수치해석 HW1 Due: sep. 26, 10.30am 1. a) Show that with sin has a unique solution on . b) Use Corollary 2.5 to estimate the number of iterations required to achieve accuracy. c) Perform the fixed-point iteration to find an approximation to the fixed point that is accurate to within with . 2. The following four methods are proposed to compute . Rank them in order, based on their apparent speed of convergence, assuming . a) b) c) 3. If ∞ are a convergent sequence to , that is obtained by the secant method for the root finding problem, , a) then there exists Prove the followings. a constant exists with ≈ b) converges to of order , that is, lim →∞ for some . 4. We consider numerical roof finding methods for the equation cos Perform your numerical tests, , . . a) Solve it by the bisection method ( ) b) Solve it by a fixed point method ( ) c) Solve it by the Newton’s method ( ) d) Solve it by the secant method ( ) e) Solve it by the method of false position. ( ) *** For each problem in (4), show the numerical results in a table as follows. - Do not submit your programs /