STUDY GUIDE SBIO011 Introduction to Biological Studies DEPARTMENT OF BIODIVERSITY 2025 Credits: 12 Semester: 01 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 TABLE OF CONTENT 1 MODULE INFORMATION ................................................................................... 2 1.1 Guidance of module ...................................................................................... 2 1.2 Overview of module ....................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 Purpose and learning objectives ............................................................. 2 1.2.2 Content assumptions .............................................................................. 2 1.2.3 Structure ................................................................................................. 2 1.2.4 Presentation methodology ...................................................................... 2 1.3 Learning outcomes (SAQA guidelines for definitions)………………………….3 1.3.1 Specific outcomes ................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 Range statements ................................................................................... 4 1.3.3 Critical cross-field outcomes ................................................................... 4 1.4 Promotional ratios.......................................................................................... 4 1.4.1 Yearly promotional mark (“continuous assessment”): ............................. 4 1.4.2 Final Year mark....................................................................................... 4 1.5 Prescribed book and suggested reading ....................................................... 4 2 FACILITATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................ 5 2.1 Facilitators ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 MODULE CONTENT & TEXTBOOK REFERENCES.................................... 5 CHAPTER 1: DISCIPLINES OF BIOLOGY AND THEMES OF LIFE….…………....5 CHAPTER 2: THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD ........................................................... 5 CHAPTER 3: THE MOLECULES OF LIFE ............................................................. 5 CHAPTER 4: MICROSCOPE AND TOUR OF A CELL………,,,,………………….5-6 CHAPTER 5: TRANSPORT AND MEMBRANE STRUCTURE…………..……….…6 CHAPTER 6: METABOLISM……………………………………………….……………6 CHAPTER 7: CELLULAR RESPIRATION AND FERMENTATION…………….……6 CHAPTER 8: PHOTOSYNTHESIS………….……………………………………….…6 CHAPTER 9: CELL COMMUNICATION……………………………………………..6-7 CHAPTER 10: CELL CYCLE AND GAMETE FORMATION………………………….7 CHAPTER 11: DNA AS A HEREDITARY MATERIAL ....................................... …7 2.3 Assessment dates for theoretical work (See Table 1) .............................. 7-14 2.4 Schedule content for practical work (See Table 1) ................................... 7-14 2.5 Assessment dates for practical work (See Table 1).................................. 7-14 2.6 Presentation topics and their due date (to be provided) ........................... 7-14 3 DETAILED CONTENT (CHAPTER BY CHAPTER) – SEE TABLE 1 ............. 7-14 Table 1: Module Plan ................................................................................................. 7 4 REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 14 1 1 MODULE INFORMATION 1.1 Guidance of module The module will be presented in both theory and practical sessions. Each week will involve four lecture periods and one practical session. One of the lecture periods or a practical slot may be turned into a tutorial period whenever applicable. The lectures for this module are contained and presented as PowerPoint Presentations, and each practical has a separate manual to be provided. A textbook is prescribed. 1.2 Overview of module 1.2.1 Purpose and learning objectives The module introduces Biology with the emphasis on themes in the study of life. The scientific method. Introduction to fields of Biology, biological terminology, characteristics of living organisms. Chemical connection to Biology: chemistry, classes, structure and function of biological molecules. Cell types and cellular structure, membrane structure and function, cellular transport. An introduction to metabolism, energy storage and release during chemical reactions, enzymes regulating chemical reactions in living organisms, ATP as primary energy carrier. Introduction to the fundamental processes of photosynthesis, cellular respiration and fermentation. Cell communication. The cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and sexual life cycles. Mendelian genetics and the gene idea, chromosomal basis of inheritance, molecular basis of inheritance, gene expression. Introduction to the kingdoms of life. Introduction to evolution. 1.2.2 Content assumptions Learners must have obtained NSC with “Bachelor Degree” and a score of 4 in Mathematics. At this level a learner is competent to understand the fundamental biological concepts. 1.2.3 Structure Duration of module: 10th February – 16 May (56 Lectures and 08 Practicals) Preparation for examination: 19 – 23 May Examination: 27 May – 13 June Supplementary/aegrotat: 25 June – 01 July Attendance: Compulsory (Lectures, tutorials, quizzes and practicals) 1.2.4 Presentation methodology Formal lectures: Arrive on time or login on time for lectures, practicals and tutorial sessions. Read about the relevant topic in the prescribed textbook before you come for the lecture so as to have a general idea of the lecture. The lectures will be illustrated with the use of PowerPoint Presentations. Class participation will involve questionanswer method and learners are encouraged to actively participate. Practical work: Practical sheets are to be read carefully and instructions must be accurately followed. Learners are to work independently or in groups with guidance and help from the facilitators. Some teaching will be necessary during the practical sessions to enhance the acquisition of certain skills or relevant knowledge. The laboratory is well equipped with TV monitors, computers, videos, microscopes, drawing/illustration charts and other relevant material. You will be required to submit each practical report as part of the assessment strategy, and this will contribute towards the calculation of the modular practical mark. SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Tutorials: Where applicable a tutorial replaces the last lecture at the end of the week. The purpose is to review the theme of the week to make sure that the topic is well understood. Learners are therefore required to work through the tutorial questions before you come for the tutorial. During the tutorial, your answers to the questions will be discussed to enhance your understanding of the concepts involved. A tutorial is for learners to discuss the different aspects of the topics learnt during the week, guided by the tutorial questions. Full participation is therefore expected from every student, the lecturer simply facilitates the discussions. Some practical sessions may similarly be replaced by practical tutorials. 1.3 Learning outcomes (SAQA guidelines for definitions) 1.3.1 Specific outcomes A Understand the concept “life” at lower levels of organization in nature Assessment criteria: - Name and explain levels of organization in nature. - Name and explain the themes of life. - Define the fields of Biology on offer at our University. - Explain the structures and functions of the molecules of life (Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids). - Explain the structures of animal and plant cells and their organelles. Range statements: Lower levels limited to molecule, cell, tissue, organ and system. B Understand metabolic pathways of living organisms. Assessment criteria: - Describe and illustrate cellular transport. - Review energy storage and release during chemical reactions. - Explain how enzymes regulate chemical reactions in living organisms. - Discuss ATP as primary energy carrier. - Discuss the fundamental processes of photosynthesis. - Discuss cellular respiration. Range statement: Metabolic pathways limited to cellular transport, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. C Understand and apply the fundamental principles of cell division, Mendelian genetics and developmental biology. Assessment criteria: - Review mitosis and meiosis. - Define and illustrate Mendel’s 1st and 2nd Laws of heredity. Range statement: Heredity limited to Mendel’s experiments. D Understand the phylogenetic relationships of living organisms and their interactions. Assessment criteria: - Review the 3-Kingdom and the 5-Kingdom systems. - Review the major divisions of the plant and animal Kingdoms. - Discuss the interactions of living organisms at population, community, ecosystem and biome levels. - Review the “Biosphere” and the problems it faces in order to support life. 3 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Range statement: Major divisions limited to phyla 1.3.2 Range statements As indicated under 1.3.1 above. 