Department of Electronics and Communication Analog Circuits (ECC-204) Assignment 1 Deadline: 7th Feb, 2025 In the following problems, unless otherwise stated, assume µnCox = 200 µA/V2 , µpCox = 100 µA/V2 , and VTH = 0.4 V for NMOS devices and -0.4 V for PMOS devices 1. Determine the region of operation of M1 in each of the circuits shown in Fig. 1 2. Determine the region of operation of M1 in each of the circuits shown in Fig. 2 3. Assume λ = 0, compute W=L of M1 in Fig. 3 such that the device operates at the edge of saturation. 4. Calculate the bias current of M1 in Fig.3 if λ= 0. 5. Sketch Ix as a function of Vx for the circuits shown in Fig.5 . Assume Vx goes from 0 to Vdd = 1:8 V. Also, λ = 0. Determine at what value of Vx the device changes its region of operation.