Short Notes Material of LIS Compiled for Exam Note 100. Jubilee Project is associated with what Evaluation of electronic information services. 101. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) is United States Copyright Law 1998. 102. Virtua accommodates different version of the MARC standard USMARC, UKMARC, CANMARC, SWEMARC 103. DRTC started ADIS course in the year 104. INSDOC started AIS (Associative in Information Science) course in the year 1964. 105. SNDT Women University, Bombay; IT College, Lucknow and Morar Girls College, Morar (Gwalior) the name of institution in India that runs courses of B.Lib.Sc. for women candidate only. 106. James R. Rettig gave the sixth law of library Science ‘Every reader his/her freedom’. 107. University modernisation project of European Union is known as TEMPUS project. 108. Developer of Catman is 109. INFROSS (Information Requirement of Social Sciences) is an important study frequently quoted in Survey Research. INFROSS is one of the major user’s studies conducted in K. 110. Fodors Modern Guides is an example of Travel Guide. 111. “Directory of American Research and Technology” (DART) is published by B. Bowker. 112. American Book Publishing Record (ABPR) was started by Bowker in Classified part of ABPR is classified by DDC. 113. Rajendra Prasad awared ‘Padan Shree’ to Dr. Ranganathan on 29th October, 1957. 114. “Traits de Documentation” is the first book on documentation, written by Paul Otlet in 115. The first concept of “Library Co-operation” put to practice is traced to Fermington Plan. Fermington Plan was a cooperative acquisition programme in The Farmington plan is associated with Library Cooperation. 116. Citation Indexing was first developed in the field of 117. CODEN was developed by American Society for Testing and Materials. CODEN is Seven character code. Chemical Abstract uses CODEN for standardisation purpose. CODEN consists of characters and numerals. 118. When the power is switch on the file which automatically executed isBAT. 119. Lancaster’s book ‘Towards Paperless Information System’ appeared in 1978. 120. Eugene Garfield said, “Ranganathan is to Library Science what Einstien is to Physics”. 121. The concept of “Anomalous state of knowledge” was proposed by 122. The first Public Library Act is known as the Penny act. 123. DESIDOC is previously known as Scientific Information Bureau (SIB). 124. The UGC in India is based on the model found in Great Britain. 125. In 1938 the Wood and Abbott Committee is responsible for Academic Libraries Financial Position. 126. KARDEX system used to control periodicals. 127. Prevoyance is forcasting and 128. Current Contents was published in USA (Institute of Scientific Information). Current contents are related to 129. FLAIR is related to 130. Compaction is an important feature of 131. According to Garfield two concepts of Citations are Classic & Impact factor. 132. “TARGET” a natural language search system is released by 133. ORBIT was developed in “ORBIT” system adopted by National Library of Medicine is called ELHILL. DIAGLOG, ORBIT is the online bibliographic services. 134. John Vincent Atansoff and Clifford Berry designed the first electronic computer called 135. The International standard ISO-2709 is derived from 136. A “Inter-Library Resource Centre” was established in 1975 by 137. International Serial Data System (ISDS) Centre is located at Paris. 138. Content, Abstract and Photocopy Service (CAPS) is an innovative Customised Information Service provided by CAPS contents page service is offered by INSDOC. 139. CANSEARCH is a rule based expert system designed to aid 140. Information Referral System for the sources of information on Environment (INFOTERRA) was launched by INFOTERRA was established with the aid and support of UNESCO/PGI. 141. Cooperative online Serial Programme (CONSE) is being operated by OCLC. 142. Total Electronic Publishing Services (STEPS) is a project of 143. Eureka is a powerful and easy to use research service by 144. The Interagency Development Research Information System (IDRIS) database is available through 145. Subject Approach to Information – A. C. Foskett 146. LANCET rules designed to be used in conjunction with AACR was published by LA. LANCET rules were designed to be used in conjunction with 147. The COSATI Rules pertain to cataloguing of Scientific and Technical Rules. 148. The National Programme for Acquisition and Cataloguing (NPAC) was launched by Library of Congress. 149. One Place theory – Dewey 150. FAIRS, the retrieval system of US Federal Aviation agency was evaluated by E. Berninger. 151. The person who first expounded General Systems Theory was V. Bertlanffy. 152. Central Acquisition of Foreign Periodicals Project is being carried out by 153. Radha Krishana Commission recommended that a university should spend each year Rs. 25/- for each student and Rs. 300/- per teacher. 154. Books in Print: A National Database was created by 155. CODATA referral database was set up by 156. WINSPIRS is one of the CD database searching software providing SDI facility. WINSPIRS search software was produced by Silver Platter. 157. Contents of Periodicals in Science and Technology (COPSAT) was launched by Contents with Abstract of Periodicals in Science and Technology (COPSAT) service was launched in 1993 by INFLIBNET. COPSAT service is related to Science and Technology. 158. Operations Research Society of America is related to The special course in OR was started in 1950. 