1.3.3 Critical cross-field outcomes After the successful completion of this module, learners should be competent to: Identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking. Work effectively as a member of a team. Organise and manage oneself and one’s activities. Collect, analyse and organise information. Communicate effectively using scientific language skills in written presentations. Use applicable science and technology effectively towards the environment and health of others. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems within a biological context. 1.4 Promotional ratios All assessments scheduled within the assessment strategy of this module will count towards the calculation of the final modular mark. All modular assessments are governed by the General Rules G12-G23, Faculty Rules FSA4, School Rule SMLS4 and Departmental Rules BIOD4. 1.4.1 Yearly promotional mark (“continuous assessment”): Theory mark (formative assessment): contributes 35% towards the calculation of the year mark and will consist of at least three theory tests. Practical mark (formative assessment): contributes 25% towards the calculation of the year mark and will include all marks accumulated for all practical assessments. Year mark: contributes 60% (including the theory and practical marks) of the final course mark. Examination mark (summative assessment): contributes 40% of the final course mark. 1.4.2 Final Year mark To be calculated as stipulated under 1.4.1. 1.5 Prescribed book and suggested reading The following is used as the prescribed textbook. Please purchase this as soon as possible. Also see section 4 (REFERENCES) for further suggested reading: Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV and Jackson RB. 2011. Campell Biology. 9th edition. Pearson, United States of America. Alters, Sandra. 1980. Biology: Understanding Life. 3rd edition. The Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. OR Starr, C. Evers, C.A & Starr L. 2008. Biology;Concepts and Applications. 7 th edition. Thomson Brookes/Cole. OR 4 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 2 FACILITATION SCHEDULE 2.1 Facilitators Lecturers: 1. Ms MA Modiba a. Office: 2004A, L-Block (second floor) b. Contact details: (015) 268 4045 c. Consultation times: Daily between 08H00 and 13H00 2. Mr T Mangena a. Office: L-Block Ground floor, office 0014C b. Contact details: (015) 268 4011 c. Consultation times: Daily between 08H00 and 13H00 3. Prof MM Matla a. Office: L1004 L-Block (Basement) b. Contact details: (015) 268 2003 c. Consultation times: Daily between 08H00 and 13H00 Senior Laboratory Assistants: 1. Ms MC Lebepe a. Office: 0019 Life Science lab ground floor b. Contact details: (015) 268 4728 c. Consultation times: Daily between 08H00 and 13H00 2. Mr EA Mogotlane a. Office: 0003 H block b. Contact details: (015) 268 3695 c. Consultation times: Daily between 08H00 and 13H00 2.2 MODULE CONTENT & TEXTBOOK REFERENCES CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO DISCIPLINES OF BIOLOGY (What is life and how do we study it?) Disciplines of Biology Themes of life CHAPTER 2: THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD (How scientists do their work; the processes and methods) CHAPTER 3: THE MOLECULES OF LIFE (The chemical nature of the molecules of life) Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acids Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cells (Plant and Animal cells) CHAPTER 4: MICROSCOPE AND TOUR OF THE CELL 5 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Eukaryotic cells & internal membranes Eukaryotic cell’s genetic instructions, The endomembrane system Mitochondria and chloroplast CHAPTER 5: TRANSPORT (The cell as the basic unit of life) Passive transport Active transport Endocytosis Exocytosis CHAPTER 6: AN INTRODUCTION TO METABOLISM Metabolism & laws of thermodynamics Fee-energy change of a reaction ATP powers cellular work Enzymes CHAPTER 7: CELLULAR RESPIRATION AND FERMENTATION Catabolic pathways Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Oxidative phosphorylation Fermentation and anaerobic respiration Autotrophs and heterotrophs The energy in sunlight Capturing light energy in chemical bonds An overview of photosynthesis o light-dependent reactions o light-independent reactions An overview of cellular respiration o preparing nutrients for aerobic respiration o Glycolysis o Krebs cycle o the electron transport chain Anaerobic energy release o fermentation CHAPTER 8: PHOTOSYNTHESIS Photosynthesis converts light energy to the chemical energy of food The light reactions The Calvin cycle Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation CHAPTER 9: Cell Communication