Quick Notes - DSE Organic Chemistry N. B. The notes is only for quick reference. Not all contents for HKDSE are included. A homologous Series - a group of carbon compounds with same funcational group -> gives chemical properties to organic molecules same general formula -> e.g. CnH2n+2 for alkanes, CnH2n for alkenes, CnH2n+1OH for alcohols, etc. similar chemical properties (due to the same functional group) gradual change of physical properties (due to change of molecular mass) Alkane - combustion (complete and incomplete) - free radical substitution reactions with halogen (uv light or high T) - 3 steps: Initiation, Propagation and Termination Alkene [C=C] - addition reaction with halogen (e.g. Br2 in organic solvent) -> from brown/orange to colourless - oxidation reaction with acidified potassium permanganate (KMnO4/H+) -> from purple to colourless Alkanols (alcohols) [-OH] Primary Secondary Tertiary - 3 classes (primary 1o, secondary 2o & tertiary 3o) - oxidation by K2Cr2O7/H+ to form aldehyde, ketone and carboxylic acid - primary alcohol --> aldehyde --> carboxylic acid - secondary alcohol --> ketone - tertiary alcohol --> no reaction - formed by reacting haloalkanes with NaOH(aq) Alkanoic acids (carboxylic acids) [-COOH] - can behave as a weak acid (pH < 7), e.g. ethanoic acid in vinegar - formed by oxidation of primary alcohols - can be reduced by LiAlH4 to form alcohol (*but not NaBH4 - weaker reducing agent) Carboxylic acid Carboxylate ion Haloalkanes [-F, -Cl, -Br, -I, etc.] - formed from alkanes (substitution with X2), alkenes (addition with HX or X2) and alcohols (with PX3) Aldehydes [-CHO] - formed by oxidation of 1o alcohol - low b.p. because of no H-bonds -> no H atoms attached to O atom (high electronegativity) Ketones [C=O] - formed by oxidation of 2o alcohol - can be reduced by LiAlH4 or NaBH4 Esters [-COO-] - fruity smell - formed by reacting alcohol with carboxylic acid, conc. H2SO4 (catalyst) added - linkage group in condensation polymer (polyester) - hydrolysis (acid - reversible reaction or alkaline - irreversible reaction) Unsubstituted amides [-CONH2] - formation: carboxylic acid -> acid chloride -> unsubstituted amide (nitrogen atom connected to one alkyl group only, and two H atoms) - hydrolysis (acid - irreversible reaction, or alkaline - irreversible reaction) Primary amines [-NH2] - primary 1o: means nitrogen atom connected to one alkyl group only, and two H atoms - is the functional group in one of the monomers in condensation polymeration to form nylon (the other functional group needed is -COOH) Isomers Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula (Structural) OR different arrangements of atoms in space (Stereo) Two types - Structural isomers & Stereoisomers Structural isomers - 3 types, Chain, Position & Functional Group Stereoisomers - 2 types, Cis-trans, Enantiomers (mirror images are not superimposable) -cis -trans Enantiomers (with chiral carbon) Inter-conversions of carbon compounds with different functional groups (Organic Synthesis) Alcohols - a group of important intermediates Formation of alcohols: - Alkane / Alkene --X2(g)--> Haloalkane (RX) --NaOH(aq)--> Alcohols (ROH) Oxidation of alcohols (with oxidizing agent like Cr2O72-/H+(aq)): - Primary alcohols (ROH) --> Aldehydes (RCHO) --> Carboxylic acids (RCOOH) - Secondary alcohols --> Ketones (RCOR’) - Tertiary alcohols --> no further oxidation Formation of esters and amides (condensation): - Carboxylic acids (RCOOH) --R’OH, H+(aq) with heat--> Esters (RCOOR’) - Carboxylic acids (RCOOH) --(1)PCl3, then (2)NH3--> Amides (RCONH2) Important organic substances (1) Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) contains a benzene ring, carboxyl group (-COOH) & ester group medical application: relieve pain and prevent heart attack side effect: stomach upset and cause increased bleeding after alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH(aq): - ester group -> hydroxyl (-OH) group - carboxylic acid -> carboxylate ion (-COO-Na+) after acid hydrolysis with H+(aq): - ester group -> hydroxyl (-OH) group - carboxylic acid -> no change (2) Soapy and soapless detergent - differences in manufacture (made from fats/oils [soapy] or petroleum [soapless]) - differences in structures (both have long hydrocarbon tails, but different ionic heads: soapy carboxylate ions & soapless - sulphate or benzenesulphonate) - saponification: alkaline hydrolysis of animal fats or vegetable oils (3) Polyamide (Nylon) & polyester (PET) - condensation polymerization, with elimination of small molecule (H2O) Nylon Poly(ethylene terephthalate) - PET