Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Weinberg - Complete test bank exam questions - quizzes (updated 2022) written by TestBanks2022 Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Sport psychology specialists have three roles. These include *a. teaching, researching, and consulting b. teaching, administration, and consulting c. research, administration, and teaching d. teaching, intervention, and research e. intervention, teaching, and consulting 2. Which of the following will the field of sport and exercise psychology face in the future? a. unqualified people doing consulting in sport psychology b. few full-time positions in sport psychology involving consulting with athletes c. a glut of positions teaching sport psychology at universities *d. a and b e. a and c 3. Which type of question would NOT fall under the category of "What effect do psychological factors have on an individual's performance?" a. Does self-confidence influence a child's ability to learn to swim? b. How does anxiety affect a tennis player's service accuracy? *c. Does running reduce one's anxiety and depression? d. How does punishment influence an individual's motivation to continue participation in sport? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. How does concentration affect performance in fine motor tasks? 4. Research by Landers and his colleagues, using biofeedback techniques to train elite marksmen to shoot between heartbeats, is a good example of a a. cognitive-behavioral orientation b. cognitive-affective orientation c. behavioral orientation *d. psychophysiological orientation e. physiological-environmental orientation 5. Behavior is determined by the interaction of the environment and personal makeup of the performer. This idea is an example of a a. cognitive-behavioral orientation b. behavioral orientation c. cognitive-affective orientation *d. social-psychological orientation e. cognitive-environmental orientation 6. Emotional disorders affecting sport performance, such as eating disorders and drug abuse, would best be treated by a *a. clinical sport psychologist Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. developmental psychologist c. educational sport psychologist d. Rogerian sport therapist e. Gestalt sport therapist 7. Which of the following are major sport and exercise psychology journals? a. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology b. Journal of Applied Research in Sport Psychology c. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology d. a and b *e. a and c 8. The limitations of professional practice knowledge include its a. susceptibility to biasing influences b. high internal validity c. lack of explanations d. a and b *e. a and c 9. Which professional sport psychology association developed standards for certification of individuals working in applied sport psychology settings? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity b. International Society of Sport Psychology *c. Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology d. American Psychological Association Division 47 e. Applied Sport Psychology Society 10. Sport and exercise psychology is first and foremost a *a. science b. paradigm c. applied field of study d. laboratory-based field of study 11. In the fifth period, sport psychology experienced a tremendous growth in a. theoretical development b. applied research c. professional service d. a and b *e. b and c 12. Which of the following are sport psychology organizations? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) b. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) c. American Sport Psychology Association *d. a and b 13. Which of the following events did NOT occur in period 6 (2000present)? a. The journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise is published in Europe. b. Division 47 of the American Psychological Association focuses on sport psychology as a specialized competency area. *c. The Association for Applied Sport Psychology is established. d. a and c e. b and c 14. Which of the following events did not occur during period 5? a. Journal of Sport Psychology was established. b. The Olympic committee hired the first full-time sport psychologist. c. The journal The Sport Psychologist was established. *d. Sport psychologists started licensure standards. e. APA Division 47 was formed. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. The leading researcher during period 3 (1938-1965) was *a. Franklin Henry b. Richard Schmidt c. George Stelmach d. Jack Adams e. Scott Kelso 16. Coleman Griffith established the first research laboratory in sport psychology at the University of a. Notre Dame *b. Illinois c. Minnesota d. Wisconsin e. Iowa 17. Coleman Griffith worked with all of the following famous coaches and athletes except a. Red Grange b. Knute Rockne c. Dizzy Dean *d. Babe Ruth Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. The father of American sport psychology is *a. Coleman Griffith b. Rainer Martens c. Dan Landers d. Dan Gould e. Robert Singer 19. Which of the following statements is true? a. Sport psychology focuses on the concerns of the elite athlete. b. Sport psychology focuses on the competitive sport of young athletes. *c. Sport psychology is actually concerned with both sport and exercise settings. d. Sport psychology focuses on recreational athletes. 20. Educational sport psychology specialists usually have years of training in a. psychology b. education *c. sport and exercise science d. sociology Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. educational psychology 21. Scientifically derived knowledge has some limitations, including that it a. is reductionistic b. is very fast to evolve c. tends to be conservative *d. a and c 22. Which of the following researchers was NOT prominent during period 1 (1895-1920)? a. E.W. Scripture b. G.T. Patrick c. Norman Triplett d. R. Cummins *e. Ed McAuley 23. Which of the following is NOT a general ethical principle outlined by the American Psychological Association? a. social responsibility b. integrity c. professional and scientific responsibility Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. individualization e. competence 24. Credit for much of the development of sport psychology internationally goes to _____________, the first president of the International Society for Sport Psychology. a. Franklin Henry b. Dietmar Klein c. Yuri Hanin *d. Ferruccio Antonelli e. Gershon Tanenbaum 25. Which of the following is (are) seen as a major growth area(s) in the field in the upcoming years? a. exercise psychology b. life skills development c. personality *d. a and b 26. Which of the following is NOT a current or future trend in the field of sport and exercise psychology? a. more emphasis on training in clinical psychology and counseling Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. increase in quantitative research methodologies c. increased emphasis on ethics and competency d. increased interest in psychological skills training e. continuing tension between academic and applied sport psychology 27. Which of the following explain(s) the sport psychology research-topractice gap? a. few applied forums in which to disseminate research to practitioners b. emphasis on basic laboratory research in the 1960s and 1970s c. emphasis on field experiments in the 1980s *d. a and b 28. Knowledge gained through experience working in exercise and sport science field situations is called a. empirical knowledge *b. professional practice knowledge c. scientific knowledge d. associative knowledge e. theoretical knowledge 29. The most reliable method of obtaining knowledge is Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. introspection b. a single case study c. systematic observation *d. the scientific method e. shared experience 30. The major strength of scientifically derived knowledge is its a. factorial modeling *b. reliability c. importance d. impact on society 31. Zajonc's social facilitation theory predicts that *a. performance on well-learned tasks is facilitated by an audience b. performance on novel tasks is facilitated by an audience c. performance on well-learned tasks is hindered by an audience d. performance is not affected by an audience e. performance is improved on both novel and well-learned tasks performed in front of an audience 32. The ultimate goal of science is Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. prediction b. description c. explanation d. control *e. theory 33. The major difference between how a practitioner and a researcher (using the scientific method) would investigate a problem is that the researcher's approach would be more a. systematic b. controlled c. biased d. a and c *e. a and b 34. Scientific research is not a. controlled b. systematic c. empirical d. critical *e. infallible Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 35. Which successful coach is noted for adopting a sport science approach in his coaching? *a. "Doc" Counsilman b. Robert Rotella c. Jim Thorpe d. Casey Stengel e. a and b 36. The least reliable method of obtaining knowledge is a. introspection *b. intuition c. shared experience d. a single case study e. systematic observation 37. Which of the following is NOT a method of knowing? a. a single case study b. shared public experience c. introspection *d. rationalism e. systematic observation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 38. Actively applying knowledge of sport and exercise psychology requires a. staying active in your sport b. holding realistic expectations concerning the strengths and limitations of scientific principles c. applying scientific principles in your professional practice setting *d. b and c e. a and b 39. The strength of professional practice knowledge is its a. holistic nature b. innovative contribution c. scientific validity and reliability *d. a and b 40. Which company (started by sport psychologist Graham Jones) has taken sport psychology concepts and applied them to the business world? *a. Lane 4 Management Group b. TLC and Associates c. Human Performance Institute d. Goldman-Sachs Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. AT&T 41. Which early pioneer in sport psychology took a more scientific databased approach to psychology, seeing sport as an excellent way to demonstrate the value of this "new scientific psychology" and to investigate character development in sport? a. Rainer Martens *b. E,W. Scripture c. W.A. Hubbard d. G.T.W. Patrick e. R. Cummins 42. Taking a world view of sport psychology, which Russian sport psychologist focused on psychological preparation for athletic competition around the same time as Coleman Griffith? *a. Puni b. Safin c. Andreev d. Kirielenko e. Youzeny Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Trait anxiety refers to _________ anxiety, whereas state anxiety refers to __________ anxiety. *a. general; momentary b. momentary; general c. competitive; noncompetitive d. noncompetitive; competitive 2. When administering tests to athletes, which of the following guidelines should be followed? a. Explain to athletes why the tests are being given. b. Give clinical as well as sport-specific tests. c. Provide specific feedback concerning test results. *d. a and c e. a and b 3. The phenomenological approach to personality is consistent with the interactional approach except that it focuses on *a. the individual's interpretation of the situation and himself or herself b. the traits of an individual c. the situation a person is dealing with at the time d. the behavior of the individual e. the outcome of the behavior Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. A weakness in the psychodynamic approach is its a. sole focus on internal determinants of behavior b. lack of attention to the social environment c. sole focus on external determinants of behavior *d. a and b e. b and c 5. Recently, the psychodynamic approach has been applied to sport by Swedish sport psychologist Erwin Apitzsch. This new approach came from his work with athletes focusing on a. the superego *b. defense mechanisms c. ego development d. early childhood experiences e. conflicts between the id and superego 6. Which of the following is not a subscale from the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory? a. concentration b. coachability c. goal setting Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. imagery e. freedom from worry 7. Test anxiety is an example of a a. trait measure b. state measure *c. situation-specific trait measure d. situation-specific state measure 8. Taking an intra-individual approach to psychological testing means that a. individuals are compared against population norms *b. individuals are compared against how they usually score on a particular psychological inventory c. individuals are compared to norms for their age and gender d. individuals are compared based on objective and subjective assessments 9. Which of the following is (are) NOT a question(s) that a researcher using the interactional approach would ask? a. Will highly anxious athletes perform better than less anxious athletes in situations that are not stressful? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Will extroverts perform better than introverts in a team situation? *c. Will highly motivated people choose to participate in competitive situations? d. Will kids with high self-esteem prefer competitive sport situations to a greater degree than kids with low self-esteem? e. a and c 10. The interactional approach assumes that a. situational and personal variables are codeterminants of behavior b. personality interacts with the psychological core to determine behavior c. highly aggressive people, for example, will usually react in an aggressive manner when placed in an aggressive situation *d. a and c e. a and b 11. The situational approach to personality assumes that a. individuals behave differently across situations b. individuals behave similarly across situations c. if the situation is strong, the effect of personality traits would be minimal d. a and b *e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. Eysenck and Eysenck argue that personality can best be understood by focusing on which of the following traits? a. emotionality and stability b. introversion and extroversion c. relaxation and anxiety *d. a and b 13. The trait approach to personality assumes that a. people behave differently in different situations b. people behave similarly in different situations c. personality does not change much over time d. a and c *e. b and c 14. The most superficial and therefore most easily changed part of a personality structure is its a. psychological core *b. role-related behavior c. typical responses d. belief system Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. Which of the following is NOT a level in Hollander's model of personality structure? *a. childhood experiences b. psychological core c. typical responses d. role-related behavior e. a and b 16. Which is NOT an example of a situation-specific sport inventory? a. Sport Competition Trait Anxiety Test b. Group Environment Questionnaire *c. Profile of Mood States d. Trait-Sport Confidence Inventory e. Competitive State Anxiety Inventory 17. Recent research has been critical of some of the findings concerning the relationship between mood states and performance. Which of the following is NOT a recommended guideline for using mood profiling with elite athletes? a. Use it as a monitor of training load. b. Use it as a monitor of the acclimatization process. *c. Use it as a predictor of team success. d. Use it as a monitor of emotional response to injury. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. Use it for identification of overtrained athletes. 18. Researchers have recently used the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI) to investigate the relationship between coping skills and performance. Results have indicated that a. good psychological coping skills help athletes get the most out of their ability b. good psychological coping skills are associated with continued involvement in professional baseball c. the ACSI is a good tool to use for team selection *d. a and b 19. Recently, the "big five" model of personality has become widely accepted. Which of the following is not one of the five personality factors in the model? a. agreeableness b. conscientiousness c. neuroticism d. extraversion *e. depression 20. The "big five" model of personality is important because these five characteristics a. represent a cognitive approach to personality Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. are consistent with a behavioral approach to personality *c. have been found to exist across individuals d. represent a state approach to personality e. are consistent with Morgan's mental health model 21. According to results from in-depth interviews with Olympic athletes, medalists exhibited which of the following mental strategies? a. less positive self-talk b. more extensive mental preparation c. better preparedness for unforeseen negative events *d. b and c e. a and b 22. Which of the following is (are) important when administering psychological inventories? a. knowledge of testing principles and measurement error b. sensitivity to one's own limitations c. using psychological tests for optimal team selection *d. a and b e. a and c 23. The research criticizing Morgan's mental health model and the implications of the "iceberg profile" has argued that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. the iceberg profile accounts for only a very small percentage of athletes' performance variation b. the iceberg profile only differentiates athletes from nonathletes and does not differentiate between athletes of different ability levels c. the Profile of Mood States (POMS) is not a reliable test *d. a and b e. a and c 24. Research in the general psychological literature indicates that nature (i.e., genetics) generally accounts for approximately what percentage of behavior? a. 10 to 20% b. 20 to 30% c. 30 to 40% *d. 50 to 60% e. 80 to 90% 25. In the iceberg profile developed by Morgan, which of the following psychological characteristics that successful athletes display is typically above the mean of the population? a. anxiety b. anger c. fatigue *d. vigor Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. confusion 26. Which of the following is (are) true? *a. Successful female athletes differ in personality from female nonathletes. b. Male and female elite athletes have different personality profiles. c. Female athletes are less aggressive and more dependent than female nonathletes. d. a and b e. a and c 27. Morgan developed the _________ model to help explain the relationship between personality and athletic success. a. normative *b. mental health c. psychological skills d. psychopathology e. cognitive-behavioral 28. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Participation in competitive sport produces changes in personality structure. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. Compared with nonathletes, individual-sport athletes are less anxious and more dependent. c. Compared with nonathletes, team-sport athletes are more introverted and independent. d. a and b e. b and c 29. Showing a person a picture of an athlete arguing with an official and then asking the person to write about what is happening is an example of a. objective testing *b. projective testing c. multidimensional personality assessment d. unidimensional personality assessment e. psychological trait-state inventory 30. The research investigating the personality profiles of athletes and nonathletes has found that *a. no specific personality profile distinguishes athletes from nonathletes b. athletes have higher levels of anxiety than nonathletes c. athletes are more introverted than nonathletes d. athletes have higher levels of self-esteem than nonathletes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 31. Which of the following statements about exercise and personality is (are) true? *a. There is a positive relationship between exercise and selfconcept. b. Exercise has consistently been related to changes from Type A behavior to Type B behavior. c. Exercise participation is highly correlated with anxiety. d. a and b e. a and c 32. A meta-analysis of the "big five" model of personality revealed a. extraversion and conscientiousness were positively correlated with physical activity b. neuroticism was negatively correlated with physical activity levels c. social support was positively correlated with academic performance d. all of the above *e. a and b 33. Which of the following statements about perfectionism is (are) true? *a. Perfectionists are at greater risk for psychological problems if they have poor coping skills. b. Adaptive perfectionism is positively related to individual sport athletes. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Maladaptive perfectionism is related to team sport athletes. d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Participant motivation is usually the result of a. personal factors b. situational factors *c. a combination of personal and situational factors d. the history of success or failure 2. Achievement motivation can best be viewed as a(n) a. situational factor *b. personality factor c. interactional factor d. attributional factor e. unstable factor 3. The entity view of goal perspectives argues that individuals a. view their ability primarily as fixed b. adopt a task focus c. adopt maladaptive motivational patterns d. b and c *e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. What is critical in affecting the performance and behavior of sport and exercise participants? a. motivation b. physiology c. biomechanics d. sociological factors *e. all of the above 5. An effective technique to use to change undesirable motives of a participant is *a. behavior modification b. cognitive intervention c. rational emotive therapy d. cognitive restructuring e. self-monitoring 6. The most difficult but most important component of structuring sport and exercise environments to meet an athlete's or exerciser's needs is *a. individualizing coaching and teaching b. finding rigorous training environments c. deciding on what motivational strategy to use d. balancing extrinsic and intrinsic motivation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. To understand students', athletes', and exercisers' motives for involvement, one should a. observe participants to see what they like and do not like about the activity b. talk to others who know the athletes and exercisers c. periodically ask the participants to list their reasons for participation *d. all of the above e. a and c 8. Recent research indicates interesting cross-cultural differences in motives for participation. Which of the following is FALSE? a. U.S. youngsters are more intrinsically motivated than Korean youngsters. b. Participants in Asian countries are more interdependent, whereas North Americans are more independent. c. American youngsters are more motivated by competition than Chinese youngsters, who are more motivated by social affiliation. d. Chinese Americans are primarily motivated because of travel and having fun. *e. U.S. children are primarily motivated to win, whereas German children are primarily motivated to please parents. 9. Which of the following statements is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Mastery goals should be used more often than outcome goals. b. Feedback to athletes should emphasize attributing their success to high ability and high effort. c. Lack of ability, rather than lack of effort, should be emphasized after a failure. d. a and c *e. a and b 10. Which of the following is NOT one of the major motives for participating in sport and exercise? a. having fun b. being with friends c. improving skills *d. pleasing parents e. developing fitness 11. "A disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons with some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others" is the definition of which of the following? a. achievement motivation b. self-esteem c. self-confidence d. self-concept *e. competitiveness Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. The results of the Sorrentino and Sheppard study have which of the following practical implications? a. The four fastest swimmers would not necessarily make the best relay team. b. Both situation and personal factors should be considered in understanding motivation. c. Rejection-oriented swimmers would perform best in relays. d. a and c *e. a and b 13. A study by Sorrentino and Sheppard on motivation of swimmers found that a. approval-oriented swimmers demonstrated faster times in the group situation than in the individual situation b. approval-oriented swimmers demonstrated faster times in the individual situation than in the group situation c. rejection-oriented swimmers swam faster individually than in relay situations *d. a and c e. b and c 14. The interactional view of motivation claims that motivation is an interaction of which two factors? *a. person and situation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. goals and coach's style c. personality and goals d. personality and needs e. goals and win-loss record 15. An athlete is more motivated when she plays against competitors who are better than she is than when she plays better than her competitors. This is an example of which approach to motivation? a. trait-centered *b. situational c. interactional d. individual 16. Which is the most widely endorsed view of motivation taken by sport psychologists? a. trait-centered b. situational *c. interactional d. individual 17. Motivated behavior is primarily a function of individual characteristics. This is consistent with which view of motivation? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. trait-centered b. situational c. individual d. interactional 18. Which one of the following is NOT a general orientation to motivation? a. trait-centered b. situational *c. individual d. interactional 19. In a general sense, motivation can be defined as *a. the intensity and direction of one's effort b. the direction and width of one's effort c. the intensity of one's effort d. the direction of one's effort 20. Bill is always concerned with comparing his ability to others' and with winning. Thus, Bill has a. a mastery goal orientation b. a task goal orientation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. an attribution goal orientation *d. an outcome goal orientation e. an achievement goal orientation 21. Which of the following is NOT a major reason for initially joining an exercise program? a. weight loss b. fitness c. health factors *d. affiliation e. to feel better 22. Stable attributions are linked to a. affect b. cognition *c. expectations of future success or failure d. emotions 23. The overriding characteristic of individuals who exhibit learned helplessness is a. attributing success to effort *b. feeling their actions have no impact on desired outcomes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. attributing failure to bad luck d. feeling they are in control of their actions 24. Attribution retraining generally focuses on changing *a. low-ability attributions b. high-effort attributions c. high-ability attributions d. task difficulty attributions e. luck attributions 25. Which of the following is NOT a stage of development in competitiveness and achievement motivation? a. autonomous competence stage b. integrated stage c. social-comparison stage *d. perceived competence stage 26. In the competence motivation theory, ______ and _________ influence perceived competence, which in turn influences affect and motivation. a. feedback; attributions *b. feedback; motivational orientations c. motivational orientations; attributions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. motivational climate; self-esteem e. perceived control; feedback 27. Competence motivation theory was based on the research of developmental psychologist a. Tara Scanlan *b. Susan Harter c. Thelma Horn d. Glyn Roberts e. Albert Bandura 28. Which type of motivational climate is associated with the most adaptive motivational changes? *a. mastery b. performance c. outcome d. decision making e. attributional 29. A task goal orientation will usually lead to which of the following? a. persistence in the face of failure b. selecting a very difficult task or opponent Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. a strong work ethic *d. a and c e. a and b 30. The sport-specific form of achievement motivation is called *a. competitiveness b. confidence c. mental preparation d. mental toughness 31. Internal and external attributions are linked to a. emotional reactions b. cognitions c. expectations d. behavioral intent *e. self-talk 32. "Self-competition" refers to ________, whereas performance in socially evaluative situations refers to ______. a. competition; achievement motivation b. competition; social facilitation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. achievement motivation; competition d. achievement motivation; social facilitation e. competition; ego involvement 33. Ability is considered a(n) _______ and ________ attribute. a. stable; external *b. stable; internal c. unstable; internal d. unstable; external e. controllable; unstable 34. Which of the following is NOT an attribution category? a. stability b. causality c. control *d. persistence 35. Attribution theory focuses on *a. how individuals explain their success and failure b. how groups explain their personality attributes c. how individuals explain their personal attributes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. how individuals explain their personal biases 36. In terms of emotional factors, high achievers focus on _______, whereas low achievers focus on ________. *a. pride; shame b. elation; depression c. fun; depression d. shame; pride e. pride; depression 37. For low achievers, which situation provides the LEAST incentive for engaging in achievement behaviors? *a. 50% chance of success b. 25% chance of success c. 75% chance of success d. 60% chance of success e. 10% chance of success 38. For high achievers, which situation provides the MOST incentive for engaging in achievement behavior? *a. 50% chance of success b. 25% chance of success Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. 75% chance of success d. 60% chance of success e. 10% chance of success 39. What are the two primary situational considerations in need achievement theory? a. probability of success and motive to achieve success *b. probability of success and incentive value of success c. resultant achievement motivation and probability of success d. incentive value of success and pride or shame e. pride or shame and probability of success 40. Which of the following is (are) false concerning need achievement theory? *a. Low achievers have high motivation to achieve success and low motivation to avoid failure. b. High achievers enjoy evaluating their abilities. c. Low achievers often become preoccupied with thoughts of failure. d. a and b e. a and c 41. Which of the following is NOT a component of achievement motivation theory? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. motive to achieve success b. probability of success c. incentive value of success d. motive to avoid failure *e. motive to seek approval from others Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. The results of Weinberg and Hunt's (1976) study on college students with high and low trait anxiety demonstrated that a. increased muscle soreness contributed to inferior performance b. increased muscle tension contributed to inferior performance c. increased coordination difficulties contributed to inferior performance d. a and c *e. b and c 2. A substantial imbalance between demand and response capability under conditions in which failure has important consequences refers to a. arousal b. sensational pressure *c. stress d. state anxiety e. trait anxiety 3. There is a positive correlation between one's level of a. cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety *b. trait anxiety and state anxiety c. arousal and stress d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Physiological responses occur in which stage of the stress process? a. stage 1 b. stage 2 *c. stage 3 d. stage 4 e. stage 5 5. Arousal refers to the a. direction of motivation *b. intensity of motivation c. frequency of motivated behavior d. interaction of cognition and emotions e. a and d 6. Which of the following is NOT a physical manifestation of excess state anxiety? *a. worry b. muscle tension c. attentional problems d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. b and c 7. The importance placed on an event and the uncertainty that surrounds the actions of that event are sources of a. somatic anxiety b. trait anxiety c. arousal d. personal stress *e. situational stress 8. Which personality disposition(s) is (are) related to change in state anxiety? a. trait anxiety b. self-esteem c. optimism *d. a and b e. a and c 9. A highly trait-anxious athlete (compared to a less trait-anxious athlete) would perceive competition as a. more threatening and less anxiety producing b. less threatening and less anxiety producing Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. more threatening and more anxiety producing d. less threatening and more anxiety producing 10. Athletes lower in self-esteem are more likely to experience *a. low confidence and high state anxiety b. low confidence and low state anxiety c. low confidence and low trait anxiety d. high confidence and high state anxiety e. low confidence and low arousal 11. Which theory predicts a linear relationship between arousal and performance? a. catastrophe theory *b. drive theory c. inverted theory d. individualized zones of optimal functioning e. reversal theory 12. The linear relationship between arousal and performance suggests that a. as arousal increases, performance decreases b. as arousal decreases, performance decreases Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. as arousal increases, performance increases d. as arousal decreases, performance increases e. arousal performance increases to an optimal level, and beyond this, performance decreases 13. A moment-to-moment change in one's perceived physiological activation is referred to as a. cognitive state anxiety *b. somatic state anxiety c. activation d. trait anxiety e. stress 14. According to the catastrophe model, a "catastrophe" occurs with a. high state and trait anxiety b. high physiological and somatic anxiety *c. high cognitive anxiety and high physiological arousal d. high somatic anxiety and low physiological arousal e. low state and high trait anxiety 15. In Hanin's work on individualized zones of optimal functioning, he argues that for best performance to occur, an athlete needs Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. an optimal level of state anxiety b. an optimal level of trait anxiety *c. an optimal level of state anxiety and other emotions d. an optimal level of arousal e. an optimal level of physiological arousal 16. Increased arousal affects attentional focus in which of the following ways? *a. narrowing of focus b. broadening of focus c. increase of scanning d. a and b e. b and c 17. A quarterback needs to shift his attentional focus from surveying the field for receivers to delivering a pass. This shift would be from a. broad-external to broad-internal b. broad-external to broad-external *c. broad-external to narrow-external d. broad-external to narrow-internal e. narrow-external to broad-external Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. One's general level of anxiety that stays relatively stable over time refers to *a. trait anxiety b. state anxiety c. cognitive anxiety d. somatic anxiety e. arousal 19. In evaluative situations, individuals with high trait anxiety tend to exhibit a. high arousal b. low state anxiety *c. high state anxiety d. high somatic anxiety e. low cognitive anxiety 20. The inverted-U hypothesis predicts that a. as arousal increases, performance decreases b. arousal can be either too low or too high c. top performance occurs at a moderate level of arousal d. a and c *e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 21. Hanin's individualized zones of optimal functioning model suggests that *a. each individual has a specific optimal level of efficiency b. performance is best when arousal is moderate c. performance is best when arousal is high d. the zone of optimal functioning is the same for all individuals 22. The relationship between arousal and performance depends on one's interpretation of the arousal level. This is the basic approach of a. catastrophe theory b. drive theory *c. reversal theory d. inverted-U hypothesis e. zones of optimal functioning 23. Appropriate guidelines for applying arousal and anxiety knowledge include a. recognizing the signs of increased arousal and anxiety b. recognizing how personal and situational factors influence arousal and performance c. tailoring coaching and instructional practices to individuals *d. all of the above Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and c 24. Which of the following is NOT symptomatic of heightened state anxiety? a. profuse sweating *b. slowed breathing c. increased muscle tension d. inability to concentrate e. sleeping difficulties 25. Multidimensional anxiety theory predicts a. a negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance b. an inverted-U relationship between somatic anxiety and performance c. an inverted-U relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance d. a and c *e. a and b 26. According to catastrophe theory, to recover from a catastrophe the athlete must a. completely relax physically Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. control her worries through progressive relaxation c. reactivate herself in a controlled manner *d. a and c e. a and b 27. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Increased anxiety is always debilitating to performance. *b. Athletes who perceive their anxiety as facilitating rather than harming their performances exhibit higher levels of performance. c. The intensity of anxiety is more important than its direction. d. a and b e. b and c 28. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the home-court advantage? a. It is greatest in baseball and football. *b. Between 1924 and 1982, the home team in the baseball World Series won 38% of the time when there was a seventh game. c. Between 1984 and 1994 in the National Basketball Association, the home team won 47% of the time when there was a seventh game during the play-offs. d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 29. The catastrophe theory suggests that performance is determined by a complex interaction of a. arousal and stress b. arousal and trait anxiety c. arousal and state anxiety *d. physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety e. state and trait anxiety 30. Increased levels of anxiety result in alterations in visual search patterns such as a. gaze tendencies b. eye fixations c. mental acuity *d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Indicate any principle here that is NOT derived from the psychological studies on competition and cooperation. a. Blend competition and cooperation when teaching or coaching physical skills. *b. People are born either competitive or cooperative. c. Cooperation produces better performance and more open communication than competition. d. When a competitor and a cooperator meet, the competitor will eventually draw the cooperator into competition. e. a and b 2. Coakley defines cooperation as a. a situation in which the goals of the participants are mutually independent *b. a social process through which performance is rewarded in terms of the collective achievements of the group c. a situation in which rewards are distributed unequally among the participants d. a situation in which rewards are distributed equally among the participants 3. Cooperative reward structures are more effective in which of the following situations? a. during work on tasks that are simple b. during work on tasks that are physically demanding Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. during work on tasks that are complex and that involve problem solving d. during work on tasks that involve more than five people 4. Deutsch's study on competition and cooperation found that a. communication patterns differed significantly based on whether subjects were given cooperative or competitive instructions b. students receiving competitive instructions exhibited open communication and trust c. students receiving cooperative instructions communicated openly and shared information *d. a and c e. a and b 5. The first experiment investigating the effects of competition on performance was conducted in 1898 by a. Deutsch *b. Triplett c. Sherif d. Mintz e. Orlick 6. In the field experiments conducted by Sherif and Sherif, the experimenters first Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. created strong group identity b. created hostility among the groups c. created cooperation among the counselors d. created competition among the counselors 7. In the field experiments by Sherif and Sherif, the only thing that worked to bring the campers back together was a. an all-star game *b. superordinate goals c. eating together d. eliminating competitive sports 8. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Cooperation produces a higher level of achievement than competition. b. Cooperation produces a higher level of achievement than individualistic behavior. c. There is no difference in achievement produced by competition and cooperation. *d. a and b 9. In Kelley and Stahelski's study using the prisoner's dilemma game, they found that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. competitors drew cooperators into competition b. cooperators drew competitors into cooperation c. cooperators cooperated and competitors competed d. a and c e. b and c 10. Of all the experimental games used by psychologists to study the effects of competition and cooperation, the most often-used game is a. zero-sum *b. prisoner's dilemma c. cooperative means d. cooperative means, competitive ends e. competitive means 11. Coakley defines competition as a. a situation in which rewards are distributed equally among the participants *b. a social process that occurs when rewards are distributed on the basis of comparative performance c. a situation in which the goals of the participant are mutually interdependent d. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. Which of the following behaviors would not support a cooperative learning environment? a. effort valued b. success defined in terms of individual progress *c. extrinsic rewards emphasized d. mistakes viewed as part of learning e. activity engaged in for challenge 13. According to Coakley, which of the following is (are) characteristic of unstructured youth sport? a. Personal involvement in the action is maximized. b. It provides opportunities to reaffirm friendships. c. Teams are relatively uneven. d. a and c *e. a and b 14. Which of the following is NOT a stage in Martens' model of competition? a. objective competitive situation b. subjective competitive situation c. response *d. social comparison Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. consequences 15. In relation to the subjective competitive situation (stage 2), which of the following is (are) true? a. Males score lower than females on win orientation. b. Females score lower than males on goal orientation. *c. Athletes score higher than nonathletes in competitive orientation. d. b and c e. a and b 16. The key part of Martens' definition of competition is *a. social comparison b. observational learning c. objective outcome d. positive reinforcement 17. Which of the following is a competitive situation according to Martens' definition of the objective competitive situation? a. a runner competing in a 100-yard dash b. a swimmer working out by himself c. a swimmer working out with his coach watching him Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. a and c 18. The team sports of basketball and football are examples of which of the following classification of games? a. competitive means-competitive ends *b. cooperative means-competitive ends c. individual means-individual ends d. cooperative means-cooperative ends e. cooperative means-individual ends 19. Which of the following is (are) characteristic of cooperative games? a. They require little equipment or money. b. They emphasize increased participation by the best players. c. Players learn from mistakes rather than hide from them. *d. a and c e. a and b 20. In his study of the effects of a 14-week program of cooperative games, Orlick found that a. kids exposed to cooperative games engaged in three times as much cooperative behavior during free play as did kids in the control group Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. games played by the control group tended to emphasize individualistic concerns c. kids exposed to cooperative games had higher self-esteem at the end of the program than kids in the control group *d. a and b 21. One athlete looks forward to competition while another dreads the upcoming event. This is an example of a. the objective competitive situation *b. the subjective competitive situation c. response d. consequences 22. Which of the following is NOT a type of competitive orientation measured by the Sport Orientation Questionnaire? a. competitive orientation b. goal orientation *c. fear-of-failure orientation d. win orientation 23. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Varsity athletes have lower GPAs than nonathletes. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Varsity athletes have higher rates of deviant behavior than nonathletes. *c. Varsity athletes are no different from nonathletes in terms of eventual career success outside of competitive sport. d. b and c 24. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. Boys play competitive games more frequently than girls. b. Boys' games are less aggressive and involve less risk taking than girls' games. c. Girls play games in predominantly male groups more often than boys play games in predominantly female groups. d. a and b *e. a and c 25. Which of the following is (are) true? *a. Competitors cause cooperators to compete. b. Cooperators cause competitors to cooperate, regardless of whom they are competing against. c. Competitors see the world as 50% competitors and 50% cooperators. d. a and b 26. Which of the following is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Elite athletes are high on both win and goal orientations. b. Research by Weinberg and colleagues has indicated that the most important goal for athletes is to improve performance. c. Elite athletes are high on win orientation and low on goal orientation. d. a and b *e. b and c 27. Competition and cooperation require similar attributes as noted by Charles Garfield. These include a. a strong preparation ethic b. a love of challenge and change c. a clear winner and loser *d. a and b e. a and c 28. What happened to the two U.S. sailing teams that competed and cooperated with each other while training for the Olympics? a. Only one team went to the Olympics and earned a medal there. b. Both teams went to the Olympics but neither won a medal. c. They finished in first and fourth place at the Olympic Trials. d. The second-place team members were disappointed but had gained new confidence in their ability to compete at a world-class level. *e. a and d Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 29. Competitiveness of athletes appears to be enhanced when a. watched by coaches *b. social comparison is high c. performing fine-motor tasks d. performing strength tasks e. performing endurance tasks 30. According to Johnson and Johnson, appropriate competition has the following characteristics a. it is involuntary b. everyone must have a reasonable chance to win c. the rules must be clear and fair d. a and b *e. b and c 31. According to Mariah Burton Nelson, an opponent should be viewed a. as someone to beat b. as someone to help us perform better c. as someone to learn from d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. In a review of studies investigating the effects of performance feedback, it was found that performance increased approximately a. 10% b. 80% *c. 50% d. 25% e. 100% 2. Which of the following is not one of the psychological needs included in self-determination theory? a. relatedness b. autonomy *c. confidence d. effectance 3. The principles of reinforcement are complex because a. different people react differently to the same reinforcement b. people are unable to repeat the desired behavior c. they apply to males but not females d. a and c *e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Results of a behavioral program involving junior high school basketball players indicated that a. free-throw shooting in practice increased significantly b. criticism among players decreased dramatically c. there was no difference in field-goal percentage during practice *d. a and b e. a and c 5. In the study of a team of swimmers by McKenzie and Rushall, a. an attendance board was used to track attendance at swim practice b. the swimmers showed a significant increase in attendance after the intervention c. the swimmers won more races after the intervention *d. a and b e. a and c 6. Backward chaining (as used by O'Brien & Simek in their golf study) refers to *a. pairing the last step in a series of movements with the nextto-last step all the way through the movement until the second step is paired with the first step b. reversing the order in which positive feedback is provided c. reversing the order in which negative feedback is provided Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. a and c 7. According to the results of Komaki and Barnett's study of a Pop Warner football team, a. the team won more games after the intervention period *b. the team performed three plays more effectively after the intervention c. there was no significant difference in performance after the intervention d. the team exhibited higher levels of enjoyment after the intervention 8. Behavioral coaching, behavior modification, and contingency management have in common the goal of *a. structuring practices through the systematic use of reinforcement b. changing practices monthly to increase learning c. changing practices daily to increase performance d. a and c e. a and b 9. In a recent study on the relationship between holding scholarships and levels of intrinsic motivation in collegiate athletes, Amorose, Horn, and Miller found that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. males in team sports exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation in general than females in team sports *b. athletes on scholarship had lower levels of intrinsic motivation in general than athletes not on scholarship c. male athletes exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation than female athletes d. a and b e. b and c 10. Which of the following is (are) NOT among the principles of punishment? a. Punish the behavior, not the person. b. Do not use physical activity as a punishment. *c. Impose punishment in a personal way. d. a and c e. b and c 11. The additive approach to the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation suggests that a. internal and external motivation are unrelated *b. intrinsic plus extrinsic motivation equal more motivation c. extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. Feedback can provide instructional information about a. the players' important psychological traits and states b. the levels of proficiency to be achieved c. the performers' current level of proficiency in the desired skills *d. b and c e. a and c 13. In a recent study, which type of feedback (especially after failure) produced more task persistence, more enjoyment, and better performance? a. praise for high ability *b. praise for high effort c. criticism of any type of performance d. a and c e. b and c 14. Besides rewarding the outcome of a person's performance (success), other areas that should be rewarded include a. effort b. emotional and social skills c. correct performance of the skill itself *d. all of the above Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and b 15. Shaping occurs when *a. rewards are given to behaviors that approximate the correct response b. rewards are given only after success c. rewards are given intermittently d. rewards are withdrawn after failure 16. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. A continuous reinforcement is best in the early stages of learning. b. An intermittent schedule of reinforcement is best once the skill is well learned. c. Behaviors reinforced on a continuous schedule persist longer than those reinforced on an intermittent schedule. *d. a and b 17. A smile or pat on the back is known as what type of reinforcer? a. material *b. social c. activity Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. tangible e. esoteric 18. Potential negative side effects of punishment include its a. arousing a fear of success b. acting as a reinforcer c. hindering the learning of skills *d. b and c e. a and c 19. Most coaches approach reinforcement by *a. a combination of positive reinforcement and punishment b. relying mostly on punishment c. relying mostly on positive reinforcement d. relying on cognitive-behavioral techniques 20. Which of the following is (are) NOT true of reinforcement? a. If a consequence of doing something is positive, we try to repeat this behavior in the future. b. If a consequence of doing something is negative, we tend not to try to repeat this behavior in the future. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. The consequences of behavior are not as important as one's personality. d. a and b e. a and c 21. A study on reducing inappropriate tennis behaviors using behavior modification techniques revealed that *a. inappropriate behaviors were significantly reduced for all five players b. three of the five players had a reduction in their inappropriate behaviors c. two players had increases in inappropriate behaviors d. there was no effect based on the behavior modification intervention 22. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. The amount of positive feedback is less important than receiving some type of positive feedback. b. Getting positive feedback produces higher levels of intrinsic motivation than getting no feedback. c. Athletes receiving more positive feedback have higher levels of intrinsic motivation than athletes receiving less positive feedback. *d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 23. Which of the following statements regarding flow is (are) true? a. Most athletes think that flow is an uncontrollable state. b. Athletes can learn to get into a flow state. c. Flow is related to improvements in psychological states. *d. b and c e. a and b 24. Individuals higher on mindfulness as opposed to those lower on mindfulness score higher on which dimension(s) of flow? a. skills-challenge balance b. merging of action and awareness c. confidence *d. a and b 25. Which of the following is (are) a factor(s) deemed important to achieving flow? a. optimism b. maintaining appropriate focus c. optimal environmental conditions *d. b and c e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. Flow is maximized when you are competing against an opponent *a. of equal ability b. of better ability than yours c. of worse ability than yours d. of the same gender 27. Which of the following is NOT a dimension of flow? a. balance of skill and challenge b. clear goals c. merging of action and awareness *d. high levels of arousal e. loss of self-consciousness 28. Which of the following is seen as the most extrinsically motivated behavior? a. introjected regulation *b. external regulation c. identified regulation d. integrated regulation e. internal regulation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 29. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are now seen as varying along a continuum. Aspects of intrinsic motivation include which of these? a. compatability b. accomplishment c. stimulation *d. b and c e. a and b 30. Which of the following is (are) a guideline(s) for implementing behavior programs? a. Consequences should be stated clearly. b. Target behaviors must be defined in observable terms. c. Behaviors should be recorded. *d. all of the above e. a and c 31. Which of the following is (are) a method(s) for increasing intrinsic motivation? *a. Vary the content and sequence of practice drills. b. Give rewards that are not contingent on performance. c. Set easy performance goals. d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and c 32. The study by Lepper and Greene investigating the effects of external rewards on intrinsic motivation of children found that a. the type of reward was important regarding its effects on intrinsic motivation b. the expected reward condition had the lowest levels of intrinsic motivation (compared to no reward and unexpected rewards) c. the expected reward condition had the highest levels of intrinsic motivation (compared to no reward and unexpected rewards) *d. a and b e. a and c 33. According to McAuley's and Tammen's study on intrinsic motivation and subjective versus objective outcomes, a. winning or losing is the most important determinant of intrinsic motivation *b. subjective perceptions of performance are the most important determinants of intrinsic motivation c. objective outcome is the best predictor of intrinsic motivation d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 34. According to Weinberg's study on intrinsic motivation in a competitive setting, a. success produces higher levels of intrinsic motivation than does failure b. males exhibit higher levels of intrinsic motivation after success than after failure c. females exhibit higher levels of intrinsic motivation after failure than after success *d. a and b e. a and c 35. A study (Amorose & Horn, 2000) showed that changes in intrinsic motivation occurred primarily because of *a. coaching behaviors b. scholarships c. gender d. athlete's ability e. athlete's experience 36. Ryan's studies on the relationship between scholarships and intrinsic motivation revealed that a. football players on scholarship exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation than football players not on scholarship b. wrestlers on scholarship exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation than wrestlers not on scholarship Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. female athletes on scholarship exhibited higher levels of intrinsic motivation than female athletes not on scholarship d. a and b *e. b and c 37. An individual will have a higher level of intrinsic motivation when a. the controlling aspect is more salient than the informational aspect *b. the informational aspect is more salient than the controlling aspect c. the controlling aspect is more salient than the external aspect d. a and b 38. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Every reward has both controlling and preparation aspects to it. b. A negative coaching style (mostly critical in nature) can lead to a decrease in intrinsic motivation. c. Rewarding for mere participation in a sport will typically undermine the participant's intrinsic motivation. d. a and b *e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 39. Receiving a reward that provides feedback concerning an athlete's sense of competence is an example of a. the controlling aspect of reward *b. the informational aspect of reward c. the behavioral aspect of reward d. the intuitive aspect of reward 40. Rewards typically undermine intrinsic motivation when the reward is *a. for mere participation b. tied to the quality of one's performance c. informational in nature d. a and b e. a and c 41. Research by psychologists such as Edward Deci has shown that *a. extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation b. extrinsic rewards do not undermine intrinsic motivation c. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are additive d. a and c 42. According to the TARGET acronym, which of the following is not a measure to use to foster a mastery-oriented environment? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. grouping b. timing c. evaluation *d. affiliation 43. The ratio of positive to negative behaviors recommended to coaches by the Positive Coaching Alliance is a. 3:1 *b. 5:1 c. 10:1 d. 2:1 e. 1:1 44. Tkachuk, Leslie-Toogood, and Martin suggested a number of ways to select behaviors to be changed and how to monitor behaviors. These included a. athlete self-monitoring b. behavioral checklists c. videotape of practice and competition *d. all of the above e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 45. Social factors affecting intrinsic motivations include a. success and failure b. focus of competition c. anxiety level *d. a and b 46. The most effective type of feedback for retention of a skill is a. continuous *b. intermittent c. positive d. negative 47. The Method of Amplification Error is based on the assumption that participants can learn to correct their movements through their a. thoughts b. physiological feedback *c. mistakes d. neurological connects e. a and c 48. Which of the following is (are) NOT a feedback trap? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. telling performers what not to do b. undermining automatic processes *c. giving too little feedback d. giving too much feedback e. a and d 49. Which of the following are reasons supporting the use of punishment? a. Individuals experiencing punishment are at negligible risk for emotional problems. b. Punishment will deter future cheating or other wrongdoing. c. Punishment lets teammates know that others are being held accountable for their actions. *d. all of the above e. b and c 50. Which of the following is (are) NOT a finding regarding passion and sport? a. obsessive passion is related to negative emotions b. harmonious passion is related to high quality coach-athlete relationships *c. harmonious passion predicts rigid persistence to ill-advised activities (e.g., gambling) d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 51. Which of the following is (are) a principle(s) for the effective use of external rewards? a. Rewards should not be contingent on behavior. *b. The best types of external rewards are creative, novel, and simple. c. External rewards should be used regularly. d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. In Asch's experiment of line-comparison judgments, approximately _____ of the subjects conformed to the group norm. a. all b. none c. half d. one quarter *e. one third 2. Team building is considered part of which stage of team development? *a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. joining 3. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Pendular theories emphasize shifts in interpersonal relationships during the growth of groups. b. The book A Season on the Brink is an example of a life cycle model. c. Life cycle models emphasize the birth and death of groups. d. a and b *e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. In the pendulum example of the Indiana basketball team, which of the following is (are) a stage(s) of group development? a. orientation b. differentiation and conflict c. information and knowledge *d. a and b e. a and c 5. Which of the following is (are) part of the norming stage? a. role acceptance b. increase in cooperation and solidarity c. conflict resolution *d. all of the above e. a and c 6. Formal roles, in contrast to informal roles, are a set of behaviors that are required or expected of persons in a group and a. evolve based on interpersonal interactions among group members b. include such roles as "the enforcer" and "the go-between" for coach-athlete communications c. are dictated by the nature and structure of an organization Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. include such roles as team captain, coach, and athletic trainer *e. c and d 7. Dean Smith, former basketball coach at the University of North Carolina, often played his reserves as a unit early in the game. This is an example of emphasizing *a. role acceptance b. role reversal c. group norms d. group cohesion e. group solidarity 8. Role clarity refers to a. accepting and being willing to carry out your specific role for the team *b. understanding exactly what your role is for the team c. the formal roles of a team or organization d. a and c 9. Role acceptance depends on a. autonomy b. feedback and role recognition Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. team norms *d. a and b e. a and c 10. A level of performance, pattern of behavior, or belief that is formally or informally established as appropriate by a group is called a *a. norm b. sanction c. role d. team climate e. standard 11. According to Christian Buys, there are several negative aspects of group formation. These negative aspects include a. conformity b. social loafing c. deindividuation *d. all of the above e. a and b 12. If a rookie tried to take charge and exert leadership in critical games despite the fact that there was a veteran leader on the team, this would be considered a violation of Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. group norms b. group cohesion c. group solidarity d. group identity 13. One way athletes interpret whether they are being treated fairly is based on a. the amount of time reserved for social activities and special privileges b. the coach's manner in communicating her views to the athletes c. the degree of compatibility between the coach's and athlete's skill assessments of the athlete *d. b and c e. a and c 14. One effective method for establishing positive group norms is to *a. enlist the formal and informal leaders of a team to set positive examples b. dictate exactly what norms are expected from each athlete without any exceptions c. eliminate decision-making opportunities for all team members d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. Team climate can be defined as a. the coach's portrayal of what is to be expected from each player *b. a representation of how an individual perceives the interrelationships among the team members c. a representation of how the team is collectively seen by others, especially in the media d. a level of performance, pattern of behavior, or belief that is formally or informally established as appropriate by a group 16. Which of the following is NOT a type of social support? a. emotional-challenge support b. task-appreciation support c. reality-confirmation support *d. communication support e. task-challenge support 17. Having athletes eat together or live together is an example of which factor that is important in developing an effective team climate? a. social support b. distinctiveness *c. proximity d. fairness e. similarity Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. Research has indicated that social support can have a positive impact on which of the following? a. recovery from injury b. coping with stress c. team performance *d. a and b e. a and c 19. Having members of an exercise class all wear special T-shirts with special logos is a way of enhancing group *a. distinctiveness b. similarity c. proximity d. attractiveness 20. The key ingredient in Steiner's model of productivity is a. the actual amount of productivity a group has b. the amount of potential productivity a group has, independent of the actual productivity *c. the losses due to faulty group processes and their impact on actual productivity Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. the actual productivity minus the losses due to faulty potential productivity plus the losses due to potential productivity 21. A team's actual performance usually falls short of its potential productivity because of a. faulty group processes b. motivation losses and coordination losses c. coaching style *d. a and b e. a and c 22. The phenomenon in which individual performance decreases as the number of people in the group increases is known as the *a. Ringelmann effect b. New York effect c. Steiner effect d. weakest link effect 23. The results of a study by Ingham and colleagues (1974) using rope pulling, in which confederates were thought to be pulling on the rope but in fact were not, indicated that differences between actual and potential performances were due to a. a decrease in coordination Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. a decrease in motivation c. a decrease in both coordination and motivation d. a decrease in neither coordination nor motivation e. an increase in both coordination and motivation 24. Which of the following can help reduce the occurrence of social loafing? a. increasing identifiability b. breaking down the team into smaller units c. increasing the arousal level of the athletes *d. a and b 25. Social loafing is increased under which of the following conditions? a. task is perceived high in meaningfulness b. the individual's teammates are low in ability *c. a comparison against group standards is not possible d. a and b e. a and c 26. Which of the following can facilitate team transition when an athlete disengages from a team? a. clarifying role differentiations Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. increasing an individual's awareness of disengagement c. formalizing the group's goals *d. a and b e. a and c 27. The idea that a level of performance is established by a group as acceptable has been called a a. sanction for formal role expectations b. problem of role definition c. lack of social support network *d. norm for productivity 28. Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of sport teams? a. a collective sense of identity b. structured modes of communication *c. specific leadership styles d. norms e. distinctive roles 29. Role clarity is a multidimensional concept including all of the following except Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. evaluation of performance b. behavioral responsibilities *c. perceived locus of causality d. consequences of not fulfilling responsibilities e. scope of responsibilities 30. Which of the following is (are) true regarding two-person teams? a. Athletes felt greater responsibility than larger teams did. b. Only task cohesion was important to success. c. Athletes had both team- and individual-oriented attitudes. *d. a and c e. and b 31. Olympic Women's basketball coach Tara Vanderveer created an expectancy of success by simulating a mock ceremony of the team winning the gold medal at the Georgia Dome. This was an example of creating a strong *a. norm for productivity b. role acceptance c. attributional reconceptualization d. group identity e. team climate Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 32. Which of the following is (are) a suggestion(s) for enhancing peer relationships in sport? a. enable athletes to engage in shared decision-making b. generate competitive goals c. select peer leaders on other criteria (e.g., leadership skills) than athletic ability *d. a and c 33. Which of the following is (are) a principle(s) of applying work team results to sport teams? a. cross-training b. communication training c. team self-correction *d. all of the above e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. A sociogram can measure a. friendship choices within the group b. the presence or absence of cliques in groups c. group integration-task *d. a and b e. a and c 2. The common thread among the definitions of cohesion is that cohesion is made up of what two basic dimensions? *a. task and social cohesion b. task and organizational cohesion c. social and organizational cohesion d. psychological and organizational cohesion e. psychological and social cohesion 3. Which of the following is NOT an antecedent to cohesion according to Carron's model? a. environmental factors b. team factors *c. organizational factors d. leadership factors e. personal factors Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. The number of athletes holding scholarships and the eligibility requirements are examples of which antecedent of cohesion? *a. environmental factors b. team factors c. organizational factors d. leadership factors e. personal factors 5. Task and affiliation motivation are examples of which antecedent of cohesion? a. environmental factors b. team factors c. organizational factors d. leadership factors *e. personal factors 6. According to Carron and Dennis, the most important personal factor regarding the development of social and task cohesion is a. socioeconomic status b. gender *c. individual satisfaction d. age Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. race 7. Which of the following statements regarding antecedent factors affecting cohesion is (are) FALSE? *a. Larger groups have higher cohesion than smaller groups. b. More distinctive groups have higher levels of cohesion. c. Compatibility between a coach and players is related to cohesion. d. a and b e. a and c 8. The questionnaire used most often in the early research on cohesion in sport was called the a. Group Environment Questionnaire *b. Sport Cohesiveness Questionnaire c. Multidimensional Sport Cohesion Instrument d. Unidimensional Sport Cohesion Survey 9. Which of the following is NOT a construct identified in the Group Environment Questionnaire? a. group integration-task b. group integration-social Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. group attraction-environmental d. individual attraction to group-task e. individual attraction to group-social 10. Michael Jordan spoke about everyone on the team coming together (cohesion) when they "stepped between the lines." This belief and confidence in one another is known as *a. collective efficacy b. group similarity c. group norm d. group role e. collective ability 11. Using the Group Environment Questionnaire, research has revealed that group cohesion is related to which of the following? a. reduced absenteeism b. increased satisfaction of members c. attributions for responsibility for performance outcomes *d. all of the above e. a and b 12. Individuals holding stronger beliefs about the cohesiveness of exercise classes are Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. more likely to attend more classes b. more likely to drop out c. more resistant to group disruption d. a and b *e. a and c 13. According to the latest definition provided by Carron, Brawley, and Widmeyer, cohesion is seen to be a. unidimensional b. static *c. instrumental d. a and c e. a and b 14. The Group Environment Questionnaire was developed to distinguish between a. individual and group concerns b. task and social concerns c. normative and role relations *d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. Which of the following is NOT one of the principles underlying the team-building model developed by Carron and colleagues? a. role clarity and acceptance *b. autocratic leadership style c. distinctiveness and togetherness d. group goals e. conformity to group norms 16. A sociogram is a. a measure of task cohesion *b. an illustration of affiliation and attraction among team members c. a sociological measure of antecedent factors affecting groups d. a social psychological inventory to measure group dynamics 17. Which of the following statements about cohesion is (are) true? a. Higher normative expectations are associated with higher levels of cohesion. b. More sacrifices are made by players when cohesion is high. c. Higher cohesion is related to a more autocratic decision-making style. *d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. Which of the following statements is (are) true? *a. There is a positive relationship between both task and social cohesion and performance. b. There is a positive relationship between only social cohesion and performance. c. There is no relationship between task cohesion and performance. d. There is a negative relationship between task cohesion and performance. e. a and b 19. Which of the following statements is true? *a. The cohesion-performance relationship is positive for both interactive and coactive sports. b. The cohesion-performance relationship is positive for only interactive sports. c. The cohesion-performance relationship is negative for only interactive sports. d. The demands of the sport do not influence the cohesionperformance relationship. 20. Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between cohesion and performance? *a. This relationship is circular. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Cohesion has a stronger effect on performance than performance has on cohesion. c. Cohesion has no effect on performance. d. Cohesion is negatively related to performance. 21. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? *a. There is a negative relationship between cohesion and satisfaction. b. There is a positive relationship between cohesion and conformity. c. Higher team cohesion is related to higher resistance to disruption. d. a and c e. a and b 22. Which of the following tips can build team cohesion? a. Develop pride within subunits. b. Avoid excessive turnover. c. Encourage participation in social cliques. *d. a and b 23. Which of the following statements about building cohesion is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Set goals that are only moderately difficult to accomplish to keep up spirit. b. Keep meetings to a minimum to avoid complaints. c. Encourage team identity. d. a and b *e. a and c 24. From an athlete's perspective, to help build team cohesion you should a. give teammates positive reinforcement b. avoid conflicts to keep issues from escalating c. be responsible for yourself d. a and b *e. a and c 25. Which of the following sports require the highest level of task cohesion? a. golf and archery *b. basketball and ice hockey c. swimming and tennis d. baseball and wrestling e. volleyball and bowling Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. In a study by Spink and Carron on building cohesiveness in a fitness class, which of the following strategies was (were) employed? a. distinctiveness b. group norms c. individual sacrifices *d. all of the above e. a and b 27. Which of the following was (were) found to be a barrier(s) to cohesion? *a. members struggling for power b. little turnover in group membership c. similar personalities among group members d. a and b e. b and c 28. In setting up a team goal-setting program, which of the following guidelines should be followed? a. Involve all team members in establishing goals. b. Set very difficult goals. c. Reward progress toward team goals. *d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 29. The dimensions of the Multidimensional Sport Cohesion Instrument include a. attraction to the group b. unity of purpose c. leader behavior *d. a and b e. a and c 30. Cohesion positively influences adherence in which of the following situations? a. smaller university classes (smaller leader-participant ratios) b. larger fitness centers (higher leader-participant ratios) *c. both smaller and larger leader-participant ratios d. neither smaller or larger leader-participant ratios 31. Which of the following is (are) true for the "Walk Kansas" program? *a. The more group goals that were set, the more miles were walked by the group. b. Participants assessed six months after the program started had significant decreases in moderate to vigorous physical activity. c. Over a five-year period the number of communities adopting the program increased fivefold. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. a and b e. a and c 32. In the study (Newin, Bloom, & Loughead, 2008) assessing the effectiveness of a team-building program, it was found that coaches a. felt their own communication skills were enhanced b. believed that athletes improved on a variety of life skills c. felt that the athletes bonded during the activity *d. all of the above e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. The Leadership Scale for Sports identifies which coaching behaviors? a. social support b. democratic behavior c. administrative behavior *d. a and b e. a and c 2. In most organized sport teams, leaders and coaches a. emerge *b. are appointed c. are elected by consensus d. are elected by majority vote 3. "Great leaders are born, not made." This statement is an example of which approach to leadership? a. situational *b. trait c. behavioral d. situational-behavioral e. trait-behavioral Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. "Great leaders are made, not born." This statement is an example of which approach to leadership? a. trait *b. behavioral c. situational d. situational-behavioral e. trait-behavioral 5. The two major categories of behavior found with the use of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire are a. consideration and authoritarianism b. initiating structure and authoritarianism *c. consideration and initiating structure d. consideration and relationship 6. Smith and Smoll's studies on coaching behaviors and Little League coaches found that *a. coaches can change their behaviors to become more positive b. coaches can't control their positive behaviors c. coaches can't control their negative behaviors d. coaches have high self-esteem e. coaches with higher self-confidence exhibit more negative behaviors than those with lower self-confidence Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. In their classic study of the coaching (leadership) behaviors of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, Tharp and Gallimore found that his most often-used coaching behavior was a. statements of displeasure b. praise and encouragement *c. verbal instructions on what to do and how to do it d. combining instruction with punishment e. modeling the correct behavior 8. According to results obtained in studies using the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, successful leaders tend to score *a. high on both consideration and initiating structure b. high on initiating structure and low on consideration c. high on consideration and low on initiating structure d. low on both initiating structure and consideration 9. Fiedler's research has identified which two types of leadership styles? *a. relationship-oriented and task-oriented b. situation-oriented and task-oriented c. task-oriented and initiating structure-oriented Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. relationship-oriented and situation-oriented 10. The study using interviews of elite gymnastics coaches (Cote, Salmela, & Russell) showed that expert coaches did not exhibit which of the following behaviors? a. gave technical instruction regarding gymnastics progressions b. provided a supportive environment through positive feedback *c. pushed gymnasts by constantly issuing threats and yelling d. stressed conditioning to ensure physical readiness e. provided opportunities for simulating the mental and technical demands of the competition 11. Regardless of age, athletes prefer coaches who a. give positive feedback b. give technical instruction c. give negative feedback d. b and c *e. a and b 12. The definition of leadership usually seen in the literature is *a. the behavioral process of influencing individuals and groups toward set goals Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. being a positive role model c. the process of creating change in groups and individuals d. the process of keeping a group working together without conflicts 13. According to Fiedler's contingency model, a relationship-oriented leader would be most effective under which type of situation? a. favorable b. unfavorable *c. moderately favorable d. either favorable or unfavorable e. either favorable or moderately favorable 14. When coaches obtain the necessary information from relevant players and then come to a decision, what type of decision style are they using? a. consultative-individual *b. autocratic-consultative c. consultative-group d. group e. relationship-consultative 15. Which of the following statements is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. Athletes high in internal locus of control prefer training and instruction coaching behaviors. b. Athletes high in external locus of control prefer democratic coaching behaviors. c. Females high in trait anxiety preferred autocratic coaching behaviors. d. b and c e. a and c 16. According to research on leadership behavior in youth sports by Smith and colleagues, which of the following is (are) true? a. Little League players playing for coaches who attended a workshop designed to facilitate positive coach-athlete interaction had a higher dropout rate than a comparable control group. *b. Players with high self-esteem were not as affected by coaches' supportiveness and instructiveness as players with low selfesteem. c. Players with low self-esteem were not as affected by coaches' supportiveness and instructiveness as players with high selfesteem. d. a and b e. a and c 17. Which of the following is (are) a guideline(s) put forth based on 25 years of Smith and Smoll's research? a. Maintain clear expectations. b. Reinforce effort as much as results. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Give encouragement and corrective instructional feedback immediately after a mistake. *d. all of the above e. a and c 18. What are the two major categories of behavior from the Coaching Behavior Assessment System? a. reactive and instructional *b. reactive and spontaneous c. spontaneous and instructional d. praise and punishment e. reactive and praise 19. Which of the following results from Smith and Smoll's studies on coaching behaviors is (are) true? a. Two-thirds of the behaviors exhibited by coaches were negative. *b. Players for coaches who displayed high levels of general technical instruction evaluated their teammates and sport more positively. c. There was generally a high relationship between players' perceptions of coaches' behaviors and the actual coaching behaviors. d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 20. According to successful professional football coach Bill Parcells, which of the following is NOT a quality of successful leadership? a. flexibility b. candor *c. trust d. patience e. loyalty 21. According to Chelladurai's multidimensional model of sport leadership, which of the following are categories of leader behavior? a. required leader behavior b. preferred leader behavior c. perceived behavior *d. a and b e. b and c 22. Which of the following is (are) true regarding antecedents of coaches' expectations and values? *a. There are cross-cultural variations in coaching behaviors. b. Division I athletes thought their coaches were more supportive than Division III athletes. c. Coaches high in extrinsic motivation tend to be more autonomous in their decision making. d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and b 23. According to the multidimensional model of sport leadership, performance and satisfaction are a function of the degree of congruence among *a. three types of leader behavior b. motivation of the leader c. leadership style d. situational characteristics e. member characteristics 24. Which of the following is (are) FALSE concerning findings from studies of the antecedent conditions that affect leader behavior? a. Preference for an autocratic coaching style increases with age. *b. Females prefer an autocratic style more than males do. c. Males prefer training and instruction behaviors more than females do. d. a and b e. b and c 25. Which of the following is (are) FALSE concerning findings from studies of the consequences of leadership behaviors? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. High frequencies of social support are related to poor team performance. b. High frequencies of social support and democratic decision making are associated with high satisfaction among athletes. *c. High levels of cohesion are related to autocratic coaching behaviors. d. b and c 26. Which of the following is (are) NOT part of effective leadership? a. leadership style b. situational factors c. athlete characteristics d. leader qualities *e. position power 27. According to Martens, which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Team-sport athletes prefer more relationship-oriented leaders than do individual-sport athletes. *b. As group size increases, an autocratic leadership style becomes more effective. c. When little time is available, a relationship-oriented leader is more effective. d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 28. According to Fiedler's contingency model, a task-oriented leader would be most effective in which type of situation? a. favorable b. unfavorable c. moderately favorable *d. either favorable or unfavorable e. either favorable or moderately favorable 29. In a more recent follow-up study on coach John Wooden (Gallimore & Tharp, 2004), they concluded a. specific planning was critical to administering the heavy information load b. Wooden considered instruction via information a positive approach to coaching c. starters received more praise than reserves d. a and c *e. a and b 30. In a recent study comparing coaches and peer leaders, coaches tended to exhibit more a. autocratic behaviors b. social support behaviors Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. training and instruction behaviors *d. a and c e. a and b 31. The interactional model(s) of leadership targeted for sport is (are) known as the a. multidimensional model of sport leadership b. cognitive-behavioral model of leadership c. cognitive-mediational model of leadership *d. a and c e. a and b 32. Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of leadership development in sport? *a. strong relationship with parents b. enriched tactical knowledge c. development of high skill d. strong work ethic e. good rapport with people 33. Which type of exercise leader was associated with cohesive exercise groups? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. democratic b. task-oriented c. relationship-oriented d. laissez-faire e. interactional 34. Which of the following is NOT a principle of energy management developed by Loehr? a. Growth ceases when energy investment ceases. b. Use positive rituals to manage energy. *c. Never push beyond the comfort zone. d. Balance energy investments with energy deposits. e. Energy is highly contagious. 35. The leader takes a visionary position and inspires people to follow that position. This is characteristic of *a. transformative leadership b. contingency management leadership c. the Bass-Ricardo philosophy of leadership d. situational leadership e. democratic leadership Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Breakdowns in communication can occur because a. the sender fails to listen b. the receiver misinterprets the message c. the messages are inconsistent *d. b and c e. a and c 2. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication? a. a decision to send a message *b. paraphrasing the message c. receivers receiving and interpreting the message d. internal response of receiver to the message e. encoding the message 3. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of communication? a. evaluation *b. retrospection c. motivation d. persuasion e. problem solving Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Which of the following is (are) a guideline(s) for sending effective messages? a. Messages should be indirect. b. Messages should separate fact from fiction. c. Verbal and nonverbal messages should be congruent. *d. b and c e. a and c 5. Which of the following is NOT a type of communication? a. nonverbal communication b. intrapersonal communication c. interpersonal communication *d. introspective communication e. b and d 6. Intrapersonal communication is communication with *a. yourself b. someone else c. signs d. feelings e. expressions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. Nonverbal behaviors that communicate interest and attention include which of the following? *a. maintaining eye contact b. maintaining a closed posture c. standing no more than 6 feet from the person d. a and b e. a and c 8. In the study about watching tennis players in between points, what percentage of the time did subjects pick the winner of the match? a. 10% *b. 75% c. 35% d. 55% e. 25% 9. Nonverbal cues are transmitted via a. the color of the eyes b. posture c. body position *d. b and c e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 10. Proxemics is the study of how we communicate *a. by the way we use space b. by the way we dress c. by the way we use gestures d. by the way we use speech e. by the way we touch 11. What percentage of communication time is spent listening? a. 20% *b. 40% c. 10% d. 70% e. 25% 12. Supportive listening behaviors a. are empathetic b. remain open to new ideas c. focus on future thoughts and feelings *d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 13. Supportive language has which of the following characteristics? a. manipulative b. evaluative *c. descriptive d. a and c e. b and c 14. Sullivan devised seven communication exercises to promote more effective communication. Athletes said they would try to practice which communication skills? a. not interrupt others when they are speaking b. confront issues right away c. give opinions less often to people with whom they feel intimidated *d. a and b 15. Which of the following things should you do during a confrontation? a. Stop communicating. *b. Communicate the problem. c. Rely on nonverbal cues to communicate. d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and b 16. Which of the following would you NOT suggest for communicating with empathy? a. Do not attack the character of the person. b. Be sensitive to the feelings of the other person. *c. Make sure the other person understands your point of view. d. a and c e. b and c 17. Which of the following would you NOT suggest for communicating with consistency? a. Be consistent in administering discipline. b. Never pass an opportunity to praise. *c. Show more compassion in competition than in practices. d. Match verbal and nonverbal communication. e. Be consistent from athlete to athlete. 18. Which of the following is (are) NOT a principle of communication when setting up team meetings? a. Everyone will have a chance to speak. b. People should say at least one positive thing about everybody. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. What is discussed in the meeting is open to others outside the meeting. d. a and c e. b and c 19. The "sandwich approach" consists of which of the following elements? a. a positive statement b. future-oriented instructions c. mistake-contingent general encouragement *d. a and b 20. Which of the following would you suggest for expressing anger in a positive manner? a. Take a time-out before speaking. b. Try to identify your exact feelings by name. c. Try to attack the person's character to make your point. d. a and c *e. a and b 21. After taking Sullivan's communication training, athletes had the following reactions to the workshop: a. I see myself the same as others see me. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. It helps to know the goals of my teammates. c. It is scary to open up, but this makes things easier. *d. b and c 22. Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective communication? a. the belief that silence is safer b. embarrassment c. the tendency to tell people what they want to hear d. inconsistency between actions and words *e. using active listening skills 23. Which of the following actions can improve coach-athlete communication? a. Administer discipline based on the personality of the athlete. b. Convey rationales about why you expect certain behaviors. c. Provide a supportive and empathic environment. *d. b and c e. a and c 24. When there is a communication breakdown, most people believe that the problem resides with a. themselves Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. the other person c. the situation d. a and b e. b and c 25. Which of the following is (are) a main reason(s) that communication is often problematic? a. Individuals perceive faulty communication to be someone else's problem. b. Individuals feel that they are the problem regarding faulty communication. c. Individuals prefer two-way communication. *d. a and c 26. Which of the following is (are) a way(s) to improve active listening skills? a. Mentally prepare to listen. b. Use supportive behaviors as you listen. c. Employ both verbal and nonverbal listening behaviors. *d. all of the above e. a and c 27. Nonverbal communication in sport is important, as shown by the finding that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. athletes displayed more confidence when their opponents wore general sportswear b. athletes displayed more confidence when their opponents wore sport-specific sportswear c. athletes displayed less anxiety when they perceived their opponents as short d. athletes displayed less anxiety when they perceived their opponents as tall 28. Which teacher and coach category(ies) of behavior can enhance communication? a. clarity b. confirmation c. assertiveness *d. a and b e. a and c 29. A recent article recommends assuming the perspective of the other person in order to enhance communication. This involves the use of *a. role-playing b. assertiveness training c. listening skills d. a and c e. d and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 30. Which of the following is NOT an assumption when dealing with a confrontation? a. Process is as important as content. b. Everyone is right from his or her own perspective. c. There are enough resources to meet all needs. *d. A confrontation should be viewed as a competition. e. All needs are perceived to be legitimate. 31. To enhance constructive confrontations, you should a. describe your feelings b. describe your thoughts about the event that concerns you c. describe what you think the other person is feeling d. a and c *e. a and b 32. Which of the following are TRUE? a. Olympic swimmers look to coaches for technical skills before social competence skills. b. Communication patterns differ between more versus less successful tennis doubles teams. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Nonverbal behavior and clothing worn by athletes influence the ratings others give them regarding their performance. d. a and b *e. b and c 33. Recent research on empathy in coaches and athletes found a. coaches were more capable than athletes in inferring feelings of closeness b. coaches of individual sport teams were more accurate in predicting athlete feelings about the relationship than team sport coaches c. coaches' empathy was improved with more exposure to each athlete *d. b and c e. a and c 34. Recent research by Gano-Overway and colleagues on caring and underserved youth participating in a summer camp found that with increased caring from the coaches and counselors, underserved youth *a. exhibited a decrease in anti-social behavior b. had higher self-esteem c. had lower state anxiety d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Ideally, a PST program should be planned, implemented, and supervised by a a. coach b. general manager *c. AASP-certified sport psychology consultant d. coach and athlete e. NASPSPA-certified sport psychology consultant 2. In general, most coaches state that their sport is at least what percentage mental? a. 20% *b. 50% c. 80% d. 90% e. 25% 3. The importance of the mental side of sports a. is greatest for elite athletes b. is greatest for varsity athletes c. is greatest for recreational athletes *d. does not differ based on skill level e. is greatest for young athletes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Which of the following explain(s) why players and coaches often neglect psychological skills training? a. lack of knowledge b. lack of time c. viewing psychological skills as unchangeable *d. all of the above e. a and c 5. Which of the following is (are) FALSE concerning psychological skills training? *a. PST is only for problem athletes. b. PST is for athletes of various abilities. c. PST will not provide quick solutions to problems. d. PST has developed a knowledge base using elite athletes. e. a and b 6. From a psychological perspective, the ultimate goal of psychological skills training is a. self-efficacy *b. self-regulation c. self-esteem d. mental preparation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. self-concept 7. Results of a study focusing on successful versus unsuccessful athletes showed that more successful athletes are characterized by a. higher self-confidence b. higher anxiety c. more task-oriented thoughts d. a and b *e. a and c 8. Using the psychological skill of relaxation learned in baseball to deal with anxiety before taking exams would be the goal of which stage of Kirschenbaum's model of self-regulation? a. execution b. problem identification *c. generalization d. specialization e. environmental management 9. Which of the following is not one of the stages in Kirschenbaum's model of self-regulation? a. commitment Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. execution *c. specialization d. generalization e. problem identification 10. The PST knowledge base has come from what sources? a. research on elite athletes b. athlete-coach experiences c. research on youth sport *d. a and b 11. In conducting research on the mental preparation of Canadian Olympic athletes, Orlick and Partington found that athletes who performed up to their potential *a. developed competitive plans b. received more feedback from coaches c. had more extroverted personalities d. a and b e. a and c 12. Sport psychology topics that form the basis for PST programs include which of the following? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. confidence building b. imagery c. group cohesion *d. a and b e. a and c 13. What was the main problem that the basketball player (Jim) faced shooting free throws in the case study presented at the beginning of the chapter? *a. He had not developed the psychological skill of relaxation. b. He did not have good free-throw shooting form. c. He received negative feedback from his coach. d. He had not developed a routine before shooting free throws. e. He lost his concentration because his girlfriend was in the audience. 14. The studies investigating the effectiveness of PST in enhancing performance have generally found a. that PST enhances the performance of elite but not recreational athletes b. that PST enhances the performance of collegiate athletes c. that PST enhances performance in older and younger athletes *d. b and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. Which of the following demonstrate(s) psychological skills training? a. A fitness instructor suggests using positive self-statements to enhance self-esteem with an overweight client. b. A physical education teacher uses relaxation training to help students calm down before going on to their next class. c. A therapist uses behavior modification techniques to help a person quit smoking. d. a and c *e. a and b 16. When is it generally best to implement a PST program? a. anytime *b. during the off-season or preseason c. after a problem is identified d. before important competitions e. before easy competitions 17. When new psychological skills are being learned, how long should they generally be practiced? a. 5 days a week, 60 minutes a day *b. 3 to 5 days a week, 15 to 30 minutes a day c. twice a week, 30 minutes a day Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. 5 days a week, 45 to 60 minutes a day e. 3 days a week, 60 minutes a day 18. After a PST program has been put in place, how long do athletes need to continue practicing their mental skills? *a. as long as they continue to participate in their sports b. 3 months c. 6 months d. 1 year e. 1 month 19. PST takes what type of approach to mental training? a. clinical b. counseling *c. educational d. philosophical e. pragmatic 20. A baseball player's slump can be caused by what kind(s) of problems? a. psychological b. biomechanical Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. physiological *d. all of the above e. a and c 21. What is the best way to get information concerning an athlete's psychological strengths and weaknesses? a. psychological inventories b. an oral interview *c. an oral interview and psychological inventories d. projective and objective psychological inventories 22. According to Vealey's analysis, which of the following reflect(s) foundation methods in PST training? a. physical practice b. education c. anxiety management *d. a and b 23. Which of the following is NOT a common problem in implementing PST programs? a. lack of time b. lack of follow-up by the consultant Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. the consultant's lack of sport-specific knowledge d. generating support from administrators, coaches, and athletes *e. the sport psychologist's knowledge of psychological skill exercises 24. The Sports United to Promote Education and Recreation program (SUPER) developed by Danish and his colleagues has as its goal *a. to teach adolescents skills in sport that they can transfer to other aspects of their lives b. to provide recreational activities for inner-city youth c. to help elite athletes develop mental skills d. to provide training for new physical education teachers e. to combine formal physical education in the schools with recreational activities after school 25. Which of the following is (are) characteristic of INEFFECTIVE consultants that athletes note in interviews with sport psychologists? a. They lack sport-specific knowledge. b. They are too flexible, trying to meet all athletes' individual needs. c. They rely on a "canned" approach when implementing mental skills training. d. a and b *e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. Which of the following is (are) characteristic of EFFECTIVE consultants that athletes note in interviews with sport psychologists? a. They only conduct one follow-up session with athletes. b. They are accessible and establish rapport with the athletes. c. They are flexible in meeting individual athletes' needs. *d. b and c e. a and b 27. Performance profiling as a means of assessing athletes' mental skills works by asking athletes to a. observe other elite athletes who have excellent psychological skills *b. identify, assess, and compare their own mental skills against those of other elite athletes in their sport c. take a series of personality tests to determine their strengths and weaknesses regarding mental skills d. observe themselves for several weeks and keep a log regarding their mental skills 28. Which of the following is NOT a phase in PST? a. education phase b. practice phase *c. intervention phase Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. acquisition phase 29. According to Vealey, which of the following is (are) a foundation skill(s)? a. goal setting b. imagery *c. self-confidence d. a and b e. the sport psychologist's knowledge of psychological skill exercises 30. New research indicates that which of the following is NOT a construct in the 4C model of mental toughness? a. control b. commitment *c. consistency d. challenge e. confidence 31. Which of the following is (are) a consideration(s) when teaching mental skills to athletes with disabilities? a. developing trust and rapport Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. making sure males consult with males and females with females c. ensuring that the venues are accessible d. a and b *e. a and c 32. The first systematic mental skills training program occurred in which country? a. United States *b. Soviet Union c. Canada d. England e. China 33. According to recent research on mental toughness, which of the following is (are) a way(s) to increase mental toughness? a. Create intense competitive practices simulating game situations. b. Have high expectations of athletes. c. Create a negative mental environment because athletes react positively to threats of punishment. d. a and c *e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 34. Which of the following is NOT a situation requiring mental toughness according to a recent study? a. injury and rehabilitation b. peer and social pressure *c. autocratic coach d. balancing different commitments (e.g., school, work, media) e. difficult environmental and playing conditions 35. A recent study found that coaches particularly use the mental skills of *a. self-talk and imagery b. self-talk and anxiety management c. imagery and anxiety management d. routines and imagery e. routines and self-talk 36. According to Vealey, which of the following is NOT part of a psychological skills training program? a. foundation skills b. personal development skills c. performance skills d. team skills *e. communication skills Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 37. Which of the following is (are) a phase(s) of a periodization program? a. categorization b. norming *c. peaking d. a and b e. a and c 38. Experts compared to non-experts *a. anticipated opponents' intentions quicker b. had shorter "quiet eye" periods c. are equal in terms of visual function and visual acuity d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. The suggested ratio for the time of inhalation to exhalation when using breath control as a relaxation device is a. 1:5 *b. 1:2 c. 3:1 d. 5:1 e. 1:4 2. A good starting point for increasing awareness of arousal states is to *a. visualize your best and worst performances b. visualize only your best performance c. develop relaxation skills d. learn transcendental meditation e. learn autogenic training 3. Which of the following is (are) NOT a stage(s) in autogenic training? a. regulation of breathing b. regulation of cardiac activity *c. cooling of the extremities d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. The two sensations that are emphasized in autogenic training are a. warmth and cold *b. warmth and heaviness c. kinesthetic and heaviness d. warmth and kinesthetic e. cold and kinesthetic 5. Autogenic training was developed by a. Weinberg and Gould b. Jacobson and Benson *c. Schultz and Luthe d. Martens and Landers e. Schultz and Singer 6. The state of mind produced by the relaxation response is similar to that described during a. imagery b. peak performance *c. transcendental meditation d. deep sleep e. progressive relaxation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. The premise of stress inoculation training is to *a. expose the person to increasing amounts of stress, thereby enhancing the person's immunity to stress b. teach both somatic and cognitive anxiety skills c. teach people that stress is predominantly in their minds d. teach people to appraise stressful situations 8. Relaxation (anxiety reduction) techniques are usually classified as *a. cognitive and somatic b. state and trait c. sport specific and general d. cognitive and appraisal e. somatic and visceral 9. Using an electronic monitoring device that can detect and amplify internal responses not ordinarily available to us is known as a. systematic desensitization b. classical conditioning c. biological mapping *d. biofeedback e. biological conditioning Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 10. Effective breathing occurs from the *a. diaphragm b. central chest c. upper chest d. throat 11. Athletes should make sure that when they are performing a skill under pressure, they *a. breathe out during execution of the skill b. breathe in during execution of the skill c. hold their breath during execution of the skill d. breathe shallowly during execution of the skill 12. Ost has developed an applied relaxation technique using progressive relaxation that can be done at competitions in a. 10 to 12 minutes b. 5 to 7 minutes c. 2 to 4 minutes *d. 20 to 30 seconds e. 1 minute Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 13. Before starting progressive relaxation, you should a. dim the lights b. put on soft music c. sit down in a comfortable position *d. a and c 14. Progressive relaxation was developed by a. Herbert Benson b. Ken Ravizza *c. Edmund Jacobson d. Rainer Martens e. Daniel Gould 15. Which of the following is (are) NOT a tenet(s) of progressive relaxation? *a. Tension and relaxation can occur simultaneously. b. A decrease in muscle tension will lead to a decrease in mental tension. c. Progressively contract and relax the major muscle groups in the body. d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 16. Excess anxiety can produce a. inappropriate muscle tension b. inappropriate thoughts c. somatic (physiological) reactions *d. all of the above e. a and c 17. A good way to increase awareness of psychological states in sport is to *a. monitor and record your psychological states immediately after practice and competition b. talk to teammates c. practice relaxation techniques d. practice cognitive restructuring 18. The relaxation response was developed by *a. Herbert Benson b. Edmund Jacobson c. Robert Weinberg d. Charles Hardy e. Gunther Schultz Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 19. The matching hypothesis refers to a. matching athletes with coaches to reduce anxiety levels b. matching athletes with other athletes of similar anxiety levels *c. matching the type of anxiety management technique to the specific anxiety problem of each athlete d. matching athletes to the sport that is least anxiety provoking to them 20. Which of the following is NOT a coping strategy typically employed by elite athletes? a. social support (from friends, coaches, family) b. time management c. thought control *d. superstition e. rational thinking via self-talk 21. According to research with elite athletes by Gould and colleagues, athletes a. prepared for unexpected events b. usually overtrained c. placed a great deal of importance on mental training Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. a and c 22. Which of the following is NOT a phase in the hypnosis process? a. induction phase b. hypnotic phase *c. autogenic phase d. waking phase e. posthypnotic phase 23. According to the study by Eubank and Collins, individuals perceiving their anxiety as facilitative (as opposed to debilitative) use more a. emotion-focused coping b. problem-focused coping c. imagery *d. a and b e. a and c 24. Which of the following statements regarding hypnosis is (are) true? a. The more open individuals are to receiving suggestions, the more likely they will benefit from hypnosis. b. Negative suggestions almost always result in a decrease in performance. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. The deeper the trance, the less likely the hypnosis will be effective. *d. a and b e. a and c 25. Which of the following levels of effort produced the fastest running times of 400-meter runners? a. 110% b. 100% c. 75% *d. 95% 26. Both Ron Smith's cognitive-affective stress management training and Don Meichenbaum's stress inoculation training are examples of ___________ anxiety programs. *a. multimodal b. multidisciplinary c. multivariate d. cognitive appraisal e. somatic appraisal 27. The two most widely accepted coping categories are known as Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. problem-focused and cognitive-focused coping *b. problem-focused and emotion-focused coping c. cognitive-focused and somatic-focused coping d. emotion-focused and somatic-focused coping e. emotion-focused and cognitive-focused coping 28. Which of the following is NOT an element necessary for achieving the relaxation response? a. a quiet environment b. a passive attitude c. a mental device d. a comfortable position *e. a mantra 29. Which of the following can increase activation? a. using positive mood words b. slowing down the breathing rate c. listening to energizing music *d. a and c e. b and c 30. An athlete who is underactivated commonly experiences which of the following? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. heavy feeling in the legs b. mind wandering c. feelings of anxiety *d. a and b e. b and c 31. Which of the following can be useful as an on-site strategy to help reduce tension? a. Smile when the pressure is coming on. b. Slow down. c. Stay focused in the present. *d. all of the above e. a and c 32. Which of the following is (are) true in terms of resiliency? a. Sociocultural influences such as social support are not related to being resilient. b. The essence of resiliency is the use of different coping strategies to deal with unpleasant emotions. c. Mental toughness is seen as critical to being resilient. *d. b and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 33. Cognitive restructuring attempts to *a. identify and modify stress-inducing self-statements b. improve problem-solving ability c. improve attentional focus d. identify different strategies for mental preparation 34. Which of the following is (are) NOT among the interventions for cognitive-affective stress management training? a. cognitive restructuring b. relaxation skills c. self-instructional training *d. systematic desensitization e. a and c 35. Which of the following is NOT a phase in Smith's cognitive-affective stress management training? a. pretreatment assessment b. treatment rationale c. skill acquisition d. skill rehearsal *e. posttreatment assessment Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 36. According to the research on biofeedback by Landers and his colleagues, a. biofeedback provides a mechanism for coping with precompetitive anxiety b. biofeedback can improve the performance of rifle shooters c. biofeedback provides shooters with a greater awareness of their heart and respiration rates *d. all of the above e. a and c 37. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding research findings on coping in sport? a. Athletes use both adaptive and nonadaptive coping strategies. b. Athletes usually stick with one coping strategy. c. Athletes who had more adaptive coping strategies had higher performance. d. a and b *e. a and c 38. A key feature in the multimodal anxiety reduction programs is that they help participants learn *a. coping skills b. confidence-building skills Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. imagery skills d. goal-setting skills e. self-esteem 39. Which of the following is NOT a stage in stress inoculation training? a. preparing for the stressor b. coping with the stressor c. controlling the stressor d. evaluating coping efforts *e. removing the stressor 40. For long-term coping, research indicates that the most effective strategy is *a. active-problem-focused coping b. avoidance coping c. emotion-focused coping d. cognitive appraisal coping e. active-avoidance coping 41. Which of the following is (are) a strategy(ies) for coping with different emotions in sport? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. vicarious learning b. self-analysis c. reframing *d. all of the above e. a and c 42. The "yips" refers to *a. a condition most often associated with golf that includes involuntary tremors and jerking of the hands caused by excessive anxiety b. a condition associated with losing confidence when sailing c. an entire team feeling the pressure and thus "choking" d. a condition usually seen in individual sports characterized by a loss of attentional focus and an increase in physiological arousal 43. The most frequently cited stressor in recent studies by Nicholls et al. was a. parents or significant others *b. physical or mental errors c. ability level of opponent d. autocratic coaching style e. importance of the competition Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 44. Which of the following is (are) a guideline(s) for giving a peptalk? a. Give players a plan. b. Use humor. c. Stress effort. *d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Basic imagery training involves a. controllability and awareness *b. controllability and vividness c. vividness and relaxation d. relaxation and awareness e. relaxation and controllability 2. Imagery involves which of the following senses? a. visual b. auditory c. kinesthetic *d. all of the above e. a and b 3. Which of the following is NOT a use of imagery? a. building confidence b. improving concentration *c. reducing the amount of physical practice time d. controlling emotional responses e. coping with pain and injury Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Research using U.S. and Canadian Olympic athletes has shown that approximately what percent of athletes use imagery? a. 50% b. 75% *c. 95% d. 85% e. 60% 5. Vividly imagined events produce an innervation in muscles that is similar to the innervation produced by physically practicing the movement. This is an illustration of a. symbolic learning theory *b. psychoneuromuscular theory c. muscular contraction theory d. innervation theory e. psychodynamic theory 6. Which of the following is (are) true? *a. Imagery is used most often prior to competition. b. Imagery has both motivational and affective roles in changing behavior. c. The most often-used imagery is known as cognitive general imagery. d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. Imagery functions as a coding system to help individuals acquire movement patterns. This describes *a. symbolic learning theory b. psychoneuromuscular theory c. psychodynamic theory d. psychoinnervation theory e. symbolic interaction theory 8. Suinn's research showing that electrical activity was present in skiers' legs as they imagined skiing down the slope provided support for a. symbolic learning theory *b. psychoneuromuscular theory c. psychoinnervation theory d. muscular contraction theory e. innervation theory 9. What theory was supported by the research literature showing that subjects using imagery performed consistently better on tasks that were cognitive than on those that were motoric in nature? a. psychoneuromuscular theory b. symbolic interaction theory Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. symbolic learning theory d. psychodynamic theory e. psychoinnervation theory 10. To determine whether using imagery is effective, evidence has been gathered from which of the following methods? a. anecdotal reports b. case studies c. archival research *d. a and b e. b and c 11. According to the experimental evidence, which of the following is (are) true? a. Imagery is effective in improving the learning and performance of motor skills. b. Tasks involving mostly cognitive components demonstrate the greatest positive benefits. c. Imagery helps individuals only in learning a new skill; it does not help performance once the skill is well learned. *d. a and b e. b and c 12. The main reason(s) that exercisers give for using imagery is (are) Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. appearance b. energy c. relaxation *d. a and b 13. Which of the following athletes use(s) imagery as part of preparation for competition? a. Dwight Stones b. Jean-Claude Killy c. Jack Nicklaus *d. all of the above e. a and c 14. Internal imagery (as compared to external imagery) makes it easier for an athlete to experience which of the following senses? *a. kinesthetic b. auditory c. visual d. olfactory 15. Triple code theory refers to what three parts of the image? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. image itself, image meaning, somatic response to the image b. image itself, image meaning, cognitive response to the image c. image itself, image timing, somatic response to the image d. image meaning, image timing, cognitive response to the image e. image consistency, image meaning, image timing 16. An athlete tries to image shooting a free throw under pressure, but the ball keeps hitting the rim and bouncing off. This is an example of a lack of a. vividness b. coordination *c. controllability d. experimental control e. emotionality 17. The PETTLEP model emphasizes which of the following critical factors in imagery practice? a. learning b. evaluation c. perspective *d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. Athletes who incorporate all the senses into their image will score high on what aspect of imagery? a. controllability b. coordination *c. vividness d. motivation e. simplicity 19. Which of the following is (are) basic to a successful imagery training program? a. realistic expectations b. relaxed concentration c. image in slow motion *d. a and b 20. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Imagery can't help performance; only hard physical practice can. b. Imagery can make an average athlete great. *c. Imagery can improve performance if it is done systematically. d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 21. An optimal time to use imagery is a. before and after practice b. before and after competition c. during breaks in the action *d. all of the above e. a and b 22. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Individuals should image only successful events. b. Individuals should image mostly unsuccessful events. *c. Individuals should image mostly successful events but also learn to cope with an occasional failure. d. a and c 23. In terms of the timing of imagery, it is best to image in *a. real time b. slow motion c. fast motion d. a combination of slow and fast motion Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 24. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. Imagery is more effective when individuals are higher in imagery ability. b. Imagery ability is defined in terms of image vividness and controllability. *c. There are no differences in imagery ability between successful and less successful performers. d. a and c e. a and b 25. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. A combination of physical and mental practice is better than physical practice alone, given the same time frame. b. Mental practice can be employed as a substitute for physical practice if an athlete is injured. c. Mental practice should be used as a supplement to physical practice rather than as a replacement for physical practice. d. a and b *e. b and c 26. Bioinformational theory states that images have two propositions called a. stimulus and appraisal propositions b. neuromuscular and cognitive propositions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. neuromuscular and stimulus propositions *d. response and stimulus propositions e. response and neuromuscular propositions 27. According to researcher Pavio, what are the two primary functions of imagery? a. cognitive and somatic b. cognitive and emotional c. social and cognitive *d. cognitive and motivational e. motivational and somatic 28. According to Pavio's work on the different functions of imagery, a person's imagery of staying relaxed under pressure would be an example of *a. motivational-specific imagery b. motivational-general imagery c. cognitive-general imagery d. cognitive-specific imagery e. somatic-motivational imagery 29. Which of the following statements is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. According to Mahoney and Avener's study, gymnasts who qualified for the 1976 Olympic team tended to use external imagery. *b. External imagery refers to viewing yourself from the perspective of an external observer. c. External imagery produces significantly better performance than internal imagery. d. a and b e. b and c 30. Which of the following situations involving the use of imagery might result in negative consequences or outcomes? a. imagery creating too much anxiety b. imagery directing attention to irrelevant cues c. imagery that makes a performer overconfident *d. all of the above e. a and b 31. In a study comparing the use of visual and kinesthetic imagery in the learning of a skill, it was found that a. kinesthetic imagery produced better performance than visual imagery *b. visual imagery produced better performance than kinesthetic imagery c. neither visual nor kinesthetic imagery was better than a control condition d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. b and c 32. Psychological explanations for the effectiveness of imagery include a focus on a. perfectionism b. enhancing motivation c. achieving optimal arousal and focus on task-relevant cues *d. b and c e. a and c 33. Exercise imagery has been shown to have several functions, including a. improving exercise technique b. helping develop routines c. enhancing self-concept *d. a and b 34. According to research, the most effective types of imagery scripts are *a. video and audio b. video and written c. written and audio d. kinesthetic and audio Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. kinesthetic and written 35. The most effective type of imagery for helping athletes maintain confidence and stay focused is a. cognitive general *b. cognitive specific c. motivational specific d. motivational general–arousal e. motivational general–mastery 36. The new Motor Imagery Integrative Model targets which specific areas where imagery can be effective? a. strategies and problem solving b. injury rehabilitation c. motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety *d. all of the above e. a and c 37. According to the latest research (e.g., Caliari, 2008), a player in a sport using an implement (e.g., baseball, tennis) should focus their imagery on a. the direction of the ball Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. external stimuli c. the opposition *d. the movement itself e. the outcome of performance 38. In a recent study on imagery use in youth sport (Munroe-Chandler et. al, 2007), which of the following categories of imagery was NOT found? a. surroundings b. type of imagery c. nature of imagery d. effectiveness of imagery *e. individual differences 39. The latest research on the timing of imagery would suggest that imagery timing might be different based on *a. the task b. the person c. individual differences d. imagery ability e. stimulus versus response propositions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Which of the following statements regarding self-efficacy is (are) true? a. Efficacy affects behavior change but behavior change does not affect efficacy. b. Efficacy changes are related to changes in exercise adherence. c. Exercise behavior can influence feelings of efficacy. *d. b and c e. a and c 2. One's confidence can change as the situation changes. This is known as a. trait self-confidence *b. state self-confidence c. situational self-confidence d. cognitive self-confidence e. naturally occurring self-confidence 3. Sport self-confidence is currently viewed as a. a trait variable b. a state variable *c. statelike or traitlike depending on the situation d. an affective variable e. a cognitive variable Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. The probable reason that approximately a dozen runners broke the 4minute barrier within one year after Roger Bannister originally did was their a. enhanced training procedures b. improved equipment c. faster tracks *d. expectations that it could be done e. superior coaching 5. Confidence is seen as multidimensional, consisting of confidence in a. one's ability to execute physical skills b. one's level of fitness c. one's psychological skills *d. all of the above e. a and c 6. According to the study by Nelson and Furst on arm wrestling and expectations, a. objectively weaker subjects who expected to win actually did win more often than stronger subjects who expected to lose b. objectively stronger subjects won regardless of expectations Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. objectively weaker subjects won regardless of expectations d. expectations were a better predictor of success than actual strength was *e. a and d 7. According to Rosenthal and Jacobson's study on teachers' expectancies and students' performances, *a. children identified as "late bloomers" exhibited the greatest gains in IQ b. teachers' expectations were not related to IQ scores c. children identified as "late bloomers" exhibited the slightest gains in IQ d. males had higher gains in IQ than females did e. females had higher gains in IQ scores than males did 8. Coaches often form expectations of athletes based on a. performance information and media reports *b. performance information and person cues c. person cues and media reports d. scouting and media reports e. person cues and scouting reports 9. Which of the following is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Coaches spend more time with high-expectancy athletes. b. Coaches show more positive affect to high-expectancy athletes. c. Coaches spend more time with low-expectancy athletes. *d. a and b e. b and c 10. Which of the following is (are) FALSE? a. Coaches give high-expectancy athletes more instructional feedback. b. Coaches provide more praise to high-expectancy athletes. *c. Coaches provide more beneficial feedback to low-expectancy athletes. d. a and b e. b and c 11. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Low-expectancy athletes exhibit lower performances due to less effective reinforcement and playing time. b. Low-expectancy athletes attribute their failures to lack of effort. c. Low-expectancy athletes attribute their failures to lack of ability. *d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. The four-step process concerning the formation of a coach's expectations and their effects on the coach's and athlete's behavior signifies that a. coaches should continually reevaluate an athlete's ability throughout the season b. coaches should carefully monitor their quantity and quality of reinforcement and instructional feedback c. coaches should rely on one source to make ability judgments *d. a and b 13. Self-efficacy theory was originated by a. Charley Hardy b. Tara Scanlan *c. Albert Bandura d. Larry Brawley e. Joseph Wolpe 14. Confidence is usually defined by sport psychologists as the *a. belief that you can successfully perform a desired behavior b. inner self c. equivalent of self-esteem Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. belief that you can do anything you desire if you set your mind to it 15. Self-efficacy has been used interchangeably with a. self-esteem *b. self-confidence c. self-motivation d. self-concept e. self-fulfilling prophecy 16. Confidence can be improved by a. judgmental thinking b. acting confidently c. using imagery *d. b and c e. a and b 17. If you want to avoid breaking down an individual's self-confidence, a. don't criticize people for inconsequential errors b. don't criticize the behavior; criticize the person c. don't use sarcasm to motivate people Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. a and c 18. Which of the following is (are) NOT a recommendation(s) provided by Horn regarding expectations of coaches? a. Coaches should interact infrequently with athletes. b. Coaches should respond to skill errors with immediate criticism. c. Coaches should try to create a mastery-oriented environment. *d. a and b e. b and c 19. Collective efficacy refers to *a. each individual's perception of the efficacy of the team as a whole b. the aggregate of each individual's own self-efficacy c. the coach's view of the efficacy of the team as a whole d. the belief that the team can win the championship 20. Recent research has identified nine sources of sport selfconfidence. These fit into which of the following categories? a. climate (environment) b. self-regulation Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. arousal *d. a and b e. b and c 21. According to the latest thinking, self-efficacy is now called *a. self-regulatory efficacy b. self-improvement c. self-esteem d. self-worth e. self-monitoring 22. Research by Gould and his colleagues on setting up detailed plans as a way to increase confidence showed that *a. elite athletes had the most detailed plans b. female athletes had the most detailed plans c. male athletes had the most detailed plans d. college athletes had the most detailed plans 23. Coaching efficacy is composed of all of the following areas except a. game strategy *b. playing experience Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. motivation d. technique e. character building 24. The relationship between confidence and performance is a. positive linear b. negative linear *c. curvilinear d. negatively accelerated e. positively accelerated 25. Research has indicated that live and filmed modeling increases selfefficacy in muscular-endurance tasks. This is an example of a. verbal persuasion *b. vicarious experiences c. performance accomplishments d. emotional arousal e. parental expectations 26. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of confidence? a. positive emotions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. effort c. concentration d. goals *e. visualization 27. The strongest and most dependable information on which to base selfefficacy judgments comes from a. vicarious experiences *b. performance accomplishments c. emotional states d. verbal persuasion e. physiological states 28. A new program to build self-efficacy in coaches was developed by Harwood (2008) and targeted which of the following areas? a. communication b. imagery c. commitment *d. a and c e. a and b 29. Which of the following is (are) NOT a major source(s) of selfefficacy? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. parental expectations b. performance accomplishments c. emotional arousal d. vicarious experiences e. a and d 30. Which of the following points about self-efficacy theory is (are) true? a. Self-efficacy affects effort expenditure and persistence. b. Self-efficacy plus ability are enough for success. c. Self-efficacy is task specific. *d. a and c 31. Researchers investigating the concept of psychological momentum in sport found that teams of athletes having momentum a. will continue to perform well for the next few minutes of play b. will continue to perform well for the rest of the game *c. were just as likely to perform poorly as to continue to perform well d. are important in individual sports but not in team sports e. are important in team sports but not in individual sports Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 32. According to recent research on the "hot hand" in basketball, if a coach needed to choose a player to take the last critical shot, he should choose a. the player who has the hot hand b. It doesn't matter whom he chooses. *c. the player with the hot hand who is also generally a good shooter d. the player with the hot hand who is generally not a good shooter 33. Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the model of sport confidence? a. sources of sport confidence b. constructs of sport confidence c. factors influencing sport confidence *d. controllability of sport confidence e. factors affecting sport confidence 34. Which of the following is true regarding judges' knowing a skater beforehand? a. Judges' knowledge of the skater did not affect their scoring. *b. Skaters who were known to judges were ranked higher than skaters not known to judges. c. Skaters known to judges received higher artistic marks than skaters not known to judges. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. a and c e. b and c 35. The key psychological variable regarding psychological momentum is a. anxiety b. motivation *c. confidence d. attentional focus e. perfectionism 36. In a recent study on self-confidence in elite athletes, Hays et al. (2007) found some additional sources of confidence including a. experience b. modeling c. competitive advantage *d. a and c e. a and b 37. According to research on coaching efficacy, coaches higher in self efficacy (compared to those lower in self-efficacy) a. were better able to control their emotions b. were lower in emotional intelligence Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. had higher winning percentages *d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. It is recommended that appropriate goals be a. short-term only b. long-term only *c. a combination of short- and long-term d. short-term early in the season, then long-term midway through the season e. either short-term or long-term depending on the way you phrase your generalized goals 2. Focusing on performance (as opposed to outcome goals) during competition has been shown to be associated with _____ anxiety and _____ performance. a. more; poorer *b. less; superior c. more; superior d. less; poorer e. none of the above 3. Which of the following (according to research by Filby and colleagues) would produce the best performance? a. performance goals b. process goals c. outcome goals *d. a combination of goals Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. subjective goals 4. Studies of goal setting in business have concluded that a. although goals work in some situations, more often than not, specific goals are not better than "do your best" goals b. it does not matter how difficult your goals are—any goal will be effective *c. goal setting works very well d. goal setting is effective but only when the goals are easy 5. Burton (1989a), in a study of basketball skills, found that a. general goals were just as effective as specific goals b. goal setting was effective for all tasks c. short-term goals were more effective than long-term goals *d. goal setting enhanced performance better on low- as compared with high-complexity tasks e. goal setting improved performance more for the subjects who were told to "do their best" than for those who were told "improve 15%" 6. Directing a performer's attention to important elements of a skill is *a. one way in which goal setting can influence performance Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. one indirect thought process that explains goal setting's impact on athletes c. not really a part of a systematic goal-setting program because most athletes can direct their own attention appropriately d. the same thing as mobilizing the athlete's effort e. b and c 7. The mechanistic explanation for the effectiveness of goal setting includes a. directing the performer's attention to important elements of a skill b. mobilizing effort and increasing persistence by providing incentives c. the development and employment of new learning strategies *d. all of the above e. a and b 8. Burton contends that athletes who set outcome goals will experience more anxiety and lower self-confidence in competition; this is a. because their goals are not within their complete control b. one of the mechanistic explanations for the effectiveness of goal setting c. one of the indirect thought-process explanations for the effectiveness of goal setting *d. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 9. After a five-month goal-setting program (Burton, 1989) swimmers were found to *a. have learned to set performance goals b. exhibit less anxiety, regardless of their ability to set performance goals c. exhibit less anxiety if they set outcome goals rather than performance goals d. exhibit higher confidence and improved performance if they set outcome goals rather than performance goals e. c and d 10. Having a goal to win the race is an example of a(n) _____ goal, whereas having a goal to "improve my best time" is an example of a(n) ______ goal. *a. outcome; performance b. process; outcome c. outcome; ego-oriented d. subjective; objective e. a and c 11. According to the text, goals should be a. extremely difficult so that only 10% of your players can reach them Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. easy enough to achieve so that self-esteem is enhanced *c. difficult enough to be a challenge, yet realistic enough to achieve d. set to the same value (e.g., the same score, the same time) for everyone on the same team so that no one is singled out as a favorite e. c and d 12. Which of the following is NOT a common obstacle in setting goals? a. It is too time consuming. b. There are previous negative experiences in setting goals. *c. Goals are too unstructured. d. a and c e. b and c 13. The phrase "out of sight, out of mind" is a reminder to *a. write your goals down and place them where they can be easily seen b. write your goals down and put them secretly away, only to be reread at the end of the season c. use visualization when you set your performance goals d. sign a behavioral contract with your coach or parents, which should be placed in a drawer (or some safe place) and reevaluated once a year e. constantly use self-talk while competing to refresh your memory of your goal Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 14. According to Snyder, hope involves having a realistic goal and a. having a very difficult goal *b. being able to reach the goal c. having a high level of concentration d. having a low level of anxiety e. having the self-talk to support it 15. Which of the following is (are) a common problem(s) when setting goals? a. setting too few goals b. failing to adjust goals c. failing to recognize individual differences *d. b and c 16. A formal assessment of an athlete's current ability or needs is a. part of the instructor's or leader's preparation stage of implementing a goal-setting program b. great for identifying what areas you think the athlete needs to improve c. part of the education and acquisition stage of implementing a goal-setting program Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. a and b 17. When formulating a goal-setting program with a novice goal setter, it is best to a. help the person set multiple goals, such as skill goals, concentration goals, and technique goals *b. help the person select one goal from a list of multiple goals she would like to pursue c. let the person choose the top two goals from a list of possible goals that you create for her d. let the person decide on the type and number of goals to pursue 18. It is important to _____ throughout the entire goal-setting process. a. provide feedback b. provide support c. provide encouragement d. reevaluate goals *e. all of the above 19. In developing a goal-setting program, it is important for individuals to set a. only performance goals b. performance and process goals Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. process and outcome goals *d. process, performance, and outcome goals e. performance and outcome goals 20. Which of the following is (are) useful for setting team goals? a. establishing short-term goals first b. monitoring progress toward team goals c. fostering team confidence concerning team goals *d. b and c 21. Which of the following is (are) true regarding goal-setting practices of high school and collegiate coaches? a. The most important part of goal commitment is goal specificity. b. Coaches were consistent in writing down their goals. *c. The only disadvantage noted was setting goals unrealistically high. d. a and b e. a and c 22. "Chip a bucket of golf balls onto a practice green three days a week" is an example of a. a goal that is much too general to be effective Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. a performance goal that is both specific and realistic *c. a strategy for attaining the goal of "lower my handicap by three strokes" d. an inflexible strategy for attaining a goal because it leaves no room for possible interruptions in your schedule e. a and d 23. Simply telling an athlete to "do your best" is a. fine for younger kids b. effective when the sport is well learned *c. not specific enough d. effective for developing an athlete's commitment 24. In an attempt to build hope, Gould and colleagues created the Power 4W program. Which of the following is NOT one of the Power 4W components? a. want power b. wish power *c. wade power d. will power e. way power 25. Recent studies have indicated that goal setting has been applied to which settings? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. physical education; exercise b. exercise; elite sport c. exercise; youth sport d. physical education; youth sports e. youth sport; elite sport 26. In a recent study by Gano-Overway 2008, what type of athletes performed the best under failure feedback? a. ego-oriented *b. task-oriented c. relationship-oriented d. competitive-oriented e. autocratic-oriented Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Which of the following would NOT be classified as an internal distracter? a. attending to past events b. attending to future events c. overly analyzing body mechanics *d. crowd noise e. fatigue 2. Which of the following is NOT a key element included in most definitions of concentration? a. the ability to focus attention on the relevant cues b. maintaining attentional focus for the duration of the competition *c. the ability to narrow attentional focus in all situations d. having the proper attentional focus depending on the situation 3. High scores on the BIT subscale of Nideffer's TAIS indicate a. an ability to effectively integrate many external stimuli simultaneously *b. an ability to effectively integrate several ideas at one time c. a tendency to become confused and overloaded with external stimuli d. chronically narrowed attention Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. an ability to effectively narrow attention when it is appropriate 4. An athlete who is losing in a tennis match might tell her opponent that she is "really following through on her serve nicely." From an attentional perspective, this is a ploy to have the opponent a. feel good about herself *b. start to focus and think too much about her serve c. lose her intensity d. use negative self-talk 5. The narrowing and internal focus associated with choking can result in a. impaired timing b. increased coordination c. poor judgment and decision making *d. a and c e. a and b 6. According to the text, "choking" should be defined as a. a bad performance at a critical time of competition *b. a process that leads to impaired performance Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. making a mistake that costs you or your team a victory d. making a mistake that is emotionally important to an athlete 7. According to a summary of 25 years of research on association and dissociation, a. dissociative strategies are associated with running fast more than associative strategies b. practice runners prefer association; competitive runners prefer dissociation *c. dissociation can reduce the fatigue and monotony of training or recreational runs d. a and c e. b and c 8. Athletes with a preference for a broad-external focus a. are seldom distracted by an audience b. rarely try too hard to please others *c. seem to notice everything that is happening around them d. are well prepared to act as a coach or informal leader e. b and c 9. "Cue" words are often effective because Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. they can help trigger a particular response b. they can be motivational or emotionally stimulating c. they broaden attentional focus *d. a and b e. b and c 10. Future-oriented thinking (attending to events in the future) *a. is common among younger athletes b. involves seeing a past mistake while focusing on the present c. often takes the form of "what about me" statements d. a and c 11. "No-look" passes in basketball are accomplished by using a. a narrow-internal attentional focus *b. advanced cues to predict teammates' future movements c. several different types of attentional strategies d. a narrow-external attentional focus 12. Research investigating differences between experts and novices concludes that these differences are in large part due to experts' ability to a. attend more to advance information to make faster decisions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. predict the flight pattern of a ball c. use "tunnel vision" *d. a and b 13. Top athletes seem to be able to do just the right thing at just the right time. From an attentional perspective, research has shown that this is mostly due to their ability to *a. analyze situations more quickly and use more anticipatory cues b. use a narrow-external focus c. use a broad-external focus d. use a narrow-internal focus e. analyze situations by using imagery and positive self-talk 14. If a pole-vaulter shifts attention from imagining the approach to the pit to focusing on actually seeing the runway, his attentional focus has changed from _____ to _____. a. narrow-external; narrow-internal b. narrow-internal; broad-external c. broad-internal; narrow-external d. broad-external; narrow-external *e. narrow-internal; narrow-external Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. If a golfer shifts attention just before a tee shot, from the length of the fairway and the direction of the wind to focusing only on the ball, her attention has shifted from _____ to _____. a. broad-internal; narrow-external b. broad-internal; narrow-internal c. broad-external; narrow-internal *d. broad-external; narrow-external 16. An example of Nideffer's broad-external type of attentional focus is *a. a basketball point guard's rapidly assessing the positioning of the defense while on a fast break b. a coach's analyzing the game plan prior to the start of the competition c. a baseball pitcher's focusing on the catcher's mitt just before beginning his pitch d. a wrestler's practicing mental imagery on the bus ride to a meet e. a basketball player's sighting the rim while on the free-throw line 17. Which of the following best represents William James' classic description of attention? a. It involves the ability to pay attention to several things at once. *b. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. It involves components of both width and direction. d. It involves the components of both internality and stability. 