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CS411 Exam 1 Review: Software Engineering Concepts

Exam 1 Review
Follow the instructions or lose a point
• One point total, not one point per mistake
• There are no “gotcha” instructions. They’re things like write your
name on every page and make sure it matches what’s on gradescope
• This is one of the key learnings of this class. I’m not being arbitrary
Software Engineering
What is software?
• A program is made out of code functions
• Software is made out of programs
• It is very likely that you haven’t written any software at this point in
your career
• You might be a professional programmer and never have to write
• But you will (should) still use the tools and principles of software
What is software engineering?
• “A systematic approach to the analysis, design, assessment,
implementation, test, maintenance and re-engineering of software,
that is, the application of engineering to software.”
• Software engineering encompasses methodologies and principles
related to
Building (meh)
Defining Issues
A Process Framework
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▪ A process framework is a set of guidelines, work products, and tools that attempt to
facilitate a process
▪ For software engineering in general, the framework comprises
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Features vs Benefits
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▪ These are from Entrepreneur magazine
Self-Setting clock
Works out of the box
50-number speed dial
Don’t have to remember phone
One-touch financial reports
Speed and ease
Batteries included
Don’t have to have / buy them
Open 24 hours
Convenience of being able to shop
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
A Layered Technology
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process model
a “quality” focus
Software Engineering
CS411 Software Engineering
• Documentation describing how
• Requirements are linked to business needs
• Design / tests are linked to requirements
• Specifications linked to design
• Code linked to specifications
The Software Development
Life Cycle
Defining Issues
Bottom line
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▪ Software development is a planned activity
▪ We use process to both manage the software development lifecycle (SDLC) activities and to
improve the process itself
▪ Each company uses its own SDLC model but all of them are essentially Define, Design,
Develop, Deliver, DMaintain
▪ The differences are often of scale and/or concurrency of activities
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Plan-driven vs agile processes
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▪ Plan-driven, or prescriptive, processes are processes where all of the process activities
are planned in advance and progress is measured against this plan — they strive for an
orderly approach to development.
▪ In agile processes, planning is incremental and it is easier to change the process to reflect
changing customer requirements.
▪ In practice, most practical processes include elements of both plan-driven and agile
▪ There are no right or wrong software processes.
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Plan-driven vs agile development
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CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
The waterfall model
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Define, Design, Develop, Deliver
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Problems with the Waterfall (I)
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▪ Complete up-front specifications with sign-off
- Research showed that 45% of features created from early specifications
were never used—with an additional 19% rarely used [Johnson02].
- Over-engineering, a study of 400 projects spanning 15 years
showed that less than 50% of the code was actually useful or
used [CLW01].
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Problems with the Waterfall (II)
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▪ Boston
and Test
- The waterfall pushes this high-risk and difficult issues toward the end of the project.
Waterfall is called fail-late lifecycle.
▪ Reliable Up-front Estimates and Schedules
- Can not be done when the full requirements and risks are not reliably known at the start, and
high rates of change are the norm.
▪ “Plan the work, work the plan” values
- Limited value for high change, novel, innovative domains such as software development.
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Waterfall model problems
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▪ Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages makes it difficult to respond to
changing customer requirements.
- Therefore, this model is only appropriate when the requirements are well-understood and
changes will be fairly limited during the design process.
- Few business systems have stable requirements.
▪ The waterfall model is mostly used for large systems engineering projects where a system is
developed at several sites.
- In those circumstances, the plan-driven nature of the waterfall model helps coordinate the work.
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Incremental development
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CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Incremental development benefits
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▪ The cost of accommodating changing customer requirements is reduced.
The amount of analysis and documentation that has to be redone is much less than is required with
the waterfall model.
▪ It is easier to get customer feedback on the development work that has been done.
Customers can comment on demonstrations of the software and see how much has been
▪ More rapid delivery and deployment of useful software to the customer is possible.
Customers are able to use and gain value from the software earlier than is possible with a waterfall
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Incremental development problems
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▪ The process is not visible.
- Managers need regular deliverables to measure progress. If systems are developed quickly, it is
not cost-effective to produce documents that reflect every version of the system.
▪ System structure tends to degrade as new increments are added.
- Unless time and money is spent on refactoring to improve the software, regular change tends to
corrupt its structure. Incorporating further software changes becomes increasingly difficult and
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ When would you use agile and why?
▪ When would you use waterfall and why?