159. According to De Solla Price the earlier name for footnotes was known as Scholia. 160. RDF – Tim Berners Lee/Mark Andreessen & Gina Biomchini. 161. First Programmer – Lady Lovelace Ada. 162. Subject Gateway – Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) 163. “Centralised Acquisition of Periodical” (CAP) is programme of INSDOC. CAP was launched by INSDOC in 164. Web 2.0 – D. Dougherty & Tim O.Relly 165. Wiki – G. Cunningham 166. Folksonomy – T. Vander Wal 167. Weblog – John Berger 168. RSS – Netscape 169. URL – Tim Berners Lee 170. FRBR – Patrick LeBoeuf (The (FRBR) model, proposed by IFLA in 1998) 171. Proquest – digital database service is being offered by The INSPEC CD_ROM software is known as Proquest. 172. Cranfield research project is an example of Experimental research. The person who conducted Carnfield research study is W. Cleverdon. The Cranfield research project conducted by C. Cleverdon is an example of Experimental Research. 173. SUCHAK database is being developed and operated by SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. 174. Inkblot Test Techniques are employed in Projective Techniques. Inkblot test is developed by Hermann Rorchach. 175. The t-test is applied when sample series is small. Paired t-test is applied when observations are made from the same group at two time points. 176. A-I-E-T-A model of diffusion was developed by Rogers and Shoe maker. 177. The phrase Bibliographical Coupling was first coined by M. Kessler. M. M. Kessler coined the term “Bibliographic Coupling” in the year 1958. Bibliographic Coupling is related to Bibliometric studies. 178. JACKPHY Plus service provides access to the bibliographical records of RLIN. 179. GLAS is a software for creating 180. The term Information Science came into exist in this year 1959 181. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society Japan 182. Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for development of Libraries Kothari committee. 183. Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron said that “Librarianship is not a profession” 184. Halkett & J. Laing is the author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature” 185. Renardus is a multi-subject gateway. The Renardus academic subject gateway service in Europe was launched in April 2002. 186. Vivisimo is a specialized information organization online tool. com specialized information organization online tool developed by IBM. 187. Mathematical Formula for estimating sample size is given by Taro Yamane. 188. DIALOG, a service of The Dialog Corporation, has been serving users since 1972 with over 450 databases pertaining to a number of disciplines. 189. Ontology is Classification of Internet based documents. 190. SCIRUS search engine is exclusively meant for scientific information. 191. ‘Kinesis’ is related to 192. Technological Gatekeeper is An informal mechanism of keeping user informed of Relevant development 193. “Introduction to Reference source” was written by A. Katz. 194. Henri La Fontaine honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in Documentation in 1913. 195. Conrad Gesner is regarded as father of bibliography. 196. Linear Model of Communication in knowledge based on Aristotle’s model of communication was proposed by E. Shannon & W. Weaver 197. Libraries are receiving books through delivery of books and newspaper Act 1954 Amended in year 1956. 198. The concept of Concretes And Processes was given by S. R. Ranganathan 199. “Controlled Group” is a term used in Experimental research 200. COPSAT stands for Current Online Patent in Science and Technology 201. The concept “Invisible College” first used by Derek Solla Price 202. CLASS software package is for Library Circulation control. 203. CHECKMATE software package is for Serial Control in a Library 204. ISO 2709 exchange format specifies : The tags to be used. 205. British Library Act was enacted in UK. in the year 1972. 206. Brownson used the word ‘Thesaurus’ first in 1957. 207. Minimum, Midding and maximum theories of reference service are given by Samuel Rothstein. 208. Louis Jacob de Saint Charles used the word ‘Bibliography’ 209. APINESS (Asia Pacific Information Network in Social Sciences) is ARPANET Project. APINESS programme is launched by UNESCO at Paris in 1974. 210. Remote Console (RECON) is online technique related to NASA, USA. 211. TECHONET is located at Singapore. 212. DIALOG online service was started in 213. DARE database was set up by UNESCO for Social Science. 214. Direct Internet Access System (DIAS) is developed IIT, Madras. 215. MEMEX – Vannever Bush 216. XANADU – T. H. Nelson 217. File Retrieval and Editing System (FRESS) – V. Darm 218. PLEXUS is an system developed by 219. SHE – Engineering 220. MESH – Medicine 221. TEI – Metadata Format 222. User Education was experimented for the first time by Monteith College. 223. Putting knowledge to work was authored by Pauline Atherton 224. MEDLARS was set in USA in the year 225. SURFNET is known as the Academic Research Network in the 226. I-NET is first PSPDN (Pocket Switching Public Data Network) to provide communication units across major metropolis of India. 227. Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC) laboratory is initiated by CSIR in the year 228. Central acquisition of foreign periodical project is being 229. Referativnyi Zunal is an abstracting periodicals and publication of Referativnyi Zunal was first published in 1953. 