User Manual TDS-11SA – Top Drive Drilling System Customer References Customer: Galena Park Rig / Hull: Rig 135 Tag Number: N/A National Oilwell Varco References: SO Number / Project Number: 134718/TX8912 Document Number: D811002283-MAN-002 Revision: 01 Volume: 1 Document number Revision Page D811002283-MAN-002 01 2 REVISION HISTORY 01 09.10.2012 Rev Date ( For Information CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision 01 Change Description For Initial Release Reason for issue I. Vargas L. Krajenbrink H. Lim Prepared Checked Approved Bill of Material Item Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part Number Description SM00856 SM01053 50000870 D811002283-DOS-001 M614003010-SPL-001 10620488-SPL 127425 D392001271-MKT-001 D25TDS11-MAN-001 VDR00029 VDR00030 ASP00020 3ASP00073 ASP00019 DS00008 D811000719-PRO-001 SM00081 D811001337-DAS-001 Service Manual, TDS-11SA Service Manual, Washpipe Assembly Links User Manual Technical Drawing Package Mechanical Spares List Control Spares List Electrical Trouble Shooting Guide TDS-11SA, Pocket Guide TDS-11SA VFD Operation Manual Reliance Installation, Operating Manual (180-449) Reliance Installation, Operating Manual (L210-400) Motor Housing Assembly Procedure (TDS-9SA/TDS-11SA) Installation Procedure for TDS Motor Hub & Pinion Gear Safety Wiring Procedure Design Torque Standard Recommended Lubricants and Fluids Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Service Center Directory NEXT ASSY PRODUCT M611005667-GEN-001 TDS-11SA This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT DRAWN INITIAL T. Harmon CHECKED H. Lim APPVD H. Lim DATE User Manual NOV Galena Park, AC Ideal Rig 135 TDS-11SA 01/13/2012 SCALE: WT LBS: SIZE: SHT: AV DWG NO.: D811002283-MAN-001 1 OF 1 REV: 01 D811000457-GEN-001/04 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 1.0 Service Manual, TDS-11SA Service Manual TDS-11SA Top Drive Reference Reference Description This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only National Oilwell Varco and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in RIG SOLUTIONS part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to 11000 Corporate Centre Drive others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or Houston, TX 77041 upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 Document Number Rev. SM00856 D SM00856 Revision D Revision History D 15.08.2012 Engineering Update J. Roman H. Lim M. Clark C 11.11.2011 Engineering Update T. Drake H. Lim M. Clark B 2006 Teamcenter migration version. – – – A 2003 Teamcenter migration version. – – – – 2000 First Issue: Original Instructions – – – Rev Date ( Reason for issue Prepared Checked Approved Change Description Revision Change Description – First Issue: Original Instructions. No relevant issue history. A Revision migrated in Teamcenter. No relevant revision history. B Revision migrated in Teamcenter. No relevant revision history. C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D • Corrected Guide Beam Joint illustration (page 5-6). • Corrected Plan View dimensions; added 30.0” setback illustration (page 2-7 and page 2-8). Updated cover illustration, applied latest FrameMaker template, and reorganized material. Removed outdated VFD references and added ABB ASC800 reference and specs (page 2-3). Added Noise Data (page 2-5). Updated upper main body seals lubrication interval and procedure (page 5-59 and page 5-60). Added optional NOV Mechanical Washpipe information (various locations throughout manual). Added new control house illustration, dimensions and weight (various pages, starting with page 3-6). Added new guide beam warning information (page 3-9, page 3-12, page 3-16, page 3-23). Changed procedure so it was not specific to option 2 (page 3-26). Added auxiliary cable jacket installation procedure (page 3-29). Added secondary retention to counterbalance illustration (page 3-34). Added bail lock components to decommissioning illustration (page 3-42). Added additional long-term storage and return-to-service instructions (CE fix) (page 3-43). Added new console illustrations and operation information (starting on page 3-30 and page 4-1). Moved Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections to Operation (page 4-19). Added Well Control Procedure (page 4-28) Added Joint Pin and Bushing wear limits to Guide Beam Joint Inspection (page 5-6). Removed Blower Motor Inspection illustration from red lined instructions. Updated Non-Destructive Examination section (page 5-56). Replaced Link Tilt in illustrations where maintenance procedure are affected (various pages). Added driller’s control console maintenance information (page 5-97) Moved hydraulic setup to Maintenance and troubleshooting to the new troubleshooting chapter. Moved hydraulic symbol description to Appendix A. Moved PH-50 Pipe Handler service manual information to Appendix B. SM00856 Revision D Page i of viii Table of Contents Chapter 1: General Information Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Advisories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Caution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Hot Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Electrostatic Discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Proper Use of Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Safe Lifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Personnel Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Recommended Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 General System Safety Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Replacing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Routine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Equipment Documentation Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Equipment Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Service Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Chapter 2: Description Introduction to the TDS-11SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 General Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Performance Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Noise Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Top Drive Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Top Drive Plan View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 30.0" Setback Top View Dimensions (Standard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 39.5" Setback Top View Dimensions (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Identification Labels and Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Lifting Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Typical Equipment Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Chapter 3: Installation Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Illustrated Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Pre-Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Installing the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Installing the Intermediate Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Installing the Main Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Locating the Control House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 i SM00856 Revision D Page ii of viii Table of Contents Installing Power Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Grounding the Control House (Land Rigs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Identifying Guide Beam Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Raising the Top Guide Beam Section to the Drill Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Attaching the Carriage Sling to the Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 Moving Guide Beam Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Hooking the First Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Hoisting the First Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Stabbing and Pinning the First Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 Completing Guide Beam Section Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 Hoisting and Attaching the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Removing the Hoist Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 Moving the Top Drive to the Rig Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 Attaching the Top Drive to the Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 Lifting the Top Drive into the Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 Connecting the Top Drive to the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Bottom Intermediate Section Warning Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Attaching the Torque Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 Pinning the Top Drive to the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Releasing the Top Drive from the Skid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 Installing Derrick Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 Installing Service Loops at the Derrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 Installing Service Loop Jackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 Installing the Driller’s Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 Installing the Console Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 Motor Rotation Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 Installing the Elevator Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 Installing the Counterbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Initial Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Hydraulic System Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Electrical System Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 Mechanical Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38 Adjusting the Link Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 Decommissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40 Securing the Top Drive for Rig-Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40 Removing and Storing Cables and Service Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 Setting the Latches and Locking the Bail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42 Long Term Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 Storage Location and Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 Pre-Storage Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 ii SM00856 Revision D Page iii of viii Table of Contents Storage Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 Returning the Top Drive to Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 Chapter 4: Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Internal Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Top Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 IBOP and Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Pipe Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 E-Stop, BX Elevator, Counterbalance, and Dolly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Meters and Limit Adjustment Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Amphion™ Touchscreen Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Basic Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Drilling Ahead with Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Drilling Ahead with Triples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Back Reaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 Breaking out the Saver Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 Making up the Saver Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Breaking out the Lower IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Making up the Lower IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23 Breaking out the Upper IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 Making up the Upper IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Well Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28 Component Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Chapter 5: Maintenance Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Pre-Maintenance Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Documentation You Will Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Regulatory Standards You Will Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Spare Parts You May Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Spare Parts and Fluids Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Equipment Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Torque Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Safety Wire (Lockwire) Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Secondary Retention Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Equipment Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 iii SM00856 Revision D Page iv of viii Table of Contents Inspecting Rig Interface Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Guide Beam Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Main Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 Intermediate Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Illustrated Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Internal Lubrication Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 Belt-Driven Encoder Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 Gearbox Lube Pump Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 Gear Backlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 Bail and Main Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 S-Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 Upper Main Shaft Liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 Standard Washpipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22 Upper Bonnet Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 Main Shaft and Load Collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 Main Shaft End Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27 Motor Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 Drilling Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 Illustrated Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33 Stopping and Starting the Top Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 Elevator Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36 Link Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 Torque Wrench Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 Stabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 Tool Joint Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47 IBOP Valves and Saver Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 Shot Pin Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50 Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 Nondestructive Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 Making Visual Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-56 Ultrasonic Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-57 IBOP Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-57 Recommended Lubricants and Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 Lubrication Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59 Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59 iv SM00856 Revision D Page v of viii Table of Contents Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60 Every Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60 Every Six Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60 Yearly and As Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-61 Lubrication Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-62 General Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-62 Gearbox Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65 Motor Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66 Hydraulic System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67 General Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67 Location of Hydraulic Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 System Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-70 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73 Hydraulic Fluid Level and Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73 Hydraulic Reservoir Bladder (Yearly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 Heat Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75 Using the Hydraulic System Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76 Precharging the Accumulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-77 IBOP Timing Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-78 IBOP and Oil Pressure Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-79 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-80 Adding Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-81 Draining Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-82 Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-83 Hydraulic Pumps and Unloading Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-83 Counterbalance Circuit and Stand-Jump Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-88 AC Motor Brake Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-92 Shot Pin Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-93 Link Tilt Cylinder Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 Rotating Link Adapter Hydraulic Motor Relief Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-96 Control Console Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-97 Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Personnel Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Troubleshooting Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Determining the Nature of Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Identifying Troubleshooting Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Mechanical Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Hydraulic System and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Electrical System and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Lubrication and Cooling System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Pre-Troubleshooting Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Service Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 v SM00856 Revision D Page vi of viii Table of Contents Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 HPU and Reservoir Bladder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Counterbalance and Stand Jump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Counterbalance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Stand Jump Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Motor Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Shot Pin Cylinder and Clamp Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 Link Tilt Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Gearbox Lubrication Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 Troubleshooting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19 Tool Rotation and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20 Rotating Link Adapter Motor Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21 IBOP Actuator Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22 Appendix A: Hydraulic Symbols Appendix B: PH-50 Pipe Handler Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 Equipment Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 Torque Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 Safety Wire (Lockwire) Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 Elevator Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Disassembly/Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6 Link Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 Disassembly/Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 Torque Wrench Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Clamp Cylinder Body Disassembly/Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11 vi SM00856 Revision D Page vii of viii Table of Contents Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12 Inspecting the Stabilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13 Disassembling the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15 Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-16 IBOP Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-17 Tool Joint Locks Disassembly/Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-17 Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-18 Inspecting IBOP Valves and Saver Subs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-19 Shot Pin Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-20 Disassembly/Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-20 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-21 Rotating Link Adapter/Load Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-22 Removing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-22 Disassembling the Link Tilt Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-22 Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-23 Assembling the Link Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-24 Installing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-25 Wireline Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-26 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-26 Nondestructive Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-27 Making Visual Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-27 Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-27 Ultrasonic Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-28 IBOP Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-28 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-28 vii SM00856 Revision D Page viii of viii Table of Contents viii SM00856 Revision D Page ix of xii List of Figures Figure 2-1. TDS-11SA Top Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Figure 2-2. Performance Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Figure 2-3. Top Drive Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Figure 2-4. Top Drive Plan View (30.0" Setback). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Figure 2-5. Top Drive Plan View (39.5" Setback). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Figure 2-6. Identification Labels and Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Figure 2-7. Lifting Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Figure 2-8. Typical Installed Equipment Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Figure 3-1. Illustrated Installation Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Figure 3-2. Installing the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Figure 3-3. Installing the Intermediate Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Figure 3-4. Installing the Main Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Figure 3-5. Locating the Control House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Figure 3-6. Installing Power Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Figure 3-7. Grounding the Control House (Land Rigs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Figure 3-8. Raising the Top Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Figure 3-9. Attaching the Carriage Sling to the Hook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 Figure 3-10. Moving Guide Beam Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Figure 3-11. Hooking the First Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Figure 3-12. Hoisting the First Guide Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Figure 3-13. Stabbing and Pinning the First Guide Beam Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 Figure 3-14. Completing Guide Beam Section Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 Figure 3-15. Hoisting and Attaching the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Figure 3-16. Removing the Hoist Carriage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 Figure 3-17. Moving the Top Drive to the Rig Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 Figure 3-18. Attaching the Top Drive to the Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 Figure 3-19. Lifting the Top Drive into the Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 Figure 3-20. Connecting the Top Drive to the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Figure 3-21. Bottom Intermediate Guide Beam Section Warning Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Figure 3-22. Attaching the Torque Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 Figure 3-23. Pinning the Top Drive to the Guide Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Figure 3-24. Releasing the Top Drive from the Skid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 Figure 3-25. Installing Derrick Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 Figure 3-26. Installing Derrick Service Loops at the Derrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 Figure 3-27. Installing the Driller’s Control Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 Figure 3-28. Installing the Console Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 Figure 3-29. Motor Rotation Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 Figure 3-30. Installing the Elevator Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 Figure 3-31. Installing the Counterbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 Figure 3-32. Initial Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Figure 3-33. Hydraulic System Checkout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 Figure 3-34. Electrical System Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 Figure 3-35. Mechanical Checkout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38 Figure 3-36. Adjusting the Link Tilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 Figure 3-37. Securing the Top Drive for Rig-Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40 Figure 3-38. Removing and Storing Cables and Service Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 Figure 3-39. Setting the Latches and Locking the Bail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42 ix SM00856 Revision D Page x of xii List of Figures Figure 4-1. NOV Stateless Driller’s Control Console (Front Panel Closed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Figure 4-2. NOV Stateless Driller’s Control Console (Front Panel Opened) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Figure 4-3. Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Figure 4-4. Top Drive Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Figure 4-5. IBOP and Brake Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Figure 4-6. Pipe Handler Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Figure 4-7. E-Stop, BX Elevator, Counterbalance, and Dolly Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Figure 4-8. Meters and Limit Adjustment Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Figure 4-9. Default Top Drive Amphion Touchscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Figure 4-10. Drilling Ahead With Singles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Figure 4-11. Drilling Ahead With Triples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Figure 4-12. Back Reaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Figure 4-13. Breaking Out the Saver Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 Figure 4-14. Breaking out the Lower IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22 Figure 4-15. Breaking out the Upper IBOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Figure 4-16. Well Control Component Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Figure 5-1. Inspecting the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Figure 5-2. Inspecting the Guide Beam Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Figure 5-3. Inspecting the Main Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 Figure 5-4. Inspecting the Intermediate Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Figure 5-5. Inspecting the Carriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 Figure 5-6. Motor Housing and Transmission Illustrated Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Figure 5-7. Inspecting Internal Lubrication Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 Figure 5-8. Adjusting the Belt-Driven Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 Figure 5-9. Inspecting the Gearbox Lube Pump Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Figure 5-10. Inspecting Gear Backlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 Figure 5-11. Inspecting the Bail and Main Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 Figure 5-12. Inspecting the S-Pipe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 Figure 5-13. Inspecting the Upper Main Shaft Liner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 Figure 5-14. Inspecting the Washpipe (1 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23 Figure 5-15. Inspecting the Washpipe (2 of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24 Figure 5-16. Inspecting the Upper Bonnet Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 Figure 5-17. Inspecting the Main Shaft and Load Collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 Figure 5-18. Inspecting Main Shaft End Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27 Figure 5-19. Inspecting the Motor Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 Figure 5-20. Inspecting the Drilling Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 Figure 5-21. Disassembling/Assembling the Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Figure 5-22. PH-75 PIpe Handler Illustrated Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 Figure 5-23. Stopping and Starting the Top Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 Figure 5-24. Inspecting the Elevator Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 Figure 5-25. Inspecting the Link Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39 Figure 5-26. Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-41 Figure 5-27. Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 Figure 5-28. Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43 Figure 5-29. Inspecting the Stabilizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 Figure 5-30. Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46 Figure 5-31. Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48 x SM00856 Revision D Page xi of xii List of Figures Figure 5-32. Inspecting the IBOP Valves and Saver Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 Figure 5-33. Inspecting the Shot Pin Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51 Figure 5-34. Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 Figure 5-35. General Lubrication (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-62 Figure 5-36. General Lubrication (2 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-63 Figure 5-37. General Lubrication (3 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-64 Figure 5-38. Gearbox Lubrication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65 Figure 5-39. Motor Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66 Figure 5-40. Hydraulic System Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 Figure 5-41. Hydraulic System Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69 Figure 5-42. Inspecting the Hydraulic Fluid Level and Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73 Figure 5-43. Inspecting the Hydraulic Reservoir Bladder (Yearly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 Figure 5-44. Inspecting the Heat Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75 Figure 5-45. Using the Hydraulic System Test Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-76 Figure 5-46. Precharging the Accumulators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-77 Figure 5-47. Inspecting the IBOP Timing Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-78 Figure 5-48. Inspecting the IBOP and Oil Pressure Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-79 Figure 5-49. Adding Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-81 Figure 5-50. Draining Hydraulic Fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-82 Figure 5-51. Hydraulic Pumps and Unloading Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-83 Figure 5-52. Pressure Cycle Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-85 Figure 5-53. Pump Setup Manifold Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-86 Figure 5-54. Pump Setup Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-87 Figure 5-55. Counterbalance Setup Manifold Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-90 Figure 5-56. Counterbalance Setup Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-91 Figure 5-57. Motor Brake Setup Manifold Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-92 Figure 5-58. Setting up the Shot Pin Circuit (1 of 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-93 Figure 5-59. Setting up the Shot Pin Circuit (2 of 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-94 Figure 5-60. Setting up the Rotating Link Adapter Hydraulic Motor Relief Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-96 Figure 6-1. HPU and Reservoir Bladder Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Figure 6-2. Counterbalance and Stand Jump Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Figure 6-3. Brake Circuit Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Figure 6-4. Shot Pin Cylinder and Clamp Cylinder Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 Figure 6-5. Link Tilt Cylinders Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Figure 6-6. Gearbox Lubrication Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19 Figure 6-7. Rotating Link Adapter Motor Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21 Figure 6-8. IBOP Actuator Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22 Figure A-1. Hydraulic Symbols (1 of 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Figure A-2. Hydraulic Symbols (2 of 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Figure A-3. Hydraulic Symbols (3 of 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4 Figure B-1. PH-50 Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Figure B-2. PH-50: Inspection Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Figure B-3. PH-50: Elevator Link Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-6 Figure B-4. PH-50: Link Tilt Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 Figure B-5. PH-50: Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 Figure B-6. PH-50: Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11 Figure B-7. PH-50: Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12 xi SM00856 Revision D Page xii of xii List of Figures Figure B-8. PH-50: Inspecting the Stabilizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-14 Figure B-9. PH-50: Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-16 Figure B-10. PH-50: Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-18 Figure B-11. PH-50: Inspecting IBOP Valves and Saver Subs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-19 Figure B-12. PH-50: Inspecting the Shot Pin Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-21 Figure B-13. PH-50: Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-23 Figure B-14. PH-50: Inspecting the Wireline Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-26 xii SM00856 Revision D General Information 1 Conventions This manual is intended for use by field engineering, installation, operation, and repair personnel. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. National Oilwell Varco® (NOV) will not be held liable for errors in this material, or for consequences arising from misuse of this material. Advisories Graphic symbols and bracketed text indicate advisories for a specific topic. This information provides additional details and may advise the reader to take a specific action to protect personnel from potential injury or lethal conditions. Advisories may also describe actions necessary to prevent equipment damage. Note The note symbol indicates that additional information is provided about the current topic. Caution ! The caution symbol indicates that potential damage to equipment, or injury to personnel exists. Follow instructions explicitly. Extreme care should be taken when performing operations or procedures preceded by this caution symbol. Warning The warning symbol indicates a definite risk of equipment damage or danger to personnel. Failure to follow safe work procedures could result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant equipment damage, or extended rig down time. 1-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 1 SM00856 Revision D Page 1-2 of 6 General Information Conventions Advisories Hot Surfaces The hot surface symbol indicates the presence of a hot surface or component. Touching this surface could result in bodily injury. To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component, allow the surface to cool before touching. Electrostatic Discharge The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) symbol indicates the potential for static electrical discharge is present. ESD can damage or destroy sensitive electronic components. ESD can also set off explosions or fires in flammable environments. Always discharge static electricity prior to working on sensitive components or in flammable environments. Illustrations Illustrations (figures) provide a graphical representation of equipment components or screen snapshots for use in identifying parts, or establishing nomenclature, and may or may not be drawn to scale. For component information specific to your rig configuration, see the technical drawings included with your NOV documentation. Safety Requirements The NOV equipment is installed and operated in a controlled drilling rig environment involving hazardous situations. Proper maintenance is important for safe and reliable operation. Procedures outlined in the equipment manuals are the recommended methods of performing operations and maintenance. ! To avoid injury to personnel or equipment damage, carefully observe requirements outlined in this section. 1-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 1-3 of 6 General Information 1 Safety Requirements Proper Use of Equipment NOV equipment is designed for specific functions and applications, and should be used only for its intended purpose. Safe Lifting When lifting and handling NOV equipment, use approved lifting procedures and safe methods. Lifting equipment improperly creates a hazardous working environment. To avoid lifting hazards, only lift equipment with material handling equipment rated for the expected load and only from the designated lift points. Failure to follow safe lifting guidelines may result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant equipment damage, and extended rig down time. ! Individuals working with rig equipment must never lift anything over 55 lb (25 kg) without assistance. Always get help from additional rig personnel or use lifting equipment. Always follow all federal, state and local rules, codes, and rig-specific safety guidelines when lifting and handling NOV equipment. Operators and maintenance personnel should be properly trained in safe lifting procedures and the inspection of material handling equipment and lifting components. Safe lifting recommendations provided in this manual do not take precedence over local safety rules and regulations, OSHA regulations, or instructions issued by the manufacturers of rig hoisting equipment and other tools on the rig. 1-3 1 SM00856 Revision D Page 1-4 of 6 General Information Safety Requirements Personnel Training All personnel performing installation, operations, repair, or maintenance procedures on the equipment, or those in the vicinity of the equipment, should be trained in rig safety, tool operation, and maintenance to ensure their safety. ! Personnel should wear protective gear during installation, maintenance, and certain operations. Contact the NOV training department for more information about equipment operation and maintenance training. Recommended Tools Service operations may require the use of tools designed specifically for the purpose described. The equipment manufacturer recommends that only those tools specified be used when stated. Ensure that personnel and equipment safety are not jeopardized when following service procedures and that personnel are not using tools that were not specifically recommended by the manufacturer. General System Safety Practices The equipment discussed in this manual may require or contain one or more utilities such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or cooling water. ! Read and follow the guidelines below before installing equipment or performing maintenance to avoid endangering exposed persons or damaging equipment. Isolate energy sources before beginning work. Avoid performing maintenance or repairs while the equipment is in operation. Wear proper protective equipment during equipment installation, maintenance, or repair. 1-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 1-5 of 6 General Information 1 Safety Requirements Replacing Components Verify that all components (such as cables, hoses, etc.) are tagged and labeled during assembly and disassembly of equipment to ensure correct installation. Replace failed or damaged components with original equipment manufacturer certified parts. Failure to do so could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. Routine Maintenance Equipment must be maintained on a routine basis. See product-specific service manuals for maintenance recommendations. ! Failure to conduct routine maintenance could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. Equipment Documentation Location The User Manual provided with the equipment order contains this service manual, the engineering installation and commissioning procedures, the Technical Drawing Package (TDP), along with specifications, parts lists, and other instructions. These documents must be used by the installation and commissioning crew, equipment operators, and maintenance personnel. Make sure an equipment User Manual is available in the location where the equipment is being installed, commissioned, operated, and maintained. Equipment Disposal The equipment owner is responsible for removing and dismantling the equipment at the end of the equipment’s useful operating life. It is also the equipment owner’s responsibility to conform to all applicable regulatory policies, standards, and recycling guidelines when removing the equipment, dismantling equipment components, disposing of fluids, and disposing of consumable spare parts after scheduled and unscheduled equipment maintenance. Service Centers For a directory of NOV Service Centers, see NOV document number D811001337-DAS-001, titled “Service Center Directory.” This document is located in the User Manual. The link below provides after-hours contact information for emergencies or other equipment issues requiring an immediate response by NOV service personnel. 1-5 1 General Information SM00856 Revision D Page 1-6 of 6 1-6 SM00856 Revision D Description 2 Introduction to the TDS-11SA Overview The TDS-11SA Top Drive is an AC-motor top drive developed for use as a portable or permanent unit on a wide variety of land and offshore applications. Its compact size also allows for installation on small workover and portable rigs. The top drive is driven by a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) control system. The TDS-11SA generates 800 HP with a hoisting capacity of 500 tons and a continuous drilling torque rating of 37,500 foot-pounds (ft-lb) (50,843 [N-m]). The top drive has a maximum speed of 228 rpm and a make-up / break-out torque capacity of 50,000 ft-lb / 60,000 ft-lb (65,791 N-m / 81,349 N-m). Speed can be maintained from 114 rpm to 180 rpm without downgrading the 800 HP rating of the motors. The following are components of the TDS-11SA Top Drive: Integrated swivel Single-speed gear box Bi-directional link tilt system Remote and manual internal blowout preventers (IBOPs) PH-75 Pipe Handler (75,000 ft-lb backup capacity [101,686 N-m]) A dual guide-rail assembly to react torque Figure 2-1 shows the TDS-11SA Top Drive and the location of major components. 2-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-2 of 12 Description Introduction to the TDS-11SA Major Components Counterbalance System Motor Cooling System Hydraulic Disc Brakes (2) Gooseneck (S-Pipe) AC Drilling Motors (2) Transmission/ Motor Housing Hydraulic System Rotating Link Adapter Guide Beam and Carriage Rear Right Side Pipehandler Left Side Front Figure 2-1. TDS-11SA Top Drive 2-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-3 of 12 Description 2 Specifications General Specifications Component Item Description Weight • 35,000 lb (15,876 kg) – Top Drive/Shipping Skid • 31,000 lb (14,061 kg) – Top Drive only Stack-up height 19 ft (5.8 m) Power requirements 700 KVA @ 575-600 VAC, 50/60 Hz Horsepower 800 hp Output torque (continuous) 37,500 ft-lb (50,843 N-m) (800 hp) Tool torque (intermittent and stall) 55,000 ft-lb (74,570 N-m) Maximum speed (at full power) 228 rpm Hoisting capacity 500 ton (453.6 mt) Load path Single Gooseneck entry 3 in. 1002 female union S-Pipe mud hose connection 4 in. API line pipe or 4 in. 1002 female union Drill Pipe Sizes 3-1/2 in. to 5 in. (4 in. to 6-5/8 in. OD tool joint) Pipe Handler Type PH-75 (75,000 ft-lb [101,686 N-m] backup torque) Drilling Motor Type Reliance AC-575 VAC (2 x 400 hp) Variable Frequency Drive Type ABB ASC800 2 (800 hp, 600/690 VAC input) Motor Braking Type Hydraulic caliper disc brakes Type Local intake pressure blower Power (2) 5 hp AC motors Speed 3,600 rpm Type Single speed, double reduction helical gear system Gear ratio 10.5:1 (4.38:1 optional) Top Drive Motor Cooling System Gearcase 2-3 2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-4 of 12 Description Specifications General Specifications Component Gearcase Lubrication Hydraulic System Electrical and Control House (Drive House) Item Description Type Pressure feed Reservoir capacity 15 gallons (56.8 liters) Full internal flow 10 gpm (37.9 lpm) Oil type EP grade (see Recommended Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids, D81100719-PRO-001) Oil pressure 10 psi (minimum), 30 psi (maximum) Power 10 hp, AC motor Flow 8.0 gpm/3.5 gpm (30.3 lpm/13.2 lpm) (high/low) Reservoir capacity 25 gallons (95 liters) Oil type Mineral-based hydraulic oil (see Recommended Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids, D81100719-PRO-001) Size 14’6" L x 7’0" W x 7’8" H Weight 8,000 lb (3630 kg) (with single A/C unit) Input requirement 600 VAC (50/60 Hz), or 750 VDC, or 690 VAC (50 Hz) 2-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-5 of 12 Description 2 Specifications Performance Curve 55,000 50,000 45,000 Drill Pipe Torque (ft-lbs) 800 HP 40,000 35,000 Dual AC Motor Top Drive TDS-11SA 2 x 400 = 800 HP, 500 Ton System 10.5:1 Transmission 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Drill Pipe RPM Figure 2-2. Performance Curve Noise Data The following data was taken one meter (39.4 in) radially outward from the outer diameter of the gearbox and at a height of 1.6 meters (63 in) above the drill floor, with the top drive in its lowest position. Noise data was recorded at eight equal angles around the top drive. The highest noise level is at the rear (91.3 dB(A)). Front 86.2 dB(A) Front+45° 86.6 dB(A) Right 90.4 dB(A) Right+45° 87.7 dB(A) Rear 91.3 dB(A) Rear+45° 88.3 dB(A) Left 89.0 dB(A) Left+45° 89.9 dB(A) 2-5 2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-6 of 12 Description Specifications Top Drive Height Bail 120 in (304.8 cm) 31.0 in (78.7 cm) Bail 88 in (223.5 cm) 260.0 in (660.4 cm) 230.0 in (584.2 cm) To Center of Gravity 160.0 in (406.4 cm) To Center of Gravity 25.0 in (63.5 cm) 50.0 in (127 cm) 67.0 in (170.2 cm) = 35,000 lb (15876 kg) 65.0 in (165.1 cm) To Center of Gravity 41.5 in (105.4 cm) Figure 2-3. Top Drive Height 2-6 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-7 of 12 2 Description Specifications Top Drive Plan View 30.0" Setback Top View Dimensions (Standard) Rear 35.9 in (91.2 cm) 2.5 in (Shipping Skid Only) (6.35 cm) Guide C L Beam 30.0 in Setback (76.2 cm) 34 in (86.4 cm) 56.1 in O.A. (142.5 cm) C Well L 15.8 in (40.1 cm) 22.1 in (56.1 cm) 21 in (53.3 cm) 31.0 in (78.7 cm) 26.0 in (66.0 cm) 32.6 in (82.8 cm) Service Loop Bracket (Left-Hand Option) C L Well 65.2 in (165.6 cm) Front S-Pipe (Outside Guard) (Left-Hand Option) Figure 2-4. Top Drive Plan View (30.0" Setback) 2-7 2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-8 of 12 Description Specifications Top Drive Plan View 39.5" Setback Top View Dimensions (Optional) Rear 35.9 in (91.2 cm) 2.5 in (Shipping Skid Only) (6.35 cm) Guide C L Beam 39.5 in Setback (76.2 cm) 65.6 in O.A. (166.6 cm) 43.5 in (110.5 cm) C Well L 15.8 in (40.1 cm) 22.0 in (55.8 cm) 21 in (53.3 cm) 31.0 in (78.7 cm) 26.0 in (66.0 cm) 32.6 in (82.8 cm) Service Loop Bracket (Left-Hand Option) C L Well 65.2 in (165.6 cm) Front S-Pipe (Outside Guard) (Left-Hand Option) Figure 2-5. Top Drive Plan View (39.5" Setback) 2-8 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-9 of 12 Description 2 Identification Labels and Numbers Trace code identifies the configuration of your equipment. Encoder Instruction Label Located on the righthand brake cover AC Motor Identification Label Located on the side of each AC motor TOP DRIVE DRILLING SYSTEM MODEL: TDS-11SA SERIAL NO: GROSS WT (LBS): PART No & REV: (KG): SALES ORDER: MFG DATE: SAFE WORKING LOAD: 500 TONS MAX RPM: 228 RATED VOLTAGE: 550V/3 PHASE FULL LOAD CURRENT: 732A MAX MUD PRESSURE (PSI): Top Drive Identification Plate Located on the front of the motor housing Warning Labels Located on the side of each AC motor Warning Label Located on the side of the bonnet If an equipment label is worn, dirty, or otherwise illegible, clean it or order a new label. Failure to adhere to this warning could result in severe injury to rig personnel. Figure 2-6. Identification Labels and Numbers 2-9 2 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-10 of 12 Description Lifting Points Lifting Point For lowering/hoisting the Top Drive and Guide Beam/Skid Tag Line Attachment Points For the Guide Beam/Skid with Top Drive attached Optional Lifting Point For the Guide Beam/Skid with Top Drive attached Crane Lifting Points For the Guide Beam/Skid with Top Drive attached Crane Lifting Points For the Guide Beam/Skid with Top Drive attached (1 each side) Figure 2-7. Lifting Points 2-10 SM00856 Revision D Page 2-11 of 12 2 Description Typical Equipment Arrangement Existing Traveling Equipment 500-ton Hook/Block Combo-Typ. Crown Clearance 12.5 ft. (3.8 m)** Block Top * Dimensions are subject to verification. Stroked-Typ. 13.5 ft. (4.1 m)* TDS-11SA Top Drive ** Standard configuration with two IBOPs and 120 in. elevator links. Bail Rest TDS Work Height 19.0 ft. (5.8 m)** Sectional Guide Beam Tool Joint Derrick Termination at ~73 ft. (24.4 m) Level* Mud Hose 75 ft. (22.9 m)* Connected to Standpipe at 73 ft. (22.3 m) Level Drill Stand Made-up at 4 ft. (1.2 m) Level 93 ft. (28.3 m) Service Loop Two (2) Custom Spanners On A-Frames or Mast Side Panels (by Customer) Driller’s Control Console Control Cable with Connectors 150 ft. (45.7 m) NOV Drive House Local Power Supply Diesel/Alternator Set/AC Buss AC Cables 7.0 ft. (2.1 m)-Minimum 10.0 ft. (3 m)-Minimum* Portable Torque Reaction Beam “U”- Bolted to Spanners - (by Customer) Clear Working Height 142 ft. (43.3 m) C L Beam Service Loop Tool Joint 4.0 ft. (1.2 m) Drill Floor AC Power and Control Cables Figure 2-8. Typical Installed Equipment Arrangement 2-11 2 Description SM00856 Revision D Page 2-12 of 12 2-12 SM00856 Revision D Installation 3 ! The User Manual provided with the equipment order contains this service manual, the engineering installation and commissioning procedures, the Technical Drawing Package (TDP), along with specifications, parts lists, and other instructions. These documents must be used by the installation and commissioning crew. Make sure an equipment User Manual is available in the location where the equipment is being installed and commissioned. Preparation The top drive interfaces with the rig’s hoisting system and electrical power system. Derrick and electrical system modifications are required when installing the top drive on existing rigs. For derricks that handle triples, the required top drive travel is about 100 ft. (30.5 m) compared to about 75 ft. (23 m) when using a Kelly. It is generally necessary to replace the regular rotary hose (which is normally 60 ft. [18 m] long) with a 75 ft. (23 m) hose, and extend the standpipe height to approximately 73 ft. (22 m). Although many rig floor layouts are possible, installing the guide beam on the drawworks side of the derrick, or mast, and opposite the V-door is an ideal arrangement for handling tubulars from the V-door. The location of the electrical loop and mud hose is an important installation consideration for pipe setback purposes, to ensure proper clearance and to help prevent wear to the service loop and mud hose. Other important installation considerations include the location of the following: The casing stabbing board Floor and derrick accessories Drawworks fastline Guide beam hang-off bracket and torque reaction beam Mud stand pipe extension Driller’s control console location Variable frequency drive/electrical house location To successfully install the TDS-11SA, it is critical to know the precise height and length of the travelling equipment, as well as the location of the tie backs. Refer to the rig GA drawing for these critical dimensions. The GA drawing is located in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP). 3-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-2 of 48 Installation Illustrated Index Crown Padeye and Hang-off Link Page 3-3 Counterbalance Page 3-34 Guide Beam Page 3-9 Intermediate Tieback Page 3-4 Rotary Hose Derrick Termination Page 3-27 Service Loops Page 3-28 Driller’s Control Console Page 3-30 Control Cable with Connectors Page 3-31 Main Tieback Page 3-5 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Electrical House (Drive House) Page 3-6 Local Power Supply Diesel/Alternator Set/AC Bus Power Cables Page 3-7 AC Power and Control Cables Figure 3-1. Illustrated Installation Index 3-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-3 of 48 3 Installation Pre-Installation Installing the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link Crown Padeye Weld at 30 inches from well center Padeye to be suitable for 25 ton load Crown 30 inches 25 Ton Shackle For land rig applications, when possible, install crown padeye, hang-off link and tieback with mast layed down. Hang-off Link Adjust length per General Arrangement Drawing Hang-off Tieback Drill Floor Typical Cross Girt Below Crown C L Well Figure 3-2. Installing the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link 3-3 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-4 of 48 Installation Pre-Installation Installing the Intermediate Tieback To rotate intermediate tieback loosen locking bolt and rotate out of the way. To secure after rotating tighten locking bolt. Intermediate Tieback (Shown in Locked Position) Rotate Locking Bolt Pivot Point Drill Floor 30.0 inches Refer to General Arrangement Drawing for installation height. C L Well Figure 3-3. Installing the Intermediate Tieback 3-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-5 of 48 3 Installation Pre-Installation Installing the Main Tieback Procedure Install the main spreader beam at the appropriate distance from well center Install the tieback plate and tieback link Torque and lock wire all bolts Typical (depending on block and hook configuration. Tieback Link Tieback Plate Main Spreader Beam Apply Anti-seize Compound Typical Auxiliary Spreader Beam Optional Main Tieback and Spreader Beam Adjust after installation of TDS and guide beams Mast Leg Drill Floor 30.0 inches C L Well Figure 3-4. Installing the Main Tieback 3-5 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-6 of 48 Installation Pre-Installation Locating the Control House Drawworks Recommended Area for VFD House Location C L Well V-Door Ramp TDS Driller’s Control Console 8,000 lb (3630 kg) VFD House w/ single AC unit C L Well Typical installation VFD House Recommendations Position the VFD house off-driller’s side or behind the drawworks Position as close to derrick plate as possible to minimize cable lengths 92 in. (2337 mm) 174 in. (4420 mm) 84 in. (2134 mm) Ensure a safe distance from direct sources of heat (i.e. diesel engines, general exhausts) Location of the VFD house must ensure accessibility from all sides Do not expose the control house to H2S Figure 3-5. Locating the Control House 3-6 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-7 of 48 3 Installation Pre-Installation Installing Power Cables Plug Panel C1 COM P P AUX 5 PW R P6 VDC P7 HM I C2 VDC Typical installation C3 HM I Blanking Plates Spare incoming power connections (3 Places) P10 -A P11 -B VFD Grounding Lug P12 -C P10 BLK Incoming Power Cables 600/690VAC to main circuit breaker (3 Places) Outgoing Power Cables to Top Drive (3 Places) P11 WH T P12 RED P10 BLK P11 WH T P12 RED Procedure Clean all connector contacts Plug Panel Connect the power cables with the isolation circuit breaker turned OFF Connect cables in accordance with the electrical schematic provided in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) Rain Cover VFD House Typical Lockwire all connector nuts Earth the control house with the Ground Rod Kit Figure 3-6. Installing Power Cables 3-7 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-8 of 48 Installation Pre-Installation Grounding the Control House (Land Rigs) Copper Plated Steel Rod Cable Clamp Cable Lug Copper Wire 10 ft The control house must be properly grounded to prevent injury to personnel Procedure Insert the grounding rod into the soil (the rod must be in contact with ground water) Connect the rod to the control house (connection must be clean) Ground Rod Kit Grounding Points Located at opposite corners of the house floor For offshore installations the control house must be grounded to the ground point on the rig structure Figure 3-7. Grounding the Control House (Land Rigs) 3-8 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-9 of 48 Installation 3 Installation Checklist The following assumes that all pre-installation planning and rig-up is complete prior to installation of the guide beam assembly and top drive. This includes: Make sure the derrick/mast is vertical, with the block over the center of the rotary table. Derrick/mast modifications are completed (if required) and the guide bean support bracket and torque reaction beam are installed per recommendations on the general arrangement drawing. The service loop bracket is installed in the derrick/mast. The control panel and the variable frequency drive (VFD) are installed. All rigging is inspected to ensure there is no interference with the top drive. The hook or adaptor becket is installed. The hook should open toward the drawworks when possible. Identifying Guide Beam Sections Thoroughly review the Guide Beam Kit engineering drawing in the TDP prior to beginning the guide beam installation procedure. The guide beam sections must be installed in the correct order. Failure to install them in the correct order may result in a guide beam section falling to the rig floor. The bottom hinge joint on the bottom intermediate guide beam section is specifically designed to be connected to the upper hinge joint on the top drive shipping skid/guide beam section.The bottom intermediate guide beam section has a warning label identifying where it connects to the top drive shipping skid/guide beam section (see the section titled "Bottom Intermediate Section Warning Label" on page 3-23). Always make sure to identify the bottom intermediate guide beam section and the location where the top drive skid/guide beam section connects to it. If these are installed improperly, a guide beam section could fall to the rig floor. A falling guide beam section will damage equipment and could result in severe injury or death. If the warning label on the bottom intermediate guide beam section is worn, dirty, or otherwise illegible, clean it or order a new warning label to affix to the same place on the bottom-intermediate guide beam. Failure to adhere to this warning could result in severe injury or death. 3-9 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-10 of 48 Installation Installation Raising the Top Guide Beam Section to the Drill Floor Procedure Locate the top guide beam section near the V-Door Ensure the hoist carriage is free to slide the entire length of the guide beam Ensure the latch moves freely Attach lifting slings to the lifting eyes of the hoist carriage Eusure the transport shipping pins are in place and secure Hoist the guide beam section to the drill floor using a tugger line with a backup line to tail Remove tugger line after top guide beam is in position on drill floor Hoist Carriage 30,000 lb Tugger Pull Tugger Line Attachment Points (Rig DOWN) RIG DOWN UP Tugger Line Attachment Points (Rig UP) Top Guide Beam Latch Shipping Pins 2 places Drill Floor Backup Line Figure 3-8. Raising the Top Guide Beam Section 3-10 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-11 of 48 3 Installation Installation Attaching the Carriage Sling to the Hook Hoist Carriage Cable Sling Attachment Points (RIG DOWN) RIG DOWN UP Cable Sling Attachment Points (RIG UP) Top Guide Beam Disengage Shipping Pins Hoist Procedure Cable Sling Attach a short cable sling from the hook/block to the hoist carriage at the RIG UP attachment points Disengage the shipping pins Hoist the top guide beam using the drawworks Figure 3-9. Attaching the Carriage Sling to the Hook 3-11 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-12 of 48 Installation Installation Moving Guide Beam Sections Procedure Do not move the bottom intermediate guide beam section until all other sections are moved to the rig floor. The bottom intermediate guide beam section is designed to be hooked to the top drive shipping skid/guide beam section only. Connecting the bottom intermediate section out of order may result in a guide beam section falling to the rig floor. Locate the remaining guide beam sections near the V-Door Attach tugger lines to the lifting eyes of the first guide beam section to be hoisted Hoist the guide beam section to the drill floor using the rear tugger line or tailing line to stabilize and balance the guide beam Tugger Line 3,200 lb (1450 kg) 24 ft. Guide Beam Section Tugger Line 3 Guide Beam Section Hoist to the drill floor Guide Beam Section Tugger Line Tugger Line 2 Lifting Eyes Attach tugger lines for hoisting Drill Floor 1 Guide Beam Sections Prior to Installation Figure 3-10. Moving Guide Beam Sections 3-12 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-13 of 48 3 Installation Installation Hooking the First Guide Beam Section Guide Beam Top Section 1 2 Present Match Grease the bores on both joint halves Guide Surface Radius locks joint from unhooking at 8° rotation Hook Pin Grease the bores on both joint halves 3 4 Engage Hook Hook Pin In fully engaged position Present and Hook the first guide beam section Guide Beam Section Hooked Hook Pin Saddle Tugger Line Leave attached to stabilize the back end of the guide beam Procedure Locate the guide beam to be hooked under the top guide beam section Grease the bores on both joint halves Align the guide surface with the hook pin as shown Lower the top guide beam to match and engage the hook pin to the hook pin saddle Hoist the top guide beam to fully engage the hook pin Manually stabilize the back end of the guide beam Figure 3-11. Hooking the First Guide Beam Section 3-13 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-14 of 48 Installation Installation Hoisting the First Guide Beam Section Guide Beam Top Section Hoist Hook Pin First Guide Beam Section Initially hoisted by the hook pin Bar and Radius Locates pin bores for easy insertion of pins Hoist Using the drawworks Figure 3-12. Hoisting the First Guide Beam Section 3-14 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-15 of 48 3 Installation Installation Stabbing and Pinning the First Guide Beam Section Guide Beam Top Section 1 Stab the guide beam joints together Lynch Pin 2 Joint Pin Install after stabbing 4 3 Secure with the lynch pin Retainer Pin Apply grease and insert Stab and Pin the guide beam joint Block as Required Procedure Lower the guide beam to drill floor and stab the guide beam joints together Block the guide beam in a vertical position if required Install the cleaned and greased joint pin Grease and install the retainer pin Secure the retainer pin with the lynch pin as shown Figure 3-13. Stabbing and Pinning the First Guide Beam Section 3-15 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-16 of 48 Installation Installation Completing Guide Beam Section Installation Do not move the bottom intermediate guide beam section until all other sections are moved to the rig floor. The bottom intermediate guide beam section is designed to be hooked to the top drive shipping skid/guide beam section only. Connecting the bottom intermediate section out of order may result in a guide beam section falling to the rig floor. Repeat the previous steps until guide beam sections are installed Tugger Line Tugger Line Procedure Drill Floor Move the next guide beam section to the drill floor Present the end of the guide beam to be hooked Ensure that the bores on both joint halves have been greased Engage the hook pin saddle around the hook pin Hoist the guide beam with the drawworks Lower the guide beam to the drill floor and stab the guide beam joints together Install the joint pin Install the retainer pin Secure the pins with the lynch pin Figure 3-14. Completing Guide Beam Section Installation 3-16 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-17 of 48 Installation 3 Installation Hoisting and Attaching the Guide Beam Latch is held in unlock position when carriage is at top position Latch locks beam to hang-off link when carriage is lowered Diverter To Protect Against Accidental Unlatching Procedure Hoist Carriage Extension Attach guide beam assembly to hangoff link Procedure Rotate intermediate tieback handle UP 90 degrees Insert the intermediate tieback into the slot located on the lower guide beam Rotate intermediate tieback handle DOWN 90 degrees to lock the guide beam in place Adjust the tieback bracket so the center of the guide beam is 30 inches from well center Intermediate Tieback Tieback Handle Guide Beam Slot Attach Intermediate Tieback into Lower Guide Beam Slot Figure 3-15. Hoisting and Attaching the Guide Beam 3-17 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-18 of 48 Installation Installation Removing the Hoist Carriage Hoist Carriage Drill Floor Procedure Lower hoist carriage to drill floor Remove hoist carriage from drill floor and store (to be used again for rig down and transport) Figure 3-16. Removing the Hoist Carriage 3-18 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-19 of 48 3 Installation Installation Moving the Top Drive to the Rig Floor Procedure Ensure the safety of all personnel Locate the Top Drive at the bottom of the V-Door ramp Attach a lifting sling to the bail Attach backup lines to the skid Hoist the Top Drive and skid to the drill floor 35,000 lb Crane Lift 35,000 lb (15,876 kg) TDS-11SA on the skid Lifting Block Hoist using the drawwork Optional Crane Placement Side Bracket 2 TDS hoisted up V-Door Ramp Bail Drill Floor Lifting Detail 60 ft Slings 1 TDS on skid Backup Line Figure 3-17. Moving the Top Drive to the Rig Floor 3-19 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-20 of 48 Installation Installation Attaching the Top Drive to the Hook There are two basic methods for installing the TDS-11SA top drive, depending on the travelling equipment configuration. Follow the installation procedures for option 1 or option 2 as appropriate for the rig. Bail Bail Lock TDS-11SA V-Door Post Attach Sling or Tugger Lines to Secure Skid V-Door Ramp Procedure Remove hoist cable slings Attach bail to block or hook Secure lower end of skid to prevent movement toward or down V-door ramp Hoist using drawworks Figure 3-18. Attaching the Top Drive to the Hook 3-20 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-21 of 48 3 Installation Installation Lifting the Top Drive into the Rig Option 1 Procedure Option 2 Procedure Set TDS on the rig floor Secure the bottom end of the skid to the floor or the v-door posts to prevent the TDS from moving back down the v-dor ramp If the traveling equipment and the TDS bail length allows, the bail can be connected directly to the hook/block (refer to the general arrangement drawing) Hoist the TDS from the v-door to a vertical position using slings Connect the TDS skid to the guide beam Hook open towards drawworks Hook open towards v-door Depending on the traveling equipment and bail length, variations of this procedure may be required Figure 3-19. Lifting the Top Drive into the Rig 3-21 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-22 of 48 Installation Installation Connecting the Top Drive to the Guide Beam 1 Bottom Intermediate Section Present Hook Insert hook pin into hook pin saddle Lower TDS/Skid until it makes contact with Lower Tieback Hook Pin Grease the bores on both joint halves 2 Grease the bores on both joint halves Hook Pin In fully engaged position Hook Pin Saddle Guide Beam /Skid Section Skid not shown 3 Attach Lower Tieback OPTION 2 Lower Tieback Present and Hook TDS to the guide beam section Guide Beam /Skid Section Skid not shown Hook Joint OPTION 1 Lower Tieback Procedure Backup Line Locate the TDS skid to be hooked under the bottom intermediate guide beam section Grease the bores on both joint halves Align the guide surface with the hook pin as shown Lower the TDS skid to match and engage the hook pin to the hook pin saddle The bottom intermediate guide beam section and skid will contact the lower tieback Figure 3-20. Connecting the Top Drive to the Guide Beam 3-22 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-23 of 48 Installation 3 Installation Bottom Intermediate Section Warning Label Bottom Intermediate Guide Beam Section Warning Plaque (P/N P614000138) If an equipment warning plaque is worn, dirty, or otherwise illegible, clean it or order a new warning label. Failure to adhere to this warning could result in severe injury or death. Top Drive Shipping Skid/ Guide Beam Section Figure 3-21. Bottom Intermediate Guide Beam Section Warning Label 3-23 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-24 of 48 Installation Installation Attaching the Torque Tieback Tieback Retainer Pins Tieback Pivot Pin Tieback Hook OPTION 2 Tieback Pivot Pin OPTION 1 Tieback Hook Procedure Engage tieback hooks to secure the lower guide beam/skid Insert retainer pins Figure 3-22. Attaching the Torque Tieback 3-24 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-25 of 48 3 Installation Installation Pinning the Top Drive to the Guide Beam Guide Beam Bottom Section 4 Secure with the lynch pin Lynch Pin 2 Lower Tieback Joint Pin Install Seating Surfaces 3 Retainer Pin Apply grease and insert OPTION 2 1 Guide Beam /Skid Section Hoist until it seats Skid not shown Hoist Using the drawworks OPTION 1 Drill Floor The bottom end of guide beam/skid should be approximately 7 ft plus or minus 6 inches above the drill floor Procedure Hoist guide beam/skid section until it seats Install the joint pin Grease and install the retainer pin Secure the retainer pin with the lynch pin as shown Figure 3-23. Pinning the Top Drive to the Guide Beam 3-25 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-26 of 48 Installation Installation Releasing the Top Drive from the Skid After hoisting the TDS disengage the Lower Carriage Latch and pin it as shown. Pin 1 View of Carriage from Rear Upper Latch Engaged Lower Latch Disengaged Pin Pin OPTION 2 Latches Both sides engaged Pin 2 Pin Upper Latch Disengaged OPTION 1 Lower the TDS, disengage the Upper Carriage Latch and pin it as shown. Lower Latch Disengaged Pin Procedure Lower the blocks (option 2 only) Remove the slings (option 2 only) Connect the hook/block to the bail (option 2 only) Disengage the carriage latches Remove the Bail Lock and store it for future use Figure 3-24. Releasing the Top Drive from the Skid 3-26 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-27 of 48 3 Installation Installation Installing Derrick Termination Hoist Line Attachment Point Derrick/ Mast Leg Derrick Leg Plate Hoist Line Attachment Points Service Loop Brackets Mount Derrick Termination Plate as recommended 83 ft from drill floor Recommendations Mount on the side of the derrick adjacent to the service loop brackets on the Top Drive Drill Floor ! Mount as far as practical from well center, to maintain a 36 inch minimum bend radius Maintaining a larger radius increases loop life and reduces damage due to “pinching” Location must ensure that the loops do not catch under the guide beam during operations and provide clearance for tong lines, the stabbing board, tugger lines, etc Figure 3-25. Installing Derrick Termination 3-27 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-28 of 48 Installation Installation Installing Service Loops at the Derrick Hoist Derrick Termination Plate 1,000 lb (450 kg) Each Service Loop Sling ! Avoid damage to the service loops by using care when dragging it near sharp edges and allow room for passing under the V-door TDS Service Loop Lifting Eyes Do not remove Derrick Service Loop Recommendations !! Do not unpack the service loops until they are ready to hang Use a sling attached to the lifting eyes to hoist each service loop Use the swivel at the tugger line attachment to allow each service loop to uncoil without twisting Avoid damage to the service loops by maintaining a 40 inch minimum bend radius Service Loop and Storage Tub 3,600 lb (1600 kg) ! Take care so the service loop pigtails are not damaged during installation. Figure 3-26. Installing Derrick Service Loops at the Derrick 3-28 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-29 of 48 Installation 3 Installation Installing Service Loop Jackets There are service loop jackets that are assembled around the service loops. Install the jackets after the service loops have been attached at the derrick termination plate. ! The double Velcro construction is hard to disassemble. Make sure the orientation of the jacket is correct before you close the strap. Refer to Installation Instructions, Service Loop Jackets (D614000166-PRO-001) for annotated photographs showing how to install a service loop jacket. This engineering procedure is located in the equipment user manual. To install each jacket: 1. Velcro the inner straps around the biggest cable/hose. 2. Close the flaps around the whole bundle and close the double Velcro edge. Leave a little room so the cables/hoses can move up and down the jacket. 