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DDA Software Release Notes: New Features & Updates

What’s new
 Removed license scheme
 Starting with this release, only a DDA build is available for the 64-bit version of
 Added support for new array directivity format in CATT Acoustic (CTA format).
 The Import Model From functionality has been extended to also import Source and
Receivers from a CATT/Odeon model.
 Added excel import functionality for XYZ coordinates and other array parameter
configuration providing a faster way to include multiple arrays.
 Added right click functions in the project settings window table that enables to
change multiple parameter values of a column simultaneously.
 Several bug fixes.
 With this release, DDA builds are available for both 32 and 64-bit versions of
Windows. To clarify some points:
o You can install either the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of DDA on a 64-bit version
of Windows. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, you may only install
the 32-bit version of DDA.
o The 32-bit version of DDA will be discontinued by the beginning of 2016.
 Support for new JBL Intellivox GLL for EASE
 Added support for JBL line arrays (User+ Edition only)
 Several bug fixes.
 Fix for “No valid license” error when starting DDA.
In some cases the DDA license application, which is encrypted and protected, could
be blocked and put in quarantine by some anti-virus (AV) scanners.
With this update, most AV scanners will no longer tag this application as ‘suspicious’.
Note that, although the file is safe, some scanners may still cause a false alarm and
block the application. In that case, check the quarantine section in your AV-software
and add an exception rule for this file.
 Some minor bug fixes
 Software and documentation re-branded to JBL
 New HG2 (Matlab) graphics system
 Several minor bug fixes
 New Intellivox products:
o Intellivox-DC380
o Intellivox-DS380
o Intellivox-DSX380
o Intellivox HP-DS130, available Q2/Q3 2015
o Intellivox HP-DS370, available Q2/Q3 2015
 Support for new AXYS tunnel horn ABF260-PA6 (CLF file)
 CLF files for JBL loudspeakers included in DDA install-set
 New internal directivity data format.
 New internal interpolation method for complex directivity balloons
User interface:
 New and improved Project Settings window
 New source type definitions in Project Settings
 New Boundary Plane and Offset options in Project Settings
 Several minor bug fixes
 Reduced start-up time due to new version of Matlab MCR
 Improved Configuration file editor (SciTE)
User interface:
 Extended and improved EQ functionality Project Settings GUI
 DDA now supports CLF (Common Loudspeaker Format) directivity files. CLF is an
open, brand-independent loudspeaker description format. For more info please go
to: www.clfgroup.org.
Any (point source) loudspeaker of any brand can now be modelled using DDA.
User interface:
 Redesigned Project Settings GUI.
o Supported source types:
 SR “Blue line” (AXYS Source/Scope/Flex range)
 ADC (AXYS Intellovox-H90 and V90)
 DDC (AXYS Intellivox-DC range)
 DDS (AXYS Intellivox-DS range, Target and SR subwoofers)
 Point source (CLF, any brand)
o Loudspeaker parameters (such as XYZ coordinates, aiming angles etc.) are
now displayed in a convenient (editable) table format.
o Extended EQ functionality in octave band format.
 AXYS ABF-260 can be modelled using the CLF-file (under Point source)
 Array Builder. Added comment to saved UCF including mechanical info and splay
angles for easier rigging.
 Several minor bug fixes
 Intellivox-DSX280HD
User interface:
 Better placing of windows and dialogs on screen.
 Interactive 2D Geometry Builder. Using this new tool 2D models can be easily built by
creating a line plot (i.e., cross section of a 3D model). The 2D model can be extruded
and exported to the usual 3D GCF-format.
 GCF Editor. New tool to automatically set the orientation of selected planes towards
their common midpoint. This makes the correction of models imported from Odeon
 Improved processing for DDS-controlled arrays; Shorter latency, better balance
between headroom and coverage.
 From this version, the DDA Evaluation Edition will be named “DDA Simulation
Edition”. This edition is intended for consultants and system designers who only
simulate Axys products and do NOT configure DDS-arrays on site. System owners or
consultants who actually commission systems with DDS-driven arrays must have a
User license.
 Axys Source and Scope G2 subwoofers can now also be used in DDS mode under
various acoustic boundary conditions. This means that the B-121, B-07 and UB-25 can
be used as part of a beam-shaped (e.g. cardioid or dipole) subwoofer array.
 DDS support for the new B-215DIFF subwoofer.
 Support for the new Intellivox-H90 and V90 MKII column loudspeakers.
