C. V. Raman Global University Assignment 2 Branch CSE Programme B. Tech Course Name Machine Learning Semester 5 CSE23317 Course Code Learning Level (LL) Academic Year 2022-23 L1: Remembering L3: Applying L5: Evaluating L2: Understanding L4: Analyzing L6: Creating Q’s Questions Co s LL CO 2 L1, L2, L4, L5 CO L1, L2, L4, L5 Refer to the below Table: Student Name Mathematics Computer Science Result Aryan 4 3 FAIL Megha 6 7 PASS Ravi 7 8 PASS Rahul 5 5 FAIL Shreya 8 9 PASS Nisha 6 8 ? 1. As per the above Table, find whether Nisha has Passed the test or failed, using KNN (K=3). 2. ISRO wants to discriminate between Martians (M) and Humans (H) based on the following features: Green ∈ {N, Y}, Legs ∈ {2,3}, Height ∈ {S, T}, Smelly∈ {N, Y}. The training data is as follows. Which attribute will be the root of the decision tree? Create the decision tree and predict the species (class label) for the test data<Green=Y, Legs=3, Height=T, Smelly=Y> 3. Write the steps of Perceptron Algorithm. Explain perceptron algorithm with “OR”. Show 5 updates of perceptron algorithm for the following data, starting w=(0,0):{(-1,(1,-4)),(+1,(5,-1)),(+1,(3,3)),(+1,(-1,5)),(-1,(5,2)),(-1,(-2,-2))}. CO 2 L1, L2, L4, L5 CO 2 L1, L2, L4, L5 CO 2 L1, L2, L4, L5 Elaborate Logistic Regression. Given a list of patients with their respective age ( ) and cholesterol level ( ): 4. 5. ➢ For each patient, calculate the predicted probability that the patient has the disease. ➢ Classify each patient using a threshold of 0.5 and compare the predictions with the actual labels. The sales of a company (in million dollars) for each year are shown in the table below. ➢ ➢ Find the least square regression line y = a x + b. Use the least squares regression line as a model to estimate the sales of the company in 2012. You have a small dataset with 8 data points. You want to perform 4-fold cross-validation using the k-NN algorithm to classify the data and find average accuracy of the model. 6 CO 2 L2 CO 2 L2,L3 Check the following MLP and dataset where learning rate is 0.5. Update the weights using backpropagation algorithms. 7 Create a linear Regression model that predict the price of the new house.{Solve the first updated value of the learning co-efficient.} Note: Initial Value of β0=0.01 and β1=0.02,α=0.01. 9 House Size(X) Sq. ft House Price(Y) $ 1100 19900 1400 24500 1425 31900 1550 24000 CO 2 L1,L3 Submission Instructions: 1. Submit a write-up document in yellow color assignment note copy with the desired results (Physical Mode). Submission dead line. 15/09/2024 Note: Course Outcomes CO1 Use mathematical concepts required for machine learning CO2 Identify and differentiate different types of supervised learning CO3 Identify and differentiate different types of unsupervised learning CO4 Apply learning mechanisms like Bayesian Classifier, SVM etc. CO5 Explore advanced methods of machine learning