CMOS compatible fabrication process for integration into Si photonic devices. To address these issues, new strategies to fabricate one dimensional Si/Ge hetero-nanowires superlattice or the incorporation Ge quantum dots into silicon NW channel appear to be a promising approach to exploit the advantage of optical absorption characteristics of both Si and Ge, especially for CMOS compatible infrared detection applications [65–67]. Zhao et al. explored a new self-transformation strategy to produce one dimensional self-aligned Ge QD islands embedded in Si nanowire with a precise location control [68]. A schematic diagram and FESEM image of the Ge QDs embedded in Si nanowire are shown in Fig. 4a, b, respectively. One dimensional nanostructure in the study was grown via metal droplet assisted conversion of a bilayer of a-Si/a-Ge thin film into hetero Ge/Si island-chain NWs 13 S. Singh et al. (hiNWs) [66, 69], in a low temperature (< 300 °C) fabrication, as shown schematically in Fig. 4c. The narrow Si NW is in contact with the Ge QDs through a high quality threading-dislocation-free hetero-epitaxial interface with a width < 50 nm. The thickness of the a-Ge bottom layer plays an important role in defining the Ge QD/ Si NW diameter ratio and the compositional contrast in the island-chain NW. For example, as shown in Fig. 4d, e, with the increase of the bottom a-Ge layer thickness from 1.6 to 10 nm, the Ge QD islands in the hiNWs become more prominent, with an increased diameter ratio from 1.1 to 3.4, accompanied with a higher Ge content (as high as 90%) in QD islands. To study the infrared photoresponse, two parallel hiNWs grown along the guiding edges were chosen and connected by Au/Ti electrodes via e-beam lithography process, with a separation of 800 nm between the source and the drain electrodes. The device shows a stable photocurrent response under modulated 808 nm illumination at 100 Hz as shown in Fig. 4f. Infrared photoresponse at a wavelength of 1550 nm is shown in Fig. 4g with a calculated responsivity value of 1.5 m ­AW−1 and a photoconductive gain > ­102. A broad photoresponse indicates that, Ge QDs incorporated in the Si NW channel can be used for high-density and highresolution photodetection applications in Si-based optoelectronics [68]. However the photoconductive gain of such devices could be seriously limited by the high resistance in the as-grown Si NWs due to low doping concentration. We have reported the fabrication and characteristics of a novel CMOS-compatible room-temperature IR photodetector based on Ge QDs decorated single Si nanowire transistor integrated on Si-on-insulator (SOI) platform [70]. Ge QDs have been grown using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a SOI substrate with top Si thickness of 150 nm. Figure 4h depicts the typical atomic force microscopy (AFM) topography of Ge QDs grown at a substrate temperature of 500 °C. Figure 4i, j show the schematic representation and an exemplary top-view FESEM image of the fabricated back-gated single Si NW field-effect transistor (FET) decorated with Ge QDs, respectively. The device reveals a fairly low dark current of ~ 20 pA under a gate bias of − 4 V signifying the off-state of the transistor with an on–off current ratio of ∼10 3 in dark condition. The NW FET exhibits superior photoresponse for a drain bias of 0.5 V (Fig. 4k), as the dark current ∼20 pA is enhanced up to ∼200 pA upon irradiation at a wavelength of 1550 nm with a light intensity of ∼5 mW/cm 2. The significantly high optical response indicates the efficient generation and separation of photogenerated electron–hole pairs inside the single NW phototransistor, which are effectively controlled by the gate bias. In the present device structure, the IR spectral response is attributed to the transport of photogenerated carriers from Ge QDs to the Si channel, as Page 7 of 21 216 Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices Fig. 4 a Schematic diagram of a Ge QD connected by two Si NW electrodes on both sides and corresponding, b cross-sectional FESEM image. c Illustration of the fabrication procedure of the hetero Ge/ Si island-chain NWs (hiNWs), led by indium (In) droplets with a stacked a-Si/a-Ge bilayer feeding. d Dark field TEM micrograph and EDS compositional analysis of a uniform hiNW, in the top and the lower panels, respectively, which is grown with an initial a-Ge layer thickness of 1.6 nm. A high-resolution TEM micrograph of the edge region marked in d is provided in its inset to the right. Scale bars in d and its inset measure 500 nm and 5 nm, respectively. e SEM and EDS characteristics of other hiNWs grown with 10 nm a-Ge bottom layer. Scale bars is 200 nm. f Photocurrent response of a multi Si NW channel photodetector under modulated 808 nm laser incidence at a frequency of 100 Hz. g Photocurrent signal under 1550 nm laser beam as a function of the bias voltage. [Figures a–g, reprinted from Ref. [68] with the permission of IOP Publishing]. h Typical AFM images of the MBE grown Ge QDs on a SOI wafer at a substrate temperature of 500 °C. i Schematic diagram of Ge QD-decorated single Si NW phototransistor and j an exemplary plane-view FESEM image of the fabricated device. k Id–Vg characteristics of the Ge QDdecorated Si NW phototransistor with different illumination powers for λ = 1550 nm. l Schematic diagram showing the photogenerated charge carrier transfer from Ge QDs to Si NW channel. m Drain biasdependent room-temperature spectral response for a gate bias of − 4 V in the wavelength range ∼1200–1700 nm. (n) Polar plot of photocurrent with polarization angle of Ge QDs/Si NW device recorded at ~ 1550 nm. [Figures h–n, reprinted from Ref. [70] with the permission of IOP Publishing] schematically shown in Fig. 4l. The device reveals a broad spectral response at different drain bias for a constant gate voltage of − 4 V as presented in Fig. 4m. A peak responsivity of ∼5.5 ­AW−1 is recorded for ∼1500 nm at a drain bias of 1 V, which is extremely high for Ge-based CMOS compatible IR detector operating at room temperature [19–21]. The infrared photoresponse has been found to be polarization-selective with a polarization anisotropy of ~ 0.34 at ~ 1550 nm as extracted from the polar photocurrent plot presented in Fig. 4n. The reported fabrication process of the IR detector is reproducible, scalable to wafer scale, and most importantly compatible with Si CMOS technology. 2.1.4 GeSn nanowire devices On alloying germanium (Ge) with tin (Sn), the indirect (L) and direct (Γ) valleys in the conduction bands of Ge are predicted to be lower, and thus, a narrower bandgap can be achieved [71, 72]. For a sufficient high Sn content (> 10 at.