ISSN 1063-7842, Technical Physics, 2024, Vol. 69, No. 10, pp. 2596–2602. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024. Numerical Study of the Influence of the Dispersed Phase Density on the Interphase Interaction in an Electrically Charged Gas Suspension for the Mass and Surface Electric Charge Density D. A. Tukmakova,* and N. A. Tukmakovab,** a Institute of Mechanics and Engineering, Federal State Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center,” b Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, 420111 Russia Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, 420111 Russia *e-mail: **e-mail: Received January 23, 2023; revised January 23, 2023; accepted January 23, 2023 Abstract—The work is devoted to mathematical modeling of the dynamics of inhomogeneous electrically charged media. The dynamics of gas suspensions (solid particles suspended in a gas) is investigated. The mathematical model has implemented a continual approach to modeling the dynamics of inhomogeneous media; the model takes into account the interphase momentum exchange as well as the interphase heat transfer. The carrier medium is described as a viscous, compressible, heat-conducting gas. The equations of the mathematical model are supplemented with initial and boundary conditions. The influence of the physical density of the dispersed phase material on the intensity of interaction in electrically neutral and electrically charged gas suspensions is investigated. Both surface and mass densities of electric charge are considered. Keywords: numerical simulation, gas suspensions, multiphase media, Coulomb force, electric charge density models, interfacial interaction DOI: 10.1134/S1063784224700932 INTRODUCTION The dynamics of inhomogeneous media is one of developing fields of the mechanics of liquid, gas, and plasma [1–18]. In some cases, it is necessary to model flows of inhomogeneous media in an electric field [4– 16, 18]. In [4], the results of physical experiments and numerical analysis of the dynamics of an electrically charged gas suspension are compared without taking into account the reciprocal effect of mixture phases. In [5], the formation of the ion–acoustic waves in a dusty plasma was investigated and mathematical modeling techniques were worked out. In [6], the action of dusty structures on an electrically charged glow discharge column was investigated and examples of calculations for different formulations of the experimental conditions were reported. Publication [7] is devoted to analysis of the dynamics of dispersed particles of different materials used in power stations; a model was constructed for describing the dust formation, and the difference in the dynamics of particles with different densities was demonstrated. In [8], the distribution of the kinetic energy of particles in an inhomogeneous dust–plasma structure was investigated. Publication [9] is devoted to analysis of dynamic properties of a dusty plasma containing identical negatively charged parti- cles. In [10], an analytic solution to the Korteweg– de Vries equation with damping was obtained and the effect of the plasma parameters on the parameters of the ion–acoustic waves in a dusty plasma was investigated. Publication [11] was devoted to perfection of the technology of electrical filters for cleaning of gas blowouts of industrial enterprises from dispersed impurities. In [12], using the Brownian dynamics method, the conditions for the capture and confinement of charged dust particles at the atmospheric air pressure was investigated for a wide range of parameters characterizing dynamic traps as well as confined particles. It is shown that the viscosity of the gaseous medium substantially affects the trapping and confinement of dust particles. Publication [13] was devoted to analysis of the effect of an electric charge of dispersed particles on the gas-dispersed flow filtration efficiency. The effect of the electric charge on the removal of dispersed inclusions from the flow of a homogeneous medium using electric and electrically neutral filters for purification of gas-dispersed media was analyzed. Theoretical calculations showed that the existence of an electric charge on aerosol particles elevates the filtration efficiency. In [14], the effect of the polydisperse composition of the dispersed phase of an inhomogeneous 2596 NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DISPERSED PHASE DENSITY medium on the results of measurements using the instruments for analyzing dispersed flows was investigated based on the integration of the convection, diffusion, and electric charge transfer equations for the laminar, steady-state, and