SUNSHINE WORLD SCHOOL (MONTESSORI) An English Medium School Based on CBSE Curriculum SCHOOL UDISE CODE - 1800116200 Add- Ledahi, Mohanpur, Gaya – 824201 Contact No.- 9262502910, 8292106138 ADMISSION FORM ADMISSION NO.:- DATE OF ADMISSION:STUDENT PERSONAL INFORMATION PARENTS PHOTO STUDENT PHOTO ADMITTED INTO CLASS Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Gender: MALE/FEMALE Date of Birth: Blood Group: Nationality: INDIAN/OTHERS Religion: HINDU/MUSLIM/SIKH/CHRISTIAN Category: GEN/OBC/EBC/SC/ST Address: Village - __________________________ Post Office - _____________________________ Police Station - ____________________________ District - _______________________________ State - ___________________________________ Pin Code - ______________________________ Contact No.: Aadhaar No.: Qualification: Father - _______________________ Mother - ________________________________ Occupation: Father - ________________________ Mother - ________________________________ Name of Local Guardian (if any): _____________________________________________________________ Relation with Student: __________________ Contact No.: DECLARATION BY THE PARENTS I Mr. / Mrs. _______________________________________________________________________________ Father/ Mother/ Guardian of __________________________________________________________________ confirm that the above information provided by me is correct and to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am also ready to follow up all the rules and regulations of the school. Date: ….…/….…/………....… Parents Sign.: ………………………………. SUNSHINE WORLD SCHOOL (MONTESSORI) An English Medium School Based on CBSE Curriculum SCHOOL UDISE CODE – 1800116200 Add- Ledahi, Mohanpur, Gaya – 824201 Contact No.- 9262502910, 8292106138 ADMISSION FORM FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Fees collected vide Receipt No. _____________ of Amount Rs. _____________ dated on ________________ from the Student ______________________________________________ with Admission No. ___________ Date of Admission: _______/_______/_________ Class Admitted into: ______________ Section: ___________ …………………………………………….……… ..…………....………………………….……….. Name & Sign of Admission In charge Name & Sign. of Principal with Seal SUNSHINE WORLD SCHOOL (MONTESSORI) An English Medium School Based on CBSE Curriculum SCHOOL UDISE CODE – 1800116200 Add- Ledahi, Mohanpur, Gaya – 824201 Contact No.- 9262502910, 8292106138 ADMISSION FORM CERTIFICATION SLIP This is to certify that Mr. /Mrs. ________________________________________________ Son/Daughter of ______________________________________________________ has been admitted to Class _________ Section ___ on date ___/___/_____ with Admission No. _____. …………………………………………….………. ..…………....………………………….……….. Name & Sign of Admission In charge Name & Sign. of Principal with Seal Admission Fee: Details of Amount: Concession (if any): Annual Fee: Amount Payable: Tuition Fee: Amount Paid: Transport Fee: Dues: Tie & Belt Charge: Receipt No.: Book Cost: Date: Total Amount: Receiver’s Sign.: