University of Macau Faculty of Business Administration Department of Accounting and Information Management 2024/25 Second Semester ACCT 2000 – MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I Prerequisite: ACCT1000 – Principles of Financial Accounting Credits: 3.0 LECTURE SCHEDULE Stella Sam Stella Sam Monica Chen Duncan Liu Duncan Liu Class 001 002 003 004 005 Day Mon/Thu Mon/Thu Tue/Fri Tue/Fri Tue/Fri Time 13:00 – 14:15 14:30 – 15:45 11:30 – 12:45 14:30 – 15:45 16:00 – 17:15 Venue E22-2013 E22-2013 E22-2017 E22-4010 E22-2017 INSTRUCTOR’S CONTACTS E-mail Office E22-3042 Phone no. 88229127 Consultation Hours Tue/Fri 17:30-18:30 TEACHING ASSISTANT Name E-mail Office Office Hours REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Horngren’s Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis, 17th Edition, Global Edition, by Horngren, Datar and Rajan, Pearson. Bundle ISBN: 9786500001525 MyLab ISBN: 9781292363080 Students have to submit their assignments ONLINE and, therefore, will need to purchase their textbook bundled with the access code. CLASS MOODLE SITE As a student in this class you have access to the class Moodle site. You should bookmark this page. This is where I will post important announcements, the syllabus, lecture outlines, handout, lecture notes, assignments, and other class information. You should check the class web site several times a week. Page 1 of 7 COURSE DESCRIPTION This is the first course in the Cost/Managerial sequence. It provides an introduction and detailed discussion of Cost Accounting topics such as: cost terminology, normal costing, job order costing, cost assignment systems, master budgets and flexible budgets for planning and performance evaluation. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. CILO-1 – Distinguish financial accounting, management accounting, and cost accounting. 2. CILO-2 – Define the different cost terms and apply cost-volume-profit analysis. 3. CILO-3 – Identify and apply the building-block concepts of job costing, activity-based costing and activity-based management. 4. CILO-4 – Provide a framework for judging performance by using master budget and flexible budgets. 5. CILO-5 – Differentiate between variable costing and absorption costing, and identify cost drivers for decision-making process. 6. CILO-6– Apply accounting for manufacturing business based on IFRS. 7. CILO-7– Identify the application of the cost accounting knowledge to critically analyze real business problems in an international context. ASSESSMENT AND GRADING POLICY Online assignments Mid-term examination (Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4)* Final examination (Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) * Mid-term exam is scheduled on March 5 (Wed) 19:30-21:30 20% 30% 50% Please refer to page 5 of this outline for some important notes regarding the two exams. Letter Grade A / AB+ / B / BC+ / C / CD+ / D F Percentage 93 – 100 / 88 – 92 83 – 87 / 78- 82 / 73 – 77 68 – 72 / 63 – 67 / 58 – 62 53 – 57 / 50 – 52 Below 50 Page 2 of 7 TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE No. of Ch Topics Lecture (Introduction on course) 1 1 The Manager and Management Accounting 1 2 An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes 3 3 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 4 4 Job Costing 2 5 Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management 2 MT exam outside class 6 Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting 3 7 Flexible Budgets, Direct-Cost Variances, and Management Control 2 8 Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Variances and Management Control 2 9 Inventory Costing and Capacity Analysis 4 10 Determining How Costs Behave 4 The mid-term examination will cover materials from chapters 1 to 4. The final examination will cover mainly, but not exclusively, materials from chapters 5 to 10. ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Assignment 1-17 (50%), 20 (50%) 2-24 (40%), 38 (60%) 3-21 (25%), 36 (25%), 41 (25%), 43 (25%) 4-31 (40%), 37 (30%), 38 (30%) 5-22 (50%), 26 (50%) 6-42 (100%) 7-27 (30%), 29 (30%), 33 (40%) 8-27 (50%), 34 (50%) 9-32 (100%) 10-32 (50%), 35 (50%) Deadline for Assignment Feb 9 (Sun), 23:00 Mar 2 (Sun), 23:00 Mar 19 (Wed), 23:00 Apr 2 (Wed), 23:00 May 4 (Sun), 23:00 WEB-BASED ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM—MyAccountingLab v ALL students have to register on the online assignment system in order to submit the web-based assignments. v Go to and use the following course information to access your own class section. Section Course ID Course name on MyAccountingLab system 001 umac73043 ACCT2000 Management Accounting I_202425-2_001_Stella Sam 002 umac32517 ACCT2000 Management Accounting I_202425-2_002_Stella Sam 003 umac30269 ACCT2000 Management Accounting I_202425-2_003_Monica Chen 004 umac67076 ACCT2000 Management Accounting I_202425-2_004_Duncan Liu 005 umac21098 ACCT2000 Management Accounting I_202425-2_005_Duncan Liu Page 3 of 7 COURSE EXPECTATIONS Absences Students are responsible for information covered during any absence. Mid-term examination, projects and presentations of other courses are not valid reasons for skipping class. Besides, no late assignments will be accepted. A student who is absent without applying for leave of absence from a course for more than 20% of its scheduled face-to-face teaching periods in the aggregate will not be allowed to take the final examination and will receive a failing grade for this course. Classroom courtesy With diversity of background, there will undoubtedly be differences of opinion and perspective. You are not required to agree with your classmates. However, you are required to treat your classmates and instructor with respect and courtesy. And below are additional ways to show your respect and courtesy. v Switch electronic devices with sounds to silent mode. v Do not text message, use social media like the Facebook, check email, carry on conversations, etc., while class is going on. Everyone will benefit when we make the best possible use of our class time together. v Be punctual is a virtue. I would encourage you come to the class on time. Coming into the classroom late will also disturb the whole class. Please be considerate. Academic integrity Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Definitions of academic dishonesty follow: v Cheating is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise. v Fabrication is the invention or falsification of sources, citations, data, or results and recording or reporting them in an academic exercise. v Collusion is facilitation of dishonesty by helping other students engage in academic dishonesty. Though the facilitator may not benefit personally from providing assistance to another, the facilitator’s act similarly violates academic