230. Index Translationum is a publication of 231. INTEXT project was launched by Doordarshan and 232. Granthagar (Bengal) 1937 published by 233. POPLINE is an online service provided by INSPEC/MEDLARS. 234. International Information Centre for Terminology (INFOTERM), established in the year 235. Current Library & Information Science is a publication of 236. Directory of Special and Research Libraries in India 1985 was published by IASLIC. 237. Panel Survey method is a direct extension of Interview sampling. 238. Grey Literature means Literature which is semi-published. 239. Concordance means an alphabetic index to a book or an author works. 240. Auto abstract is based on the idea given by 241. Press in India is the primary source for finding out Indian periodicals in Agriculture. 242. ISTP is the following indexes only papers presented in the conferences. 243. TEST is thesaurus was first publishes in the year Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (TEST), first published in 1967 – Alphabetical Part, Hierachical index, permuted index and subject category index. 244. Library Bill of Right is first published by ALA in the year 245. In 1972 was designated as the Information Technology Year. 246. UNESCO – As per norms prescribed by UNESCO, a book should have at least 49 pages, 22 to 32 cm height and 1.5 to 4 cm. of thickness. 247. The concept of ‘Self-renewal’ was introduced by 248. Library is the heart of an institute this was stated by S. R. Rangathan. 249. The term ‘Slant in Abstract’ was used by S. R. Rangathan. 250. Semantic theory of information is referred to 251. The first “Model Public Libraries Act” in India was drafted in the year 1942. 252. August 14, 1850 is a red letter day in the British Library Development because the public libraries bill received royal assent. 253. Institute of India provides for the establishment of National Library under Article 62. 254. Names of Four Regional Centre’s of INFLIBNET 255. L. Nehru University, New Delhi (North) 256. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (South) 257. Jadapur University, Calcutta (East) 258. University of Pune (West) 259. Inductive Logic proceeds from Particular to General 260. Francis Bacon said ‘some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested‘. 261. In 1972 year was the International Book Year celebrated by UNESCO. 262. ASK (Approach, Skill, Knowledge ) principle is related to management 263. Which section of the library is known as hub of the staff Technical section’s. 264. R. Ranganathan suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP). 265. Halkett & J. Laing is the author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature” 266. Some of the data bases – MEDLINE, CATLINE, AVLINE, HISTLINE, SERLINE, and SDILINE – are created and maintained solely by 267. World Cat is a union catalog. World Cat was founded by Fred Kilgour in 1967. It is the world’s largest bibliographic database. 268. Conten Management System (CMS) – Joomla, Plone Postnuke, Xoops, Drupal etc. 269. Learning Management System (LMS) – Moodle, Claroline, ATutor 270. The Project entitled “National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)”, being jointly executed by the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi. 271. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a concept created by Edwards Deming. Six Sigma is a business management strategy, originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986. 272. The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s. 273. The Critical Path Method (CPM) (an algorithm for scheduling) developed in the late 1950s by Morgan R. Walker and James E. Kelley. 274. The term “Marketing Mix” was coined in 1953 by Neil Borden. 275. Peter Phyrr used Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB) in 1970. 276. Term first Programme Budgeting System was first introduced by the then United States Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara in 1960’s. 277. Gray literature means in the words of C. Debachere. Examples of grey literature include technical reports from government agencies or scientific research groups, working papers from research groups or committees, white papers, or preprints. The term grey literature is often employed exclusively with scientific research in mind. Nevertheless, grey literature is not a specific genre of document, but a specific, noncommercial means of disseminating information. 278. The term “hybrid library” was first coined in 1998 by Chris Rusbridge in an article for D- Lib Magazine. 279. LUCI is the another name of -Chain Indexing 280. What is the alternative name of “Telegraphic abstract” – Standardized abstract 281. Alternative Name of Post coordinate index- Manipulative Index 282. When an index system contains current as well as past year information then it is called – Retrospective Index 283. What is EMCO index – The computer produced expert medica index 284. MUMS is a one type of MARC system 285. The importance of reference services is the same as wisdom armed forces – LoisShores 286. In which university library of India the post of reference librarian was first created in 1937Madras 287. Which Librarian used the word Reference Interview for the first time – Margratte Hutchins 288. Who was the publisher of CC up to 6theditions – Asia publishing house 289. Who published the 7thedition of CC – Sharda Ranganathan Endowment 290. Who used first the term Thesaurus – Helan Bronson 291. Who classified scientific principles of management with library management – J.Evans 292. Management by objectives is the managerial behavior that emphasizes on getting specific aims –Handerson 293. Who told that organization is a Machine – Wilson and Tauber 294. In which year the barcode technique was first used in the library field – in 1972 in comden public library. 