Human Resource Planning PRESENTER- MD. MUBINUL ISLAM ( H U M A N R E S O U R C E M A N A G E M E N T, K H U L N A U N I V E R S I T Y, KHULNA, BANGLADESH) Human Resource Planning (HRP) 2/12 Human Resource: HR is the primary resource without which other resources can not put into use. Planning: is the process of selecting the organizational objective and taking action to achieve those objectives. HRP: The proactive process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kinds of people at the right place, at the right time who are capable of performing their assigned tasks effectively and efficiently. According to Walker, “ HRP is the process of analyzing an organization’s HR needs under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy these needs.” HRP Process Model 3/12 Micro-Macro Environment Analysis Supply Forecasting Demand Forecasting 1 Vs 2 Development & Implementation The Importance of Strategic HR Planning 4/12 There are at least two reasons why strategic HR planning is so important: 1. Employees help an organization achieve success because they are strategic resources. 2. The planning process itself results in improved goal attainment. ( improve org. performance, shape employee behavior ) Human capital: Human capital is the sum of employees’ knowledge, skills, experience, and commitment invested in the organization. Types of Planning 5/12 • Aggregate Planning – Anticipating needs for groups of employees in specific, usually lower level jobs, and general skills employees will need to ensure sustained high performance • Succession Planning Most often, it focuses on key critical management positions in the organization to fill with individuals who provide the best fit. – Ensuring the organization has the right number of HR supply to fill up the future key or managerial position – Aggregate Planning 6/12 Forecasting demand (Unit Forecasting, Top-Down Planning) Forecasting supply. The level and quantities of abilities, skills, and experiences can be determined using a Skills Inventory. Annually updated human resource information system (HRIS) is a dynamic source of HR information Markov analysis can be used to create a transition probability matrix that predicts mobility of employees within organization. Strategies for Managing Shortages 7/12 Recruit new permanent employees Work current staff overtime Offer incentives to postpone Subcontract work out retirement Rehire retirees part-time Attempt to reduce turnover Hire temporary employees Redesign job processes so fewer employees are needed Strategies for Managing Surpluses 8/12 Hiring freezes Across-the-board pay cuts Do not replace those who leave Layoffs Offer early retirement incentives Reduce outsourced work Reduce work hours Employee training Voluntary severance leaves of Switch to variable pay plan absence Expand operations Succession Planning 9/12 • Involves identifying key management positions the organization cannot afford to have vacant • Purposes of succession planning Facilitates transition when employee leaves – Identifies development needs of high-potential employees and assists in career planning – • Many organizations fail to implement succession planning effectively because– Qualified successors may seek external career advancement opportunities if succession is not forthcoming Guidelines for Effective Succession Planning 10/12 Tie into the organization’s strategy and modified accordingly. Monitor the progress and measure outcomes of succession planning initiatives. Ensure that all HR functions that impact the succession plan are integrated and working in tandem. Ensure centralized coordination of succession planning. Engage and involve managers throughout the organization. Pros & Cons of Disclosing Succession Planning 11/12 12/12 Thank You for the Session Copyright © 2005 South-Western. All rights reserved.