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Simple Curve Problems: Curves and Earthworks

GEE142 Curves and Earthworks
Proble Set 1
Simple Curves
Provide the correct answer(s) required for each problem. Draw the figure for each item.
Show complete and neat solution, and box your final answers. Erasures will merit
corresponding point deductions. Round off values to two decimal places.
1. The tangents of a simple curve have bearings of N7512’E and S7836’E, respectively. What is
the central angle of the curve? (10 pts)
2. A 3-degree curve has an angle of intersection of 24 . What is the length of the long chord
in meters? Use 20-m chord basis. (10 pts)
3. What is the angle of intersection of the two tangents of a simple curve if their bearings are
N7512’E and S7836’E, respectively? (10 pts)
4. A 3-degree curve has an external distance of 8.53 m. What is the central angle? Use 20-m
chord basis.
5. Find the radius of a simple curve having a degree of curve of 5 using 20-m chord basis.
6. A circular curve has the following data:
Azimuth of back tangent = 205
Azimuth of forward tangent = 262
Middle ordinate, M = 5.8 m
Find the length of the tangent, in meters.
7. From point A on a simple curve, the perpendicular distance to the tangent, at point Q, is 64
m. The tangent passes through the PC. The distance from Q to PC is 260 m. Find the
radius of the curve, in meters.
8. From the PC, the deflection angles of two intermediate points A and B of a simple curve
are 315’ and 815’, respectively. The chord distance between A and B is 40 m long.
Find the length of the curve from the PC to B, in meters.
9. A 4-degree simple curve has an angle of intersection of 24 . Find the length of the long
chord. Use 20-m arc basis.
10. From point A on a simple curve, the perpendicular distance to the tangent, at point Q, is 64
m. The tangent passes through the PC. The distance from Q to PC is 260 m. Find the
length of the curve from PC to A, in meters.