HSSE Documents (1) Main file SUD-HSE-PR-003-01.pdf Annexes Native file -/- -/- Title Relative Weight HSE Audit 0,007 Planned Submission Date 03/05/2021 Approval Status A Approved Comments file Comments SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01 HSE Audit_CSR.xlsx -/- SUD-HSSEMDL_20210617.xlsx Transmittal Details HSSE MDL (1) Code (txt) Title SUD-HSE-PR-003 HSE Audit Relative Weight Weight Planned Submission Date 0,007 -/- 03/05/2021 References Sender Subject Received Document type Afzaal, Mohammed SUD-HSE-PR-003 UR Under Review Thu 17/06/2021 09:43 HSSE Documents, HSSE MDL L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) HSSE Audit SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) Revision history Revision Date Description of changes Status 00 10.06.2021 First issue Superseded 01 17.06.2021 Aligned audit frequency (par. with the requirements of document no. SUD-HSE-PL-001-xx-Health, Safety, and Security Management Plan, in accordance with ACWA comments per Comment Resolution Sheet No. SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-00 HSE Audit IFA Status Codes IFR: Issued for Review IFA: Issued for Approval IFI: Issued for Implementation Document reviews and approvals Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Rajeev Ramakrishnan Anthony Papadopoulos Bharathi Kumar Head HSSE – PT&D – KSA Head QHSSE – PT&D – Middle East Project Director Date: Date: Date: 17.06.2021 17.06.2021 17.06.2021 Legal Notice Any exploitation and/or other utilization, including but not limited to reproduction (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication), and/or distribution, of this document and its contents are strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized in writing by Larsen & Toubro Limited – PT&D, Middle East. Offenders are liable for damages. All rights, including but not limited to all proprietary rights in relation to patents, utility models and/or other industrial property rights, are reserved. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 2: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) Contents 1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 4 3. References .............................................................................................................................. 4 4. Acronyms and definitions ........................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Definitions..................................................................................................................... 5 5. Roles and responsibilities......................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Project HSSE Manager ................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Lead Auditor.................................................................................................................. 7 5.3 Auditor .......................................................................................................................... 7 5.4 Auditee(s)...................................................................................................................... 8 6. Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 8 6.1 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 8 6.2 Auditor qualifications .................................................................................................... 9 6.3 Preparation ................................................................................................................... 9 6.4 Performance of the Audit ............................................................................................ 10 6.5 Reporting .................................................................................................................... 11 6.6 Implementation of corrective actions and audit closeout ............................................ 11 7. Records ................................................................................................................................. 12 8. Associated Documentation .................................................................................................... 12 8.1 Forms .......................................................................................................................... 12 8.2 Plans ........................................................................................................................... 12 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 3: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 1. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain a method for assessing and verifying the performance of the HSSE management systems implemented by L&T and and its subcontractors, by means of a uniform and controlled process of planning, scheduling, coordinating, and conducting first- and second-party audits. 2. Scope The scope of this procedure applies to the 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It covers first- and second-party audits on the HSSE management systems implemented by L&T and all of its subcontractors. 3. References This procedure is aligned with the third-party documents detailed below, which should be consulted for further guidance. ACWA Power. (n.d.). Appendix J – Environmental Requirements & Mitigation Plan. Clause 6 ACWA Power. (2018). Appendix Z – Contractor Management HSSE Standard. Standard 9. ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems – Requirements; Clause 9.2, Internal Audit. ISO 45001:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use; Clause 9.2, Internal Audit. ISO 45002-0:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems – Part 0: Guidelines for the application of ISO 45001. Clause 9.2, Internal Audit. ISO 14001:2015, Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use; Clause 9.2, Internal Audit. ISO 19011:2018, Guidelines for auditing management systems. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 4: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 4. Acronyms and definitions 4.1 Acronyms The acronyms used in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed to them hereunder: Acronym CQI HSSE IRCA ISO L&T NCR PT&D Meaning Chartered Quality Institute Health, Safety, Security, and Environment(al) International Register of Certificated Auditors International Organization for Standardization Larsen & Toubro Limited Nonconformance Report Power Transmission & Distribution 4.2 Definitions The terms used in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed to them hereunder: Actionable Item: Documented event, task or activity that needs to be carried out, with a view to addressing a nonconformity, resolving a problem or implementing an improvement. Audit: Systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled. Audit Conclusion: Outcome of an audit, after consideration of the audit objectives and all audit findings. Audit Criteria: Set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared. Audit Evidence: Records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and verifiable. Audit Findings: Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against audit criteria. Audit Program: Arrangements for a set of one or more audits planned for a specific time frame and directed towards a specific purpose. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 5: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) Audit Plan: Description of the activities and arrangements for an audit. Audit Scope: Extent and boundaries of an audit. Audit Team: One or more auditors conducting an audit, supported if needed by technical experts. Auditee: Owner of process being audited. Auditor: Person who conducts and audit. Competence: Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results. Conformity: Fulfilment of a requirement. First-Party Audit: An audit conducted by L&T staff on the company’s own systems. Also referred to as internal audit. Internal Audit: Refer to definition under first-party audit. Lead Auditor: Senior auditor, who heads the audit team and has the overall responsibility for the audit. Nonconformity: Non-fulfilment of a requirement. Second-Party Audit: An audit conducted by L&T staff on the HSSE management system(s) of one of L&T’s subcontractors. Technical Expert: Person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team. 5. Roles and responsibilities 5.1 Project HSSE Manager The HSSE Manager shall: prepare the audit program for the project, ensuring that all processes, functions, and sites are covered; 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 6: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) ensure that there are adequate resources, including trained auditors, for the effective implementation of the audit program; monitor implementation of the audit program; designate the Lead Auditor and members of the audit team; notify the Lead Auditor, members of the audit team, and the auditees of the impending date of the audit; update top management on the performance of the HSSE systems and highlight the need for any changes; maintain audit records. 5.2 Lead Auditor The Lead Auditor shall: liaise with auditee(s) regarding audit arrangements and timings; prepare the audit plan and notify it to auditee(s); manage the audit team; prepare the audit checklist(s); evaluate processes for compliance with HSSE requirements; identify processes where L&T or its subcontractors are meeting requirements, as well as opportunities for improvement; prepare NCR and monitor them to closure; prepare audit reports and present them to auditee(s), the project management team and the Project Company; assist with follow-up audits, as required. 5.3 Auditor The Auditor shall: assist in the preparation of audit checklist(s); evaluate processes for compliance with HSSE requirements; Identify processes where L&T or its subcontractors are meeting requirements, as well as opportunities for improvement; inform the Lead Auditor of any nonconformities identified during the audit; provide input to the Lead Auditor for the preparation of audit reports; assist with follow-up audits, as required. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 7: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 5.4 Auditee(s) The Auditee(s) shall: provide all resources needed for the audit team to ensure an effective, efficient audit process; appoint selected employees to meet with audit team; provide access to the facilities and evidential materials as requested by the auditors; cooperate with auditors to permit the audit objectives to be achieved; determine and initiate planned actions to address nonconformities, based on the audit report 6. Procedure 6.1 Planning Rev. 01 6.1.1 On commencement of mobilization, the Project HSSE Manager shall prepare an audit program for the project, taking account of the status and importance of each process, function and/or site to be audited. 6.1.2 In planning the audits, the Project HSSE Manager shall ensure that the first of such audits shall be done as soon as each mobilization milestone is achieved, to allow for further followup of findings. To that end, the project shall be audited as soon as L&T is fully mobilized and ready to start the awarded works. 6.1.3 Thereafter, following audits shall be conducted no less than every three (3) months during the construction period until the plant is handed over to the Project Company. 6.1.4 The Project HSSE Manager may, at his discretion, conduct audits more frequently to address health, safety, security, and/or environmental concerns. Factors that may influence the frequency of audits, include, but are not limited to, the following : 6.1.5 results of previous first-party audits; results of previous audits by the Project Company; results of third-party audits; number of NCR raised, etc. The Project HSSE Manager may plan audits using an Excel spreadsheet or any other application better suited to the particular needs of the project. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 8: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 6.1.6 The Project HSSE Manager shall also prepare dedicated second-party HSSE audit programs, ensuring that every subcontractor is audited, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis or, if their scope is less than three (3) months, once during their engagement on site. Second-party audits shall be carried out in the same manner as internal audits, in accordance with the requirements set out under paras. 6.2 to 6.6. 6.2 Auditor qualifications 6.2.1 Audits shall be carried out by personnel that have the required training and experience and are independent of the activity/site being audited. 6.2.2 Preferably, personnel conducting audits shall have attended a two-day CQI/IRCA approved internal auditor course on the standards against which they will be auditing. Personnel who have attended in-house internal auditor training may also be eligible to conduct audits, on condition that they will have performed at least five (5) internal audits under the direct supervision of an experienced Lead Auditor. 6.2.3 If required, audit services may also be outsourced to qualified third-party agencies approved by the Project Company. 6.3 Preparation 6.3.1 One week prior to the scheduled date of the audit, the Project HSSE Manager shall send an e-mail to the Lead Auditor and, if applicable, the audit team members, informing them of the system areas/processes to be audited, as well as of the audit scope and applicable standard(s) and/or project-specific plans and procedures . 