External signals Reception Transduction Response Apoptosis 6 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 3-4 The cell cycle & mitosis Cell division & identical daughter cells Mitotic phase & interphase Regulation of cell cycle CHAPTER 10: CELL CYCLE: MEIOSIS AND SEXUAL LIFE CYCLES Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes Fertilization and meiosis Meiosis reduces number of chromosome Genetic variation & evolution 3 - 4 Mendel and the Gene Idea Mendel & scientific approach Inheritance patterns are often more complex than predicted CHAPTER 11: DNA AS A HEREDITARY MATERIAL DNA as hereditary material Chromosomes, DNA and RNA DNA replication, transcription & translation Mendel’s study of inheritance Dihybrid crosses and sex linkage Genes and gene expression 2.3 Assessment dates for theoretical work (See Table 1) 2.4 Schedule content for practical work (See Table 1) 2.5 Assessment dates for practical work (See Table 1) 2.6 Presentation topics and their due date (to be provided) 3 DETAILED CONTENT (CHAPTER BY CHAPTER) – SEE TABLE 1 Table 1: Module Plan MODULE OUTLINE Module Title Module Code Department Introduction to Biological Studies SBIO011 No. of Credits Biodiversity School Pre-requisites Module Code The learner must have Co-requisites satisfied NSC as prescribed Module Code in the SMLS calendar Mr T Mangena, Prof MM Matla and Ms MA Modiba Prepared by 7 12 Molecular and Life Sciences SBIO011 Evaluated by Module Lecturers Office Address Email Senior Laboratory Assistants STUDY GUIDE 2025 Prof MM Matla Mr T Mangena, Ms MA Modiba and Prof MM Matla Mr T Mangena: 0014C, ground floor, L-Block Ms MA Modiba: 2004A, 2nd, floor L-Block Prof MM Matla: -1005, basement, L-Block Telephone No. Ms MC Lebepe Office Address Mr EA Mogotlane Daily between 08:00 & 13:00 Lecture Periods Important Dates Duration of module: 10 Feb – 16 May (14 weeks) Test 1: 27 March 2025 Test 2: 24 April 2025 Learning Hours Assessment Method Formative assessment / summative 0019 Life Science Lab, ground floor, 015 268 4728 0003 H-Block 015 268 3695 Consultation Time Quarter/Semester Module Structure Mangena:015 268 4011 Modiba:015 268 4045 Matla: 015 268 2300 Mon: 11:10 TC Thu:11:10 KA 120 notional hours Revision Week: 19 – 23 May Main exam: 26 May – 13 June Supplementary exam: 25 June – 01 July Semester 1 No. of Lectures: 4 per week No. of Practical Sessions: 1 per week Description Weighting All assessments scheduled within the assessment strategy of this module will count towards the calculation of the final modular mark. All modular assessments are governed by the General Rules G12G23, Faculty Rules FSA4, School Rule SMLS4 and Departmental Rules BIOD4. Theory mark (formative assessment): contributes 35% towards the calculation of the year mark and will consist of at least two theory tests. Practical mark (formative assessment): contributes 25% towards the calculation of the year mark and will include all marks accumulated for all practical assessments. Year mark: contributes 60% (including the theory and practical marks) of the final course mark. 8 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Examination mark (summative assessment): contributes 40% of the final course mark. MODULE DESCRIPTION The module will be presented in both theory and practical sessions. Each week will involve four lecture periods and one practical session. The fourth lecture of each week might be turned into a tutorial period whenever applicable. The lectures for this module are contained and presented as PowerPoint Presentations, and each practical has a separate manual to be provided. A textbook is prescribed. MODULE OBJECTIVES The module introduces the themes of studying life and the scientific method. Living organisms are classified into Domains and Kingdoms. They are structurally and functionally studied at molecular and cellular levels. This module provides the basic background to continue with more advanced/specialised modules in any related Biological discipline. MODULE CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Specific outcomes A. Understand the concept “life” at lower levels of organization in nature B. Understand metabolic pathways of living organisms. C. Explain the structures of animal and plant cells and their organelles. D. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems within a biological context E. Understand and apply the fundamental principles of cell division and Mendelian genetics Critical cross-field outcomes After the successful completion of this module, learners should be competent to: Identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking. Work effectively as a member of a team. Organise and manage oneself and one’s activities. Collect, analyse and organise information. Communicate effectively using scientific language skills in written presentations. Use applicable science and technology effectively towards the environment and health of others. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems within a biological context. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Define the various concepts in the module. Name and explain levels of organization in nature. Name and explain the themes of life. Define the fields of Biology on offer at our University. 9 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Explain the structures and functions of the molecules of life (Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids). Explain the structures of animal and plant cells and their organelles. Describe and illustrate cellular transport. Review energy storage and release during chemical reactions. Explain how enzymes regulate chemical reactions in living organisms. Discuss ATP as primary energy carrier. Discuss the fundamental processes of photosynthesis. Discuss cellular respiration. Review DNA and protein synthesis. Review mitosis and meiosis. Define and illustrate Mendel’s 1st and 2 nd Laws of heredity. Discuss and explain the different vertebrate systems. Discuss the interactions of living organisms at population, community, ecosystem and biome levels. Review the “Biosphere” and the problems it faces in order to support life. REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR THE MODULE Prescribed textbook Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson. 2011 - Campbell Biology, 9th edition. Pearson Other references Alters, Sandra. 1980. Biology: Understanding Life. 3rd edition. The Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Starr, C. Evers, C.A & Starr L. 2008. Biology; Concepts and Applications. 7th edition. Thomson Brookes/Cole. Avila, VL. 1995. Biology: Investigating life on earth. 2nd edition. The Jones and Bartlett Bookmarks Series in Biology. Starr, C & Taggart R, 1992. Biology: The unity and diversity of life. 7th edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. STUDENT FEEDBACK ON MODULE Students will get feedback on all types of assessment within ten working days the assessment took place. Feedback on theory tests will be given within a period of Ten days after the test was written. Feedback for the Tests will be given on the dates below: Feedback for Test 1: To be announced Feedback for Test 2: To be announced All memoranda will be pasted on Blackboard and notice boards after discussions MODULE POLICY 1. Plagiarism is forbidden. All of the following are considered plagiarism ( turning in someone else's work as your own copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit (referencing) failing to put a quotation in quotation marks giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation 10 SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not 2. Attendance of both lectures and practical is compulsory. 3. Students are expected to arrive on time. 4. A class register will be taken during lectures and practicals. ADDITIONAL MODULE INFORMATION Formal lectures: Read about the relevant topic in the prescribed textbook, study guide or electronically before you come for the lecture so as to have a general idea of the lecture. The lectures will be illustrated with the use of PowerPoint Presentations. Class participation will involve question-answer method, and learners are encouraged to actively participate. Practical work: Practical sheets are to be read carefully and instructions must be accurately followed. Learners are to work independently or in groups with guidance and help from the facilitators. Some teaching will be necessary during the practical sessions to enhance the acquisition of certain skills or relevant knowledge. The laboratory is well equipped with monitors, computers, videos, microscopes, drawing/illustration charts and other relevant material. You will be required to submit each practical report as part of the assessment strategy, and this will contribute towards the calculation of the modular practical mark. Tutorials: Where applicable a tutorial replaces the last lecture at the end of the week. The purpose is to review the theme of the week to make sure that the topic is well understood. Learners are therefore required to work through the tutorial questions before you come for the tutorial. During the tutorial, your answers to the questions will be discussed to enhance your understanding of the concepts involved. A tutorial is for learners to discuss the different aspects of the topics learnt during the week, guided by the tutorial questions. Full participation is therefore expected from every student, the lecturer simply facilitates the discussions. Some practical sessions may similarly be replaced by practical tutorials. Week 1. Date 10 - 14 Feb TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF LECTURES Book Reference Topic/Activity 1 – 2 Welcome & disciplines in biology 3 – 4 Themes of life 2. 