incompressible flows of the carrier medium. Publication [15] was devoted to theoretical aspects in the technologies of jet spraying of an electrically charged gas–droplet medium aimed at the precipitation and filtration of solid dispersed particles suspended in a gas. In [16], a theoretical model was developed for determining the efficiency of precipitation of aerosol particles by droplets due to the combined action of mass and surface mechanical forces as well as the forces of the electrical origin, which were acting silultaneously on the dynamics of an aerosol particle. Publication [17] was devoted to analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a fully ionized dusty plasma. The characteristics of propagation of a strongly ionized plasma with and without dust in the Fokker–Planck–Landau and the Bhatnagar– Gross–Kruk models were compared with the characteristics of a weakly ionized plasma. The effect of the change in the dust parameters on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a strongly ionized dusty plasma was analyzed using the Fokker–Planck–Landau model. The results of modeling have demonstrated that the densities and average radii of dust particles substantially affect the parameters of electromagnetic wave propagation. In [18], the influence of various parameters of dispersed particles as well as the parameters of the carrier medium on the electric filtration efficiency for gas–dispersed media was analyzed. In [19], the results of theoretical investigation of shock-wave acoustic perturbation in a magnetized dusty plasma saturated with ions were investigated. Analysis was based on the integration of the Korteweg–de Vries equation. In publication [20], it has been revealed using numerical simulation of a gas– dispersed flow that electric fields can be formed by aerodynamic processes in two-fraction suspensions on two-fractional suspensions of oppositely charged particles. It has been revealed that the mechanism of generating electric fields is self-regulating and is based on turbulence. In [21], the influence of electric fields on dust particles suspended in air was investigated for an electric field varying in the vertical direction. The particle distribution function was defined with account for the vertical coordinate. The effect of gravitational, aerodynamic, and electrostatic forces acting on the particle dynamics and the electric field distribution was investigated. In [22], the dynamics of natural rotation (about the center of mass) of dust particles in a magnetic field was studied. The angular velocity of the natural rotation in the dust trap in a high-frequency discharge was measured. In publication [23], the ponderomotive force exerted by a high-intensity rapidly oscillating ion–acoustic wave on a grain with a varying charge in a dusty plasma was investigated. The account for the oscillations of the grain charge in the field of the ion– TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 69 No. 10 2024 2597 acoustic wave has made it possible to separate new components of this force, which are proportional to the wave vector and to the third power of the field amplitude. The resulting components are responsible for the directional transport of the dust fraction of the plasma. It follows from analysis of the aforementioned publications that in various investigations of the dynamics of electrically charged inhomogeneous media, the combination of electrophysical and hydrodynamic processes has been studied. For perfecting technologies and setups operating with electrically charged gas suspensions, it is necessary to establish regularities in the dynamics of such media in electric and aerodynamic fields. In this study, the effect of the density of the particle material on the intensity of the high-speed slip of the mixture phases is considered for the mass and surface charge densities of the dispersed phase. The mathematical model takes into account the action of the mixture phases in the course of propagation of a low-intensity shock wave on the electrically charge gas suspension. It is assumed that the electric field is formed by charged dispersed particles. 1. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION For describing the dynamics of an electrically charged gas suspension, the mathematical model implementing the continual approach to simulation is used, which takes into account the influence phase-heterogenic mixture component on one another [1, 2, 24–28]. The flow of a carrier medium is described by the system of the Navier–Stokes equations [29] for a viscous compressible heat-conducting gas with account for the force interaction and heat exchange between phase [24–28]: ∂ρ + ∇ (ρV ) = 0, ∂t ∂ρV k + ∇i (ρV kV i + δik p − τi k ) = −Fk + α∇ k p, (1) ∂t ∂ (e ) + ∇i (V i ( e + p − τii ) − V k τki − λ∇iT ) ∂t = −Q − Fk (V k − V1k ) + α∇ k ( pV k ). The viscous stress tensors are written in the form ( ) τ11 = μ 2 ∂u − 2 D , τ22 = μ 2 ∂v − 2 D , ∂x 3 ∂ y 3 ∂u ∂v u ∂ ∂ v τ12 = μ + , D = + . ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x The dispersed phase dynamics is described by the conservation equation for the average density, the conservation equations for the momentum components, and the energy conservation equation written with account for the interaction between phases of the mixture: ∂ρ1 + ∇ (ρ1V1 ) = 0, ∂t 2598 TUKMAKOV, TUKMAKOVA y p2 0 x p1 p2 > p1 Fig. 1. Schematic of the process being modeled. ∂ρ1V1k (2) + ∇i (ρ1V1iV1k ) = Fk + FCk − α∇ k p, ∂t ∂ ( e1 ) k k + ∇ (eV 1 1 ) = Q. ∂t In analysis of the dynamics of the carrier medium, it is assumed that ρ = (1 – α)ρg [1, 2]. Here, p, ρg, u, and v are the pressure, density, and the Cartesian components of the carrier medium velocity in the direction of the х and у axes, respectively; Т and е are the temperature and total energy of the gas; ρ1, Т1, е1, u1, and v1 are the average velocity, temperature, internal energy, and the Cartesian components of the dispersed phase velocity in the direction of the х and у axes, respectively. The carrier medium temperature can be determined from equation T = (γ – 1)(e/ρ – 0.5(u2 + v 2 )/R, where R is the gas constant carrier phase, μ is the viscosity of the gas, λ is its thermal conductivity, and γ is the adiabatic exponent. The internal energy of the dispersed phase suspended in a gas is defined as e1 = ρ1CpT1, where Ср is the heat capacity of the unit mass of the dispersed phase material; the average density of the dispersed phase is calculated using expression ρ1 = αρ10, where α is the volume concentration of the dispersed phase, which is a function of the temporal and spatial variables; ρ10 is the physical density of the dispersed phase material in the mixture, which remains a constant quantity; Fk are the spatial components of the aerodynamic drag force; FСk are the spatial components of the Coulomb force acting on the particles, and Q is the heat flux between the carrier and dispersed phases of the mixture. The electric field potential in the computational domain is determined from the solution of the Poisson equation. The right-hand side of the Poisson equation contains the (mass or surface) charge density of the gas suspension, which is divided by the absolute permittivity of the carrier medium [30]: divE = ρE , εε0 ρ Δϕ=− E, εε0 2 E = −∇ϕ, −9 ε0 = 10 F/m; 36π ρE = SqS = α qS , 3r ∂ϕ ∂ϕ FCx = −ρ1 , FCy = −ρ1 . ∂x ∂y ρE = αρ10qm, (3) Here, ρE is the charge density; qi is the specific charge of the unit mass (m) or density (s) of the solid fraction; ϕ is the electric field potential; ε = 1 is the relative permittivity of air, and ε0 is the absolute permittivity of air. System of equations (1), (2) is integrated busing the explicit MacCormack finite difference method of the second order of accuracy [31]. For suppressing numerical oscillations, the algorithm of nonlinear correction of the grid function is used [32, 33]. The system of equations is supplemented with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. In analysis of the flows of a two-phase mixture, the Dirichlet homogeneous boundary conditions are specified on allmsurfaces for the velocity components of the carrier medium and the dispersed phase. For remaining dynamic functions of the mixture, the Neuman homogeneous boundary conditions are specified on the lateral surfaces in accordance with the method of finite-difference simulation of the dynamics of a compressible heat-conducting gas [31] and the technique for modeling the dynamics of the dispersed phase with varying “average density” and energy, which is suspended in a compressible heat-conducting gas [2, 3]. Poisson equation (3) [30, 34] describing electric field potential is solved using the finite difference method with the help of the iteration algorithm of the stabilization method [34] on the computational grid generated for gasdynamic calculations to take into account the effect of the Coulomb force in the solution of the dynamic equations for a two-phase medium as well as the average density distribution for the dispersed phase at the points of discretization of a physical domain in the solution of the Poisson equation. 2. RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS Figure 1 shows the general diagram of a gas suspension flow in the channel being modeled. A homogeneous gas compressed to a high pressure is in the lefthand part of the channel; the pressure in the right-hand part of the channel is lower (x < L/2, p = p2, x ≥ L/2, p = p1, p1 < p2). The gas in the right-hand part of the channel also contains dispersed particles, i.e., is a gas suspension (x < L/2, α = 0, x > L/2, α = 0.001). The particle diameter is d = 10 μm; the volume concentration of the dispersed phase is α = 0.001. The surface charge density of the dispersed phase was qs = ‒0.0001195 C/m2; the mass charge density of the dispersed phase was qm = –0.0001 C/kg. TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 69 No. 10 2024 NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DISPERSED PHASE DENSITY (a) 2.0 1.8 2599 p, kPa 108 1.6 0 4 M, kV 1.2 8 0.6 12 0.8 1.4 103 1.0 m x, 98 (a) 0.4 0.2 0.1 y, 0 m 0.5 x, 1.0 m U1, kg/m 3 (b) 1.0 0.5 0.1 y, 0 m 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.8 m x, 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.5 2.0 2.0 0 p, kPa 108 0.1 y, m 103 (b) Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of (a) the “average density” of the dispersed phase and (b) the electric field potential. Figure 2a shows the spatial distribution of the electric field potential and of the average density of particles in the dispersed phase at the initial instant. Zero potential corresponds to the part of the channel, in which there are no electrically charged particles, while a negative potential is observed in the part of the channel filled with electrically charged particles (Fig. 2b). As a result of the initially nonuniform distribution of the gas pressure in the channel (Fig. 3a), a lowintensity shock wave propagating from the region with an elevated pressure to the low-pressure region is formed (Fig. 3b) [29]. On account of the viscosity of the carrier medium, a parabolic viscous profile of the velocity modulus of the carrier liquid is formed, V = u2 + v 2 (Fig. 4) [29]. The velocity modulus in a homogeneous gas exceeds the velocity modulus of the carrier medium in the gas suspension; an increase in the gas suspension density leads to a decrease in the velocity of the carrier medium (Fig. 5a). Numerical calculations demonstrate that with increasing physical density of the particle material in an electrically neutral gas suspension, the velocity of the phase slip in the mixture becomes higher, V = (u − u1 ) + ( v − v1 ) (Fig. 5b). The spatial distribution of the longitudinal component of the Coulomb force along the х axis demonstrates that the Coulomb force attains the highest value at the interface between the homogeneous gas 2 TECHNICAL PHYSICS 2 Vol. 69 No. 10 2024 98 0.5 1.0 x, m 1.5 2.0 0 0.1 y, m Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of the gas pressure (a) at the initial instant and (b) at instant t = 2 ms. 0 0.2 0.4 _V _, m/s 7 0.6 0.8 5 1.4 3 1 y, 0 0.1 m 1.0 1.2 , m x 1.6 1.8 Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of the carrier medium velocity modulus. 2600 TUKMAKOV, TUKMAKOVA (a) (b) Homogeneous gas U10 = 1000 kg/m3 U10 = 1200 kg/m3 8 U10 = 1400 kg/m3 _V _, m/s 10 U10 = 1600 kg/m3 6 4 U10 = 1000 kg/m3 2.0 U10 = 1200 kg/m3 U10 = 1400 kg/m3 1.5 _VV1_, m/s 12 U10 = 1600 kg/m3 1.0 0.5 2 0 0.5 1.0 x, m 1.5 2.0 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 x, m 1.8 2.0 Fig. 5. Distributions of physical parameters of the dynamics of mixture phases along the х coordinate: (a) gas velocity modulus in a homogeneous medium and in electrically neutral gas suspensions with different densities of the dispersed phase; (b) modulus of the difference in the velocities of mixture phases for different densities of the dispersed phase material. concentration of the dispersed phase. The mathematical model implements the continual approach and takes into account the momentum transfer between the phases. We have considered the mathematical models of an electrically charged gas suspension with a surface and mass charge density of the dispersed phase. Upon an increase in the physical density of the material for electrically neutral gas suspensions, the intensity of the high-speed slip between the phases becomes higher. In electrically charged gas suspensions, the intensity of the high-speed slip for the mass as well as the surface electric charge density is higher due to the action of the Coulomb force on the dispersed phase. The largest difference in the high-speed slip intensities of the carrier and dispersed phases of the mixture for neutral and electrically charged gas suspensions is observed in the part of the channel, in which the Coulomb force has the highest value. Upon an increase in the density of the particle material, the increase in the high-speed slip intensity due to an 0 Fx, N/m3 and the gas