%), GeSn alloys becomes a direct bandgap semiconductor which strongly enhances the band edge absorption [73]. As a result, GeSn alloy or nanowires-based photodetectors exhibit an extended detection range beyond 2.0 μm, with an improved responsivity compared to Ge NW counterpart owing to the reduced and direct bandgap of GeSn. Yang et al. demonstrated a flexible GeSn/Ge dual-NW based 13 216 Page 8 of 21 S. Singh et al. Fig. 5 a Schematic of the GeSn/Ge dual-NWs synthesis process. Inset: Indium layer on graphene acts as a catalyst for Ge NW growth. The corresponding EDX mappings of Ge, Sn and GeSn overlayer are shown in b, Scale bar: 50 nm. c EDX line scan of the blue dashed line in GeSn overlayer in b. d Typical Ids–Vds characteristics of the GeSn/ Ge dual-NW device in the dark and under different incident light intensities for λ = 2.0 μm. Inset shows the SEM image of the GeSn/Ge dual-NW device with a channel length of 5 μm, Scale bar: 10 μm. e Spectral responsivity of GeSn/Ge dual-NW and Ge NW photodetector devices under illumination wavelengths from 1.0 to 2.2 μm with a light intensity of 2.0 μW/μm2 at Vds = 1 mV. [Figures a–e, reprinted from Ref. [74] with the permission of American Chemical Soci- ety]. f Typical cross-sectional FESEM image of the Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell NW arrays grown using a Ge-core. g APT measurements showing the Ge core and the inner portion of the G ­ e0.92Sn0.08 shell [reprinted from Ref. [78] with the permission of American Chemical Society]. h Schematic illustration of a fabricated Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell single NW photodetector. i Responsivity and photoconductive gain at the optical communication wavelength (λ = 1.55 µm) of the fabricated single NW photodetector as a function of applied bias with a constant illumination power of 24 pW. Error bar represents the maximum estimated propagating error in each measurement. [Figures h–i, reprinted from Ref. [79], with the permission of AIP Publishing] photodetector exhibiting a photoresponse above a wavelength of ~ 2.0 μm with a low dark current [74]. The dual NW structure consisting of a GeSn layer with Sn content ∼10% was heteroepitaxially grown on the sidewall of a Ge NW by MBE. Figure 5a depicts the two step growth process of GeSn/Ge dual-NWs. In the first step, Ge NWs were synthesized on a graphene substrate using the In layer as a catalyst at 570 °C. In the second step, a GeSn overlayer was deposited on the sidewall of the Ge NW at 210 °C, thus forming a dual-layer GeSn/Ge NW heterostructure [74]. Compared to GeSn/Ge bulk quantum wells (QWs), the lattice mismatch-induced compressive strain can be fully relaxed in flexible GeSn/Ge dual-NW by the elastic deformation without forming dislocations and defects. The crosssectional EDX mapping images of Ge, Sn and overlaid scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) image of a single NW, given in Fig. 5b, reveal a uniform Sn distribution in the GeSn region, indicating that there is no Sn segregation and precipitation in the GeSn alloy. Figure 5c is an EDX line scan along the blue dashed line in GeSn overlayer (Fig. 5b). Figure 5d shows the typical output characteristics (Ids–Vds) of the GeSn/Ge dual-NW photodetector under dark and illumination without any additional gate voltage. The device is sensitive when illuminated with a laser of wavelength 2.0 μm and the photocurrent rises at higher light intensity. The spectral responses of two photodetectors fabricated with bare Ge and GeSn/Ge dual-NW in the wavelength range from 1.0 to 2.2 μm are shown in Fig. 5e. The fabricated GeSn/Ge dual-NW detector shows improved responsivity in comparison to the bare Ge NW with an appreciable photoresponse even at a wavelength of 2.2 μm. The photoresponse at extended wavelength is attributed to the reduced bandgap of GeSn in the GeSn/Ge dual-NW heterostructure in comparison to bare Ge NW [74]. However, the reduced bandgap of GeSn also leads to undesirable increment of dark current in the GeSn/Ge dual-NW device, which can be further suppressed due to the depletion effect from the ferroelectric polymer side gate [74]. On the other hand, Ge–Ge1−xSnx core–shell nanowires grown via chemical vapour deposition (CVD) process at a low temperature, exhibits enhanced strain relaxation with high crystalline quality. The core–shell geometry prevents the development of structural defects by introducing some strain in the Ge-core, which lowers the leakage current in the as-fabricated devices [73, 75–77]. Moreover, the tensile misfit strain in the Ge-core may assist in lowering the Γ- to L-conduction valley energy that can 13 Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices constitute a dual direct bandgap material to improve the device performance [72]. Lu et al. has reported a Ge/GeSn (Sn content ~ 8.0%) core–shell single NW based p-type fieldeffect phototransistor exhibiting extended photodetection in the short-wave infrared range up to wavelength of 2.1 μm with superior optoelectronic properties including relatively high mobility, high ON/OFF ratio, and high responsivity [78]. Recently, we have reported the single Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell NW photodetector exhibiting superior roomtemperature responsivity with a high photo-conducting gain, attributed to the high crystalline quality of nanowire and shorter device length [79]. The Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell NWs were grown on Si (111) in a CVD reactor using germane ­(GeH4) and tin-tetrachloride ­(SnCl4) as precursor gases. Figure 5f depicts the cross-sectional FESEM micrograph of the as grown Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell NWs. The average length of the NWs was found to be 2–3 µm. Figure 5g depicts the atom probe tomography (APT) image revealing the Ge core and the inner portion of the GeSn shell with a Sn content of ~ 8.0% [78]. A single Ge–Ge0.92Sn0.08 core–shell NW photodetector was fabricated on a prepatterned oxidized Si substrate ­(SiO2 thickness ~ 300 nm) using e-beam lithography process as schematically shown in Fig. 5h. The responsivity of the fabricated NW photodetector is found to be as high as ~ 70.8 A/W at 1.0 V, which is much superior to most of the GeSn thin film-based photodetectors. The bias-dependent responsivity and photoconductive gain of the device at a wavelength of 1.55 µm are depicted in Fig. 5i. Such high responsivity in NW device owing to the reduced carrier transit time under the presence of an external electric field and smaller effective channel length of the device [62, 80] result in a high photoconductive gain (more than unity). These recent progress of Ge–Ge1−xSnx Fig. 6 Responsivity of single nanowire-based photodetectors fabricated using Si, Ge, SiGe and GeSn with different device geometries. Outer shapes of the data points correspond to the device geometries, which are as follows: O-metal–semiconductor-metal (MSM); □-phototransistor; ∆-junctionless MOSFET and ◊-p-n/Schottky junction Page 9 of 21 216 core–shell nanowire photodetectors highlight their potential for use in silicon-compatible building blocks for nanoscaleintegrated infrared photonics. Figure 6 depicts the comparison of responsivity values obtained from various single nanowire based photodetectors fabricated using Si, Ge, SiGe and GeSn with different device geometries. 