IKS-: Indian Knowledge System Proposed Syllabus. Course code Course title Number of credits Pre - requisite Semester Core/elective/Supportive IKS 1 Indian knowledge systems 3 Basic knowledge in ancient wisdom School of forensic Science Elective Course Objectives 1. To understand the basic concepts of Ancient Wisdom 2. To understand need and demand of Indian knowledge system and its application in modern era. 3. To introduce the contribution from Ancient Indian system & tradition to modern science & Technology 4. To understand the nature of crime and forensic science methods used in the ancient Vedic era. Expected Course Outcomes. 1. Understand the need and nature of Indian tradition. 2. To sensitize the students about context in which they are embedded i.e. Indian culture and civilization including its Knowledge System and Tradition. 3. Understand how to use Indian wisdom in modern context. 4. To help student to understand the knowledge, art and creative practices, skills and values in ancient Indian system. Detailed Content: MODULE 1: Roti, Makkan Kappada अवश्यत्रितयम् Total Theory Duration: 15 Hours Teaching hours:2 Concept aharakrama in ancient widom (Bhgavad geeta sradhatraya yoga) Importance of vastradarana sambradaya (Adharvaveda pippalada shakha) Methodology of vaastu jnana understanding of ancient architecture (Stapatya Veda samhita, sukta 1-20) MODULE 2: Life learning जीत्रवतपाटवं Teaching hours: 1 Explore Daily habits to improve the quality of life (Yoga sutra of patanjali ashtanga yoga specially yama, sadana pada) Concept mind and thoughts for achieve the goals (Yogavasishta 3pada) MODULE 3: Bio communication with nature त्रवश्व दृष्टारं Teaching Hours ;2 Concept of stoola and sookshma world. (Vedanta saram 2 part) Methods of Inner and outer communication techniques with universe (Mundakopanishad Alathasanti prakaranam) Mind analysis process (Chadhogyopanishad chapter) MODULE 4: Simple thoughts manifestations within 24 hours Teaching Hours :2 Concept of लक्ष्य पूतीकरण प्रक्रिया in vedas (लक्ष्य पूतीकरण प्रक्रिया yajurveda sataada brahmana) Concept of Improving the critical thinking (Shvetasvataropanishad) Ways of manifestations in upanishds (Koushitiki upanishad) MODULE 5: spirit fitness आत्मा अभ्रेषः Teaching hours :3 Concept of Atma in Veda Concept of Abhrsha in veda Methods of आत्मा अभ्रेषः explained in upanishad (Mahanarayaneeyoapnishad, chapter 1) MODULE 6: Way of life with love and truth Teaching hours: 2 Lifestyle techniques in vedas (muktikopanishad bhagam 4 चयाािम त्रवनयिम) Methods of life learning. Control over emotions (Titareeyopanishad) MODULE 7: Ancient forensic science & its blending to present system Teaching hours :3 Definition of crime, characteristics of crime (Arthasastra by Koutillya) Detection of evidence to prove the crime. Classify the crime and crime spot physical evidence by a crime investigator. Methods of analysis (Yanjavalkya smriti vyavaharadhyaya) ESSENTIAL READING 1. Textbook on IKS by Prof. B Mahadevan, IIM Bengaluru. 2. Kapur K and Singh A. K (Eds) 2005). Indian Knowledge Systems, Vol. 1. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. Tatvabodh of sankaracharya, Central chinmay mission trust, Bombay, 1995. 3. Nair, Shantha N. Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom. New Delhi: Hindology Books, 2008. 4 Chatterjee, S.C. The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge. Calcutta: University of Calcutta Press, 1950. 5. Dasgupta, Surendra. A History of Indian Philosophy. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1991.Vol1 References from ancient scripture. 1 Yoga sutra of Patanjali, Sadana pada. 2 Bhagavad Geeta, chapter 17. 3 koushitiki Upanishad. 4 Swetaswataropanishad. 5 Mahanarayaneeyopanishad. 6 Yogavasishtam. 7 Yanjavalkya smriti vyavaharadhyaya). 8 Arthasastra. Syllabus created by Dr Soumya k Assistant professor Department of Languages St Mary's college Hyderabad