3. Secure the double Velcro edge with the two lock straps. 3-29 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-30 of 48 Installation Installation Drawworks Installing the Driller’s Control Console V-Door Ramp TDS Recommended Area for Driller’s Control Console Location INC Y NC GE ER OP EM ST UE RQ T KE SE MA UP INC DR EN AT OP L RA NE GE D VF T UL FA MS AR TOR AL ILL MOMP ES PR OIL SS LO E PM SR TD AS RE E UP KE MA E DECREAS ILL DR OR AT EV EL ED BX CLOS HO U HP / ON TO AU OD SM TD SPIN E TO RQ UE TE CW TA PH CC RO W T TILT K TIL / LIN ILL DR ILL DR E AK BR AU N IO TO TD P IBO OS CL TWAND SH PU E T S ER OW BL SS LO Profibus Cable ER DL CLAMP LD AN EH PIP TIL K T LIN OA FL TE DR ER OV CE EN SILECK M AR CH AL MP LA EL INC BX D ME AR CE AN P AL UM RB DJ TE AN UN ST CO / ILL DR AS RE E DECREAS BX OR EV 24 VDC Power hard-wired E-Stop AS RE E DECREAS S TO TD ILL LE AB EN ED FO RW AR CT IREF SD RS E VE RE OF D E AK BR OFF / ON P IBO OS CL E EN OP ! Customers who choose to use control systems not manufactured by NOV should be aware that NOV systems are specifically designed with operational interlocks and safety devices to prevent possible injury to personnel and damage to the system. Other control systems must meet NOV requirements. NOV highly recommends the use of its system, as it is specifically made for use with the Top Drive. Recommendations Mount within easy reach and in plain view of the driller while the drawworks brake and clutches are being operated Location must ensure that the gauges are easily seen by the driller during drilling operations Location must be visible and readable at night Figure 3-27. Installing the Driller’s Control Console 3-30 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-31 of 48 3 Installation Installation Installing the Console Cabling 24VDC Power / Hard-Wired E-Stop to Driller’s Console Profibus Serial Link to Driller’s Console C1 COM P P AUX 5 PW R P6 VDC P7 HM I C2 VDC Typical installation C3 HM I P10 -A P11 -B P12 -C P10 BLK Plug Panel P11 WH T P12 RED P10 BLK P11 WH T P12 RED Recommendations Ensure that the Driller’s Control Console is properly located Connect the power cables with the isolation circuit breaker turned OFF Plug Panel Rain Cover VFD House Typical Connect cables in accordance with the electrical schematic provided in the Technical Drawing Package Tighten connector nuts Lockwire connector nuts to prevent loosening Figure 3-28. Installing the Console Cabling 3-31 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-32 of 48 Installation Installation Motor Rotation Checkout Procedure Direction of Rotation Counterclockwise Procedure Assign the Top Drive and inverter by selecting FORWARD or REVERSE TDS DIRECTION on the driller’s console Check the rotation direction of the cooling and oil pump motors Rotate the drill stem using the TDS RPM knob on the driller’s console and observe proper operation S ES PR OIL OSS L Direction of Rotation Clockwise UE RQ TO E D MO Cooling Motors 2 Places S TD SPIN LI ILL DR ILL DR E AK BR E RS VE N RE IO TO AU T EC IR F SD TD OF D AR RW FO Driller’s Control Console I NC CY GEN ER OP EM ST EUP S TOR QUE I NC L DRIL BLE OR N VAT OPE ELE I NC BX ED ARM CE LAN UMP RBA NDJ NTESTA COUL / DRIL L ERA GEN HA PIPE TD MP D CLA HOL TWAND H PUS S MO ILL DR HPU/ ON O AUT QUE TOR DE PM SR TD P KEU MA OR VAT ELESED BX CLO TILT LINK AT FLO DRIL RTE OVE A SE RE E DECR EAS R LE ND VFD LT FAU MS AR AL L MOTMPOR SS PRE OIL S LOS A SE RE E DE CR EAS BX ENA WER BLO S LOS A SE RE E DE CR EAS SET MAK TD ATE CW PH ROT CCW SPIN TILT TILT / LINK NCE SILECK RM CHE ALA P LAM L DRIL L DRIL E AK N IO BR O AUT TD IBOP SED CLO E ERS REV CT RE S DI OFF D WAR FOR KE BRAOFF / ON SE CLO IBOP N INC OPE ASE RE INC E DECREAS PM SR TD ASE RE E DECREAS INC P R E EAS EU K MA E DECREAS ILL DR Direction of Rotation Counterclockwise Oil Pump Motor Drill Stem Direction of Rotation Forward Reverse Figure 3-29. Motor Rotation Checkout Procedure 3-32 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-33 of 48 3 Installation Installation Installing the Elevator Links Procedure Rotate the pipehandler 90˚ (positioning the link catch under the front of the motor guard) Lubricate the elevator link eyes with pipe dope Hoist the elevator link onto the rotating link adapter (small eye at bottom) Secure the link catch with the pin and fasteners Secure the elevator link to the link tilt Rotate the pipehandler 180˚ and install the other elevator link Install the elevator (refer to the elevator manual) Link Catch Pin Link Tilt Link Catch Clevis Pin Rear Pipehandler Rotate Switch UN ST CO L / IL DR L RA NE GE ER DL CLAMPOLD N HA E PIP TWAND SH PU H T IL K TT LIN OA FL U HP / ON TO Link AU UE E AT CW RQ TO PH CC T RO W T ILT TIL Front KT LIN ILL DR E RS VE RE Driller’s Control Console 600-2,400 lb (270-1100 kg) Elevator Link I NC CY GEN ER OP EM ST EUP S TOR QUE I NC L DRIL VAT OPE L ERA I NC ELE A SE RE R LE D ND CLAMP HOL HA TWH AND PUS PIPE TILT LINK AT FLO MA TD KEU PM SR P E DECR EAS DR DRIL GEN VFD LT FAU DRIL RTE OVE A SE RE E DE CR EAS BX OR N BX ED ARM CE LAN UMP RBA NDJ NTESTA COUL / MS AR AL L MOTMPOR A SE RE E DE CR EAS SET MAK TD BLE ENA ILL OR VAT ELESED BX CLO HPU/ ON O AUT SS PRE OIL S LOS QUE TD ATE CW TOR DE WER BLO S LOS PH S MO ROT CCW SPIN TILT TILT / LINK NCE SILECK RM CHE ALA P LAM L DRIL L DRIL BR AK E N IO O AUT TD OP IB SED E ERS REV CT RE S DI OFF D CLO WAR FOR KE BRAOFF / ON SE CLO IBOP N OPE Take care when installing elevator links. Links weigh up to 2,400 lb (11,00 kg) and can fall if handled improperly. Figure 3-30. Installing the Elevator Links 3-33 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-34 of 48 Installation Installation Installing the Counterbalance Procedure Refer to Setting up the circuits in the Hydraulic section of this manual for initial system set up Install the pear links to the ears on the hook Turn on the Top Drive power Rotate the counterbalance mode valve from the RUN position to the RIG-UP position When the cylinders reach the end of stroke, slide the cylinder clevis over the pear link and install the cylinder clevis pin After securing the counterbalance cylinder to the pear link, rotate the counterbalance mode valve to the RUN position Adjust PCC clockwise to raise the pressure at test port CB until the bail just begins to lift off of the block Reduce the pressure slowly (25 psi) to allow pressure to stabilize Cylinder Clevis Pin 2 Places Rig-up/Run/ Shutdown Valve Shown in RIG-UP position (switch to RUN after the counterbalance is installed) Hook Pear Link 2 Places Cylinder Clevis 2 Places Counterbalance Cylinder 2 Places (8.5 inch stroke) Bail RIG-UP SHUTDOWN RUN S H N U T D U R O W N COUNTERBALANCE MODE E C N LA -U P BA R TE R IG N U O C E D O M Hydraulic Manifold Figure 3-31. Installing the Counterbalance 3-34 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-35 of 48 Installation 3 Commissioning Initial Checkout Procedure Initial Rig-Up Pre-charge all accumulators (See the Hydraulics System section of this manual) Adjust the hydraulic system Bleed the air from the hydraulic system Constantly monitor the hydraulic fluid level, and never allow the level to fall below the middle of the sight glass (power OFF) Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Checkout Procedure Lubricate all grease points (See Lubrication) Check for loose or missing connectors Lockwire all connector nuts Check for interference along entire mast Remove exhaust covers from AC drilling motors Check blower inlets and outlets for blockage Set the air conditioner to 75˚F (27˚C) Turn on the main breaker Sight Glass Hydraulic Oil Sight Gauge TOP DRIVE Exhaust Cover 4 Places INS T WH ALL UN EN ST IT IS OR ED VARCO Air Inlet Between motor and brake housing, 2 Places Exhaust Outlet Through louvers at bottom of AC drilling motors, 6 Places Figure 3-32. Initial Checkout 3-35 3 Installation SM00856 Revision D Page 3-36 of 48 Commissioning Hydraulic System Checkout Procedure Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Red “Pop-up” Dirt Alarm Sight Glass Hydraulic Oil Sight Gauge Hydraulic Oil Filter Procedure Ensure that the pipehandler clamp cylinder is unclamped, the counterbalance cylinders are connected to the hook, the bail is resting in the hook, and the system power is OFF Check to see that the hydrulic fluid level is at the middle of the sight glass If the fluid is low, add hydraulic fluid (see the Lubrication and Maintenance section of this manual Check the red “pop-up” alarm on the hydraulic filter for contamination Replace the filter if the indicator has popped up Use care to prevent contamination from entering the hydraulic system during maintenance activities Figure 3-33. Hydraulic System Checkout 3-36 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-37 of 48 3 Installation Commissioning Electrical System Checkout Procedure Emergency Stop INC Y NC GE ER OP EM ST S TOR TD L QU P T AKEU E SE M IL INC DR ATOOPE EV EL INC BX ASE RE MED E NC P ALA M RB DJU TE AN UN ST CO L / IL DR 24 VDC Power hard-wired E-Stop D VF LT U FA MS AR R AL MOTOP RQ UE L RIL D R HPU/ ON TO TE CW TA PH O SM TD SPIN RO K MA E DECREAS EV EL SE BX CLO AU DE TO AR PM SR P EU ATO D H S WER BLO SS LO RPM Meter W CC LT TILT K TI LIN E/ NC K SILE EC RM CH ALA MP LA ILL DR ILL DR E AK N BR IO CT SD TD IB D REV SE ER Torque Meter IRE TO AU OP SE CLO TWAND SH PU LT K TIT LIN OA FL ILL TEM DRVER O ES PR OIL SS LO ER DL CLAMPOLD AN EH PIP TD E DECREAS BX R N LE AB EN AL ER GEN ASE RE E DECREAS ASE RE OFF D AR RW FO E AK BR OFF / ON P IBO OPE Profibus Cable SE CLO N Procedure All personnel must stand clear All personnel operating the top drive should be trained in rig safety and tool operation Operate each control on the driller’s control console (See the Operations chapter) Check for alarm conditions and resolve any alarms at this time (See the Operations chapter) Check all connectors for tightness and lockwire Check operation of meters Check operation of emergency stop Check the latches on the driller’s console for tightness Figure 3-34. Electrical System Checkout 3-37 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-38 of 48 Installation Commissioning Mechanical Checkout Procedure Procedure With the drive motors and hydraulic system off, check to see that the oil level (identified by a floating cork ball) is at the middle of the glass located on the lube pump adapter plate mounted on the side of the gearbox Always check the oil level, not foam level (oil is dark brown, foam is tan) after the unit has been running and the transmission oil is warm If the oil level is low, add gear oil (see the Lubrication and Maintenance section of this manual Check the red “pop-up” alarm on the gear oil filter for contamination Replace the filter if the indicator has popped up Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Sight Glass i Gearbox Oil Fill Clean area before removing plug,then use a 1 3/8 inch, 12 point socket to remove plug Gear Oil Sight Gauge Check with Top Drive “OFF” “Pop-up” Dirt Alarm Gear Oil Filter Figure 3-35. Mechanical Checkout 3-38 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-39 of 48 Installation 3 Commissioning Adjusting the Link Tilt Jam Nut Adjust the derrickman position with the adjusting screw and lock in position with the jam nut Link Tilt Crank Assembly Pin 26 inches (660 mm) Typical Clamp Mousehole Position Cable Pull “up” or “down” to set mousehole position 3-4 inches (76-102 mm) Link Mousehole Position Derrickman’s Position Link clamps should be adjusted so that the elevator does not hit the diving board in this position Well Center Float Position Drill Down Position Bottom of elevator should be above the bottom of the stabbing guide Elevator Figure 3-36. Adjusting the Link Tilt 3-39 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-40 of 48 Installation Decommissioning Securing the Top Drive for Rig-Down Procedure Lower the Top Drive to the drill floor Remove the mud hose, drill pipe elevator and links Power may be needed to turn rotating head into position for removing the links Locate the RIG-UP/RUN/SHUTDOWN valve on the hydraulic manifold With the hydraulic power ON select the “RIG-UP” position and remove the extended counterbalance cylinders from the hook ears Select the “SHUTDOWN” position and turn off the Top Drive Isolate and lock out ALL power to the Varco control house N Hydraulic Manifold O W RU H U T D N S CO UN TE RB -U ALA IG R NC P Lower TDS to drill floor EM OD E Rig-up/Run/ Shutdown Valve Rotate from RIG-UP to SHUTDOWN for Top Drive rig-down RIG-UP Drill Floor SHUTDOWN RUN COUNTERBALANCE MODE Figure 3-37. Securing the Top Drive for Rig-Down 3-40 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-41 of 48 3 Installation Decommissioning Removing and Storing Cables and Service Loops Derrick Termination Plate Lower 1,000 lb (450 kg) Each Service Loop Sling ! ! Avoid damage to the service loops. Use care when dragging them near sharp edges and allow room for passing under the V-door Derrick Service Loop TDS Service Loop !! Avoid damage to the service loops by maintaining a 36 inch minimum bend radius ! An electrical short can occur if quick connectors are not kept clean and dry. Whenever separating quick connector(s), immediately install the weather plugs to prevent connectors from becoming contaminated with water or debris. When the connector is not in use secure/locate the connector so that is does not lie on the ground and make sure to minimize any exposure to water, mud, etc. Prior to re-connecting, inspect the inside of the connectors to make sure they are clean and dry. Service Loop and Storage Tub 3,600 lb (1600 kg) Lifting Eyes Do not remove Procedure Position the service loop tubs for convenient loading of the service loops Disconnect the derrick service loop from the derrick termination plate and the control house Disconnect jumper cables (if installed) Cap all connectors and lower the derrick service loop into a service loop tub Use a sling attached to the lifting eyes to lower each service loop and a swivel at the tugger line attachment to allow each service loop to coil without twisting Disconnect the top drive service loop and repeat the above procedure Remove the service loop tubs from the area Remove the derrick termination plate if necessary Figure 3-38. Removing and Storing Cables and Service Loops 3-41 3 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-42 of 48 Installation Decommissioning Setting the Latches and Locking the Bail Counterbalance Cylinders Disconnect from the hook TOP DRIVE Exhaust Cover 4 Places INST WH ALL UN EN ST IT IS OR ED Bail Lock VARCO View of Carriage from Rear Pin Lower TDS to drill floor Latches Both sides engaged Pin Procedure Drill Floor Lower the top drive to the drill floor It is NOT necessary to drain gear oil or hydraulic fluid for rig down Attach the bail lock by placing u-bolt behind the gooseneck and attaching it to the tube as shown Disconnect the counterbalance cylinders from the hook Install exhaust covers Engage the upper and lower carriage latches as shown Figure 3-39. Setting the Latches and Locking the Bail 3-42 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-43 of 48 Installation 3 Long Term Storage When the top drive will be idle for six months or more, use the following long-term storage recommendations in order to preserve the top drive and to properly store equipment associated with its care and maintenance. General Guidelines Before leaving the factory, top drives are protected only for shipment to the destination. The following guidelines and procedures should be followed for storage after arrival or extended storage (six months or longer) on the rig. Safety Safety must be a prime consideration during application of any rust inhibitors, since they are combustible and generate explosive vapors. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended safety precautions. All personnel must understand these precautions and be properly protected. Before using combustible products on the rig, make sure to read and understand the manufacturer’s safety precautions. Storage Location and Position Store the top drive and accessories under cover, or indoors, if possible. Top drives should be stored away from blowing dust, salt spray, sources of vibration, etc. Also, avoid storage areas where rapid temperature changes occur as this type of environment produces condensation. Store the top drive in a vertical position if possible. If the top drive cannot be stored in a vertical position, store the top drive on its shipping skid. Racks or pallets should be used for all other parts of the top drive to make sure they are stored off the ground, concrete, etc. Care must be given to positioning of stored components to allow periodic reapplication of rust inhibitors, rotating of machinery, and so forth. Cleaning Steam cleaning is acceptable, but should be limited to painted surfaces. Unpainted surfaces must be thoroughly dried and protected with rust inhibitors. Care must be used to avoid getting steam or water into gearboxes, hydraulic system, bearing housings, and bushings. No diesel-based cleaners should be used in cleaning junction boxes, hoses and electrical items. 3-43 3 Installation SM00856 Revision D Page 3-44 of 48 Long Term Storage Pre-Storage Procedure In addition to the items indicated in the section titled "Storage Procedure" on page 3-45, perform the following procedures at initial long-term storage of the top drive. 1. If the top drive is to be stored in vertical position, drain oil from gearbox. Refill to the full level in the sight glass full with an AGMA mild EP gear oil with rust inhibitor, or equivalent (see the Recommended Lubricants and Fluids document located in the User Manual). Rotate gears and bearings to distribute lubrication. 2. Relieve all hydraulic pressure, including accumulators. If the top drive is stored in a horizontal position, drain hydraulic lines to prevent hydraulic fluid leaking out into the immediate storage area. 3. Seal or plug exposed ends of air, hydraulic, water and lube/oil lines. 4. Remove washpipe packing assembly, disassemble and remove O-rings and packing rings. Clean and coat washpipe assembly with rust preventative and store separately. Protect all exposed threads on washpipe, gooseneck and stem (grease all threads before installing threaded protectors). 5. Cover all electrical control boxes (junction boxes, etc.) with paper impregnated with a volatile-type inhibitor followed by thick black plastic sheeting (at least .006" thick). All sharp corners should be protected with wood blocking. Add desiccant packs to keep dry. The instrument junction box will stay on the top drive. Seal all openings with plastic NPT caps, and add desiccant packs inside each box. 3-44 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-45 of 48 3 Installation Long Term Storage Storage Procedure Complete the following steps at the monthly intervals indicated. Step Procedure Description 0.0 mo 1.5 mo 1 2 Rotate all rolling elements, and raceways (gearbox, handling ring etc) to prevent etching or staining. X X • Coat all exposed bare metal and moving parts with rust preventative (dry-film type rust inhibitors can also be used). • Remove all covers/guards to gain access to all moving parts when necessary. • Rotate parts involved while applying rust preventative to ensure parts are fully coated. Make sure that covers/guards are replaced after coating. X X • Grease all pins and dowels. • Rotate parts while applying grease to ensure parts are fully coated. X X 4 Add/replace desiccant packs inside each electrical box. X X 5 If the top drive is to be stored in a horizontal position: • drain gear box and bearing cavities, then • coat the inside of gear box (all gears, pinions, etc.) and bearing cavities with grease type rust inhibitor and then drain. • Rotate gears and bearings while applying rust inhibitor to ensure parts are fully coated. X X 6 Perform recommended Lubrication and Maintenance procedures as indicated in this service manual. X X 7 • Thoroughly grease all fittings with rust inhibiting grease. Use enough to completely coat all rotating surfaces. • Rotate/actuate all parts involved while applying grease to ensure full distribution. X X 8 Make sure all openings and covers are tightly sealed. X X 9 • Clean exterior of the top drive to remove all mud, dirt or other foreign material. • Remove any rust and then coat area with red oxide or zinc rich primer. X X 3 3.0 mo 6.0 mo For long-term storage procedures of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts and components, see the manufacturer’s documentation located in the User Manual supplied with the equipment. 3-45 3 Installation SM00856 Revision D Page 3-46 of 48 Long Term Storage Returning the Top Drive to Service For bringing OEM parts and components out of storage for use, see the manufacturer’s documentation located in the User Manual supplied with the equipment. 1. Remove all protective covers, wrappings and desiccant packs. Inspect for corrosion or damage. Repair as required. 2. Remove all storage plugs. 3. Drain and flush all oil, preservatives, and inhibitors. 4. Change all filters and clean all strainers. 5. Check and replace (as needed) all rubber/elastomer parts. For example: air hoses, water hoses, hydraulic hoses, seals, and counterbalance bags. 6. Replace all parts removed for separate storage, such as the washpipe assembly. 7. Fill all lubrication systems to correct levels with specified lubricants (see the Recommended Lubricants and Fluids document located in the User Manual). 8. Perform recommended lubrication and maintenance procedures (see Revision DMaintenance). 9. A qualified electrician must test motor windings and service loops. Accumulated moisture in motor windings and service loops should be driven out by several hours of low amperage use. 10. Prior to starting and operating the top drive: perform a thorough inspection and checkout to verify that all of the top drive's systems are fully functional and operational before returning the top drive to service. Refer to the mechanical and electrical inspections in the appropriate installation documents or mechanical and electrical checkout procedures. lubricate the rotating head or link adapter with 25ml of hydraulic fluid. Manually rotate the component clockwise and then counter-clockwise for two rotations. 3-46 SM00856 Revision D Page 3-47 of 48 Installation 3 make sure the top drive is oriented vertically for two hours prior to energizing the top drive hydraulic system. ! Allow adequate run-in time. Start slowly with no load for two hours to assess the top drive for wear or damage. 3-47 3 Installation SM00856 Revision D Page 3-48 of 48 3-48 SM00856 Revision D Operation 4 ! All procedures and methods provided in this manual are superseded by the procedures and methods approved for use at the location where the equipment is installed and commissioned. Stateless Driller’s Control Console Overview A stateless NOV Driller’s Control Console is typically used to operate the TDS-11SA Top Drive. Some top drive installations may also include an Amphion™ Human-Machine Interface (HMI) system, in addition to the stateless driller’s control console. In this chapter, the controls on the stateless driller’s control console are provided to explain top drive operations. All the operator controls described are replicated in the Amphion HMI. The control console provides the control circuitry for all top drive and pipe handler functions. The console enclosure also contains Intrinsically Safe (I.S.) barrier components that support Zone 2 certification. The control console is integrated with the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD is located in an environmentally-controlled drive house. The communication path from the driller’s control console to the VFD is via a common data bus. Functional changes can be implemented by NOV using utilities that are common for NOV top drive systems. Control commands from the console are processed through a single-board computer (SBC). The SBC controls the actions of the cooling system, the solenoid valves, the brakes, IBOP functions, switches and sensors. The SBC also monitors all component sensors and switches, and acts as a safety interlock to prevent inadvertent tool operation. Additionally, the SBC notifies the driller of the operational status of the top drive and diagnoses abnormal operating conditions. Refer to the section titled "Installing the Driller’s Control Console" on page 3-30 for installation information. The illustrations in this chapter show a typical control console panel layout. Depending on the top drive system options, the layout of the console controls may vary. Refer to the engineering drawings in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) for the rig-specific console layout for the equipment order. 4-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-2 of 30 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Front Panel Figure 4-1 shows the front panel for a typical stateless NOV Driller’s Control Console. Figure 4-2 shows the internal components with the front panel opened. Refer to later sections of this chapter for console button, switch, and gauge descriptions. Front Panel (Door Closed) For Reference Only. The illustrations in this supplement show a typical control console panel layout. Depending on the top drive system options, the layout of the console controls may vary. Refer to the engineering drawings in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) for the rig-specific console layout for the equipment order. Figure 4-1. NOV Stateless Driller’s Control Console (Front Panel Closed) 4-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-3 of 30 4 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Internal Components Figure 4-2 shows the internal components with the front panel opened. Low Voltage Wiring Only I. S. Wiring Only 1.5 x 3 Field Cabling 1.5 x 3 I. S. 1.5 x 3 1.5 x 3 N. I. S. N. I. S. I. S. 2x3 AC Voltage Front Panel (Door Opened) Segregated I.S. Wiring For Reference Only. Refer to the engineering drawings in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) for the rig-specific console wiring diagrams and other details. Figure 4-2. NOV Stateless Driller’s Control Console (Front Panel Opened) 4-3 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-4 of 30 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Specifications Enclosure ATEX, Zone 2 Weight 120 lb (54 kg) Power Input Range (non I.S. terminals) • 0-24 V DC, 0-9.5 A • 120 V AC, 1.1 A Power Input Range (I.S. terminals) 28 V DC, 4-20 mA, 0.65 W Operating Temperature Range - 40°C to 45°C (-40°F to 113°F) 4-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-5 of 30 Operation 4 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Alarms Alarms Figure 4-3. Alarms Alarm Silence / Lamp Check When any alarm indicator light flashes and the horn sounds, press this button to silence the alarm. The indicator will remain lit until the fault is cleared. If the fault is not cleared in five minutes, the alarm horn sounds and the indicator flashes. When the button is pressed and held for two seconds, the console indicators are tested. When the button is pressed and held for four seconds, the TORQUE and RPM meters go to full scale for a meter test. Hyd Press Loss – Indicator flashes and horn sounds when hydraulic system pressure loss is detected. Oil Press Loss – Indicator flashes and horn sounds when oil pressure loss is detected. Drill Motor Overtemp – Indicator flashes and horn sounds when high temperature is detected for the drilling motor. Cooling Water Flow – Indicator flashes and horn sounds when a loss of pressure in the cooling system flow is detected. VFD Fault – Indicator flashes and horn sounds when a fault in the VFD is detected. General – Indicator flashes when any of the alarms activate. For example, this indicator flashes and the horn sounds when IBOP Close pressure loss is detected. 4-5 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-6 of 30 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls Top Drive TDS TDS Mode TDS Direction Figure 4-4. Top Drive Controls TDS – There is a green button and a three-position momentary switch in this console area. Enable – Pushing this illuminated button enables top drive operation from the Driller’s Control Console. When the green indicator is illuminated, the operator has control of the top drive from the console, the lubrication pump and cooling system are turned on, and the hydraulic supply is ready for top drive operation. Torque Set – This three-position momentary switch allows the operator to set maximum drill and makeup torque setpoints. Turning the switch to DRILL and then turning the DRILL encoder knob sets the maximum drill torque for DRILL mode. Turning the switch to MAKEUP and then turning the MAKEUP encoder knob sets the maximum makeup torque for TORQE mode, in the FORWARD direction. This switch automatically returns to the center position (off) when released. 4-6 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-7 of 30 Operation 4 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls Top Drive TDS Mode – There are three illuminated buttons in this console area. Drill mode – When pushed, the green indicator illuminates to show that the top drive is in DRILL mode. This mode is used for normal drilling operations. When in this mode, the driller uses the DRILL and TDS RPM incremental encoder knobs to set drilling operation limits. Spin mode – When pushed, the green indicator illuminates to show that the top drive is in SPIN mode. This mode is used for shouldering up pipe while making up connections. When in this mode, the RPM and torque settings are fixed at standard SPIN mode rotational speed and torque values. Torque mode – When pushed and held, the green indicator illuminates to show that the top drive is in TORQUE mode. This mode is used for making up and breaking out connections. When this mode is selected in the FORWARD direction, RPM is fixed and torque gradually ramps up to the makeup torque setpoint. When this mode is selected in the REVERSE direction, RPM is fixed and torque gradually ramps up to the maximum torque of the top drive, or until the connection is broken, whichever happens first. TDS Direction – There are three buttons in this console area. Forward – When pushed, the rotational direction of the top drive is set to forward (clockwise), the lubrication pump starts, and rotation ramps up to the RPM setpoint. The green indicator illuminates when the top drive is assigned to rotate clockwise (forward). Off – When pushed, the top drive is de-assigned and rotation will stop. Reverse – When pushed, the rotational direction of the top drive is set to reverse (counterclockwise), the lubrication pump starts, and rotation ramps up to the RPM setpoint. The green indicator illuminates when the top drive is assigned to rotate counter-clockwise (reverse). 4-7 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-8 of 30 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls IBOP and Brake IBOP Brake Figure 4-5. IBOP and Brake Controls IBOP – The IBOP area has a yellow indicator and a switch. The yellow indicator is illuminated when the IBOP is closed. Turning the switch will open or close the IBOP. Brake – There are two controls in this console area: Auto – When pressed, the green indicator on this button illuminates to show that the motor brakes are in AUTO mode. In this mode, the brakes are automatically released when a speed command is sent to the VFD (in FWD or REV mode). The brakes are automatically set when the speed command is removed (OFF mode). On / Off – The red indicator on this button lights whenever the motor brakes have been applied and are engaged (ON). This indicator lights any time the brake is set, regardless of whether or not the button has been pressed. When this button is pressed once, the brakes are set and the light comes on. When pressed again, the light goes out to show the brakes have been released. 