RNR 384 Midterm 1 Study Guide You are responsible for all the material we have covered through February 17 th , 2025, including material associated with lectures, assigned readings, in-class activities, and discussions. 1. What are natural resources and why is it harder to manage them now compared to 100 years ago? 2. What is meant by “sustainability” in the context of natural resource management? 3. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable natural resources? 4. What is the socio-ecological framework? What are some internal versus external processes influencing the sociological and ecological components? How are the sociological and ecological components linked in this framework? 5. What is an ecological footprint? 6. What is an ecosystem? 7. What is an ecosystem service? 8. What are the differences between the terms resistance and resilience? 9. What does "stationarity" mean within the context of natural resource management? 10. What is steady-state management? 11. Name two reasons why steady-state management may fail. 12. What is ecosystem stewardship? 13. The reading by Chapin et al. (“Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet”) compares the characteristics of steady-state management versus ecosystem stewardship. Name any three of these characteristics and explain how each varies in these two management approaches. 14. What is a watershed? 15. Name 2 abiotic and 2 biotic factors that influence how water moves through a watershed. 16. According to the Hydrologic Unit Code, of the 22 major Water Resource Regions in the U.S., which one is Arizona in? (the name, not the number). What is the name of the Subregion that Tucson is in? 17. How does watershed shape influence the magnitude of peak discharge (i.e. flooding) in a watershed? (in other words, for a given storm, what watershed shape is likely to flood more?) 18. The watershed water balance is input = output. What are the two main inputs and two main outputs? 19. What is a hydrograph? 20. How do you estimate total volume of water from a hydrograph? 21. What are the Arithmetic mean, Isohyetal and Theissen Polygon methods for extrapolating precipitation across a watershed? 22. In an urbanized area, why would we wish to intercept/slow down runoff after a storm event? 23. In an urbanized area, name one method for intercepting/slowing down runoff after a storm event. 24. What are the three categories of watershed management practices we discussed in class? Also name one specific example of each. 25. Name two major dams in the state of Arizona. 26. What is the Colorado River Compact? Which states were involved? 27. Which sector uses the most water from the Colorado River? 28. Why are we currently facing a freshwater crisis in the western U.S.? Explain this in the context of supply and demand. What are some recent trends in supply and demand? 29. What is the Central Arizona Project (CAP)? 30. Why is snowpack declining across the western U.S. (required reading) 31. How are forests distributed globally? 32. Name the four major forest biomes from largest to smallest. 33. Which region of the world has the highest and lowest rates of reforestation and afforestation? 34. Why is forest fragmentation usually negative? 35. What is the Organic Act of 1897? 36. What is the Organic Act of 1916? 37. Do you think the terms "conservation" and "preservation" can be used interchangeably? Please explain why or why not. 38. What is the Multiple Use Sustained Yields Act? Why was it passed? 39. As discussed in class, what are two negative impacts caused by deforestation? 40. From the in-class exercise, is average number of board feet per tree a sufficient metric to assess the differences among the 3 tree stand types? What else do you need to know? 41. From the in-class exercise, what are two other types of information you need to know besides the yield of board feet to assess economic feasibility of forest thinning? 42. From the in-class exercise, compare and contrast the characteristics of a Green Planet and a Desert Planet. What are the different characteristics and how do they influence evapotranspiration (ET), discharge (Q), and temperature (T)? 43. As discussed in class, the paper by Cunningham et al. (“Balancing the environmental benefits of reforestation in agricultural regions”) highlights structural and functional changes that occur following reforestation. What are two of the factors that are determined by managers that influence structural development after reforestation? 44. As discussed in class, the paper by Cunningham et al. “(Balancing the environmental benefits of reforestation in agricultural regions”) highlights structural and functional changes that occur following reforestation. Regarding the cycling of carbon, what is one substantial functional benefit of reforestation? 45. What is sustainable forestry? 46. Name 3 of the sustainable forestry practices promoted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). 47. What is the current concentration of atmospheric CO 2 (in parts per million)? 48. What causes seasonal changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentration within a year? 49. How can we measure atmospheric CO 2 concentrations from the distant past (e.g. 800,000 years ago)? 50. Name two major sources and two sinks of atmospheric CO 2 . 51. Which ecosystem type in North America uptakes the greatest amount of carbon per year? 52. Which ecosystem component in North America stores the greatest amount of carbon? 53. In the paper by Giebink et al. (“Policy and ecology of forest-based climate mitigation: challenges, needs and opportunities”), what are two specific issues mentioned that make it challenging to rely on forests for climate mitigation?