History of Economic Thought Monday 28/03/2022 Newsletter “Thomas Robert Malthus” Edition: 001 Table of Contents Monday 01/02/2020 01 Introduction 02 Poor Laws 03 Population Theory Hard hearted? Issue of the Day Newsletter Edition: 001 04 Theory of Gluts 05 Events Describe the section here History of Economic Thought Monday 28/03/2022 Newsletter 01 Introduction Edition: 001 Malthus Monday 28/03/2022 ● ● ● ● ● Newsletter Son of an eccentric member of the English upper middle class. Tenderly tutored for a university under the guidance of his father. Spent his life in academic research First professional economist, teaching at a college training young administrators. Keynes called him “the first of the Cambridge economists.” Edition: 001 History of Economic Thought Monday 28/03/2022 02 Poor Law Newsletter Edition: 001 Problems of the Day ● ● Omnipresent problem of poverty ○ Poverty on the rise, particularly because of large tariffs on corn imports under the Corn Laws. ○ Unemployment high in early phase of the industrial revolution with the introduction of mechanization. Population concern: How many Englishmen were there? ○ Convinced that England’s population was dwindling ○ Depended on statistics by Dr Price, Houghton and Gregory King ○ Records of taxes and baptismal registrations: 5.5 million (extraordinarily accurate estimate!!!) Problems of the Day ● The concern: future population growth ● ● ● next doubling of the people of England would be in six hundred years to come, or by the year of our Lord 2300 By the time of Adam Smith, another view: ○ From taxes record, Dr Price proved that population of England had declined by 30%. Validity of his findings was hotly disputed, yet taken as fact. “The decay of population is the greatest evil the state can suffer……..” Introduced a new poor relief bill for the specific purpose of boosting the population. By having children a man enriched his country, even if his offspring should turn out to be paupers. Poor Laws: Collective set of redistributive measures to help the poor. Main elements of the Poor Laws: ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ○ Income guarantee program: family income was linked to cost of living ■ The poor should have a minimum income irrespective of their earnings. ■ Income below the threshold triggers transfers, mainly from landlords, but also merchants. Transfers tied to number of children to boost the population. Problems of the Day ● Population problem from the perspectives of a vision that puts its faith in natural law, reason and progress ● Was it declining? Should be encouraged to grow ● Was it growing? All to the good, the belief was population was a source of national wealth. ● There was nothing in the population question that could shake men’s faith in their future. Problems of the Day Godwin’s Optimism ● Political Justice (1793), ● excoriated the present but gave promise of a distant future in which, “there would no longer be a handful of rich and a multitude of poor…There will be no war, no crime, no administration of justice, as it is called, and no government. Besides this there will be no disease, anguish, melancholy, or resentment”…in short, utopia. ● Godwin argued that there would be no population crisis, because reason will compel people to cease propagation. Malthus’s Response ● An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society ○ There was a tendency in nature for population to outstrip all possible means of subsistence. ○ Far from ascending to an even higher level, society was caught in a hopeless trap – human reproductive urge would shove humanity to the precipice of existence. History of Economic Thought Monday 28/03/2022 Newsletter 03 Malthusian Population Theory Edition: 001 Population Theory Malthus’s assumption: ● Human animal would tend to double its number in 25 years. ● Where life is freer and healthier, population doubles every 15 years. ● In contrast, land could not be multiplied. It could be added to laboriously but the rate of progress is very slow and hesitant. ● Hence, while the number of mouths grows geometrically, amount of cultivable land only grows arithmetically. The population will increase at a rate of 1,2,4,8,16,32 and so on, while the rate of subsistence increases at best only 1,2,3,4,5,6. ● As a result, the number of people will outstrip the number of food. ● The larger number of mankind would forever be subjected to some kind of misery. ● Population cannot exist without food, the gap must be sealed…population check. Population Theory Population dilemma posed: Theoretical question (identification of the actual checks on population) Practical question ( solutions to the problem –which checks should be encouraged) Population Theory Monday 01/02/2020 Newsletter Preventive