2.2 Photodetectors of nanowire arrays Directly grown NW arrays on a variety of substrates, schematically shown in Fig. 1c, can be employed to fabricate large area device architectures using material combinations available for the realization of photodetectors operating in diverse wavelength region. Moreover, such vertical oriented one-dimensional nanostructures exhibit an excellent light trapping properties resulting in the enhancement of photoabsorption. We have estimated the effect of nanostructure geometry on resultant optical properties, such as reflectance and electric field distribution [81]. Figure 7a, b presents the optical simulation results carried out with Si nanowires and cone-like nanostructures, in comparison to planar Si substrate. The schematic structure and refractive index profiles across the air-to-Si, air-to-Si NW and air-to-Si NC interfaces are shown in Fig. 7a. Because the effective refractive index (neff) of the medium varies smoothly from the value for the air at the top surface (where light falls) to that for Si at the base of the wafer, the cone-like geometry exhibits the lowest reflectivity (Fig. 7b) [81]. These Si-nanocone structures, also known as black-Si because of their ultra-low reflectivity, are attractive for fabricating high efficiency solar cells and photodetectors. Due to its large surface-to-volume ratio, 1D nanowires can make core–shell p–n junctions, which can significantly improve device performance when compared with thin films and bulk counterparts [81]. Recently, a lot of interest has arisen for photodetectors that utilize vertical NW arrays with their growth substrates to form homo- and hetero-junctions. Following the demonstration of Si nanostructure based photodetectors by Zheng et al., extensive efforts have been made on Si nanowire-based junction photodetectors [82]. Several radial heterojunctions fabricated by coating a direct bandgap compound semiconductor like ZnO [83, 84], ­TiO2 [85], CuO [86, 87], ­Cu2O [88], CdS [89, 90], ­AgInSe2 [91], molybdenum oxide ­(MoO3−x) [92], etc. on Si nanowires have been investigated. We have reported Si/CdS radial heterojunction based high efficient photodetectors fabricated by depositing a CdS layer on large-area, vertically aligned, p-type Si nanowires templates [89]. Figure 7c depicts the schematic diagram of the fabricated Si/CdS nanowire based p–n junction revealing a peak responsivity of 1.37 ­AW−1 (Fig. 7d) and a detectivity of 4.39 × ­1011 cm ­Hz1/2 ­W−1 at an applied bias of − 1 V. The observed responsivity corresponds to an external quantum efficiency (EQE) value of 13 216 Page 10 of 21 S. Singh et al. Fig. 7 a Schematic illustrations of planar Si, Si nanowires, and Si nanocones and their corresponding effective refractive index profiles across air-to-Si wafer, air-to-Si nanowire, and air-to-Si nanocone. b Calculated reflectance spectra of planar Si, Si nanowire, and Si nanocone arrays. [Figures a, b, reprinted from Ref [81]. with permission of American Chemical Society]. c Schematic illustration of fabricated Si/CdS nanowire heterojunction photodetectors. d Spectral responsivity of control planar-Si, Si nanowires, and Si/CdS core/shell nanowire photodetectors. [Figures c, d, reprinted from Ref [89]. with the permission of American Chemical Society]. e Schematic diagram of a conformal ­MoS2/Si NW heterojunction photodetector. f Temporal response of the photocurrent generation at zero bias voltage under 808 nm laser illumination of the above device with weak incident light power of 10 nW, 1 nW, and 100 pW, respectively. g Rise and fall edges to identify response speed (time intervals between 10 and 90% of peak signal intensity). [Figures e–g, reprinted from Ref. [95] with the permission of John Wiley and Sons]. h Simulated (pink, blue, and red solid lines) and measured (pink and blue dotted lines) reflection spectra of planar and black Ge at the wavelength range from 1 to 2 μm. i Cross-sectional SEM image of vertical Ge nanostructures grown on a substrate and j a top view SEM image of the fabricated black Ge photodetector. k Responsivity of non-passivated black and planar Ge photodetectors at 0.5 V with illumination from 1.5 to 2 μm. The dotted line represents responsivity corresponding to different EQEs. [Figures h–k, reprinted from Ref. [104] with the permission of John Wiley and Sons] 243% at − 1 V. An EQE more than 100% indicates the creation of additional charge carriers in the device due to high photoconductive gain of the device. Recently, a self-biased photodetector realized by directly coating earth-abundant copper zinc tin sulphide (CZTS) nanocrystals on vertically grown quasi one-dimensional Si templates [93]. The device shows an extraordinary photo-to-dark ration of more than ­105 with a high-speed switching comparable to the commercial available Si/Ge photodetectors. In addition, two dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides [94, 95], carbon based materials like carbon dots [96], graphene [97] and perovskite [98] have also been employed for the fabrication of radial heterojunction photodetectors using Si nanowire templates. For instances, ­MoS2/Si nanowire array heterojunction has been reported with ultrafast switching and broadband photoresponse ranging from 300 to 1600 nm [95]. Figure 7e depicts the schematic representation of the fabricated device strategy of coating 2D ­MoS2 layer onto Si-NW arrays for achieving wide-band absorption. To address the issue of interface carrier recombination due to large surface area, an ultrathin ­Al2O3 passivation layer was introduced to passivate the heterojunction interface and suppress the dark current. The device fabricated with a passivation layer decreases its dark reverse saturation current by an order of magnitude to 0.16 μA at the same bias [95]. The device is sensitive to very weak optical signal in the order of pW (λ = 808 nm) and shows a significant change in the device current above the noise level. Figure 7f depicts the transient photoresponse 13 Page 11 of 21 216 Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices under laser illumination of 808 nm with different incident power of 10 nW, 1 nW, and 100 pW showing an on–off ratio of ~ 70, ~ 10 and ~ 3, respectively. The detector works in self-powered mode with a responsivity and detectivity value of 0.61/0.047 A/W−1 and 1.48 × ­1012/1.09 × ­1011 Jones at a wavelength of 808/1550 nm, respectively. In addition, the device shows a fast switching speed with rise/decay times of 8.4/40.9 μs (Fig. 7g), which can meet the requirements of high frequency optical modulation applications. In comparison to Si, relatively fewer studies have been done so far on Ge-nanowire-array based photodetectors. We reported the growth and photoresponse characteristics of GeCdS core–shell nanowire radial heterojunctions photodiode [107]. To achieve the core–shell geometry, CdS nanoparticles were coated on VLS grown Ge NW templates by a chemical bath