4-8 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-9 of 30 Operation 4 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls Pipe Handler Pipe Handler Figure 4-6. Pipe Handler Controls Link Tilt Float – When pressed, the elevator links float to the center position. When the elevator links are in float position, the green indicator illuminates. When the elevator links are in float position, the pipe handler can be rotated. Link Tilt Drill / Tilt – This is a three-position momentary switch. When switched to DRILL, the elevator links tilt to the Drilldown position. This position allows the top drive to continue operating close to the drill floor. When switched to TILT, the elevator links extend the elevator to the Derrickman position. If the switch is released at Derrickman position, then reapplied, the links will tilt out to Mousehole position. When the switch is in the center position, the elevator links are held in the current position. Any time the switch is released, tilt motion stops immediately. 4-9 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-10 of 30 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls Pipe Handler TW Clamp Push and Hold – When this button is pressed and held: the pipe handler rotates counter-clockwise into position the pipe handler locking mechanism locks the pipe handler in place the torque wrench clamp engages Once engaged, the clamp is used to make up and break out connections. The clamp is used to make up connections when the top drive is in TORQUE mode and when the FORWARD direction is selected. The torque will gradually ramp up to the MAKEUP torque limit setpoint. The clamp is used to break out connections when the top drive is in TORQUE mode and when the REVERSE direction is selected. The torque will gradually ramp up to 125% of the preset make-up torque limit. If break-out torque is insufficient to break out the connection, exit TORQUE mode and increase the MAKEUP torque limit setpoint. The clamp disengages when the TW Clamp Push and Hold button is released. The pipe handler clamp will not engage if the top drive motor brakes are applied. The pipe handler clamp will not engage if the elevator links are not in float position Refer to the section titled "Torque Wrench Auto Mode" on page 4-11 for information about the Torque Wrench Auto Mode button. PH Rotate CCW / CW – Turning this three-position momentary switch to the right rotates the pipe handler clockwise. Turning the switch to the left rotates the pipe handler counterclockwise. When released, the spring-centered switch returns to the off position (center) and the pipe handler stops. The pipe handler will not rotate if the elevator links are tilted to any off-center position. 4-10 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-11 of 30 Operation 4 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Auto Mode When this button is pressed, the light turns green and the torque wrench will operate automatically. When the torque wrench is in Auto Mode, the operator can move directly from Drill mode to Torque mode and initiate automatic make-up or break-out operations, depending on the direction of rotation. Auto Mode Sequence: FORWARD Rotation 1. Operator switches from Drill mode to Torque mode. 2. Rotating Link Adapter jogs and the shot pin locks rotation. 3. The torque wrench clamp closes. 4. The top drive spins in the connection. The VFD provides feedback that the connection is shouldered. 5. The top drive ramps up torque to the make-up torque setpoint. If the pipe slips or the operator releases the Torque mode button before the sequence reaches the make-up torque setpoint, the sequence is aborted, the top drive is turned off, and the brake is set. 6. The operator releases the Torque mode button. 7. Torque ramps down and the clamp releases. Auto Mode Sequence: REVERSE Rotation 1. Operator switches from Drill mode to Torque mode. 2. Rotating Link Adapter jogs and the shot pin locks rotation. 3. The torque wrench clamp closes. 4. The top drive gradually ramps up torque to the maximum torque of the top drive, or until the VFD provides feedback indicating the connection is broken. When the connection breaks, the torque drops back to the spin torque setpoint. 5. The top drive spins out the connection. 6. The operator releases the Torque mode button. 7. Rotation stops and the clamp releases. 4-11 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-12 of 30 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls E-Stop, BX Elevator, Counterbalance, and Dolly E-Stop Counterbalance Dolly BX Elevator Figure 4-7. E-Stop, BX Elevator, Counterbalance, and Dolly Controls Emergency Stop – The Emergency Stop button is hard-wired to the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). When pressed, the: VFD slows down the shaft speed and then shuts off power to the top drive shuts off hydraulic supply shuts off motor brakes are applied To reset the system, reset the VFD and physically pull this switch back to its original position. 4-12 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-13 of 30 Operation 4 Stateless Driller’s Control Console Controls E-Stop, BX Elevator, Counterbalance, and Dolly BX – There are two controls in this console area: BX Elevator – This is a three-position switch. (The center position is neutral.) Open opens the elevator and releases the pipe. Armed arms the elevator. This readies the hydraulic cylinders in the elevator. In Armed mode, the elevator will automatically close and hold a pipe that enters the elevator. The yellow indicator illuminates when the elevator has closed on a pipe. BX Rotate – This is a three-position switch. (The center position is neutral.) Down tilts the elevator down. Up tilts the elevator up. This allows the elevator to be better positioned for pipe handling from multiple locations. Counterbalance – The counterbalance area has a green button indicator. When pressed once, the light illuminates to indicate the counterbalance system is in Stand Jump mode, retracting the counterbalance cylinders. When pressed again, the light goes out to indicate that the counterbalance system has returned to DRILL mode. Stand Jump mode is typically used immediately before breaking out a connection. When the button is pressed, the top drive is lifted slightly off the connection by elevated pressure to the cylinders. Normally, the counterbalance pressure is set to about 1100 psi. During Stand Jump, 300 psi is added. Dolly – The dolly area has a three-position momentary switch. The switch is used to extend the dolly or retract the dolly to the guide beam. 4-13 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-14 of 30 Operation Stateless Driller’s Control Console Meters and Limit Adjustment Knobs Torque Meter RPM Meter Limit Knobs Figure 4-8. Meters and Limit Adjustment Knobs TORQUE meter – Shows the drill pipe torque in ft-lb (x 1000) increments from 0 to 80,000 ft-lb. In DRILL mode, the torque limit is set by the DRILL torque encoder knob below the meter. In TORQUE mode and in the FORWARD direction, the torque limit is set by the MAKEUP torque encoder knob below the meter. RPM meter – Shows the rotational speed of the top drive from 0 to 250 RPM. Rotational speed is controlled using the TDS RPM knob below the meter. Drill knob – Sets the maximum allowable drill pipe torque when in DRILL mode. The drilling torque limit is adjusted by turning the knob and observing the ft-lb of torque displayed in the TORQUE meter. Makeup knob – Sets the maximum allowable makeup torque in TORQUE mode, in the FORWARD direction. The makeup torque limit is adjusted by turning the knob and observing the ft-lb of torque displayed in the TORQUE meter. TDS RPM knob – This is the top drive throttle. It controls the speed of the drilling motor when in DRILL mode. The drilling speed is adjusted by turning the knob and observing the RPM displayed in the RPM meter. 4-14 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-15 of 30 Operation 4 Amphion™ Touchscreen Controls The equipment and rig configuration may include one or more Amphion™ Control System Touchscreen units in place of, or in addition to, the NOV Driller’s Control Console. This control system interface allows the driller to control top drive operations using a touchscreen display. Refer to the Amphion Operator’s Guide included with the complete NOV rig equipment documentation package for detailed Amphion control system information. Figure 4-9 shows an example of an Amphion touchscreen display. This is a typical display and may not represent your configuration. Figure 4-9. Default Top Drive Amphion Touchscreen 4-15 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-16 of 30 Operation Basic Usage Drilling Ahead with Singles Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Set slips on string Tilt links to mousehole Pickup single with elevator Lower block to stab motor into top of single Pull slips Latch drill pipe elevator around single Release link tilt Spin in motor and single Start circulation Stop circulation Close IBOP Breakout connection using pipehandler and drilling motor (in reverse) Stab bottom of single onto string Open IBOP Begin drilling Makeup both connections with motor in torque mode Makeup Open IBOP Link Tilt Close IBOP Stab Makeup Figure 4-10. Drilling Ahead With Singles 4-16 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-17 of 30 4 Operation Basic Usage Drilling Ahead with Triples Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Set slips on string Raise block Pickup stand with elevator Pull slips Stop circulation Tilt link tilt to derrickman Lower block to stab motor into top of stand Spin in motor and stand Begin drilling Breakout connection using pipehandler and drilling motor (in reverse) Stab bottom of stand onto string Start circulation Makeup both connections with motor Makeup Link Tilt Start Circulation Stop Circulation Stab Makeup Figure 4-11. Drilling Ahead With Triples 4-17 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-18 of 30 Operation Basic Usage Back Reaming Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Hoist while circulating and rotating Set slips on string Hoist free stand with elevator Setback stand using link tilt Lower block, stab motor into string When 3rd connection surfaces, stop rotation and circulation Break out connection using pipehandler and drilling motor (reverse) Spin in motor and make up connection with motor Break out and spin out stand at floor Start circulation, pull slips, hoist and rotate Breakout Hoist Setback Hoist and Rotate Breakout Figure 4-12. Back Reaming 4-18 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-19 of 30 Operation 4 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Tool joint locks become a pinching hazard once they are loosened. Make sure to support them as they are loosened. The tool joint locks can fall and injure rig personnel. Breaking out the Saver Sub During normal operation, the torque backup clamp cylinder is sitting on the springs, which are supported by the spring plate of the torque arrestor. Refer to Figure 4-13 for the following steps. 1. Loosen the tool joint lock between the saver sub and the lower IBOP valve by unscrewing all the bolts. Refer to the tool joint lock assembly and disassembly procedures in the Maintenance chapter. Slide the tool joint lock down until it rests on the clamp cylinder body. 2. Raise the clamp cylinder until the clamp cylinder positioning slot lines up with the first hole on the torque arrestor. Insert the safety pin through the clamp cylinder and torque arrestor. 3. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the clamp cylinder to clamp on the saver sub by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 4. Switch the drilling motor to REVERSE to break out the connection. 5. Once the connection is broken out, switch to SPIN and allow the motor to spin until the saver sub and lower IBOP valve separate. Remove the safety pin. Lower the clamp cylinder with the saver sub. The saver sub is ready for removal. 6. Unclamp the saver sub by releasing the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. Stand clear. The saver sub must be supported before unclamping it. It will fall through the bottom of the stabbing guide if not supported. 4-19 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-20 of 30 Operation Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Breaking Out the Saver Sub CB1 CB2 V1 CB1 CB2 V2 V1 V2 Upper IBOP Valve Clamp Body Positioning Holes Lower IBOP Valve 1 Tool Joint Lock Loosen Screws Torque Arrestor Clamp Cylinder Safety Pin 2 Tool Joint Lock Rest on Clamp Cylinder Positioning Slot Saver Sub 3 Clamp Cylinder 4 Select TORQUE mode. 5 TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD. 6 Drilling Motor REVERSE. 7 Drilling Motor SPIN. Raise to Next Hole In Torque Arrestor 8 Support Saver Sub and release from Torque Back-up Clamp Cylinder. Figure 4-13. Breaking Out the Saver Sub 4-20 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-21 of 30 Operation 4 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Making up the Saver Sub 1. Manually screw in the replacement saver sub into the lower IBOP valve. To manually screw in the replacement saver sub into the lower IBOP valve: a. Raise the clamp cylinder until the lower IBOP valve is exposed below the stabbing guide (a pup joint may be used). b. Lower the clamp cylinder until the hole and the correct clamp position lines up. c. Insert the clamp positioning safety pin. 2. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the clamp cylinder to clamp on the saver sub by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 3. Switch the drilling motor to FORWARD. Select SPIN mode and rotate the drilling motor until the saver sub shoulders against the lower IBOP valve. Select TORQUE mode and apply the correct torque. 4. Release the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button to unclamp. Lower the clamp cylinder all the way to its lowest position. 5. Position the tool joint lock correctly and follow the proper assembly procedure described in the Tool Joint Locks section. Breaking out the Lower IBOP Remove the saver sub first, as described in the previous section. Refer to Figure 4-14 for the following steps. 1. Loosen the tool joint lock between the lower IBOP valve and the upper IBOP valve by unscrewing the bolts. Slide the tool joint lock down until it rests on the tool joint lock sitting on the clamp cylinder body. 2. Raise the clamp cylinder (along with the two tool joint locks) until the clamp cylinder positioning slot lines up with the second hole on the torque arrestor. Insert the pin. 3. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the clamp cylinder to clamp on the lower IBOP by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 4. Switch the drilling motor to REVERSE to break out the connection. 5. Once the connection is broken out, switch to SPIN and allow the motor to spin until the lower IBOP valve and upper IBOP valve separate. 6. Remove the safety pin. Lower the clamp cylinder with the lower IBOP. The lower IBOP is ready for removal. 7. Unclamp the IBOP valve by releasing the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. Stand clear. The lower IBOP valve and saver sub must be supported before unclamping them. They will fall through the bottom of the stabbing guide if not supported. 4-21 4 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-22 of 30 Operation Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Breaking out the Lower IBOP CB1 CB2 V1 CB1 CB2 V2 V1 V2 Torque Arrestor Upper IBOP Valve Lower IBOP Valve 7 Clamp Cylinder Safety Pin Loosen Screws 8 1 Rest on Clamp Cylinder Tool Joint Lock Loosen Screws 9 Raise Clamp Cylinder to Next Hole 2 Tool Joint Lock Rest on Clamp Cylinder Clamp Cylinder 3 Raise to Next Hole In Torque Arrestor 4 Select TORQUE mode. 10 Select TORQUE mode. 5 TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD. 11 TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD. 6 Drilling Motor REVERSE. 12 Drilling Motor REVERSE. 13 Drilling Motor SPIN. 14 Support IBOP Valve and Release From Torque Back-up Clamp Cylinder Figure 4-14. Breaking out the Lower IBOP 4-22 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-23 of 30 Operation 4 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Making up the Lower IBOP 1. Screw in the replacement saver sub and the lower IBOP valve together manually and stand them under the clamp cylinder (a pup joint may be used to support it). Position the clamp cylinder by stabbing over the lower IBOP valve. Make sure the lower IBOP valve comes up through both tool joint locks sitting on the clamp cylinder body. 2. Tighten four alternate screws on the top tool joint lock to secure it to the lower IBOP valve to provide a temporary shoulder to support the weight of the lower IBOP valve and the saver sub. Make sure all four screws are tightened sufficiently so that the tool joint will not slide through when the clamp cylinder is raised. 3. Select SPIN and FORWARD modes. 4. Raise the clamp cylinder with the lower IBOP valve and saver sub while rotating the upper IBOP to engage the threads. Once the upper IBOP valve and the lower IBOP valve start to spin together, stop the drilling motor. 5. Lower the clamp cylinder and line up the first slot and hole on the clamp cylinder and the torque arrestor. The clamp cylinder jaws line up with the saver sub. 6. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the torque backup clamp cylinder to clamp on the saver sub by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 7. Switch the drilling motor to FORWARD. Select SPIN mode and rotate the drilling motor. Select TORQUE mode, apply desired torque and make up both connections. 8. Release the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button to unclamp. Lower the clamp cylinder all the way down. 9. Loosen the temporarily made-up tool joint lock. Position both tool joint locks correctly and assemble. (See the Tool Joint Locks section.) 4-23 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-24 of 30 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Breaking out the Upper IBOP Refer to Figure 4-15 for the following steps. 1. Remove the saver sub and the lower IBOP first, as described previously. The saver sub and lower IBOP can be removed as one unit by breaking out the connection between the upper and lower IBOPs. 2. Lower the clamp cylinder with the broken out lower IBOP valve and the saver sub. 3. Unclamp the lower IBOP valve/saver sub assembly by releasing the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 4. Remove the two tool joint locks sitting on the clamp cylinder. Stand clear. The lower IBOP valve and saver sub must be supported before unclamping them. They will fall through the bottom of the stabbing guide if not supported. 5. Remove the IBOP actuator yoke by unpinning it. 6. Remove the two upper IBOP cranks by unscrewing the two sets of screws. 7. Loosen the top tool joint lock and let it sit on the actuator shell. 8. Raise the clamp cylinder with the actuator shell and the tool joint lock until the third slot and hole line up. Insert the safety pin. 9. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the clamp cylinder to clamp on the upper IBOP valve by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 10. Switch the drilling motor to REVERSE to break the connection. 11. Once the connection is broken out, switch to SPIN and allow the motor to spin until the upper IBOP valve and drive stem separate. 12. Remove the safety pin. Lower the clamp cylinder with the upper IBOP. The upper IBOP is ready for removal from the clamp cylinder. 13. Unclamp the upper IBOP valve by releasing the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button. 14. Remove the tool joint lock and actuator shell. 4-24 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-25 of 30 4 Operation Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Breaking out the Upper IBOP CB1 CB2 V1 CB1 CB2 V2 V1 V2 10 9 Upper IBOP Valve Tool Joint Lock Loosen Screws Clamp Cylinder Safety Pin Remove Actuator Yoke 1 Tool Joint Lock Loosen Screws 2 Tool Joint Lock Rest on Clamp Cylinder 11 Clamp Cylinder 8 3 Raise to Next Hole In Torque Arrestor Raise to Next Hole In Torque Arrestor Support Saver Sub/ Lower IBOP Valve and release from Clamp Cylinder. Remove Lower Tool Joint Locks. 4 Select TORQUE mode. 11 Select TORQUE mode. 5 TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD. 12 TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD. 6 Drilling Motor REVERSE. 13 Drilling Motor REVERSE. 7 Drilling Motor SPIN. 14 Drilling Motor SPIN. Figure 4-15. Breaking out the Upper IBOP 4-25 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-26 of 30 Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections Making up the Upper IBOP 1. Place the upper IBOP valve on the floor under the clamp cylinder so that the clamp cylinder can be stabbed over it (a pup joint may be used to support it). Lower the clamp cylinder so that the upper IBOP comes up through the clamp cylinder. 2. Place the actuator shell and tool joint lock over the upper IBOP and tighten four alternate locking screws to secure it to the upper IBOP, providing a temporary shoulder to support its weight. 3. Install the actuator shell and cranks. (Refer to the engineering drawing the Technical Drawing Package for details about actuator and crank installation.) 4. Raise the clamp cylinder with the upper IBOP valve while rotating the drive stem clockwise to engage the threads. Once the drive stem and upper IBOP valve start to spin together, stop the motor, switch to FORWARD and SPIN and press and hold the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button to spin in. 5. Spin the lower IBOP and saver sub into position (refer to the appropriate procedures in the previous sections). Make sure that the two tool joint locks are properly installed on the clamp cylinder and in the correct sequence. 6. Release the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button to unclamp. Lower the clamp cylinder until it lines up with the first hole, which is lined up with the saver sub. 7. Select TORQUE mode. Pressurize the clamp cylinder to clamp on the saver sub by pressing and holding the TW CLAMP PUSH AND HOLD button and apply desired torque to makeup all three connections. 8. Place the three tool joint locks at their respective joints. Install the three tool joint locks. (See the section titled Tool Joint Locks.) 9. Install the IBOP actuator yoke and secure it. 4-26 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-27 of 30 Operation 4 This page is intentionally blank. 4-27 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-28 of 30 Well Control The TDS-11SA can stab into the string at any point in the derrick. While drilling, the remotely controlled upper IBOP valve is available for immediate use as needed. On indication of a kick, use the following well control procedure in conjunction with standard well control procedures. Refer to section titled "Making and Breaking Tool Joint Connections" on page 4-19 for information about breaking out and making up connections. Procedure 1. On indication of a kick, set the slips and stab the top drive into the drill string connection. 2. Make up the connection. 3. Remotely close the upper IBOP. 4. Lower the string to the drill floor and reset the slips. 5. Manually close the lower IBOP. 6. Loosen the intermediate and bottom tool joint locks. Let them both slide down until they rest on top of the clamp cylinder body. 7. Raise the clamp cylinder and clamp onto the lower IBOP. 8. Break out the lower IBOP. 9. Remove the two joint locks loosened earlier. 10. Lower the clamp cylinder to Drill position and hoist the top drive clear of the connection. 11. Install the crossover sub and a well control check valve (provided by others) onto the lower IBOP. Make up both connections using the floor tongs or iron roughneck. 12. Slide the intermediate joint lock over the crossover sub and check valve and let it rest on top of the clamp cylinder body. 13. Place the spacer sub onto the check valve, lower the top drive and stab into the spacer sub. 14. Energize the clamp cylinder and make up the spacer sub to upper IBOP connection. 15. Lift the intermediate joint clamp and secure the connection between the upper IBOP and spacer sub. 16. Spin out the spacer sub to check valve connection while hoisting the top drive. 17. Proceed with standard well control procedures. Figure 4-16 shows the component configuration for normal drilling operations and for well control. 4-28 SM00856 Revision D Page 4-29 of 30 4 Operation Well Control Component Configuration Normal Drilling Well Control main shaft upper joint lock main shaft upper joint lock NC50 connection NC50 connection upper ibop intermediate joint lock NC50 connection upper ibop intermediate joint lock spacer sub drill pipe connection NC50 connection lower ibop bottom joint lock drill pipe NC50 connection saver sub drill pipe connection drill pipe drill pipe drill pipe connection check valve (supplied by others) drill pipe connection crossover sub NC50 connection The intermediate and bottom joint locks are removed when changing over to well control operations. The upper lock is not removed. lower ibop NC50 connection saver sub drill pipe connection The bottom joint lock is not used during well control operations. Reinstall this lock when the stack is reconfigured for normal drilling operations. drill pipe TDS11156 Figure 4-16. Well Control Component Configuration 4-29 4 Operation SM00856 Revision D Page 4-30 of 30 4-30 SM00856 Revision D Maintenance 5 Introduction The following sections describe periodic inspections and routine maintenance required to keep the TDS-11SA Top Drive functioning properly. In general, inspect all hoses and connections weekly. Inspect pins, bushings, and bearings monthly. Pre-Maintenance Checklist Documentation You Will Need Electrical Interconnects and Hydraulic Schematics TDS-11SA Technical Drawing Package TDS-11SA User Manual Recommended Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids (D811000719) Links Service Manual (D6350000870) Design Specification, Design Torque Standard (DS00008) Safety Wiring Procedure (ASP00019) Regulatory Standards You Will Use ASTM A 275, Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings ASTM E 709, Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing ASTM A 388, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings API RP 8B, Recommended Practice for Procedures for Inspections, Maintenance, Repair, and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment API SPEC 8C, Specification for Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment (PSL 1 and PSL 2) Spare Parts You May Need Refer to the documents that list spare parts in your User Manual and contact your NOV representative or an NOV Service Center. Spare Parts and Fluids Disposal The equipment owner is responsible for conforming to applicable regulatory policies, standards, and recycling guidelines when removing the equipment, dismantling equipment components, disposing of fluids, and disposing of consumable spare parts during and after maintenance. 5-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-2 of 98 Safety Precautions Warnings Avoid equipment damage or injury to personnel by paying close attention to the important safety notes highlighted as Notes, Cautions, and Warnings used throughout this manual. To avoid serious injury or death, read and understand the following warning advisories before performing maintenance or troubleshooting procedures. Complete all appropriate job safety analysis (JSA), permits, and crew safety briefings immediately prior to each maintenance activity or session. If, at any point during the maintenance session, the planned activities change for any reason, review the job safety requirements again to ensure the crew involved is aware of the changes in activities. Ensure all appropriate personal safety equipment is in good condition and used when necessary. Unless specifically noted in this manual, properly lock out the main power source before performing lubrication, inspection, or replacement procedures. Wear protective glasses to prevent eye injuries from fluids under pressure, as well as other hazards. Do not attempt any adjustments while the machine is moving. Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before performing maintenance procedures. Do not attempt repairs you do not understand. Use caution when draining lubricant. It can be hot. Never check for hydraulic leaks with your hands. Oil under pressure escaping from a hole can be nearly invisible and can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Always check for leaks with a piece of wood or cardboard and always wear protective eyewear when working on hydraulic components. Always discharge all accumulators before servicing the hydraulic system. 5-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-3 of 98 Maintenance 5 Safety Precautions Top drive maintenance requires personnel working at height and there exists the potential for injury or dropped objects. Equipment Records Keep a record book of all maintenance procedures performed. Date each procedure, followed by a description and the technician who performed it. This data is valuable for fault finding and problem solving, should technical problems arise. Procedures in this chapter relate to NOV-only components. See the appropriate vendor-supplied OEM manuals for inspection schedules and maintenance procedures for non-NOV equipment and components. Torque Values Refer to the Design Torque Standard (DS00008) in the equipment User Manual for the torque standards to follow when tightening component fasteners. Install bolts with anti-seize compound and tighten based on the Design Torque Standard (DS00008). This document is included in the equipment User Manual. Safety Wire (Lockwire) Procedures Refer to the Safety Wiring Procedure (ASP00019) in the equipment User Manual for the procedures required for installing safety wire (lockwire) on component fasteners. Secondary Retention Guidelines Refer to Design Guideline, Secondary Retention and Prevention of Dropped Objects (D411000342-SPC-001) in the equipment User Manual for information related to secondary retention of equipment components. Adhering to the recommendations and guidelines in this specification will greatly reduce any risk of components falling from installed equipment. 5-3 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-4 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection The following service intervals are based on average operating conditions. More frequent service intervals are required if you operate the equipment in conditions where excessive load, dusty or corrosive operating atmosphere, or extreme temperatures occur. Inspecting Rig Interface Components Inspection Schedule Daily Inspection Page Number Check guide beam lynch pins and retainer pins page 5-6 Make sure the top drive is aligned over well center page 5-7 Check all detent pins in the carriage page 5-9 Weekly Inspection Page Number Check crown padeye and hang-off link welds and fasteners page 5-5 Check guide beam joint pin bushing page 5-6 Check main and intermediate tieback welds and fasteners page 5-7, page 5-8 Check all carriage rollers page 5-9 Monthly Inspection Page Number Check crown padeye, cotter pin, shackle, and hang-off bores page 5-5 Check guide beam joint pin page 5-6 Yearly Inspection Page Number Check crown padeye page 5-5 Check guide beam joints page 5-6 Check main tieback link page 5-7 Check all carriage bogeys page 5-9 5-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-5 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link Crown Cotter Pin Replace if missing 2.1" (52 mm) minimum Yearly Monthly Crown Padeye Monthly Crown Padeye Visually inspect weld for cracks Shackle 2.0" (50 mm) minimum Monthly Shackle Inspect and replace if worn Monthly Hang-off Link Bores Inspect and repair if worn 1.5" (37 mm) minimum Hang-off Link Bores Weekly Typical all welds and connections Inspect clamped connections for tightness and double nuts. Inspect welds for cracks. Figure 5-1. Inspecting the Crown Padeye and Hang-Off Link 5-5 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-6 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage Guide Beam Joints ! Verify that the joint pins, retainer pins and lynch pins are in place and secure. Inspect joint pins and bushings for wear. Replace any worn or damaged components. Component Replace when Secure Bushings Inside diameter is more than 2.050 in (52.07 mm). Joint Pins Outside diameter is less than 1.963 in (49.86 mm). Daily Lynch Pin Weekly Bushing Inspect for wear replace as needed Yearly Typical Guide Beam Joint Monthly Joint Pin Inspect for wear replace as needed Daily Retainer Pin Monthly Inspect welds for cracks Figure 5-2. Inspecting the Guide Beam Joints 5-6 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-7 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage Main Tieback Guide Beam Bottom Section Daily Check that the tool is aligned directly over well center Main Spreader Beam Tieback Plate Yearly Tieback Link Inspect retainer pins, tieback hooks, and pivot pins for wear. Weekly Typical all welds and connections Inspect clamped connections for tightness and double nuts. Inspect welds for cracks. Auxiliary Spreader Beam Mast Leg Figure 5-3. Inspecting the Main Tieback 5-7 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-8 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage Intermediate Tieback Intermediate Tieback (Shown in Locked Position) Locking Bolt Pivot Point Weekly Typical all welds and connections Inspect clamped connections for tightness and double nuts. Inspect welds for cracks. Figure 5-4. Inspecting the Intermediate Tieback 5-8 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-9 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Guide Beam and Carriage Carriage Weekly Typical all rollers Inspect for uneven wear, damage and looseness, replace as required Yearly Bogey (16) Disassemble, inspect for wear, and relubricate Daily Typical all detent pins Verify that pins are in place and secure Figure 5-5. Inspecting the Carriage 5-9 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-10 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Illustrated Index Bail Page 5-19 S-Pipe Page 5-20 AC Motor Brakes (2) Page 5-28 AC Drilling Motors (2) Page 5-29 Washpipe Assembly Page 5-22 Gearbox Lubrication Pump Assembly Page 5-16 Gearbox Assembly Page 5-13 Gear Oil Filter Page 5-66 For AC motor and transmission lubrication see Page 5-66, 5-67 Figure 5-6. Motor Housing and Transmission Illustrated Index 5-10 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-11 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Inspection Schedule Daily Inspection Page Number Check for missing lockwire and cotter pins Check for loose or broken parts and leaks Check for damaged hoses and fittings Check the wash pipe assembly for leaks page 5-22 Check fluid levels and filter condition page 5-65 Weekly Inspection Page Number Check the AC motor louvers for damage page 5-29 Check the AC motor screens for contamination page 5-29 Monthly Inspection Check the flow of oil throughout the main body while the lube pump is running Check the blower motor assemblies for loose bolts Check brake pads for wear 6 Month Inspection Page Number page 5-13 page 5-28 Page Number Check the gear teeth for pitting and corrosive wear page 5-18 Check for primary and secondary gear set backlash page 5-18 Check the S-pipe for pitting, corrosion, or erosion page 5-20 Check the upper main shaft liner for erosion caused by leaking wash pip packing page 5-21 5-11 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-12 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Inspection Schedule Yearly Inspection Page Number Check the gearbox lubrication pump assembly for wear or damage page 5-17 Check bail, bushings and bail pins for wear page 5-19 Check the upper bearing retainer o-ring, bearing isolator, and oil seal for wear page 5-25 Check the radial grooves on the main shaft and the load collar for wear page 5-26 Perform a Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) on the main shaft, landing collar, and split load collar page 5-26 Check the main shaft for axial movement page 5-27 Meggar motors 5 Year Inspection Perform a Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Page Number page 5-56 5-12 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-13 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Internal Lubrication Flow Procedure Remove the 3 in pipe plugs from the main body and check the flow of oil coming from the four spray nozzles (two in the body, two in cover) while the lube pump is operating Check that oil is running out of the upper gear drain holes in each compound gear set (indicates upper orifice is not blocked) and that oil is running through the spillway running from the thrust bearing (indicates orifice is not blocked) Pipe Plug Pipe Plugs Monthly Upper Compound Gear Drain Hole Check flow Monthly Body Spray Nozzles Cover spray nozzles not shown Monthly Spillway Check flow Pipe Plug Remove using a 2 inch, 12 point socket Main Body Figure 5-7. Inspecting Internal Lubrication Flow 5-13 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-14 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Belt-Driven Encoder Adjustment Certain top drive models are equipped with non belt-driven encoders. Refer to the detailed engineering drawings in the Technical Drawing Package for information about non beltdriven encoders. Use the following procedure to adjust the encoder belt tension: 1. Remove the access covers. 