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Education Vocabulary & Grammar Exercise

10. Decipher the following abbreviations from the text:
PPH - Permanent private halls,
OU – Open University,
MBA - Master of Business Administration,
GCSE - General Certificate of School Education,
AS-level – Advanced and Special level.
11. Match English words from the text in the left column with their
Ukrainian equivalents in the right one.
a) ivy - 19. плющ (рослина)
b) propel - 10. штовхати, просувати
c) secular - 15. світський
d) methodology - 9. методи, методика
e) curriculum - 12. навчальний план
f) punt - 11. плоскодонний човен
g) league - 6. альянс
h) nomenclature - 5. список, перелік
i) senior fellow - 3. член Вченої ради
j) postgraduate - 18. аспірант
k) Nobel laureate - 14. лауреант Нобелівської премії
l) tuition - 4. навчання
m) scholarship - 16. стипендія; ученість
n) Bachelor's degree - 20. ступінь бакалавра
o) league table - 1. таблиця ліги
p) academic supervision - 7. наукове керівництво
q) on a par with - 17. на рівні з
r) undergraduate - 13. студент молодших курсів
s) intake - 8. набір
t) affiliate - 2. приймати в члени
12. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations from the
text. Consult a dictionary of synonyms if necessary.
Here are some synonyms for the given words and word combinations:
1. Facet – aspect, side, feature, component.
2. To absorb – assimilate, take in, soak up, engross.
3. Examination – test, assessment, evaluation, inspection.
4. Supervision – oversight, management, direction, monitoring.
5. To signify – indicate, mean, denote, represent.
6. Evidence – proof, testimony, confirmation, indication.
7. To be claimed to – be alleged to, be asserted to, be supposed to.
8. Campus – grounds, premises, site, college.
9. To affiliate – associate, align, connect, join.
10. Distance learning – online education, remote learning, e-learning.
11. Tuition – instruction, teaching, education, schooling.
12. Nomenclature – terminology, classification, naming, system.
13. A league – alliance, association, union, federation.
14. To propel – drive, push, thrust, launch.
15. Kindergarten – preschool, nursery, early childhood education, pre-K.
13. Give antonyms to the following words and expression from the text.
1. To migrate – to stay, remain, settle.
2. Assimilate – resist, reject, alienate, separate.
3. Remote tuition – in-person education, on-campus learning, face-to-face
4. Secular – religious, sacred, spiritual.
5. To emphasize – downplay, de-emphasize, minimize, understate.
6. To ignore – acknowledge, notice, pay attention to, heed.
7. Foundation – dissolution, collapse, termination, destruction.
8. To be disbanded – to be formed, united, established, assembled.
9. Elitist – egalitarian, inclusive, populist.
14. Explain the difference between the meanings of each in the following
pairs of words:
1. Curriculum — Schedule
- Curriculum refers to the overall content and structure of a course or program
of study, including subjects, topics, and learning objectives.
- Schedule refers to the specific timetable or time arrangement for classes,
activities, or events.
2. Postgraduate — Undergraduate
- Postgraduate refers to a student or study undertaken after completing a first
(undergraduate) degree, typically for a master's or PhD.
- Undergraduate refers to a student pursuing their first degree, such as a
bachelor's degree.
3. Academic Supervisor — Tutor
- Academic Supervisor is a mentor or advisor who provides guidance on
research and academic progress, often for postgraduate students.
- Tutor generally refers to someone who provides individual or small-group
instruction, often to help students with specific subjects or skills.
4. Faculty — Department
- Faculty can refer to both the academic staff of a university or a division within
a university focused on a particular field of study (e.g., Faculty of Science).
- Department is a more specific subdivision within a faculty, focusing on a
particular academic subject (e.g., Department of Biology within the Faculty of
5. Course — Discipline
- Course refers to a specific class or series of lessons on a subject (e.g., a course
on Physics).
- Discipline is a broader term referring to a field of academic study or
knowledge (e.g., the discipline of Physics).
6. Timetable — Schedule
- Timetable refers to a structured plan that lists the times at which specific
classes or events occur.