deposition process. The fabricated core–shell nanowire devices exhibited an enhanced photoresponse with broad spectral bandwidth in the wavelength range of 450–1000 nm. Recently, the improved performance in Gebased photodetectors has also been realized by growing vertical spike-like or quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures on Ge surface, also referred to as black Ge. An et al. reported a nanostructured Ge surface showing significant reduction in reflectance (2%) at a wavelength range from 1 to 2 μm in comparison to that of planar Ge (≈37%), as shown in Fig. 7h [104]. A uniform spike-like Ge nanostructures (Fig. 7i) with optimized dimension were obtained by C ­ l2-based room-temperature standard RIE process. The device performance has been examined by fabricating metal–semiconductor–metal detectors, as depicted in Fig. 7j. The responsivity of nanostructured Ge surface has been found to be enhanced significantly in the NIR range of 1.5–2.0 μm (Fig. 7k) and reveal an EQE value exceeding 160% at 1550 nm, which is attributed to the existence of internal gain in Ge nanostructures. The key figure-of-merit like responsivity, detectivity and response time of group-IV semiconductor nanowire based photodetectors fabricated with different device structures are presented in Table 1. 3 Nanowire photovoltaic devices Photovoltaic devices will continue to be dominated by silicon in near future following the trend of industry for decades. However, to reduce the cost of the modules, it will be necessary to find new ways of making inexpensive Si cells while maintaining high efficiency. [108–112]. To create solar cells that are efficient and low-cost, semiconductor nanowires are currently being investigated. Since nanowires have a larger surface-to-volume ratio, with dimensions comparable to minority carrier diffusion lengths and improved light trapping, they offer promising prospects for enhancing light absorption and charge collection efficiency in solar cells. [5, 20]. In the following section, we will discuss the work that has been conducted on both single as well as nanowire array based solar cells based on Si/Ge p-n junctions and their heterostructures. 3.1 Single nanowire solar cells Study of a single nanowire based photovoltaic device reveals essential properties of the material, including its optical and electronic properties, and the efficiency of charge-separation due to the built-in electric field at the junctions [113, 114]. In 2007, Tian et al. demonstrated the fabrication of single Si-nanowire p–i–n homojunction solar cells, as schematically shown in Fig. 8a [27]. According to the study, the junction's quality is critical due to its large junction area and depletion volume. The schematic illustration and corresponding SEM image of a radial Si nanowire solar cell are shown in Fig. 8b, c, respectively. The fabricated solar cell exhibited an open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 260 mV and short-circuit current (Isc) of 0.503 nA, (Fig. 8d), with a fillfactor (FF) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 55% and ∼ 3.4%, respectively. Later in 2012, Thomas et al. from the same group successfully fabricated four distinct coaxial NW device structures exhibiting improved Voc and FF values of 500 mV and 73%, respectively with a PCE of ∼6% in the single nanowire device architecture [115]. Figure 8e presents the current density (J) vs. voltage (V) curves of four distinct diode geometries, viz., p/n, p/in, p/pn and p/pin fabricated on a single NW with electrical contacts selectively defined to the p-type core and n-type shell under irradiation of an air mass 1.5 (AM 1.5) global 1-sun (100 mW/cm2) illumination [115]. The highest Voc observed for p/in geometry was 0.48 V, whereas p/pin geometry exhibited maximum short circuit current density. On the other hand, the single NW solar cells based on axial junction has also been investigated. For example, an axial p-type/intrinsic/n-type single crystal Si NWs was synthesized via Au-nanoparticle catalyzed VLS growth method, where axial modulation was achieved by switching dopant precursor gases at different times during the elongation of the NW [116]. Figure 8f depicts a schematic illustration of an axial single Si NW solar cell (top) with the corresponding SEM image of an as grown Si NW (middle). To show the delineation of p–i–n structures, a wet etching in potassium hydroxide solution was used (bottom of Fig. 8f). The differential etching rates for p-type, intrinsic and n-type c-Si lead to the dissimilarities in nanowire diameter after etching. The electrical transport properties of the axial p–i–n Si NW devices with i-region lengths of 0, 2, and 4 μm were recorded. Figure 8g shows the photovoltaic properties of the axial p-i-n Si NW diodes under 1-sun AM 1.5 G illumination. The results show a systematic improvement in both Voc and Isc with increasing i-segment length, where the largest increase is 13 216 Page 12 of 21 S. Singh et al. Table 1 Performance comparison of group-IV semiconductor based photodetectors fabricated with single as well as nanowire array and bulk/ thin films Single Si NW Single Ge NW Single SiGe NW Single GeSn NW Si/Ge NW array Commercial Si (Newport 818-SL) Commercial Ge (Newport 818-IR) GeSn (Sn ~ 12.5%) Device geometry Responsivity ­(AW−1) Detectivity (cm Rise/fall time √ HzW−1) References MSM Back-gated phototransistor Junctionless MOSFET Bipolar phototransistors Radial Schottky junction Core–shell heterojunction MSM MSM p–n junction MSM Back-gated phototransistor MSM MSM Back-gated FET MSM MSM Si NW array / ITO Si NW array /CdS Si NW array /AgInSe2 Si NW array /CuO Si NW array /Carbon dots Si NW array /MoS2 Si NW array /perovskite Si NW array /CIGS Black Si/ ­MoO3−x Black Si/MoS2 Black Si/CZTS Black Ge/metal Bulk Bulk Thin film 2.56 × ­104 @ 0.1 V ~ 0.8 @ 5 V ~ 0.18 @ 410 @ 1 V ~ ­107 @ 0 V 1.3 @ 5 V ~ 2.8 × ­107 @ 2 V ~ 0.6 × ­104 @ 0 V ~ 22.6 @ 107 @ 5.5 @ 1 V 3.46 × ­102 @ 2 V 1.5 × ­10–3 @ 5 V ~ 2.7 @ 1 V 70.8 @ 1 V 1.2 × ­10–3 @ 1 mV 0.55 @ 3 V 1.37 @ 1 V 11.0 × ­10–3 @ 5 V 13.05 × ­10–3 @ 2 V 0.35 @ 0 V 0.61 @ 0 V ~ 0.84 @ 0.9 V 0.33 @ 0 V 55 × ­10–3 @ 0 V 0.75 @ 2 V 0.411 @ 0 V ~3 @ 2 V ~ 0.6 ~1 16.1@ 4 V ~ 1.4 × ­1013 ~ ­1011 [52] [51] [99] [100] [57] [101] [61] [62] [64] [63] [70] [102] [68] [78] [79] [74] [53] [89] [91] [88] [96] [95] [98] [103] [92] [94] [93] [104] [105] [105] [106] observed in moving from the p–n to p–i–n structural motif. Such dependence suggest that the intrinsic part of the NW is the main photoactive region [116]. The increase of Jsc can be related to the increase of the absorber thickness. 