17 – 21 Feb Campbell, pp 114 - 137 3. 24 – 28 Feb Campbell, pp 114 – 137 See extended notes 4. 03 – 07 March Campbell, pp 140 - 170 1-2The process of science to study nature (Scientific method) + weaver bird study 3-4 Human body propotions (Tutorial on scatter diagrams: Determining the unknown) 1 – 2 Macromolecules: Carbohydrates & Lipids 3 – 4 Proteins & Nucleic acids 1 – 2 The use of a Microscope & introduce a tour of a cell 11 Practical Finalize practical groups Lab rules and procedures on the use lab equipment P1: Scientific method SBIO011 5. STUDY GUIDE 2025 10– 14 Mar Campbell, pp 171 - 187 Campbell, pp 308 - 331 3 – 4 Tour of the Cell Eukaryotic cells & internal membranes Eukaryotic cell’s genetic instructions, The endomembrane system Mitochondria and chloroplast 1-2 The cytoskeleton 3 -4 Transport: Membrane structure and function Passive transport Active transport Endocytosis Exocytosis Bulk transport Practical assessment P2: Introduction to microscope Practical assessment 17 – 20 MARCH AUTUMN RECESS 21 March Human Rights Day 6. 7. 8. 24-28 Mar TEST 1 27 March 2025 Campbell, pp 171 - 187 Campbell, pp 308 - 331 31 Mar – 04 Apr Campbell, pp 188 - 208 07 – 11 Apr Campbell, pp 209 - 229 1 – 4 An introduction to metabolism Metabolism & laws of thermodynamics Fee-energy change of a reaction ATP powers cellular work Enzymes Regulation of enzyme activity P3: Cellular transport Practical assessment Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Catabolic pathways Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Oxidative phosphorylation Fermentation and anaerobic respiration 1 – 4 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis converts light energy to the chemical energy of food The light reactions The Calvin cycle Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation 12 P4: Cellular respiration video Practical assessment SBIO011 9. STUDY GUIDE 2025 14- 17 Apr (4 days) 18 Good Friday Campbell, pp 230 - 251 Campbell, pp 252 - 273 10. 11. 12. 21 Apr Family Day; 2225 April (4 days) TEST 2 24 APRIL 2025 28 Public Holiday 29-30 April (2 days only) 1 May Workers Day 2 May University Holiday 05-09 May 13. 12-16 May 1 – 2 Cell Communication P5: Photosynthesis External signals Practical Reception assessment Transduction Response Apoptosis 3-4 The cell cycle & mitosis Cell division & identical daughter cells Mitotic phase & interphase Regulation of cell cycle Holidays and test Holidays Campbell, pp 274 – 307; Campbell, pp 308 - 331 1 – 2 Meiosis and Sexual life cycles Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes Fertilization and meiosis Meiosis reduces number of chromosome Genetic variation & evolution 3 - 4 Mendel and the Gene Idea Mendel & scientific approach Inheritance patterns are often more complex than predicted 1 - 4 Chromosomal basis of inheritance 13 P6: Binomial nomenclature Practical assessment P7: Cell growth and mitosis SBIO011 STUDY GUIDE 2025 Sex-linked genes Alterations of chromosomes Practical Molecular basis of assessment inheritance DNA is the genetic material 14. Campbell, pp 351 - 370 19 – 23 May 27 May – 13 June Many proteins work P8: Mendel: together in DNA Inheritance replication and repair Practical assessment A chromosome = DNA with proteins From Gene to Protein Genes specify proteins REVISION WEEK SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT / EXAMINATIONS 17 June – 04 JULY WINTER RECESS 25 June – 01 July SUPPLEMENTARY / AEGROTAT EXAMINATIONS 4 REFERENCES Reece, J.B., Urry, L.S., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V. & Jackson, R.B. 2011. Campbell biology. 9th edition. Pearson Education, Inc. (Prescribed book) Avila, VL. 1995. Biology: Investigating life on earth. 2nd edition. The Jones and Bartlett Bookmarks Series in Biology. Starr, C & Taggart R, 1992. Biology: The unity and diversity of life. 7th edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Van Rensburg, CAJ, Thandar, AS & Moodley, LG. 1980. Practical Animal Anatomy. Butterworth Publishers. 14