 Support for the Flex G2 range.
 New visualisation option for DDC and DDS Intellivox models. Available options are
Amp-at-Bottom and Amp-at-Top.
User interface:
 Interactive loudspeaker placement in model by mouse clicking.
 New surface gridding option in Project Settings to save memory with large models.
 New option in “Pack Project” command to remove Full Run results. This reduces the
packed project size considerably.
 New functionality for discrete colour mapping (i.e., in intervals) of some acoustic
parameters (see Options/Plotting in DDA menu)
 New predefined RT and ambient noise spectra in Acoustic environment Options.
 Implementation of half-space radiation conditions. Besides the existing full-space
radiation condition, two half-space radiation conditions can now be modelled. This is
implemented by assuming an infinitely large, acoustically hard boundary plane below
(i.e. a horizontal floor plane) or behind the loudspeaker (i.e., a vertical wall plane).
This option should only be used for special configurations such as differential,
ground-stacked subwoofer arrays (e.g., a cardioid bass array). DDA uses an efficient
and accurate PSM-BEM model for the directivity of the individual cabinets.
 Improved frequency response for DDS-controlled arrays
 Improved and faster pre-delay optimisation.
 STI is now calculated according to IEC 60268-16:2011 (Ed.4). This standard
supersedes the 2003 edition (Ed.3).
 DDA is now supported for Windows 7.
User interface:
 New 3D scene rendering and lighting.
 New photo-realistic loudspeaker rendering.
 New MATERIAL specification for 3D models. This optional plane property specifies
the material of the plane. Each material is defined by its acoustic absorption and its
colour. Using these acoustic absorption coefficients DDA calculates the reverberation
time (RT). The use of materials can be overruled by setting the RT manually, in which
case the acoustic absorption of all materials is ignored and not taken into account. A
library with materials is also included.
 Implementation of the Axys Source and Scope G2 loudspeaker range into the
conventional directivity control section.
 Support for Target cardioid bass arrays. Cardioid bass arrays can now be optimised
very accurately using a hybrid PSM-BEM model for the directivity of the individual
 Improved near field response for DDS-controlled arrays.
 Improved FIR output filter design resulting in shorter latency.
 New EQ functionality (Highpass and Lowpass filters).
 New directivity data export functionality for EASE (GLL). The beta versions of the GLL
files are available on request only.
 New directivity data export functionality for ODEON (Target and Intellivox).
 Faster line of sight checking algorithm.
 DDA is now supported for Windows Vista.
User interface:
 New Plot tree interface. This feature makes plot navigation very easy.
 Scroll wheel support for zooming in or out from the scene. The cursor position
determines the centre of zoom.
ADC units (V90 and H90) can no longer be found under DDC, but under a separate
ADC control method button in the project settings.
 Extra bandwidth options (3 and 5 octaves) in the Calculation Options window.
 Improved CATT Acoustic SD2-interface. Now, relative paths to the FIR-files are used,
which makes transferring CATT projects between different PC’s easier.
 Extended DDS parameter export from DDA (User Edition only) to WinControl.
Relative level and predelay of multi-array set-up is now preserved.
 Improved, faster measuring tool.
 New easy-to-use DDS Balloon method. The already existing, full-featured DDS
method is now referred to as the DDS Geo method (the default DDS method).
 New acoustic parameter: Delay spread. This parameter is a measure of the width of
the energy-time distribution of the direct sound.
 New Predelay optimiser. This tool can be used to automatically align the direct sound
contributions of multiple arrays.
 In addition to the “classical” model, a new “revised” acoustical model for the
calculation of the reverberant sound has been implemented.
 New statistics plots for all acoustic parameters.
User interface:
 OpenGL related bug fixes.
 New context menus.
 Extended toolbar.
 New text editor
 Support for Intellivox DSX series.
 Support for U-12 and ABF-260 (conventional Axys units)
 Optional Enhanced DDS processing.
 Multi or single array EQ options for DDS.
 Auto curvature function in UCF builder.
 Distance measuring tool also works for other plot objects in 2D view.
System requirements:
 Windows XP(Service Pack 1 or 2)
 Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or 4)
 Windows Server 2003
 Windows NT is not supported anymore
DDA is now fully multi-user. DDA follows the windows convention to store user
related data by default under the <My documents> folder, however folder
preferences can be changed if required.