3.2 Nanowire array solar cells Though, single NW-based devices are useful to provide a fundamental understanding of the photovoltaic characteristics but the power generated out of these devices is very small for practical applications. However, as an indirect semiconductor, Si exhibits weak absorption for infrared photons, while the efficient absorption of full above-bandgap solar spectrum requires careful photon management. Recently, Saive et al. discussed various approaches to improve light 13 120/100 μs 300/480 μs 9.3 × ­1014 ~ 2.5 × ­1010 1.5 × ­1013 ~ 4 × ­1012 22 μs 1.1/3.3 s 9.33 × ­1011 291/213 μs 88/122 μs 8.4 × ­109 4.39 × ­1011 3.79 × ­109 1.48 × ­1012 3.2 × ­1011 1.6 × ­1013 6.29 × ­1012 2.08 × ­1010 2 × ­1012 ~ ­1013 ~ 4.4 × ­1011 1.1 × ­1010 203/209 ms 4.3/10 μs ≤ 70/70 ms 20/40 μs 8.4/40.9 μs 4/8 μs 823/356 μs 1/51.4 μs 86/7 μs ≤ 2 μs ≤ 2 μs – trapping in Si solar cells [117]. Vertical nano/micro texturing is the most common method to enhance the path length in silicon by randomizing the light direction. This is due to their potential for industrial scale use through anisotropic alkaline etching [118] and perfect randomization can be achieved with such textures [23]. Therefore, large-area solar cells made up of nanowire arrays are necessary to generate power levels useful for practical applications. A device design composed of vertically aligned arrays of radial p–n junction Si NW solar cells was theoretically presented by Kayes et al. [39]. Later, Peng et al. demonstrated the fabrication of radial p–n junction solar cells on Si NWs, grown by metal-assisted-chemical-etching (MACE), using conventional phosphorous dopant diffusion [119]. The photovoltaic cell fabricated on a single-crystal Si substrate revealed a Voc Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices Page 13 of 21 216 Fig. 8 a Schematic images of the p–i–n coaxial silicon nanowire illustrating the core/shell nanowire junction (left); the cross-sectional diagram showing the photogenerated electrons ­(e−) and holes ­(h+) are swept into the n-shell and p-core, respectively, by the built-in electric field (right). b Schematic diagrams of the device fabrication. Pink, yellow, cyan and green layers correspond to the p-core, i-shell, n-shell and PECVD-coated ­SiO2, respectively (left); Selective etching to expose the p-core (middle); Metal contacts deposited on the p-core and n-shell (right). c Corresponding SEM images to the schematics of b Scale bars; 100 nm (left), 200 nm (middle) and 1.5 µm (right). d Dark and light I–V curves recorded from a radial p–i–n Si nanowire photovoltaic device. [Figures a–d, reprinted from Ref. [27] with the permission of Springer Nature]. e Typical J–V characteristics of single-NW solar cells composed of four distinct diode geometries [reprinted from Ref. [115] with the permission of National Academy of Sciences]. f Scheme and structural characterization of axial p–i–n Si nanowire. Schematic of an axially modulated p–i–n Si nanowire shown in the top. Growth is mediated with Au catalyst (gold-coloured hemisphere) in a sequence beginning with p-, i-, and ending with n-regions. SEM image of a uniform p–i–n axial Si NW with Au catalyst (d = 250 nm) visible on the right-end (middle), SEM images of a p–i–n axial NW after selective wet etching (bottom). The p- and i-type Si regions have faster etching rates than the n-type region. Scale bars; 1 μm. g Light I–V characteristics for the i-length = 0, 2, and 4 μm devices; the illumination intensity was 100 mW/cm2, AM 1.5G. [Figures f–g reprinted from Ref. [116] with permission of American Chemical Society] of ∼0.55 V and FF of 65%, resulting in a PCE of 9.31%, which is lower than compared to a planar Si cell. The presence of surface or interfacial recombination, high series resistance, and low current collection efficiency of the frontgrid electrodes result in the poor conversion efficiency [5]. On the other hand, solar cells based on slantingly aligned Si NWs grown via MACE technique on a Si (111) wafer, showed a much improved power conversion efficiency of 11.37% [120]. Such enhancement can be attributed to the combined effects of superior antireflection properties and improved electrical contacts in slanted nanowires, compared to those of vertical ones. These optical properties create a possibility for using thinner layers and thus lesser material in Si solar cells [121]. Moreover, the photovoltaic performance can be enhanced by developing the radial heterojunction via depositing a thin direct bandgap semiconductor material as an absorber layer over Si nanowire/nanocones templates. In such device geometry, the maximum absorption occurs in the direct bandgap material throughout the length of the nanowire. On the other hand, the photogenerated minority carriers travel the radial distance, which is less than the diffusion length of carriers. Inspired by the superior PCE achieved in Si nanowire array based solar cells, several studies have been reported on crystalline Si nanowires based p–n heterojunctions by depositing polycrystalline Si, amorphous Si and/or a direct bandgap compound semiconductor material on nanowires by various techniques [81, 122–125]. Recently, there has been lot of interests in the development of inorganic/organic hybrid heterojunction solar cells that use Si nanowires coated with a polymer, which are suitable for mass production. However, the major bottleneck to achieving greater efficiency in nanowire-based hybrid solar cells is the limited surface coverage of spin-coated polymer films on nanowires. In this regard, the utilization of cone-like geometry of Si nanostructure offers a conformal surface coverage of polymer film along with an ultra-low reflectance in comparison to NW geometry. For instance, Fig. 9a depicts the schematic illustration of a hybrid solar cell composed of Si nanocones (NCs) and conductive polymer poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)—poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) [21]. The uniform heterojunction over the nanocones (inset of Fig. 9b), with enhanced light 13 216 Page 14 of 21 S. Singh et al. Fig. 9 a Schematic illustration of the fabrication process for a Si nanocone/polymer solar cell. b J–V characteristics of the Si nanocone/PEDOT:PSS solar cells, under AM 1.5 illumination, with a back-surface doping. Inset shows the cross-sectional SEM images of nanocones/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction solar cell with Au metal electrode of 15 nm thickness. [Figures a, b, reprinted from Ref. [21] with the permission of American Chemical Society]. c A schematic diagram of Si NW/PEDOT:PSS hybrid solar cell with Au mesh electrode and d J–V characteristics of the hybrid solar cells with various front electrodes under illumination with AM 1.5 G light at 100 mW/ cm2. [Figures c, d, reprinted from Ref. [126] with the permission of Springer Nature]. e Photo induced open circuit voltage decay profile for solar cells fabricated on ICP-RIE and MACE grown nanostruc- tures along with planar Si. Red line at the initial portion of decay profile represents the best linear fit to determine the initial slope for the calculation of recombination-limited carrier lifetime. f External quantum efficiency of Si/CdS heterojunction solar cell devices fabricated on Si nanostructure templates grown via ICP-RIE, MACE and on planar Si. [Figures e, f, reprinted