2. Disconnect all of the electrical connectors from the encoder. 3. Remove the lockwire and loosen the four sled hold-down screws. 4. Allow the sled to move freely, allowing the belt tension spring to apply the proper tension to the belt. ! Do not tighten the belt by hand. 5. Carefully tighten the sled hold-down screws and torque them to 7 ft-lb. 6. Lockwire the sled hold-down screws. 7. Reconnect the encoder electrical connections. 8. Replace both access covers and tighten the access cover screws to 15 ft-lb and lockwire them. 5-14 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-15 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Belt-Driven Encoder Adjustment Belt Tension Spring Sled Hold-down Screws 4 Places View from Side Encoder Belt Sled View from Top (Blower Motor removed for clarity) Sled Electrical Connector Encoder Belt Encoder Belt Tension Spring Sled Hold-down Screws (Allow the sled to move freely before tightening) 4 Places Figure 5-8. Adjusting the Belt-Driven Encoder 5-15 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-16 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Gearbox Lube Pump Assembly Disassemble the gearbox lubrication pump assembly and inspect the pump assembly components yearly for wear and damage as follows: 1. Drain the gearbox oil and disconnect the hydraulic lines from the pump assembly. 2. Remove the pump assembly by removing the eight lockwired capscrews that attach the pump adapter plate to the main body. 3. Disassemble the spline adapter, pump, and housing using the pump vendor service instruction HS15 (located in the User Manual). 4. Inspect the pump assembly components, replacing any parts that are worn or damaged. Pay particular attention to the spline between the pump and motor, the gears, and the motor and pump side plates. 5. Assemble the lubrication pump assembly in the reverse order of disassembly. ! Follow the pump vendor service instruction HS15 (located in the User Manual) when assembling the lubrication pump components, and torque all fasteners in accordance with DS00008. ! When reinstalling the pump assembly into the main body, inspect the O-ring for damage. Replace the O-ring if any flat spots, nicks, or other damage is found. 6. Install the pump assembly into the main body. Torque the fasteners in accordance with DS00008, and reconnect the hydraulic and electrical connections. 5-16 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-17 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Gearbox Lube Pump Assembly End Cover Thrust Plate 2 Places Yearly Gearbox Lubrication Pump Assembly Check parts for wear or damage Ring Seal Body Seal 2 Places Gear Housing Roller Bearing 4 Places Gear Set Pump Adapter Plate Capscrew 10 Places Hydraulic Motor Low-Speed/High-Torque O-ring Main Body Procedure Drain the gearbox oil and disconnect the hydraulic lines from the pump assembly Remove the pump assembly by removing the ten lockwired capscrews that attach the pump adapter plate to the main body Disassemble using the drawings in the Technical Drawing Package as well as the pump vender service instruction Inspect and relace any parts that are worn or damaged Figure 5-9. Inspecting the Gearbox Lube Pump Assembly 5-17 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-18 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Gear Backlash A 6 Months Gear Teeth Check for wear, pitting, and gear set backlash B A Solid Wire Solder B Dim. A + Dim. B = Backlash Procedure Inspect the pump adapter plate at the same time the gear backlash is checked Drain the gearbox oil Remove the access cover and the pump adapter plate to check primary and secondary gear set backlash Run a piece of solid wire solder through the primary and secondary gear meshes and measure the thickness of the two flat spots made by the gear teeth surfaces with a micrometer If the primary gear mesh backlash exceeds .030 in. or the secondary gear mesh backlash exceeds .040 in., excessive gear wear or bearing failure may be indicated Check the gear teeth for pitting or corrosive wear at the same time the gear set backlash is checked Record backlash data for future reference Figure 5-10. Inspecting Gear Backlash 5-18 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-19 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Bail and Main Body Component Replace when Bushing Inner diameter is more than 4.450 in. Bail Pin Outer diameter is less than 4.125 in. Bail Yearly Bushing 2 Places Yearly Main Body Cover 5 Years Main Body 5 Years Bail Pin 2 Places Yearly Figure 5-11. Inspecting the Bail and Main Body 5-19 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-20 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission S-Pipe Procedure Wing Nut Unscrew the two nuts that hold the S-pipe in place along with the six bolts that secure the clamp to remove and inspect the S-pipe Clean the bore of the S-pipe and inspect for visible signs of pitting, corrosion, or erosion Seal Ring Plug Use a flashlight and mirror to visually inspect the bore of the S-pipe. A Bore-o-Scope is best for inspection, if available. 6 Months Pressure test to rated working pressure Remove and perform an ultrasonic inspection on the S-pipe if visual inspection indicates erosion or corrosion Check condition of the seals Apply pipe dope to the threads before re-installing 6 Months S-Pipe Check for visible signs of pitting, corrosion, or erosion (pitting or corrosion should be no deeper than 0.125 inch) Clamp Bolts Seal Ring Right-hand (inside of guard) configuration shown. Your S-pipe configuration may vary. Wing Nut Figure 5-12. Inspecting the S-Pipe 5-20 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-21 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Upper Main Shaft Liner Procedure Remove the wash pipe assembly Check the upper mainshaft liner for erosion caused by leaking wash pipe packing and replace the liner if erosion is found. The upper surface of the mainshaft liner must be flat and smooth The Polypack Seal must also be replaced whenever the upper stem liner is replaced Grease the Polypack Seal and clean the mainshaft bore before re-installing Make sure the O-ring of the seal is facing down when the seal is installed on the liner Wash Pipe Assembly 6 Months Upper Mainshaft Liner Replace ONLY if erosion is found during inspection Polypack Seal Polypack Seal Replace the Polypack Seal when the upper mainshaft liner is replaced Main Shaft Remove any corrosion found on bore of mainshaft Upper Mainshaft Liner Figure 5-13. Inspecting the Upper Main Shaft Liner 5-21 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-22 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Standard Washpipe If the optional NOV mechanical washpipe is installed in the unit, refer to the NOV Mechanical Washpipe Service Manual (D811000200-PRO-001) for detailed maintenance information. This manual is provided in the equipment User Manual. Assembly and Disassembly 1. With the packing box upside down, assemble the packing seals and spacers into the packing box using care to line up the upper spacer slot with the dowel pin. 2. Hand pack all seals with multipurpose lithium-based or high temperature molybased grease using care not to grease the outside diameter of the spacers. 3. Install the socket head dog nose screw, ensuring that the screw nose is fully engaged in the groove of the lower spacer. 4. Install the grease fitting and turn the packing box upright. 5. Install the wash pipe into the packing box assembly (slotted end up). 6. Install the wash pipe nut onto the wash pipe. 7. Grease the packing seal and install into the holding ring using care not to grease the outside diameter of the holding ring. 8. Install the packing seal and holding ring over the slotted end of the wash pipe. 9. Install the snap ring. 10. Install the upper and lower o-rings using grease to hold them in place. 11. Compress the assembly to the length of the wash pipe. Disassemble the washpipe packing in the reverse order of the above procedure. Refer to the Standard Washpipe Manual, SM01053, for additional information. Figure 5-14 shows disassembly and Figure 5-15 shows components that need to be inspected after disassembly. 5-22 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-23 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Standard Washpipe ! The wash pipe nut and the packing box have left-handed threads Slide the wash pipe nut and the packing box together for installation Dowel Pin Hand pack all seals with multipurpose lithium-based or high temperature moly-based grease completely filling the void Ensure that the nose of the socket head dog nose screw is fully engaged in the groove of the lower spacer Special Tools 3" Bore Wash Pipe Wrench Recommended for proper tightening of the wash pipe nut and packing box Figure 5-14. Inspecting the Washpipe (1 of 2) 5-23 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-24 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Standard Washpipe O-Ring Snap Ring Holding Ring Daily Packing Seal 5 per set Wash Pipe Assembly Inspect for leaks Wash Pipe Nut Upper Spacer Middle Spacer Wash Pipe Middle Spacer Packing Assembly Box Straight Ext. Grease Fitting Lower Spacer Socket Head Dog Nose Screw O-Ring Procedure Visually inspect the wash pipe assembly for leaks Replace any worn or damaged parts Apply pipe dope to the threads before installing in the Top Drive Figure 5-15. Inspecting the Washpipe (2 of 2) 5-24 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-25 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Upper Bonnet Seals Procedure Remove the bearing shield, the bearing retainer cap screws, and the bearing retainer Inspect the bearing isolator, the oil seal, and the retainer o-ring for wear Replace any worn or damaged parts Align the shims so that the bearing lube tube bore is not blocked Bearing Retainer Cap Screw 6 Places Bearing Shield Bearing Retainer Lube Tube Oil Seal Bearing Shield Bearing Isolator Bearing Retainer Cap Screw 6 Places Bearing Retainer Retainer O-Ring Lube Tube O-Ring 2 Places Yearly Retainer O-Ring Yearly Bearing Isolator Yearly Oil Seal Lube Tube Shims Hand pack the void with grease Figure 5-16. Inspecting the Upper Bonnet Seals 5-25 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-26 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Main Shaft and Load Collar Component Replace when Stem Grooves Groove width (female) is greater than 0.650 in. Load Collar Grooves Groove width (male) is less than 0.579 in. Stem 5 Years Split Load Collar Yearly Radial Grooves Inspect for groove wear and pitting 0.650 max Radial Grooves Inspect for groove wear and pitting Yearly Yearly 0.579 min Retainer Ring Figure 5-17. Inspecting the Main Shaft and Load Collar 5-26 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-27 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Main Shaft End Play Dial Indicator Bearing Retainer Cap Screw 6 Places Mainshaft Check for axial movement Yearly Shims Bearing Retainer Procedure Check mainshaft endplay with every washpipe changeout Remove the washpipe assembly Check the mainshaft axial movement by applying an upward force to the mainshaft and measuring the amount of axial movement with a dial indicator If axial shaft movement is not .001 in. to .002 in., remove the bearing retainer and adjust the number of shims under the bearing retainer as required to allow .001 in. to .002 in. of axial shaft movement (end play) with the bearing retainer capscrews tightened to 250-270 ft lb Figure 5-18. Inspecting Main Shaft End Play 5-27 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-28 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Motor Brakes Procedure Remove the brake housing covers to access the drilling motor brakes Inspect the brake pads for wear, and replace the pads if worn below the allowable lining wear limit If the brake pads are wearing unevenly, adjust the pads by adjusting the bolts on the brake calipers to acheive an equal gap as descibed below Calipers and Pads Check pads for wear Inspect the brake hydraulic lines for leaks Never check for hydraulic leaks with your hands. Oil under pressure escaping from a hole can be nearly invisible and can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Always check for leaks with a piece of wood or cardboard. Caliper Mounting Bolts Monthly Brake Rotor Steel Plate 0.09 in. Min. Adjust Caliper Mounting Bracket Brake Pads Equal Gap Figure 5-19. Inspecting the Motor Brakes 5-28 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-29 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Drilling Motors Procedure Check for missing or damaged louvers Check screens for contamination Check motor leads for damage Check for missing lockwire Megger motors yearly Weekly Motor Leads Check for damage Weekly Louvers Check for damage Weekly Screen Check for contamination Figure 5-20. Inspecting the Drilling Motors 5-29 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-30 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the Motor Housing and Transmission Transmission Stem Sleeve Taper Roller Bearing Main Body Cover Cap Screw Upper Spray Nozzles Dowel Pin Upper Compound Roller Bearing Lock Washer Dowel Pin Bull Gear Internal Retaining Ring Compound Gear Upper Stem Liner Internal Retaining Ring Spacer Ring Lower Compound Roller Bearing Poly Pack Seal Oil Gallery O-Ring Bearing Lock Washer Main Shaft Stem Internal Locknut Retainer Main Body O-Ring Tapered Roller Thrust Bearing Main Body Main Shaft Sleeve Lower Main Bearing Lube Plate Oil Assembly Lock Washer Bearing Retainer Main Lower Roller Bearing Wear Sleeve Cap Screw Figure 5-21. Disassembling/Assembling the Transmission 5-30 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-31 of 98 Maintenance 5 This page is intentionally blank. 5-31 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-32 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Illustrated Index Rotating Link Adapter Page 5-52 Link Tilt Page 5-38 IBOP Actuator Yoke and Cylinder Page 5-46 Stabilizer Page 5-44 IBOP Stack Page 5-49 Clamp Cylinder Body Page 5-40 to 5-43 Stabbing Guide Page 5-42 For pipehandler lubrication see Page 5-64 Drill Pipe Elevator and Elevator Links Page 5-36 Figure 5-22. PH-75 PIpe Handler Illustrated Index 5-32 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-33 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Before beginning any inspection procedures, make sure to read and understand the warnings in the section titled "Safety Precautions" on page 5-2. Failure to adhere to these warnings could result in severe injury or death. Inspection Schedule Daily Inspection Page Number Check for missing lockwire and cotter pins Check for loose or broken parts and leaks Check for damaged hoses and fittings Check tong dies for wear page 5-42 Check clamp cylinder for leaks page 5-42 Check hoses for wear or damage page 5-46 Check tool joint locks for tightness page 5-48 Check upper and lower IBOP valves for proper operation page 5-49 Weekly Inspection Page Number Check link tilt clamps for position and tightness page 5-37 Check stabbing guide and flippers for damage and wear page 5-42 Check clamp cylinder gate hinge pin for wear page 5-42 Check IBOP actuator cylinder for leaks page 5-46 Check IBOP actuator cam followers for wear or excessive play page 5-46 Check upper and lower IBOPs and IBOP crank for damage (if equipped) page 5-49 Check shot pin assembly for leaks page 5-51 5-33 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-34 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Inspection Schedule Monthly Inspection Page Number Check elevator link eyes for wear page 5-36 Check link tilt bushings for wear page 5-39 Check link tilt actuator cylinders for leaks page 5-39 Check link tilt actuator cylinder pins for wear page 5-39 Check clamp cylinder body wear bushings for wear page 5-42 Check stabilizer springs for damage page 5-44 Check front and rear stabilizers for wear page 5-44 Check pins and bushing on IBOP actuator cylinder and yoke for wear page 5-46 Check shot pin assembly for wear page 5-51 Yearly Inspection Page Number Check piston ring for pitting and chipping page 5-53 Check stem for pitting, grooves and chipping page 5-53 Replace GLYD rings, o-rings, and bushings on rotating link adapter page 5-53 5 Year Inspection Perform a Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Page Number page 5-56 5-34 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-35 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Stopping and Starting the Top Drive Shutting Down the Top Drive Starting Up the Top Drive Use the following procedure before performing any work on the top drive. Before turning the main power back on, be sure that all rig personnel are well clear of the top drive, pipehandler and all link tilt system components. Operate the Link Tilt control on the console to the FLOAT position prior to shutting down the top drive. Make sure that the elevator links are hanging vertically. Turn the IBOP valve control to the OPEN position on the console. Turn the main power OFF at the main power breaker in the VFD house. Turn the hydraulic control switch on the top drive hydraulic manifold from RUN to SHUTDOWN mode. Attempt to function test the LINK TILT (Derrickman and Drilldown), the IBOP, and pipehandler left and right rotation. If none of these functions operate, all hydraulic pressure is off. Rig-up/Run/ Shutdown Valve Shown in RIG-UP position (switch to RUN after the counterbalance is installed) Typical location for Rig-up/Run/ Shutdown Valve. This valve may be in a different location on your top drive. RUN RIG-UP SHUTDOWN Turn the hydraulic control switch on the top drive from SHUTDOWN to RUN mode. Turn the main power ON at the main power breaker in the VFD house. Reset brake. You may then function test the top drive after repairs have been made. S H N U T U R D O W N COUNTERBALANCE MODE E C N P LA -U BA R IG TE R N U O C E D O M Hydraulic Manifold Figure 5-23. Stopping and Starting the Top Drive 5-35 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-36 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Elevator Links Once a month, use calipers to measure the amount of wear on the elevator link eyes. Compare the measurement with the link wear charts in the Links User Manual (D6350000870). This manual is included in the equipment User Manual. Complete the following steps to remove the elevator links for inspection: 1. Disconnect and remove the drill pipe elevator from the elevator links. 2. Using the driller’s control console, rotate the pipe handler 90° to position one of the elevator links directly below the front of the motor guard. (There is a recess at the front of the motor guard that allows the elevator link to be hoisted away from the pipe handler.) 3. Remove the catch link bolt from the catch link. 4. Remove the clevis pin from the link, which connects the link tilt to the elevator link. 5. Using the sling, hoist the elevator link away from the pipe handler. 6. Rotate the pipe handler 180°, repeat the procedure to remove the other elevator link. 5-36 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-37 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Elevator Links Recess in Motor Guard Catch Link Pin Elevator Link 2 Lift and remove Link Tilt Link Catch Monthly 26" (635mm) Typical Clevis Pin Elevator Link Eyes Inspect for wear (see table) Rear Pipehandler Rotate Switch Weekly EH Link Tilt Clamps Inspect for position and tightness T AN SH PU PIP T IL K TT LIN OA FL U HP / ON TO AU QU E Front E AT CW OT R PH CC W T ILT TIL T INK L 1 ILL DR Rotate Driller’s Control Console E RS VE I NC CY GEN ER OP EM ST EUP QUE L DRIL I NC TD BX OR N VAT OPE ELE I NC BX ED A SE RE ARM CE LAN UMP RBA NDJ NTESTA COUL / DRIL L ERA GEN R LE D ND CLAMP HOL HA TWH AND PUS PIPE VFD LT FAU TILT LINK AT FLO DRIL RTE OVE A SE RE TD MA KEU P E DECR EAS DR ILL OR VAT ELESED BX CLO HPU/ ON O AUT SS PRE OIL S LOS QUE TD ATE CW TOR DE WER BLO S LOS PH S MO ROT CCW SPIN TILT TILT / LINK NCE SILECK RM CHE ALA P LAM L DRIL L DRIL BR AK E N IO O AUT TD IBOP SED D CLO WAR FOR KE BRAOFF / ON SE CLO IBOP N OPE Monthly PM SR ECREASE D BLE ENA MS AR AL L MOTMPOR A SE RE E DE CR EAS SET MAK S TOR E ERS REV CT RE S DI OFF Take care when inspecting elevator links. Links weigh up to 2,400 lb (11,00 kg) and can fall if handled improperly. Elevator Link Eyes Inspect for wear (see table) Figure 5-24. Inspecting the Elevator Links 5-37 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-38 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Link Tilt 1. Shut down the power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the link tilt cylinders and cap all connections. 3. Unpin and remove the link tilt cylinders. 4. Unpin and remove the link tilt crank. Use the recommended spanner wrench to remove the rod gland seal. 5-38 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-39 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Link Tilt Pins Inspect for wear replace as needed Monthly Bushings should be pressed in using the mating pin as an installation mandrel. Monthly Bushings Inspect for wear replace as needed Monthly Link Tilt Actuator Cylinders Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks Yearly Pipehandler Dissassemble and inspect per illustration Link Tilt Monthly Component Replace when Pins Wear exceeds .06 in. on diameter as measured by comparing worn surfaces to un-worn surfaces Bushings Metal backing is visible through the lining End cap of the metal backing exceeds .04 in. wear Bushings Inspect for wear replace as needed Monthly Moving Components Observe operation and look for excessive wear and replace as needed Figure 5-25. Inspecting the Link Tilt 5-39 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-40 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Disassembling/Assembling the Clamp Cylinder Body 1. Shut down the power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines on the clamp cylinder body and cap all connections. 3. Support the clamp cylinder body. 4. Remove the two hex-head capscrews and lockwashers that hold the end cap in place. 5. Remove the end cap, spring spacer, spring sleeve, and spring. 6. Slowly lower the clamp cylinder body off the torque wrench frame and move it to a suitable work area. 7. Remove the 16 hex-head screws and lockwashers that hold the wear bushings on the clamp cylinder body. 8. Remove the four wear bushings, and replace the wear bushings as necessary. 9. Remove the two hinge pin retainer hex-head screws. 10. Swing out the two hinge pin retainers. 11. Remove the two hinge pins. 12. Remove the gate, front jaw, front stabilizer, and front stabbing guide. 13. Remove the two socket-head capscrews and hi-collar washers from the front jaw. 14. Remove the front jaw from the gate. 15. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for the rear jaw. 16. Push the cylinder head in enough to relieve the load on the cylinder head ring. Remove the cylinder head ring. Use care in this operation. 17. Slowly pull out the cylinder head using the threaded holes. Remove and discard the piston seal. 18. Carefully push the piston out of the body. Remove and discard the piston seal. 19. Remove the wiper rod and rod seal from the body. Discard the seals. 20. Clean the piston, cylinder head, and the body. Clean and lightly lubricate the new seals and seal surfaces prior to reassembly. Use recommended spanner wrench to remove the rod gland seal. Assembly is performed in reverse order of disassembly. 5-40 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-41 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Clamp Cylinder Safety Pin Store Position Torque Arrestor Clamp Cylinder Safety Pin Clamp Cylinder Hanger Clamp Cylinder Assembly Spring Spring Post Bottom Plate Support clamp cylinder body before removing Bottom Plate. Figure 5-26. Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body 5-41 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-42 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Socket-head Capscrews Stabilizer Liner Jaw Retainer Hex-head Screw Hinge Pin Retainer Hi-collar Washers Rod Seal Wiper Rod Stabilizer Liner Rear Jaw Screw Front Stabilizer Washer Hinge Pin Front Jaw Gate Nut Spring Front Stabbing Guide Retainer Cylinder Head Ring Front Stabbing Guide Arm Guide Cylinder Head Spring Piston Seal Piston Seal Piston Figure 5-27. Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body 5-42 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-43 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly CB1 CB2 Component Replace when Stabilizer Wear exceeds 1/8 in. (radius >3.625") Flippers Wear exceeds 1/8 in. (radius >3.625") Gate Hinge Pins Wear exceeds .06 in. V1 V2 Front and Rear Stabilizers Inspect for wear Clamp Cylinder Gate Hinge Pin Check for pin wear, replace as necessary Weekly 6 Months Tong Dies Inspect for excessive wear Daily Clamp Cylinder Check for leaks, replace seals as necessary Daily Swing Clear Weekly Clamp Cylinder Gate Shown open Weekly Flippers Inspect for damage and excessive wear Stabbing Guide Inspect for damage Figure 5-28. Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body 5-43 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-44 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Stabilizer Procedure Remove the two screws (with slotted nuts and cotter pins) that hold the front stabilizer Check the springs for damage and replace if needed Pack spring cavities with grease and reassemble Be sure all safety wire, cotter pins, and screws are tight, and tighten or replace as necessary. Screw Washer Nut 6 Month Stabilizer Springs Check for damage, replace as necessary Cotter Pin Figure 5-29. Inspecting the Stabilizer 5-44 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-45 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke Disassembling the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke 1. Shut down the power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Remove one gate hinge pin, open the gate, and pull back the torque wrench assembly. 3. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the IBOP actuator cylinder and cap all connections. 4. Unpin and remove the IBOP actuator cylinder and yoke. 5. Replace the hydraulic lines as necessary. 6. Check for cylinder leaks. 5-45 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-46 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke Daily Weekly 6 Months Hoses Replace if worn or damaged Actuator Cylinder and Yoke Check for looseness, etc. Actuator Cylinder and Yoke Dissassemble and inspect per illustration Weekly IBOP Actuator Cylinder Check for leaks, tighten fittings Monthly Pins and Bushings Check for wear or excessive play Monthly Weekly IBOP Actuator Yoke Check pins and bushings for wear or excessive play IBOP Actuator Yoke Check cam followers for wear or excessive play Component Replace when Pins Wear exceeds .06 in. on diameter Bushings Metal backing is visible through the lining End cap of the metal backing exceeds .04 in. wear Bushings should be pressed in using the mating pin as an installation mandrel Figure 5-30. Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke 5-46 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-47 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Tool Joint Locks Assembling/Disassembling the Tool Joint Locks ! Do not reuse locking screws. 1. Lubricate the locking screw threads, screw head bearing area, and the tapers of the inner rings with molybdenum disulfide grease, such as Molykote Gn paste. 2. Make sure the save sub, IBOPs, and main shaft are free of “high spots”, such as tong marks. If high spots exist, remove with file or light grinding. 3. Slide the tool joint lock over the main shaft, IBOP valves, and saver sub. 4. Clean the IBOP valves, main shaft, and saver sub surfaces thoroughly. Make sure these surfaces are smooth and free of grease, oil, and pipe dope. 5. Locate the tool joint lock symmetrically at each joint. ! Never tighten locking screws before the tool joint lock is at the correct location, otherwise it will not slide freely. 6. Take any three or four locking screws equally spaced and tighten them to establish parallel or perpendicular position of the tool joint lock collars relative to the main shaft, IBOP valves, and saver sub respectively. This properly seats the collars on the taper of the inner ring and aligns the collars. 7. Using a torque wrench, tighten all locking screws gradually in either a clockwise or counterclockwise sequence (not in a diametrically opposite sequence). Continue tightening all of the screws until they reach 185 +/- 5 ft-lb. 8. Make sure no screw turns any more. The gap between the tool joint collars should be as equal as possible all the way around. 9. Safety wire all screws. 5-47 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-48 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Tool Joint Locks Tool Joint Lock to be Equally Spaced on Upper IBOP and Main Stem Joint Connection 1.4" Tool Joint Shoulder 1.4" Remove O-Ring and Look through this Space and Split on Inner Ring Tapered Inner Ring Tool Joint Lock to be Offset on Upper and Lower IBOP Joint Connection Tool Joint 1.0" Shoulder I.D. Groove First Line Up this Point with the Tool Joint Shoulder. Then Move Inner Ring Down 3/8" with the Outer Assembly. Replace O-Ring Daily 1.4" 1.4" Tool Joint Shoulder Tool Joint Locks Inspect for loose bolts. Repair or replace if necessary. Torque to 1855 ft lb. Tool Joint Lock to be Equally Spaced on Lower IBOP and Saver Sub Joint Connection Removing the Tool Joint Locks Gradually release the locking screws all the way around. Initially release each screw about a quarter of a turn, avoid tilting and jamming the collars. Do not remove the screws completely at this time, otherwise the collars may spring off. Remove any rust formed or dirt collected adjacent to the tool joint lock. Once the screws are loose, remove the tool joint lock from the saver sub, IBOP valves, and main shaft. Figure 5-31. Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks 5-48 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-49 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler IBOP Valves and Saver Sub Close Component Replace when Saver Sub Threads have been recut to a minimum shoulder-to-shoulder length of 5 in. Weekly Daily Upper IBOP (Remote) Inspect for damage Valve Check for proper operation and pressure test for leaks Weekly Open IBOP Crank (Remote) Inspect for damage Weekly Daily Lower IBOP (Manual) (Optional) Inspect for damage Valve Check for proper operation and pressure test for leaks 5 Years Upper and Lower IBOP Figure 5-32. Inspecting the IBOP Valves and Saver Sub 5-49 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-50 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Shot Pin Assembly Disassembling the Shot Pin Assembly 1. Disconnect the hydraulic and electrical lines. 2. Remove the capscrews that attach the shot pin assembly to the main body. 3. Remove the capscrew and lockwasher holding the shot pin cover in place. 4. Remove the shot pin components as shown in Figure 5-33 (end cap, o-rings, rod seal assembly, shot pin). 5. Inspect the shot pin bearing and press the bearing out of the shot pin mounting bracket if the bearing is scored or damaged. 6. Remove the capscrew and lockwasher that hold the pinion gear in place, and remove the gear. 7. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers that hold the hydraulic motor in place and remove the motor. 8. Inspect the disassemble parts and replace any worn or damaged parts. Assemble the shot pin in the reverse order of disassembly. 5-50 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-51 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Shot Pin Assembly Component Replace when Shot Pin Outer diameter is less than 1.375 in. Shot Pin Sleeve Inner diameter is greater than 1.510 in. Gear Shaft Flanged Bearing Hydraulic Motor Compound Gear Hydraulic Manifold Dowel Pin Flanged Bearing Bearing Weekly Drive Gear Shot Pin Assembly Check for leaks, tighten fittings Bearing Shot Pin Housing Assembly Rod Seal Assembly Monthly Shot Pin Check for wear, remove burrs Bearing Retainer Rod Seal Assembly Monthly Shot Pin Sleeve Check for wear O-ring Retaining Ring Shot Pin Flange Bushing Figure 5-33. Inspecting the Shot Pin Assembly 5-51 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-52 of 98 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem Removing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) 1. Drain the oil from the gearbox. 2. Disconnect and cap all tubing, remove the shot pin assembly and the landing collar. 3. Build a support over well center to support the weight of the link adapter. 4. Lower the top drive to the support built in Step 3. 5. Remove the bolts that attach the load stem to the main body. 6. Raise the top drive slowly to separate the link adapter from the main body. 7. Move the link adapter assembly to a clean, safe work area. 8. Orient the assembly with the stem flange up and block the entire assembly so that it is secure in this position. Disassembling the Rotating Link Adapter 1. Attach a 3-point sling to the stem and pull the stem out of the link adapter. 