ASME SECTION II 2. METERIAL (Part A and B) ABS CONSULTING INC. / Thailand Branch 1 CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Metal material Ferrous material Nonferrous material ASTM A ASTM B (A XXX) ASME SEC II PART A (SA XXX) (B XXX) ASME SEC II PART B (SB XXX) Non-metal material Welding material AWS A ASME SEC II PART C ASTM C and D (SFA X.X) 2 ASME vs ASTM (Material standard) PREFACE 3 SUBSTITUTION American Society for Testing & Materials ASTM Specification to ASME Specification Rules are located in the MANDATORY 4 5 6 7 8 Material earlier editions of ASME,II-200 (b) 9 10 Material Certified by MFR or ASME Certificate Holder See: SC-I, see PG-10 SC-VIII Div-1, see UG-10 or UG-15 11 12 Understanding the ASTM Specification System 13 Understanding the ASTM Specification System ADENOTES ASTM MATERIAL A = FERROUS B = NON-FERROUS 14 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A -XXX DENOTES PROPER NAME 53 = PIPE 105 = FORGING 210 = TUBE 15 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (17 DENOTES THE EDITION OF THE SPECIFICATION YEAR 2017 16 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (17 a) DENOTES ADDENDA WITHIN A GIVEN YEAR a = FIRST REVISION 17 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (17 a) Gr XX DENOTES GRADE – NUMBER OR LETTER REFERS TO TENSILE STRENGTH OR IDENTIFY THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 18 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (17 a) Gr XX Ty X DENOTES TYPE – HOW FABRICATED S = SEAMLESS E = RESISTANCE WELDED F = FORGED WELDED 19 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (17 a) Gr XX Ty X CL X S X DENOTES SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS CLASS –NUMBER, .e.g. 5 = CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT TEST 8 = ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION 20 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX 98a(R07) Gr XX Ty X CL X S X DENOTES REAFFIRM WITHIN A GIVEN YEAR,.e.g. R07 = REAFFIRM ON YEAR 2007 21 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –XXX (90 a) Gr XX Ty X CL X EXAMPLES A-283-03 (R07) Gr C A-350 (02b) Gr LF2 CL2 22 Understanding the ASTM Specification System A –350/A-350M DENOTES - THEY CONTAIN BOTH U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS / SI UNITS 23 Understanding the ASTM Specification System SA –350/SA-350M DENOTES - THEY ARE ADOPTED BY ASME (ASTM Specification number was added after the S— in1943 edition of SC II) 24 DIFERENCES ASTM A –XXX (90 a) Gr XX Ty X CL X ASTM uses A….. while ASME uses SA ASME SA –XXX Gr XX Ty X CL X 25 DIFERENCES ASTM A –XXX (90 a) Gr XX Ty X CL X ASTM uses A while ASME uses SA ASME SA –XXX Gr XX Ty X CL X ASTM uses dates, ASME is without dates, a different system is used 26 GRADE / TYPE / CLASS Material standard Grade, Type, Class Of a specific material specifications Used to identify the chemical composition or strength. - Based on the tensile strength of carbon and alloy steel - Stainless Category of the chemical composition of steel and nonferrous metals What kind of case Grade, Type and Product Form B: bolting F: forged alloy P: pipe T: low alloy Cr-Mo steel tube CF: cast austenitic stainless steel CP: centrifugally cast pipe FP: forged pipe TP: high-alloy steel pipe and tube Grade Pipe (P) / Tube (T) (Bolt: B) Bx : SA-193 Grade B7 Px (Pipe): SA-335 Grade P11 Lx : SA-320 Grade L7 Tx (Tube): SA-209 Grade T1 TPx (Pipe/Tube): SA-312 Grade TP304 (Forging: F) WPx (Wrought Pipe): SA-234 Grade WP11 FPx (Forged Pipe): SA-369 Grade FP2 Fx : SA-182 Grade F304 CPx (Cast Pipe): SA-426 Grade CP5 LFx: SA-350 Grade LF9 MTx (Mechanical Tubing): A 511 Grade MT304 (Casting: C) WCx (Casting): SA-216 Grade WCB Plate Type: SA-240 Type 304 27 SCOPE OF CODE SEC-II SEC VIII SCOPE ASME SEC I or SEC VIII (Justice additional important matter) Basic Material Specification (Basic standard) + General Requirement Specification (Common standard) SEC-II SCOPE SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENT (OPTION) METHODS REQUIREMENTS - SA 275 Mag. Pat Exa - SA 370 (Test Method) - SA 577 UT Exam. Plate PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS - SA 6 Rolled products - SA 20 Plates - SA 530 Pipe 28 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION BASIC MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Material properties (product type, ingredient of the range, mechanical properties, manufacturing methods, etc.) and their attributes for the intended attribute hangareul to ensure that pieces of the material applied to the production lot sample, test and Non-destructive inspection document describing the procedur e.g. SA-516 “Pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, moderate-and lowertemperature service” SA-106 “Specification for seamless carbon steel pipe for hightemperature service” 29 How Basic Material Spec. Organize (1/2) Basic material specification Contain with, e.g. Scope Referenced Documents ASTM Standards Ordering Information Manufacture Heat Treatment General Requirements Chemical Composition Mechanical Properties Inspection and Tests 30 How Basic Material Spec. Organize (2/2) Basic material specification Contain with, e.g. Retreatment Repair by Welding Rejection Permissible variations in dimensions or mass Certification Product Marking Supplemental requirements S1, S2…. 31 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION Product Form Or the Common Application to the base material specifications described in the document. e.g. SA-6 “Specification for general requirements for rolled structural steel bars, plates, shapes, and sheet piling” SA-20 “Specification for general requirements for steel plates for pressure vessels” SA-530 “Specification for general requirements for specialized carbon and alloy steel pipe” 32 How General Requirements Spec. Organize (1/2) General Requirements specification Contain with, e.g. Scope Referenced Documents ASTM Standards A-370 Mechanical testing A-435 UT Exam-Straight Beam A-577 UT Exam-Angle Beam ETC. Description of terms Ordering Information ETC. 33 ASME SEC-II PART A Category of the standard steel material Plate CLASSIFICATION Pressure vessel Tube Forging Casting Bolt Fitting Bar SA-6 SA-530 SA-450 SA-788 SA-703 - SA-788 SA-29 SA-213 SA-334 SA-105 SA-350 SA-216 SA-217 SA-193 SA-194 SA-234 SA-6 SA-696 Structural Common requirements SA-20 Basic standards SA-516 SA-533 SA-36 SA-53 SA-106 SA-333 Common requirements SA-480 - SA-530 SA-450 SA-484 SA-781 SA-703 - SA-484 SA-484 Basic standards SA-240 - SA-312 SA-358 SA-213 SA-249 SA-336 SA-705 SA-351 SA-352 SA-193 SA-194 SA-182 SA-479 STEEL Stainless Pipe steel 34 ASME SEC-II PART A Basic Material Specification vs General Specification SA-516 (Basic Materials Standards ) SA-20 (Common standards ) 1. Scope - Pressure vessel is used for where improved notch toughness is important. - available in four grades 55(380), 60(415), 65(450), 70(485). - Rating limits the maximum thickness : Grade 70 The max. 8 inch. 1. Scope apply to rolled steel plates for pressure vessels 2. Quota Specification: SA-516 3. Definition of Terms 4. Ordering information 5. Material and Manufacturing 6. Heat treatment : Material and heat treatment specifications required 2. Quote specifications : SA-20 3. Common requirements / ordering information : SA-20 35 ASME SEC-II PART A Basic Material Specification vs General Specification SA-516 (Basic Materials Standards ) 4. Manufacturing - Killed Steel, Fine Austenitic Grain Size. 5. Heat treatment - Over 1.5 inch thickness, Normalizing. - 1.5 inch and under may be ordered, Normalizing. 