from Ref. [81] with the permission of American Chemical Society]. g CZTS nanocrystals layer-dependent J–V characteristics of the Si nanowire solar cells under an illumination of 100 mW/cm2 and h comparison plot of solar cell parameters as a function of CZTS nanocrystal layer numbers on Si nanowires. [Figures g, h, reprinted from Ref. [93] with the permission of American Chemical Society] absorption exhibit a Jsc of ~ 29.6 mA/cm2, Voc of ~ 0.55 and FF of ~ 67.7% resulting in a PCE of ~ 11.1%. The carrier recombination at the Si nanowire/polymer interface is a crucial concern of a hybrid heterojunction solar cell because interface defect density significantly affects the final device efficiency. Surface passivation of Si nanostructures by depositing an ultra-thin layer of A ­ l2O3 using atomic layer deposition can significantly improve the device performance. Figure 9c depicts the schematic representation of the Si NW/ PEDOT:PSS hybrid solar cell with a passivation layer of ­Al2O3 and Au mesh as a front electrode [126]. The J–V characteristics of the hybrid solar cells with Au mesh electrodes, recorded under an irradiation of simulated AM 1.5 G light at an intensity of 100 mW/cm2 are depicted in Fig. 9d. For comparison, the characteristics of a similar device with an ITO front electrode is also displayed. Results show the Au mesh cells exhibit a significantly enhanced Jsc in compared to the ITO cell, which is attributed to the enhanced optical absorbance and carrier collection of the Au mesh cells. The best photovoltaic properties were obtained from the 200 μm pitch cell exhibiting a PCE of 13.2%, along with Voc = 0.539 V, Jsc = 36 mA/cm2, and FF = 67.8%. Extensive studies have also been made on Si nanowirebased, hybrid solar cells with various other polymer like polymers like poly—(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) [127, 128], PEDOT:PSS etc. [129–132]. These studies are primarily concerned with examining the impact of nanowire length, surface functionalization, and polymer layer thickness that results in a PCE of 5–10%. We have fabricated the p-n heterojunction solar cells by depositing inorganic direct bandgap n-CdS films on p-Si nanowire synthesized via chemical and inductively coupled plasma—reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) method and studied the effect of nanowire morphology on device performance [81]. The minority carrier life time of the device has been extracted using open-circuit voltage decay profiles as shown in Fig. 9e. The minority carrier life times for planar Si, MACE and ICP-RIE grown Si NCs are found to be 57.2, 4.6 and 68.6 μs, respectively [81]. Si nanocones grown via MACE technique exhibit large defect density at the rough surface, which lead to very high surface recombination velocity and diode ideality factor. Similarly, the surface degradation of chemically etched Si nanostructures also affects the EQE of the solar cell device, as depicted in Fig. 9f. An efficient carrier extraction and collection in the device fabricated with ICP-RIE grown Si NCs result in a peak EQE of ∼65%, whereas the cell fabricated on MACE grown NCs shows a peak value of only ∼20%. A poor EQE in MACE 13 Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices grown samples is attributed to the higher recombination rate of photo generated carriers at nanowire interfacial defect states. On the other hand, core–shell based p–n heterojunctions fabricated by direct coating of the semiconductor nanocrystals has also been studied [96]. We have reported the fabrication of solution processed heterojunction solar cells for large area application using earth abundant, nontoxic p-CZTS nanocrystals directly coated on n-Si nanowires [93]. A comprehensive study on the effect of NCs layer thickness on key parameters of the solar cell have been reported. Figure 9g depicts the illuminated J–V characteristics of solar cells fabricated with different nanocrystals layer numbers. The observed PCE and other key parameters such as Voc, Jsc, and FF of the devices fabricated with different CZTS NC layer numbers are plotted in Fig. 9h. The PCE of the fabricated photovoltaic devices increases almost linearly with the layer number and is found to be maximum for four layers, which is approximately 46% higher than the device with one layer. The performance degradation of the device above a critical thickness (> 4 layers) of CZTS nanocrystal layer has been observed, which could be associated with the activation of bulk recombination in nanocrystals and Fig. 10 a Transport characteristics of a p–n core–shell Si-NW-CdS junction revealing a rectified I–V curve and the inset shows a SEM image of the fabricated device. Scale bar; 2 µm. b Room-temperature EL spectrum of the core–shell nanowire based nano LED. [Figures a, b, reprinted from Ref. [34] with the permission of John Wiley and Sons]. c Fabricated well-separated radial heterojunction arrays by depositing ZnS and AZO on KOH-treated Si nanowires. d Cross-sectional image of a single device showing the Si core and ZnS shell. e Bottom part of the radial heterojunction showing ∼ 50 nm AZO and Page 15 of 21 216 increased series resistance [96, 127] for the undoped CZTS layer, resulting in a decreased short circuit current density. 4 Nanowire light emitting diodes Being an indirect bandgap semiconductor, the implementation of Si-and Ge-based devices as light sources is hampered because of their poor light emission efficiencies. Ge and Si nanowires have emerged as potential building blocks having unique 1D geometry that can improve the emission efficiency owing to the quantum confinement effect. Both single nanowire and nanowire array based light emitting diodes have been studied by forming heterostructures with a direct bandgap compound semiconductor. The first work on Sinanowire-based light emitting diode (LED) was reported by Hayden et al. in 2005 [34]. They demonstrated a core/ shell p-Si/n-CdS single nanowire heterojunction fabricated by depositing polycrystalline CdS layer of thickness ∼60 nm on VLS grown Si NWs of ∼80 nm diameter via pulsed laser deposition (PLD). ∼ 400 nm ZnS films. f EL spectra of the Si NW/ZnS heterojunction at different temperatures from 10 to 400 K under a forward bias of 10 V. [Figures c–f, reprinted from Ref. [136] with the permission of American Chemical Society]. g Schematic diagram illustrating coaxial AZO/n-CdS/p + -black Si conical-heterojunction-based LED. h The chromaticity diagram plotted in the CIE 1931 (x, y) for the n-CdS/p + -black Si conical-heterojunction. [Figures g, h, reprinted from Ref. [137] with permission of American Chemical Society] 13 216 Page 16 of 21 Figure 10a shows the transport properties of the fabricated core–shell junction showing the rectifying behaviour of p–n diode, with the p-Si core acting as an anode. The fabricated heterojunction exhibited room temperature electroluminescence (EL) centred at ~ 528 nm with a full-widthat-half-maximum of 20 nm under a 4 V forward bias as shown in