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Hatchet Quiz: Chapters 1-4 Comprehension Questions

Quiz Time
Section 1: Chapter 1-4
1. Who is Brian going to visit?
Brain’s dad.
2. What is wrong with the pilot?
The pilot has a heart attack.
3. Why is Brain unable to sat at first that the pilot is dead?
Because Brian was stricken about the death of the pilot.
4. What will eventually happen if Brian just keeps the plane on a course pointing
Brian will be teared by the trees because of the down-angle and increased speed.
5. Brian decides to fly the plane onto, and not into, the water. Explain the two choices
and their consequences.
If Brian decides to fly the plane onto the water, he will have more probability to
6. How does Brain indicate that he is finished talking on the radio and that he is ready
to listen?
By using the word “Over.”
7. Why does Brian call the trees “the green death?”
Because if the plane crash to the trees, it will be smashed.
8. Predict what would have happened to Brain if he had been knocked unconscious
during the crash.
Brian may die if he had been knocked unconscious.
9. Brian is bothered by a secret that he is keeping. What is this secret?
Brian’s mother was with another man, that is the secret.
10. Brian feels that he is both lucky and unlucky after the crash. How is he both lucky
and unlucky?
He is lucky to survive and unlucky to have a pilot who had a heart attack and the
divorce between his parents.
Section 2: Chapter 5-8