TYPES OF AND APPROACHES TO RESEARCH PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 | MODULE 2 LEARNING COMPETENCIES In this module, you are expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. share research experiences and knowledge; explain the importance of research in daily life; describe characteristics, processes, and ethics of research; differentiate quantitative from qualitative research; and provide examples of research in areas of interest (arts, humanities, sports, science, business, agriculture and fisheries, information and communication technology, and social inquiry). Types of Research There are a number of research types based on how it is prepared 02 01 03 Approaches to Research These are plans and procedures for research Types of Data Classification of data that can be used in research “Research is to see what everybody has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” —Albert Szent - Gyorgyi 01 TYPES OF RESEARCH Here you will be familiar with the different classifications of research based on various groundwork. TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Application of Research Method a. Pure Research - deals with concepts principles or abstract things and aims to increase one’s knowledge about something. b. Applied Research -intends to apply one’s chosen research to societal problems or issues, finding ways to make positive changes in the society TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Types of Data Needed a. Quantitative • a type of educational research in which the researcher decides -what to study; asks specific, narrow questions; -collects quantifiable data from participants; -analyzes these numbers using statistics; and -conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Types of Data Needed b. Qualitative a type of educational research in which the researcher -relies on the views of participants; -asks broad, general questions; -collects data consisting largely words (text) from participants; -describes and analyzes these words for themes; and -conducts the inquiry in a subjective, biased manner. • TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Types of Data Needed QUANTITATIVE Objectives Quantification of data Measurement of incidence, etc. Data Analysis Statistical Methodology Data reduced to numerical scores QUALITATIVE In-depth understanding of underlying reasons and motivations Non-statistical Contextual Thematic Preference for narrative description TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Types of Data Needed Methodology Outcomes QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE Much attention to assessing Preference for assuming that and improving reliability of reliability of inferences is scores obtained from adequate instruments Assessment of validity Assessment of validity through crosschecking through a variety of sources of information procedures with reliance on (triangulation) statistical indices Broad based insights Not conclusive nor Population based generalizable understanding TYPES OF DATA a. Primary Data • obtained through direct observation or contact with people, objects, artifacts, paintings, etc. • new and original resulting from your sensory experience b. Secondary Data • refers to written or reported information which are available for reading purposes TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Purpose of the Research a. Descriptive Research ● ● ● aims to define or give a verbal portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation, etc. is liable to repeated research because its topic relates only to a certain period or limited number of years develops in a researcher the inclination to conduct further studies on such topic TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Purpose of the Research b. Correlational Research ● ● shows relationships or connectedness of two factors, circumstances or agents called variables that affect research is only concerned in indicating the existence of a relationship, not the causes and ways of the development of such relationship TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Purpose of the Research c. Explanatory Research ● elaborates or explains not just the reasons behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such relationship exists d. Exploratory Research ● ● aims to find out how reasonable or possible it is to conduct a research study on a certain topic leads to discovery of ideas on topics that could trigger your interest in conducting research studies. TYPES OF RESEARCH Based on Purpose of the Research e. Action Research ● studies an ongoing practice of a school, organization, community or an institution for the purpose of obtaining results that will bring improvements in the system. 03 APPROACHES TO RESEARCH APPROACHES TO RESEARCH a. Scientific or Positive Approach • allows control of variables • appropriate data gathering techniques structured interviews questionnaires observational checklists • data are expressed through numbers, which means that this method is suitable for quantitative approach APPROACHES TO RESEARCH b. Naturalistic Approach • uses words, not numbers • directs the researchers to deal with qualitative data that speak of how people behave towards their surroundings non-numerical data that express truths about the way people perceive or understand the world • happens in naturalistic setting since people look at their world in a subjective or personal basis in an uncontrolled or unstructured manner. APPROACHES TO RESEARCH c. Triangulation Approach • combination of scientific and naturalistic approaches • researchers are free to gather and analyze data using types, data gathering and data analysis techniques. • gives researchers the opportunity to view every angle of the research from different perspectives - (Badke, 2012; Silverman, 2013)