政大教學大綱 10/28/24, 10:01 AM 教學大綱 Syllabus 科目名稱:迴歸分析(一) Course Name: Regression Analysis (I) 學年學期:112-2 課程簡介 Spring Semester, 2024 Course Description 科目代碼:304008001 Course No.304008001 3.0 80 學分數 修別: 必 Credit(s) Type of Credit: Required 課程資料 Course Details 開課單位:統計二 Course Department:Statistics/B/2 授課老師:陳怡如 Instructor: CHEN YI-JU 預收人 數 Number of Students The course will provide the fundamental methods and practical application skills in regression analysis and its generalizations. The topics includes: simple linear regression, multiple regression, inferences, model diagnostics and remedial measures, regression models for quantitative and qualitative predictors and logistic regression. The statistical software R (or SAS) will be used to demonstrate the real data analysis. Note that the course will be lectured in English, and the "Course Schedule & Requirements" provided below are subject to change depending on the actual progress of the class. (註:本課程為英語授課。每週課程進度與作 業要求,會依實際授課狀況做調整) 核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart 先修科目:無 Prerequisite(N/A) 雷達圖 上課時間:四234 Session: thu09-12 A 5 4 3 2 E B 1 0 D C 老師 https://newdoc.nccu.edu.tw/teaschm/1122/schmPrv.jsp-yy=112&smt=2&num=304008&gop=00&s=1.html 學生 1/5 政大教學大綱 10/28/24, 10:01 AM 能力項目說明 A. 具備基礎數理能力、 商業分析創新思考能力與熟悉應 用具全球視野的統計方法 (To equip with fundamental mathematical abilities, innovation thinking ability in business analytics, and to be familiar with statistical methods of global vision) B. 具備道德、社會責任與全球永續發展議題之知能 (To equip with knowledge of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainable development goals (SDGs)) C. 具備溝通技巧、闡釋分析結果與進行決策之判斷(To equip with communication skills, explain analysis results and to make judgment on decisions) D. 熟悉統計方法之應用及實務、統計軟體操作與程式設計 與熟悉運用基礎商業管理知識 (To be familiar with application and practices of statistical methods, implementation of statistical software and programming, and fundamental business management knowledge) E. 具備團隊合作與領導能力 (To equip with teamwork and leadership ability) 課程目標與學習 成效 Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes The course provides students the underlying foundations of regression modeling with applications. Students successfully completing this course should be able to: 1) understand basic mathematical concepts and principles of the linear regression model and its limitations, 2) diagnose and apply modeling concepts to some real data problems in regression, 3) familiarize the groundwork and correction tools of model inaptness, as well as their applications to practical problems, and 4) conduct the regression data analysis using statistical programs. 每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements 教學週次 彈性補充教學週次 Flexible Supplemental Instruction Week 彈性補充教學類別 Flexible Supplemental Instruction Type 16+2週 第8週 Week 8 完成指定課後作業或作品 Completion of designated after-course assignment or work 第 17 週 Week 17 完成指定課後作業或作品 Completion of designated after-course assignment or work Course Week 16+2 weeks https://newdoc.nccu.edu.tw/teaschm/1122/schmPrv.jsp-yy=112&smt=2&num=304008&gop=00&s=1.html 2/5 政大教學大綱 10/28/24, 10:01 AM 學生學習投入時間 週次 課程主題 Week Topic 1 Introduction; 教學活動與作 課程內容與指定閱讀 業 Student workload expectation Content and Reading Teaching 課堂講授 課程前後 Assignment Activities and In-class Outside-ofHomework Hours class Hours Course Introduction, Chapter 1 Lecture 3 2 2 Simple Linear Regression; Inferences in Regression Chapters 1 and 2 Analysis Lecture, HW 3 4 3 Inferences in Regression Analysis; Correlation Analysis Chapter 2 Lecture, HW 3 4 4 Model Diagnostics Chapter 3 Lecture 3 5 5 Model Diagnostics Chapter 3 Lecture, HW 3 4 6 Remedial Measures Chapters 1-3 Lecture, Quiz 3 4 7 Matrix Approach to Regression Chapter 5 Lecture, HW 3 4 8 Review; Data analysis using Chapters 1-5 R (or SAS) Discussion, SelfLearning 3 5 9 Midterm Exam Chapters 1-5 0 8 10 Multiple Regression (I) Chapters 6 and 7 Lecture 3 4 11 Multiple Regression (II) Chapters 6 and 7 Lecture, HW 3 4 12 Multiple Regression (II) Chapters 7, 8, and 11 Lecture, HW 3 4 13 Model Building (I); Model Chapter 9 Selection and Validation Lecture, HW 3 4 14 Model Diagnostics Chapter 10 Lecture, Quiz 3 5 15 Model Building (II); Remedial Measures Chapter 11 Lecture 3 4 16 Logistic Regression Chapter 14 (optional if Lecture time permitted) 3 4 17 Review; Data analysis using Chapters 6-11 R (or SAS) 3 5 18 Final Exam 0 8 Simple Linear Regression Discussion, SelfLearning Chapters 6-11 https://newdoc.nccu.edu.tw/teaschm/1122/schmPrv.jsp-yy=112&smt=2&num=304008&gop=00&s=1.html 3/5 政大教學大綱 10/28/24, 10:01 AM 授課方式 Teaching Approach 80% 講述 Lecture 評量工具與策 略、評分標準成 效 0% 0% 10% 10% 討論 小組 活動 數位 學習 Discussion Group activity Elearning 其 他: Others: In-class Attendance 10%, Quiz 30%, Midterm Exam 30%, Final Exam 30% Evaluation Criteria 指定/參考書目 Textbook & References Required Textbook: Michael H. Kutner et al. (2019). Applied Linear Statistical Models: Applied Linear Regression Models (5th edition), Mcgraw-Hill Inc. (華泰文化). Some References: 1. Douglas C. Montgomery, Elizabeth A. Peck, and G. Geoffrey Vining (2021). Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis (6th Edition). 2. John Fox and Sanford Weisberg (2018). An R Companion to Applied Regression (3rd Edition), SAGE Publications, Inc. 已申請之圖書館指定參考書目 課程相關連結 Course Related Links Moodle: http://moodle.nccu.edu.tw/ ALSM: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ALSM/index.html 課程附件 Course Attachments https://newdoc.nccu.edu.tw/teaschm/1122/schmPrv.jsp-yy=112&smt=2&num=304008&gop=00&s=1.html 4/5 政大教學大綱 10/28/24, 10:01 AM 課程進行中,使用智 慧型手機、平板等隨 身設備 需經教師同意始得使用 Approval To Use Smart Devices During the Class By appointment. 授課教師Office Hours及地點 Office Hours & Office Location To be announced. 教學助理基本資料 Teaching Assistant Information https://newdoc.nccu.edu.tw/teaschm/1122/schmPrv.jsp-yy=112&smt=2&num=304008&gop=00&s=1.html 5/5