- Schedule is a more general term for any planned sequence of events or
7. To sit an exam — To give an exam
- To sit an exam means to take or participate in an exam as a student.
- To give an exam means to administer or set the exam, typically as a teacher or
8. To teach a subject — To read a subject (UK)
- To teach a subject means to instruct students in that subject.
- To read a subject (UK) means to study or take a course in that subject as a
9. High school education — Higher education
- High school education refers to secondary education, typically for students
aged 14-18.
- Higher education refers to post-secondary education at a university or college,
such as undergraduate or postgraduate studies.
10. Management — Administration
- Management refers to the act of directing and controlling the activities of an
organization, often focusing on decision-making and leadership.
- Administration refers to the execution of organizational policies, focusing
more on day-to-day operations and processes.
11. Public school — State school (UK)
- In the UK, a Public school refers to a private, fee-paying school, often
prestigious and selective.
- A State school refers to a government-funded school, free for students and
open to all.
12. Diploma — Degree
- Diploma refers to a certificate awarded for completing a course of study, often
shorter and less advanced than a degree.
- Degree refers to an academic qualification, such as a bachelor's, master's, or
doctoral degree, typically awarded after completing a more extensive program at
a university.
18. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the following list: migrate,
examination, tutelage, degree, fellow, management, undergraduate, to the highest
degree, league, propel, supervision, facet, curriculum, distant, remote, assimilate,
1. He was an expert at every facet of the game.
2. Whales migrate north from the polar feeding grounds.
3. The prize helped to propel my career.
4. An examination is a test of a person’s knowledge or proficiency.
5. They pursued their studies under the tutelage of the most skilful masters.
6. The University of Oxford and Cambridge University are referred to collectively
as Oxbridge.
7. An undergraduate is a person who is not yet an expert in a subject.
8. Even in the 21st century, a winner may have “For he’s a jolly good fellow”
9. A course of university study is defined by a curriculum.
10. That was only one facet of the story.
11. Don’t let children play without supervision.
12. He was the person ready to take a management role.
13. He has completed a university degree.
14. Each galley was propelled by huge oars.
15. The Ivy League championship took place in October.
16. He loved this matter to the highest degree.
17. They were fellows in arms.
18. He found it difficult to assimilate to his new surroundings.
19. Remote learning is becoming more and more popular throughout the world.
20. In reality she was a very distant cousin.
19. Complete the following sentences by translating the words and
expressions in brackets.
1. The university Ruling Council was comprised of members of the Academic
Council (члени Вченої ради).
2. A systematic set of methods used in a particular branch of study or activity is
methodology (методологія).
3. The work totally absorbed (поглинула) him.
4. Any of the cut and polished faces of a gem is a facet (грань).
5. A charter (Грамота) is a written document historically delivered by the
monarch or legislature.
6. Some famous schools in Britain are private boarding schools (школиінтернати).
7. Local management (Місцеве керівництво) and some Federal bodies in the
USA may provide assistance to families who are unable to pay for tuition
(платити за навчання).
8. Preparatory schools that take pupils from the age of 4 to 11 are called preschools (підготовчі школи – дитячі садки).
9. In the UK since medieval times, there has been local governance (управління)
of schools.
10. In Northern Ireland the schools were segregated by religious preferences
(релігійних уподобань), which caused many serious problems.
11. After the company merger, the northern holding company became affiliated
(приймати в члени, інкорпорувати) to the regional office.
12. Her singing was on a par (можна порівняти) with the best I’ve ever heard.
13. The Professor was pleasantly surprised by the level of his students’
scholarship (ерудиція).
14. It is often difficult for many religious schools to teach a secular (світський)
approach to society.
15. This year’s intake (набір) of business studies students doubled in size again.
16. The laboratory procedures were complex and required close supervision
17. Where, other than Oxford and Cambridge, could you go for a punt
(прогулянка на ялику) on the river?
18. When she was told about the University’s charter (статут), she immediately
pictured a parchment document written on by quill pen.
19. The nomenclature (перелік) in the textbook was complex and required a
20. The heretic was accused of being in league (спілка) with the devil.