Before day one CHECKLIST TO BUILD AN EPIC ONBOARDING EXPERIENCE A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO CREATING AMAZING NEW STARTER WELCOMES CHECKLIST | 02 CHECKLIST | 02 N E W E M P L O Y E E O N B O A R D I N G MILESTONES 01 02 Engage Before Day One First Day Agenda & Orientation 04 Probation Period Encouragement 03 05 05 Towards First Anniversary 06 First Week Immersion And Beyond WRAP THEM IN A COAT C ULTURE Expressing the team (not just organisation) vision, cultural values, quirks and what makes the team unique is vital when building a memorable and successful onboarding journey O BJECTIVES Ensure the new starter understands how their role directly contributes to the overall team and organisational goals with clear examples of the impact this can make to the business A DMIN Get the basics right, streamline new starter administration and remove friction to enable new starters to focus on early learning T EAM Enable team members to play a role in the new starter induction before day one and beyond for an incredibly favourable impression of the team ethos and sense of belonging Get the latest onboarding insights at CHECKLIST | 03 01 BEFORE DAY ONE E N G A G E FAST OFFER & ACCEPTANCE INTRODUCE THE TEAM To form a great first impression, the boring but important parts need to be streamlined with a fast, easy to complete electronic offer and acceptance process. Build relationships early and start introducing your new hires to the team they’ll be joining. Don’t try to boil the ocean, concentrate on introducing the 4 or 5 key people that the new starter will be working with. REMIND TEAM LEADERS SHOW OFF YOUR CULTURE By focusing on the top 5 tasks to complete, just-in-time reminders ensure that managers can have the highest impact on new starter productivity. Google found a simple reminder alert reduced the new hire time to productivity by a full month 25% faster! (Source: ERE) People love to join organisations that align with their values and beliefs. It’s important to keep reinforcing your culture, brand and unique style to new starters before day one. BEFORE DAY ONE CHECKLIST: Culture Objectives Admin Team Offer accepted & forms complete Team intro's & 1st day reminders Payroll provisioning Team lingo & terminology Call out to social media profiles Systems & desk provisioning Invitation to group chat tools Gift for new starter Compliance courses CEO welcome Company vision Company values & history Position & role detailed description Orientation plan “We schedule different kinds of lunches and meetings to help people to understand their colleagues they’re going to be working with." (Source: CultureAmp) CHECKLIST | 04 CHECKLIST | 04 02 FIRST DAY A G E N D A & O R I E N T A T I O N MEMORABLE FIRST DAY Fear of the unknown applies to the initial phase of a new job in addition to the concern of being overwhelmed with information. It is important to ensure the new starter has an idea of their first day's agenda and how the orientation will work by the time they arrive on day one or soon after arriving. Information should be be drip fed, when it is required, for the information to be retained in any meaningful way. This is a key opportunity to really 'wow' your new employee & set the tone of the working relationship. FIRST DAY CHECKLIST: Culture Culture sessions PROVISIONS READY Not having a desk, laptop or access pass ready to go is one of the most common complaints and often cited reasons for lost productivity and low engagement. BUDDY UP Assigning a peer buddy is also a great way to show the new starter the ropes. Consider a team mate rather than their manager who they'll feel comfortable asking mundane but important questions about the office, culture & quirks of the team. The buddy is also a great person to introduce the new employee around and do the tour of the office to build rapport and relationships. Objectives Admin Team Company goals & strategy First day schedule Team welcome & introductions Team goals & strategy Onsite inductions Buddy program “Twitter scheduled happy hours for new starters to meet with senior cross functional talk” (Source: Quora) CHECKLIST | 05 CHECKLIST | 05 03 FIRST WEEK I M M E R S I O N LET CULTURE SHINE SHARE CASCADING GOALS Culture plays a significant role in the longevity and engagement of employees. Take the time to think about the things that make the company and team unique and then plan the best way to convey them. Communicate early how the new starter’s goals are aligned to the businesses strategy. New starters will gain a greater understanding of their impact and enable more informed decision making in the first critical months. Building lasting relationships is key for retention, so get the new hire to meet as many people as possible in their direct orbit. Plan how to re-introduce key people, remembering that the first introduction will be one of many in their first week. Bonus points if you can introduce senior leaders & CEO. Sharing career development plans and required skill sets for senior roles demonstrates that the business is interested and supportive of their development. This information can help new starters to have an informed discussion with managers about learning and development during the first week of immersion. INTRODUCE THE TEAM INSPIRE NEW STARTERS FIRST WEEK CHECKLIST: Culture Objectives