KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. DEPARTMENT OF PETROLLEUM ENGINEERING. NAME: ADELI JOEL INDEX NUMBER: 8182919 REFERENCE NUMBER: 20689954 GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIP REPORT January 31, 2023. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................3 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................3 RESERVOIR ROCKS ...........................................................................................3 Depositional Environment .....................................................................................4 SOURCE ROCK ....................................................................................................6 Depositional Environment .....................................................................................8 CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................9 Figure 1; Elmina Sandstone. ......................................................................................4 Figure 2 Elmina Sandstone Outcrop ..........................................................................5 Figure 3; Takoradi Shale Basal Unit..........................................................................6 Figure 4; Takoradi Shale ............................................................................................7 INTRODUCTION This report is a product of an account of a geological field trip at Takoradi visiting places such as Elmina, Cape Coast, Takoradi and New Takoradi. The sole purpose of the field trip is to understand the geological requirements for the formation of petroleum. This process requires a source rock rich in organic matter with sufficient oxygen, example: shale. A reservoir rock with suitable porosity; to enable fluid storage, permeability; to allow for the transmission of fluids and saturation. A typical required reservoir rock is sandstone. The presence of a cap rock or seal to trap fluids and prevent upward buoyant fluid movement, which has to be ductile so it can break while expanding. An example of a cap rock or seal is shale and salts. Upon coming across an outcrop (a rock formation which is visible on the surface), the rock formation is observed from a distance to ascertain the megascopic features of the rock before moving closer to check the layering i.e. Thinly layered, medium or massive layered. The colour of the formation is also noticed before a portion of the rock is broken to see the inherent colour of the rock, this is because factors such as environmental condition, human activities and that of other life forms such as fauna and flora may affect the colour of the rock hence giving it a different coloration on the surface. The places visited covers the Saltpond basin made up of a succession of rocks. The structure of the basin is characterized by multiple faulting, which has resulted in a complex set of horsts (a raised fault block bounded by normal faults), and grabens (an elongated block of the earth’s crust lying between two faults and displaced downwards relative to the blocks on either sides, as in a rift valley). DISCUSSION RESERVOIR ROCKS Elmina Sandstone, which overlies the Ajua Shales, is one of the thickest formation within the Sekondian, which were formed during the Ordovician to the Cretaceous period. It is the dominant rock type from Takoradi to Elmina having more than 30% of feldspar minerals present making it an arkosic sandstone It is uniform medium – grained arkosic sandstone rich in mica and feldspar coupled with massive and poorly sorted mineralogy. It is characterized by chocolate brown to purple colour. It is coarser grained towards the base of the formation but thin – bedded and somewhat shaly at the top. The homogeneity and preservation of unaltered feldspars the rock suggest their derivation from an area devoid of vegetation and deposited over a wide area. Depositional Environment The depositional environment of the Elmina Sandstone is made up of unaltered feldspar is indicative that the sediments may have come from a topographic high which suffered very little weathering in a probable arid condition. The somewhat reflective nature of the sandstone imply the presence of mica with the feldspars responsible for rock colouration. The Elmina Sandstone ( Late Ordovician – Early Silurian) is followed by the Takoradi sandstones ( Devonian) , Takoradi Shales ( Middle Devonian – Early Carboniferous , Efia Nkwanta beds ( Late Carboniferous – Permian ) , Sekondi sandstone ( Triassic – Early Jurassic ) and Essikado beds (Lower Cretaceous sediments) from oldest to the youngest. Figure 1; Elmina Sandstone. Figure 2 Elmina Sandstone Outcrop Takoradi Sandstone, which has the lower part sandy shale, shaly sandstone and thin bedded finer grained micaceous sandstone. Above this is thick – bedded, medium grained, well-sorted and highly friable sandstone. It displays planar to tubular cross – bedding dipping to the southwest. It is predominantly quartz, which are angular in shape. Accessory minerals include zircon, apatite, magnetite and tourmaline. Trapping is both structural (fault bounded blocks) and stratigraphic (sandstones interfingering into shales) with sealing provided by the Takoradi Shale formation. It is the reservoir rock of the Saltpond field. ( Figure 3; Takoradi Shale Basal Unit. SOURCE ROCK Takoradi Shale composed of hard, compact, black or dark gray fissile shale