Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade I Science Aizabelle F. Suday I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to obtain at least 95 % accuracy of the following: 1. identify the parts of the plant; 2. draw and label the different parts of the plant; and 3. show appreciation by naming the parts of the plant. II. Subject matter Topic: The parts of the plant Concept: The parts of the plant are roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits. Not all plants have the same parts. Skills: Observing, Identifying Attitude: Open-mindedness Instructional materials: laptop, marker, instructional materials References: III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity A. Preliminary Activities 1. Prayer Good morning children! Let us start our day with a prayer. Student’s Activity “Good morning teacher!” Dear God, Thank you for giving us wonderful creations. Thank you God for making us special. Help us to learn and love and make things. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. 2. Weather Children let us check what kind of weather we have today by singing “The Weather Song” (The students will join their teacher in singing and doing the action of the song) “The Weather Song” What comes out at the break of day Brightly shines as we sing and play In the evening it goes away It’s the sun, sun, sun. What comes down from up so high Splashing down from up above Make things wet that once were day It’s the rain, rain, rain. You tell me the weather, the weather today. You tell me the weather, the weather today. You tell me the weather, the weather today. Today is a _______ day. Very Good! Let’s give ourselves a kokak (The students will do a kokak clap) clap. 3. Health Check-up (The teacher will check if the students (The student will do the Health Check-up are well-groomed) with their partner assigned) Ok children, I want you to check on your partner’s whether she or he: Took a bath Cut her or his nails Comb his or her hair Brush his or her teeth 4. Warm-up Now let us sing a song. The title of our song is “It’s a Beautiful Day.” Do you know this song? (If their answer is “Yes” the students will just join their teacher in singing and doing the actions of the song. If “No” the teacher will do the singing and doing the action first and she will tell her student to follow afterwards.) “It’s a Beautiful Day” It’s a beautiful day when the sun is up It’s a beautiful day I’ve got to believe that today We can work and play, it’s a wonderful day Oh! It’s a beautiful day Come and sing this song of love Come everyone it’s a gift from above Lets all join hand in hand And make the world go round and round Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Spirit’ God for everyone. What a glorious day! It’s a beautiful day. Very Good children! Now let’s give ourselves a yes clap. (The student will do a yes clap) B. Analysis Preparation Ok children we will have an activity. The title of our activity is “A trip outside the classroom.” Who wants to come with me? Raise your hand. (The student will raise their hands) I think only the quiet and behave students will come with me. Let me see who they are. I think the row ___ behaves well today. (The students will follow the instruction of the teacher) Ok row ___ form your line outside. Next row ___ form your line outside. Oh I think that the row ___ also behave well. Ok children form your line. (The teacher will tour the students in the school garden and let them observe the place. After 5-10 minutes in the garden the class will go back to the classroom.) (Several students will raise their hands) Now children who can tell me the things you have seen in the garden? “I saw butterflies and plants” ___, what are the things you have seen in the garden? Ok children who among you also saw butterflies and plants? Raise your hand. (The students will raise their hand if they also saw the butterflies and plants) “Yellow, white” What are the colors of the butterflies? “It has green leaves and white flowers” How about the plants, can you describe the plants you have seen? (Questions will be followed if there are also things that the students saw in the garden) Very Good! Today children you will learn about one of the things you have mentioned awhile ago. Developmental Activities Now children listen carefully to teacher so that you will learn about the thing you have seen in the garden. (The students will look some puzzle pieces under their chairs) Children I put 10 puzzle pieces under 10 chairs. Now children look under your chair. (The student will follow the instruction) The ten students that have puzzle pieces will come in front of the class. (The students will point to their classmate that has the next puzzle piece) Ok ___ put your puzzle piece in the center of the blackboard. Children show your puzzle piece to your classmates. Now class, who do you think has the next puzzle piece? (The teacher will ask the same question until the puzzle has form its half) Ok children what do you think is in the picture? Let us see if your guess is correct. Now who among your 5 classmates hold the next puzzle piece? (After the activity the teacher will ask her students about the picture) Now give yourselves 5 excellent clap. For doing a job well done. “A plant teacher” “teacher____” Ok children what can you say about the picture? “a plant teacher” What kind of plant is this? “an eggplant” Can you describe the plant in this picture? “it has flowers” What are the colors of the flowers? “white and violet” What else does an eggplant have? “it has leaves” (The teacher will post the name of the parts of the eggplant beside their appropriate place and also ask the same question until all the parts will be mention) Now let us read the parts of this plant. (The students will read the parts of the plant) Children what other plants you have seen in the garden? “teacher sampaguita” “teacher yellowbell” “teacher gumamela” Very Good! What else? How about at home, what are the plants you have at home? (The students will raise their hand if they have) Who among you also have gumamela at home? “teacher we have gumamela at home” What is the color of your gumamela flowers? “red teacher” Does it have leaves? “yes teacher” What are the other parts of your gumamela plant have? “it has roots” (The teacher will ask the same question regarding the other parts of the gumamela) Children who among you have okra plant at home? “teacher we have okra plant” (If the teacher see the students raise their hands he or she will call someone to describe the okra plant they have at home) Ok ___ stand beside me. Can you describe to your classmate the okra plant you have at home? “it has leaves, stem , fruits and roots” Very Good! What is the color of the okra fruit? “green teacher” Does it have flowers? “yes teacher” What is the color of the okra plant flower? “yellow teacher” Very Good ___! Lets give ___ 5 very good clap. 3. Abstraction (The teacher will post two pictures in the board) (The students will do mosquito clap) Children what can you see in the board? “sunflower and tomato plant teacher” What are the parts of a sunflower plant? “stem, leaves, flowers and roots teacher” Very Good! How about the tomato plant? What do you think a tomato doesn’t have like the okra plant? Ok children, can you give example of plant that has fruit like the tomato? Very Good! How about the okra plant does it have fruits? “teacher the tomato has fruit while the sunflower has none” “Okra , string beans,etc.” “yes teacher” Now who can give me example of plants just like sunflower? “gumamela, rose, sampaguita” How about does it have or bear fruits? “fruit teacher” Now children do all plants have fruits? “teacher some plants have flowers and fruits while others only have flowers” Very Good! (The students will do yes clap) D. Application Now children, we will have another activity teacher will give you a bond paper. I want you to draw and label the plant that you can see in the school, along the street or in you garden at home. Use your pencil and crayons in this activity. “Yes teacher” Children write the name of each parts of the plant you want to draw. Ok? (After they finished the activity) Ok children let me see you work” Teacher is very happy because you know already the parts of the plant. Let us do a yes clap. Children now pass your papers. Teacher will put stars on it and place them on the bulletin board. Ok?