6.3.2 On receipt of said e-mail, the Lead Auditor shall liaise with the auditee(s) and develop the audit plan, specifying audit arrangements, timings, and staff availability requirements. To that end, the Lead Auditor shall use SUDAIR-HSE-FO-060-xx-Audit Notification Form. 6.3.3 The Lead Auditor shall then forward the audit notification to the auditee(s) by email, copying the Project Director/Assistant Project Director. 6.3.4 The auditee(s) shall acknowledge receipt and confirm acceptability of the audit plan’s arrangements by return mail or, if the proposed audit date is inopportune, shall propose an alternative date, within no more than ten (10) days of the original audit date. In such a case, the Lead Auditor shall modify and resend the associated notification form. 6.3.5 Once the audit date and details have been fixed, the Lead Auditor shall inform the Project HSSE Manager, who shall, in turn, email the Project Company, inviting them to attend the audit, if they so wish. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 9: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 6.3.6 In preparation of the audit, members of the audit team may review the standardized audit checklist, form SUDAIR-HSE-CL-001-xx-HSSE Audit Checklist, and, if required, modify it to better suit the audit scope and objectives, or they may prepare customized checklist(s). 6.3.7 One (1) day prior to the audit, the Lead Auditor shall communicate with the auditee(s) to confirm that necessary arrangements are in place and that required staff will be available for the audit. 6.4 Performance of the Audit 6.4.1 Upon arrival at the audit location, the Lead Auditor shall convene a brief opening meeting between the audit team and the relevant personnel for the area(s) to be audited, with a view to: briefly discussing the scope and objectives of the audit; reviewing the audit agenda and arrangements in place; confirming tentative audit timings. 6.4.2 Opening meeting attendees shall sign an attendance sheet, which shall be part of the audit documentation. 6.4.3 On conclusion of the opening meeting, the auditor(s) shall proceed with the audit, by collecting evidence through interviews, examination of documents and records, and observation of activities and conditions in area(s) of concern. During the audit, the auditor(s) shall reference appropriate standard(s), approved plans, and procedures, as well as third party regulatory documents, operative legislation, etc. 6.4.4 Information gathered through interviews shall be verified by acquiring the same information from different independent sources (e.g. other auditees), physical observation, measurements, and records. 6.4.5 To facilitate the auditing process auditor(s) may, at their discretion, use the standardized or bespoke checklist(s) to record the objective evidence examined and any actionable items identified. 6.4.6 After completion of the audit, and prior to the closing meeting, the audit team shall meet to discuss and evaluate the objective evidence reviewed during the audit and analyze potential actionable items to ensure the validity of audit findings. Any identified nonconformities shall be recorded on SUDAIR-HSE-FO-011-xx-NCR Form. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 10: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 6.4.7 The Lead Auditor shall then convene the closing meeting, with a view to: presenting the audit team’s conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the HSSE management system(s); discussing audit observations with auditees; agreeing on suitable preventive and corrective actions and a timeline for their implementation, considering the perceived significance of each observation. 6.4.8 Similarly with the opening meeting, attendees shall sign the attendance sheet, , which shall be part of the audit documentation. 6.5 Reporting 6.5.1 Within seven (7) days of the completion of the audit, the Lead Auditor shall prepare the audit report, consisting of the following documents: Audit report, form SUDAIR-HSE-RP-006-xx-HSSE Audit Report Audit questionnaire, form SUDAIR-HSE-CL-001-xx-HSSE Audit Checklist; Nonconformance Report(s), form SUDAIR-HSE-FO-011-xx-NCR Form; Opening and closing meeting attendance sheets. 6.5.2 The Lead Auditor shall then forward said filled out forms to the auditee(s) and audit team members, copying the Project Director/Assistant Project Director, Project HSSE Manager and Project Company. 6.6 Implementation of corrective actions and audit closeout 6.6.1 The Lead Auditor shall monitor any NCR raised during the audit, until the agreed upon preventive and corrective actions have been implemented. 6.6.2 Once the agreed upon preventive and/or corrective actions have been implemented, the Lead Auditor shall review them to ensure that they are effective. If the Lead Auditor is satisfied, he shall sign-off and close out the NCR, else he shall agree on a new set of preventive and corrective actions with the auditee(s). 6.6.3 The process described under paras. 6.6.1 and 6.6.2 shall be repeated as many times as required until the Lead Auditor is satisfied of the effectiveness of implemented actions. 6.6.4 The audit shall be deemed to have been closed out on closure of all identified NCR, if applicable. 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 11: 12 L&T Construction Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) 7. Records 7.1 Following records will be maintained onsite and made available as requested: audit programs; audit notifications; audit checklists; audit reports; audit opening and closing meeting attendance sheets; nonconformity reports. 7.2 All records shall be retained by the Project HSSE Manager. A project life cycle file retention period shall be maintained. 7.3 The Project HSSE Manager shall assist and provide records, when and as requested by the Project Company and/or the authorities. 8. Associated Documentation 8.1 Forms SUDAIR-HSE-CL-001-xx-HSSE Audit Checklist SUDAIR-HSE-FO-011-xx-NCR SUDAIR-HSE-FO-060-xx-Audit Notification Form HSE-RP-006-xx-HSSE Audit Report 8.2 Plans SUDAIR-HSE-PL-001-xx-Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Management Plan, par. 11.1 SUDAIR-HSE-PL-002-xx-Security Management Plan, par. 6.15 SUDAIR-HSE-PL-006-xx-Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan, par. 18.3 SUDAIR-HSE-PL-008-xx-COVID-19 Management Plan and Procedures, par. 19 SUDAIR-HSE-PL-010-xx-Emergency Response Plan, par. 16 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project, KSA SUDAIR-HSE-PR-003-01-HSSE Audit Rev.: 01/Date: 17 Jun. 2021 12: 12