Website Link : SYLLABI ADMISSION TO SYLLABI FOR FOR ICAR’S ICAR’S ALL ALL INDIA INDIA ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION EXAMINATION FOR FOR ADMISSION TO MASTER MASTER DEGREE AND ICAR-PG DEGREE PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES AND ICAR-PG SCHOLARSHIP/NTS SCHOLARSHIPI/NTS (PGS) (PGS) Code Code 01: 01: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- PLANT PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 1.1: 1.1: Plant Plant Biochemistry/ Biochemistry/ Bio. Bio. Chem. Chem. 1.2: 1.2: Plant Plant Biotechnology Biotechnology & & Molecular Molecular Biology/Biotechnology, Biology/Biotechnology, 1.3: 1.3: Plant Plant /Crop /Crop Physiology) Physiology) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of agriculture agriculture in in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, chickpea, pigeon-pea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, Sugarcane, groundnut, groundnut, tomato, tomato, and and mango. mango. Major Major soils soils of of India; India; role role of of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. General General structure structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics. genetics. Elementary Elementary knowledge knowledge of of growth, growth, development, development, photosynthesis, photosynthesis, respiration respiration and and transpiration; transpiration; Elements Elements of of economic economic botany. botany. General General structure structure and and function function of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, enzymes enzymes and and vitamins. vitamins. Major Major pests pests and and diseases diseases of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, cotton, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. Organic Organic farming; farming; bio-fertilizers; bio-fertilizers; bio-pesticides. bio-pesticides. Recombinant Recombinant DNA DNA technology; technology; transgenic transgenic crops. crops. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organizational organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Importance Importance of of biochemistry biochemistry in in agriculture. agriculture. Acid-base Acid-base concept concept and and buffers; buffers; pH. pH. Classification, Classification, structure structure and and metabolic metabolic functions functions of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, lipids lipids and and proteins. proteins. Structure Structure and and function function of of nucleic nucleic acids. acids. Enzymes: Enzymes: structure, structure, nomenclature, nomenclature, mechanism mechanism of of action; action; vitamins vitamins and and minerals minerals as as coenzymes coenzymes and and cofactors. cofactors. Metabolic Metabolic pathways: pathways: glycolysis, glycolysis, TCA TCA cycle, cycle, fatty fatty acid acid oxidation, oxidation, triglyceride triglyceride biosynthesis. biosynthesis. Electron Electron transport transport chain; chain; ATP ATP formation. formation. Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis: C-3, C-3, C-4 C-4 and and CAM CAM pathways. pathways. Nitrate Nitrate assimilation; assimilation; biological fixation. Colorimetric biological nitrogen nitrogen fixation. Colorimetric and and chromatographic chromatographic techniques techniques UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Characteristics Characteristics of of prokaryotic prokaryotic and and eukaryotic eukaryotic organisms; organisms; differences differences between between fungi, fungi, bacteria, bacteria, mycoplasms mycoplasms and and viruses. viruses. Physical Physical and and chemical chemical basis basis of of heredity; heredity; chromosome chromosome structure. structure. DNA DNA replication, replication, transcription transcription and and translation; translation; genetic genetic code; code; operon operon concept. concept. Genetic Genetic engineering; engineering; restriction restriction enzymes; enzymes; vectors; vectors; gene gene cloning; cloning; gene gene transfer. transfer. Plant Plant cell cell and and tissue tissue culture; culture; micro-propagation; micro-propagation; somaclonal somaclonal variation. variation. Transformation; Transformation; recombination; recombination; Heterosis. Heterosis. General General application application of of biotechnology. biotechnology. Molecular Molecular and and immunological immunological techniques. techniques. Concept Concept of of bioinformatics, bioinformatics, genomics genomics and and proteomics. proteomics. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Plant Plant Physiology/ Physiology/ Crop Crop Physiology: Physiology: Plant Plant physiology– physiology— importance importance in in agriculture. agriculture. Seed Seed germination, germination, viability viability and and vigour. vigour. PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis- significance significance of of C-3, C-3, C-4 C-4 and and CAM CAM pathway; pathway; photorespiration photorespiration and and its its implications. implications. Translocation Translocation of of assimilates; assimilates; dry dry matter matter partitioning; partitioning; Harvest Harvest index index of of crops. crops. Growth Growth and and development; development; growth growth analysis; analysis; crop-water crop-water relationship. relationship. Plant Plant nutrients nutrients and and their their functions. functions. Phytohormones Phytohormones and and their their physiological physiological role. role. Photo-periodism, Photo-periodism, vernalisation; vernalisation; pollination/ pollination/ fertilization fertilization in in flowering flowering plants. plants. Post-harvest Post-harvest physiology physiology and and its its significance. significance. Code Code 02: 02: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- PLANT PLANT SCIENCES SCIENCES (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 2.1: 2.1: Plant Plant Breeding Breeding & & Genetics, Genetics, 2.2: 2.2: Plant Plant Pathology, Pathology, 2.3: 2.3: Agricultural Agricultural Microbiology/Microbiology, Microbiology/Microbiology, 2.4: Seed Science & Technology, 2.5: Plant Genetic 2.4: Seed Science & Technology, 2.5: Plant Genetic Resources) Resources) UNIT-I: Agriculture in UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, potato and mango. Major soils of India, role of chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, potato and mango. Major soils of India, role of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. UNIT-II: function of UNIT-II: Structure Structure and and function of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics; genetics; elementary elementary knowledge knowledge of of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, respiration, and and transpiration; transpiration; structure structure and and functions functions of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, enzymes enzymes and and vitamins. vitamins. Major Major pests pests and and diseases diseases of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, cotton, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Characteristics Characteristics of of prokaryotic prokaryotic and and eukaryotic eukaryotic organisms, organisms, differences differences between between fungi, fungi, bacteria, bacteria, mycoplasmas mycoplasmas and and viruses; viruses; physical physical and and chemical chemical basis basis of of heredity; heredity; chromosome chromosome structure; structure; genes/operon genes/operon concept; concept; protein protein biosynthesis; biosynthesis; transformation, transformation, recombination, recombination, Heterosis; Heterosis; Elements Elements of of economic economic botany; botany; integrated integrated diseases diseases management; management; sterilisation, sterilisation, disinfection disinfection and and pasteurization; pasteurization; Koch’s Koch’s postulates; postulates; etiological etiological agents agents of of rusts, 1 smuts, witches- broom; smuts, powdery/downy powdery/downy mildews, mildews, wilts, wilts, yellows, yellows, mosaic, mosaic, necrosis, necrosis, enations, enations, blights blights and and witchesbroom; pH, pH, buffer, buffer, vitamins, fertilization in vitamins, role role of of plant plant hormones hormones in in seed seed germination germination and and dormancy; dormancy; pollination/ pollination/ fertilization in flowering flowering plants; plants; methods methods of of seed seed testing; testing; breeders, breeders, foundation foundation and and certified certified seeds; seeds; seed seed production production in in self self and and cross cross pollinated pollinated crops, crops, nitrate nitrate assimilation; assimilation; biological biological nitrogen nitrogen fixation fixation and and other other uses uses of of microorganisms microorganisms in in agriculture. agriculture. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Food Food and and industry; industry; composting composting and and biogas biogas production. production. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; organizational set up of agricultural research, education and extension in India. India; organizational set up of agricultural research, education and extension in India. Code Code 03: 03: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- PHYSICAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE (Sub-Subjects: Agricultural // Agro. Agro. Meteorology, (Sub-Subjects: 3.1: 3.1: Agricultural Meteorology, 3.2 3.2 :: Soil Soil Science Science & & Agricultural Agricultural Chemistry/ Chemistry/ Soil Soil Conservation Conservation and and Water Water Management/ Management/ SWC/ SWC? Irrigation Irrigation and and Water Water Management, Management, 3.3: 3.3: Agricultural Agricultural Physics, Physics, 3.4: Agricultural Chemicals, 3.4: Agricultural Chemicals, 3.5 3.5: : Organic Organic Farming, Farming, 3.6: 3.6: Environmental Environmental Science.) Science.) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture Agriculture in in national national perspective; perspective; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production, production, diversification, diversification, diversification wheat diversification of of Agriculture, Agriculture, principle principle of of nutrient nutrient and and water water management, management, package package of of practices practices for for rice, rice, wheat sorghum, sorghum, maize, maize, chickpea, chickpea, pigeon pigeon pea, pea, potato, potato, sugarcane, sugarcane, groundnut, groundnut, major major vegetable vegetable crops. crops. Role Role of of essential essential plant plant nutrients, nutrients, their their deficiency deficiency symptoms symptoms and and management management options. options. Structure Structure and and function function of of plant plant cells, cells, cell cell division, division, Basic Basic concept concept of of plant plant physiology physiology relating relating to to crop crop productionproduction- Biochemical Biochemical compounds compounds viz, viz, carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, enzymes, enzymes, fats, fats, liquid liquid vitamins vitamins and and their their function, function, developmental developmental programmes programmes relating relating to to rural rural upliftment upliftment and and livelihood livelihood security; security; organisational organisational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural education education research research and and extension future strategies extension and and future strategies for for up up gradation. gradation. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Volumetric Volumetric and and gravimetric gravimetric analysis analysis including including complexmetric complexmetric methods, methods, periodic periodic classification classification of of element, element, Basic Basic principle principle of of instrumental instrumental analysis analysis including including spectro-photometry spectro-photometry (Absorption (Absorption and and emission emission spectrography), spectrography), Atomic structure –elementary concept Atomic structure —elementary concept of of radioactivity, radioactivity, element element and and compound compound common common ion ion effect, effect, solubility solubility product— product— hydrolysis hydrolysis of of salts, salts, buffer buffer solution solution indicates indicates equivalent equivalent weights weights and and standard standard solution. solution. Elementary Elementary concepts concepts of of organic organic compoundscompounds- nomenclature nomenclature and and classifications classifications including including hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, alcohol, alcohol, aldehydes, aldehydes, acids acids and and esters, esters, carbohydrates, carbohydrates, fats fats and and liquids, liquids, amino amino acids, acids, nucleic nucleic acids. acids. Pesticides, Pesticides, their their classification classification and and uses; uses; biopesticides biopesticides and and botanical botanical pesticides. pesticides. UNIT-III: UNIT-II: Soil Soil as as a a medium medium for for plant plant growth, growth, composition composition of of earth’s earth’s crust, crust, weathering weathering of of rocks rocks and and minerals, minerals, components components of of soilsoil- their their importance, importance, soil soil profile, profile, soil soil partialspartials- physical physical mineralogical mineralogical and and chemical chemical nature. nature. Mechanical Mechanical analysis, analysis, Stokes Stokes law, law, assumptions, assumptions, limitations limitations and and applications. applications. Soil, Soil, physical physical propertiesproperties- density, density, porosity, porosity, texture, texture, soil soil structure structure and and their their brief brief descriptions. descriptions. Rheological Rheological properties properties in in soils, soils, calculations calculations of of porosity porosity and and bulk factors affecting bulk density. density. Soil Soil air-Aeration, air-Aeration, causes causes of of poor poor aeration, aeration, factors affecting aeration, aeration, importance importance for for plant plant growth. growth. Soil Soil temperature temperature -- sources sources and and losses losses of of soil soil heat. heat. Factors Factors affecting affecting soil soil temperature, temperature, its its importance importance in in plant plant growth. water, soil-water-energy growth. Soil Soil waterwater- structure structure of of water, soil-water-energy relationship, relationship, classifications, classifications, surface surface tension tension and and movement movement in in soil. soil. Soil Soil colloidscolloids- properties, properties, structure structure of of silicate silicate clay clay minerals, minerals, sources sources of of negative negative charges, charges, properties, properties, kaolinite, kaolinite, illite, illite, montmorillonite montmorillonite and and vermiculite vermiculite clay clay minerals, minerals, milli-equivalent milli-equivalent concept concept ,, cation cation exchange capacity, anion exchange capacity, buffering of soils. Problem soilsacid, saline, exchange capacity, anion exchange capacity, buffering of soils. Problem soils- acid, saline, sodic sodic and and acid acid sulphate formation, problems sulphate soils soils —– their their characteristics, characteristics, formation, problems and and management. management. Irrigation, Irrigation, water water quality quality and and its its evaluation. with upland evaluation. Waterlogged Waterlogged soilssoils- basic basic features, features, distinction distinction with upland soils. soils. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Essential Essential plant plant nutrientsnutrients- criteria criteria of of essentiality, essentiality, functions functions for for plant plant growth, growth, mechanisms mechanisms for for movement movement and and uptake uptake of of ions ions in in soils soils and and plants, plants, Forms Forms of of nutrients nutrients in in soils, soils, deficiency deficiency symptoms symptoms on on plants, plants, luxury luxury consumption, consumption, nutrient nutrient interactions interactions and and chelated chelated micronutrients. micronutrients. Soil Soil fertility, fertility, evaluation evaluation and and management management for for plant plant growth, growth, soil soil testing testing and and fertilizer fertilizer recommendations. recommendations. Soil Soil classificationsclassifications- diagnostic diagnostic surface surface and and subsubsurface surface horizons, horizons, soil soil surveysurvey- types, types, objectives, objectives, uses, uses, land land capability capability classifications. classifications. Remote Remote sensing sensing and and its its application application in in agriculture, agriculture, SIS, SIS, GIS GIS and and GPSGPS- basic basic features features and and uses uses in in agriculture, agriculture, Elementary Elementary concepts concepts of of radio radio isotopes isotopes and and uses uses in in agriculture. agriculture. Soil Soil micro-organisms, micro-organisms, Classifications Classifications and and their their roles. roles. Organic Organic mattermatterdecomposition, decomposition, C:N C:N ratios, ratios, mineralization mineralization and and immobilization immobilization processes, processes, humus, humus, role role of of organic organic matter matter in in soil soil quality. Soil erosion, types and control measures. Fertilizers and manuresclassifications, NPK fertilizers, quality. Soil erosion, types and control measures. Fertilizers and manures- classifications, NPK fertilizers, their their reactions water pollutionreactions in in soils, soils, green green manuring, manuring, recycling recycling of of organic organic wastes, wastes, composting. composting. Soil Soil and and water pollution- sources, sources, brief idea about different pollutants in soils and their managements. brief idea about different pollutants in soils and their 2 Code Code 04: 04: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- ENTOMOLOGY ENTOMOLOGY AND AND NEMATOLOGY NEMATOLOGY (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 4.1 4.1: : Entomology, Entomology, 4.2 4.2 :: Nematology, Nematology, 4.3: 4.3: Sericulture) Sericulture) UNIT-I: Agriculture in UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, chickpea, pigeon-pea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, sugarcane, groundnut, groundnut, tomato, tomato, cole cole crops, crops, mango, mango, grapes, grapes, banana, banana, oilseeds oilseeds other other than than groundnut, groundnut, soybean soybean and and mustard. mustard. Major Major soils soils of of India, India, role role of of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. Mendelian Mendelian genetics; genetics; elementary elementary knowledge knowledge of of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, respiration, and and transpiration; transpiration; Major Major cropping cropping systems systems cropping, crop rotations, mixed cropping); soil degradation-soil salinity and acidity (rice-wheat (rice-wheat cropping, crop rotations, mixed cropping); soil degradation-soil salinity and acidity and and management; some aspects of post-harvest technology; varietal improvement; importance management; some aspects of post-harvest technology; varietal improvement; importance of of Heterosis Heterosis in in crop crop production; production; crop crop protection protection principles principles in in field field and and storage. storage. Major Major insect insect pests pests and and diseases diseases of of agricultural agricultural crops crops like like rice, rice, cotton, cotton, pulses, pulses, oilseed oilseed crops crops like like groundnut, groundnut, soybean soybean and and mustard, mustard, vegetables vegetables like like tomato, tomato, cole cole crops; crops; fruit crops fruit crops like like mango mango and and banana banana and and their their management management principles. principles. Transgenic Transgenic crops. crops. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organizational organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India; India; Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Classification Classification of of animal animal kingdom kingdom up up to to class; class; distinguishing distinguishing characters characters up up to to orders orders in in class class Insecta; Insecta; general general organization of an insect external morphology with special reference to lepidopteran larvae, coleopteran organization of an insect external morphology with special reference to lepidopteran larvae, coleopteran adults; adults; and and honeybee; honeybee; metamorphosis metamorphosis and and moulting; moulting; different different physiological physiological systems; systems; insectinsect- plant plant relationship; relationship; insect insect pests pests of of agricultural agricultural and and horticultural horticultural crops, crops, and and their their stored/processed stored/processed products, products, insect insect vectors vectors of of plant plant diseases-identification, diseases-identification, biology, biology, nature nature of of damage, damage, and and their their management management tactics; tactics; and and pests pests of of household, household, medical medical and and veterinary veterinary importance importance and and their their control; control; useful useful and and beneficial beneficial insects insects like like honeybee, honeybee, lac lac insect, insect, silkworm and pollinators; Nematode taxonomy, biology of important plant parasitic nematodes and their silkworm and pollinators; Nematode taxonomy, biology of important plant parasitic nematodes and their control; control; entomopathogenic entomopathogenic nematodes, nematodes, basic basic principles principles of of insect insect and and nematode nematode pest pest management-cultural, management-cultural, biological, biological, insecticidal, quarantine, and regulatory aspects; insecticide classification insecticidal, quarantine, and regulatory aspects; insecticide classification and and insecticide insecticide resistance resistance management; management; and and insect insect protective protective transgenic transgenic crops. crops. Code Code 05: 05: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- AGRONOMY AGRONOMY (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 5.1: 5.1: Agronomy) Agronomy) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: General: General: Importance Importance of of Agriculture Agriculture in in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, potato. Major soils of India, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, potato. Major soils of India, role role of of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. Structure Structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics: genetics: elementary elementary knowledge knowledge of of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, respiration, photorespiration photorespiration and and transpiration; transpiration; structure structure functions of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins. Major and and functions of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins. Major pests pests and and diseases diseases of of rice, wheat, cotton, rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organisational organisational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India; India; Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Principles Principles of of Agronomy, Agronomy, Crop Crop ecology ecology and and geography geography and and Agricultural Agricultural Meteorology: Meteorology: Agronomy Agronomy –meaning —meaning and and scope, scope, National & International agricultural research institutes in India, Agro climatic zones of India, Tillage, crop National & International agricultural research institutes in India, Agro climatic zones of India, Tillage, crop stand stand establishment establishment and and planting planting geometry geometry and and their their effect effect on on crop, crop, Physiological Physiological limits limits of of crop crop yield yield and and variability variability in in relation relation to to ecological ecological optima, optima, organic organic farming, farming, Precision Precision farming, farming, Integrated Integrated farming farming systems, systems, Principles Principles of of field field experimentation. experimentation. Principles Principles of of crop crop ecology ecology and and crop crop adaptation, adaptation, climate climate shift shift and and its its ecological ecological implications, implications, AgroAgroecological ecological regions regions in in India, India, Geographical Geographical distribution distribution of of crop crop plants, plants, Greenhouse Greenhouse effect, effect, Climatic Climatic factors factors and and their their effect effect on on plant plant processes processes and and crop crop productivity, productivity, Role Role of of GIS GIS and and GPS GPS in in agriculture. agriculture. Weather Weather & & climate, climate, Earth’s Earth’s atmosphere, atmosphere, Solar Solar radiation, radiation, Atmospheric Atmospheric temperature temperature and and global global warming. warming. Crops Crops and and atmospheric atmospheric humidity, humidity, Weather Weather forecasting. forecasting. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Field Field crops: crops: Origin, Origin, distribution, distribution, economic economic importance, importance, soil soil and and climatic climatic requirement, requirement, varieties, varieties, cultural cultural practices and yield of cereals ( rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, minor millets, practices and yield of cereals ( rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, minor millets, barley), barley), pulses pulses (chickpea, (chickpea, lentil, lentil, peas, peas, Pigeon Pigeon pea, pea, mungbean, mungbean, urdbean), urdbean), oilseeds oilseeds (groundnut, (groundnut, sesame, sesame, soybean, soybean, rapeseed rapeseed & & mustard, jute, sun mustard, sunflower, sunflower, safflower, safflower, linseed), linseed), fiber fiber crops crops (cotton, (cotton, jute, sun hemp), hemp), sugar sugar crops(sugarcane), crops(sugarcane), fodder fodder & & forage crops forage crops (sorghum, (sorghum, maize, maize, napier, napier, berseem, berseem, Lucerne, Lucerne, oats), oats), medicinal medicinal & & aromatic aromatic plants plants (menthe, (menthe, lemon lemon grass grass and and isabgol) isabgol) and and commercial commercial crops(potato, crops(potato, tobacco). tobacco). UNIT-IV: weed Weed management: management: Principles Principles of of weed weed management, management, Classification, Classification, biology biology and and ecology ecology of of weeds, weeds, crop crop weed UNIT-IV: Weed competition competition and and allelopathy, allelopathy, concepts concepts and and methods methods of of weed weed control, control, Integrated Integrated weed weed management, 3 Classification, Classification, formulations, formulations, selectivity selectivity and and resistance resistance of of herbicides, herbicides, Herbicide Herbicide persistence persistence in in soil soil and and plants, plants, Application methods weeds Application methods and and equipments, equipments, Weed Weed flora flora shifts shifts in in cropping cropping systems, systems, Special Special and and problematic problematic weeds and and their their management management in in cropped cropped and and non-cropped non-cropped situations, situations, Weed Weed management management in in field field crops. crops. UNIT-V: UNIT-V: Water Water management: management: Principles Principles of of irrigation, irrigation, Water Water resources resources and and irrigation irrigation development development in in India, India, Water Water and and irrigation irrigation requirements, requirements, Concepts Concepts and and approaches approaches of of irrigation irrigation scheduling, scheduling, Methods Methods of of irrigation, irrigation, Measurement Measurement of of irrigation irrigation water, water, application, application, distribution distribution and and use use efficiencies, efficiencies, Conjunctive Conjunctive use use of of water, water, Irrigation Irrigation water water quality quality and and its its management, management, water water management management in in major major field, field, crops crops (rice, (rice, wheat, wheat, maize, maize, groundnut, groundnut, sugarcane) Agricultural drainage. sugarcane) Agricultural drainage. UNIT-VI: UNIT-VI: Soil Soil fertility fertility and and fertilizer fertilizer use: use: Essential Essential plant plant nutrients nutrients and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms, symptoms, concept concept of of essentiality essentiality of of plant plant nutrients, nutrients, Indicators Indicators of of soil soil fertility fertility and and productivity, productivity, Fertilizer Fertilizer materials materials and and their their availability availability