6. Chemical analysis - Heat / Product Analysis ( Regulatory requirements ) SA-20 (Common standards ) 7. Chemical analysis - On heat heat analysis and - Unspecified element analysis - Plate Product Analysis ( Buyers choice) 8. Metallurgical Structure - How to: ASTM E112 (Mc Quaid-Ehn test) - Coarse austenitic grain size: 1~5 - Fine austenitic grain size: 5 more 9. Quality - Defect - Repair by welding 36 ASME SEC-II PART A Basic Material Specification vs General Specification (Cont) SA-516 (Basic Materials Standards ) 7. Properties: tensile test requirements SA-20 (Common standards ) 10. Tensile test how to test: SA-370 plate direction : Final rolling, location 11. Shock test 11.1 Charpy V-notch test 11.2 Drop weight test 12. Identification: Each manufacturer of sheet iron, Heat / Slab No, Specification number and grade display 37 ASME SEC-II PART A Basic Material Specification vs General Specification (Cont) SA-516 (Basic Materials Standards ) SA-20 (Common standards ) 13. Dimensions and weight. 14. Inspection and testing. 15. Re-examination. 16. Re-heat treatment. 17. Test Report: Test Report requirements. 18. Packaging, marking and shipping . 38 TERMS(1/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-751 The chemical and related Heat analysis = Cast / Ladle analysis : Chemical analysis representative of a heat of steel Product analysis = Cast/ verification analysis : Chemical analysis of semi-finished or finished product. 39 TERMS(2/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-751 Related chemicals Specified element : An element controlled to a specified range, maximum or maximum, in accordance with the requirements of the product specification Unspecified element : An element not controlled to a specified min, max, or range, in accordance with the requirements of product specification (ASTM/ASME A/SA-751) Residual element : A specified or unspecified element, not intentionally added, originating in raw materials, refractories, or air. 40 TERMS(3/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-751 Related chemicals Trace element : A residual element that may occur in very low concentrations, generally less than 0.01% Intentionally added unspecified element : An element added in controlled amounts at the option of the producer to obtain desirable characteristics. 41 TERMS(4/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-941 42 TERMS(5/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-941 43 TERMS(6/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-941 44 TERMS(7/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-941 SEC-IX QG-109.2 45 TERMS(8/8) ASTM/ASME A/SA-941 SEC-IX QG-109.2 46 UCS, UHA, vs UHT MATERILA (SC-VIII DIV 1) UCS P-No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 P-No.10 UHA P-No. 7, 8 P-No.6 P-No.1 UHT P-No. 11 47 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION OF ASME SEC - I PG-5 (MATERIAL GENERAL) PLATE: PG-6 EXCLUSIONS FORGING: PG-7 CASTING: PG-8 PIPE & TUBE: PG-9 MATERIALS (Product Form) MISC PRESSURE PARTS: PG-11 STAYS: PG-13 RIVETS: PG-14 48 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION OF ASME SEC VIII DIV-1 APPENDIX 3 OF ASME SEC VIII DIV-1 The definition of material: Material contained in the material specifications ASME SEC-II on SA, SB, or SFA or SEC-VIII accepted by the other ingredients. UG-4 (MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION) PLATE: UG-5 EXCLUSIONS FORGING: UG-6 CASTING: UG-7 PIPE & TUBE: UG-8 MATERIALS (Product Form) WELDING MATERIALS: UG-9 MISC PRESSURE PARTS: UG-11 BOLT AND STUDS: UG-12 NUTS AND WASHERS: UG-13 ROD AND BARS: UG-14 49 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION OF ASME SEC VIII DIV-2 MATERIALS FOR PRESSURE PARTS: 3.2.1 MATERIALS FOR ATTACHMENTS TO PRESSURE PARTS: 3.2.2 WELDING MATERIALS: 3.2.3 DISSIMILAR MATERIALS: 3.2.4 MATERIALS PRODUCT SPECIFICATION: 3.2.5 CERTIFICATION: 3.2.6 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY: 3.2.7 MISC PRESSURE PARTS: 3.2.8 etc. 50 ASME SEC-II PART A PLATE, C0MPARE (SA-20 vs SA-6) Usage Pressure vessel Structure General Spec. (Common requirements) SA-20 Common requirements for Pressure vessel and boiler Steel Plate. SA-6 Common requirements for Structural Rolled Steel Plate, Shaped steel, SA-516, SA-533… SA-36, SA-588… Basic Material Spec. (Basic material requirements) Differences Tensile test direction Each Plate: 1 of tensile test. (section 11.1) Perpendicular to the direction of Rolling (section 11.2) Sheet Pile and Bar Each Heat: 2 of tensile test of (section 12.4) Width > 24” : Perpendicular to the direction of Rolling (section 12.2) Width ≤ 24” : Parallel to the direction of rolling. Charpy V-Notch Tests If requirements No requirement Expressions Tracking Plate Number Tracking Heat Number 51 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-I) [ 1 of 6 ] PG-16 PLATE: PG-16.4 Not thinner than 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) of ordered thickness. PIPE: PG-16.5 Not thinner than cal.. and of ordered thickness Thickness of order (Ordered Thickness): Design Thickness + C.A.(Corrosion allowance) + Mill Under tolerance + Production of Allowance (the Forming thin-out). 52 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-VIII Div 1) [ 2 of 6 ] UG-16 PLATE: UG-16 (c) Small values of 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) or 6% of ordered thickness. PIPE: UG-16(d) Not thinner than cal.. and of ordered thickness Thickness of order (Ordered Thickness): Design Thickness + C.A.(Corrosion allowance) + Mill Under tolerance + Production of Allowance (the Forming thin-out). 53 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-VIII Div 2) [ 3 of 6 ] 3.2.10 PLATE: Small values of 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) or 6% of ordered thickness. PIPE: Not thinner than cal.. and of ordered thickness Thickness of order (Ordered Thickness): Design Thickness + C.A.(Corrosion allowance) + Mill Under tolerance + Production of Allowance (the Forming thin-out). 54 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-II) [ 4 of 6 ] Material specification Or General Requirements Sample SA-20 55 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-II) [ 5 of 6 ] Material specification Or General Requirements Sample SA-20 56 UNDERTOLERANCE (SC-II) [ 6 of 6 ] Material specification Or General Requirements Sample SA-106 57 Material identification requirements summary (1/3) Sruct. PV Plate PIPE Gen.Spec Gen.Spec Gen.Spec SA-6 SA-20 SA-530 Marking Requirements Name or Brand of Manufacturer YES YES Heat Number YES YES FORGINGS SA-106 SA-333 SA-530 Plus SA-530 Plus YES SA-53 Pipe Fittings LT Forgings SA-788 SA-266 SA-105 SA-350 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES When Req. Manufacturer ID or Heat Number Slab Number Vessel Component SA-788 Plus YES YES Gen.Spec YES Specification Number YES YES YES Grade YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Class (where indicated in Spec.) YES YES Type (where indicated in Spec.) YES YES Size YES Thickness YES YES Length YES Schedule Number YES Weight Type of Pipe YES YES Over 4 NPS Note 1 A or B Extra Strong XS Double Extra Strong XXS Note 1: Marking shall include whether hot finished, cold drawn, seamless or welded. 