or sandy shale, rich in carbonaceous matter. It is associated with Sulphur mineralization occurring as pyrites in disseminated forms or as spherical nodules. The top of the formation have large discoidal nodules of compact fine granular, gray siderite or clay ironstones. It is the source rock of the saltpond field. Gas would be seen coming out of these shales then hydrochloric acid was added to them. Fissile shales are another name for these shales. Clay – sized particles were found in smaller samples of the outcrop lower section. The particles were extremely minute with carbon as part of the minerals. The formation of the shales occurred during the Trans – tensional movement during the separation of Africa and South America and opening of the Atlantic in the Albian. Active rifting and subsidence during the period and other prevailing conditions at the time was ideal was the deposition of of shales, thus thick organic rich shale was deposited in the Cenomanian and Turonian. ( ) The Takoradi Shales were found to be appropriate source rocks; however, this could only be confirmed once the entire organic carbon content was established. To confirm the nature of the source rock, the total organic content must be known. Poor source rocks have total organic carbon (TOC) to be less than 0.5 percent. Source rocks have a (TOC) of between 0.5 and 1 percent are regarded to be good. In addition, those with a TOC of 2% to 4% are regarded as excellent source rocks. Source rocks with a TOC of more than 4% are regarded are excellent. The Takoradi shales characteristics. Many geological features are planes or lines, and their characteristics is used to describe their orientation. These positions are defined from two perspectives; strike and drip. When looking at the outcrop, it was clear that tectonic forces had worked on it because it did not conform to the law of horizontality. As a result, the rock’s strike and dip had to be attained. The direction of the line created by the intersection of a fault, bed, or other planar feature and a horizontal plane in geology is called strike. The position of linear structural elements like faults, bed, joints and folds is indicated by the strike. A planar feature’s dip (angle and direction) is the angle at which it is inclined to the horizontal plane, measured in a vertical plan perpendicular to the feature strike. The vertical angle formed between the horizontal plane and the axis or line of maximal elongation of a feature is known as the plunge. The dip is measured along the limbs, whereas the plunge is measured along the axis of a fold. Folds can be classified using the plunge. The strike and dip can also be utilized to indicate the direction of youngling. Figure 4; Takoradi Shale Figure 5 Depositional Environment The depositional environment of the Takoradi Shale is highly fossiliferous and has provided fossils of diverse groups. The Palynomorph (trilete spore and acritachs) have a lot of implication for its past environment. The spores recovered are similar to those that inhabit fresh water swamps in humid climates. The acritarch though few as compared with the spores also confirms a near shore or brackish water influence. The siderite is indicative of a reducing environment maintained by organic matter, such as in deltaic swamps or mangrove with Carboniferous age assigned to the sediments. TRAPS A trap is the definition for the configuration of reservoir seals or cap rock preventing upward buoyant movement of hydrocarbons and halt their migration. Structural and stratigraphic traps are the basic types of traps. When the reservoir rock and the overlying seal are distorted by bending or faulting, structural traps form which occurs over a long period of geologic time after sediment deposition. Trapping is both structural ( fault bounded blocks) and stratigraphic ( sandstones interfingering into shales) with sealing provided by The Takoradi Shale formation is a typical trap as it provides sealing through both structural ( fault bounded rocks ) and stratigraphic (sandstones interfingering into shales ) hence trapping the Takoradi Sandstone; a typical reservoir . CONCLUSION The purpose of the field trip of the geological trip, which is to understand the geological requirement for the formation of petroleum, i.e.; source rock with sufficient organic matter buried at great depths, reservoir rock with good porosity, permeability and saturation and cap rock / seals to prevent further migration of hydrocarbons was met. The trip also helped broaden the scope and enabled students relate courses taken such Basic Geology and Regional Geology as lecture images were seen physically enabling students appreciate geology better. The Western basin is divided into two section; a rift part with shallow marine to continental deposits, and a thick upper cretaceous drift layer with basin floor fans, stratigraphic traps and channel systems. The roundness of rocks is determined by their provenance , journey travelled and manner of transit. Information on depositional settings and even mineralization sites can be found in geological structures. REFERENCES Long, S. 2014. Hilwalking: The Official Handbook of the Mountain Training Walking Schemes, 3rd Edition Mountain Training https: // Carranza, E.J.M., 2008. Geochemical Anomaly and Mineral Prospectivity Mapping in GIS. Handbook of Exploration and Environmental Geochemistry 11. Elsevier, 360 p.