18. Entirely focusing on body mechanics and movements a. usually helps perform a skill during competition b. may be inappropriate once a skill becomes automatic c. may be detrimental to performance because the mind gets in the way of the body d. a and b *e. b and c 19. Using a trigger word to stop negative self-statements is called *a. thought stopping b. attentional narrowing c. external attentional focus d. peripheral narrowing e. tunnel vision 20. Tennis and baseball players are able to successfully hit balls traveling toward them at high speeds because a. they have learned to watch the ball hit their racket (or bat) Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. they have learned to predict the flight of the ball by using advanced attentional cues c. they have learned to use a narrow-external focus d. they have learned to rapidly shift their attentional focus e. they have learned to use a broad-external focus 21. From an attentional perspective, overlearning of skills *a. makes the skills more automatic, thus requiring less attention b. allows for attentional selectivity c. produces higher amounts of internal attentional control d. allows for higher amounts of external attentional control 22. Developing competitive plans should focus on what type of goals? a. outcome goals b. technical goals c. performance goals *d. process goals e. product goals 23. In preparing for a major competition, many elite athletes structure training to put themselves under the same sort of pressure encountered during the actual competition. This is an example of Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. mental rehearsal b. precompetitive routines c. precompetitive plans *d. simulation training e. cognitive-behavioral interventions 24. In a study on figure skaters, self-monitoring helped skaters to become *a. more task focused b. more process oriented c. more determined d. more willing to listen to coaches 25. Psychophysiological research on attentional processes in archers and pistol shooters has revealed that accuracy is increased when performers' brain waves are in which frequency? a. beta *b. alpha c. delta d. gamma e. creatine 26. According to Nideffer, effective attenders indicate that they can Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. deal well with a multitude of stimuli from both external and internal sources b. effectively switch their attention from broad to narrow focus when necessary c. attend to many stimuli (both internally and externally) while often becoming overloaded with too much information *d. a and b e. a and c 27. Which of the following is NOT a subscale of the Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style (TAIS)? a. external overload b. reduced focus c. broad-internal d. internal overload *e. broad-narrow 28. Just before shooting, elite pistol shooters display a. increased galvanic skin responses b. cardiac acceleration *c. cardiac deceleration d. acceleration of the autonomic nervous system e. reduced blood pressure Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 29. According to the new theories of multiple resource pools, attentional capacity is a. centralized *b. distributed throughout the nervous system c. broad in nature d. narrow in nature e. sequential 30. Individuals with a good ability to concentrate, scan, and store relevant cues are likely to score _____ on a concentration block grid in 1 minute. *a. in the upper 20s to low 30s b. in the low 20s c. somewhere between 45 and 50 d. at least as high as an elite athlete can score in 30 seconds e. in the upper 60s 31. Why would you want to have a friend wave his arms around you while you are focusing on a basketball? a. to assist you in shifting your attention from the ball to the waving arms b. to help you in your search for irrelevant cues Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. to force you to maintain concentration on the ball d. a and c 32. Results from the study of self-talk among junior tennis players (Van Raalte et al., 1994) revealed that *a. there was more negative self-talk than positive self-talk b. most of the self-talk was instructional in nature c. there was a strong relationship between audible, positive selftalk and performance d. a and b e. a and c 33. According to recent research, instructional self-talk is best on what type of tasks? a. strength b. endurance *c. accuracy d. balance e. strength and endurance 34. Telling yourself to focus is probably best defined as a. establishing a routine to be used primarily during "down" times Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. a method to keep attention focused through the use of eye control *c. a cue word for bringing you back into a present focus d. an exercise that enables you to practice shifting attentional focus e. the opposite of "stop!" as an attention-focusing tool 35. Ironic processes in sport refers to a. ironically performing movement *b. the idea that trying not to perform an action can trigger its occurrence accidentally c. doing something an athlete is not trained to do d. performing well even with little experience 36. A response to either good or bad performances that causes a personal, ego-involved reaction during competition is known as *a. judgmental thinking b. nonjudgmental thinking c. ego thought d. paralysis by analysis 37. To improve concentration, an athlete should Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. practice without distractions present b. establish routines c. practice eye control *d. b and c 38. Which of the following is (are) a major process(es) involved in explaining the attention-performance relationship? a. attentional selectivity b. attentional capacity c. attentional reciprocity d. a and c *e. a and b 39. Most theories investigating the role of attention in performance have used what type of approach? *a. information-processing b. attentional control c. conscious control process d. attentional-arousal e. limited-capacity 40. The concept of attentional alertness operates under the assumption that increases in arousal Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. narrows attention b. broadens attention c. enhances attention d. disrupts attention 41. Research has indicated that paying attention to step-by-step instructions is most helpful a. for elite performers *b. for new learners c. for closed skills d. for open skills e. continuous skills 42. Which of the following is (are) a principle(s) of effective concentration? a. A focused state of mind requires intentional mental effort. b. Athletes can consciously focus on more than one thought at a time. c. During peak performance there is no difference between an athlete's thoughts and actions. *d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 43. The risk of trying to maintain concentration throughout a competition is *a. losing concentration due to fatigue b. too many thoughts c. attentional selectivity d. past-oriented thinking e. future-oriented thinking 44. Controlled processing is mental processing that requires a. selective attention *b. conscious attention c. no attention d. external attention e. internal attention 45. Skilled performers should focus on a. internal factors *b. external factors c. body mechanics d. intrinsic cues e. mental representations of the skill Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 46. Inattentional blindness means *a. narrowing attentional focus resulting in missing important cues b. being too broad in attention and missing internal cues c. becoming blind to cues due to listening to other players d. not having sufficient motivation, resulting in inappropriate focus e. having an external focus thus becoming blind to internal cues 47. In a recent study by Jordet and Harman (2008) on choking in soccer, they found that a player was more likely to choke (miss a shot) in a shootout when a. a goal would win the game b. the coach talked to the player before shooting *c. a goal would tie the game d. other players talked to the player prior to the shot e. the player had not scored at all (goal or assist) during the game 48. In a recent study by Gucciardi and Dimmock (2008), choking was found to be best explained by the a. Attention Threshold Hypothesis Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Attentional Demand Hypothesis c. Attentional Capacity Hypothesis *d. Conscious Processing Hypothesis e. Reversal Theory 49. Which of the following is (are) true regarding self-talk and different cultures? a. positive self-talk is related to better performance in East Asians b. East Asians had a higher percentage of negative to positive self-talk than did European Americans c. negative self-talk is related to poorer performance in European Americans *d. b and c e. a and b 50. "Maybe the nature, content, and delivery of self-talk may not be as important as the individual interpretation of that self-talk." This quote underscores the notion of a. task specificity b. attentional control c. instructional self-talk d. motivational self-talk *e. individual differences Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 51. According to a recent study relating anxiety and attention regarding the "quiet eye", it was found that a. increased anxiety resulted in a longer duration of "quiet eye" *b. increased anxiety resulted in shorter duration of "quiet eye" c. anxiety and duration of "quiet eye" were not related d. increased anxiety produced differences in "quiet eye" for males and females Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Research findings indicate that exercise is associated with a. increases in energy and alertness b. changing a bad mood c. increases in fatigue and anger *d. a and b e. a and c 2. Research out of Germany on the "runner's high" has recently revealed *a. endorphins were produced by the brain during running b. no specific chemical effects associated with the "runner's high" c. a runner needs to run at least 30 minutes to experience the "runner's high" d. the "runner's high" is experienced more by females than males e. the "runner's high" is only experienced by people under 50 years of age 3. The nature of the conclusions from the National Institute of Mental Health regarding exercise and mental health was a. causal *b. correlational c. descriptive d. qualitative Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. quantitative 4. Which of the following statements was (were) a conclusion(s) derived from the National Institute of Mental Health workshop on physical activity and mental health? a. Physical fitness is positively associated with mental health. b. Males benefit more from exercise than females. c. Long-term exercise is usually associated with reductions in traits such as neuroticism and anxiety. d. a and b *e. a and c 5. Research investigating the relationship between exercise and quality of life has revealed that a. older adults who exercise report greater life satisfaction and physical health b. physically active individuals report more stamina and positive attitudes about work c. there were no differences in reported quality of life between college students who participated in an endurance conditioning program and a comparable control group *d. a and b 6. According to research studies, the "runner's high" is experienced by approximately what percentage of runners? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75% *e. Results are inconsistent. 7. The relationship between exercise and hardiness has recently been investigated. A hardy personality style is characterized by a. a sense of personal control over external events b. a sense of commitment and purpose in daily life c. the flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes in life *d. all of the above e. a and c 8. The feelings characterizing the "runner's high" are similar to the concept of a. beta waves *b. flow c. transcendental meditation d. peripheral narrowing e. overtraining Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 9. Which of the following regarding the relationship between exercise and depression is (are) true? a. The positive effects are seen across age, health status, and gender. b. Both aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise are associated with reductions in depression. c. Reductions in depression after exercise depend on fitness levels. *d. a and b e. a and c 10. Which of the following is (are) true? a. Aerobic exercise is associated with less consistent reductions in state anxiety than anaerobic exercise is. b. The anxiety reduction after exercise occurs only during intensity exercise. *c. Activities such as weightlifting and yoga have been found to be associated with positive psychological well-being. d. a and c e. a and b 11. Researchers have found that exercise usually reduces state anxiety for approximately a. 36 hours b. 30 minutes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. 12 hours *d. 2 to 6 hours e. 8 to 10 hours 12. Which of the following conditions is generally not related to positive changes in mood? a. closed and predictable activities b. enjoyment c. rhythmic and repetitive movements d. abdominal breathing *e. interpersonal competition 13. Various research studies have indicated that regular physical activity is associated with a. positive mental health b. frequent symptoms of anxiety and depression c. reduced probability of hypertension and coronary heart disease d. a and b *e. a and c 14. Aerobic exercise refers to physical activity that a. is less than 10 minutes in duration Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. does not use oxygen *c. increases pulmonary and cardiovascular fitness d. a and c e. b and c 15. The primary measure of mood in sport and exercise is the *a. Profile of Mood States b. Positive Affect-Negative Affect Scale c. mood alteration scale d. affective checklist e. Cognitive-Affective Profile 16. Exercise is related to increased quality of life as measured by a. increased feelings of enjoyment b. decreased feelings of stress c. decreased levels of self-confidence *d. a and b 17. Some new research on the relationship between exercise and psychological well-being among HIV-1 populations showed that a. anaerobic exercise produced the most positive psychological benefits Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. both aerobic and weight-training exercise produced positive psychological benefits c. aerobic exercise had no effect on psychological well-being d. a and c e. a and b 18. A recent study has investigated the relationship between exercise and multiple sclerosis (MS). Results indicated that exercise produced a. less pain and fatigue b. poorer sexual functioning c. higher levels of energy and vigor d. a and b *e. a and c 19. If exercise is used as an adjunct to traditional therapy, then which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Anaerobic activities appear to produce the most positive psychological effects. *b. A precise diagnosis of the problem and individually tailored program of exercise should be employed. c. Exercise therapy can be used for both underweight and obese patients. d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 20. The results of studies investigating the relationship of exercise and changes in self-concept have been inconsistent. The main reason for this is that *a. self-concept is a multidimensional construct b. there were not enough subjects in the studies c. self-concept cannot be measured through paper-and-pencil tests d. a and c e. a and b 21. The "runner's high" has been described as a. complete joy in the run b. a very alert mind c. freedom from worry and guilt *d. all of the above e. a and c 22. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the relationship between exercise and self-esteem? a. Positive changes have been found only with individuals initially lower in self-esteem. b. Positive changes in self-esteem through exercise last only one to two months. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *c. Positive changes in self-esteem related to exercise have been found in normal populations. d. a and b e. b and c 23. According to Ismail and Young's study on the effects of a fitness program on middle-aged men, exercise a. improves fitness levels b. increases self-confidence c. increases anxiety *d. a and b 24. A negative addiction to exercise can result in a. increased sexual functioning b. strains on interpersonal relationships c. decrease in work productivity *d. b and c e. a and c 25. The term "positive addiction to exercise" was coined by a. Gould b. Burke Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Morgan *d. Glasser e. Bahrke 26. If a person feels withdrawal symptoms after 24 to 36 hours without exercise, then the individual is considered a. positively addicted to exercise *b. negatively addicted to exercise c. neurotic d. psychotic 27. Which of the following psychological explanations has NOT been put forth to help describe the positive relationship between exercise and psychological well-being? a. enhanced feelings of control b. "time-out" *c. positive changes in personality d. positive social interactions e. feelings of competency 28. Which of the following physiological explanations has NOT been put forth to help describe the positive relationship between exercise and psychological well-being? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. increases in cerebral blood flow b. reductions in muscle tension c. structural changes in the brain d. increases in endorphins *e. decreased maximal oxygen consumption to the tissues 29. What conclusion have researchers reached concerning the effects of exercise on cognitive functioning? a. Intense exercise bouts enhance cognitive functioning more than easy exercise bouts. b. Overall, there is a moderate relationship between exercise and improved cognitive functioning. c. Exercise programs conducted over longer periods are associated with gains in cognitive functioning. *d. b and c e. a and b 30. Which illness or disease is predicted to be the second-leading cause of death after heart disease by 2020? a. anxiety neurosis *b. depression c. skin cancer d. abdominal cancer e. pancreatic cancer Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 31. Depression is seen most in a. older adults *b. girls and women c. boys and men d. African American males e. African American females 32. Recent research on the relationship between cardiovascular fitness and cognitive functioning indicates that *a. the effects were largest on tasks involving executive control b. the effects occur more in males than in females c. the effects were largest after exercise training exceeded 60 minutes d. a and b 33. Research on the use of mirrors during exercise for women indicates a. no mirrors should be used regardless of previous exercise levels *b. mirrors should not be used when women have been sedentary c. there should be at least two mirrors during exercise classes d. there should be only one mirror used during exercise classes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 34. The effect of exercise on cancer indicates a. exercise can cause breast cancer to disappear b. exercise can be beneficial for breast cancer patients c. exercise can be beneficial to non-breast cancer patients d. a and b *e. b and c 35. Recent research on depression and extracurricular organized sport activities has found that a. females in extracurricular sport activities exhibited less depression than those not involved in extracurricular sport activities b. there was no difference in depression for young athletes who participated or had not participated in extracurricular sport activities *c. males participating in extracurricular sport activities exhibited less depression than those not participating in extracurricular sport activities d. a and c 36. In a study investigating the effects of winning and losing on psychological factors, 4-6 days after a regular season competition, results indicated that winners (when compared to losers) exhibited a. higher somatic anxiety Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. lower levels of depression c. lower levels of anger *d. a and c 37. Although no empirical research has been conducted to date, Pilates (a popular form of exercise focusing on flexibility and balance) has received anecdotal support to help improve quality of life for people who have a. HIV b. pancreatic cancer *c. Parkinson's d. muscular dystrophy e. congestive heart failure 38. A recent study has shown that acute exercise can improve cognitive functioning in the form of working memory for people a. over the age of 65 *b. who are low in working memory c. who have I.Q.s under 100 d. under the age of 30 e. who use English as a second language Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. The premise of the health belief model is that individuals will engage in preventive health behaviors depending on the individual's perception of the *a. severity of past illnesses b. time available to exercise c. social support network d. exercise history 2. According to the Surgeon General's report, individuals exercising at ______ or lower of their aerobic capacity had the best adherence rates. a. 40% *b. 50% c. 20% d. 60% e. 70% 3. Which of the following statements is (are) TRUE? a. Ten to fifteen percent of all adults participate in vigorous and frequent physical activity. b. Fifty percent of adults are sedentary. c. Seventy-five percent of adults participate in exercise on a weekly basis. *d. a and b e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. The two major categories of processes used by individuals for behavior change are a. cognitive and physiological *b. cognitive and behavioral c. social and physiological d. behavioral and social e. cognitive and social 5. In a large worksite promotion study by Marcus and colleagues, most participants were classified in which stage of the transtheoretical model? a. action b. action and reaction c. preparation d. precontemplation *e. contemplation 6. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the transtheoretical model? a. contemplation b. precontemplation *c. action and reaction Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. preparation e. action 7. The key elements in social cognitive theory are that the environment affects behavior and behavior affects the environment. This is known as a. reciprocal control b. reciprocal interception c. self-efficacy *d. reciprocal determinism e. perceived behavioral control 8. Which of the following styles is most likely to be taken by a counselor using motivational interviewing? a. being directive b. being authoritative c. being persuasive d. being confrontational *e. being a partner 9. In terms of environmental factors affecting adherence, which of the following is (are) FALSE? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. People exercising in groups display higher adherence than people exercising alone. *b. People in walking programs have lower adherence than people in running programs. c. People who perceive their exercise leader as knowledgeable and likable exhibit higher levels of adherence. d. a and b e. b and c 10. According to the Surgeon General's report, people exercising for ____ at a time had the best adherence rates. *a. 20 to 30 minutes b. 30 to 60 minutes c. 30 to 40 minutes d. 15 to 45 minutes e. 30 to 45 minutes 11. In terms of affecting adherence, which of the following is (are) true? a. Overweight people are more likely to adhere to exercise programs. b. People with documented heart disease are less likely to adhere to exercise programs. *c. The higher the cost of the exercise program, the lower the adherence. d. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and c 12. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Knowing the health benefits of physical activity enhances adherence. b. Feelings of enjoyment enhance adherence. c. Expecting health benefits from exercise enhances adherence. d. a and b *e. b and c 13. Reasons for attrition from exercise programs can be classified as *a. internal and controllable b. external and controllable c. internal and uncontrollable d. external and uncontrollable 14. Studies have shown that in terms of barriers to exercise, *a. there were no differences between whites and blacks b. blacks gave lack of time more as a reason for not exercising c. whites gave lack of time more as a reason for not exercising d. blacks mentioned lack of energy more often as a barrier to exercise Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. whites mentioned lack of energy more often as a barrier to exercise 15. Which of the following will have a positive effect on adherence to a new exercise program? *a. previous participation in supervised exercise programs b. participation in intercollegiate sports c. class size d. b and c e. a and b 16. According to research on adherence to exercise programs, what percentage of individuals starting an exercise program will likely drop out after six months? *a. 50% b. 75% c. 25% d. 10% e. 65% 17. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. Exercise of moderate or short duration does not increase appetite. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Regular exercise can produce substantial decreases in weight over time. *c. An estimated 10 to 15 million American adults are overweight. d. a and c e. b and c 18. Exercise can be beneficial in which of the following ways? a. weight control b. building self-esteem c. reducing the risk of hypertension *d. all of the above e. a and c 19. The theory of planned behavior extends the theory of reasoned action by including the factor of a. perceived ability *b. perceived behavioral control c. perceived barriers to exercise d. exercise history e. previous participation in varsity sport 20. Studies on social support as a strategy to help adherence have indicated that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. social support, compared to a lack of it in control groups, produces increases in adherence b. social support does not increase adherence c. social support works only with support from spouses and family d. social support works only with support from close friends 21. Which of the following is (are) recommended for school and community programs promoting physical activity in young people? a. Include parents in physical activity instruction. b. Implement a health education curriculum about healthy lifestyles. c. Eliminate extracurricular activities since they distract from the school's physical education instruction. d. a and c *e. a and b 22. The number one barrier to physical activity is a. lack of energy b. lack of motivation c. injury or illness *d. lack of time e. lack of facilities Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 23. Which of the following is NOT a criterion to evaluate theories of health behaviors? a. integration b. utility c. parsimony d. impact *e. performance 24. In a research study, exercise adherence in a walking program was maximized when participants were called _______ to prompt them to walk. *a. once a week b. once a month c. once every other week d. every day 25. Research by Williams (2007; 2008) has indicated that to increase adherence, obese people should be encouraged to *a. choose self-paced activities that produce positive effects b. exercise whenever they choose c. exercise 3 days a week for 30 minutes each time d. exercise every day for at least 10 minutes e. exercise with a partner Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. The three basic constructs in self-determination theory are *a. relatedness, autonomy, effectance b. relatedness, autonomy, sense of control c. autonomy, sense of control, effectance d. relatedness, self-efficacy, self-motivation e. self-motivation, self-efficacy, autonomy 27. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the determinants of exercise adherence? a. Higher income is associated with more active lifestyles. b. College-educated individuals have lower participation rates in exercise than those individuals with only a high school education. c. High self-efficacy is associated with higher levels of physical activity. d. a and b *e. a and c 28. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for setting up an exercise program to enhance adherence? *a. Exercise alone. b. Make the exercise enjoyable. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Reinforce early success. d. a and c e. b and c 29. The setting producing the best adherence is a. worksite *b. community c. hospital based d. home e. fitness club 30. Which of the following statements is (are) true of the use of a decision balance sheet? a. It involves sensitizing potential exercise participants to the positive and negative outcomes of participating in an exercise program. b. It helps exercise leaders make decisions on who will adhere to an exercise program. c. It helps exercise leaders make decisions concerning the best activities for the exercisers. *d. all of the above e. none of the above Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 31. Two ways to increase intrinsic motivation for exercise are to focus on one's self and have what type of orientation? a. product b. outcome *c. process d. performance 32. According to research on association and dissociation strategies and adherence, a. dissociation produces better attendance than association does b. association produces better attendance than dissociation does c. dissociation produces better long-term maintenance than association does *d. a and c e. b and c 33. According to research on goal setting and adherence, a. flexible goals are better than rigid goals b. time-based goals are better than distance-based goals c. short-term goals (weekly) are better than long-term goals (six weeks) *d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 34. The goal most often given by exercisers was a. to improve strength b. to lose weight *c. to improve cardiovascular fitness d. to tone muscles e. to have fun 35. Based on research findings, which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Attendance contracts and lotteries are successful in improving adherence rates. b. Individual feedback produces more adherence than group feedback. c. Self-reward decreases adherence rates. d. b and c *e. a and b 36. Which of the following findings using behavior modification approaches to exercise adherence is (are) true? a. A poster encouraging stair climbing instead of taking the elevator immediately increased people's incidences of taking the stairs from 6% to 34%. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. People willing to sign a statement of intent to comply with the exercise program had significantly better attendance than those refusing to sign such a statement. c. Individuals given a choice concerning the activities they participated in had higher levels of adherence than individuals who were not given a choice. d. a and b *e. b and c 37. According to charting attendance and participation approaches, charts can be important in a. maintaining interest b. keeping people constantly informed c. enhancing the effects of social facilitation *d. all of the above e. a and b 38. Which of the following is NOT an approach used in enhancing exercise adherence? a. social support b. decision making c. behavior modification d. goal setting *e. association Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 39. According to American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, exercise should be a. performed three or four days a week b. performed for 45 minutes to 1 hour per exercise bout c. performed at 50% to 80% of maximal heart rate *d. a and c 40. For special populations, which of the following is NOT a major reason for not exercising? a. inconvenience b. lack of motivation c. lack of money *d. lack of opportunity e. lack of time 41. Exercise adherence has been difficult in part because of exercise prescriptions that a. are too flexible in intensity, frequency, and duration b. are overly restrictive (do not enhance motivation) c. are based solely on fitness data (not psychological readiness to exercise) *d. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and c 42. To prevent a relapse in physical activity, it is suggested that a person a. use positive self-talk and imagery strategies b. replace "wants" with "shoulds" c. expect and plan for lapses *d. a and c e. a and b 43. As a person moves through the stages of changes, reasons for exercise become more a. external *b. internal c. hypothetical d. behavioral e. stable 44. According to the ecological model, the key aspect of these models is a. the social environment *b. the physical environment c. one's emotional environment Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. one's mental outlook on the environment 45. Americans spent much more money on exercise equipment between 1986 and 1996. As a result, the amount of physical activity during that period has increased a. 5% b. 10% *c. 2% d. 15% e. 23% 46. In order to facilitate adherence to mental training, it is suggested that a. mental skills be integrated into existing routines b. enjoyment of mental training be emphasized c. the perceived costs (e.g., time) of mental training be increased *d. a and b e. e. and c 47. Irregular exercisers, compared to regular exercisers, place more significance on a. goals that are more difficult Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. goals that are too easy *c. goals that are interfering d. goals that are specific e. goals that are general 48. A study by Williams et al. (2006) on the relationship between enjoyment and adherence to individually-tailored physical activity found a. greater adherence when participants got to choose enjoyable activities *b. the greater the enjoyment at the start of the program, the greater the adherence c. enjoyment did not influence adherence to physical activity d. the greater the enjoyment at the end of the program, the greater the adherence 49. A recent study by Netz et al. (2008) focusing on age and gender differences in adherence found a. males gave more internal reasons (e.g., lack of selfdiscipline) for not exercising than females b. young adults gave more reasons for not exercising than older adults *c. older adults had more internal barriers to not exercising than younger adults d. a and c e. b an c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 50. According to recent studies, which of the following is (are) FALSE? *a. self-efficacy predicts exercise behavior for type I but not type II diabetes b. social support was the best predictor of physical activity in inner-city African American youth c. the best predictor of whether an individual would resume exercise is recovery self-efficacy d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Based on research by Petitpas and Danish, which of the following is (are) a psychological reaction(s) associated with injury? a. identity loss b. lack of confidence c. fear and anxiety *d. all of the above e. a and c 2. Which of the following has research shown to be predictive of athletic injury? a. personality b. self-esteem *c. life stress d. independence e. self-concept 3. In a study by Smith, Smoll, and Ptacek examining the relationship between life stress, social support, coping skills, and injury, the researchers found that a. athletes with high levels of life stress had the highest injury rates *b. athletes with high levels of life stress and low levels of social support and coping exhibited the highest injury rates c. athletes with low levels of social support, high levels of life stress, and high coping skills exhibited the highest injury rates Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. athletes with high levels of life stress and high levels of social support exhibited the highest injury rates e. there was no relationship between life stress, social support, coping skills, and injury rates 4. Which of the following is (are) a potential explanation(s) for the relationship between stress and injury? a. Stress disrupts an athlete's attention by causing a decline in peripheral vision. b. Stress causes muscle tension, which disrupts coordination. c. Stress causes loss in confidence, which changes movement patterns. *d. a and b 5. Which type(s) of attitudes have consultants identified as being related to injury? a. Act tough and always give 110%. b. If you are injured, you are worthless. c. Pressure is a privilege. *d. a and b e. a and c 6. In a study by Gould and colleagues (1997), the greatest sources of stress for individuals rehabilitating from injury were Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. psychological and physical *b. psychological and social c. physical and social d. physical and emotional e. emotional and behavioral 7. Which of the following is (are) a typical reaction(s) to injury? a. Injury is viewed as a disaster. b. Injury is viewed as a way to get a break from tedious practice. c. Injury is viewed as a socially acceptable reason for not playing. *d. all of the above e. a and c 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of grief reaction? a. denial b. depression c. anger *d. rationalization e. bargaining Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 9. Which is the first stage of the grief reaction response? a. anger b. acceptance and reorganization c. rationalization d. depression *e. denial 10. Which of the following factors influence(s) the stress response, which in turn influences the probability of injury? a. coping resources b. personality c. ability level d. a and c *e. a and b 11. How many children and adults are estimated to be injured in sport, exercise, and recreational settings each year? a. 9 to 10 million *b. 3 to 4 million c. 1 to 2 million d. 6 to 7 million e. 600,000 to 800,000 Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. From a study of injured elite skiers, which of the following was NOT a recommendation to coaches for helping athletes cope with season-ending injuries and for facilitating rehabilitation? *a. Motivate by pushing the athlete hard to improve. b. Provide positive empathy and support. c. Provide for lots of coach-athlete contact and involvement. d. Have realistic expectations. e. Understand individual differences. 