Fig. 10b. The observed emission originated from the recombination of injected carriers in the polycrystalline CdS film without any contribution from Si [34]. However, the quantum yield of device has been found to be very low (only ∼0.01%) necessitating further engineering of heterostructures to achieve improved properties. Thereafter, wide research has been directed towards nanowire-array-based LEDs [133–135]. Hsieh et al. reported electroluminescence from ZnO/Si heterojunction nano-tips array, by combining reactive ion etched Si nano-tips and pulsed laser deposited ZnO [133]. We have reported the electroluminescence by fabricating p-Si nanowire/n-ZnS core–shell type radial heterojunction nano-architecture arrays over a large area using PLD-deposited ZnS on metal-assisted chemical etched Si NWs [136]. Under a low forward bias condition of 2 V, electrically driven white light emission from radial heterojunction arrays utilising an aluminium doped ZnO (AZO) electrode has been accomplished. Figure 10c–e depict a typical cross-sectional FESEM micrograph of the fabricated well-separated radial heterojunction arrays showing conformal coverage of n-ZnS on Si nanowires with a thin layer of AZO. The thickness of AZO and ZnS films were found to be ∼50 nm and ∼400 nm, respectively. The fabricated Si NWs/ZnS radial heterojunction arrays exhibit a broadband emission attributed to the radiative transition in both ZnS and the porous surface of the Si nanowire core [134, 135]. The devices have been tested in the temperature ranges from 10 to 400 K as show in Fig. 10f. It is worth noting that fabricated heterojunction exhibits a significant and stable emission even at 400 K revealing that as-fabricated Si NWs/ZnS heterojunction arrays may function effectively at a high temperature. We have reported the black–Si based light emitting diodes with an enhanced light extraction capability due to nanocone geometry [137]. As a proof of concept, n-CdS/p+black Si conical-heterojunction arrays has been fabricated by depositing n-CdS films on vertically standing Si NCs using PLD process. The fabricated device exhibits a broadband optical emission covering a wavelength range from 450 to 860 nm on applying a forward bias as low as 5 V. The results are presented in Fig. 10g, h. The black dot in Fig. 10h with coordinates (0.35, 0.41) plotted in the CIE 1931 (x, y) chromaticity diagram reveal the white light emission from the n-CdS/p+-black Si conical-heterojunction arrays. On the other hand, owing to the phonon-assisted indirect and direct bandgap of 0.67 eV and ∼0.8 eV, respectively, Ge NWs based heterojunction devices have the ability to emit light at a wavelength of 1.54 μm, which is close to the 13 S. Singh et al. wavelength of optical communication. Ge nanowire-based light emitters have received much less attention than Si to date. Recently, Fadaly et al. demonstrated an efficient light emission from direct-bandgap hexagonal Ge and SiGe alloys [138]. In this study, hexagonal Ge and ­Si1−xGex alloys were grown on wurtzite GaAs nanowire templates, showing a widely tuneable emission wavelength with a high emission yield comparable to those of direct-bandgap III–V semiconductors. This novel approach of direct-bandgap hexagonal ­Si1−xGex opens a pathway towards the monolithic integration of ­Si1−xGex light sources with passive Si photonics circuitry on the same chip. We have demonstrated electrically driven direct bandgap emission from a metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) structure fabricated using VLS-grown Ge nanowires [139]. The schematic representation of the fabricated p-Si/SiO2/Ge NW/Al2O3/Au MIS device using core–shell Ge–GeO2 nanowires is shown in Fig. 11a. The emission has been observed from Ge nanowire MIS LED only under the accumulation biasing of the device (Fig. 11b) with an onset voltage of around 10 V (current density ~ 3.7 A/cm2), which corresponds to an estimated electric field of around 1 MV/cm1 for the fabricated device geometry. Such a high field lead to the Fowler–Nordheim tunnelling and the energetic injected electrons create electron–hole pairs within the Ge nanowires by impact ionization. The light emission characteristics as a function of operating temperature have been investigated and presented in Fig. 11c. The results reveal a direct gap emission, Γ-valley to valence band (V.B.) transition, with the intensity being maximum at ~ 1500 nm for a sample temperature ~ 10 K. A negligible contribution from the indirect (L-valley to V.B.) transition is detected at low temperature. With increasing temperature, EL spectra is found to be red shifted with decreased peak intensity for direct transition. Increasing temperature, however, triggers emission at longer wavelengths, which gradually intensifies with the increase in temperature. [139]. This can be explained by the dominance of phononactivated and defect-induced recombination at higher temperatures, while direct bandgap-related emission is only prominent at lower temperatures. [139]. The observed electroluminescence from Ge-GeO2 core–shell nanowires in optical communication wavelength range shows the possibility to accomplish Ge-based light emitters working at room temperature. Greil et al. demonstrated room temperature direct bandgap electroluminescence from a single Ge nanowire by fabricating an axial p–n junction nanowire device [140]. An axial p–n junction NWs was achieved by VLS growth mechanism with Au colloids catalyzing particles [141]. To fabricate the devices, the p–n junction NWs were removed from the growth substrate and deposited via mechanical transfer on a highly doped substrate covered by silicon oxide. Electrical contacts to individual NWs were Progress in group‑IV semiconductor nanowires based photonic devices Page 17 of 21 216 Fig. 11 a Schematic diagram of the p-Si/SiO2/Ge NW/Al2O3/Au MIS LED device and b energy band diagram of the device at an accumulation (forward biased) condition showing the electron injection into Ge from the Au electrode. c Temperature dependent electroluminescence spectra at an injected current density of ~ 5.7 A/cm2 through the above MIS LED device. [Figures a–c, reprinted from Ref. [139] with the permission of IOP Publishing]. d Typical SEM images of a Ge p–n NW junction device, together with a sketch of the p- and n-type regions of the device and the schematic equivalent circuits before and after etching of the parasitic n-doped Ge layer. e Room temperature EL spectra of the Ge NW p-n diode biased in the forward direction with increasing current density. [Figures d, e, reprinted from Ref. [140] with the permission of AIP Publishing]. f Dark-field HAADF image and EDX mapping for Ge and Sn in a G ­ e1−xSnx nanowire with 9.4 at. % of Sn. g Photoluminescence spectra of G ­ e1−xSnx nanowires (x = 0.06 and 0.092) recorded at 7 K. [Figures f–g, reprinted from Ref. [75] with the permission of Springer Nature] established by electron beam lithography, Ni/Au sputter deposition, and lift-off techniques. Figure 