to to plants, plants, slow slow release fertilizers, Nitrification release fertilizers, Nitrification inhibitors, inhibitors, Principles Principles and and methods methods of of fertilizer fertilizer application, application, Integrated Integrated nutrient nutrient management, management, site site specific specific nutrient nutrient management. management. UNIT-VII: UNIT-VII: Dryland Dryland Agronomy: Agronomy: Characteristics Characteristics of of Dryland Dryland farming farming and and delineation delineation of of Dryland Dryland tracts, tracts, constraints constraints of of Dryland Dryland farming farming in in India, India, Types Types of of drought drought and and their their management, management, contingency contingency crop crop planning planning and and midmid- season season corrections for aberrant weather and corrections for aberrant weather and its its recycling. recycling. Watershed Watershed management. management. UNIT-VIII: UNIT-VIII Problem Problem soils soils :: Problem Problem soils soils and and their their distribution distribution in in India, India, Characteristics Characteristics and and reclamation reclamation of of these these soils, soils, Crop Crop production production techniques techniques in in problem problem soils. soils. UNIT-IX: UNIT-IX: Sustainable Sustainable land land use use systems: systems: Sustainable Sustainable agriculture: agriculture: parameters parameters and and indicators, indicators, Conservation Conservation agriculture, agriculture, safe waste for for crop Alternate safe disposal disposal of of agri-industrial agri-industrial waste crop production, production, Agro-forestry Agro-forestry systems, systems, shifting shifting cultivation, cultivation, Alternate land land use use systems, systems, Wastelands Wastelands and and their their remediation remediation for for crop crop production. production. Code Code 06: 06: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- SOCIAL SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCES (Sub-Subjects: Agricultural Economics, (Sub-Subjects: 6.1: 6.1: Agricultural Economics, 6.2: 6.2: Agriculture Agriculture Extension Extension Education) Education) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture Agriculture in in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango. Major soils of India, role of NPK chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango. Major soils of India, role of NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. Structure Structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles, organelles, mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics; genetics; elementary elementary knowledge knowledge of of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, respiration, and and transpiration; transpiration; structure structure and and functions functions of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins. Major pests and diseases of rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins. Major pests and diseases of rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organisational organisational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India; India; Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. Measures Measures of of central central tendency tendency and and dispersion, dispersion, regression regression and correlation; concept of probability, sampling techniques and tests of significance. and correlation; concept of probability, sampling techniques and tests of significance. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Theory Theory of of consumer consumer behaviour, behaviour, theory theory of of demand, demand, elasticity elasticity of of demand, demand, indifference indifference curve curve analysis, analysis, theory theory of of firm, cost firm, cost curves, curves, theory theory of of supply, supply, price price determination, determination, market market classification, classification, concept concept of of macroeconomics, macroeconomics, money money and and banking, banking, national national income. income. Agricultural Agricultural marketing—role, marketing—role, practice, practice, institutions, institutions, problems problems and and reforms, reforms, role of capital and credit in agriculture, crop insurance, credit institutions, cooperatives, capital role of capital and credit in agriculture, crop insurance, credit institutions, cooperatives, capital formation formation in in agriculture, agriculture, agrarian agrarian reforms, reforms, globalization, globalization, WTO WTO && its its impact impact on on Indian Indian agriculture. agriculture. UNIT-III: farming systems, UNIT-III: Basic Basic principles principles of of farm farm management, management, concept concept of of farming farming system system and and economics economics of of farming systems, agricultural production economics-scope and analysis, factor-product relationship, marginal cost agricultural production economics-scope and analysis, factor-product relationship, marginal cost and and marginal marginal revenue, farm planning Agricultural finance: finance: nature revenue, farm planning and and budgeting, budgeting, Agricultural nature and and scope. scope. Time Time value value of of money, money, Compounding Agricultural credit: Compounding and and discounting. discounting. Agricultural credit: meaning, meaning, definition, definition, need, need, classification. classification. Credit Credit analysis: analysis: 4R’s, 4R’s, 5C’s 5C’s and and 7 7 P’s P’s of of credit, credit, repayment repayment plans. plans. History History of of financing financing agriculture agriculture in in India. India. Commercial Commercial banks, banks, of commercial banks. Lead bank scheme, regional rural banks, scale nationalization nationalization of commercial banks. Lead bank scheme, regional rural banks, scale of of finance. finance. Higher Higher financing agencies, financing agencies, RBI, RBI, NABARD, NABARD, AFC, AFC, Asian Asian Development Development Bank, Bank, World World Bank, Bank, role role of of capital capital and and credit credit in in agriculture; agriculture; credit credit institutions, institutions, co-operatives co-operatives and and agrarian agrarian reforms reforms in in India. India. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Extension Extension EducationEducation- concept, concept, meaning, meaning, principles, principles, philosophy, philosophy, scope scope and and importance; importance; Extension Extension programme programme planning and evaluationsteps and principles, models of organizing agricultural extension; historical planning and evaluation- steps and principles, models of organizing agricultural extension; historical development development of of extension extension in in USA, USA, Japan Japan and and India. India. Rural Rural development, development, meaning, meaning, importance importance and and problems; problems; Rural Rural development development 44 programmes programmes in in IndiaIndia- Pre-independence Pre-independence era era to to recent recent ones; ones; Extension Extension teaching teaching methods, methods, definition definition and and concept of sociology, differences between rural & urban communities, social stratification., social groups, social concept of sociology, differences between rural & urban communities, social stratification., social groups, social organization organization and and social social change. change. Rural Rural leadership, leadership, educational educational psychologypsychology- learning learning and and teaching, teaching, role role of of personality personality in in agricultural agricultural extension extension Indian Indian rural rural systemsystem- its its characteristics; characteristics; value value system, system, cost cost and and class; class; structure structure and and customs; customs; rural rural group group organization organization and and adult adult education. education. UNIT-V: UNIT-V: Communication, Communication, principles, principles, concepts, concepts, process, process, elements elements and and barriers barriers in in teaching teaching methods. methods. Different Different kinds kinds of of communication communication methods methods and and media media and and AV AV aids/materials. aids/materials. Media Media mix, mix, Campaign, Campaign, Cyber Cyber extensionextension- internet, internet, cybercafé, journalism, diffusion cybercafé, Kisan Kisan Call Call Centers, Centers, teleconferencing, teleconferencing, agriculture agriculture journalism, diffusion and and adoption adoption of of innovations-adopter innovations-adopter categories, categories, capacity capacity building building of of extension extension personnel personnel and and farmersfarmers- training training to to farmers, farmers, women women and and rural rural youth. youth. Code Code 07: 07: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- STATISTICAL STATISTICAL SCIENCES SCIENCES (Sub-Subjects: Agricultural Statistics, (Sub-Subjects: 7.1: 7.1: Agricultural Statistics, 7.2: 7.2: Computer Computer Application, Application, 7.3: 7.3: Bioinformatics) Bioinformatics) UNIT-I: Agriculture: Importance Agriculture/Forestry/Livestock in UNIT-I: Agriculture: Importance of of Agriculture/Forestry/Livestock in national national economy. economy. Basic Basic principles principles of of crop crop production. production. Major Major diseases diseases and and pests pests of of crops. crops. Elementary Elementary principles principles of of economics economics and and agri-extension. agri-extension. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India. India. Organizational Organizational set set up up of of Agricultural Agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Mathematics: Mathematics: Real Real and and complex complex numbers; numbers; polynomial polynomial and and roots; roots; de de Moivre’s Moivre’s theorem theorem and and its its applications. applications. Elements Elements of of set set theorytheory- De De Morgan’s Morgan’s laws; laws; vector vector space, space, linear linear independence, independence, orthogonality; orthogonality; matricesmatrices- addition addition and and multiplication, multiplication, rank rank of of a a matrix, matrix, determinants, determinants, inverse inverse of of a a matrix, matrix, solution solution of of a a system system of of linear linear equations, equations, characteristic characteristic roots roots and and vectors; vectors; convergence convergence of of infinite infinite sequences sequences and and infinite infinite seriesseries- tests tests for for convergence, convergence, absolute absolute convergence; convergence; co-ordinate co-ordinate geometry geometry in in two two dimensions dimensions - - line, line, circle, circle, parabola, parabola, ellipse ellipse and and hyperbola. hyperbola. Differential Differential calculus: calculus: limits, limits, differentiation differentiation of of function function of of a a single single variable; variable; Taylor’s Taylor's and and Maclaurin’s Maclaurin’s theorems, theorems, mean-value mean-value theorem; theorem; maxima maxima and and minima; minima; indeterminate indeterminate form; form; curvature, curvature, asymptotes, asymptotes, tracing tracing of of curves, curves, function of functions and function of two two or or more more independent independent variables, variables, partial partial differentiation, differentiation, homogeneous homogeneous functions and Euler’s Euler’s theorem, theorem, composite composite functions, functions, total total derivatives, derivatives, derivative derivative of of an an implicit implicit function, function, change change of of variables, variables, Jacobians. Jacobians. Integral Integral calculus: calculus: integration integration by by simple simple methods, methods, standard standard forms, forms, simple simple definite definite integrals, integrals, double double integrals, integrals, change change of of order order of of integration, integration, Gamma Gamma and and Beta Beta functions, functions, application application of of double double integrals integrals to to find find area. area. Ordinary Ordinary differential differential equations: equations: differential differential equations equations of of first first order, order, Exact Exact and and Bernoulli’s Bernoulli's differential differential equations, equations, equations equations reducible reducible to to exact exact form form by by integrating integrating factors, factors, equations equations of of first first order order and and higher higher degree, degree, Clairaut’s Clairaut’s equation, equation, methods methods of of finding finding complementary complementary functions functions and and particular particular integrals. integrals. Calculus Calculus of of finite finite differences, differences, interpolation; interpolation; numerical numerical differentiation differentiation and and integration, integration, difference difference equations; equations; solution solution of of simple simple non-linear non-linear equations equations by by numerical numerical methods methods like like NewtonNewton- Raphson Raphson method. method. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Introduction: Introduction: Statistics Statistics —– definition, definition, use use and and limitations; limitations; Frequency Frequency Distribution Distribution and and Curves; Curves; Measures Measures of of Central Tendency: Arithmetic mean; Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Median, Mode; Measures Central Tendency: Arithmetic mean; Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Median, Mode; Measures of of Dispersion: Dispersion: Range, Range, Mean Mean deviation, deviation, Quartile Quartile deviation, deviation, Variance Variance and and Coefficient Coefficient of of Variation; Variation; Probability: Probability: Definition and concepts, law of addition and multiplication, conditional probability, Bayes’ Definition and concepts, law of addition and multiplication, conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem; theorem; Binomial, Binomial, multinomial, multinomial, Poisson Poisson and and normal normal distribution; distribution; Introduction Introduction to to Sampling: Sampling: Random Random Sampling; Sampling; Standard Standard Error; Error; Tests Tests of of Significance Significance -- Types Types of of Errors, Errors, Null Null Hypothesis, Hypothesis, Level Level of of Significance, Significance, Testing Testing of of hypothesis; hypothesis; Large Large Sample for Means, Sample TestTest- SND SND test test for Means, Single Single Sample Sample and and Two Two Samples; Samples; Student’s Student’s t-test t-test for for Single Single Sample, Sample, Two Two Samples Samples and and Paired Paired tt test. test. F F test; test; Chi-Square Chi-Square Test Test for for goodness goodness of of fit fit and and independence independence of of attributes; attributes; Correlation Correlation and and Regression Regression and and associated associated tests tests of of significance. significance. Experimental Experimental Designs: Designs: basic basic principles, principles, Analysis of Analysis of variance, variance, Completely Completely Randomized Randomized Design Design (CRD), (CRD), Randomized Randomized Block Block Design Design (RBD). (RBD). UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Computers: Computers: input, input, output output devices, devices, memory, memory, hardware, hardware, software; software; Classification, Classification, booting booting computer. computer. Viruses, Viruses, worms and antivirus. Operating Systemsome DOS commands, FORMAT, DIR, COPY, PATH, MD, worms and antivirus. Operating System- some DOS commands, FORMAT, DIR, COPY, PATH, MD, CD CD and and DELTREE. DELTREE. Types Types of of files. files. WINDOWS: WINDOWS: Desktop Desktop and and its its elements, elements, WINDOWS WINDOWS Explorer, Explorer, working working with with files files and and folders; setting Applications -– MSWORD: folders; setting time time and and date. date. Anatomy Anatomy of of WINDOWS. WINDOWS. Applications MSWORD: Word Word processing processing featuresfeaturesCreating, Creating, Editing, Editing, Formatting Formatting and and Saving; Saving; MSEXCEL: MSEXCEL: Electronic Electronic spreadsheets, spreadsheets, concept, concept, packages. packages. Creating, Creating, editing functions. Excel editing and and saving saving a a spreadsheet. spreadsheet. In-built In-built statistical statistical and and other other functions. Excel data data analysis analysis tools, tools, Correlation Correlation and ANOVA with with one-way and regression, regression, t-test t-test for for two-samples two-samples and and ANOVA one-way classification. classification. Creating Creating graphs. graphs. MS MS Power Power 5 Point Point and and its its features. features. MSACCESS: MSACCESS: Concept Concept of of Database, Database, creating creating database; database; Computer Computer programming: programming: Flow Flow charts Algorithms, Programming charts and and Algorithms, Programming languageslanguages- BASIC, BASIC, FORTRAN FORTRAN and and C. C. Internet: Internet: World World Wide Wide Web Web (WWW), (WWW), Concepts, web browsing Concepts, web browsing and and electronic electronic mail. mail. Bioinformatics Bioinformatics -- NCBI NCBI Genebank Genebank sequence sequence databasedatabase- primary primary and and secondary secondary database. database. Code Code 08: 08: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- HORTICULTURE HORTICULTURE (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 8.1: 8.1: Vegetable Vegetable Science Science 8.2: 8.2: Fruit Fruit Science Science 8.3: 8.3: Post-Harvest Post-Harvest Management Management 8.4: 8.4: Floriculture Floriculture & & Landscaping Aromatic Crops) Landscaping 8.5: 8.5: Plantation Plantation Spices, Spices, Medicinal Medicinal and and Aromatic Crops) UNIT-I: Agriculture in UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango. Major soils of India, role of NPK and chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango. Major soils of India, role of NPK and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. Structure Structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics; genetics; elementary knowledge of respiration, structure elementary knowledge of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, and and transpiration; transpiration; structure and and functions functions of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, enzymes enzymes and and vitamins. vitamins. Major Major pests pests and and diseases diseases of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, cotton, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organizational organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India; India; Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Layout Layout and and establishment establishment of of orchards; orchards; pruning pruning and and training; training; propagation, propagation, climatic climatic requirement requirement and and cultivation cultivation of of fruits fruits like like mango, mango, banana, banana, citrus, citrus, guava, guava, grape, grape, pineapple, pineapple, papaya, papaya, apple, apple, pear, pear, peach peach and and plum; plum; cultivation cultivation of of plantation plantation crops crops like like coconut coconut and and cashew cashew nut nut and and spices spices like like black black pepper, pepper, coriander, coriander, turmeric, turmeric, important important physiological physiological disorders; disorders; major major vegetable vegetable crops crops of of tropical, tropical, subtropical subtropical and and temperate temperate regions regions ‘like ‘like cole cole crops crops (cauliflower, (cauliflower, cabbage cabbage and and knol knol khol), khol), cucurbits cucurbits (pumpkin, (pumpkin, bottlegourd, bottlegourd, bittergourd, bittergourd, luffa, luffa, muskmelon muskmelon and and watermelon, watermelon, cucumber), cucumber), root root crops crops (radish, (radish, tapioca tapioca sweet sweet potato potato and and potato), potato), leafy leafy vegetables vegetables (fenugreek (fenugreek and and spinach); spinach); solanaceous solanaceous crops crops (tomato, fruits and (tomato, chillies chillies and and brinjal); brinjal); techniques techniques for for raising raising the the nursery; nursery; nutritive nutritive value value of of fruits and vegetables vegetables and and their their role role in in human human nutrition; nutrition; basic basic physiology physiology of of ripening ripening in in fruits fruits and and vegetables vegetables and and their their products; products; type type of of fruits fruits and and vegetable floricultural crops vegetable products products and and control control of of fungal fungal and and bacterial bacterial diseases; diseases; major major floricultural crops grown grown in in India India for for commercial commercial purposes purposes like like rose, rose, carnation, carnation, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, marigold, marigold, tuberose, tuberose, gladiolus, gladiolus, orchids; orchids; establishment establishment and and maintenance maintenance of of lawns, lawns, trees, trees, shrubs, shrubs, creepers, creepers, hedges hedges and and annuals; annuals; type type of of gardens, gardens, methods methods of of crop crop improvement; improvement; male male sterility sterility and and incompatibility; incompatibility; pure pure line line and and pedigree pedigree selection; selection; backcross, backcross, mass mass selection; selection; heterosis; heterosis; plant plant nutrients, nutrients, deficiency deficiency symptoms symptoms of of nutrients, nutrients, manures manures and and fertilisers, fertilisers, systems systems of of irrigation, irrigation, management management of of important important pests pests and and diseases diseases of of fruits fruits and and vegetables. vegetables. Code Code 09: 09: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- FORESTRY/AGROFORESTRY FORESTRY/AGROFORESTRY & & SILVICULTURE SILVICULTURE (Sub-Subjects: Agroforestry 9.3: (Sub-Subjects: 9.1: 9.1: Forest Forest Production Production & & Utilization Utilization 9.2: 9.2: Silviculture Silviculture & & Agroforestry 9.3: Forest Forest Resource Resource Management Management 9.4: 9.4: Forest Forest Biology Biology and and Tree Tree Improvement) Improvement) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of Agriculture/Forestry/Livestock Agriculture/Forestry/Livestock in in national national economy. economy. Basic Basic principles principles of of crop crop production. production. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India India Elementary Elementary principles principles of of economics economics and and agri-extension. agri-extension. Organizational Organizational set set up up of of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. Major Major diseases diseases and and pests pests of of crops. crops. Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: ForestForest- importance, importance, types, types, classification, classification, ecosystem, ecosystem, biotic biotic and and abiotic abiotic components, components, ecological ecological succession succession and and climax, climax, nursery nursery and and planting planting technique, technique, social social forestry, forestry, farm farm forestry, forestry, urban urban forestry, forestry, community community forestry, forestry, forest forest management, management, silvicultural silvicultural practices, practices, forest forest mensuration, mensuration, natural natural regeneration, regeneration, man-made man-made plantations, plantations, shifting shifting cultivation, cultivation, taungya, taungya, dendrology, dendrology, hardwoods, hardwoods, softwoods, softwoods, pulp pulp woods, woods, fuel fuel woods, woods, multipurpose multipurpose tree tree species, species, wasteland management. wasteland management. Agroforestry Agroforestry —– importance importance and and land land use use systems, systems, forest forest soils, soils, classification classification and and conservation, watershed management, conservation, watershed management, forest forest genetics genetics and and biotechnology biotechnology and and tree tree improvement, improvement, tree tree seed seed technology, wildlife —– importance, forest products technology, rangelands, rangelands, wildlife importance, abuse, abuse, depletion, depletion, management, management, major major and and minor minor forest products including including medicinal medicinal and and aromatic aromatic plants, plants, forest forest inventory, inventory, aerial aerial photo photo interpretation interpretation and and remote remote sensing, sensing, forest forest depletion depletion and and degradation degradation —– importance importance and and impact impact on on environment, environment, global global warming, warming, role role of of forests forests and and trees trees in in climate climate mitigation, mitigation, tree tree diseases, diseases, wood wood decay decay and and discolouration, discolouration, tree tree pests, pests, integrated integrated pest pest and and disease disease management, management, biological biological and and chemical chemical wood wood preservation, preservation, forest forest conservation, conservation, Indian Indian forest forest policies, policies, Indian Indian forest act, forest engineering, joint forest forest act, forest engineering, forest forest economics, economics, joint forest management management and and tribology. 6 Code Code 10: 10: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- AGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING AND AND TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 10.1: 10.1: Soil Soil && Water Water Conservation Conservation Engineering, Engineering, 10.2: 10.2: Irrigation Irrigation and and Drainage Drainage Engineering Engineering 10.3 10.3 Processing and Food Engineering 10.4: Farm Machinery and Power Engineering 10.5: Renewable Processing and Food Engineering 10.4: Farm Machinery and Power Engineering 10.5: Renewable Energy Energy Engineering) Engineering) UNIT-I UNIT-I :: Elementary Elementary Statistics Statistics and and theory theory of of probability, probability, differential differential and and integral integral calculus, calculus, linear linear algebra algebra and and Fourier Fourier series, differential equations, vector algebra & vector calculus, elementary numerical analysis. series, differential equations, vector algebra & vector calculus, elementary numerical analysis. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Electric Electric motors: motors: Types, Types, performance, performance, selection, selection, installation installation and and maintenance, maintenance, measuring measuring instruments, instruments, fundamentals of computers, power distribution. fundamentals of computers, power distribution. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Thermodynamic Thermodynamic principles; principles; fluid fluid mechanics, mechanics, theory theory of of machines. machines. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Soil Soil mechanics, mechanics, soil soil classification, classification, compaction compaction & & shear shear strength strength of of soils, soils, engineering engineering mechanics, mechanics, strength strength of of materials. materials. UNIT-V: farm equipment UNIT-V: Importance Importance of of farm equipment and and role role of of mechanization mechanization in in enhancing enhancing productivity productivity & & profitability profitability of of Indian Indian agriculture; agriculture; analysis analysis of of forces, forces, design design and and production production of of farm farm machinery machinery and and power power units; units; mechanics mechanics of of tillage tillage & & traction traction operation, operation, repair repair and and maintenance maintenance of of farm farm machines machines and and equipment, equipment, farm farm engines; engines; tractors tractors and and power power tillers; tillers; tractor tractor stability stability and and operators operators comfort; comfort; field field capacity capacity and and cost cost analysis; analysis; test test codes codes and and procedure; procedure; safety safety and and ergonomic ergonomic principles. principles. Role Role of of energy energy in in economic economic development; development; solar, solar, wind wind and and bio-energy; bio-energy; biogas biogas plants plants & & gasifiers; gasifiers; biofuels biofuels from from biomass; biomass; collection, collection, characterization characterization and and storage storage of of biomass, biomass, solar solar cookers cookers & & solar solar refrigerators. refrigerators. UNIT-VI: UNIT-VI: Biochemical Biochemical and and engineering engineering properties properties of of biological biological materials; materials; quality quality control control & & safety safety of of raw raw and and finished finished products. products. Principles, Principles, practices practices and and equipments equipments for for drying, drying, milling, milling, separation separation and and storage storage of of agricultural agricultural produce produce and and by-products; by-products; material material handling handling equipment equipment and and operations; operations; farmstead farmstead planning; planning; heating heating & & cooling cooling load load calculation; calculation; seed seed processing processing practices practices and and equipments; equipments; food food preservation preservation methods methods and and products products development; development; refrigeration refrigeration and and air air conditioning; conditioning; cold cold stores; stores; waste waste management, management, cost cost analysis analysis & & food food processing processing plants plants layout, layout, feasibility feasibility reports. reports. UNIT-VII: UNIT-VII: Surveying Surveying and and leveling; leveling; hydrology, hydrology, water water resources resources in in India; India; efficiency efficiency in in water water use; use; irrigation irrigation system system and and equipment; water conveyances equipment; water conveyances and and associated associated efficiency; efficiency; soil-plant-water soil-plant-water relationship; relationship; estimation estimation of of evaporation water requirements evaporation and and water requirements of of crop; crop; water water harvesting harvesting and and use, use, farm farm ponds ponds and and reservoirs, reservoirs, command command area area development, development, land land use use capability capability classification, classification, ground ground water water development, development, wells wells and and pumping pumping equipment, equipment, soil soil erosion erosion and and its its control, control, land land shaping shaping and and grading grading equipment equipment and and practices, practices, hydraulic hydraulic structures, structures, drainage drainage of of irrigated irrigated and and humid humid areas; areas; salt salt balance balance and and reclamation reclamation of of saline saline and and alkaline alkaline soils. soils. Code Code 20: 20: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- WATER WATER SCIENCE SCIENCE AND AND TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY (Sub-Subject: (Sub-Subject: 20.1: 20.1: Water Water Science Science and and Technology) Technology) Unit-I: Unit-l: Importance Agriculture in Importance of of Agriculture in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, chickpea, pigeon-pea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, sugarcane, groundnut, groundnut, tomato tomato and and mango. mango. Major Major soils soils of of India, India, role role of of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. Structure Structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics; genetics; elementary knowledge of respiration, structure elementary knowledge of photosynthesis; photosynthesis; respiration, and and transpiration; transpiration; structure and and functions functions of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, enzymes enzymes and and vitamins. vitamins. Pests Pests and and diseases diseases of of major major crops crops and and their their management, management, important important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organizational organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. Unit-II: Unit-ll:_ Water Water resources resources of of India, India, surface surface and and groundnut groundnut resources, resources, rainfall, rainfall, rainfall-runoff rainfall-runoff relations, relations, measurement measurement and and estimation estimation of of runoff, runoff, irrigation irrigation development development in in India, India, command command area area development, development, watershed watershed management management principles, principles, government government schemes schemes in in watershed watershed management management program, program, water water harvesting harvesting structures structures including including farm ponds, water quality farm ponds, water quality including including physical, physical, chemical chemical and and biological biological properties. properties. Unit-III: Unit-lll: Physical Physical properties properties of of soils—texture, soils—texture, structure, structure, density density and and consistency, consistency, infiltration, infiltration, field field capacity, capacity, permanent permanent wilting point, wilting point, available available water water hydraulic hydraulic conductivity, conductivity, soil soil water water flow flow including including Darcy’s Darcy’s law, law, mechanical mechanical analysis, analysis, 7 chemical chemical properties properties of of pH, pH, EC, EC, atoms, atoms, molecules, molecules, colloids, colloids, clay clay mineral, mineral, major major and and trace trace elements, elements, salinity salinity and and sodicity, cation exchange capacity, evaporation, evapotranspiration, water requirements of crop, plant sodicity, cation exchange capacity, evaporation, evapotranspiration, water requirements of crop, plant growth growth process, process, soil soil and and water water conservation conservation practices practices and and tillage. tillage. Unit-IV: Unit-IV: Simultaneous Simultaneous and and quadratic quadratic equations, equations, differentiation differentiation and and integration, integration, differential differential equations, equations, elements elements of of statistics, frequency distribution, statistics, frequency distribution, probability probability concepts, concepts, basic basic concepts concepts of of economics, economics, energy, energy, horse horse power, power, efficiency efficiency of of machines, machines, concepts concepts of of fluid fluid flow, flow, hydrostatic hydrostatic pressure, pressure, surface surface tension, tension, irrigation irrigation water water distribution distribution and and control, control, irrigation irrigation methods, methods, irrigation irrigation efficiencies, efficiencies, irrigation irrigation scheduling, scheduling, water water lifting lifting devices devices and and pumps, pumps, construction water construction of of wells, wells, drainage drainage principles principles and and applications, applications, surface surface drainage, drainage, subsurface subsurface drainage, drainage, water pricing, pricing, water water laws laws and and irrigation irrigation acts. acts. Code Code 11: 11: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP – — COMMUNITY COMMUNITY SCIENCE SCIENCE (FORMERLY (FORMERLY HOME HOME SCIENCE) SCIENCE) (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 11.1: 11.1: Food Food & & Nutrition, Nutrition, 11.2: 11.2: Human Human Development Development & & Family Family Studies, Studies, 11.3: 11.3: Resource Resource Management Management and and Consumer Consumer Science, Science, 11.4: 11.4: Apparel Apparel and and Textile Textile Science, Science, 11.5: 11.5: Extension Extension Education Education and and Communication Communication Management) Management) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Importance Importance of of agriculture agriculture in in national national economy; economy; basic basic principles principles of of crop crop production; production; cultivation cultivation of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, chickpea, chickpea, pigeon-pea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, Sugarcane, groundnut, groundnut, tomato, tomato, and and mango. mango. Major Major soils soils of of India; India; role role of of NPK NPK and and their their deficiency deficiency symptoms. symptoms. General General structure structure and and function function of of cell cell organelles; organelles; mitosis mitosis and and meiosis; meiosis; Mendelian Mendelian genetics. genetics. Elementary Elementary knowledge knowledge of of growth, growth, development, development, photosynthesis, photosynthesis, respiration respiration and and transpiration; transpiration; Elements function of Elements of of economic economic botany. botany. General General structure structure and and function of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, enzymes enzymes and and vitamins. vitamins. Major Major pests pests and and diseases diseases of of rice, rice, wheat, wheat, cotton, cotton, chickpea, chickpea, sugarcane sugarcane and and their their management. management. Organic Organic farming; farming; biofertilizers; biofertilizers; biopesticides. biopesticides. Recombinant Recombinant DNA DNA technology; technology; transgenic transgenic crops. crops. Natural Natural Resources: Resources: forest, forest, water, water, mineral, mineral, food, food, energy energy and and land land resources. resources. Ecosystems. Ecosystems. Biodiversity Biodiversity & & its its conservation. conservation. Environmental Environmental pollution. pollution. Environmental Environmental ethics. ethics. Important Important rural rural development development programmes programmes in in India; India; organizational organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. Elements Elements of of Statistics. Statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Elements Elements of of Human Human Nutrition Nutrition i.e. i.e. Food Food groups groups and and the the nutrients nutrients contributed contributed by by each each group group to to the the diet, diet, composition and nutritive value of foods; food processing and preservation, meal planning i.e. principles composition and nutritive value of foods; food processing and preservation, meal planning i.e. principles menu menu planning for normal planning for normal individuals individuals for for different different age age groups groups and and at at different different stages stages of of life, life, diet diet therapy, therapy, institutional institutional food management, food management, community community nutrition nutrition and and health, health, food food related related laws, laws, policy policy and and programmes programmes in in India. India. Organic Organic and foods. and genetically genetically modified modified foods. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Introduction Introduction to to child/human child/human development-meaning, development-meaning, concept, concept, principles, principles, prenatal prenatal development development (conception (conception to to child child birth), birth), care care of of new new born, born, prepre- natal natal and and post post natal natal care care of of mother, mother, development development of of child child in in early early and and late late childhood, childhood, early early childhood childhood education, education, adolescence, adolescence, development development and and relationship relationship with with peers peers & & family, family, marriage marriage and family dynamics, and family dynamics, meaning, meaning, definition definition of of family family life life cycle, cycle, family family welfare welfare programmes programmes in in India, India, community community education, education, child child studies studies methods, methods, participation participation in in pre-school/crèche. pre-school/créche. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Concept Concept and and principles principles of of management, management, management management process, process, work, work, work work environment, environment, work work simplification, simplification, fundamentals of housing, principles of design & home furnishing-selection, care and fundamentals of housing, principles of design & home furnishing-selection, care and maintenance maintenance of of accessories, accessories, equipments, equipments, furniture, furniture, paintings, paintings, family family finance/ finance/ economics economics and and consumer consumer education. education. Functional Functional interiors for special interiors for special needs. needs. UNIT-V: UNIT-V: Introduction Introduction to to clothing clothing constructionconstruction- sewing sewing machine machine its its parts parts and and use, use, preparation preparation of of fabric fabric for for lay lay out out textile textile fiber-classification, processing/manufacturing fiber-classification, processing/manufacturing method, method, clothing clothing need need of of family family members, members, household household textile textile and and consumers, weaving and consumers, weaving and hosiery, hosiery, traditional traditional textiles textiles and and embroideries embroideries of of India, India, care care of of clothing clothing and and textile textile finishes, dying finishes, dying & & printing. printing. Organic Organic dyes. dyes. UNIT-VI: UNIT-VI: Introduction Introduction to to Home Home Science Science Education Education communication communication and and extension extension methods, methods, programme programme planning planning & & evaluation, evaluation, entrepreneurial entrepreneurial education, education, projected projected and and nonnon- projected projected aids aids (audio-visual (audio-visual aids) aids) rural rural development development programmes women. programmes in in India. India. Empowerment Empowerment of of women. Code Code 12: 12: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- ANIMAL ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY (Sub-Subjects: 12.1: Veterinary Biotechnology, 12.2: (Sub-Subjects: 12.1: Veterinary Biotechnology, 12.2: Veterinary Veterinary Biochemistry) Biochemistry) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Structure Structure of of prokaryotic prokaryotic and and eukaryotic eukaryotic cells, cells, cell cell wall, wall, membranes, membranes, cell cell organelles, organelles, organization organization and and functions, functions, chromosome chromosome structure structure and and functions, functions, cell cell growth growth division division and and differentiation. differentiation. Sub Sub unit unit structure structure of of 8 macromolecules macromolecules and and supermolecular supermolecular systems. systems. Self Self assembly assembly of of sub sub units, units, viruses, viruses, bacteriophage, bacteriophage, ribosomes ribosomes and and membrane membrane systems. systems. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Scope Scope and and importance importance of of biochemistry biochemistry in in animal animal sciences, sciences, cell cell structure structure and and functions. functions. Chemistry Chemistry and and biological biological significance significance of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, lipids, lipids, proteins, proteins, nucleic nucleic acids, acids, vitamins vitamins and and hormones. hormones. Enzymes— Enzymes— chemistry, with special chemistry, kinetics kinetics and and mechanism mechanism of of action action and and regulation. regulation. Metabolic Metabolic inhibitors inhibitors with special reference reference to to antibiotics antibiotics and and insecticides. insecticides. Biological Biological oxidation, oxidation, energy energy metabolism metabolism of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, lipids, lipids, amino amino acids acids and and nucleic nucleic acids. acids. Colorimetry, Colorimetry, spectrophotometry, spectrophotometry, chromatography chromatography and and electrophoresis electrophoresis methods. methods. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Chemistry Chemistry of of antigens antigens and and antibodies antibodies and and molecular molecular basis basis of of immune immune reaction, reaction, radio-immune radio-immune assay assay and and other other assays. assays. Chemistry Chemistry of of respiration respiration and and gas gas transport, transport, water water and and electrolyte electrolyte metabolism. metabolism. Deficiency Deficiency diseases, diseases, metabolic metabolic disorders disorders and and clinical clinical biochemistry. biochemistry. Endocrine Endocrine glands, glands, biosynthesis biosynthesis of of hormones hormones and and _ their their mechanism mechanism of of action. action. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: History History of of molecular molecular biology, biology, biosynthesis biosynthesis of of proteins proteins and and nucleic nucleic acids, acids, genome genome organization, organization, regulation regulation of of gene gene expression, expression, polymerase polymerase chain chain reaction, reaction, basic basic principles principles of of biotechnology biotechnology applicable applicable to to veterinary veterinary science science gene gene sequence, sequence, immunodiagnostics, immunodiagnostics, animal animal cell cell culture, culture, in in vitro vitro fertilization. fertilization. Sub-unit Sub-unit vaccines: vaccines: Principles Principles of of fermentation technology. fermentation technology. Basic Basic principles principles of of stem stem cell cell and and animal animal cloning. cloning. Code Code 13: 13: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- VETERINARY VETERINARY SCIENCE SCIENCE (Sub-Subjects: Anatomy 13.2: (Sub-Subjects: 13.1: 13.1: Veterinary Veterinary Anatomy 13.2: Animal Animal Reproduction, Reproduction, Gynaecology Gynaecology and and Obstetrics Obstetrics 13.3:Vety. 13.3:Vety. Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, 13.4: 13.4: Veterinary Veterinary Parasitology, Parasitology, 13.5: 13.5: Veterinary Veterinary Pharmacology Pharmacology and and Toxicology, Toxicology, 13.6: 13.6: Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Surgery Pathology 13.7: 13.7: Veterinary Veterinary Microbiology Microbiology 13.8: 13.8: Veterinary Surgery & & Radiology Radiology 13.9: 13.9: Veterinary Veterinary Public Public Health Health & & Epidemiology) Epidemiology) UNIT UNIT I:Structure [:Structure of of cells, cells, cell cell organelles, organelles, chromosome chromosome structure structure and and functions, functions, cell cell growth, growth, division division and and differentiation differentiation and function of and functions. functions. Structure Structure and and function of basic basic tissues-epithelium, tissues-epithelium, connective connective tissue, tissue, muscle muscle and and nervous nervous tissue. tissue. Gross Gross Morphology, Morphology, Histology Histology and and physiology physiology of of mammalian mammalian organs organs and and systems, systems, major major sense sense organs organs and and receptors, receptors, circulatory circulatory system. system. Digestion Digestion in in simple simple stomached stomached animals, animals, birds birds and and fermentative fermentative digestion digestion in in ruminants, ruminants, Kidney Kidney and and its its functions-respiratory functions-respiratory system-animal system-animal behaviourbehaviour- growth-influence growth-influence of of environment environment on on animal animal production-biotechnology production-biotechnology in in animal animal production production and and reproductionreproduction- electrophysiology electrophysiology of of different different types types of of muscle muscle fibres. fibres. Exocrine Exocrine and and endocrine endocrine glands, glands, hormones hormones and and their their functions, functions, blood blood composition composition and and function. function. Homeostasis, Homeostasis, osmoregulation osmoregulation and and blood blood clotting. clotting. Gametogenesis Gametogenesis and and development development of of urogenital urogenital organs. organs. Boundaries Boundaries of of body body cavities. cavities. Pleural Pleural and and peritoneal peritoneal reflections. reflections. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Classification Classification and and growth growth characteristics characteristics of of bacteria, bacteria, important important bacterial bacterial diseases diseases of of livestock livestock and and poultry, poultry, general general characters, characters, classification classification of of important important fungi. fungi. Nature Nature of of viruses, viruses, morphology morphology and and characteristics, characteristics, viral viral immunity, immunity, important important viral viral diseases diseases of of livestock livestock and and poultry. poultry. Viral Viral vaccines. vaccines. Antigen Antigen and and antibody, antibody, antibody antibody formation, immunity, formation, immunity, allergy, allergy, anaphylaxis, anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity, immunoglobulins, immunoglobulins, complement complement system. system. Etiology Etiology of of diseases diseases and and concept, concept, extrinsic extrinsic and and intrinsic intrinsic factors, factors, inflammation, inflammation, degeneration, degeneration, necrosis, necrosis, calcification, calcification, gangrene, gangrene, death, death, atrophy, atrophy, hypertrophy, hypertrophy, benign benign and and malignant malignant tumours tumours in in domestic domestic animals. animals. General General classification, classification, morphology, morphology, life life cycle cycle of of important important parasites, parasites, important important parasitic parasitic diseases diseases (Helminths, (Helminths, Protozoa Protozoa and Arthropods) of with respect and Arthropods) of veterinary veterinary importance importance with respect to to epidemiology, epidemiology, symptoms, symptoms, pathogeneses, pathogeneses, diagnosis, diagnosis, immunity immunity and and control. control. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Clinical Clinical examination examination and and diagnosis, diagnosis, Etiology, Etiology, epidemiology, epidemiology, symptoms, symptoms, diagnosis, diagnosis, prognosis, prognosis, treatment treatment and and control of diseases affecting different body systems of various species of domestic animals, epidemiology— control of diseases affecting different body systems of various species of domestic animals, epidemiology— aims, aims, objectives, objectives, ecological ecological concepts concepts and and applications. applications. General General surgical surgical principles principles and and management management of of surgical surgical Types, administration and effects of anaesthesia. Principles and use of radiological techniques cases. cases. Types, administration and effects of anaesthesia. Principles and use of radiological techniques in in the the diagnosis of animal diseases. diagnosis of animal diseases. Estrus Estrus and and estrus estrus cycle cycle in in domestic domestic animals, animals, Synchronization Synchronization of of estrus, estrus, fertilization, fertilization, pregnancy pregnancy diagnosis, diagnosis, parturition, management of postpartum complications dystokias and its management, fertility, parturition, management of postpartum complications dystokias and its management, fertility, infertility infertility and and its its management, artificial insemination. management, artificial 9 UNIT-IV:Zoonotic UNIT-IV:Zoonotic diseases diseases through through milk milk and and meat, meat, Zoo Zoo animal animal health. health. Source Source and and nature nature of of drugs, drugs, pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetics, Chemotherapy-sulpha Chemotherapy-sulpha drugs, drugs, antibiotics, antibiotics, mechanism mechanism and and problem problem of of drug drug resistance. resistance. Drug Drug allergy, allergy, important important poisonous poisonous plants, plants, toxicity toxicity of of important important agro-chemicals agro-chemicals and and their their detoxification, detoxification, drugs drugs action action on on different different body body systems. systems. Code Code 14: 14: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- ANIMAL ANIMAL SCIENCES SCIENCES (Sub-Subjects: Animal Genetics (Sub-Subjects: 14.1: 14.1: Animal Genetics & & Breeding, Breeding, 14.2: 14.2: Animal Animal Nutrition, Nutrition, 14.3: 14.3: Veterinary Veterinary Physiology, Physiology, 14.4: 14.4: Livestock Livestock Production Production and and Management, Management, 14.5: 14.5: Livestock Livestock Products Products Technology, Technology, 14.6: 14.6: Poultry Poultry Science,14.7: Science,14.7: Veterinary Veterinary Extension Extension Education) Education) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Principles Principles of of animal animal genetics, genetics, cell cell structure structure and and multiplication. multiplication. Mendel’s Mendel’s laws, laws, principles principles of of population population genetics, genetics, concept concept of of heredity, heredity, heterosis heterosis and and mutation, mutation, principles principles of of evolution, evolution, principles principles of of molecular molecular genetics, genetics, genetic genetic code, code, quantitative quantitative and and qualitative qualitative traits. traits. Selection Selection of of breeding breeding methods methods in in livestock livestock and and poultry. poultry. Population Population statistics statistics of of livestock. livestock. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: General General nutrition, nutrition, proximate proximate principles, principles, carbohydrates, carbohydrates, proteins proteins and and fats fats their their digestion digestion and and metabolism metabolism in in ruminants ruminants and and non-ruminants. non-ruminants. Energy Energy partitionpartition- measures measures of of protein protein quality. quality. Water, Water, minerals, minerals, vitamins vitamins and and additives, feeds and fodders and additives, feeds and fodders and their their classification. classification. Common Common anti-nutritional anti-nutritional factors factors and and unconventional unconventional feeds. feeds. Hay Hay and and silage silage making. making. Grinding, Grinding, chaffing, chaffing, pelleting, pelleting, roasting, roasting, feed feed block. block. Feed Feed formulation formulation principles. principles. Digestion-control Digestion-control motility motility and and secretion secretion of of alimentary alimentary tract. tract. Mechanism, Mechanism, natural natural and and chemical chemical control control of of respiration, respiration, gaseous gaseous exchange exchange and and transport, transport, high high altitude altitude living, living, physiology physiology of of work work and and exercise. exercise. Cardiac Cardiac cycle, cycle, natural natural control control of of cardiovascular cardiovascular system. system. Smooth Smooth and and skeletal skeletal muscle muscle contraction. contraction. Blood Blood coagulation. coagulation. Physiology Physiology of of immune immune system. system. Male Male and and female female reproduction reproduction including including artificial artificial insemination, insemination, in-vitro in-vitro fertilization, cryo-preservation. fertilization, cryo-preservation. Excretory Excretory system. system. UNIT UNIT III: Ill: General General concepts concepts of of livestock livestock production production and and management, management, status status of of dairy dairy and and poultry poultry industry, industry, impact impact of of livestock farming in Indian agriculture. Livestock housing, production and reproduction management, livestock farming in Indian agriculture. Livestock housing, production and reproduction management, lactation lactation management, management, breeding breeding programmes programmes for for livestock livestock and and poultry. poultry. Composition, Composition, quality quality control control and and preservation preservation of of livestock products, methods of processing and storage livestock products. International Trade/WTO/IPR livestock products, methods of processing and storage livestock products. International Trade/WTO/IPR issues issues related related to to livestock livestock products. products. UNIT UNIT IV: IV: Concept Concept of of sociology, sociology, differences differences between between rural, rural, tribal tribal and and urban urban communities, communities, social social change, change, factors factors of of change. Principles and steps of extension education, community development– aims, objectives, organizational change. Principles and steps of extension education, community development-— aims, objectives, organizational set set up up and and concept concept evolution evolution of of extension extension in in India, India, extension extension teaching teaching methods. methods. Role Role of of livestock livestock in in economy. economy. Identifying social taboos, social differences, obstacles in the way of organizing developmental programmes. Identifying social taboos, social differences, obstacles in the way of organizing developmental programmes. Concept Concept of of marketing, marketing, principles principles of of co-operative co-operative societies, societies, animal animal husbandry husbandry development development planning planning and and programme, key village scheme, ICDD, Gosadan, Goshala, Role of Gram Panchayat in livestock development. programme, key village scheme, ICDD, Gosadan, Goshala, Role of Gram Panchayat in livestock development. Basics Basics of of statistics, statistics, data data analysis analysis and and computational computational techniques. techniques. Code Code 15: 15: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- FISHERIES FISHERIES SCIENCE SCIENCE (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 15.1: 15.1: Fisheries Fisheries Resource Resource Management, Management, 15.2: 15.2: Aquaculture, Aquaculture, 15.3: 15.3: Fish Fish Processing Processing Technology, Technology, 15.4:Fish 15.4:Fish Physiology Physiology & & Biochemistry Biochemistry 15.5: 15.5: Aquatic Aquatic Animal Animal Health Health Mgmt., Mgmt., 15.6: 15.6: Fisheries Fisheries Extension, Extension, 15.7: 15.7: Aquatic Aquatic Environmental Environmental Management, Management, 15.8: 15.8: Fish Fish Genetics Genetics and and Breeding,15.9: Breeding,15.9: Fish Fish Nutrition Nutrition && Feed Feed Technology Technology 15.10: 15.10: Fisheries Fisheries Economics, Economics, 15.11: 15.11: Fishing Fishing Technology Technology and and Engineering, Engineering, 15.12: 15.12: Fish Fish Biotechnology) Biotechnology) UNIT-I: water, UNIT-I: Classification Classification and and taxonomical taxonomical characteristics characteristics of of cultivable cultivable fisheries, fisheries, crustaceans crustaceans and and molluscs. molluscs. Fresh Fresh water, water and brackish brackish water and marine marine fishery fishery resources resources of of India, India, marine marine fisheries fisheries of of the the world. world. Estuarine, Estuarine, lacustrine, lacustrine, brackish brackish water water and and pond pond ecosystem. ecosystem. Population Population dynamics, dynamics, fish fish stock, stock, abundance abundance methods methods and and analysis. analysis. Conservation fishery resources. Conservation and and management management of of fishery resources. Fisheries Fisheries legislations legislations and and law law of of the the Seas. Seas. Impact Impact of of over over exploitation exploitation and and climate climate change change on on fisheries fisheries resources. resources. 