13. Which of the following is (are) a guideline(s) for providing social support for injury recovery? a. Need is greatest when the rehabilitation process is fastest. b. Family and friends provide information support, whereas coaches provide emotional support. *c. Social support that athletes need varies across the rehabilitation phases. d. a and b e. b and c 14. According to Cupal and Brewer's (2001) study on effects of imagery and relaxation on recovery from injury, relaxation plus imagery versus a control or placebo control condition produced a. less reinjury anxiety b. greater knee strength Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. no change in pain d. a and c *e. a and b 15. The three phases of injury recovery as expressed in the model by Bianco, Malo, and Orlick (1999) include which of the following? a. injury or illness phase b. injury and pain management phase c. rehabilitation and recovery phase d. a and b *e. a and c 16. A variety of studies investigated the effects of psychological training on adherence to injury rehabilitation protocols. Which of the following psychological factors was (were) found to be related to rehabilitation adherence? a. self-motivation b. positive self-talk c. attentional control *d. a and b 17. Which of the following has NOT been identified as a sign of potential problematic adjustment to athletic injury? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. rapid mood swings b. withdrawal from significant others *c. high levels of anxiety d. feelings of anger and confusion e. exaggerated bragging about accomplishments 18. In interviews with fast- and slow-healing athletes, Ievleva and Orlick found that fast healers used more a. goal setting b. positive self-talk c. relaxation *d. a and b 19. Which of the following characteristics was (were) identified by athletic trainers as a way to distinguish between athletes who coped most and least successfully with injury? a. willingness to listen to the trainer b. maintaining a positive attitude about injury c. low life stress *d. a and b 20. Which of the following is NOT one of the procedures used in the rehabilitation process? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. educating individuals relative to the injury and recovery process b. fostering social support *c. being overly optimistic d. building rapport with the injured individual e. preparing the individual to cope with setbacks 21. According to Hardy and Crace, social support may take the form of a. emotional support b. informational support c. qualitative support *d. a and b 22. Which of the following is (are) a psychological skill(s) employed during the rehabilitation process? a. goal setting b. self-talk c. simulation *d. a and b e. a and c 23. Building rapport with an injured athlete can be accomplished by Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. being there b. showing empathy c. being overly optimistic *d. a and b 24. From a study of injured elite skiers, which of the following was NOT a recommendation to other athletes for coping with season-ending injuries and facilitating rehabilitation? a. Set goals. b. Use imagery. *c. Focus on quantity training. d. Use social resources. e. Work on mental skills training. 25. Research by Perna and colleagues has shown that high levels of stress can affect the physiology of injury recovery by a. causing a disturbance in sleep b. interfering with the removal of damaged tissue c. interfering with the body's healing process *d. all of the above e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. Research by Perna and colleagues using cognitive-behavioral stress management on rowers found *a. a decrease in days lost due to injury over the season b. fewer rowers got injured throughout the season c. there was no effect on days lost due to injury over the season d. injury actually increased in rowers across the season 27. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. over 25 million people are injured each year in the U.S. participating in sport, exercise, and recreation settings b. there are approximately 3.7 million emergency room sport injury visits each year c. Swedish data indicate that approximately 75% of elite Swedish soccer players get injured each season *d. approximately 10 million children under the age of 14 experience an injury each season e. a and d 28. The stress-injury model explains physical injuries but may also be used to explain a. physical performance *b. physical illness c. physical fitness d. burnout Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. overtraining 29. Stress management has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing injuries for individuals who are a. high in perfectionism *b. high in risk of becoming injured c. low in hardiness d. high in state anxiety e. low in hope 30. Imagery has been used in injury rehabilitation in which of the following ways? a. setting of goals b. relaxation c. maintaining a positive attitude *d. all of the above e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Which of the following is not a factor predisposing athletes to eating disorders? a. weight restrictions and standards *b. parental pressure c. performance demands d. critical comments about body shape and weight e. coach and peer pressure 2. The two most abused substances in the United States are a. stimulants and anabolic steroids b. marijuana and alcohol *c. alcohol and tobacco d. beta-blockers and stimulants e. anabolic steroids and beta-blockers 3. Substance abuse and eating disorders in athletes should be treated by a. an educational sport psychologist *b. a clinical sport psychologist c. a social worker d. an educational counseling psychologist Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. What percentage of athletes said they would take a performanceenhancing substance, even if it meant they would die from the side effects, if the substance guaranteed winning every competition for the next five years? a. 10% b. 20% c. 40% *d. 60% e. 5% 5. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) states that one of the criteria for psychoactive substance abuse is that the disturbance has persisted for at least a. six months b. two weeks *c. one month d. three months e. one week 6. Garner and Rosen recommend that if a coach suspects an athlete has an eating disorder, the coach should a. immediately discuss her concerns with the parents b. drop the athlete from the team until the condition is resolved *c. discuss her concerns with the athlete in a private meeting Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. go to the athlete's teammates to find out what's going on 7. Research suggests that people are less likely to take drugs if they have a. a low level of anxiety *b. high self-esteem c. a low level of aggression d. a highly competitive nature 8. Unusual eating patterns are often one of the best indicators of an eating disorder. If a person hides food and disappears after eating, this can be a sign of *a. bulimia b. anorexia nervosa c. anorexia nervosa and bulimia d. psychological depression e. c and d 9. Which of the following is (are) true? a. About 25% of high school athletes take performance-enhancing drugs. *b. Close to 50% of elite athletes report steroid use. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. Athletes report that approximately 80% of their teammates are using steroids. d. a and b e. b and c 10. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the prevalence of eating disorders in sport? a. There are no differences in frequency of eating disorders between athlete and nonathlete populations. b. Eating disorders in athletics tend to be sport specific. c. A significant percentage of athletes engage in some type of weight loss behavior. d. a and b *e. b and c 11. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which of the following is (are) characteristic of bulimia? a. recurrent episodes of binge eating in a discrete period of time b. a minimum average of four binge-eating episodes a week for at least six months c. a feeling of lack of control over eating behavior during eating binges *d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. The most prevalent form of eating problems is a. anorexia b. bulimia *c. disordered eating d. anorexbulimia e. secondary anorexia 13. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which of the following is (are) characteristic of anorexia nervosa? a. refusal to maintain minimal body weight (15% below normal) b. intense fear of weight loss c. disturbed body image *d. a and c e. b and c 14. According to Thompson, eating disorders are likely to appear in individuals with a. low self-esteem b. high stress levels related to pleasing others c. high levels of aggression *d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. Which of the following is (are) characteristic of bulimia? a. Eating behavior results in significant weight loss. b. Eating behavior is excessive in an effort to feel better. c. Feelings of guilt from eating result in purging. *d. b and c 16. Thompson and Garner and Rosen list some dos and don'ts for dealing with eating disorders. Which of the following are don'ts? a. Get help and advice from a specialist. b. Emphasize the importance of good long-term nutrition. c. Recommend weight loss in order to improve performance. d. Hold team weigh-ins. *e. c and d 17. Which of the following is NOT an approach or technique to detect and combat drug use? a. family systems approach b. educational approaches c. cognitive techniques d. behavioral techniques *e. psychophysiological techniques Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. In general, what percentage of collegiate athletes (football and basketball players) engage in some form of gambling? a. 10% b. 25% c. 40% d. 50% *e. 75% 19. Which of the following is (are) true? *a. About 2% of the population are compulsive gamblers. b. About 15% of the population are problem gamblers. c. About 15% of college students are compulsive gamblers. d. a and c e. a and b 20. Which of the following is (are) a characteristic(s) of compulsive gamblers? a. boastfulness b. pessimism c. extreme competitiveness d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *e. a and c 21. Which of the following is (are) a technique(s) to reduce the probability of becoming negatively addicted to exercise? a. working out regularly with a faster partner b. keeping the intensity of exercise high to maximize benefits *c. setting realistic short- and long-term goals d. a and c e. b and c 22. Which of the following is (are) a symptom(s) of a person who is negatively addicted to exercise? a. decreased tolerance to the amount of exercise performed b. exercise is given increased priority over other activities c. relief or withdrawal of symptoms by continuing to exercise *d. a and b 23. If we look at high school and college athletes' use of steroids, certain gender differences appear. For instance, a. females use steroids twice as often as males b. males use steroids 10 times as often as females *c. males use steroids 3 to 5 times as often as females Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. females use steroids twice as often as males but only in individual sports e. females use steroids twice as often as males but only in team sports 24. Educating athletes and exercisers about the harmful effects of drug use usually deters what percentage of people from using drugs? *a. 5% b. 20% c. 30% d. 40% e. 50% 25. The most common physical reason for athletes to use drugs is *a. for performance enhancement b. to help recovery from injury c. to control appetite d. to look better e. to feel better 26. Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of people who are substance abusers? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. major change in personality b. poor hygiene and grooming *c. very little sweating d. impaired judgment e. muscle twitches 27. Which of the following is (are) NOT a good way(s) to detect drug use and abuse? a. drug testing *b. searching the athletes' lockers on a random basis c. observation d. listening e. a and d 28. When discussing the effects of anabolic steroids with athletes, coaches should a. discuss the health risks involved in taking anabolic steroids b. deemphasize the performance gains of anabolic steroids c. inform the athletes of the policy of the organization in cases of drug use *d. a and c 29. Which of the following is the most common recreational drug? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. marijuana *b. alcohol c. tobacco d. cocaine e. amphetamines 30. Which of the following is NOT common among the side effects of ingesting anabolic steroids? a. increased risk of liver disease b. increased aggression c. loss of coordination d. premature heart disease *e. increased optimism 31. An effect of stimulants on performance is a. reduced pain *b. reduced fatigue c. increased strength d. steadier nerves e. increased muscle endurance Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 32. The major categories of drugs in sport and exercise are performanceenhancing and recreational drugs. Performance-enhancing drugs include a. anabolic steroids b. beta-blockers c. cocaine *d. a and b 33. Which of the following is (are) a psychological reason(s) for athletes to use drugs? a. build confidence b. reduce anxiety c. increase extroversion *d. a and b e. a and c 34. Which of the following is (are) NOT among guidelines for preventing eating disorders in athletes and exercisers? a. promote proper nutritional practices *b. focus on body weight to prevent overeating c. be sensitive to weight issues d. use a cognitive dissonance intervention e. a and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 35. According to research, about what percentage of men desire to change their physique? a. 20% *b. 50% c. 10% d. 70% e. 5% 36. Which of the following personality traits is (are) related to eating disorders in athletes? a. submissiveness b. shyness c. conformity d. a and b *e. a and c 37. Which of the following major professional sports does NOT have a mandatory drug policy? a. baseball b. basketball *c. hockey d. football Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 38. The rate of steroid use in high schools has increased from 1 in 27 in 1999 to what in 2003? a. 1 in 10 *b. 1 in 16 c. 1 in 20 d. 1 in 7 e. 1 in 22 39. What percentage of high school girls admit to using steroids at least once? *a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20% e. 25% 40. A recent decision-making model for drug use in sports has the three components of costs, benefits, and a. personality factors *b. situational factors c. specific rules of the sport Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. a and b e. b and c 41. In a 2003 survey, what percentage of male and female athletes, respectively, bet on sports? a. 10% and 30% *b. 35% and 10% c. 20% and 25% d. 5% and 10% e. 50% and 20% 42. The Mitchell Report focused on a. the use of steroids in football b. the potential for gambling on professional basketball games by referees *c. the use of steroids in baseball d. the reasons for fighting in professional hockey e. the salary cap in professional basketball 43. Which of the following psychiatric disorders has the highest associated mortality rate (5%)? a. compulsive gambling Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *b. anorexia nervosa c. bulimia d. paranoid schizophrenia e. obsessive-compulsive disorder 44. A recent study (Kerr et al. 2006) found that when compared to retired gymnasts (looking back on their careers), gymnasts still active in their careers a. reported significantly more eating disorders *b. reported significantly fewer eating disorders c. reported lower levels of injury d. reported higher satisfaction rates with coaches e. reported higher levels of overtraining 45. A recent review article (Striegel-Moore & Bulik, 2007) discussing the influence of environmental and genetic factors on the development of eating disorders concluded a. genetic factors are more predictive of eating disorders than environmental factors b. environmental factors were more predictive of eating disorders than genetic factors *c. the interaction of genetic and environmental factors needs to be explored d. genetic factors were particularly important until age 7 e. environmental factors were particularly important from ages 816 Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 46. Research by Martens et al. (2008) found that athletes in the offseason were at risk for a. increased use of recreational drugs (e.g., marijuana) *b. heavy drinking c. gaining weight d. increased gambling e. inactivity 47. Viagra may be on the banned list of substances in the future because it has the potential to a. increase strength b. increase confidence c. decrease anxiety *d. increase endurance e. decrease percent body fat 48. A study by Donahue et al. (2006) on motivation and sportspersonship found a. intrinsic motivation was associated with higher levels of sportspersonship b. extrinsic motivation was associated with lower levels of sportspersonship Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. there was no relationship between sportspersonship and motivation *d. a and b 49. A Web-based individualized feedback program (Martens et al., 2006) has shown to *a. significantly reduce drinking in athletes at high risk for drinking b. significantly reduce use of steroids in high school athletes c. significantly reduce the use of appetite suppressants d. significantly increase sportspersonhip e. significantly reduce eating disorders 50. A recent survey by Ellenbogen et al. (2008) on NCAA college athletes and gambling found *a. approximately half of the athletes were unsure of the rules regarding gambling and NCAA athletes b. approximately 75% of male athletes and 65% of female athletes reported gambling c. approximately 20% of male athletes reported having a gambling problem d. a and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 51. The ATLAS and ATHENA programs focus on a. reducing substance abuse in professional athletes b. reducing eating disorders in collegiate athletes *c. reducing substance abuse and poor nutrition among high school boys and girls d. reducing gambling among collegiate and professional male athletes e. reducing substance abuse in professional male football and basketball players Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Recent cross-cultural research has revealed that staleness is a problem for approximately what percentage of adolescents? *a. 30% to 40% b. 10% to 20% c. 50% to 60% d. 20% to 30% e. 40% to 50% 2. Increased burnout among athletes in recent years is due to which of the following factors? a. increased pressure from coaches b. year-round training and competition c. increased financial rewards for success *d. b and c e. a and c 3. According to the latest research on overtraining, if the source of the stressor is psychological, then the recovery strategy should focus on a. nutrition *b. thought management strategies c. active rest d. rest e. hydration Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. According to Morgan's research, which of the following is true? *a. The heavier the training stimulus, the greater the mood disturbance. b. The heavier the training stimulus, the less the mood disturbance. c. The amount of training is not related to mood disturbance. d. Athletes experiencing overtraining display an inverted-U profile. 5. According to Morgan's research, top-level athletes form a psychological profile known as the *a. iceberg profile b. inverted-U profile c. U-shaped profile d. peak performance profile e. Morgan profile 6. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of burnout? a. lack of caring *b. elevated resting heart rate c. sleep disturbances Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. physical and mental exhaustion e. increased anxiety 7. Morgan's research on athletes' training stress and mood states has shown that a. positive mental health is associated with high performance levels b. mood state disturbance is associated with decreases in performance c. as training loads increase, mood states improve d. a and c *e. a and b 8. Based on Silva's study on burnout and staleness, which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. Forty-two percent of athletes experience overtraining. b. Twenty-five percent of athletes experience burnout at some point in their careers. c. More than 70% of athletes reported some staleness during their sport seasons. *d. a and b e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 9. Which of the following is NOT a component of Smith's model of burnout? a. situational demands b. cognitive appraisal of demands *c. cognitive responses d. physiological responses e. coping behaviors 10. A new sport-specific burnout scale developed by Raedeke and Smith has three burnout subscales including which of the following? a. reduced sense of accomplishment b. sport devaluation c. detachment with others *d. a and b 11. The common thread or threads among the different definitions of burnout include a. physical, but not mental, exhaustion b. high feeling of personal accomplishment *c. impersonal responses to others d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 12. According to the new model of overtraining developed by Kentta and Hassmen, overtraining can lead to a. improved performance b. no change in performance c. impaired performance *d. all of the above e. b and c 13. In various research studies investigating staleness in athletes, at least _____ of athletes reported staleness as occurring at least one time in their careers. a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20% *e. 30% 14. The difference between overtraining and periodized training depends largely on individual differences and a. personality differences *b. capabilities c. mood states d. perfectionism Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. Type A behavior 15. The deliberate strategy of exposing athletes to high-volume and high-intensity loads for performance enhancement is called a. overtraining b. burnout *c. periodized training d. staleness 16. Overtraining refers to a training cycle of approximately *a. a few days to a few weeks b. a few weeks to two months c. a few days to one year d. a few days to six months e. six months to one year 17. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of overtraining? a. apathy b. sleep disturbances c. mood changes d. weight loss Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *e. deteriorating relationships 18. Which of the following is NOT a component of burnout in the Maslach Burnout Inventory? *a. isolation b. emotional exhaustion c. depersonalization d. personal accomplishment 19. Which of the following suggestions did burned-out youth tennis players give other players to help prevent burnout in the future? a. Try to make it fun. b. Balance tennis with other aspects of your life. c. Don't take much time off because you will lose motivation. *d. a and b 20. Which of the following suggestions did burned-out youth tennis players give to parents to help prevent burnout in the future? a. Get more involved with your tennis-playing children. b. Do not push your child at all. *c. Involve your child in decision making. d. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. b and c 21. Raedeke argues that burnout can be studied within a sport commitment approach. In essence, many athletes feel burned out but nevertheless continue to participate in their sport because of a. social pressure from others b. perceived lack of control over the situation c. too much self-identity tied up with their sport *d. all of the above e. a and c 22. Which of the following is (are) a helpful treatment(s) for burnout? a. Take relaxation breaks. b. Keep a positive outlook. c. Keep working out but with a friend. *d. a and b e. a and c 23. According to Dale and Weinberg's study on leadership style and burnout, *a. coaches with a consideration style of leadership exhibited higher levels of burnout than coaches with an initiating structure style of leadership Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. coaches with an initiating structure style of leadership exhibited higher levels of burnout than coaches with a consideration leadership style c. there was no relationship between leadership style and burnout d. coaches with a laissez-faire leadership style exhibited the highest level of burnout 24. According to Murphy's study of training loads and mood states among Olympic judo athletes, a. increased conditioning training produced increases in negative mood states b. increased sport-specific training produced increases in negative mood states c. increased conditioning training did not result in increases in negative mood state *d. b and c e. a and b 25. According to the research on burnout among athletic trainers and officials, *a. both athletic trainers and officials feel that role conflict is related to burnout b. time demands are related to burnout for officials c. fear of negative evaluation is related to burnout for athletic trainers d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. The principle psychological symptom of staleness is a. lowered self-esteem *b. increased mood disturbance c. high levels of aggression d. lowered anxiety e. lowered self-efficacy 27. The motivational map of burned-out youth tennis players that Gould and colleagues developed underscores the importance of _____________ in determining burnout. *a. individual differences b. training methods c. goal orientations d. group interactions e. social support 28. The factor that youth tennis players note most often regarding their reasons for burnout is a. physiological *b. psychological c. social Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. biomechanical e. motoric 29. Gould and colleagues summarized their findings by stating that there are two major "strains" of burnout. These two strains are _________ and _________ in nature. a. social-psychological; cognitive b. sociological; psychological c. psychological; cognitive *d. social-psychological; physical e. physical; cognitive 30. In a series of studies involving competitive youth tennis players, Gould and colleagues found that burnout involved a. logistical concerns b. social and interpersonal concerns c. physical concerns *d. all of the above e. b and c 31. Compared to Silva's model of burnout and Smith's model of burnout, Coakley's model is more ___________ in orientation. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. physiological b. psychological c. cognitive *d. sociological e. anthropological 32. Coakley's model of burnout emphasizes which two concepts? a. self-efficacy and training stress *b. unidimensional identity and the lack of athlete control over the environment c. distress and eustress d. external stressors and perceptions of control e. training stress and cognitive-affective reactions 33. According to Silva's model of burnout, the key component to producing burnout is *a. the potential negative stress of too much training b. increased pressure to win c. lack of feelings of personal accomplishment d. increased isolation e. decreased perceptions of control 34. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of burnout? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. depersonalization *b. cognitive dissociation c. decreased feelings of personal accomplishment d. isolation e. emotional and physical exhaustion 35. According to the research on gender and coaches' burnout, a. males have higher burnout rates than females b. females have higher burnout rates than males *c. no conclusive results have been found d. males have higher rates than females only in individual sports e. males have higher rates than females only in team sports 36. According to research by Gould and colleagues, approximately what percentage of Olympians reported that they overtrained for the Olympics? *a. 50% b. 5% c. 20% d. 30% e. 65% Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 37. Recent research by Meehan and colleagues has indicated that feelings of overtraining can occur because of *a. nonsport stress b. high physical demands of the sport c. high mental demands of the sport d. pressure from teammates e. pressure from coaches 38. Research by Gastafsson (2007) indicates that severe burnout occurs in what percentage of elite adolescent athletes? a. 10%-15% *b. 1%-2% c. 20%-25% d. 7%-9% e. 30%-35% 39. Research investigating self-determination theory and burnout has found a. higher levels of competence, autonomy, and relatedness were related to lower levels of burnout b. self-determined forms of motivation were related to lower levels of burnout c. higher levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy were related to lower levels of burnout Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. a and b e. a and c 40. Hjam et al. (2007) investigated gender differences and burnout in coaches and found *a. coaches of female teams had higher levels of burnout than coaches of male teams b. female coaches had higher levels of burnout than male coaches c. no differences in burnout among male and female coaches d. male coaches had higher levels of burnout than female coaches e. both male and female coaches of individual sports had lower levels of burnout than coaches of team sports Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. Which of the following is NOT a negative dimension of friendship as identified by young athletes? a. betrayal b. inaccessibility c. conflict *d. lack of empathy e. unattractive personal qualities 2. Gould and Martens found that, on average, children participated for ____ hours per week in their specific sport. a. 5 *b. 11 c. 15 d. 8 e. 3 3. Sport participation for youth peaks at what age? a. 9 years old b. 14 years old c. 17 years old *d. 12 years old e. 10 years old Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Sport participation builds character. b. Sport participation builds leadership skills. *c. The benefits of sport participation depend on the quality of the adult leadership. d. a and b 5. Dropout rates for youth sport participants have been estimated to be about what percentage each year? a. 10% b. 20% *c. 35% d. 45% e. 5% 6. Which of the following is the number one reason that young athletes give for participating in school and other youth sports? a. to make new friends b. to improve skills c. to get exercise d. to stay in shape *e. to have fun Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. Which of the following is NOT one of the top five reasons given for participating in youth sport? a. to improve sport skills b. to stay in shape c. to have fun *d. to make new friends e. to do something I'm good at 8. Which is the major reason that young athletes give for dropping out of sport? *a. other things to do b. boredom c. did not like the coach d. did not like the pressure e. not exciting enough 9. According to the swimming study by Gould and colleagues, what percentage of young athletes dropped out of competitive sport because of negative experiences (e.g., too much pressure, no fun)? a. 10% b. 19% Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. 