BUS105 Statistics Group-Based Assignment January 2024 Presentation Submitted by: Tutorial Group: Name PI No. Doreen Tay Hui Ting N2410462 T 03 Instructor’s Name: Prof. Tan Mak Koon, Maurice Submission Date: 06/03/2024 Contents Group-Based Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 1 Q1a ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 Q1b ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Q1c................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Q1a At 90% Confidence Interval, we can be 90% certain that the estimations include the true population parameter and 10% chance of the estimates being wrong. AI Anxiety Mean Standard Error Median Mode Standard Deviation Sample Variance Kurtosis Skewness Range Minimum Maximum Sum Count Confidence Level (90.0%) Upper Limit of CI: Lower Limit of CI: 38.23611111 0.928696787 38 38 7.880253545 62.09839593 -1.138113034 -0.229285088 25 25 50 2753 72 1.547765747 39.78387686 36.68834536 Q1b Upon analysis, we have 2 set of data, male and female respectively which are independent from each other. Hence, we are using the Pooled t-Test. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Mean Variance Observations Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail Female Male 37.6389 38.8333 68.1802 57.0571 36 36 62.6187 0 70 -0.6404 0.262 1.29376 0.524 1.66691 H0: The mean AI anxiety score of female workers is higher than male workers in Singapore. (µ ≥ 0) H1: The mean AI anxiety score of female workers is lower than male workers in Singapore. (µ < 0) Q1c Bibliography 1.