Checks • Moral restraint • Vices: Prostitution and Birth Positive Checks • Famine, Misery, Plague, War • a form of punishment for those that did Control not lead a moral life. If these checks were ever defeated, people would starve because population would grow too fast for the food supply. Edition: 001 Population Theory ● The conclusion drawn from Malthus’ essays was that the reproduction of the lower classes needed to be restrained. “The poor breed like rats and the population problem goes on..” ● Poverty and misery are the natural punishment for the failure of the “lower classes” to exercise moral restraint. ● The poor must receive no governmental aid. ● To provide aid would be to allow children to survive and only worsen the population concern. ● Poor Law should be abolished so that positive checks to population could take affect. Population Theory ● Several ideas of Malthus were included in the Poor Law Amendment in 1834. ● The amendment added several concepts: ● ○ To apply for relief a man must pawn all possessions and enter a workhouse as well as his family. ○ The workhouse imposed high psychological costs. Most people would rather starve than to face the indignities of entering the poor house. Thomas Carlyle, after reading Malthus’ book, called political economy “the dismal science”. Population Theory ● Urged the abolition of Poor Laws; opposed housing project for the working poor… ● Is he an ogre? ● Done with the sincere interest of the poorest at heart. ● Not so much a hard hearted as a supremely logical one. History of Economic Thought Monday 28/03/2022 Newsletter 04 Theory of Gluts Edition: 001 Theory of Gluts ● ● ● Possibilities of Gluts? Flood of commodities without buyers. Say’s Law ○ 2 simple propositions: ○ The desire for commodities was infinite. ○ Ability to purchase was guaranteed. ○ Producing goods cost something and every cost was some man’s income. ○ The demand existed, the incomes to buy existed as well. ● Was it not possible, for the act of saving to make the demand for goods too small for the supply? ● In Malthus’ Principles of Political Economy, he developed a theory of potential insufficiency of effective demand. Theory of Gluts ● Workers receive a subsistence wage. ● So, who will buy the products? ● The workers are hired because wages < than value of their output. ● ● The workers cannot buy back the total amount of output so others must. Unproductive Consumption: the answer lies in the consumption by landlords. ● Rent, is a surplus between price of agricultural produce and the cost of production. Thus, when this amount is spent, it adds only to effective demand and not to the cost of production. ● The output is purchase in part by capitalists in the form of capital goods. ● However, the investment will only occur to provide further consumption. ● There is a possibility of underconsumption in the economy. Theory of Gluts Monday 28/03/2022 Newsletter Edition: 001 Workers Capitalists Landlords Workers receive a subsistence wage. The workers are hired because wages < than value of their output. The workers cannot buy back the total amount of output so others must. The output is purchase in part by capitalists in the form of capital goods. However, the investment will only occur to provide further consumption. Have the purchasing power, pursue unproductive consumption. Rent, is a surplus between price of agricultural produce and the cost of production. Thus, when this amount is spent, it adds only to effective demand and not to the cost of production. Theory of Gluts ● Corn Laws must be retained. ○ ○ ● These tariffs enriched the landlords and promoted unproductive consumption. There should be no unproductive consumption by government or buying off the market to feed the poor. ● To Malthus, this type of expenditure was critical to the success of the market system since it could avoid the stagnation that could take place. Despite favoring unproductive consumption in the private market, Malthus opposed unproductive consumption by the government. ● Soldiers, sailors, and government officials lived off of taxes collected. These taxes would impede the collection of wealth by the landowners. Summary ● ● ● ● ● Initially, economists claim that Malthus overrated the growth in population. Also, the world’s output has continued to grow at a faster rate than population. Malthus’ view on agriculture was also incorrect. Modern technology has allowed fewer workers to achieve greater yield from the land. Also, trends show that increases in the national output may actually result in a lower birth rate as the opportunity cost of having children increases with the wages. However, the Global Food Crisis 2008 has changed this view, to a certain extent. The debate now is Could Malthus be Right?