10 UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Reproduction Reproduction and and breeding breeding behaviour behaviour in in fishes fishes and and shellfishes, shellfishes, brood brood stock stock improvement, improvement, maturity maturity and and fecundity studies. fecundity studies. Induced Induced spawning spawning methods methods and and seed seed production, production, natural natural fish fish seed seed collection collection and and rearing rearing methods. fin fishes methods. Types Types of of eggs eggs and and development development of of larval larval stages stages of of fin fishes and and shellfishes. shellfishes. Preparation Preparation and and management management of of fresh fresh water water and and brackish brackish water water fishponds. fishponds. Cultivable Cultivable species species identification, identification, introduction introduction of of exotic exotic fishes fishes in in India. India. Culture Culture methods: methods: Pen Pen and and cage cage culture culture practices, practices, crap crap and and shrimp shrimp hatchery hatchery management, management, basic basic aspects aspects of of biotechnology biotechnology in in relation relation to to fisheries. fisheries. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Important Important limnological, limnological, oceanographical oceanographical and and biological biological parameters parameters in in relation relation to to fisheries fisheries of of lotic lotic and and lentic lentic waters, waters, biological biological productivity productivity and and its its impact impact on on fisheries. fisheries. Environmental Environmental impact impact assessment assessment on on fisheries fisheries in in lentic lentic and and lotic lotic waters. waters. Biological Biological parameters parameters including including energy energy flow, flow, community community ecology ecology and and aquatic aquatic association, association, biodiversity biodiversity and and its its conservation, conservation, aquatic aquatic pollution pollution and and its its management. management. UNIT-IV: for fish fish capture. UNIT-IV: Common Common crafts crafts and and gears gears used used for capture. Boat Boat building building material material and and demerits demerits of of wood, wood, steel, steel, aluminum, aluminum, Ferro Ferro cement cement and and FRP. FRP. Different Different types types of of fibres fibres and and netting netting materials materials and and their their characteristics, characteristics, preservation preservation of of netting, netting, parts parts of of a a trammel trammel net, net, purse-scene, purse-scene, gill gill net net and and tuna tuna long long line. line. Food Food chemistry, chemistry, fundamentals fundamentals of of microbiology. microbiology. General General methods methods of of fish fish preservation preservation and and fishery fishery by by products. products. Canning Canning and and packaging packaging techniques, techniques, processing processing and and product product development development techniques. techniques. UNIT-V: UNIT-V: Introduction Introduction to to fishery fishery economics economics and and concepts concepts of of cooperative, cooperative, marketing marketing and and banking banking management. management. Supply Supply v/s v/s demand demand economics economics of of hatchery hatchery management management and and fish fish culture culture operations. operations. Profit Profit maximization. maximization. Problems Problems in in estimating estimating costs costs and and returns returns in in fisheries. fisheries. WTO WTO agreements agreements in in Fisheries Fisheries sector, sector, intellectual intellectual property property rights rights (IPR) (IPR) and and international international fish fish trade; trade; Fisheries Fisheries extension extension methods. methods. Training Training and and education education needs needs in in fisheries. fisheries. Communication Communication concepts, concepts, Modern Modern tools tools of of fishery fishery extension extension education, education, participatory participatory rural rural appraisal appraisal (PRA), (PRA), Rapid Rapid rural rural appraisal appraisal (RRA), (RRA), role role of of women women in in fisheries; fisheries; Basics Basics of of statistics statistics in in fisheries fisheries and and computer computer science. science. Code Code 16: 16: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- DAIRY DAIRY SCIENCE SCIENCE (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 16.1: 16.1: Dairy Dairy Microbiology, Microbiology, 16.2: 16.2: Dairy Dairy Chemistry) Chemistry) Unit-I: Unit-l: Chemical food of Chemical composition composition of of various various food of plant plant and and animal animal origin, origin, structure structure and and functions functions of of food food constituents, constituents, additives, additives, preservatives, preservatives, flavours flavours and and antioxidants, antioxidants, composition composition and and physico-chemical physico-chemical and and nutritional nutritional properties properties of of milk milk and and colostrum, colostrum, chemistry chemistry of of milk, milk, constituents, constituents, nutrients nutrients and and milk milk products. products. Test Test for for the the quality quality of of milk, milk, butter, ghee, milk powder etc., adulterants, neutralizers and preservatives, their detection, heat stability of butter, ghee, milk powder etc., adulterants, neutralizers and preservatives, their detection, heat stability of milk. milk. Unit Unit II: Il: Introduction Introduction to to dairy dairy microbiology microbiology —– Milk Milk production production hygiene hygiene and and critical critical risk risk factors factors affecting affecting microbiological microbiological quality with milk quality on-farm; on-farm; Microorganisms Microorganisms associated associated with milk and and their their classification classification based based on on growth growth temperature– temperature— psychrotrophs, psychrotrophs, mesophiles, mesophiles, thermodurics thermodurics and and thermophiles; thermophiles; Microbial Microbial metabolites metabolites and and their their role role in in spoilages spoilages -- souring, Antimicrobial souring, curdling, curdling, gassiness, gassiness, ropiness, ropiness, proteolysis, proteolysis, lipolysis, lipolysis, abnormal abnormal flavour flavour and and colour; colour; Antimicrobial systems systems in in raw raw milk; milk; Microbiological Microbiological grading grading of of raw raw milk; milk; Microflora Microflora of of mastitic mastitic milk milk and and its its importance importance in in dairy dairy industry; industry; Food Food poisoning, poisoning, food food infections, infections, toxi-infections toxi-infections and and other other milk milk borne borne diseases diseases and and their their control. control. Unit-III: food, Unit-lll: Composition Composition and and chemistry chemistry of of cream, cream, butter, butter, ghee, ghee, ice-cream, ice-cream, cheese, cheese, condensed condensed and and dried dried milks, milks, infant infant food, spoilage spoilage of of ghee ghee and and use use of of antioxidants, antioxidants, chemistry chemistry of of milk milk fermentation, fermentation, chemistry chemistry of of rennin rennin coagulation coagulation of of milk milk and and changes changes occurring occurring during during ripening ripening of of cheese, cheese, physico-chemical physico-chemical changes changes in in the the manufacture manufacture and and storage storage of of milk milk powder, powder, lactose, lactose, crystallization crystallization and and its its significance, significance, physicochemical physicochemical changes changes during during the the manufacture manufacture of of indigenous indigenous milk milk products, products, quality quality standards standards of of dairy dairy products. products. Unit Unit IV: IV: Bacteriological Bacteriological aspects aspects of of milk milk processing processing -- Thermization, Thermization, pasteurization, pasteurization, boiling, boiling, sterilization, sterilization, UHT, UHT, bactofugation, bactofugation, and and membrane membrane filtration; filtration; Microbiological Microbiological quality quality of of cream, cream, butter, butter, ice-cream, ice-cream, concentrated concentrated dairy dairy products, products, dried dried milks, milks, infants infants milk milk foods, foods, indigenous indigenous dairy dairy products; products; Factors Factors affecting affecting the the microbiological microbiological quality quality of of these these products products during during production, production, processing, processing, handling, handling, storage storage and and distribution; distribution; Enumeration, Enumeration, isolation isolation and and identification identification of of conventional conventional and and emerging emerging dairy dairy pathogens, pathogens, detection detection of of microbial microbial toxins, toxins, drug drug residues residues in in milk milk and and their their public public health health importance; importance; Microbial Microbial defects defects associated associated with with dairy dairy products products and and their their control; control; Microbiology Microbiology of of dairy dairy starters; starters; Classification, Classification, genetic genetic aspects aspects and and carbohydrate carbohydrate metabolism metabolism of of Lactic Lactic Acid Acid Bacteria Bacteria (LAB); (LAB); Preservation, Preservation, propagation propagation and and quality quality control control of of dairy dairy starters starters and and their their inhibition inhibition by by antibiotic antibiotic residues, residues, detergents, detergents, sanitizers, sanitizers, bacteriophages bacteriophages etc.; etc.; Microbiology Microbiology of of fermented fermented milks, milks, cheeses cheeses and and application application of of probiotic probiotic concept concept in in dahi, dahi, yoghurt, yoghurt, Kefir, Kefir, Kumiss, Kumiss, Bulgarian Bulgarian milk, milk, cultured cultured buttermilk, buttermilk, leben, leben, 11 yakult, yakult, cheddar cheddar and and processed processed cheese; cheese; Dairy Dairy plant plant hygiene hygiene and and sanitation sanitation -- Microbiology Microbiology of of air, air, water, water, equipments, equipments, packaging packaging materials, materials, personnel, personnel, disposal disposal of of dairy dairy waste; waste; Microbiological Microbiological standards standards for for milk milk and and milk milk products products -- PFA, PFA, BIS, BIS, Codex/ Codex/ ISO ISO standards standards (ISO (ISO 9001: 9001: 2001/ISO 2001/ISO 22000:2005). 22000:2005). Code Code 17: 17: MAJOR MAJOR SUBJECT SUBJECT GROUP GROUP -- DAIRY DAIRY TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY ((Sub-Subjects: Sub-Subjects: 17.1: Technology, 17.2: 17.1: Dairy Dairy Technology, 17.2: Dairy Dairy Engineering) Engineering) UNIT-I: fluid milk, UNIT-I: Principles Principles and and processes processes of of food food preservation, preservation, non-conventional non-conventional sources, sources, processing processing of of fluid milk, Computerization Computerization and Automatic Process and Automatic Process Controls Controls in in Milk Milk Processing. Processing. HACCP HACCP Concepts Concepts in in Fluid Fluid Milk Milk Processing. Processing. Advances Advances in in Centrifugal Centrifugal Separation Separation and and Bactofugation. Bactofugation. Manufacture Manufacture of of various various types types of of dairy dairy products products and and changes changes occurring occurring during judging of during manufacture manufacture and and storage storage and and their their defects. defects. Sensory Sensory evaluation evaluation and and judging of milk milk and and milk milk products, products, types types of of packaging materials and their properties, packing forms and operations, problems in food packaging, packaging materials and their properties, packing forms and operations, problems in food packaging, recent recent advances advances in in packaging packaging dairy dairy and and food food products. products. Intelligent Intelligent Food Food Packaging. Packaging. Nutritional Nutritional Labeling Labeling of of Food Food Products. Products. Application of Membrane Processing in Milk Processing. Application of Membrane Processing in Milk Processing. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Materials Materials and and sanitary sanitary features features of of the the dairy dairy equipments. equipments. HomogenizerHomogenizer- Theory Theory of of Homogenization. Homogenization. Triplex Triplex pump, pump, Lubrication Lubrication of of the the Homogenizer, Homogenizer, care care and and Management Management of of homogenizer, homogenizer, Homogenizer Homogenizer Accessories Accessories and and Standards Standards for for Homogenizer. Homogenizer. PasteurizerPasteurizer- Pasteurizer Pasteurizer construction construction & & Principle Principle Materials Materials used used in in Construction Construction of of Pasteurizers. Pasteurizers. High High temperature temperature short short time time Pasteurizer, Pasteurizer, care care of of Pasteurizer, Pasteurizer, Reaction Reaction Kinetics, Kinetics, Sterilizer, Sterilizer, Mixing Mixing & principles drying. concentration, Vacuum Pan, & agitation agitation equipments, equipments, principles of of evaporation, evaporation, drying. Atmosphere Atmosphere concentration, Vacuum Pan, Fluidization. Fluidization. Care Care of of Vacuum Vacuum Pan, Pan, Atmospheric Atmospheric Drum Drum Dryer. Dryer. Spray Spray Dryer Dryer principles principles of of dairy dairy plant plant layout layout and and design, design, Functional Functional Design, Design, space space requirement requirement of of Milk Milk Plant, Plant, problem problem through through computers, computers, centralized centralized dispersal dispersal of of data data processing, processing, d-BASE-III, d-BASE-III, Lotus Lotus 1-2-3 1-2-3 to to graphics, graphics, Fortran. Fortran. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Fluid Fluid mechanicsmechanics- properties properties of of fluids, fluids, Bernoulli’s Bernoulli’s equation equation and and its its applications, applications, hydraulic hydraulic systems systems Types Types of of Pumps, Pumps, Sanitary Sanitary pumps, pumps, Standards Standards for for Centrifugal Centrifugal and and Positive Positive Rotatory Rotatory Type Type of of pumps, pumps, Selection Selection of of Pumps. Pumps. Care Care and and Upkeep Upkeep of of Pumps Pumps dimensional dimensional analysis, analysis, refrigeration refrigeration and and air-conditioning. air-conditioning. Artificial Artificial Refrigeration, Refrigeration, Compression Compression Refrigeration Refrigeration System, System, Refrigeration Refrigeration Accessories. Accessories. Calculation Calculation of of size size of of Refrigeration Refrigeration Machine Machine Requirements. Requirements. Heat-transfer Heat-transfer and and thermodynamics; thermodynamics; mechanical mechanical separations, separations, Rittinger’s Rittinger’s and and Kick’s Kick’s laws, laws, Engineering Engineering of of mechanics, mechanics, theory theory of of machine, machine, strength strength of of materials, materials, Hook’s Hook’s law, law, materials materials of of fabrications, fabrications, machine machine tools, tools, Electrical Electrical Engg., Engg., Electromagnetic Electromagnetic induction, induction, MagneticMagnetic- Hysteresis Hysteresis loop loop (BH (BH Curve), Curve), AC AC fundamentals. fundamentals. Code Code 18: 18: GROUP GROUP -- FOOD FOOD SCIENCE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY (Sub-Subject: 18.1: Food Processing Technology, 18.2: (Sub-Subject: 18.1: Food Processing Technology, 18.2: Food Food Process Process Engineering, Engineering, 18.3: 18.3: Food Food Safety Safety & & Quality) Quality) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: General General chemistry chemistry of of food food constituents, constituents, physical physical properties properties of of foods, foods, properties properties of of cottoldal cottoldal systems, systems, gels gels and and emulsions. Minerals in foods, physicochemical changes in foods during processing and storage, functions emulsions. Minerals in foods, physicochemical changes in foods during processing and storage, functions of of food nutrients, food nutrients, dietary dietary allowances allowances and and nutritional nutritional requirements. requirements. Metabolism Metabolism of of carbohydrates, carbohydrates, lipids lipids and and protein. protein. Biological Biological value value and and PER. PER. Food Food additives, additives, contaminants contaminants and and anti-nutritional anti-nutritional factors. factors. Food Food flavors flavors and and puffpuff- flavors. flavors. National National and and international international food food standards, standards, modern modern analytical analytical techniques techniques in in food food analysis. analysis. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Engineering Engineering properties properties of of food food materials, materials, System System analysis, analysis, mass mass and and energy energy balance, balance, Principles Principles operations operations and and equipment for food materials flow handling, cleaning, de-husking, sorting and grading; peeling, size reduction, equipment for food materials flow handling, cleaning, de-husking, sorting and grading; peeling, size reduction, mixing mixing and forming, bakery and forming, bakery foods foods manufacture, manufacture, extrusion, extrusion, separation, separation, filtration filtration and and membrane membrane processes, processes, expression, expression, baking roasting, frying, extraction and leaching, crystallization, distillation, blanching, pasteurization, baking roasting, frying, extraction and leaching, crystallization, distillation, blanching, pasteurization, sterilization, sterilization, evaporation, evaporation, drying, drying, freezing, freezing, packing, packing, heat heat exchanging, exchanging, dairy dairy specific specific operations. operations. Process Process equipment equipment design, design, heat heat and mass transfer, equipment for steam generation, compressed air, refrigeration and air conditioning, and mass transfer, equipment for steam generation, compressed air, refrigeration and air conditioning, water water and and waste water water treatment, waste treatment, biochemical biochemical engineering engineering and and thermo thermo bacteriology. bacteriology. Automation, Automation, on-line on-line data data acquisition acquisition and and process process control. control. Food Food plant plant layout layout and and design. design. Energy Energy audit. audit. UNIT–III: UNIT-III : Preparation Preparation and and manufacturing manufacturing technology technology of of cereals cereals and and bakery bakery products, products, beef, beef, pork, pork, poultry, poultry, fish fish & & sea sea foods and fresh vegetables, foods and egg, egg, sausages sausages and and table table ready ready meats, meats, dairy dairy products, products, fresh fresh fruits, fruits, fresh vegetables, processed processed fruits, fruits, processed processed vegetables, vegetables, Post Post Harvest Harvest Handling Handling and and storage storage of of Fruits Fruits and and Vegetables. Vegetables. Sugars, Sugars, sweets, sweets, fats fats and and oils, oils, fermented fermented foods, foods, alcoholic alcoholic and and non-alcoholic non-alcoholic beverages, beverages, indigenous indigenous foods, foods, fast, fast, readymade readymade and and fashion fashion foods. Dehydration foods. Dehydration and and concentration concentration methods, methods, irradiation, irradiation, microwave microwave and and solar solar processing processing of of foods, foods, food food bybyproducts & downstream processing, flavoring and pigment technology. Judging of food products, food products & downstream processing, flavoring and pigment technology. Judging of food products, food 12 plant food plant plant management management and and legal legal aspects, aspects, food plant safety, safety, risk risk and and hazards. hazards. Effluent Effluent treatment treatment and and environment environment pollution, waste solids pollution, waste solids upgrading upgrading and and treatment, treatment, food food storage, storage, functions functions of of packaging, packaging, packaging packaging operations, operations, types types of of containers, containers, FFS, FFS, hermetics hermetics closures, closures, canning canning packaging packaging materials materials and and package package testing, testing, transportation food products. transportation and and marketing marketing food products. UNIT –IV: Role UNIT -IV: Role of of intrinsic intrinsic and and extrinsic extrinsic properties properties of of food food in in relation relation to to microbial microbial growth. growth. Microbiology Microbiology of of fruits, fruits, fruit fruit products, products, vegetables, vegetables, soft soft drinks, drinks, bakery bakery products, products, milk milk and and milk milk products, products, milk, milk, fish, fish, egg egg and and marine marine produces. produces. Spoilage Spoilage of of foods, foods, food food pathogens pathogens and and their their toxins toxins in in relation relation to to human human health. health. Food Food preservation preservation by by sugar, sugar, salt, salt, chemicals, chemicals, heat, heat, cold, cold, irradiation, irradiation, dehydration dehydration and and packaging. packaging. Microbiology Microbiology of of fermented fermented foods foods and factors affecting and beverages beverages and and factors affecting their their quality. quality. Methods Methods for for microbiological microbiological examination examination of of foods, foods, food food hygiene hygiene and and safety safety regulations. regulations. Water Water quality quality and and waste waste disposal disposal in in food food industry. industry. Code Code 19: 19: Group– Group— Agri-Business Agri-Business Management Management (Sub-Subjects: (Sub-Subjects: 19.1: 19.1: Agri-Business Agri-Business Management) Management) UNIT-I: UNIT-I: Social, Social, political political and and economic economic structure structure in in rural rural India. India. Importance Importance of of agriculture/forestry/ agriculture/forestry/ horticulture/livestock horticulture/livestock in in national national economy. economy. Cultivation Cultivation of of major major cereal cereal crops, crops, legume legume crops, crops, vegetable vegetable crops, crops, fruits fruits and and their their importance importance in in human human diet. diet. Major Major soils soils of of India, India, essential essential plant plant nutrients, nutrients, their their role, role, deficiency deficiency symptoms symptoms and and sources. sources. Pests Pests and and diseases diseases of of major major crops, crops, vegetables, vegetables, fruits fruits and and their their management. management. Forestry Forestry production, production, pests pests and and diseases diseases management management of of major major trees trees grown grown in in India. India. Watershed Watershed management. management. Organizational Organizational set set up up of of agricultural agricultural research, research, education education and and extension extension in in India. India. Elements Elements of of statistics. statistics. UNIT-II: UNIT-II: Farm Farm equipments equipments and and Farm Farm Machinery Machinery in in India, India, sources sources of of energy energy and and power power on on farms. farms. Irrigation Irrigation and and drainage drainage systems. systems. Basics Basics of of post-harvest post-harvest technology, technology, Basics Basics of of energy energy in in agriculture. agriculture. UNIT-III: UNIT-III: Basics Basics of of veterinary, veterinary, gynecology, gynecology, veterinary veterinary microbiology, microbiology, veterinary veterinary pathology pathology and and Parasitology, Parasitology, veterinary veterinary surgery, surgery, veterinary veterinary public public health, health, veterinary veterinary pharmacology pharmacology and and toxicology. toxicology. UNIT-IV: UNIT-IV: Basics Basics of of human human food food and and nutrition, nutrition, human/child human/child development, development, home home and and family family resource resource management, management, clothing clothing and and textile. textile. UNIT-V:Quantitative UNIT-V: Quantitative ability: ability: Test Test the the ability ability of of candidates candidates to to make make mathematical mathematical calculations calculations under under stress stress conditions. All these will be conditions. All these calculations calculations will be based based on on analytical analytical skills skills of of the the candidates candidates with with understanding understanding of of mathematics mathematics at at Intermediate Intermediate level. level. UNIT-VI: wherein the UNIT-VI: Communicative Communicative ability: ability: Test Test English English comprehension comprehension wherein the knowledge knowledge of of language language skills skills are are tested tested as as to to how how effectively effectively the the candidate candidate communicates communicates his his thoughts thoughts and and ideas. ideas. UNIT-VII: UNIT-VII: Data Data Interpretation: Interpretation: Calculations Calculations requiring requiring skills skills of of interpretation interpretation of of facts facts and and figures. figures. The The questions questions can can be be posed posed as as graphs, graphs, tables tables and and charts. charts. UNIT-VIII: UNIT-VIII : Logical Logical reasoning: reasoning: Evaluating Evaluating logical logical thinking thinking capacity capacity by by providing providing various various options. options. UNIT-IX: UNIT-IX: Fundamentals Fundamentals of of managerial managerial economics, economics, market market structure structure conduct conduct and and performance, performance, agricultural agricultural marketing marketing conceptsfunctions and institutions, trade in agriculture sector; principles of corporation; concepts- functions and institutions, trade in agriculture sector; principles of corporation; cooperatives cooperatives in in India; India; agribusiness agribusiness institutions institutions in in India; India; entrepreneurship entrepreneurship development. development. Besides Besides above, above, any any other other topic topic of of scientific, scientific, social social and and educational educational importance importance can can also also be be included. included. Around 20–25% Around 20-25% questions questions shall shall be be related related to to agriculture agriculture and and agriculture agriculture related related science science subjects subjects including including recent recent developments. 13