11d shows the SEM image of the single NW Ge based light emitting diode. The room-temperature EL spectra from the axial p–n junction Ge nanowire device obtained under forward bias as a function of injected current density are presented in Fig. 11e. The device exhibits direct bandgap emission with EL peak centred near ~ 0.8 eV. This study demonstrated the potential of nanowire based light source for on-chip group-IV photonics applications at the nanoscale. Furthermore, germanium-tin alloy nanowires are promising as silicon-compatible optical sources [142, 143]. They have the capability of achieving a direct bandgap transition, which is critical for light emission in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) range (0.9–2.5 μm) for a variety of photonics applications, including communication and sensing. [71, 142–149]. A GeSn alloy-based Si photonics device would help to resolve the “capacity crunch” currently faced by current telecommunication technologies in the C-band (1530–1565 nm) and L-band (1565–1625 nm) [143]. However, the indirect-to-direct bandgap crossover of unstrained GeSn alloy occurs at a Sn content in the range of ~ 6.5 to 11 at.%, [71, 150, 151], which is much higher compared to the equilibrium solubility of Sn in Ge (< 1.0 at.%) [150, 152]. Through a conventional bottom-up catalytic growth paradigm using noble metal and metal alloy catalysts, Biswas et al. fabricated G ­ e1−xSnx alloy nanowires with Sn incorporation of 9.2 at.% [75]. Figure 11f depicts an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) image and dark field high-angle annular dark field image of G ­ e1−xSnx nanowire (Sn 9.4%) revealing a uniform distribution of Sn in VLS nanowire growth. The as-grown ­Ge1−xSnx nanowire exhibits a direct bandgap PL emission at a wavelength of ~ 2.2 μm (Fig. 11g) observed at a temperature of ~ 7 K. Few more promising results have been reported to achieve the direct bandgap PL emission in GeSn one dimensional structures even at room temperature [73, 77]. A core–shell nanowire geometry has been successfully grown to achieve the direct bandgap PL emission 13 216 Page 18 of 21 even at room temperature in which a GeSn shell was grown onto a thin Ge-core in order to promote strain relaxation by shifting the strain into a thin Ge-core that is compliant and prevents structural defects caused by strain [72, 153]. Electrically induced optical emission in such nanostructures is, however, yet to be demonstrated for practical applications. 5 Conclusions and outlook One dimensional semiconductor nanostructures have been investigated extensively as potential building blocks for nanophotonic and nanoelectronic devices. Particular attention has been paid to Si and Ge nanowires, due to their compatibility with current Si CMOS integrated circuit technology and their superior scalability, performance, and leakage control. Here, in this work, we reviewed the progress of research on group-IV semiconductor nanowires for different photonic and photovoltaic devices. Si and Ge NWs-based axial and core–shell p–n junctions have been discussed with their capability to fabricate in both horizontal and vertical topologies. The results show that, compared to their bulk or thin-film counterparts, 1D or quasi-1D nanostructures offer several advantages, from simple photoconductive devices to more sophisticated NW photodetector designs. The recent developments on single nanowire-based devices, which exhibited ultrahigh photosensitivity due to colossal internal photoconductive gain, discrimination of light polarization, and broad as well as narrow band spectral sensitivity by forming Si/Ge heterostructures or alloying have been discussed. The core–shell geometry of the p–n homo- or heterojunctions enable enhanced response and faster speed of the photonic devices. In radial heterojunction, photogenerated carriers are transported across the depletion layer within their diffusion length, resulting in an efficient carrier collection. Extensive studies have also been made on vertically oriented Si nanowires. These architectures reduce the optical losses due to enhanced light scattering and provide superior light absorption to realize high-performance photodetectors and solar cells. The reduced material consumption and flexibility of NW-based solar cells will undoubtedly lead to their increased applications in near future. In recent years, the focus has also been made to overcome the main hurdle of the indirect bandgap nature of group-IV semiconductors by employing nanowire geometry including hexagonal SiGe and Ge–GeSn core–shell structures to achieve efficient optical sources. However, the emission efficiency of Si/Ge-based optical sources at room temperature is still in its infancy and necessitates more investigation into band modulation by quantum confinement, alloying, strain, and dopant engineering employing nanowire platforms. Group-IV semiconductor nanowire embodies an ideal material system in which the electronic and optoelectronic functionalities can 13 S. Singh et al. be combined on a single chip, opening the pathway towards integrated device concepts and information-processing technologies. We believe that a complete set of high performance nanophotonic components based on group-IV nanowires can be realized in near future. However, to succeed, further theoretical and experimental investigations on the defects and interfaces are needed by using advanced computational, fabrication and device characterization techniques with high resolution and efficiency. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Dr. K. Das, S. Manna, A. K. Katiyar, S. Mukherjee, A. Sarkar, J. W. John, Prof. A. K. Raychaudhuri and Prof. O. Moutanabbir and his research group for their research results which are used in this manuscript. We also would like to acknowledge the partial financial support from Department of Science & Technology (DST)—Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) supported NNetRA “SWI” Project (Grant no. IIT/ SRIC/NT/SWI/2018-19/189), Government of India. Author contributions SKR had the idea for the article. SS performed the literature search and data analysis. SS and SKR prepared the draft. SD and SKR critically revised the work. Data availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding authors on reasonable request. Declarations Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. References 1. G. Conibeer, Mater. Today 10, 42 (2007) 2. N. Daldosso, L. Pavesi, Laser Photonics Rev. 3, 508 (2009) 3. R. Rurali, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 427 (2010) 4. M. Amato, M. Palummo, R. Rurali, S. Ossicini, Chem. Rev. 114, 1371 (2014) 5. S.K. Ray, A.K. Katiyar, A.K. Raychaudhuri, Nanotechnology 28, 1 (2017) 6. S.K. Ray, S. Maikap, W. Banerjee, S. Das, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 46, 153001 (2013) 7. A. Sarkar, R. Bar, S. Singh, R.K. Chowdhury, S. Bhattacharya, A.K. Das, S.K. Ray, Appl. Phys. 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