suspension (Fig. 6). Figures 7a–7d show the distribution the high-speed slip modulus of the carrier and dispersed phases of a gas suspension during the propagation of a low-intensity shock wave in electrically charged and neutral gas suspensions. It can be seen that in the left-hand part of the channel, in the region unperturbed by the flowing gas, particles move due to the action of the Coulomb force [24]. The results of calculations of the mass and surface electric charge densities of the dispersed phase, which have been performed for physical density ρ10 = 1000 kg/m3 of the particle material, coincide. Upon an increase in the particle material density, the difference between the results of calculations of the high-speed slip of electrically charged gas suspensions with the surface and mass charge densities increases. A high intensity of the high-speed slip is observed for gas suspensions with a mass density of the electric charge. When a shock wave propagates in a gas suspension, the carrier medium dynamics is affected by the density of the dispersed phase material as well as by the electric charge of the dispersed phase of the mixture (Figs. 8a, 8b). Upon an increase in the density of the dispersed phase material, the difference in the values of the gas pressure in the shock wave, which have been obtained using the mass and surface models of the electric charge, becomes very important (see Fig. 8b). An increase in the density of the dispersed phase material in electrically neural and electrically charged gas suspensions leads to a decrease in the flow velocity of the carrier medium and to an increase in the pressure in the shock wave. U10 = 1000 kg/m3 2 U10 = 1600 kg/m3 4 6 0 0.5 CONCLUSIONS 1.0 x, m In this study, the action of a low-intensity shock wave propagating from a homogeneous gas on electrically neutral and electrically charged gas suspensions has been simulated numerically for a high volume Fig. 6. Spatial distribution of the х component of the Coulomb force for the mass charge density distribution in the dispersed phase for different densities of the particle material. TECHNICAL PHYSICS 1.5 Vol. 69 2.0 No. 10 2024 NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE DISPERSED PHASE DENSITY (a) 1.0 0.5 1.5 x, m 1.5 1.0 0 1.0 2.0 Electrically neutral particles Urface charge densities of particles Mass density of particle charge (c) 1.2 (d) 2.0 1.5 _VV1_, m/s _VV1_, m/s Electrically neutral particles Urface charge densities of particles Mass density of particle charge (b) 0.5 0 1.0 2.0 2.0 _VV1_, m/s _VV1_, m/s 1.5 Electrically neutral particles Urface charge densities of particles Mass density of particle charge 2601 1.0 0.5 1.4 1.6 x, m 1.8 2.0 Electrically neutral particles Urface charge densities of particles Mass density of particle charge 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 x, m 1.8 0 1.0 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 x, m 1.8 2.0 (a) 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 _V _, m/s 10 8 6 4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x, m 1.2 1.4 р, kPa Fig. 7. Distribution of the modulus of the velocity difference between the phases of the mixture for electrically neutral gas and electrically charged gas suspensions with the mass and the surface charge density for different densities of the dispersed phase material along the x coordinate: (a) ρ10 = 1000; (b) 1200; (c) 1400, and (d) 1600 kg/m3. 1 (b) 2 104800 3 104400 4 104000 4 6 103600 7 103200 102800 102400 102000 101600 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 x, m Fig. 8. Distribution of (a) gas velocity modulus and (b) gas pressure along the x coordinate; (curve 1) homogeneous gas; (2) electrically neutral gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10 = 1000 kg/m3; (3) electrically charged gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10=1000 kg/m3 and surface density of the electric charge; (4) electrically charged gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10 = 1000 kg/m3 and the mass electric charge density; (5) electrically neutral gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10 = 2500 kg/m3; (6) electrically charged gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10 = 2500 kg/m3 and the surface electric charge density, and (7) electrically charged gas suspension with dispersed phase density ρ10 = 2500 kg/m3 and the mass electric charge density. TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 69 No. 10 2024 2602 TUKMAKOV, TUKMAKOVA increase in the Coulomb force is most significant in the electrically charged gas suspension with the mass charge density. 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