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
The extreme programming (XP) release cycle
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▪ `
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
The Hierarchy
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1. Theme
/ Initiative
Make more money off of grid pages
2. Epic
Make discovery “more fun”
3. User Story
I am a frequent shopper and I just need something and I want to get replacement-level value fast
4. Task
Increase product review visibility
▪ Subtask / Ticket—This is what you log your time against
Increase font size backend
Color picker backend
Launch color / font size A/B test
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Incremental development vs delivery
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▪ Incremental development
- Develop the system in increments and evaluate each increment before proceeding to the
development of the next increment;
- Normal approach used in agile methods;
- Evaluation done by user/customer proxy.
▪ Incremental delivery
- Deploy an increment for use by end-users;
- More realistic evaluation about practical use of software;
- Difficult to implement for replacement systems as increments have less functionality than the
system being replaced.
CS411 Software Engineering
Chapter 2 Software Processes
Defining Issues
Incremental delivery (to the customer)
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CS411 Software Engineering
Chapter 2 Software Processes
Defining Issues
Incremental delivery advantages
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▪ Customer value can be delivered with each increment so system functionality is available
▪ Early increments act as a prototype to help elicit requirements for later increments.
▪ Lower risk of overall project failure.
▪ The highest priority system services tend to receive the most testing.
CS411 Software Engineering
Chapter 2 Software Processes
Defining Issues
Incremental Delivery: Move from Deliverable to Deliverable
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▪ Don’t build the left half of a car
▪ Build a skateboard
- Good enough. Do something else
- Don’t want it. Do something else
- Not fast enough. Give it a motor
- Not steerable enough. Make it a scooter
▪ Bit you stand on is tested and retested at each milestone
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Incremental delivery problems
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▪ Most systems require a set of basic facilities that are used by different parts of the system.
- As requirements are not defined in detail until an increment is to be implemented, it can be hard
to identify common facilities that are needed by all increments.
▪ The essence of iterative processes is that the specification is developed in conjunction with
the software.
- However, this conflicts with the procurement model of many organizations, where the complete
system specification is part of the system development contract.
CS411 Software Engineering
Chapter 2 Software Processes
Containerization and
Orchestration Part 1 of 3
CS411 Spring 24
Peter B. Golbus
name: deploy
needs: tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Deploy to server
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@v1.0.3
host: ${{ secrets.SERVER_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.SERVER_USER }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script: |
screen -r -d birthday-bot
kill $PID
rm -rf .venvs/birthday-bot/
python -m venv .venvs/birthday-bot
source .venvs/birthday-bot/bin/activate
cd birthday-bot
git pull
git checkout no_docker
git rebase main
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.lock
python bot.py&
• What if I want it on a different
• What if I install a breaking
I want to package the code with its requirements!
birthday-bot deploy process
Step 1: Push “an image” to dockerhub
name: push
needs: tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: set github envirnment variable
run: echo "VERSION_NUMBER=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: setup docker
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
- name: login
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
- name: build
run: |
docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag pgolbus2/cs411-birthdaybot:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}
- name: push
run: docker push ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}/cs411-birthday-bot:${{
Step 2: Pull and “run” the image
name: deploy
needs: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: set github envirnment variable
run: echo "VERSION_NUMBER=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Deploy to server
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@v1.0.3
host: ${{ secrets.SERVER_HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.SERVER_USER }}
key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
script: |
echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_ACTUAL_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u "${{
secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}" --password-stdin
docker pull pgolbus2/cs411-birthday-bot:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}
docker stop birthday-bot || true
docker rm birthday-bot || true
docker run -d --name birthday-bot --env "DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=${{
secrets.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN }}" --rm -it pgolbus2/cs411-birthday-bot:${{
Infrastructure as Code
• Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an approach to managing and
provisioning infrastructure resources using machine-readable
configuration files or scripts.
• You don’t install stuff on a box, you write out the and push the
• Reproducible
• Scalable
• Automatable
• Version controlled
• Definition: Containerization is a lightweight form of virtualization that
allows applications and their dependencies to be packaged and run in
isolated environments called containers.
• Overview:
• Containers encapsulate the application, along with its runtime, libraries, and
dependencies, into a single unit.
• They provide consistent and reliable execution across different computing
• Containerization enables efficient resource utilization, faster application
deployment, and improved scalability.
• Containers are isolated from the underlying infrastructure, ensuring
application portability and compatibility.
Containerization vs Virtualization
Fake hardware
Fake Operating System
Strong isolation
Faster start up and scaling
Configurable Resource Utilization
Efficient Resource Utilization
Dedicated Hardware Resources
Isolation without overhead
Live Migration
VMs remain very important!
Docker components
• Docker Image
• An IaC “container” template
• Docker (Runtime) Container
• A runnable instance of an image
• Docker Engine
• The runtime environment that builds images and runs containers
• Docker Registry
• A repository for storing docker images
Docker Images
• A Docker image is a read-only template that contains the application
code, runtime, libraries, dependencies, and configuration files required to
run an application.
• Characteristics:
• Immutable: Docker images are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified once
created. Any changes to the image require building a new image based on the
updated configuration or code.
• Portable: Docker images are portable and can be shared and run on any system that
has Docker installed, regardless of the underlying infrastructure or operating system.
• Hierarchical: Docker images can be based on or layered upon other images. This
hierarchical structure allows the reuse of base images and the incremental building
of custom images.
Docker Container
• A Docker container is a runnable instance of a Docker image. It is a
lightweight, isolated environment that encapsulates the application and
its dependencies, allowing it to run consistently across different
• Characteristics:
• Runnable: Docker containers are the executable instances created from Docker
images. They can be started, stopped, and managed independently.
• Isolated: Each Docker container is isolated from other containers and the underlying
host system, providing process-level isolation and resource constraints.
• Stateful or Stateless: Docker containers can be designed to be stateful, where they
preserve data across container restarts, or stateless, where they don't retain any
data once stopped.
What is the difference between building an
image and running a container?
• Make sure you can answer some version of this question
• Building an image
• Create a runnable template
• Running a container
• Create and launch an instance of the template
Think classes and objects, approximately
Department of Computer Science
CS411 Version Control With git
Defining Issues
What we're trying to solve
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▪ Track all changes to code base
▪ Rewindable history
▪ Collaboration
▪ Keep dev, test, prod code separate
▪ Work on features and fixes nondestructively
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
University Slideshow
▪ Decentralized
(git) Title Goes Here
Each dev has a copy of the code base
Concurrent work on a file is possible
Local versions (called branches) are embraced
▪ Advantages:
No locking of files
Simple branching
▪ Disadvantages:
▪ Local branches must be merged
▪ History can become complex
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
git concepts
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▪ git records local changes made to files in a directory (and its subdirectories)
▪ Those records are essentially snapshots of the state of all files at a given moment
▪ Multiple concurrent histories, called branches, are used to isolate specific work, for
example a bug fix or new feature
▪ Two branches can be merged together, combining all of the changes made to both
▪ Local copies can be synchronized with other developers’ local copies, or with branches
stored on GitHub
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Detecting conflicts
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▪ What if two developers change the same file?
1. They changed different parts of the file and you can use both
2. They made overlapping changes
▪ git can tell you if this happened, but you must decide what to do about it
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ git doesn’t store the current codebase, it stores code deltas
▪ You can get to the current codebase by applying the deltas to the starting point
▪ So how do you detect conflicting deltas?
▪ Deltas are stored as “commits.” Commits contain the code delta and a function describing
the current state
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Merkle Trees (1979)
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▪ Can I detect if my copy and your copy of L1–L4 match w/out comparing them?
▪ Yes. Compare the top hash
That there exists an algorithm to
• Detect a conflict
• Find the conflict efficiently
You do NOT need to know details of the algorithm
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ A branch is a pointer to the head of a series of commits
- A history, and
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Merge main into <feature>
▪ This creates a new commit
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Rebase <feature> onto main
▪ Existing commits are incorporated into branch history
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
merge vs merge --squash
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▪ merge preserves all commit history
By convention, GitHub will always display the parents as:
• The first parent, which is the branch you were on when you merged,
• and the second parent, which is the commit on the branch that you merged in.
CS411 Software Engineering
git - What is the difference between merge --squash and rebase? - Stack Overflow
Defining Issues
merge vs merge --squash
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▪ merge --squash combines merge history into a single commit
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Merges create a commits
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▪ A correct answer to a question like what does a merge do must describe the new commit
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
<branch> vs origin/<branch> vs origin <branch>
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▪ origin is the computer with the canonical repo
▪ origin <branch> is the canonical version of the branch on origin
▪ origin/<branch> is my current snapshot of origin <branch> as of the last
time I pulled
CS411 Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science
CS411 Using (RESTful) APIs
@perrydBUCS & ChatGPT
Defining Issues
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs)...
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▪ Allow two different systems to communicate with each other
▪ Provide a standardized interface for exchanging data between systems
▪ Allow developers to leverage the functionality of existing systems, making it easier to build
complex applications
▪ Allow for easier maintenance and updates of software systems, as changes can be made
without breaking the API interface
▪ Bottom line: an API is a black box contract a là class-based design
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Interacting with APIs
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▪ Every time you import a package, you are using its API
▪ It is also common for APIs to use HTTP requests and responses to exchange data
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Goes Here
▪ RESTUniversity
is a concept
that Title
a set of constraints and principles for building web services.