2. Turn the stem over and place it on its flange. ! Protect the internal surfaces of the rotating link adapter and the surfaces of the drive stem when separating the two components. When removing the rotating link adapter from the stem, carefully tap with a mallet. There can be misalignment between the two bores when raising the drive stem and gear assembly. The piston ring is assembled with a light press fit. Provide a support under the gear so that it does not drop when it breaks loose. 3. Remove and discard all rotary seals, O-rings, thrust ring, and the wear bushings from inside the rotating link adapter and gear inside dimension. 4. Remove and discard the stem flange O-rings and stem bore shaft seals. 5-52 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-53 of 98 5 Maintenance Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem Eye Bolts Rotary GLYD Ring (10 Places) Remove, discard and replace Yearly Rotary GLYD Ring Remove, discard and replace Yearly Rotary Link Adaptor O-Ring Remove, discard and replace Yearly Thrust Ring Remove, discard and replace Retainer Ring Yearly Turcite Bushing Remove, discard and replace O-Ring Yearly Rotary GLYD Ring Wiper Seal Yearly Piston Ring Inspect for pitting and chipped plating Rotating Link Adapter Gear Wear Allowances Component Replace when Thrust Ring Thickness is less than 0.105 in. Turcite Bushing Thickness is less than 0.112 in. Yearly Stem Inspect for pitting, grooves and chipped plating Stem O-Ring Remove, discard and replace Index Mark Indicates front of stem Yearly Level Work Surface Figure 5-34. Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem 5-53 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-54 of 98 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem Assembling the Rotating Link Adapter 1. Orient the stem so the drive stem flange is down on a suitably protected surface. 2. Install the gear with its rotating seal and wiper in place. 3. Install the O-ring for the piston ring. 4. Install the piston ring by tapping on it lightly with a mallet to press it into place (heat to 220-250°). 5. Install the retainer ring. 6. Install all of the rotary seals on the rotating link adapter, and an O-ring on the top surface. 7. Install the two wear bushings and the thrust ring in the rotating link adapter. 8. Rest the rotating link adapter on its bottom surface. 9. Clean and then lubricate (with hydraulic oil) the sealing surface of the stem and the inside diameter of the rotating link adapter. 10. Attach three lifting slings symmetrically through the holes on the top of the stem flange and slowly lower the assembly into the rotating link adapter body. Hammering with a large plastic mallet is an aid when assembling the stem to the link adapter. Make sure the seals do not twist in the grooves. 11. Install the gear onto the link adapter and install the bolts. 12. Pressure test each port at 1,000 psi and inspect for leaks at the adjacent ports. 13. Grease all lubrication points on the assembly. 14. Inspect the lower gearbox seal (located inside the stem flange), and replace as necessary. Installing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) 1. Check the condition of the main shaft wear ring and replace if there is any evidence of grooving. 2. Place the rotating link adapter assembly back on the support built over well center, orienting the assembly so that the stem flange is up, and so that the index mark faces forward. 3. Carefully lower the top drive to engage the main shaft in the stem bore and then the stem flange pilot diameter is in the main body bore. 4. Install the flange bolts. 5. Install the link tilt cylinders, pin, and secure in place. This procedure continues on the next page. 5-54 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-55 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter and Load Stem Installing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast), continued 6. Install the link tilt crank and pin, and secure in place. 7. Install all hose assemblies. 8. Install tubing. 9. Install the shot pin assembly. 10. Fill the gearcase with gear oil (see the Lubrication section of this chapter). 11. Check and fill the hydraulic oil as necessary. 12. Turn on the top drive and perform all pipe handler functions several times, checking for proper function and any leaks. 13. Re-check the hydraulic oil level and fill as necessary. ! Always install a new main shaft seal and use care not to damage the seal or the case. A light coating of grease applied to the O-ring helps in installing the rotating link adapter assembly into the main body. ! Always install a new drive stem O-ring and use care not to damage the O-ring or the case. 5-55 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-56 of 98 Equipment Inspection Nondestructive Examination Yearly (or after approximately 3,000 operating hours), perform a Nondestructive Examination (NDE) of all critical load path items. NDE inspection includes visual examination, dye penetrant examination, magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic inspection, x-ray examination, and other methods of nondestructive testing for metallurgical integrity. Making Visual Inspections Use calipers on a regular basis to measure the amount of wear on the elevator link eyes. Compare the measurements with the information provided in the Links User Manual (D635000870) to determine the current strength of the elevator links. The capacity of the links equals the capacity of the weakest link. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Every five years, NOV recommends that customers inspect all top drive hoisting equipment using the wet fluorescent method of Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI). Refer to the documentation listed in the following section before beginning the MPI for any equipment component. Refer to the following standards that define the use of the wet fluorescent method of MPI when examining machined surfaces for any equipment component. ASTM A-275, Standard Method for Magnetic Particle Inspection of Steel Forgings ASTM-E-709, Standard Recommended Practice for Magnetic Particle Inspection I.A.D.C., Drilling Manual API RP 8B, Recommended Practice for Procedures for Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment API 8C, Specification for Drilling and Product Hoisting Equipment (provides MPI inspection acceptance criteria) Any indications found are a potential cause for replacing one or more of the following: Main shaft (lower portion) Bail Split Load Collar Upper and lower IBOP Link adapter Saver, crossover, and spacer subs Power subs Power swivels Elevator links 5-56 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-57 of 98 Maintenance 5 Equipment Inspection Nondestructive Examination The drilling operator may determine that the MPI schedule should occur more frequently, based on one or more of the following factors: environment load cycles regulatory requirements operating time testing repairs Please contact your NOV Service Center if you have any questions. Ultrasonic Inspection In addition to the MPI, NOV also recommends performing an ultrasonic Inspection of the previously listed components to detect any erosion of the inside diameter. Any erosion reduces the load carrying capability of the part. Any subsurface irregularity can also compromise a component’s integrity. Details on Ultrasonic Inspection procedures are in the publication: ASTM A-388 Std. Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings IBOP Inspection Upper and lower IBOP valves, because of their internal grooves and shoulders, are particularly susceptible to corrosion fatigue cracking. These internal diameter changes act as stress risers for bending and tensile loads. It is especially important to properly inspect the IBOP valves on a frequent basis. 5-57 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-58 of 98 Maintenance Recommended Lubricants and Fluids Refer to Recommended Lubricants and Fluids (D811000719) in the equipment User Manual for recommended lubricants and hydraulic fluids for NOV drilling equipment. The lubrication intervals described in this manual are based on lubricant supplier recommendations. Severe conditions such as extreme loads or temperature, corrosive atmosphere, and so on, may require more frequent lubrication. Worn bushings, binding parts, rust accumulations, and other abnormal conditions indicate more frequent lubrication is necessary. Lubrication Schedules ! Replace the gearbox oil in new units after initial break-in (the first month of operation). New units can contain metal contaminants and contaminants caused by initial break-in. ! Do not over-lubricate parts. Over-lubricating a fitting can cause a bearing seal to pop out. Over-lubricated parts may also drip, creating a slipping hazard. The following service intervals are based on average operating conditions. More frequent service intervals are required if you operate the equipment in conditions where excessive load, dusty or corrosive operating atmosphere, or extreme temperatures occur. 5-58 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-59 of 98 Maintenance 5 Lubrication Schedules Unless otherwise specified, use general purpose grease to lubricate top drive components. Refer to Recommended Lubricants and Fluids (D811000719) in the User Manual. Daily Lubrication Standard washpipe (twice daily) (one place) Note: If installed, the optional NOV mechanical washpipe does not require daily lubrication. Refer to the NOV Mechanical Washpipe Service Manual for maintenance information (D811000200-PRO-001 in the User Manual). Page Number Upper bonnet (main body) seal: If a grease fitting is installed in the location shown in Figure 5-35, lubricate the upper bonnet seal daily. page 5-62 page 5-62 Note: If a pipe plug is installed in this location, do not lubricate daily (refer to the six-month lubrication schedule). IBOP actuator yoke and cylinder pins page 5-63 IBOP actuator cranks page 5-63 Stabilizer liner page 5-63 Clamp cylinder gate page 5-63 Weekly Lubrication Page Number Bail pins (2 places) page 5-62 Rotating link adapter gear page 5-62 Rotating link adapter (2 places) page 5-62 Shot pin assembly page 5-51 Upper IBOP valve (1 place) page 5-63 Torque arrestor at clamp cylinder page 5-41 Elevator link eyes (4 places) page 5-63 5-59 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-60 of 98 Maintenance Lubrication Schedules Monthly Lubrication After the first month of initial break-in: Replace the gearbox oil. New top drives can contain metal contaminants and other contaminants caused by initial break-in. Page Number page 5-65 Traveling Block Sheaves (3 places) Refer to the Traveling Block Supplement (10668162-MAN) for additional block maintenance information. This manual is included in the equipment User Manual. Every Three Months Lubrication Page Number Replace the top drive lubrication system filter, the top drive hydraulic filter, and any hydraulic filters supplying hydraulic system pressure to the equipment (optional NOV HPU or other hydraulic system). page 5-65 Lubricate the AC drilling motors (4 places) page 5-66 Lubricate the AC blower motors (4 places) page 5-66 Lubricate the hydraulic pump AC motor (2 places) page 5-66 Use Chevron Black Pearl® EP2 motor grease (do not substitute) to lubricate AC motors. NOV recommends that the rig electrician lubricate all AC motors. Every Six Months Lubrication Upper bonnet (main body) oil seal: If a pipe plug is installed in the location identified in Figure 5-35, lubricate the upper bonnet seal every six months. Remove the pipe plugs (front and rear) and install a grease fitting and relief fitting. Replace plugs after lubricating the seals. Page Number page 5-62 Note: If a grease fitting is installed in this location, lubricate daily (see daily lubrication schedule). Landing collar (1 place). Use Jet Lube™ Arctic™ extreme service grease. Guide beam (grease running surfaces) (12 places) Replace the lubrication system oil (and filter element). page 5-26 page 5-65 5-60 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-61 of 98 Maintenance 5 Lubrication Schedules Every Six Months Lubrication Page Number Perform an oil analysis. Oil viscosity should be adjusted based on the expected ambient conditions for the next six months. Perform a hydraulic system oil analysis. (If oil analysis recommends it, replace the hydraulic fluid; otherwise, change hydraulic fluid once a year.) Yearly and As Required Lubrication Page Number Replace the hydraulic fluid used by the top drive equipment. page 5-80 Remove, clean, and replace the magnetic drain plug. page 5-65 Every Two Years – Replace the hydraulic reservoir bladder. page 5-74 5-61 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-62 of 98 Lubrication Procedures General Lubrication Apply general purpose grease to designated grease fittings with grease gun. Use a brush when greasing other parts. The NOV Mechanical washpipe (if installed) does not require daily lubrication. Daily Standard Wash Pipe Assembly Apply one pump twice daily Upper Bonnet Seal One pump Use Hand Pump Only Weekly Upper Bonnet Seal lubrication frequency can vary based on component design. See lubrication schedule for details. Bail Pins (2) Two pumps each side Weekly Rotating Link Adapter Gear Brush with grease Weekly Rotating Link Adapter Three pumps each Figure 5-35. General Lubrication (1 of 3) 5-62 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-63 of 98 5 Maintenance Lubrication Procedures General Lubrication Apply general purpose grease to designated grease fittings with grease gun. Use a brush when greasing other parts. Daily IBOP Actuator Yoke One pump each side Daily IBOP Actuator Cranks One pump each side Daily Weekly Stabilizer Liner One pump each side Upper IBOP Valve Remove 1/4" NPT plug, install grease fitting Apply ten pumps ! Weekly Replace plug before operating Clamp Cylinder Gate One pump each side Daily Weekly Stabilizer Liner One pump each side Elevator Link Eyes (4) Pipe Dope Figure 5-36. General Lubrication (2 of 3) 5-63 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-64 of 98 Maintenance Lubrication Procedures General Lubrication Apply general purpose grease to designated grease fittings with grease gun Weekly Guide Rollers 4 Places One pump each (if equipped) Weekly Guide Rollers 16 Places One pump each (if equipped) Weekly Bogies 4 Places One pump each (if equipped) Figure 5-37. General Lubrication (3 of 3) 5-64 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-65 of 98 5 Maintenance Lubrication Procedures Gearbox Lubrication Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Sight Glass Gearbox Oil Drain Gear Oil Sight Gauge Check with Top Drive “OFF” Replace gear oil every 6 Months Gearbox Oil Fill Clean area before removing plug, then use a 1 3/8 inch, 12 point socket to remove plug “Pop-up” Dirt Alarm Procedure Check oil level, prior to adding oil (do not mistake the tan colored foam for the dark brown oil) Make sure the unit is turned OFF The area must be wiped clean prior to adding gearbox oil Recheck oil level and replace the plug after adding oil Run the unit and recheck the oil level (not foam level), after the unit has been running and the transmission oil is warm Gear Oil Filter Replace every 3 Months Yearly Magnetic Drain Plug Remove and clean contamination Figure 5-38. Gearbox Lubrication 5-65 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-66 of 98 Maintenance Lubrication Procedures Motor Lubrication ! Grease Fittings NOV recommends that the rig electrician lubricate all AC motors. Grease Fitting 1/8 inch ! Pipe Plug 1/8 inch (remove and reinstall after lubricating) 3 Months AC Blower Motor (2) 3 pumps (2 grease fittings each motor) As Viewed From Below 3 Months AC Drilling Motor (2) 5 pumps (2 grease fittings each motor) 3 Months Hydraulic Pump AC Motor 3 pumps (2 grease fittings) Procedure Remove the lubrication point plug Install a grease fitting Grease with a hand pump only Re-install the plug Apply motor grease to designated grease fittings with hand grease gun Figure 5-39. Motor Lubrication 5-66 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-67 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Overview The hydraulic control system is a completely self-contained, onboard system. A 10-horse power, 1800 rpm, AC motor, drives two hydraulic pumps and powers the hydraulic system. A fixed displacement pump drives the lube oil system motor. A variable displacement pump provides hydraulic power for the AC motor brakes, powered rotating head, remote actuated IBOP, pipe backup clamp cylinder, link tilt, and counterbalance system. Three hydro-pneumatic accumulators are located on the main body. The hydraulic manifold attaches to the main body and contains solenoid, pressure and flow control valves. A sealed stainless steel reservoir supplies hydraulic oil, eliminating the need for draining and refilling during normal rig moves. The reservoir is mounted between the AC drilling motors and is equipped with strainers and an oil level sight gauge. The hydraulic system diagrams provided in this section are for reference only. Refer to the engineering hydraulic schematics provided in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) for rig-specific schematics. Refer to Appendix A, titled "Hydraulic Symbols" for a description of the hydraulic symbols used in the schematic diagrams shown in this section. General Inspection Schedule Daily Inspection Page Number Check the condition of the hydraulic filter indicator. page 5-73 Check hydraulic fluid levels. page 5-73 Check for hydraulic fluid leaks. Check the condition of hydraulic hoses. 5-67 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-68 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Location of Hydraulic Components Specifications Pump Motor 10 hp, 1,800 rpm, AC motor Reservoir Capacity 25 gal Hydraulic Oil Filter Page 5-73 Counterbalance Manifold Page 5-88 Counterbalance Accumulator Page 5-77 Main Hydraulic Manifold Page 5-76 Upper IBOP TimeDelay Accumulator Page 5-77, -78 Hydraulic Oil Fill Page 5-81 Link Tilt Manifold Page 5-95 Oil Pressure Switch Page 5-79 Link Tilt Cylinders Page 5-95 System Accumulator Page 5-77 Counterbalance Cylinders Page 5-88 IBOP Pressure Switch Page 5-79 Hydraulic Oil Reservoir Page 5-74 Upper IBOP Actuator Cylinder Page 5-77, -78 Front Rear Front Rotating Head Motor and Shot Pin Assembly Page 5-93 10 HP AC Motor and Pump Assembly Page 5-83 Rear Figure 5-40. Hydraulic System Major Components 5-68 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-69 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance System Diagram Drilling Motor Brake Upper IBOP Actuator Cylinder Link Tilt Cylinders Pipehandler Clamp Cylinder Link Tilt Manifold Counterbalance Accumulator Rotating Head (Elevator Positioner) Shot Pin Cylinder Counterbalance Cylinders Rotating Link Adapter Lift Rotating Head Motor Gearbox Lube Oil Distribution Pre-Fill Valve Manifold Main Hydraulic Manifold Low Speed Hydraulic Motor Upper IBOP Time-Delay Accumulator System Accumulator Lube Oil Pump Gearbox Sump M 10 HP A.C. Motor Variable Displacement Pump Fixed Displacement Pump (Mtr. Lube) Hydraulic Reservoir Figure 5-41. Hydraulic System Diagram 5-69 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-70 of 98 Hydraulic System Maintenance Precautions To avoid serious injury or death, read and understand the following precautions before performing inspection and maintenance procedures. Properly lockout the main power source before performing lubrication, inspection, or replacement procedures, unless specifically noted in this manual. Wear protective glasses to prevent eye injuries from fluids under pressure, as well as other hazards. Do not attempt any adjustments while the machine is moving. Use caution when draining lubricant. It can be hot. Never check for hydraulic leaks with your hands. Oil under pressure escaping from a hole can be nearly invisible and can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Always check for leaks with a piece of wood or cardboard and always wear protective eyewear when working on hydraulic components. 5-70 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-71 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Precautions Always discharge the three accumulators before performing hydraulic system. hydro-pneumatic repairs on the Do not attempt repairs you do not understand. Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before performing maintenance procedures. Release all hydraulic oil pressure by bleeding accumulators before disconnecting hydraulic lines. Turn the counterbalance valve to shutdown mode to bleed the hydraulic system. Hydraulic oil under pressure can penetrate skin and cause serious injury. Before opening the hydraulic system, thoroughly clean work area, and maintain system cleanliness by promptly capping all disconnected lines. Dirt is extremely harmful to hydraulic system components and can cause equipment failure and subsequent injury to personnel. 5-71 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-72 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Precautions Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid injury by discharging the three accumulators and relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic lines. Always search for hydraulic leaks with a piece of cardboard or wood-not with your bare hands. Get immediate medical attention for hydraulic fluid injuries. Fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Do not tighten hydraulic fittings while they are under pressure. ! Inspect the hydraulic system daily for leaks at fittings, damaged hose covers, kinked or crushed hoses, hard or stiff hoses, and damaged or corroded fittings. In addition, during the inspection, tighten or replace any leaking port connections, and clean any dirt build-up from hydraulic components. Use care when handling components to prevent nicking close tolerance finishes. Replace worn or damaged components immediately. hydraulic system ! Inspect the hydraulic fluid level in the hydraulic reservoir located between the AC drilling motors daily. Inspect the hydraulic filter located on the upper left AC drilling motor daily. 5-72 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-73 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection Hydraulic Fluid Level and Indicator Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Daily Red “Pop-up” Dirt Alarm Sight Glass Hydraulic Oil Sight Gauge Hydraulic Oil Filter See the Lubrication section for fluid replacement instructions Procedure Check the red “pop-up” alarm on the hydraulic filter daily Replace the filter if the indicator has popped up or as recommended Use care to prevent contamination from entering the hydraulic system during maintenance activities Figure 5-42. Inspecting the Hydraulic Fluid Level and Indicator 5-73 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-74 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection Hydraulic Reservoir Bladder (Yearly) Reservoir Breather Reservoir Cover ! Hydraulic Oil Reservoir Between AC Drilling Motors Never put oil in the reservoir bladder. Add oil at the hydraulic oil fill only. Apply gasket sealing compound to prevent leaks Yearly Reservoir Bladder Check for wear and damage Gasket Front Apply gasket sealing compound to prevent leaks Rear Hydraulic Oil Reservoir Procedure Drain hydraulic fluid and clean area before inspecting the reservoir bladder Remove the 10 cap screws and lock washers from the cover Remove cover with bladder attached Check the bladder yearly for wear or damage Replace the bladder every two years Replace the bladder if fluid is found inside or if fluid escapes the reservoir breather when the top drive is on its back Figure 5-43. Inspecting the Hydraulic Reservoir Bladder (Yearly) 5-74 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-75 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection Heat Exchanger Blower and Brake Covers Monthly Oil Heat Exchanger Remove any dirt and inspect for leaks, corrosion, and cleanliness Drill Motor Assembly Left side Figure 5-44. Inspecting the Heat Exchanger 5-75 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-76 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection Using the Hydraulic System Ports Stand Jump SV9 L4 PV Brake SV1 Clamp/ Shot Pin SV5 P1 IBOP SV4 PF Float Link SV8 Tilt SV6 * B8 G5 A4 CB * SA * P * T1 C4 SV2 Rotating Link Adapter Z1 B9 B1 A6 C5 B5 B6 * These test ports are on sides or bottom of manifold. As Viewed From Below Figure 5-45. Using the Hydraulic System Test Ports 5-76 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-77 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection Precharging the Accumulators Accumulator Setting System Accumulator (125-cubic inch displacement) 800 psi precharge SA Counterbalance Accumulator (728-cubic inch displacement) 900 psi precharge CB Time-Delay Accumulator (30-cubic inch displacement) 800 psi precharge C4 Port Bleed the accumulator if the pressure is higher, or add nitrogen if the pressure is lower than specified above Accumulator Charging Assembly Counterbalance Accumulator Upper IBOP Time- Delay Accumulator Hydraulic Manifold (Reference) System Accumulator Procedure Disconnect the hydraulic lines to the accumulators and drain them of all hydraulic fluid With the hydraulic system shut down, and the counterbalance mode valve in the “shut down” position, test the hydraulic pressure at CB, SA and C4 on the hydraulic manifold, mounted to the transmission housing Verify that all three points measure 0 psi Front Rear Note that there is a time delay in pressure decay on port C4 Test the precharge pressure on the three nitrogen-filled accumulators Figure 5-46. Precharging the Accumulators 5-77 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-78 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection IBOP Timing Circuit IBOP Actuator Cylinder 2.500" Dia. Bore X 2.00" Stroke 1.750" Dia. Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Open Close Time-Delay Accumulator 30 Cubic Inches 800 PSI Precharge Gas Charged Accumulator -6 A4 B4 A4 B4 IBOP Close Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 4) Double Solenoid Valve -6 -6 Rotating Link Adapter -6 (Small) IBOP Close Cable ID Number A B P T b SV4 A4 B4 -6 -6 -6 C04 C4 Manifold Assembly D03 500 PSI CV4 Flow Control Valve D4 1 T-11A 3 T-11A 2 2 1 3 PC4 System Pressure Tank Figure 5-47. Inspecting the IBOP Timing Circuit 5-78 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-79 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Inspection IBOP and Oil Pressure Switch Hoses Inspect for wear or damage. Replace yearly or as required. Yearly IBOP Pressure Switch Configuration Oil Pressure Switch Configuration Pressure Adjusting Screw Yearly Wires Inspect for wear or lose connections. Component Setting IBOP Pressure Switch Factory preset at 1500 psi (102.0 BAR) rising +0 Factory preset at 10.0 -1.0 psi decreasing Oil Pressure Switch Figure 5-48. Inspecting the IBOP and Oil Pressure Switch 5-79 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-80 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Lubrication Before disconnecting hydraulic lines, release all hydraulic oil pressure by bleeding accumulators. Turn the counterbalance valve to shutdown mode to bleed the hydraulic system. Hydraulic oil under pressure can penetrate skin and cause serious injury. Before opening the hydraulic system, thoroughly clean the work area. Maintain system cleanliness by promptly capping all disconnected lines. Dirt is extremely harmful to hydraulic system components and can cause equipment failure and subsequent injury to personnel. ! Use care when handling components to prevent nicking close tolerance finishes. ! Use care to prevent contamination from entering the hydraulic system during maintenance activities. 5-80 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-81 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Lubrication Adding Hydraulic Fluid Procedure The area must be clean prior to adding hydraulic fluid Remove dust plug from the male quick disconnect at the TDS hydraulic oil fill Remove dust plug from the female quick disconnect on the lubrication kit and connect it to the male fitting Pump fluid until the level reaches the middle of the sight glass as shown After adding fluid, replace the dust plugs Reservoir capacity is 25 gallons Cork Ball (Level Indicator) Red "Pop-up" Dirt Alarm Sight Glass Replace every Hydraulic Oil Sight Gauge 3 Months Hydraulic Oil Filter Hydraulic Oil Fill Male Quick Disconnect Replace hydraulic fluid Yearly or earlier based on oil analysis Dust Plug Female Quick Disconnect Hydraulic Lubrication Kit 55 gal Drum Hydraulic Oil Drain Figure 5-49. Adding Hydraulic Fluid 5-81 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-82 of 98 Hydraulic System Maintenance Lubrication Draining Hydraulic Fluid Precautions Hydraulic fluid may be hot Use care when opening the valve Avoid spills Holds 25 gallons Valve Handle Pump Inlet/Drain Adapter 10 HP AC Pump Motor Procedure Isolate power to the pump motor Ensure that the valve is closed Remove the plug and attach a hose Open the valve and drain the fluid Close the valve and remove the hose Replace the plug Fixed Displacement Pump Variable Displacement Pump Figure 5-50. Draining Hydraulic Fluid 5-82 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-83 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Hydraulic Pumps and Unloading Circuit There are two pumps – a fixed displacement pump runs the transmission lubrication system and a variable displacement pump provides hydraulic flow to the hydraulic system. Pump Pressure Compensator Adjustment Point Guide Beam Pump/Motor Variable Displacement Pump Fixed Displacement Pump 10 HP AC Pump Motor Figure 5-51. Hydraulic Pumps and Unloading Circuit 5-83 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-84 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Fixed Displacement (lube) and Variable Displacement Pumps ! Make sure the top drive is properly filled with hydraulic fluid and lube oil before performing this procedure. Also make sure the Rig-Up/Shutdown valve is in the SHUTDOWN position. 1. Locate the tube connecting manifold port PF to the lubrication motor. Disconnect the tube at the manifold end, cap the tube and plug the PF port using steel fittings. 2. Set the relief valve RV1 for the variable displacement pump to a minimum setting, fully counterclockwise, which allows the hydraulic system to operate without building up pressure, and turn the motor off. 3. Set the relief valve RV2 to minimum pressure, fully counterclockwise. 4. Jog-start the electric motor to make sure the direction of rotation is correct (clockwise when looking into pump shaft/ electric motor fan). Correct as required. 5. Start the electric motor and allow both hydraulic pumps to circulate oil. Listen for unusual noises that would indicate cavitation; check for leaks. 6. Connect a gauge to test point PF. Increase the pressure by adjusting relief valve RV2 clockwise until the pressure increases to 400 psi at test point PF. Set the jam nut on RV2. A steel cap is installed over the adjustment screw to discourage unauthorized adjustment. ! While adjusting valves, verify a linear relationship between turning the adjustment screw and observing the pressure change. 7. Turn off the electric motor. Reconnect the tube between manifold port PF and the lubrication motor. 8. Connect an ammeter to the electric motor. Note the full-load amps on the motor nameplate. 9. Restart the hydraulic system electric motor. 10. Set the counterbalance mode valve to the RUN position. 11. Adjust UV1, fully clockwise, to maximum pressure. 5-84 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-85 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Fixed Displacement (lube) and Variable Displacement Pumps 12. Connect a gauge to test point PV. Note the ammeter reading while RV1 is at minimum setting. 13. Raise the setting of relief valve RV1 from 0 psi to 1,500 psi at a steady rate. During the pressure rise, observe the ammeter. The motor current should rise to a maximum value at 800 psi, then drop off and begin to rise again. The point where the current drops is the pump pressure compensator setpoint. 14. Adjust relief valve RV1 to its minimum setting. If maximum motor current does not occur at 800 psi, adjust the pump pressure compensator as required. 15. Adjust relief valve RV1 again from 0 psi to 1,500 psi, and back to 0 psi to verify maximum motor current at 800 psi. 16. Connect a gauge to test point SA, and leave the gauge on PV. 17. Adjust relief valve RV1 to 2,200 psi and secure the jam nut. 18. Install steel cap over the adjustment screw to discourage unauthorized adjustment. 19. Adjust unloading valve UV1 counterclockwise until the pressure at PV drops off, then an additional two turns counterclockwise. The pressure cycles like a sawtooth wave. Pressure at PV 3000 Pressure at SA 2000 Pressure 1700 (psi) 1000 800 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Approximate Time (seconds) Figure 5-52. Pressure Cycle Graph 5-85 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-86 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Fixed Displacement (lube) and Variable Displacement Pumps 20. Observe the unloaded pressure at PV (about 0 psi) while SA reads about 2,000 psi. The pressure at SA decays until UV1 reloads. After reloading, the pressure rapidly rises to the unload pressure. 21. Observe several unload-reload cycles to determine the unload pressure. 22. Adjust the setting of UV1 as required to a 2,000 psi unload pressure. ! Perform the adjustment with reasonable speed. The process takes no longer than two minutes. Taking longer increases the temperature of the hydraulic fluid. 23. Observe the cycle of loading and unloading of the relief valve. To verify the setting of UV1, note the difference in pump noise level between the loaded and unloaded condition. RV1 RV2 CB6 CV5 CA6 CV4 A2 LB6 B2 CDR CV1 PC1 LC5 LA6 RV2 RV1 PCC T1 T1 C5 B1 B2 A2 Manifold Side View Manifold End View Manifold Bottom View B6 A6 Z1 DR P TF B5 B5 B4 C5 B9 TR T1 CTR SA CB SA SV5 SV2 B4 E6 G6 E5 SV1 B1 SV9 SA CV2 PV P5 C4 B8 PF RIG-UP MV 1 P/N 0181 XC PV SHUTDOWN DF COUNTERB NCE MODE PF RUN SV4 UV1 G5 UV1 PF Figure 5-53. Pump Setup Manifold Ports 5-86 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-87 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Fixed Displacement (lube) and Variable Displacement Pumps Manifold Assembly T-21A 4 UV1 2200 PSI T-10A RV2 2 2 3 T-11A 1 2000 PSI 3 1 Z1 1 400 PSI 2 RV1 PV PF 800 PSIG Variable Displacement Pump-Motor Assembly B 1.00 IN^ 3/REV. L Fixed Displacement Pump 1.10 IN^ 3/REV. MAX. .50 IN^ 3/REV. MIN. S L1 Figure 5-54. Pump Setup Circuit Diagram 5-87 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-88 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Counterbalance Circuit and Stand-Jump Circuit 1. For the counterbalance circuit there are three adjustments: Relief valve (on counterbalance cylinder) PCC – operator set SJR – operator set 2. To set the relief valve, make sure the pumps are operating. 3. Adjust pressure reducing valve PCC to the maximum setting, fully clockwise. 4. Connect a gauge to test port CB. 5. Adjust the cylinder-mounted relief valve to mid-scale to lower the pressure setting. 6. Increase the pressure clockwise using a 5/32 in. Allen wrench and 9/16 in. open-end wrench. 7. Observe the relationship of turning the relief valve adjustment clockwise to pressure increase. 8. When the relief valve reaches system pressure, turn the setting one full turn clockwise beyond the setting and set the jam nut. 9. Install a steel cover over the valve. 