integrity. v Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without permission and/or due acknowledgment. * Please take note that the use of GenAI is PROHIBITED. Students who don’t adhere to this policy will be treated as academic dishonesty. The academic integrity code applies to ALL class work. If you are found to have committed any act of academic dishonesty, your grade will be severely affected. Other possible consequences include academic probation, a notation of cheating on your university transcript, or dismissal from the university. You can refer to the university policy regarding student dishonesty: Page 4 of 7 Examinations Mid-term examination: This will be a 2-hour test and cover chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. * Medical emergencies and family emergencies are the ONLY valid reasons that will be accepted for missing the mid-term exam and supporting documentation must be provided to the instructor in due course. Please note that for medical documentations, only those issued by Hospital Kiang Wu and Hospital Conde S. Januario in Macau will be considered valid. No make-up exam will be given to students missing the mid-term exam for whatever reason. The 30% scheduled for the mid-term exam will then be allocated to the cumulative final exam if the student misses the mid-term exam for valid reason. Final examination: This will be a 3-hour test and is cumulative in coverage. Students are responsible for following UM’s official policy for the final examination. Disqualification: If any of the following circumstances arises during an examination (both mid-term and final), such behavior will be considered as cheating or misconduct, the student will be disqualified and a failed grade will be given for the course. In severe cases, a disciplinary panel may be called to handle the case. A record of such proceedings will be kept in the student’s file. i) A student disobeys the instructions of the invigilators. ii) Someone impersonates a student, or a student permits himself/herself to be impersonated. iii) A student obtains the contents of examination papers prior to the examination. iv) A student writes down anything on papers without permission before the examination starts or continues to write after the invigilator has announced the finish of the examination. v) A student is found to have any unauthorized article(s)/material(s) on/in the examination desk or on his/her person. vi) A student communicates or attempts to communicate with any person inside or outside the examination room, with the exception of the invigilators. vii) A student uses any unauthorized notes, books or electronic devices (e.g. mobile phone, smart watch, electronic dictionary, tablet computer, etc.). viii) A student copies from materials carried into the examination room, or copies the answer of another student. ix) A student leaves and enters the examination room without permission. x) A student causes noise/disturbance to other students. Page 5 of 7 Other notes/instruction for test (quiz, mid-term and final exams): Answers: Write all answers in INK (black or blue) in this test packet. Answers put in pencil will not be marked. Tidiness and clarity are demanded. To gain full marks all necessary calculation must be shown and all journal entries and other documents must be presented in GOOD FORM. Journal entry explanations may be omitted. Items not allowed for use: These include draft paper, note paper, dictionary, watches of any form, mobile phones and any electronic devices with access to the Internet. Having access to any of these items will be considered as cheating no matter such items have been used during the exam or not. Personal belongings: The desktop should be cleared except for the stationery, calculator and student and/or personal ID card. All personal belongings including pencil boxes/cases should be placed on the floor under the chair and all notes should be well covered. Nothing should be placed in the drawer of the desk. Mobile phones and watches: All mobile phones should be switched off and together with any watches placed on the floor under the chair in a way that the invigilators can see them. Any student with his/her phone ringing during the exam will have 20 points (out of 100) deducted from his/her grade. Student card: Bring this to the exam venue as it will be checked. In case your photo or your name or student number on your student card is not clear, please bring your personal ID card or passport also. If you lose your student ID card before the exam, please go to the Registry to apply for a new one and then bring the slip together with your personal ID card or passport to the exam venue. - No sharing of calculator or any stationery. - No talking to any other student during the whole examination. - Students who wish to leave earlier than the scheduled time after having completed their examination scripts should raise their hands, and leave only after the invigilator has inspected their question papers. - You should also observe UM’s official policies on exams. Page 6 of 7 STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE (SAO) Psychological Counselling Service: SAO provides confidential and professional psychological counselling, aiming at enhancing students’ adjustment to university life, capability to cope with challenges and psychological well-being. To make an appointment or learn more about the service, please contact us: Email: Tel: Webpage: Wechat Account: 8822 9000 UM 心輔 Appointment form: Disability Support Service: SAO provides disability support services so students with permanent or temporary disabilities can have equal opportunity in education, university life and other services in the university. If you have physical, visual, hearing, speech, learning or psychological impairment(s) which substantially limit your learning or activities of daily living, please contact SAO directly. SAO will assess your special educational needs and communicate with your instructor so as to provide you with the most appropriate support. To learn more about the service, please contact us: Email: Tel: Webpage: 8822 4901 Scam Prevention: Telephone scams, especially targeting university students, have become a serious problem in recent years. The University urges all students to raise their awareness of scam prevention. Any call from an unknown person, claiming to be from the police or a government department, accusing you of illegal activities, requesting you for an online investigation, conducting a fund inspection, or demanding bail payments, is a scam. If you encounter such situations, please contact the Resident Fellows of your Residential College or the Student Affairs Office immediately. The University will assist you in verifying the authenticity of the matter. Email: Tel: 8822 4901 Page 7 of 7