Note: It is advised to move already existing projects, stored in the DDA install
directory (<Program Files>\Duran Audio BV\DDA\Projects), to your default project
 DDA can now be executed by a Windows user with limited access rights (e.g. User
account or XP Guest account). Note that Administrator access rights are still required
for installing DDA.
User interface:
 Option to change the path to the default projects and UCF folder .
 Unpack command. Packed DDA projects can be unzipped into the selected
 Save As command. The entire project, including the linked configuration files (GCF,
UCF and RCF), can be saved, or, only the project file.
 Restructured toolbar.
 Zoom window command
 Modified ‘at top’ Array reference in UCF builder when using rigging frame.
 OpenGL related bug fixes.
 Support for Intellidisc-DS90 (DDS unit).
 Improvement of DDS algorithm.
 Array selection/summation tool. For discrete receiver positions the summed
frequency response can be calculated for any combination of arrays.
 Calculation of revised STI (Male/Female) according to IEC 60286-16:2003.
 Distance measuring tool.
 Calculation of MTI/STI statistics.
User interface:
 Pre-delays can be set in meters.
 Improved SD2 export facilities for Catt Acoustic (selectable export folder and base
name for export files).
 New project file (*.mat) format. New format is downwards compatible. Projects
saved in v2.07 can’t be opened in older versions anymore.
 Improvements for LF DDS-optimised arrays in simple geometries.
User interface:
 Selecting a curve by clicking the appropriate curve in the legend.
 Improvement for DDS-optimised arrays using the reduce throw option.
User interface:
 New Build geometry command.
 New context menus.
 Minor improvements on DDS algorithm.
New system requirements
 PC compatible, Pentium III, IV, Xeon, Pentium M, AMD Athlon, Athlon XP, Athlon MP
 250 MB free disk space.
 Windows XP or XP Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or 4), or Windows
NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5 or 6a)
 512 MB RAM, 1GB RAM recommended.
 16-, 24-, or 32-bit OpenGL capable graphics adapter (strongly recommended)
 Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher to view and print the DDA documentation in PDF
User interface:
 Major user interface enhancements (see manual and help file).
 New mapping options.
 Multiple group and array support.
 Support of pre-delays for array time-alignment purposes.
 Calculation of room acoustic parameters for open rooms.
 Disable/enable OpenGL option.
User interface:
 Input level edit box added for DDC Intellivox models.
 Support for H90 and V90 passive, directivity-controlled arrays.
 DDC Intellivox models are calibrated now. SPL is controlled by defining the input level
(in dBV) in the project settings window. The default WinControl EQ is applied for
each Intellivox model. The Desired SPL value in the GCF-file is ignored.
 Faster loading of GCF-file.
 Minor bug fixes in the directivity export.
User interface:
 Notification when DDA license is about to expire (less than 7 days left).
 Improved check for closed geometries.
 Check added for degenerate planes.
 Minor changes in DDS algorithm (Evaluation and User Edition only).
User interface:
 Pack Project command added in File menu. Using this command the complete DDA
project is zipped including the referred files in the Project settings like the UCF-file,
GCF-file, and RCF-file.
 List of recently opened project files added in File menu.
 The Open Project command starts browsing in the last opened directory.
 Extended Export Directivity Data To options in File menu. Directivity data can now
be exported to:
o CATT v8, using the generic DDI interface. Directivity data is not automatically
exported anymore after a full run. Also, an example SRC-file is exported with
the correct on-axis SPL and Gain values.
o EASE 4.0. 5-degree resolution, 1/3-octave directivity balloons (xhn-format,
fixed distance balloons) are exported from DDA. In addition to the xhn-file,
also a emf-file is exported containing the correct on-axis SPL settings to be
used in EASE.
 Different color maps selectable from the Mapping Options dialog.
 Different mouse pointers during rotating, panning, and zooming.
 Full complex loudspeaker directivity data used in calculations.
 Improved DDS algorithm (Evaluation and User Edition only).
 Support for Intellivox-1608, 808, and 7sym.
User interface:
 Export Directivity Data To item added in File menu. Directivity data can be exported
to EASE 4.0. 5-degree resolution, 1/3-octave directivity balloons (fixed distance).
 Calculation of some statistical acoustic parameters for closed geometric models.
The calculation of these parameters is based on a diffuse reverberant sound model,
described by the volume and T60. The following parameters are supported:
o Total SPL (direct + reverberant field).
o D/R, Direct-to-reverberant ratio.
o MTI/STI, Modulation or Speech Transmission Index.