10. Adjust PCC to 1,200 psi. 11. Measure pressure at test port CB. 12. Prepare the hardware to attach the cylinder pear links to the hook. 13. Rotate the counterbalance mode valve from the RUN position to RIG-UP position. This causes the counterbalance cylinders to slowly extend. ! Cylinders stroke to the end of stroke with the mode valve in the RUN position. 14. Once cylinders reach end of stroke, attach hardware to the pear links on the hook. 15. Rotate the counterbalance mode valve back to the RUN position. 16. Adjust PCC counterclockwise to raise the pressure at test port CB until the rail just begins to lift off of the hook. 17. Reduce the pressure slowly (25 psi) to allow the pressure to stabilize. 18. Rotate the counterbalance mode valve to the SHUTDOWN position to bleed down counterbalance cylinders and system accumulator before shipping or performing maintenance. 19. Adjust pressure reducing valve PCC counterclockwise until the bail rests on the hook. Note the pressure at CB. This procedure continues on the next page. 5-88 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-89 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Counterbalance Circuit and Stand-Jump Circuit 20. Reduce PCC an additional 25 psi. The pressure at CB is about 1,600 psi. 21. Connect a gauge to test point B9. Activate the STAND JUMP mode on the drilling console. Adjust relief valve SJR until the bail lifts off the hook. The gauge at B9 should read about 190 psi. 22. Switch back to DRILL counterbalance mode and observe the pressure at test point CB. 23. Switch back to STAND JUMP mode and observe the pressure CB increase by 200 psi. 5-89 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-90 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Counterbalance Circuit and Stand-Jump Circuit PCC CB6 CV5 CA6 CV4 A2 LB6 B2 CDR CV1 PC1 LC5 LA6 RV2 RV1 PCC T1 T1 C5 B1 B2 A2 Manifold Side View Manifold End View RIG-UP/SHUTDOWN Valve B6 A6 Z1 DR P Manifold Bottom View TF B5 B5 B4 C5 B9 CTR SA CB SA TR T1 SV5 SV2 B4 E6 G6 E5 SV1 B1 SV9 CV2 PV P5 C4 B8 PF UV1 RIG-UP SV4 PV MV SHUTDOWN DF 1 P/N 0181 XC RUN PF COUNTERB NCE MODE G5 CB Manifold Side View SJR A4 D4 PC5 AR5 D1 PC4 CV3 SJR PF P1 A8 PV A4 A5 D5 C4 CB G5 DF 2 Figure 5-55. Counterbalance Setup Manifold Ports 5-90 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-91 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Counterbalance Circuit and Stand-Jump Circuit Pressure Relief Valve 1500 PSI T-3A -4 OR1 ZC 2 CP OR2 .075ø .075ø 75 PSI 1 2 75 PSI 1 2 T-13A T-13A CV1 1 CP -12 CP -12 Counterbalance Cylinders 4.000" Dia. Bore X 8.50" Stroke 2.000" Dia. Rod -12 CV2 T -12 T .010ø T Counterbalance Accumulator Normally-Open Logic Cartridge Metering 728 Cubic Inches 900 PSI Precharge -16 5 PSI -6 90 PSI XC Prefill Valve 25mm Cable ID Number .047ø Stand Jump Counterbalance Mode Rig-up Stand Jump Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 9) 2 Position Valve Shut-down Run A B A B P T b C09 3 Position Valve with Detent T D03 -6 P MV .055ø CB Manifold Assembly SV9 D03 XC CV3 75 PSI T-21A CB Test Port B9 B9 1 4 3 CDF 4 PSI DF 2 2 T-10A 1 1 1 SJR System Accumulator 2 DF 126 Cubic Inches 800 PSI Precharge 2 TF SA 4 PCC T-21A T-13A T-5A 30 PSI 1 2 Pressure Relief Valve 200 PSI 3 System Pressure CTF To Tank Figure 5-56. Counterbalance Setup Circuit Diagram 5-91 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-92 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits AC Motor Brake Circuit The AC drilling motor brakes are spring released and hydraulic pressure applied at 1,500 psi. The pressure reducing valve regulates the pressure to 1,500 psi. The solenoid valve operates to apply pressure, setting the brakes, or stop pressure to release the brakes. To test the system, turn the auto brakes switch on the driller’s console to the ON position. Attach a pressure gauge to B1 in the manifold. The pressure reading should be 1,500 psi. If the reading is not 1,500 psi, adjust the pressure control reducing valve PC 1 to 1,500. Turn the auto brakes switch to the OFF position. The pressure reading should be very low. PC1 CB6 CV5 CA6 CV4 A2 LB6 B2 CDR CV1 PC1 LC5 LA6 RV2 RV1 PCC T1 T1 C5 B1 B2 A2 Manifold Side View Manifold Bottom View B6 A6 Z1 DR TF B5 B5 B4 C5 B9 TR T1 SV5 SV2 B4 E6 G6 E5 SV1 B1 SV9 CV2 PV P5 C4 B8 PF RIG-UP PV MV SHUTDOWN DF P/N 0181 PF COUNTERB NCE MODE SV4 RUN G5 B1 Figure 5-57. Motor Brake Setup Manifold Ports 5-92 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-93 of 98 5 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Shot Pin Circuit 1. Set the adjustable relief valve near the body of the cylinder. The shot pin often misses the hole in the rotating gear. The force the shot pin exerts is limited until the pin engages a hole. ! The electrical system jogs the rotating head until the pin engages a hole. 2. To limit the amount of force, you set the valve by operating solenoid valve SV5 manually, forcing the pin to stop on the face of the gear. 3. When the pin stalls out, measure the pressure at B5. Set the relief valve pressure to 400 psi. 4. Tighten the jam nut on the relief valve. 5. At rest, the SV5 valve is de-energized. 6. Test the pressure at C5. Adjust reducing valve AR5 to 1,000 psi. Hydraulic Drive Motor SV5 C5 Link Adapter Rotation Gear Hydraulic Manifold View from Below Shot Pin Simplified for Clarity Figure 5-58. Setting up the Shot Pin Circuit (1 of 2) 5-93 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-94 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Shot Pin Circuit Rotating Link Adapter Drive Motor and Shot Pin Assembly 10 HP AC Motor and Pump Assembly (Simplified for Clarity) Hydraulic Drive Motor Motor Relief Valve Rotating Link Adapter B5 A Shot Pin Relief Valve B Motor Relief Valve C5 Link Adapter Rotation Gear A5 Shot Pin Figure 5-59. Setting up the Shot Pin Circuit (2 of 2) 5-94 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-95 of 98 Maintenance 5 Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Link Tilt Cylinder Circuit 1. There is nothing to adjust on the manifold for the link tilt circuit. 2. Adjust the four load holding valves in pairs – the upper pair and lower pair. Adjust all four counterbalance valves fully clockwise, then one turn counterclockwise. If the valves are not adjusted correctly, link tilt operation is not synchronized. 3. The correct pressure setting is 1,500 psi. The procedure is the same for both valves. Adjust the valves one at a time. 4. There are two test points on the link tilt cylinder manifold. 5. From the driller’s console, move the link tilt to go to the mousehole position. 6. The cylinders go to full extension and the pressure at the test port C1 is 2,000 psi. 7. Command the link tilt to the OFF position and observe the pressure decay at C1. This decayed pressure is the setpoint of the counterbalance valve. 8. Raise the valve setpoint by turning the adjusting screw 1/4 turn counterclockwise. 9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the decayed pressure is 1,500 psi. This is an iterative process. Continue to set the driller’s console control to the mousehole position and OFF, taking present and decayed pressure readings. ! Turning the counterbalance increases the pressure. valve counterclockwise 10. Command the link tilt to the DRILL position and repeat the procedure above, using test port C2 to set the counterbalance valve on the DRILL side. 5-95 5 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-96 of 98 Maintenance Hydraulic System Maintenance Setting Up Hydraulic Circuits Rotating Link Adapter Hydraulic Motor Relief Circuit 1. Set the relief valves mounted on rotation motor. 2. Operate the clamp. The shot pin must go through the hole, which locks up the gear. 3. Turn the manual override on the SV2-rotation circuit to drive the head in the counterclockwise direction. Test the pressure at A and adjust the relief valve to 1,700 psi. 4. Turn the manual override on the SV2-rotation circuit to drive the rotating head in the clockwise direction and test the pressure at B. Adjust the relief valve to 1,700 psi. Hydraulic Drive Motor Test Points (3) Motor Relief Valve (2) Link Adapter Rotation Gear Figure 5-60. Setting up the Rotating Link Adapter Hydraulic Motor Relief Circuit 5-96 SM00856 Revision D Page 5-97 of 98 Maintenance 5 Control Console Maintenance Inspect the console on a routine basis. Failure to conduct routine inspections and maintenance may result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. The following is a general maintenance checklist. Maintenance Checklist Location Procedure Frequency Console Indicator Lamps Test using the Alarm Silence / Lamp Check button on the console. Each time the top drive is assigned. Heater Check operation with an Ohm meter. Monthly Console mounting fasteners Check fastener tightness, especially in vibration-prone areas. Monthly Check for integrity. Monthly Apply a light film of silicone lubricant. Every Three Months Enclosure seals and gaskets If the console enclosure is damaged or faulty, the enclosure should be returned to an NOV Service Center or other authorized service facility for repair. If there is a faulty terminal or communication module, contact your NOV representative, NOV Service Center, or authorized service facility for a replacement. 5-97 5 Maintenance SM00856 Revision D Page 5-98 of 98 5-98 SM00856 Revision D Troubleshooting 6 Introduction This chapter provides guidelines to inspect and troubleshoot the components and circuits for the TDS-11SA Top Drive. ! All procedures and methods provided in this manual are superseded by the procedures and methods approved for use at the location where the equipment is installed and commissioned. There is no way to anticipate every issue that may be encountered. If the issue cannot be resolved using the troubleshooting instructions, contact an NOV Service Center. A list of NOV Service Centers is provided in the equipment User Manual. For top drives using an Amphion™ control system, make sure that all data cables are properly connected to the single-board computer (SBC). Many issues can be resolved by making sure these connections are working properly. Refer to the Maintenance chapter in this service manual for specific maintenance procedures and other information that may help you identify the cause of the issue. 6-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-2 of 22 Troubleshooting Introduction Personnel Qualifications Personnel conducting the troubleshooting procedures should be experienced and thoroughly familiar with this NOV top drive. The personnel conducting troubleshooting procedures must read and understand the information in all equipment documentation as well as understand all the functions of the top drive. ! Follow the general system safety practices included in this manual before troubleshooting or performing maintenance on the top drive system. ! Personnel troubleshooting the top drive must be experienced and thoroughly familiar with its function, operation and maintenance requirements. Failure to follow safe work procedures could result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant equipment damage, and/or extended rig down time. Troubleshooting Guidelines NOV top drive hydraulic and electrical systems use standard components and follow industrystandard design practices. For the hydraulic or electrical systems to function (produce flow at all times and pressure when a load is present), the following basic operating conditions must be present at all times: The hydraulic and lubrication pump(s) must be running and rotating in the correct direction. There must be clean fluid and adequate fluid flow to the top drive. The temperature of the hydraulic and lubrication fluids must be in the correct range to ensure the viscosity is not too high (low temp) or low (high temp). Refer to Recommended Lubricants and Fluids (D811000719) in the equipment User Manual for recommended lubricants and hydraulic fluids for NOV drilling equipment. 6-2 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-3 of 22 Troubleshooting 6 Introduction Troubleshooting Guidelines The hydraulic and electric circuits must be correctly connected and operable. The piping, hoses, and service loops must positioned properly and unobstructed. Make sure all electrical and hydraulic lines and valves are isolated before any work is started on top drive hydraulics. Failure to follow safe work procedures could result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant equipment damage, and rig downtime. Determining the Nature of Problem When troubleshooting the top drive, determine the nature of the problem using the troubleshooting tables, detailed theory of operation information for components, and diagnostic procedures. Potential component failure for most top drives falls into the following three categories: Mechanical System components Hydraulic System components Electrical System components Lubrication and Cooling System components Identifying Troubleshooting Categories Potential top drive system failure typically falls into one or more of the following categories. Mechanical Components Mechanical problems are usually related to damaged or worn out parts. Another factor that can contribute to mechanical failures is a lack of periodic preventive maintenance. Periodic inspections and equipment maintenance must be completed to ensure proper mechanical operation. Hydraulic System and Components Hydraulic circuit and component problems are usually related to faulty valves, hydraulic actuators, contamination, fluid leakage, or damage not related to maladjusted hydraulic circuit components. Changes to adjustments should only be made after eliminating all other possible causes. Electrical System and Components Electrical system and component problems are usually related to faulty discrete control switches, electrical supply voltage, and or improper interconnection wiring. 6-3 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-4 of 22 Troubleshooting Introduction Identifying Troubleshooting Categories Lubrication and Cooling System Components Lubrication and cooling system problems are usually related to contamination, faulty discrete control switches, faulty valves and dirty filters. Making changes to the flow rate, system pressure, or other adjustments should only be completed after eliminating all other possible causes. Make sure to have the hydraulic, electrical, and lubrication engineering schematics available before troubleshooting system problems. These schematics are located in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP). Pre-Troubleshooting Inspection Complete the following steps before troubleshooting the top drive system: 1. Make sure the top drive is properly installed and positioned in the rig structure. If troubleshooting the top drive prior to rig installation, make sure the top drive is secure and the drill shaft is lifted clear from the floor. 2. Check that all hoses and quick disconnects are properly connected. 3. Check lubrication system pressure output (the unit must be upright). ! Lubrication oil pressure is critical to the performance and proper operation of the top drive. Oil pressure must be carefully monitored and maintained. Failure to adhere to this advisory may result in damage to the top drive. 4. Check the flow and maximum pressure of the NOV hydraulic power unit (HPU) or customer-supplied hydraulic power supply. 5. Check the lubrication system and hydraulic system filters for dirt pop-up indicators. 6. Check whether hydraulic fluid leaks are visible at hydraulic components, hoses, and quick-disconnect couplings. 7. Review the lubrication system maintenance information in the Maintenance chapter in this manual. 8. Determine the nature of the problem using standard diagnostic methods, the troubleshooting tables, maintenance information, and operating information for the equipment. 6-4 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-5 of 22 Troubleshooting 6 Introduction Service Centers When problems cannot be solved, contact an authorized NOV Service Center. For a directory of NOV Service Centers, see NOV document number D811001337-DAS-001, titled “Service Center Directory.” This document is located in the equipment User Manual. The link below provides after-hours contact information for emergencies or other equipment issues requiring an immediate response by NOV service personnel. 6-5 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-6 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting HPU and Reservoir Bladder Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Hydraulic system is overheating. Relief valves RV1 and RV2 are out of adjustment. Test pressure and adjust relief valves. Unloading valve is not working. Test and adjust UV1 or replace unloading valve. Counterbalance mode valve left in shut down position too long and pressure bleeds down. Check system pressure. No precharge in system accumulator. Charge system accumulator. System pressure is down. First make sure the RIG-UP SHUTDOWN valve is in the correct position. Test pumps and motors. Test relief valve pressures. Adjust as required. Check for leaks, loose fittings, loose cylinders, worn hoses, fluid levels and seals. Piston pump is not working. Replace the piston pump. Flexible coupling is damaged. Replace flexible coupling. Lubrication pump is not working. Replace the lubrication pump. Pressure at UV1 is too low. Adjust pressure at UV1. Pumps are rotating in the wrong direction. Inspect hydraulic connections and correct rotation. Suction valve closed. Open suction valve. Low oil level in reservoir. Fill hydraulic reservoir. Hydraulic components do not operate. 6-6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-7 of 22 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting HPU and Reservoir Bladder Schematic Diagram PV PF TR DR Manifold Assembly Hydraulic Fill Disconnect System Pressure 6m 50 PSID Prefill Valve -12 Pressure Compensator Control T Filter with Bypass Valve T -16 800 PSIG -6 XC B 1.00 In^ 3/Rev. L 1.10 In^ 3/Rev. Max. .50 In^ 3/Rev. Min. M 10 HP 1800 RPM S Variable Displacement Pump L1 Filter (Strainer) 4 PSI Vent Fixed Displacement Pump Reservoir Assembly Figure 6-1. HPU and Reservoir Bladder Schematic Diagram 6-7 6 Troubleshooting SM00856 Revision D Page 6-8 of 22 Troubleshooting Counterbalance and Stand Jump The accumulator, with precharge pressure of 900 psi, along with check valve CV3, maintains a hydraulic pressure. A three-position manually operated valve controls counterbalance operation for rig-up, run, and shut down modes. In the rig-up mode, system pressure is applied to XC and the prefill valve, causing both cylinders to extend. When the cylinders extend, you make up the mechanical connection to the bail. In the run mode, for counterbalance operation, approximately 1,600 psi is needed at the counterbalance cylinders to lift the TDS-11SA off the hook. The optional stand jump feature is controlled by solenoid valve SV9. With the counterbalance in the run mode and the stand jump switch on, additional pressure of approximately 300 psi is applied to over the normal counterbalance pressure to lift the TDS-11SA and drill string off the hook. In the shutdown mode, the hydraulic system bleeds down the system accumulator and the counterbalance accumulator pressure. Counterbalance Testing For the counterbalance operation, a lift of approximately 30,000 lb is achieved with a pressure of 1600 psi at CB. Perform the following steps to adjust the force: 1. Set the counterbalance mode valve on the bottom of the manifold to the RUN mode. Set the pressure control valve PCC to the minimum setting (fully counterclockwise). 2. Test the pressure at port B9. There should be a 0 psi reading. 3. Test the pressure at port CB. Observe the position of the top drive on the hook. 4. Adjust the pressure at pressure control valve PCC clockwise, observing pressure at CB, until the top drive just lifts off the hook. Back off the pressure 25 psi, as the top drive rests on the hook. Stand Jump Testing For the optional stand jump feature, a lift of about 33,000 lb is achieved with a pressure of approximately 1800 psi at CB. The additional 300 psi pressure over the normal counterbalance pressure is provided by energizing the stand jump solenoid valve SV9. Perform the following steps to adjust the pressure: 1. Set the counterbalance mode switch to RUN and engage the stand jump switch. Test the pressure at port CB and B9. Adjust relief valve SJR fully counterclockwise to the minimum setting. 2. Slowly increase the pressure at CB by adjusting relief valve SJR clockwise until the bail lifts off the hook with a stand of pipe in the elevator. Adjust relief valve SJR slowly to allow pressure at CB to stabilize. 6-8 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-9 of 22 Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting Counterbalance and Stand Jump Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Counterbalance does not function. Cylinder damaged. Seal leaks. Inspect cylinder and repair or replace seal. No hydraulic pressure. Test pressure and adjust pressure reducing valve. Solenoid valve SV9 is not operating. Test electrical and hydraulic operation. Replace or repair as applicable. PCC is not operating. Replace the valve. Relief valve is not operating. Replace the valve. Precharge on the accumulator is low. Charge the accumulator. Cylinder damaged. Seal leaks. Inspect cylinder and repair or replace seal. No hydraulic pressure. Test pressure and adjust pressure reducing valve. Solenoid valve SV9 is no operating. Test electrical and hydraulic operation. Replace or repair as applicable. PCC is no operating. Replace the valve. Relief valve is not operating. Replace the valve. Precharge on the accumulator is low. Charge the accumulator. Stand jump does not function. 6-9 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-10 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Counterbalance and Stand Jump Schematic Diagram Pressure Relief Valve 1500 PSI T-3A -4 OR1 ZC 2 CP OR2 .075ø .075ø 75 PSI 1 2 75 PSI 1 2 T-13A T-13A CV1 1 CP -12 CP -12 Counterbalance Cylinders 4.000" Dia. Bore X 8.50" Stroke 2.000" Dia. Rod -12 CV2 T -12 .010ø T Counterbalance Accumulator Normally-Open Logic Cartridge Metering T 728 Cubic Inches 900 PSI Precharge -16 5 PSI -6 90 PSI XC Prefill Valve 25mm Cable ID Number .047ø Stand Jump Counterbalance Mode Rig-up Stand Jump Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 9) 2 Position Valve Shut-down Run A B A B P T b C09 3 Position Valve with Detent T D03 -6 P MV .055ø CB Manifold Assembly SV9 D03 XC CV3 75 PSI T-21A CB Test Port B9 B9 1 4 3 CDF 4 PSI DF 2 2 T-10A 1 1 1 SJR System Accumulator 2 DF 126 Cubic Inches 800 PSI Precharge 2 TF SA 4 PCC T-21A T-13A T-5A 30 PSI 1 2 Pressure Relief Valve 200 PSI 3 System Pressure CTF To Tank Figure 6-2. Counterbalance and Stand Jump Schematic Diagram 6-10 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-11 of 22 Troubleshooting 6 This page is intentionally blank. 6-11 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-12 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Motor Brakes Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Brake does not release. Directional valve is stuck. Test the valve and replace if necessary. Brake releases but still drags. Check valve is blocked or tube is pinched. Replace the check valve or tube as required. Mechanical problem with brakes. Repair brake mechanism. Hydraulic oil on brake pads. Check for hydraulic leaks and repair. Pressure is not 1,500 psi or does not rise crisply to 1,500 psi. Reducing valve is plugged or needs to be adjusted or replaced. Directional valve is stuck (check pressure at B1). Replace valve or check electrical signal. Hydraulic oil is contaminated. Replace hydraulic oil. Pressure reducing valve is faulty. Replace valve. Brakes do not engage or slip. Delay in brakes actuating after console switch is turned on. 6-12 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-13 of 22 Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting Motor Brakes Schematic Diagram Brake Calipers 2 Position Solenoid Valve Brakes On Cable ID Number A B P T b -4 C01 B1 SV1 .071ø Manifold Assembly D03 Non-Adjustable Orifice P1 Test Point 1500 PSI PC1 Reducing Valve 1 T-11A 2 System Pressure 3 Tank Drain Figure 6-3. Brake Circuit Schematic Diagram 6-13 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-14 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Shot Pin Cylinder and Clamp Cylinder Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Shot pin does not engage. Solenoid valve is not operating or relief valve is not adjusted. Check electrical actuation and test pressure. Adjust as required. Abnormal pressure change at B5 and C5 indicates a valve problem. Replace directional control valve. Normal pressure change indicates plumbing or shot pin cylinder are faulty. Repair plumbing or shot pin cylinder. Shot pin applies excessive force to rotating head gear. Relief valve is not operating or is out of adjustment. Test pressures and adjust as required. Clamp cylinder does not actuate. No pressure or reduced pressure at the cylinder. Test pressures and adjust and repair as required. Cylinder is damaged. Inspect cylinder and repair or replace. To provide high pressure to the clamp circuit, pressure at C5 must be 2,000 psi and G5 must be less than 100 psi. If this condition is met, pressure at CP should increase from less than 100 psi to higher than 2,000 psi. If not, check the plumbing, rotating link adapter, and clamp cylinder. Repair plumbing, rotating head, or clamp cylinder. While clamping, pressure at CR should be 2.7 times the pressure at CP. When the dies contact the pipe, pressure at CR should be less than 100 psi. If the pressure does not fade, check valve CNEC for contamination. Clean or repair CNEC valve. Control valve not operating. Check pressure at C5. Replace valve CV5 if required or the regenerate manifold. Shot pin engages but clamp cylinder does not activate. 6-14 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-15 of 22 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Shot Pin Cylinder and Clamp Cylinder Schematic Diagram Clamp Cylinder 10.000" Dia. Bore X 2.0" Stroke 8.000" Dia. Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Cavity Plug CP CR 1 Pilot-to-Close Check Valve 3 T-2A CKEB 2 30 PSID 2 1 CNEC Shot-Pin Cylinder 3 2.000" Dia. Bore X 2.31" Stroke 1.500" Dia. Rod Relief Valve T-2A 1 T-5A COFA .047ø 400 PSI Shot Pin Cylinder 2 30 PSID 2 2x .094ø VR VP 1 2 Position Solenoid Valve 5 Clamp/Shot Pin Non-Adjustable Flow Control Cable ID Number A B P T b A5 E5 G5 E5 G5 -8 G5 SV5 D03 B5 C5 50 PSI .031ø .159ø AR5 2 3 Pressure Reducing Valve 2 1 LC5 1 T-11A 3 Logic Cartridge Rotating Link Adapter Assembly -6 -6 C05 E5 -8 Clamp -8 -8 T-10A B5 C5 .031ø 1000 PSI T-11A 3 2 T-21A CV5 Externally-Drained Pilot-to-Open Valve 1 4 75 PSI P5 Drain 1 3 T-11A System Pressure PC5 2 Tank Drain System Pressure Tank T1 T1 D5 Manifold Assembly Figure 6-4. Shot Pin Cylinder and Clamp Cylinder Schematic Diagram 6-15 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-16 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Link Tilt Cylinders Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Drill pipe elevator does not reach mouse hole/derrickman position. Link clamp incorrectly adjusted. Readjust. Links drift when valve is released. Pressure at B8 does not decay to less than 100 psi. Replace the pilot to open check valve. Pilot to open check valve is stuck open or contaminated. Replace the pilot to open check valve. Faulty cylinder seal. Replace the seal. Load holding relief valves are out of adjustment, stuck open, or contaminated. Adjust or replace the load holding relief valve. Drill pipe elevator does not float back to center position. Use manual override. If the link tilts, the problem is electrical. If the links do not tilt, the problem is hydraulic. Test the solenoid and connectors. Test the hydraulic system. Link tilt does not tilt. Solenoid valve is not shifting. Check electrical continuity. 6-16 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-17 of 22 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Link Tilt Cylinders Schematic Diagram Link Tilt Cylinder 3.250" Dia. Bore X 10.3" Stroke 1.380" Dia. Rod Mousehole Drill Down C1 C1 1500 PSI CV1 T-11A 1 X1 C2 CV2 T-11A 3 3 2 C2 C2 1 T-11A CB2 1500 PSI T-11A CB1 1 3 C1 1 2 2 2 X2 3 V1 V2 G6 H J Rotating Link Adapter Assembly Link Tilt "Float" Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 8) Link Tilt "Tilt" Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 6) Link Tilt "Drill Down" Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 6) Link-Tilt Float P T SV8 Logic Cartridge D03 B8 LA6 T-11A 1 50 PSI 2 3 A6 A B C07 Drill Down P b E6 .031ø .071ø 1 T SV6 D03 .031ø G6 75 PSI .031ø B6 3 3 2 4 .031ø Logic Cartridge a C06 M'hole -8 B -8 A Link Tilt -6 b C08 X -8 X -8 J -8 X -8 H -8 X E6 G6 -8 B8 -8 E6 Cable ID Number -8 -8 G6 X E6 X -8 -8 -6 B8 X -6 B8 V2 V1 FL CA6 T-21A .031ø T-11A 1 50 PSI 2 LB6 .071ø 4 2 3 1 CB6 75 PSI T-21A Pressure Tank Manifold Assembly X D1 X A8 Figure 6-5. Link Tilt Cylinders Schematic Diagram 6-17 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-18 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Gearbox Lubrication Hydraulic System Troubleshooting Table Problem Probable Cause Remedy Oil leaking from lower seal. Worn oil seals. Replace seals. Oil leaking from upper bearing retainer. Worn oil seals. Replace seals. Gearbox oil temperature (less than 230° F). Oil level too low or too high. Adjust oil level to middle of sight glass. Incorrect lubricant used. Check recommended lubricants chart and replace as needed. Damaged gears or bearings. Repair and replace as needed. Oil level is too low. Oil overheated. Add oil. Oil pressure switch is out of adjustment. Adjust the switch (see the section titled "IBOP and Oil Pressure Switch" on page 5-79). Gear spray nozzle missing. Replace spray nozzle. Excessive oil viscosity. Lower oil viscosity. Faulty motor. Intermittent operation. Replace motor. Oil pump hydraulic motor failure. Replace motor. Broken lube pump adapter plate spline. Replace adapter plate spline. Faulty fixed displacement pump. Check pressure at PF. Replace pump if pressure is low. Low hydraulic fluid in reservoir. Add hydraulic fluid. Suction valve closed on fixed displacement pump. Open suction valve. Missing inspection plugs. Replace inspection plugs. Upper gearbox seals worn. Replace seals. Water in oil. Replace oil. Excessively viscous oil. Cold oil. Lower oil viscosity. Worn gears or damaged bearings. Replace gears or bearings. Damaged oil pump. Replace oil pump. Foreign particles blocking orifice or nozzle. Clean orifice or nozzle. Oil pump loss alarm is on. Water/mud in oil. Excessive foaming. Metal in oil. Restricted oil flow. 6-18 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-19 of 22 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Gearbox Lubrication Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram Pressure Switch S04 Spray Nozzles (4) Orifices (6) 10 PSI Decreasing -16 1.0 GPM Ea. 1.5 GPM Ea. Upper Compound Gear Lower Compound Gear .062ø .205ø .059ø .059ø Upper Mainshaft Bearing Lower Radial/Main Thrust Bearings .047ø .047ø Upper Compound Bearing L4 Lower Compound Bearing Lube-Oil Filter Lube Pump 60m 5.10 In.^ 3/Rev. L1 -16 Lube-Oil Pump -10 A -10 Tank B 3.0 In.^ 3/Rev. Lube Pump Motor Hydraulic Motor Hydraulic Heat Exchanger Tank T-10A 2 RV2 1 400 PSI Manifold PF 1.00 IN^ 3/REV. Part of Pump Motor Assembly Reservoir Assembly Figure 6-6. Gearbox Lubrication Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram 6-19 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-20 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Tool Rotation and Movement Problem Probable Cause Remedy Tool does not rotate. Direct control valve or relief valve is sticking Inspect, repair, or replace the valve. When you override a directional valve, you bypass the safety interlock. Top drive components can then move, possibly causing serious injury or death. Tool does not return to the home position. Links are not synchronized. Solenoid valve is not electrically operating. Check electrical connections and valve functions. Motor is worn out or gear teeth are broken. Replace the motor. Shot pin is engaged. Adjust the relief valve. Mechanical interference. Inspect and repair. Directional valve does not shift. Test pressure left and right. Replace the valve. Fixed valve orifice is plugged. Clear orifice or replace the valve. Hydraulic lines are damaged. Replace hydraulic lines. Valve is sticking or relief valve is out of adjustment. Test pressure and inspect valves. Adjust relief valve as required. Sensor is broken. Replace sensor. If the motor will drive normally, but not drive to the home position, the cause could be the control system. Check out the control system. Counterbalance valves are out of adjustment. Adjust valves together. Make sure pressure is the same for all four valves. 