▪ Was introduced by Roy Fielding in his 2000 doctoral dissertation, where he defined it as a set of architectural constraints that
emphasizes scalability, simplicity, and generality.
▪ Based on the idea of resources, which are identified by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), and can be manipulated using a
small set of well-defined HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
▪ A popular choice for building web services due to its simplicity, scalability, and interoperability, and is widely used by many
popular web services, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google.
▪ However, it's important to note that not all web services that use HTTP and URIs are RESTful, and adhering to the principles of
REST can sometimes require trade-offs between simplicity and performance.
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
HTTP methods for APIs
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▪ The HTTP protocol (set of rules) specifies 8 primary methods (verbs) and some flavors of
▪ For API work we'll usually just use four:
▪ GET: to retrieve data from the server
▪ POST: to submit data to the server to create a new resource, such as when creating a
new record in a database
▪ PUT: to update an existing resource on the server
▪ DELETE: to delete a resource or collection of resources on the server
▪ The astute student will note that these map to the CRUD operations for data
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Data formats
▪ You'll see data in various formats, including XML, CSV, and JSON
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▪ Each format has strengths and weaknesses
▪ Which one you use often is dictated by the API vendor
▪ Nearly always you'll use a package / library to handle this type of data
▪ The goal is serde (serialize / deserialize)
serializing data into some raw form
transmitting that data over a network (or filesystem)
de-serializing that data into some language-specific model
(object, dict, …)
▪ Here's a quick look at the three most common ones...
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Comma-Separated Values, Tab-Separated Values: a simple, text-based data format that is
used to represent tabular data, such as spreadsheets or databases.
▪ In CSV, each row of data is represented as a line of text, with each value separated by a
▪ The cool thing about CSVs is that they can also be opened in excel
▪ To parse CSV data in a JavaScript application, you can use a third-party library, such as
Papaparse or csv-parser, to read the CSV data and convert it into a JavaScript object or
Main St,Anytown,CA,12345,home,555-1234
▪ An example: John,Doe,30,123
Jane,Smith,25,456 Oak Ave,Somewhere,FL,54321,work,555-5678
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ (JavaScript Object Notation): a lightweight, text-based data format that is easy to read and
write, and is widely used in web APIs.
▪ JSON data consists of key-value pairs, where keys are always strings, and values can be
strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or objects.
▪ The cool thing about JSON is that it is far simpler than XML and far more expressive than
▪ To parse JSON data in a JavaScript application, you can use the built-in JSON.parse() method
to convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object, and the JSON.stringify() method to convert
a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
▪ An example:
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Of these three, web applications usually use JSON
▪ It's lightweight, easily parsed
▪ APIs typically use JSON
▪ XML is useful when you need to validate the data against a description of what should be
▪ The DTD (Document Type Definition) provides a way to describe the type, bounds, and
behavior (required, etc) of each data item
▪ XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a way to do what looks like ETL
of XML, translating from one format to another
▪ We see a lot of XML in banking and other industries where data cleanliness is important
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Protecting keys
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Here you use, be sure to take steps to protect your API keys
▪ Whichever
▪ It isn't a great idea to store keys in the front end
You don't control front-end execution
Since front-end code is Javascript (always), the key must be visible on the front end
Even if you obfuscate the key, it has to be parseable on the front end and is therefor exposed
▪ The right way to protect API keys is to hold them on a back-end server, never exposing them to the front end
▪ Use of a proxy serverless function (like AWS lambda) is popular, keys are secured in the cloud and only executing AWS
functions see them
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Pushing API keys to Github, Gitlab, or any other public repository is a guaranteed way to
have your credentials stolen
▪ Use a .gitignore file (or equivalent) to prevent API keys from being pushed
▪ This means that you need some other way to distribute keys around your dev team
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
sync vs async
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▪ In Python, we get to make synchronous blocking calls. The script will wait until it gets a
result. If it takes 4 seconds, it takes 4 seconds
▪ In JavaScript, we have to make asynchronous non-blocking calls. The webpage has to
render and can’t wait for a response. If it takes 4 seconds, you have to be displaying
something in the meantime
CS411 Software Engineering
Our clocks are synchronized down to 3 light-feet
This isn’t on the test. Just OMG!!!!
|length – length| < 3 FEET!
• Promises in JavaScript are a way to handle asynchronous operations
and provide a clean and organized way to write asynchronous code.
• A Promise represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an
asynchronous operation
attach callbacks to be
executed when the operation completes.
When it’s done, what do you do then()
• The then() method returns a new Promise that can be used to chain
additional then() methods or catch() methods.
