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Stress Management Worksheet: Track & Manage Stress

Stress Rating
What you did to help manage your stress levels
Stress Rating
Score stress levels using on a rating scale of 1 -10 where 10 is the highest and when you are feeling really stressed and 1 is when
your stress levels are lowest and you are feeling in control and calm.
© www.essentiallifeskills.org
Stress Management Techniques
Distraction​ - techniques that
Puzzles, games, creative hobbies, tv programmes, watching movie, reading a book or
help to take your mind off of your magazine, chatting to friends, going for a walk,
Reframing​ - techniques that
help you to view your situation in
a more positive light.
CBT techniques (e.g. thought records), talking to a professional, talking to a friend or loved one,
calling a helpline, positive affirmations
Healthy Emotional Release​ activities that allow you the
opportunity to express your
Creative hobbies, sport and exercise, poetry, letter writing, music, crying, squeezing stress ball,
ripping up paper, recycling glass bottles at bottle bank, art
Self Care and self
compassion​- techniques that
involve taking care of yourself
and showing yourself kindness
Pampering, healthy eating, positive affirmations, exercise, sleep, being assertive and setting
boundaries, complementary therapies, taking medication as it is prescribed, asking for help,
getting outdoors and in sunlight
Self Soothing​ - activities that
comfort and sooth the mind and
Stroking pet, getting a hug, warm bath, putting on comfortable clothing, soft toys, warm drinks,
deep breathing exercises, complementary therapies,
Relaxation ​- techniques that
help to slow breathing and heart
rate and make you feel calmer.
yoga, deep breathing, tai chi, meditation, mindfulness, complementary therapies, napping,
warm baths, gentle music, tense and release exercises, fishing, visiting park or nature reserve,
caring for pets
Meaningful Occupation​ practical activities that have
meaning to you.
doing a little bit of housework, volunteering, carrying out kind acts for others, attending groups,
fund raising, working, studying, writing a letter, gardening, caring for a pet,
Score stress levels using on a rating scale of 1 -10 where 10 is the highest and when you are feeling really stressed and 1 is when
your stress levels are lowest and you are feeling in control and calm.
© www.essentiallifeskills.org