58 Material identification requirements summary (2/3) Sruct. PV Plate PIPE Gen.Spec Gen.Spec Gen.Spec SA-6 SA-20 SA-530 SA-106 FORGINGS SA-333 SA-53 Gen.Spec Vessel Component Pipe Fittings LT Forgings SA-788 SA-266 SA-105 SA-350 YES If Appli. Marking Requirements Supplementary Requirements S All Spec. Requirements Not Met X, Y, or Z Y Designation of service Rating Impact Testing CVN Tested Marking LTV Drop Weight Tested Marking LTD LT+Test Temp Nonstandard Impact Test Temp. S Welded Repairs WR W W QT QT Heat Treatment (If required) Green G G Material Treated MT MT Quenched & Tempered QT Annealed A Normalized N Normalized and Tempered NT Liquid Quenched & Tempered S 59 Material identification requirements summary (3/3) Sruct. PV Plate PIPE Gen.Spec Gen.Spec Gen.Spec SA-6 SA-20 SA-530 SA-106 FORGINGS SA-333 SA-53 Gen.Spec Vessel Component Pipe Fittings LT Forgings SA-788 SA-266 SA-105 SA-350 YES YES NDE Hydro-Yes / NDE-No Test Press. Test Press. Hydro-No / NDE-Yes NDE NDE Hydro-No / NDE-No NH Hydro-Yes / NDE-Yes Test Press. / NDE Test Press. / NDE In addition to Mfg. In addition to Mfg. Subdivided Material Trademark, Brand or Name of subdividing Organization. Coded Marking as per UG-77(c) In place of Mfg. In place of Mfg. Allowed Alternate Marking May use MSS-SP-25 60 MULTIPLE MARKING OF MATERIAL (1/4) SEC-II PART A, APPENDIX III (Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials) and, SEC-II PART D, APPENDIX 7 (Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials) Based: UG-4(a) and UG-23(a) Example: Material chemical composition, mechanical properties that are present and Overlap. SA-53 and SA106 (Some Grade/Class), or SA-213 TP304L and TP304, SA-213 TP304 and TP304H, or SA- 106 Gr. B and C. . 61 MULTIPLE MARKING OF MATERIAL (2/4) SEC-II PART D, APPENDIX 7 (Guidelines on Multiple Marking of Materials) In this case, the manufacturer of one or more compliant materials, Level, Class or Type can produce materials that meet and Awards Multiple Marking Materials is also possible. Exceptions (7-220), SA-516 and SA-515 is the difference Grain Size requirements, SA-213 TP 304l and TP 304H range of Carbon Content Not Overlap. ASTM/ASME Specifications and other (eg, JIS,EN) was that when Simultaneous marking and other standards that ignore the marking. 62 MULTIPLE MARKING OF MATERIAL (3/4) SEC-II PART D vs SCE-VIII Div 1 63 MULTIPLE MARKING OF MATERIAL (4/4) 64 Materials report SA-516 (Material Specification): None SA-105 (material specifications): None SA-20 (common specifications) to test the report. However, no signature required. SA-788 (Common standards) need 65 MATERIAL TEST REPORT(MTR) SEC VIII DIV-1, APPENDIX 3 66 MATERIAL TEST REPORT(MTR) SEC VIII DIV-2, ANNEX 1-B DEFINITION 67 FLOW CHART FOR MATERIAL, SC-VIII Div1 Determine Materials: UG-4 Determine Materials Requirements UG-4, UG-15, Sub-Section C Determine Materials Dimensions: UG-16 Procurement Documents must specify requirements Appendix 10-6 Receiving Plate Verify Identification per Applicable Spec. UG-5, UG-93(b)(3) Other Product forms Verify Marking per applicable Code Requirements UG-93(a)(2) Verify MTR or COC for compliance to Code and Spec. UG-93(a)(1) Material storage: UG-93(a)(3)(b) Material Inspection: UG-93(d) Fabrication, maintenance of identification UG-77 68 Sample of MTR’s 69 70 71 Materials Workshop Using sample MTR’s documents, each team will review and determine material are acceptance.? 72 END Question…? 73