444DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE IV I. II. III. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. identify the parts of the plant from a given diagram b. what are the functions of each part c. how to take care of the plants Subject Matter Topic: DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE PLANT Material: Visual aids, types of vegetables and fruits representing plant part References: letstalkscience Procedure Teacher’s Activity A. Preliminary Activities Student’s Activity 1. Classroom Management Kindly arrange your chairs, pick up some pieces of paper under them, and put them in the trash bin. 2. Prayer Let us put ourselves into the presence of God, may I request (student name) to lead the prayer? 3. Greetings Good morning class! How are you today? I’m glad to see you. You may now take your seats. 4. Checking of Attendance Who is absent today? ( students will pray spiritually) Dear God, Thank you for giving us wonderful creations. Thank you, God for making us special. Help us to learn and love and make things. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Good Morning Teacher! We’re fine teachers. We’re glad to see you too. Thank you ma’am. None ma’am. Very Good! It’s good to hear that 5. Collecting of Assignment Do you have an Assignment? B. Review None ma’am Class, do you still remember our topic yesterday? Yes, teacher! What was it all about? It’s all about the 3 phases of Matter Very Good! I will show you a picture and you identify if it is solid, liquid or Gas. Is that clear class? Yes teacher First picture, is it a solid, liquid, or gas? Solid teacher. Very Good! Liquid teacher. Excellent! Gas teacher. Very Good class! I’m so happy that you still remember our previous lesson. You deserve an Ang galing clap! (student do ang galing clap) Motivation Class, I have here a picture What do you see in the picture? Water Plants What else? Tree’s and flowers Very Good! What can you say about the picture? It is beautiful What makes the picture beautiful? The plants What parts of the plants can you see? Flowers Leaves Very good observation, class! What do you want to know more about the plants? You will learn more on this as we go to our activity today. A. Lesson Proper About its function, teacher! A. ACTIVITY Now we will have an activity. This activity is called “Introduce Me”. Now, class, I will divide you into two groups. Count 1 and 2 to form a group. I have here an envelope, inside these envelope are the materials that you need in making your activity. (each group will be given cartolina and a black Marker) On your Cartolina, there is a table with 6 columns and 6 rows. Roots stem Leaves flower seeds Fruit potato kangkong cabbage Leaks celery pechay lettuce Green beans Coconut Black peppers apple carrots Kamoteng kahoy Puso ng saging Broccoli cauliflower Orange Melon I will only give you 5minutes to finish your activity. But before that I prepaired scoring rucbric or scoring guide for performance in the activity process. B. ANALYSIS Alright class, time to check your cartolina papers! Let's exchange them with your groupmates first. Group 1, exchange cartolina papers with Group 2, and so on. (Students exchange cartolina papers) Once you have your groupmate's cartolina, let's see if you got the answers correct. C. Abstraction Today