• If the success or error callback returns a value, the new Promise
returned by then() will
be fulfilled
not what
• If the success or error callback throws an error or returns a rejected
Promise, the new Promise returned by then() will be rejected with
that error or reason.
• The then() method can be called multiple times on the same
Promise, allowing you to chain multiple success and error callbacks
Requirements Analysis
The Only Thing You Need to Get Right
Defining Issues
Goals, requirements and non-goals
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▪ Goals:
What problems is it supposed to solve?
▪ Requirements:
Non-functional / Functional / Domain
▪ What is it supposed to achieve? What is it supposed to do? What does it have to do?
▪ Ex:
▪ Non-functional: Secure
▪ Functional: End-to-end encryption
▪ Domain: HIPPA compliant
▪ Non-goals:
What is out of scope for this project?
CS411 Software Engineering
This is just as important as your
goals! Beware scope creep!
Defining Issues
Requirements elicitation/discovery
▪ What problems are you trying to solve? What do you need it to do? What properties do you need it
to have?
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▪ Why?
- If you don’t understand why, you can’t be sure you understand what
▪ You should push back
User: “We’d like for this screen to have a blue background.”
You: “Why?”
User: “User studies demonstrated an increase in conversion rate”
You: “Would you rather have a color picker?”
CS411 Software Engineering
• Different audiences require different requirement documentation
• Trace your work to all of them
This document is the bottom line. If you deliver the
requirements and it doesn’t achieve the business
goals, you still did everything right
Defining Issues
Types of requirements
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- Statements in natural language plus diagrams of the services the system provides and its
operational constraints. Written for customers.
▪ System requirements
- A structured document setting out detailed descriptions of the system’s functions, services and
operational constraints. Defines what should be implemented so may be part of a contract
between client and contractor.
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Use cases and requirements
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▪ The use case is the collecting point for describing how a system will behave in broad areas.
▪ Once use cases have been developed, another pass is made in order to elicit requirements
Example: The use case for account management includes the user changing a password
The requirements would describe how many characters the password must be, what
character set, duration, and so on
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Non-functional requirements
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define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and storage
requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations, etc. (speeds
and feeds)
▪ Process requirements may also be specified mandating a particular IDE, programming
language or development method.
▪ Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If these are
not met, the system may be useless.
▪ We often call these the ‘-ilities’ since they describe things like reliability, scalability, and so
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Requirements validation: “am I building the right product?”
▪ Requirements verification: “am I building the product right?”
Concepts only. You don’t need to know which word is which
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Precision in usability requirements
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▪ The system should be easy to use by medical staff and should be organized in such a way
that user errors are minimized. (Goal)
▪ Medical staff shall be able to use all the system functions after four hours of training. After
this training, the average number of errors made by experienced users shall not exceed two
per hour of system use. (Testable non-functional requirement)
▪ The use of the words should and shall here are very precise
- The book has a huge list of these words and their precise meaning
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Characteristics of good requirements
Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here
▪ Traceable: Each requirement must lead back to a specific business or system need which is
owned and documented
▪ Unambiguous: Wording should be specific and clear and avoid jargon and ‘intended’
▪ Singular: One requirement at a time
▪ Measurable and Testable: It must be possible to develop a test to verify that the
requirement has been met
▪ Self-consistent: Requirements should not contradict another
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Characteristics of good requirements
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▪ Feasible: Someone must be able to actually meet the requirement; prototyping might be
needed in order to show feasibility
▪ Uniquely identified: Each requirement must be identified and attached to a use case
▪ Design agnostic: Requirements gathering and documenting is part of the inception
phase…no technology assumptions should be made at this stage
▪ Formal: Use words with specific meaning such as shall, must, may, should, and so on to
specify intent
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Use cases vs user stories
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▪ A use case is a formal description; it contains a significant amount of
▪ Most of the time we’ll start with user stories, which are less formal
▪ The user story is a description, with props if needed, of a specific set
of interactions with the app from either a user’s or a subsystem’s
▪ Once we have a set of user stories we can flesh them out into more
formal use cases
▪ For small projects the user story is often enough; larger, more
complex projects go with use cases
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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agile methodologies incorporate a user story into planning
▪ The story takes the form of “as a <specific actor> I want to <some action> in order to <benefit>”
As a logged-in user I want to change my password to improve the security of my account
As a power-user I want to be able to access all features quickly so I can do what I want with
minimal friction
As a new user I want the most important features to be obvious so I can learn to use the
software quickly
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ If it starts “as a user I want to…” it’s a non-functional requirement
▪ User stories can be conflicting. Resolving this is a business decision
As a power-user I want to be able to access all features quickly so I can do what I want with
minimal friction
As a new user I want the most important features to be obvious so I can learn to use the
software quickly
▪ User stories have to have a benefit
- “As a security-conscious user I want to have password protection” is a non-functional
- Benefits make money, not features
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ You haven’t been graded on writing requirements so I can’t ask you to write them on the
CS411 Software Engineering
Maintenance and
Parnas Partitioning and
CS411 Summer 23
ChatGPT (& Peter B. Golbus)
Defining Issues
Black box modeling
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and not your problem
Your responsibility is to
• Agree on what constitutes valid input and output
• Detect invalid input
Is my input correct?
