Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source. 08.01 The Roots of the Cold War Assessment Name: Date: Step 1: Choose 3 major events of the Cold War, briefly explaining each in complete sentences—what happened and what made it significant. 1. 2. 3. Step 2: Create your mnemonic or mnemonics below. 1. 2. 3. Step 3: Explain in one complete paragraph how your mnemonic(s) will help you remember the content Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School. Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless quoting a source. Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.