295. What are two types data analysis – Descriptive & Inferential 296. Inferential analysis is also referred as – statistical analysis 297. Which university in world awarded first Ph.D degree in 1930 in library and information science –ColumbiaUniversity 298. Who designated SRR as father of library science in India – Sir Maurice Gwoyer 299. The Professonship in library science for the first time was created in 1886 by – Goming University 300. Samuel Rothstein had given the “Minimal, middling and maximum theories of reference service”. 301. James I Wyer propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service”. 302. R. Ranganathan stated “Reference service is the contact between the right reader and right book in the right personal way”. 303. R. Ranganathan “Prolegomena of library classification” 1949. 304. R. Ranganathan “Essential of library classification”. 305. C. Richardson defined “Notation as shorthand sign”. 306. C. B. Sayers was the first “Grammarian of library classification”. 307. C. B. Sayers wrote “Manual of classification for librarians and bibliographies”. 308. In 1918 Sayer’s “Introduction to library classification”. 309. W. Hulme wrote “Principles of book classification”. 310. D. Brown wrote the book “Manual of library classification and self-arrangement”. 311. Margaret Mann wrote “Introduction to cataloguing and classification of books”. 312. Organising knowledge in Libraries – D. Needham 313. Information Science in theory and practice – C. Vickery and A. Vickery 314. Gotam’s book “Nyasutra” has given the following four steps of scientific research such as Pratyaksha (Perception), Upman (Comparison), Anuman (Inference), Aptavaskshya (Verification/Testing) 315. Little Science, Big Science – Eric J de Solla Price. 316. The Third Wave – Alwin Toffler. 317. TEI – Metadata Format. 318. The order of significance of “Thing, Material and Action” among various components of a compound subject was expanded by J. Coates. 319. Social Science Index – Articles on Green Revolution 320. Asian Recorder – Obituary of Dev – Anand 321. Osgood and Schramm – Circular Model 322. Berlo – S-M-C-R Model 323. George Gerbner – General Model 324. In 1972 in Comden Public Library the Bar Code Technique was first used in the library fields. 325. “Half life” of information implies information is useful only half the time/ As information ages, it is useless/Rate of obsolescence 326. ISI has been renamed as BIS. 327. The initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection and presentation are two stages of which model of information seeking behaviour Kuhlthou Model. 328. Blair and Maron evaluation study on retrieval effectiveness of full text search is called STAIRS project. Blair and Moron model is included with STAIRS Project. 329. Current Approach, Everyday Approach, Exhaustive Approach are the scientists approach according to Melvin J. Voigt (1961). 330. Recognise information need, Construct strategies for locating Locate and access, Compare and evaluate is the correct order of SCONUL’s “Seven Pillar Model of Information Skills”. 331. Informix – DBMS software. 332. Omni Page – OCR software 333. Team Viewer – Remote login software 334. All Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI) was established in 335. ROADS system contains tools which will automatically create classified listing of the resource and search mechanism for Internet resources. 336. PEDICASTS is an example of numeric database. 337. Paul Zurkowsi first coined the term “Information Literacy” in the year 1974 and in US national Commission on Libraries & Information. 338. The term “Exponential growth” refers to geometric Progression/Arithmetical Progression. 339. By statistical and dynamic rules is stochastic equation of information solved. Stochastic Equation of Information is solved By dynamic rules. 340. The term “Information transfer” was coined by 341. Linear Model of Communication in knowledge based on Aristotle’s model of communication was proposed by E. Shannon & W. Weaver. 342. Laswell Model is more known as Communication Model. 343. Index Medicus – was established during 1879. 344. Roster of Indian Scientific and Technical Translator is maintained by 345. GISTNIC – is a part of NICNET. 346. According to, Kuhlthou Model “The initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection and presentation are two stages of which model of information seeking behaviour”. 347. F- Test can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis. 348. Hypothesis testing– F – test, Chi – square test, t – test 349. The chi-square technique is used to compare the observed data with that of Expected data 350. T-Test is not a non-parametric test. 351. Rafter is an example of Hindi Language based search engines. 352. Lund University is maintaining DOAJ. 353. Internet Archive is Way Back Machine. 354. MAB stands for Multi-author Blogs. 355. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. 356. COUNTER stands for Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources. 357. The term automation was first introduced by S. Harder in 1936. 358. FOAF stands for friend of a friend. It is commonly used for managing user profiles.