• Produce valid output that is correct
AKA your output?
I have no www.eltizon.com.ar
way of knowing
CS411 Software Engineering
Encapsulation of Concerns
1. Improves Maintainability
4. Enables Black Box Design
• Code is easier to update when concerns are
• Components expose only necessary
• Changes in one part of the system don’t
affect unrelated parts.
• Developers can assume other parts are
correct and interact via well-defined
2. Enhances Readability & Understandability
• Developers can focus on individual
components without needing to understand
the entire system at once.
• Encourages clear, modular design.
3. Supports Reusability
• Well-encapsulated components can be
reused across different projects.
• Reduces duplication and improves
5. Reduces Bugs & Increases Reliability
• Minimizes unintended side effects.
• Encourages controlled access to internal
Parnas Partitioning
• Overview:
• Definition: Parnas Partitioning, introduced by David Parnas, is a principle used in
software engineering to modularize software systems by dividing them into smaller,
manageable, and loosely coupled components.
• Goal: The primary goal is to enhance maintainability, flexibility, and
comprehensibility of software by minimizing interdependencies among
• Key Concepts:
• Modularity: Breaking down the system into discrete modules that can be
developed, tested, and maintained independently.
• Information Hiding: Each module hides its internal workings from other modules,
exposing only necessary interfaces.
• High Cohesion, Low Coupling: Modules should have high internal cohesion and low
coupling with other modules to reduce the impact of changes.
• (see refactoring section)
Partition everywhere!
• Benefits:
• Improved Maintainability: Easier to update and fix modules without affecting the entire system.
• Enhanced Flexibility: Modules can be modified or replaced independently.
• Simplified Testing: Independent modules can be tested in isolation, leading to more robust software.
• Reusability: Well-defined modules can be reused across different projects.
• Applications:
• Large-scale Software Systems: Used in complex projects like operating systems and enterprise
• Software Product Lines: Facilitates the creation of a family of related products with shared
• Agile Development: Supports iterative development by allowing incremental changes and
• Everything!
Not Hiding Information is Bad!!
class AutoIncrementingCounter(Counter):
def get_count(self):
"""Returns the current count but also increments
it every time it's called."""
current = self._count
self._count += 1
return current
# Functions that interacts with Counter
def print_counter_wrong(counter: Counter):
"""Prints the count violating information
print(f"Count: {counter._count}")
def print_counter_correct(counter: Counter):
"""Prints the count without violating
information hiding."""
print(f"Count: {counter.get_count()}")
aic = AutoIncrementingCounter(10)
What makes a good split point?
• Cohesion:
• Split points should result in cohesive components with a clear responsibility
or purpose.
• Aim for high cohesion within each split component, minimizing dependencies
on external modules.
• Loose Coupling:
• Minimize dependencies between split components to achieve loose coupling.
• Encapsulate interactions and dependencies, allowing components to evolve
• Testability:
• Identify split points that facilitate unit testing and isolation of components.
• Split components should be testable in isolation, enabling thorough testing
and reducing regression risks.
How to partition
•Identify System Requirements:
• Understand the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.
• Determine the critical functionalities and their dependencies.
•Decompose the System:
• Break down the system into major functional areas.
• Use top-down or bottom-up approaches to identify potential modules.
•Define Module Boundaries:
• Establish clear boundaries for each module.
• Ensure each module encapsulates a distinct functionality or responsibility.
• Ensure High Cohesion and Low Coupling (see refactoring section):
• Design modules to have high internal cohesion, meaning related functionalities are
grouped together.
• Minimize dependencies between modules to achieve low coupling.
How to partition
• Apply Information Hiding:
• Hide the internal implementation details of each module.
• Define and expose only necessary interfaces and interactions.
• Create Detailed Module Specifications:
• Write detailed specifications for each module, including responsibilities,
interfaces, and hidden details.
• Specify how modules will interact and communicate with each other.
•Iterate and Refine:
• Continuously iterate on the design, refining module boundaries
and interfaces as needed.
• Test modules independently and in combination to ensure they work
together seamlessly.
How do you work with legacy code?
• One piece at a time
• Step 1:
• Break it into pieces
Identifying split points
Functional Decomposition:
• Identify cohesive sections of the codebase based on their functionality.
• Look for areas that handle distinct responsibilities or perform specific tasks.
Module Extraction:
• Identify self-contained modules within the codebase.
• Look for sections that can be extracted as separate modules, encapsulating
related functionality.
Service or API Extraction:
• Identify sections that provide specific services or functionality to other parts of
the system.
• Extract these sections as services or APIs, allowing them to be independently
maintained and consumed.
Steps in refactoring code
1. Understand and Document the Existing Code:
• Gain a thorough understanding of the existing code and its behavior. Analyze
and document how it functions, its dependencies, and its impact on other
parts of the system.
2. Define the Desired Outcome:
• Clearly define the goals and desired outcomes of the refactoring. Determine
what improvements you want to achieve, such as better readability,
improved performance, or enhanced maintainability.
3. Identify Opportunities:
• Identify the specific code section, method, or class that needs refactoring. It
could be a piece of code exhibiting a code smell or an area that needs
Steps in refactoring code
4. Identify Test Points and Design Test Suite:
• Identify critical areas of code that require thorough testing to ensure proper
functionality and maintain desired behavior after refactoring. Determine the
key functionality, corner cases, and edge cases that need to be tested to
verify the correctness of the refactored code.
• Aim for comprehensive test coverage to ensure that the refactored code
behaves as expected and doesn't introduce regressions or unintended side
Too many Number of imports
Tightly Coupled
Too few
Not Cohesive
Highly Cohesive and Loosely Coupled
Architecture Design
Defining Issues
What is a Software Architecture?
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▪ A model, optimized to solve a business problem
▪ The software architecture of a system is
▪ the set of structures
▪ needed to reason about the system,
▪ which comprise software elements,
▪ relations among them,
▪ and properties of both.
▪ The Software Engineering Institute
CS411 Software Engineering
Software Architecture vs Software Programming
Software Architecture
Software Programming
• interactions among parts
• structural properties
• system-level performance
• Outside module boundary
• implementations of parts
• computational properties
• algorithmic performance
• Inside module boundary
Chapter 9
Design Concepts
Part Two - Modeling
© 2020 McGraw Hill. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill.
Software Engineering Design
• Data/Class design – transforms analysis classes into
implementation classes and data structures.
• Architectural design – defines relationships among the major
software structural elements.
• Interface design – defines how software elements, hardware
elements, and end-users communicate.
• Component-level design – transforms structural elements into
procedural descriptions of software components.
Design Concepts
• Information Hiding - controlled interfaces which define and enforces access to
component procedural detail and any local data structure used by the component.
• Functional independence - single-minded (high cohesion) components with aversion
to excessive interaction with other components (low coupling).
• Stepwise Refinement – incremental elaboration of detail for all abstractions.
• Refactoring—a reorganization technique that simplifies the design without changing
• Design Classes—provide design detail that will enable analysis classes to be
Design Class Characteristics
• Complete - includes all necessary attributes and methods) and sufficient (contains
only those methods needed to achieve class intent).
• Primitiveness – each class method focuses on providing one service.
• A function is a verb that does exactly one thing
• High cohesion – small, focused, single-minded classes.
• Low coupling – class collaboration kept to minimum.
Design Modeling Principles
• Principle #1. Design should be traceable to the requirements
• Principle #2. Always consider the architecture of the system to
be built.
• Principle #3. Design of data is as important as design of
processing functions.
• Principle #4. Interfaces (both internal and external) must be
designed with care.
• Principle #5. User interface design should be tuned to the
needs of the end-user and stress ease of use.
Design Modeling Principles
• Principle #6. Component-level design should be functionally
• Principle #7. Components should be loosely coupled to each
other than the environment.
• Principle #8. Design representations (models) should be easily
• Principle #9. The design should be developed iteratively.
• Principle #10. Creation of a design model does not preclude
using an agile approach.
Chapter 10
Architectural Design – A Recommended
Part Two - Modeling
© 2020 McGraw Hill. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill.
Architectural Styles
• Each style describes a system category that encompasses:
1. set of components (for example: a database, computational
modules) that perform a function required by a system.
2. set of connectors that enable “communication, coordination
and cooperation” among components.
3. constraints that define how components can be integrated to
form the system.
4. semantic models that enable a designer to understand the
overall properties of a system by analyzing the known
properties of its constituent parts.
Data Centered Architecture
Access the text alternative for slide
Data Flow Architecture
Access the text alternative for slide images.
Call Return Architecture
We have a whole separate
deck for this
Access the text alternative for slide images.