Admin Product & services inductions Career path & goal setting Schedule meetings with key teams & executives Start on meaningful work Set up schedule for regular probation reviews Team Buddy program Establish regular meet ups with functional team “New hires are immersed in the value of "knitting" - a term used to mean collaborating with people & seeing the world from different points of view. The theme continues through the first week & wraps up by volunteering with KnitSF" (Source: Quora) CHECKLIST | 06 CHECKLIST | 06 04 PROBATION PERIOD E N C O U R A G E M E N T ESTABLISH A ROUTINE REWARD LEARNING It’s critical to enable an easy flow of feedback with your new starter and their team leader throughout probation. Establish regular catch ups between team leaders and the new starter confirm these in employee calendars to ensure they happen on a regular basis. Employees often have an innate desire to learn, feel inspired and be presented with opportunities. These may include fortnightly one-toones, monthly probation chats or a pulse survey. Regular touchpoints uncover early warning signs and identify which new starters might need some extra help. Studies show as many as 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave jobs within the first year. Encourage external learning and reward independent learning (on their own time) to reduce the risk of employees feeling unfulfilled. (Source: GO2HR) PROBATION CHECKLIST: Culture Objectives Admin Encourage a culture of shared learning Hold new starters accountable to role & team goals Communicate how probation is tracked Share company results & team input regularly Regular catchups Team 360 feedback from peers throughout probation "Every new engineer spends his or her first six weeks in Bootcamp, the intensive onboarding program designed to immerse new engineers into our code base, learn the ins-and outs of company culture and give them greater flexibility in choosing a project."(Source: Toronto Star) CHECKLIST | 07 CHECKLIST | 07 05 FIRST ANNIVERSARY T O W A R D S ONE YEAR TO ONBOARD CELEBRATE, OFTEN! The best onboarding programs take the first year into consideration - until the first anniversary. Teams who focus energy on ensuring employees are happy, challenged, being heard and have development opportunities foster a positive experience and greater likelihood that the employees will want to stay with the business. Studies show up to 23% of new starters who receive a poor onboarding experience depart in the first year. So the first anniversary is a great time to reflect on achievements, plan for future development and celebrate. Keep track of anniversaries in a shared team calendar and notify team leaders/managers a few days before to provide sufficient time to prepare an appropriate celebration with the team. FIRST ANNIVERSARY CHECKLIST: Culture Objectives Admin Team Onboarding survey Career path & goal setting Send out onboarding surveys Check in with team leader Anniversary gift Job & role reflection Complete formal probation reviews Feedback from peers Celebrate milestones on internal socials Encourage learning opportunities Celebrate as a team “At Groupon, no work anniversary (or Grouponiversary) goes unnoticed. This milestone is recognised with a bright green Adidas track jacket. Employees can even personalise their jacket with unique nicknames and receive star patches for each additional year at the company" (Source: Entrepreneur) CHECKLIST | 08 06 ONBOARDING B E Y O N D BUILD TRUST SCALE UP COMMUNICATION An onboarding strategy should lay the foundations for loyalty. To move an employee beyond those first 6 months, you need to continue the level of engagement throughout the journey. Using the right tool to communicate with is paramount. A workforce broadcast tool means that you can craft personalised communication, at scale. Conduct employee pulse surveys at least twice a year to help you gauge employee sentiment. Vital information can be sent directly to employees and is consistent companywide. Easily create engaging communications that are memorable with links, video and photos. Our Broadcasts Feature gives you the ability to schedule content that is always available or date specific. SMOOTH TRANSITIONS HAPPY GOODBYES No matter where your employees are in their journey, managing career transitions seamlessly will let them know that they are valued. Nurturing your employee through the entire employee lifecycle includes offboarding. Make sure company property and data is protected with efficient de-provisioning. Be transparent, constantly communicate and continually optimise your employee experience. From contract updates, secondments to salary increases: your employees can be guided through the admin and requirements with ease. Let us help with dedicated workflows and templates for every step of the employee journey. And send them out into the world as brand ambassadors by giving them a positive farewell. At HROnboard, we can help you from hello to go. “At Elmo, staff are delighted by in-house meditation and yoga classes each week. Throughout the year there are many opportunities to connect with staff but it is the early morning internal podcast that employees love the most"(Source: Us) Simplify your employee onboarding & create memorable experiences! Learn more about HROnboard at: +61 3 9879 2144