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Cell Death Assays & Pilocarpus Jaborandi

(Wanigasekara & Witharana, 2016)Staining with annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) provides
researchers with a way to identify different types of cell death—either necrosis or apoptosis. This
technique relies on two components. The first, annexin V, is a protein that binds certain phospholipids
called phosphatidylserines, which normally occur only in the inner, cytoplasm-facing leaflet of a cell’s
membrane, but become “flipped” to the outer leaflet during the early stages of apoptosis. The second
component is the DNA-binding dye molecule PI, which can only enter cells when their membranes
are ruptured—a characteristic of both necrosis and late apoptosis.
The AnnexinV-FITC kit uses annexin V conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to label
phosphatidylserine sites on the membrane surface.
Prostate cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system
below the bladder. Abnormal growth of prostate tissue is usually detected through screening tests,
typically blood tests that check for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Those with high levels of PSA
in their blood are at increased risk for developing prostate cancer.
(Hasanzadeh et al., 2020)Hasanzadeh, A., Alamdaran, M., & Ahmadi, S. (2020). Since January 2020
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin
on the novel coronavirus COVID- 19 . The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier
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Wanigasekara, J., & Witharana, C. (2016). Applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery and design an insight. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 10(1), 78–91.
Jaborandi, Arruda do Mato, Arruda brava, Jamguarandi,
Biological Source
The drug consists of the leaves of Pilocarpus jaborandi,
belonging to family Rutaceae
Geographical Source
It is indigenous to South America and especially grown
in Brazil also it is found in Venenzuela, Caribbean islands
and Central America.
Dr. Coutinho in 1874 sent the plant to Europe from
Pernambuco, hence the name Pernambuco jaborandi or
Pilocarpus jaborandi. Later, Byasson in 1875 showed its
alkaloidal nature and further Gerrard and Hardy isolated
the main alkaloid pilocarpine.
The shrub grows from 4 to 5 feet high; the bark is smooth
and greyish; the flowers are thick, small and reddish-purple
in colour, springing from rather thick, separate stalks about
1/4 inch long. The leaves are large compound, pinnate with
an odd terminal leaflet, with two to four pairs of leaflets.
pupil of the eye. Its principal use is as a powerful and
rapid diaphoretic. It induces also free salivation and excites
most gland secretions, some regarding it as a galactagogue.
It is also used in ophthalmic practice in the treatment of
Fig. 15.20 Pilocarpus jaborandi
Chemical Constituents
The drug contains imidazole alkaloids among, which pilo
carpine is most important. Other alkaloids are isopilo
carpine, pilocarpidine, pilosine, pseudopilocarpine and
isopilosine. The range of total alkaloids in different species
is between 0.5% and 1%.
Chemical Test
1. To the drug containing pilocarpine, small quantities
of dilute sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide solution,
benzene and potassium chromate solution is added
and shaken, organic layer gives bluish-violet colour
and yellow colour appears in aqueous layer.
Pilocarpine is antagonistic to atropine, stimulating the
nerve endings paralysed by that drug, and contracting the
Atropine is a tropane alkaloid from the members of the Solanaceae family. It is present in Atropa
belladona (Deadly Night shade), Datura stramonium (Thorn apple), and Hyoscy amus niger (Henbane),
Other important solanaceous alka loids are hyoscyamine, hyoscine (scopolamine),
apoatropine,belladonine and norhyoscyamine. Atropine is an optically inactive laevorotatory isomer of