Architectural Considerations
• Economy – software is uncluttered and relies on abstraction to reduce unnecessary
• Visibility – Architectural decisions and their justifications should be obvious to
software engineers who review.
• Spacing – Separation of concerns in a design without introducing hidden
• Symmetry – Architectural symmetry implies that a system is consistent and balanced in
its attributes.
• Emergence – Emergent, self-organized behavior and control are key to creating
scalable, efficient, and economic software architectures.
Chapter 11
Component-Level Design
Part Two - Modeling
© 2020 McGraw Hill. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.
No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill.
Component-Level Design Guidelines
• Components - Naming conventions should be established for
components that are specified as part of the architectural model
and then refined and elaborated as part of the component-level
• Interfaces - provide important information about communication
and collaboration (as well as helping us to achieve the OPC).
• Dependencies and Inheritance – For readability, it is a good
idea to model dependencies from left to right and inheritance
from bottom (derived classes) to top (base classes).
CBSE Benefits
• Reduced lead time. It is faster to build complete
applications from a pool of existing components.
• Greater return on investment (ROI). Sometimes savings
can be realized by purchasing components rather than
redeveloping the same functionality in-house.
• Leveraged costs of developing components. Reusing
components in multiple applications allows the costs to be
spread over multiple projects.
• Enhanced quality. Components are reused and tested in
many different applications.
• Maintenance of component-based applications. With
careful engineering, it can be relatively easy to replace
obsolete components with new or enhanced components.
CBSE Risks
• Component selection risks. It is difficult to predict component behavior for
black-box components, or there may be poor mapping of user requirements to the
component architectural design.
• Component integration risks. There is a lack of interoperability standards
between components; this often requires the creation of “wrapper code” to
interface components.
• Quality risks. Unknown design assumptions made for the components makes
testing more difficult, and this can affect system safety, performance, and
• Security risks. A system can be used in unintended ways, and system
vulnerabilities can be caused by integrating components in untested
• System evolution risks. Updated components may be incompatible with user
requirements or contain additional undocumented features.
Build vs Buy
Complete integration
Opportunity Cost
Opportunity cost
Dependent on external processes
• Feature requests
• What if they stop maintaining it?
Routine Maintenance and Support?
• Depends
Department of Computer Science
CS411 Software Architectures
Defining Issues
Architecture and system characteristics
▪ Performance
- Localize critical operations and minimize communications. Use large rather than finegrain components.
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▪ Security
- Use a layered architecture with critical assets in the inner layers.
▪ Safety
- Localize safety-critical features in a small number of sub-systems.
▪ Availability
- Include redundant components and mechanisms for fault tolerance.
▪ Maintainability
- Use fine-grain, replaceable components.
CS411 Software Engineering
Chapter 6 Architectural Design
Defining Issues
Data-Centered Architecture
the pain?
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How much money do you have?
Thick client
Thick client
Thick client
Data store
Thick client
Computes are
CS411 Software Engineering
Thick client
Thick client
Defining Issues
Data-Centered Architectures
Client is view
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Thin client
Thin client
Thin client
Data App
Thin client
dumb terminal
(green screens)
CS411 Software Engineering
Thin client
Thin client
Defining Issues
Call and Return Architecture
Web server
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App server
Data server
Data server
Data server
BEDS = back-end data sources
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Client-Server Architecture
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of a client-server system has the role of either client or server (request /
- Client: a component that makes requests
clients are active initiators of transactions
- Server: a component that satisfies requests
servers are passive and react to client requests
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Thick vs Thin client
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▪ Thick client: Work is done on both client and server
▪ Thin client: Work is done on almost exclusively on the server
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Tiered Web Architectures
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▪ Web applications are usually implemented with 2-tier, 3-tier, or multitier (N-tier)
▪ Each tier is a platform (client or server) with a unique responsibility
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Multitier C-S Architecture
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A multitier
(N-tier) architecture is an expansion of the 3-tier architecture, in one of several
different possible ways
- Replication of the function of a tier
- Specialization of function within a tier
- Portal services, focusing on handling incoming web traffic
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Application and data servers are replicated (mirror or shard)
▪ Servers share the total workload
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
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▪ Servers are specialized
▪ Each server handles a designated part of the workload, by function
CS411 Software Engineering
Defining Issues
Microservices Architecture
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▪ Blends replication with specialization via load balancing
Load Balancer
Shopping Cart Service
Shopping Cart Service
Shopping Cart Service
Shopping Cart Service
Shopping Cart Service
CS411 Software Engineering
Core Concepts
• Requirements → Business Problems
• Layers of Abstraction
• Encapsulation of concerns
• Docs / logging / testing
• Proactive communication