44% *d. 28% e. 37% 10. Research has indicated that participants in youth sport differ from dropouts in what psychological attribute? *a. perceived competence b. trait anxiety c. self-esteem d. independence e. self-motivation 11. A good way to enhance young athletes' perceptions of their abilities is to have them a. focus on winning b. focus on comparing their performance to that of other athletes *c. focus on improving their own performance d. a and b 12. In the study by Klint and Weiss on former competitive youth gymnasts, what percentage were still participating in gymnastics or in another sport? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. 40% b. 80% c. 27% *d. 95% e. 77% 13. The reasons given most often for participating in youth sport are a. extrinsic in nature *b. intrinsic in nature c. equally divided between intrinsic and extrinsic motives d. situational in nature e. personal in nature 14. Approximately how many children under the age of 18 are involved in school and other sport programs? a. 10 million b. 5 million *c. 45 million d. 1 million e. 50 million 15. Which of the following statements regarding peer relationships is (are) true? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. Female participants, as compared to their male counterparts, identify emotional support as a positive aspect of friendship. b. Children who have more positive relationships with peers in physical activity reported more positive feelings toward physical activity. c. Intimacy (close personal bonds), as a positive aspect of peer friendships, was seen as less important with increasing age. *d. a and b 16. In reviewing the literature that had reported personal accounts of burnout among young athletes, Gould found which of the following to be important factors associated with the burnout? a. coaches' lack of overtraining knowledge b. parental pressure c. very high self- and other-imposed expectations *d. b and c e. a and c 17. The positive "sandwich" approach to correcting errors involves *a. positive statement, corrective feedback, positive statement b. corrective feedback, positive statement, corrective feedback c. positive statement, negative statement, positive statement d. verbal feedback, nonverbal feedback, verbal feedback Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 18. According to recent research on early specialization and participation in competitive sport, elite athletes a. start to specialize in one sport by age 5 b. start to specialize in one sport by age 8 *c. start out playing many sports at an early age d. start out specializing in one sport by age 10 19. Which of the following is NOT a coaching guideline put forth by Smoll and Smith (1980) and Weiss (1991)? a. Catch kids doing things right. *b. Reward outcome more than effort. c. Develop realistic expectations. d. Modify skills and activities for appropriate developmental levels. e. Employ a positive "sandwich" approach to error correction. 20. Which of the following is (are) an aspect(s) of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale developed by Weiss and Smith? a. loyalty and intimacy b. conflict resolution c. self-esteem enhancement and supportiveness *d. all of the above Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and c 21. Smith, Smoll, and Curtis (1979), in phase 2 of their study comparing an experimental group of coaches using a positive approach with a control group of coaches, found that players who played for experimental coaches a. rated their coaches as better teachers b. liked their teammates and coaches more c. exhibited lower levels of trait anxiety *d. a and b 22. Which of the following did Orlick and McCaffrey recommend for modifying arousal regulation strategies in children? a. Keep strategies fun. b. Do not use arousal regulation strategies for children under 9 years old. c. Use concrete physical strategies. *d. a and c e. a and b 23. According to the code of ethics developed by the American Sport Education Program, which of the following is NOT part of a sport parent's responsibility? a. Help your child set realistic performance goals. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Keep winning in perspective. c. Discipline your child appropriately when necessary. *d. Act as a coach as well as a parent if you know the sport. e. Make sure the coach is qualified to guide your child through the sport experience. 24. According to the study by Coakley on youth sport burnout, which of the following was (were) found to be characteristic of children who have burned out in sport? a. They viewed themselves only as athletes. b. Coaches and parents made all the important decisions with little input from the young athletes. c. They played on a series of losing teams. d. a and c *e. a and b 25. Which of the following is (are) NOT among situational variables that cause increased state anxiety in young athletes? a. game outcome (i.e., winning versus losing) b. event importance c. type of sport (i.e., individual versus team) *d. coaching style e. c and d Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 26. Based on research with elite high school wrestlers and distance runners, which of the following are the two major sources of the stress experienced by junior elite athletes? a. fear of failure and coaches' expectations b. coaches' expectations and feelings of inadequacy c. parents' expectations and fear of failure *d. fear of failure and feelings of inadequacy e. parents' expectations and feelings of inadequacy 27. A young athlete is "at risk" for developing heightened state anxiety if he has which of the following characteristics? a. high self-esteem b. frequent worries about failure c. low self-performance expectations *d. b and c e. a and b 28. According to research, which of the following statements concerning trait anxiety and young athletes is (are) true? *a. Young athletes have only slightly elevated levels of trait anxiety. b. Sport participation causes high levels of trait anxiety. c. Sport participation produces lower levels of trait anxiety. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. Sport participation produces higher levels of trait anxiety only for girls. e. Sport participation produces higher levels of trait anxiety only for boys. 29. According to the study by Simon and Martens comparing state anxiety before competitive sports with that before other childhood evaluative activities, the activity with the highest state anxiety levels was a. baseball b. football c. golf *d. band solo e. school test 30. Based on the research on peer friendships, what implication(s) can you draw for practice? a. Coaches should use an autocratic coaching style. b. Teamwork and group goals should be emphasized. c. Time should be provided for children to be with their friends. d. a and b *e. b and c 31. According to Coakley (2006), parents are becoming overly involved in their child's sport because Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. parents are wealthier b. parents have more time on their hands c. their child's success makes it more likely they will receive a college scholarship *d. their child's success reflects their worth as a parent e. parents have easier access to gamers and practices 32. The professionalization of children's sports can be seen in a. early specialization b. year-round training c. private coaching *d. all of the above e. a and c 33. Most sport psychologists are opposed to taking a professionalized approach to children's sports because *a. it focuses the majority of resources on the most talented children b. it creates more anxiety in young athletes c. it decreases young athletes' self-esteem d. it creates unequal competition e. it undermines self-efficacy in young athletes Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 34. Which of the following is (are) a common myth(s) regarding children in sport? a. athlete talent can be accurately predicted at a young age b. stages of athletic development can be skipped c. early sport specialization is not needed for later success *d. a and b e. b and c 35. In 1990, The Women's Tennis Association instituted a rule regarding age-eligibility that limited the amount of tournament play for young players. Looking at its success over a 10-year period, it was found that a. career length increased significantly b. players under 21 won more tournaments c. premature retirements were reduced *d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. In the case study of Billy the hockey goalie, what did he learn? *a. how to be rough and tough without getting thrown out of the game b. how to control his aggression c. how to deal with aggressive teammates d. how to deal with aggressive coaches e. how to use his mental skills to improve his effectiveness 2. Which of the following is (are) NOT among criteria for judging aggression? a. It involves intent. b. It involves harm or injury. *c. It must be directed toward a human being. d. a and c e. b and c 3. Which of the following would be classified as an aggressive act? a. throwing a helmet in disgust after striking out *b. punching an umpire because he made a bad call c. accidentally hitting and injuring a batter with a wild fastball d. b and c e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. "Good aggression" (playing within the rules with high intensity) is known in sport psychology as *a. assertive behavior b. aggression with purpose c. aggression with emotion d. intentional aggression e. unintentional aggression 5. Instrumental aggression is aggression occurring a. with the intent to harm physically *b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal c. with the intent to harm psychologically d. a and b e. a and c 6. A linebacker intends to hurt and injure any receiver who catches a ball over the middle. This is an example of a. instrumental aggression *b. reactive aggression c. assertive behavior d. judgmental aggression Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 7. Most aggression in sport falls in which of the following categories? *a. instrumental aggression b. reactive aggression c. judgmental aggression d. intentional aggression e. physical aggression 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the four most prominent theories of aggression? a. instinct theory b. frustration-aggression theory c. social learning theory d. revised frustration-aggression theory *e. reactive-instrumental aggression theory 9. Which of the following have shown the strongest relationship? *a. aggressive behavior and media violence b. academic achievement and homework c. passive smoking and lung cancer d. condom use and sexually transmitted HIV e. All are equal in their relationships. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 10. Individuals have an innate predisposition to be aggressive, which builds up and eventually must be expressed. This represents the major premise of which theory? a. social learning theory b. frustration-aggression theory c. revised frustration-aggression theory *d. instinct theory e. instrumental-reactive aggression theory 11. The general aggression model proposes that when aggression occurs, it will be a. reactive versus instrumental *b. thought out versus impulsive c. reactive versus hostile d. internal versus external e. individual versus group 12. Smith's research concerning violence in hockey showed that a. many coaches, parents, and teammates accept and reinforce the modeling of aggressive acts b. violence is modeled by young amateur hockey players Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. aggressive play is discouraged by coaches and parents *d. a and b e. a and c 13. The peer conflict resolution program developed to help resolve conflicts in a nonviolent way uses ________ as mediators in resolving student conflicts. a. parents b. trained counselors *c. students with good leadership and communication skills d. college students studying counseling e. superintendents 14. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the revised frustrationaggression hypothesis? a. Frustration increases the likelihood of aggression. b. Frustration produces increased anger or pain. c. Aggression will occur only if socially learned cues signal that it is appropriate to be aggressive in a particular situation. *d. Frustration produces physical but not psychological aggression. 15. Research testing the catharsis notion of spectator aggression has shown that Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. fans become less aggressive after watching a sporting event b. fans become more aggressive after watching violent contact sports c. fans are not affected in terms of aggressive tendencies by watching a sporting event d. fans become more aggressive under the influence of alcohol *e. b and d 16. According to research, which of the following statements concerning spectator aggression is (are) true? a. Males exhibit higher levels of aggression than females. b. Working-class individuals are more often involved in aggressive spectator actions. c. Small-scale, on-the-field aggressive acts serve as triggers for crowd aggression. *d. all of the above e. a and c 17. Which of the following is NOT an explanation put forth to explain athletes' aggressive behavior? a. They want to show how tough they are. b. The opposition has annoyed them. c. They are affected by team (group) pressures. d. They see it as part of their role. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *e. They were born with an aggressive urge. 18. Research on game reasoning (also called bracketed morality) has shown that *a. athletes view aggressive acts that would be judged inappropriate in society in general as more appropriate in the sport environment b. athletes view aggressive acts as more appropriate in society than in the sport environment c. athletes have higher moral development than nonathletes d. a and c e. b and c 19. The research examining the relationship between aggression and performance supports which conclusion? a. Aggression facilitates performance. b. Aggression is detrimental to performance. *c. Aggression sometimes facilitates performance and sometimes does not. d. Aggression facilitates performance only in team-sport athletes. 20. In which of the following situations is aggression likely to occur? a. when participants are winning Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. when participants are embarrassed c. when participants perceive they are the recipients of poor officiating d. a and c *e. b and c 21. General strategies for controlling spectator aggression include which of the following? a. Develop strict alcohol control policies. b. Immediately penalize spectators for aggressive acts. c. Use experienced officials. *d. a and b e. a and c 22. In the case study of head football coach Tom Martinez, Coach Martinez dealt with the area of aggressive play by *a. setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play b. punishing all aggressive play c. rewarding sportspersonlike behavior d. a and c 23. When David Stern, commissioner of the National Basketball Association, banned Latrell Sprewell for choking his coach, he stated, Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material "A sports league does not have to accept or condone behavior that would not be tolerated in any other segment of society." In this statement Stern clearly indicated that _________ morality would not be accepted or tolerated. a. immature *b. bracketed c. undesirable d. irreverent e. neglectful 24. Which of the following is NOT a useful step in resolving peer conflict (especially in teenagers) in a nonviolent way? a. Record the facts. b. Develop an action plan. *c. Express thoughts but not feelings. d. Outline necessary changes. e. Follow up. 25. The International Society of Sport Psychology developed a position paper on aggression in sport. Which of the following statements is NOT one of their recommendations? a. Ban alcoholic beverages at sporting events. b. Ensure adequate facilities and space. c. Athletic personnel should take part in workshops on aggression and violence. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *d. Let athletes decide on what punishments fit different aggressive and violent behaviors. e. Raise the level of coaching, with an emphasis on fair play, especially with younger athletes. 26. Bandura's research showed that children who saw adult models commit violent acts repeated those acts more than children who were not exposed to such aggressive models. This supports which theory of aggression? a. instinct theory b. frustration-aggression theory *c. social learning theory d. revised frustration-aggression theory e. instrumental-reactive aggression theory 27. According to more recent research by Anderson and Bushman, aggression ranging from instrumental to reactive should be viewed a. as a circle *b. along a continuum c. as either reactive or instrumental d. as an inverted-U e. as a linear function 28. The general aggression model proposes that the probability of aggression increases because of Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. situational causes b. personal beliefs and attitudes *c. an interaction of situations and personal beliefs d. frustration e. modeling 29. According to the study by Gee and Lee (2007) investigating aggressive play and hockey, it was found that *a. North American players exhibited more aggressive acts (i.e., penalties) than did European players b. European players displayed more aggressive acts than did American players c. aggressive acts increased as the records of the two teams became more dissimilar d. aggressive acts have decreased in the NHL over the last 10 years e. aggressive acts are correlated with number of years in the league Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 1. The belief that an athlete will do the right thing when faced with a moral dilemma refers to *a. integrity b. fairness c. compassion d. morality e. honesty 2. According to the levels of moral reasoning, the highest level (Level 5) is characterized by a. following external rules and regulations b. treating others as you would like to be treated *c. what is best for all involved d. external control e. an eye-for-an-eye orientation 3. Which of the following definitions does Martens think captures the meaning of good sporting behavior? a. Treat others as you would want them to treat you. *b. There is no universally accepted definition of good sporting behavior. c. Act in a fair and equitable manner. d. Play by the rules. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4. The structural-developmental approach to good sporting behavior focuses on *a. how psychological growth changes as a child interacts with the environment to shape moral reasoning b. reinforcement as the key to developing moral reasoning c. a behavioral model that advocates a stimulus-response approach to the development of good sporting behavior d. how innate developmental factors dictate the development of good sporting behavior 5. Geibenk and McKenzie studied the use of social learning in a physical education setting, finding that *a. the use of modeling and reinforcement reduced the bad sporting behaviors of fifth-grade boys b. the use of social comparison reduced bad sporting behaviors of high school wrestlers c. the use of modeling was not effective in reducing bad sporting behaviors of high school football players d. the use of rewards was effective in increasing good sporting behaviors in female elite gymnasts 6. Which of the following is (are) NOT part of social learning? a. modeling Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. reinforcement c. social comparison *d. attributions e. c and d 7. The social learning approach to good sporting behavior and moral development is best summarized by the work of a. Dan Kirschenbaum *b. Albert Bandura c. Kevin Burke d. Joan Duda e. Maureen Weiss 8. Character development is most facilitated by building a *a. task-oriented climate b. ego-oriented climate c. competitive climate d. high-performance climate e. relationship-oriented climate 9. The decision process whereby the rightness or wrongness of a course of action is determined is the definition of Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. moral development b. moral behavior c. moral learning *d. moral reasoning 10. The lowest level of moral reasoning is characterized by a. internal control b. an eye for an eye *c. external control d. conformity e. the golden rule 11. Recent evidence indicates that approximately what percentage of youth athletes try to hurt an opponent? a. 25% b. 3% *c. 13% d. 19% e. 1% 12. The definition of good sporting behavior put forth by Shields and Bredemeier emphasizes which of these statements? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material *a. Ethical standards will take precedence over strategic gain when these are in conflict. b. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. c. Have respect for other players, coaches, and officials. d. Appropriate moral development is different for different ages. e. Good sporting behavior is an individualized concept. 13. In research by Vallerand and colleagues (1996), which of the following was NOT one of the factors that athletes reported as making up the components of good sporting behavior? a. full commitment to participation b. respect and concern for rules and officials c. respect and concern for the opponent *d. respect and concern for coaches and parents e. avoiding poor attitudes toward participation 14. In a study investigating moral development in elementary school children and the Fair Play for Kids activities, it was found that a. moral development was higher for the Fair Play group than in the control condition only in physical education classes b. there were no differences between the control and Fair Play groups *c. both Fair Play groups had higher moral development than the control group d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 15. In a summary of 20 years of research on moral development, Bredemeier and Shields found that a. athletes have higher levels of moral development than nonathletes b. males have higher levels of moral reasoning than females *c. athletes' game reasoning differs from reasoning used in everyday life d. a and b e. b and c 16. A rule in youth sport might state that everyone must play in the game. However, one coach plays certain players of lower ability for only a couple of minutes each game so the team has a better chance of winning. This action violates the concept of *a. fair play b. good sporting behavior c. character development d. developmental appropriateness e. character formation 17. According to Shields and Bredemeier, morality in sport comprises a. fair play Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. character c. good sporting behavior *d. all of the above e. a and c 18. Tennis great Chris Evert felt that good sporting behavior meant *a. acting in a classy and dignified way b. playing with all your heart and intensity c. showing respect for your opponent d. never arguing with an official or opponent e. treating others as you would want them to treat you 19. The process of experience and growth by which an individual develops the capacity to morally reason is the definition of a. moral behavior b. moral reasoning *c. moral development d. moral learning 20. Which of the following statements is (are) true? *a. Participants in organized sport are less likely than nonparticipants to engage in delinquent behavior. Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material b. Participants in organized sport are more likely than nonparticipants to engage in delinquent behavior. c. Participation in competitive sport has no relationship to delinquent behavior. d. Participation in organized sport only reduces delinquent behavior for middle- and upper-middle class youths. e. a and d 21. Which of the following is (are) among strategies for developing resiliency in youth? a. Focus on individual strengths rather than weaknesses. b. Link the program with the community. c. Build programs with large numbers to reach the most youth. *d. a and b 22. Which of the following is not one of the levels in Hellison's levels of responsibility model? a. self-direction *b. self-appraisal c. self-control d. caring e. involvement Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 23. Some physical educators have developed programs to enhance resiliency in "at-risk" youth. The attributes displayed by resilient youths include which of the following? a. autonomy b. social competence c. perfectionism d. a and c *e. a and b 24. It has been proposed that sport participation can serve as an alternative to gang behavior by providing a. increased physical skill development b. exposure to positive role models c. increased self-esteem *d. b and c e. a and b 25. In Trulson's (1986) study investigating the use of sport involvement to reduce delinquency and aggression, it was found that a. participation in basketball and football reduced aggressive tendencies b. participation in taekwondo, which emphasizes fighting and selfdefense, reduced aggressive tendencies *c. participation in taekwondo, which emphasizes philosophical reflection and meditation, reduced aggressive tendencies Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material d. a and c e. b and c 26. Physical education expert Eric Larson thinks that extracurricular activities can have a positive influence on youth development because a. sport is extrinsically motivating b. sport efforts are directed toward a goal over time c. sport requires youth to experience setbacks and overcome challenges *d. b and c e. a and c 27. According to the structural-developmental approach, moral reasoning depends in large part on the a. emotional development of the individual b. physical development of the individual *c. cognitive development of the individual d. psychological development of the individual e. maturational development of the individual 28. Which of the following is NOT an explanation for the relationship between sport participation and delinquency? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. differential association b. social bonding *c. undifferentiated arousal d. labeling e. economic strains 29. At what stage of moral development is an athlete who takes illegal performance-enhancing drugs and defends her actions by the premise that it is OK because everyone does? a. external control *b. eye for an eye c. treat others as you want them to treat you d. following external rules e. what is best for all involved 30. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? a. Developing good sporting behavior through competitive sport involvement automatically transfers to nonphysical activity. b. Physical educators and coaches should be teaching participants basic values such as honesty and empathy. c. Physical educators and coaches should teach religious values to help build moral development. *d. a and c e. b and c Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 31. Which of the following statements is (are) true? a. Emphasizing winning undermines good sporting behavior. b. Emphasizing winning provides opportunities to build good sporting behavior. *c. Emphasizing winning does not automatically have a good or bad influence on building good sporting behavior. d. a and c e. b and c 32. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE? *a. You should define good sporting behavior in very general terms. b. Rationales explaining your definition of good sporting behavior should be regularly conveyed to participants. c. Role taking should be especially emphasized around ages 7 to 8 years. d. a and c e. a and b 33. When conveying rationales for good sporting behavior, coaches should emphasize a. why a behavior is considered good or bad b. the intent of actions Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material c. role taking *d. all of the above e. a and c 34. Which of the following strategies is (are) useful for enhancing moral development and good sporting behavior? a. Discuss moral dilemmas. b. Treat all players fairly. c. Reward good sporting behaviors and punish bad sporting behaviors. *d. a and c e. b and c 35. Research indicates that participation in sport a. increases moral development b. decreases moral development *c. does not necessarily increase or decrease moral development d. increases moral development for elite athletes e. increases moral development for individual-sport athletes 36. Which of the following is NOT one of the moral action stages hypothesized by Miller and colleagues (1997)? Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material a. making a choice to act morally b. deciding the best course of moral action c. implementing a moral response *d. reviewing history of moral choices e. interpreting the situation as one that involves moral judgment 37. The social-psychological approach to studying morality in sport emphasizes *a. that both personal and situational factors help determine good sporting behavior b. that social factors are the key to developing good sporting behavior c. group dynamics in developing good sporting behavior d. situational factors in developing good sporting behavior 38. Participation in sport keeps kids off the street and out of trouble. This is central to which explanation of the relationship between organized sport and delinquency? a. labeling b. economic strains c. undifferentiated arousal d. social bonding *e. differential association Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 39. Recent research by Moria Stuart indicates that children aged 10 to 12 had concerns about a. the fairness of adult actions b. positive team behaviors c. negative game behaviors d. b and c *e. a and c 40. According to Arnold's work, in order for character to be developed through sport and physical activity, a. coaches should have to go through a certification process *b. character development needs to be a mind-set of physical activity leaders c. teachers should have the children read more about character development d. parents should be more involved with teaching character development e. character cannot be developed through sport. 41. Which of the following is (are) NOT among the types of hazing? a. physical b. psychological c. alcohol related *d. gender-related Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material e. a and b Downloaded by: burner80132 | Distribution of this document is illegal Powered by TCPDF (