6-20 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-21 of 22 6 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Rotating Link Adapter Motor Schematic Diagram Rotating Head Motor A B Fixed Displacement Motor 2 1 T-10A Pressure Relief Valves 1700 PSI 1700 PSI T-10A 2 1 A B Rotate Left Solenoid Rotate Right Solenoid Rotating Head Cable ID Number A Cable ID Number B b a C03 C02 P T -6 Right -6 Left A2 SV2 .071ø Non-Adjustable Orifice B2 D03 Pressure Tank Manifold Assembly 3 Position Solenoid Valve Figure 6-7. Rotating Link Adapter Motor Schematic Diagram 6-21 6 SM00856 Revision D Page 6-22 of 22 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting IBOP Actuator Schematic Diagram IBOP Actuator Cylinder 2.500" Dia. Bore X 2.00" Stroke 1.750" Dia. Rod Hydraulic Cylinder Open Close Time-Delay Accumulator 30 Cubic Inches 800 PSI Precharge Gas Charged Accumulator -6 A4 B4 A4 B4 IBOP Close Solenoid (Solenoid Valve 4) Double Solenoid Valve -6 -6 Rotating Link Adapter -6 (Small) IBOP Close Cable ID Number A B P T b -6 -6 SV4 A4 -6 C04 B4 C4 Manifold Assembly D03 500 PSI CV4 Flow Control Valve D4 1 T-11A 3 T-11A 2 2 1 3 PC4 System Pressure Tank Figure 6-8. IBOP Actuator Schematic Diagram 6-22 SM00856 Revision D Hydraulic Symbols A The following pages provide descriptions for hydraulic symbols used in the hydraulic schematic diagrams. A-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 A SM00856 Revision D Page A-2 of 4 Hydraulic Symbols Description Symbol Schematic Reference 2 Position 4 Way Valves (Single Solenoid) Solenoid Operated Valves SV1, SV4, SV5, SV8, SV9 33-1 3 Position 4 Way Valves (Double Solenoid) SV2, SV6 33-2 Manual Valve (Rotary) MV 3 Position 4 Way Valve 33-3 Fixed Displacement 33-4 Pumps Variable Displacement 33-5 RV2, A2R, B2R, SJR Standard Valve 33-6 Pressure Relief Valves Ventable Relief Valve RV1 33-7 UV1 Differential Unloading Valve 33-8 Pressure Reducing Valve PC1, PC4 33-9 PCC Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valve 33-10 Chack Valve 33-11 CDF, CTF, CV2, CTR, CDR, CXCD Prefill valve assembly CV1, CV2 Figure A-1. Hydraulic Symbols (1 of 3) A-2 SM00856 Revision D Page A-3 of 4 Hydraulic Symbols Description Symbol A Schematic Reference CKCB (Link Tilt) Pilot-To-Open Check Valves 33-12 CA6, CB6, CV3, CV4 (Clamp Body) Pilot-To-Close 33-13 1 3 PC5 Cavity Plug 2 33-14 Internal Plug 33-15 CV1 Non Adjustable Flow Control Valves 33-16 Non Adjustable Orifice Diameter in inches 33-17 CBCA (Link Tilt Circuit) 3 Port (Internal Drain) Counterbalance Valves 33-18 4 Port (External Drain) CWCK (Link Tilt Circuit) 33-19 Standard Cartridge Logic Cartridge LA6, LB6, LC5, LODC 33-20 With Metering See Prefill Assembly 33-21 Quick Disconnect Coupling 33-22 Figure A-2. Hydraulic Symbols (2 of 3) A-3 A SM00856 Revision D Page A-4 of 4 Hydraulic Symbols Description Description Symbol Symbol Schematic Reference Reference Schematic See Lube Oil Circuit Non Bypass Filter 33-23 Filter with Bypass See Return Circuit 33-24 Manual Shutoff Valve 33-25 Lube Oil Circuit Thermostat 33-26 Pressure Switch Lube Oil Circuit 33-27 Hydraulic Circuit (Inside Brake Housing) Heat Exchanger 33-28 Pressure Compensator Control Part of the Pump 33-29 Hydro-Pneumatic Accumulator 33-30 Hydraulic Motor (Bi-Directional) 33-31 Hydraulic Cylinder 33-32 Tank (Reservoir) 33-33 Test Point 33-34 Figure A-3. Hydraulic Symbols (3 of 3) A-4 SM00856 Revision D PH-50 Pipe Handler B Appendix B provides information about the PH-50 Pipe Handler. Refer to section titled "Inspecting the PH-75 Pipe Handler" on page 5-32 for information about the PH-75 Pipe Handler. Rotating Link Adapter Link Tilt Remote IBOP Actuator Manual IBOP Torque Back-up Clamp Assembly Elevator Links Drive Pipe Elevator Assembly Figure B-1. PH-50 Major Components B-1 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-2 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Inspection Schedule Each Use Page Reference Check wireline adapter sheaves for excessive wear or damage See page B-26 Daily Check for missing lockwire and cotter pins Check for loose or broken parts and leaks Check for damaged hoses and fittings Check tong dies for wear See page B-12 Check clamp cylinder for leaks See page B-12 Check hoses for wear or damage See page B-16 Check tool joint locks for tightness See page B-18 Check upper and lower IBOP valves for proper operation See page B-19 Weekly Check link tilt clamps for position and tightness See page B-6 Check stabbing guide and flippers for damage and wear See page B-7 Check clamp cylinder gate hinge pin for wear See page B-12 Check IBOP actuator cylinder for leaks See page B-16 Check IBOP actuator cam followers for wear or excessive play See page B-16 Check upper and lower IBOPs and IBOP crank for damage (if equipped) See page B-19 Check shot pin assembly for leaks See page B-21 Monthly Check elevator link eyes for wear See page B-6 Check link tilt bushings for wear See page B-8 Check link tilt actuator cylinders for leaks See page B-8 Check link tilt actuator cylinder pins for wear See page B-8 Check clamp cylinder body wear bushings for wear See page B-12 Check stabilizer springs for damage See page B-14 Check front and rear stabilizers for wear See page B-12, B-14 Check pins and bushings on IBOP actuator cylinder and yoke for wear See page B-16 Check shot pin assembly for wear or damage See page B-21 Yearly Check piston ring for pitting and chipping See page B-23 Check stem for pitting, grooves and chipping See page B-23 Replace GLYD rings, o-rings and bushings on rotating link adapter See page B-23 5 Years MPI Inspection See page B-27 Figure B-2. PH-50: Inspection Schedule B-2 SM00856 Revision D Page B-3 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Safety Precautions Warnings Avoid equipment damage or injury to personnel by paying close attention to the important safety notes highlighted as Notes, Cautions, and Warnings used throughout this manual. To avoid serious injury or death, read and understand the following warning advisories before performing maintenance or troubleshooting procedures. Complete all appropriate job safety analysis (JSA), permits, and crew safety briefings immediately prior to each maintenance activity or session. If, at any point during the maintenance session, the planned activities change for any reason, review the job safety requirements again to ensure the crew involved is aware of the changes in activities. Ensure all appropriate personal safety equipment is in good condition and used when necessary. Unless specifically noted in this manual, properly lock out the main power source before performing lubrication, inspection, or replacement procedures. Wear protective glasses to prevent eye injuries from fluids under pressure, as well as other hazards. Do not attempt any adjustments while the machine is moving. Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before performing maintenance procedures. Do not attempt repairs you do not understand. Use caution when draining lubricant. It can be hot. Never check for hydraulic leaks with your hands. Oil under pressure escaping from a hole can be nearly invisible and can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Always check for leaks with a piece of wood or cardboard and always wear protective eyewear when working on hydraulic components. Always discharge all accumulators before servicing the hydraulic system. B-3 B PH-50 Pipe Handler SM00856 Revision D Page B-4 of 28 Safety Precautions Top drive maintenance requires personnel working at height and there exists the potential for injury or dropped objects. Equipment Records Keep a record book of all maintenance procedures performed. Date each procedure, followed by a description and the technician who performed it. This data is valuable for fault finding and problem solving, should technical problems arise. Procedures in this chapter relate to NOV-only components. See the appropriate vendor-supplied OEM manuals for inspection schedules and maintenance procedures for non-NOV equipment and components. Torque Values Refer to the Design Torque Standard (DS00008) in the equipment User Manual for the torque standards to follow when tightening component fasteners. Install bolts with anti-seize compound and tighten based on the Design Torque Standard (DS00008). This document is included in the equipment User Manual. Safety Wire (Lockwire) Procedures Refer to the Safety Wiring Procedure (ASP00019) in the equipment User Manual for the procedures required for installing safety wire (lockwire) on component fasteners. B-4 SM00856 Revision D Page B-5 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Elevator Links Once a month, use calipers to measure the amount of wear on the elevator link eyes. Compare the measurement with the link wear charts in the Links User Manual (D6350000870). This manual is included in the equipment User Manual. Disassembly/Assembly 1. Disconnect and remove the drill pipe elevator from the elevator links. 2. Using the Driller’s Control Console, rotate the pipe handler 90° to position one of the elevator links directly below the front of the motor guard. 3. Remove the catch link bolt from the catch link. 4. Remove the clevis pin from the link, which connects the link tilt to the elevator link. 5. Using the sling, hoist the elevator link away from the pipe handler. 6. Rotate the pipe handler 180°, repeat the procedure to remove the other elevator link. B-5 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-6 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Elevator Links Inspection Recess in Motor Guard 950 lb (431 kg) Elevator Link 2 Lift and remove Link Tilt Catch Link Pin Upper Catch Link 26" (635mm) Typical Monthly Elevator Link Eyes Inspect for wear (see table) Rear Clevis Pin Link Pipehandler Rotate Switch EH T AN SH PU PIP Weekly T IL K TT LIN OA FL U HP / ON TO Front AU QU E TE CW TA PH C RO Link Tilt Clamps Inspect for position and tightness CW T ILT TIL KT 1 LIN ILL DR Rotate E RS VE Driller’s Control Console I NC CY GEN ER OP EM ST EUP S TOR QUE I NC L DRIL BX OR N VAT OPE ELE I NC BX ED A SE RE ARM CE LAN UMP GEN R LE D ND CLAMP HOL HA TWH AND PUS PIPE VFD LT FAU TILT LINK AT FLO DRIL RTE OVE MA TD KEU PM SR Monthly P E DECR EAS RBA NDJ NTESTA COUL / DRIL MS AR AL L MOTMPOR A SE RE ECREASE D BLE ENA L ERA A SE RE E DE CR EAS SET MAK TD DR ILL OR VAT ELESED BX CLO Elevator Link Eyes Inspect for wear (see table) HPU/ ON O AUT SS PRE OIL S LOS QUE DE WER BLO S LOS TD ATE CW TOR PH S MO ROT CCW SPIN TILT TILT / LINK NCE SILECK RM CHE ALA P LAM L DRIL L DRIL BR AK E N IO O AUT TD OP IB SED E ERS REV CT RE S DI OFF D CLO WAR FOR KE BRAOFF / ON SE CLO IBOP N OPE Figure B-3. PH-50: Elevator Link Inspection B-6 SM00856 Revision D Page B-7 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Link Tilt Disassembly/Assembly 1. Shut down the power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the link tilt cylinders and cap all connections. 3. Unpin and remove the link tilt cylinders. 4. Unpin and remove the link tilt crank. Use the recommended spanner wrench to remove the rod gland seal. B-7 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-8 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Link Tilt Inspection Pins Inspect for wear replace as needed Monthly Monthly Bushings Inspect for wear replace as needed Monthly Link Tilt Actuator Cylinders Inspect the hydraulic connections for leaks Link Tilt Monthly Bushings Inspect for wear replace as needed Component Replace when Pins Wear exceeds .06 in. on diameter Bushings Metal backing is visible through the lining End cap of the metal backing exceeds .04 in. wear i Bushings should be pressed in using the mating pin as an installation mandrel. Figure B-4. PH-50: Link Tilt Inspection B-8 SM00856 Revision D Page B-9 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Torque Wrench Assembly Clamp Cylinder Body Disassembly/Assembly Procedure 1. Shutdown power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Disconnect the hydraulic lines on the clamp cylinder body and cap all connections. 3. Support the clamp cylinder body. 4. Remove the two hex-head capscrews and lockwashers that hold the end cap in place. 5. Remove the end cap, spring spacer, spring sleeve, and spring. 6. Slowly lower the clamp cylinder body off the torque wrench frame and move it to a suitable work area. 7. Remove the 16 hex-head screws and lockwashers that hold the wear bushings on the clamp cylinder body. 8. Remove the four wear bushings, and replace the wear bushings as necessary. 9. Remove the two hinge pin retainer hex-head screws. 10. Swing out the two hinge pin retainers. 11. Remove the two hinge pins. 12. Remove the gate, front jaw, front stabilizer, and front stabbing guide. 13. Remove the two socket-head capscrews and hi-collar washers from the front jaw. 14. Remove the front jaw from the gate. 15. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for the rear jaw. 16. Push the cylinder head in enough to relieve the load on the cylinder head ring. Remove the cylinder head ring. Use care in this operation. 17. Slowly pull out the cylinder head using the threaded holes. Remove and discard the piston seal. 18. Carefully push the piston out of the body. Remove and discard the piston seal. 19. Remove the wiper rod and rod seal from the body. Discard the seals. 20. Clean the piston, cylinder head, and the body. Clean and lightly lubricate the new seals and seal surfaces prior to reassembly. Use recommended spanner wrench to remove the rod gland seal. Assembly is performed in reverse order of disassembly. B-9 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-10 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Clamp Cylinder Body Disassembly/Assembly Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body Hydraulic Manifold RIG-UP SHUTDOWN RUN COUNTERBALANCE MODE Rig-up/Run/ Shutdown Valve Shown in SHUTDOWN position (Shown with link tilt removed) Torque Arrestor Spring Spring Spacer Spring Shims Adjust to ensure the torque wrench clamps fully onto the saver sub Support clamp cylinder body before removing end cap. End Cap Clamp Cylinder Body Figure B-5. PH-50: Removing the Clamp Cylinder Body B-10 SM00856 Revision D Page B-11 of 28 B PH-50 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Clamp Cylinder Body Disassembly/Assembly Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body Manifold Rear Stabilizer Front Stabilizer Hinge Pin Retainer Spring Hex Head Screws Cylinder Head Ring Clamp Cylinder Body Cylinder Head Body Seals Piston Seals Jaw Assembly Piston Tong Dies Gate Wear Bushing Socket Head Cap Screws Hinge Pin Front Stabbing Guide Rear Stabbing Guide Flippers Spring Retaining Plate Figure B-6. PH-50: Disassembling the Clamp Cylinder Body B-11 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-12 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body Component Replace when Stabilizer Wear exceeds 1/8 in. Flippers Wear exceeds 1/8 in. Tugger Line V A R C O P H 5 0 Front and Rear Stabilizers Inspect for wear Wear Bushings Check for wear, replace as necessary Weekly Monthly Tong Dies Inspect for excessive wear CO R VA Daily Daily Clamp Cylinder Check for leaks, replace seals as necessary Swing Clear Weekly Clamp Cylinder Gate Shown open Stabbing Guide Inspect for damage Weekly Weekly Flippers Inspect for damage and excessive wear Clamp Cylinder Gate Hinge Pin Check for pin wear, replace as necessary Figure B-7. PH-50: Inspecting the Clamp Cylinder Body B-12 SM00856 Revision D Page B-13 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Torque Wrench Assembly Inspecting the Stabilizers Remove the two bolts (with slotted nuts and cotter pins) that hold the front stabilizer. Check the springs for damage and replace if needed. Pack spring cavities with grease and reassemble. Be sure all safety wire, cotter pins, and capscrews are tight, and tighten or replace as necessary. B-13 B PH-50 Pipe Handler SM00856 Revision D Page B-14 of 28 Torque Wrench Assembly Inspecting the Stabilizers Stabilizer Springs Check for damage, replace as necessary Monthly Monthly Stabilizers Inspect for wear, replace if wear exceeds 1/8 in. Cotter Pin Figure B-8. PH-50: Inspecting the Stabilizer B-14 SM00856 Revision D Page B-15 of 28 B PH-50 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Disassembling the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke 1. Shutdown the power and bleed the system (turn the valve on the bottom of the gearcase to the SHUT DOWN position). 2. Remove one gate hinge pin, open the gate, and pull back the torque wrench assembly. 3. Disconnect the hydraulic lines from the IBOP actuator cylinder and cap all connections. 4. Unpin and remove the IBOP actuator cylinder and yoke. 5. Replace the hydraulic lines as necessary. 6. Check for cylinder leaks. B-15 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-16 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Torque Wrench Assembly Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke Weekly IBOP Actuator Cylinder Check for leaks, tighten fittings Daily Monthly Hoses Replace if worn or damaged Pins and Bushings Check for wear or excessive play Monthly IBOP Actuator Yoke Check pins and bushings for wear or excessive play Component Replace when Pins Wear exceeds .03 in. on diameter Bushings Metal backing is visible through the lining Weekly IBOP Actuator Yoke Check cam followers for wear or excessive play End cap of the metal backing exceeds .04 in. wear i Bushings should be pressed in using the mating pin as an installation mandrel Figure B-9. PH-50: Inspecting the IBOP Actuator Cylinder and Yoke B-16 SM00856 Revision D Page B-17 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B IBOP Stack Tool Joint Locks Disassembly/Assembly ! Do not reuse locking screws. 1. Lubricate the locking screw threads, screw head bearing area, and the tapers of the inner rings with molybdenum disulfide grease, such as Molykote Gn paste. 2. Make sure the save sub, IBOPs, and main shaft are free of “high spots”, such as tong marks. If high spots exist, remove with file or light grinding. 3. Slide the tool joint lock over the main shaft, IBOP valves, and saver sub. 4. Clean the IBOP valves, main shaft, and saver sub surfaces thoroughly. Make sure these surfaces are smooth and free of grease, oil, and pipe dope. 5. Locate the tool joint lock symmetrically at each joint. ! Never tighten locking screws before the tool joint lock is at the correct location, otherwise it will not slide freely. 6. Take any three or four locking screws equally spaced and tighten them to establish parallel or perpendicular position of the tool joint lock collars relative to the main shaft, IBOP valves, and saver sub respectively. This properly seats the collars on the taper of the inner ring and aligns the collars. 7. Using a torque wrench, tighten all locking screws gradually in either a clockwise or counterclockwise sequence (not in a diametrically opposite sequence). Continue tightening all of the screws until they reach 185±5 ft lb. 8. Make sure no screw turns any more. The gap between the tool joint collars should be as equal as possible all the way around. 9. Safety wire all screws. B-17 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-18 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler IBOP Stack Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks Tool Joint Lock to be Equally Spaced on Upper IBOP and Main Stem Joint Connection 1.4" Tool Joint Shoulder 1.4" Remove O-Ring and Look through this Space and Split on Inner Ring Tapered Inner Ring Tool Joint Lock to be Offset on Upper and Lower IBOP Joint Connection Tool Joint 1.0" Shoulder I.D. Groove First Line Up this Point with the Tool Joint Shoulder. Then Move Inner Ring Down 3/8" with the Outer Assembly. Replace O-Ring Daily 1.4" Tool Joint Shoulder 1.4" Tool Joint Locks Inspect for loose bolts. Repair or replace if necessary. Torque to 1855 ft lb. Tool Joint Lock to be Equally Spaced on Lower IBOP and Saver Sub Joint Connection Removing the Tool Joint Locks Gradually release the locking screws all the way around. Initially release each screw about a quarter of a turn, avoid tilting and jamming the collars. Do not remove the screws completely at this time, otherwise the collars may spring off. Remove any rust formed or dirt collected adjacent to the tool joint lock. Once the screws are loose, remove the tool joint lock from the saver sub, IBOP valves, and main shaft. Figure B-10. PH-50: Inspecting the Tool Joint Locks B-18 SM00856 Revision D Page B-19 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B IBOP Stack Inspecting IBOP Valves and Saver Subs Close Component Replace when Saver Sub Threads have been recut to a minimum shoulder-to-shoulder length of 5 in. Weekly Daily Upper IBOP (Remote) Inspect for damage Valve Check for proper operation and pressure test for leaks Weekly Open IBOP Crank (Remote) Inspect for damage Weekly Daily Lower IBOP (Manual) (Optional) Inspect for damage Valve Check for proper operation and pressure test for leaks 5 Years Upper and Lower IBOP Figure B-11. PH-50: Inspecting IBOP Valves and Saver Subs B-19 B PH-50 Pipe Handler SM00856 Revision D Page B-20 of 28 Shot Pin Assembly Disassembly/Assembly 1. Disconnect the hydraulic and electrical lines. 2. Remove the capscrews that attach the shot pin assembly to the main body. 3. Remove the capscrew and lockwasher holding the shot pin cover in place. 4. Remove the shot pin components as shown in Figure B-12 (end cap, o-rings, rod seal assembly, shot pin). 5. Inspect the shot pin bearing and press the bearing out of the shot pin mounting bracket if the bearing is scored or damaged. 6. Remove the capscrew and lockwasher that hold the pinion gear in place, and remove the gear. 7. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers that hold the hydraulic motor in place and remove the motor. Inspect the disassemble parts and replace any worn or damaged parts. Assemble the shot pin in the reverse order of disassembly. B-20 SM00856 Revision D Page B-21 of 28 B PH-50 Pipe Handler Shot Pin Assembly Inspection Weekly Shot Pin Assembly Check for leaks, tighten fittings Shot Pin Base Dowel Pin Rod Seal Assembly Monthly Shot Pin Check for wear, remove buurrs Dual Port Manifold Rod Seal Assembly Monthly Shot Pin Sleeve Check for wear Hydraulic Motor O-ring Monthly Shot Pin Bushing Check for wear Shot Pin Cap Pinion Gear Component Replace when Shot Pin Outer diameter is less than 1.375 in. Shot Pin Sleeve Inner diameter is greater than 1.510 in. Shot Pin Bushing Inner diameter is greater than 1.475 in. Shot Pin Cover Figure B-12. PH-50: Inspecting the Shot Pin Assembly B-21 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-22 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter/Load Stem Removing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) 1. Drain the oil from the gearbox. 2. Disconnect and cap all tubing, remove the shot pin assembly and the landing collar. 3. Build a support over well center to support the weight of the link adapter. 4. Lower the top drive to the support built in Step 3. 5. Remove the bolts that attach the load stem to the main body. 6. Raise the top drive slowly to separate the link adapter from the main body. 7. Move the link adapter assembly to a clean, safe work area. 8. Orient the assembly with the stem flange up and block the entire assembly so that it is secure in this position. Disassembling the Link Tilt Assembly 1. Attach a three-point sling to the stem and pull the stem out of the link adapter. 2. Turn the stem over and place it on its flange. ! Protect the internal surfaces of the rotating link adapter and the surfaces of the drive stem when separating the two components. When removing the rotating link adapter from the stem, carefully tap with a mallet. There can be misalignment between the two bores when raising the drive stem and gear assembly. The piston ring is assembled with a light press fit. Provide a support under the gear so that it does not drop when it breaks loose. 3. Remove and discard all rotary seals, O-rings, thrust ring, and the wear bushings from inside the rotating link adapter and gear inside dimension. 4. Remove and discard the stem flange O-rings and stem bore shaft seals. B-22 SM00856 Revision D Page B-23 of 28 B PH-50 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter/Load Stem Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter Eye Bolts Rotary GLYD Ring (10 Places) Remove, discard and replace Yearly Rotary GLYD Ring Remove, discard and replace Yearly Rotary Link Adaptor O-Ring Remove, discard and replace Yearly Thrust Ring Remove, discard and replace Retainer Ring Yearly Turcite Bushing Remove, discard and replace O-Ring Yearly Rotary GLYD Ring Wiper Seal Yearly Piston Ring Inspect for pitting and chipped plating Rotating Link Adapter Gear Wear Allowances Component Replace when Thrust Ring Thickness is less than 0.105 in. Turcite Bushing Thickness is less than 0.112 in. Yearly Stem Inspect for pitting, grooves and chipped plating Stem O-Ring Remove, discard and replace Index Mark Indicates front of stem Yearly Level Work Surface Figure B-13. PH-50: Inspecting the Rotating Link Adapter B-23 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-24 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Rotating Link Adapter/Load Stem Assembling the Link Adapter 1. Orient the stem so the drive stem flange is down on a suitably protected surface. 2. Install the gear with its rotating seal and wiper in place. 3. Install the O-ring for the piston ring. 4. Install the piston ring by tapping on it lightly with a mallet to press it into place (Heat to 220-250°). 5. Install the retainer ring. 6. Install all of the rotary seals on the rotating link adapter, and an O-ring on the top surface. 7. Install the two wear bushings and the thrust ring in the rotating link adapter. 8. Rest the rotating link adapter on its bottom surface. 9. Clean and then lubricate (with hydraulic oil) the sealing surface of the stem and the inside diameter of the rotating link adapter. 10. Attach three lifting slings symmetrically through the holes on the top of the stem flange and slowly lower the assembly into the rotating link adapter body. Hammering with a large plastic mallet is an aid when assembling the stem to the link adapter. ! Make sure the seals do not twist in the grooves. 11. Install the gear onto the link adapter and install the bolts. 12. Pressure test each port at 1,000 psi and inspect for leaks at the adjacent ports. 13. Grease all lubrication points on the assembly. 14. Inspect the lower gearbox seal (located inside the stem flange), and replace as necessary. B-24 SM00856 Revision D Page B-25 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler B Rotating Link Adapter/Load Stem Installing the Rotating Link Adapter (while the top drive is in the mast) 1. Check the condition of the main shaft wear ring and replace if there is any evidence of grooving. 2. Place the rotating link adapter assembly back on the support built over well center, orienting the assembly so that the stem flange is up, and so that the index mark faces forward. 3. Carefully lower the top drive to engage the main shaft in the stem bore and then the stem flange pilot diameter is in the main body bore. 4. Install the flange bolts. 5. Install the link tilt cylinders, pin, and secure in place. 6. Install the link tilt crank and pin, and secure in place. 7. Install all hose assemblies. 8. Install tubing. 9. Install the shot pin assembly. 10. Fill the gearcase with gear oil (see Lubrication). 11. Check and fill the hydraulic oil as necessary. 12. Turn on the top drive and perform all pipe handler functions several times, checking for proper function and any leaks. 13. Re-check the hydraulic oil level and fill as necessary. ! Always install a new main shaft seal and use care not to damage the seal or the case. A light coating of grease applied to the O-ring helps in installing the rotating link adapter assembly into the main body. B-25 B SM00856 Revision D Page B-26 of 28 PH-50 Pipe Handler Wireline Adapter Inspection i Inspect the condition of the sheaves before and after each use Each Use Sheaves Replace or repair damaged parts as necessary Figure B-14. PH-50: Inspecting the Wireline Adapter B-26 SM00856 Revision D Page B-27 of 28 B PH-50 Pipe Handler Nondestructive Examination Yearly (or after approximately 3,000 operating hours), perform a Nondestructive Examination (NDE) of all critical load path items. NDE inspection includes visual examination, dye penetrant examination, magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic inspection, x-ray examination, and other methods of nondestructive testing for metallurgical integrity. Making Visual Inspections Use calipers on a regular basis to measure the amount of wear on the elevator link eyes. Compare the measurements with the information provided in the Links User Manual (D635000870) to determine the current strength of the elevator links. The capacity of the links equals the capacity of the weakest link. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Every five years, NOV recommends that customers inspect all top drive hoisting equipment using the wet fluorescent method of Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI). Refer to the documentation listed in the following section before beginning the MPI for any equipment component. Refer to the following standards that define the use of the wet fluorescent method of MPI when examining machined surfaces for any equipment component. ASTM A-275, Standard Method for Magnetic Particle Inspection of Steel Forgings ASTM-E-709, Standard Recommended Practice for Magnetic Particle Inspection I.A.D.C., Drilling Manual API RP 8B, Recommended Practice for Procedures for Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of Hoisting Equipment API 8C, Specification for Drilling and Product Hoisting Equipment (provides MPI inspection acceptance criteria) Any indications found are a potential cause for replacing one or more of the following: Main shaft (lower portion) Bail Split Load Collar Upper and lower IBOP Link adapter Saver, crossover, and spacer subs Power subs Power swivels Elevator links B-27 B PH-50 Pipe Handler SM00856 Revision D Page B-28 of 28 Nondestructive Examination Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) The drilling operator may determine that the MPI schedule should occur more frequently, based on one or more of the following factors: environment load cycles regulatory requirements operating time testing repairs Please contact your NOV Service Center if you have any questions. Ultrasonic Inspection In addition to the MPI, NOV also recommends performing an ultrasonic Inspection of the previously listed components to detect any erosion of the inside diameter. Any erosion reduces the load carrying capability of the part. Any subsurface irregularity can also compromise a component’s integrity. Details on Ultrasonic Inspection procedures are in the publication: ASTM A-388 Std. Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings IBOP Inspection Upper and lower IBOP valves, because of their internal grooves and shoulders, are particularly susceptible to corrosion fatigue cracking. These internal diameter changes act as stress risers for bending and tensile loads. It is especially important to properly inspect the IBOP valves on a frequent basis. Lubrication Refer to the section titled "Lubrication Schedules" on page 5-58 for pipe handler component lubrication schedules. Refer to Figure 5-36 on page 5-63 for general pipe handler lubrication procedures. B-28 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 2.0 Service Manual, Washpipe Assembly WASHPIPE ASSEMBLY Service Manual SM01053 Revision A © Copyright 2004 Varco® LP. All rights reserved. Varco® is a registred trademark of Varco I/P Reg. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. This publication is the property of, and contains information proprietary to, Varco International, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form, or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Varco International, Inc. All product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Intended Audience and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Personnel Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Recommended Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 General System Safety Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Replacing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Routine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Proper Use of Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Washpipe Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Special Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Washpipe Assembly Pressure Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 General Maintenance Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Equipment Maintenance Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Standard Washpipe Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Initial Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Maintenance Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Inspection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lubrication Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Illustrated Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Initial Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Maintenance Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Inspection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lubrication Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Removing the Washpipe Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Illustrated Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Washpipe 3 4 Varco General Information Intended Audience and Use This manual is intended for use by field engineering, installation, operation, and repair personnel. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. Varco International, Inc., will not be held liable for errors in this material, or for consequences arising from misuse of this material. This manual is intended as a supplement to the service manuals supplied with the Varco Top Drive System (TDS) and/or the Varco Integrated Drilling System (IDS). Conventions Notes, Cautions, and Warnings Notes, cautions, and warnings are used throughout this manual to provide readers with additional information, and to advise the reader to take specific action to protect personnel from potential injury or lethal conditions. They may also inform the reader of actions necessary to prevent equipment damage. Please pay close attention to these advisories. Note: i The note symbol indicates that additional information is provided about the current topics. Caution: ! The caution symbol indicates that potential damage to equipment or injury to personnel exists. Follow instructions explicitly. Extreme care should be taken when performing operations or procedures preceded by this caution symbol. Warning: The warning symbol indicates a definite risk of equipment damage or danger to personnel. Failure to observe and follow proper procedures could result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant property loss, or significant equipment damage. Illustrations Figures provide a graphical representation of equipment components or screen snapshots for use in identifying parts or establishing nomenclature, and may or may not be drawn to scale. For more specific component information pertinent to your rig configuration, see the technical drawings included with your Varco documentation. Washpipe 5 Safety Requirements Varco equipment is installed and operated in a controlled drilling rig environment involving hazardous operations and situations. Proper service and repair is important for safe and reliable operation. Operation and service procedures provided by Varco manuals are the recommended methods of performing those operations. ! To avoid injury to personnel or equipment damage, carefully observe the following safety requirements. Personnel Training All personnel performing installation, operations, repair, or maintenance procedures on the equipment, or those in the vicinity of the equipment, should be trained on rig safety, tool operation, and maintenance to ensure their safety. ! During installation, maintenance, or repair of equipment, personnel should wear protective gear. Protective gear must be worn during certain operation. Contact the Varco training department for more information about equipment operation and maintenance training. Recommended Tools Service operations may require the use of tools designed specifically for the purpose being described. Varco recommends that only those tools specified be used when stated. Ensure that personnel and equipment safety are not jeopardized when using service procedures or tools not specifically recommended by Varco. 6 Varco Safety Requirements General System Safety Practices The equipment discussed in this manual may require or contain one or more utilities, such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or cooling water. ! Before installing or performing maintenance or repairs on equipment, read the following instructions to avoid endangering exposed persons or damaging equipment. Isolate all energy sources before beginning work. Avoid performing maintenance or repairs while the equipment is in operation. Wear proper protective equipment during equipment installation, maintenance, or repair. Replacing Components Verify that all components (such as cables, hoses, etc.) are tagged and labeled during disassembly and reassembly of equipment to ensure correct installment. Replace failed or damaged components with Varco certified parts. Failure to do so could result in equipment damage, or personal injury. Routine Maintenance Equipment must be maintained on a regular and routine basis. See the service manual for maintenance recommendations. ! Failure to conduct routine maintenance could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. Proper Use of Equipment Varco equipment is designed for specific functions and applications, and should be used only for their intended purpose. Washpipe 7 General Description Washpipe Assembly The washpipe assembly is located between the main shaft and the gooseneck (S-pipe) on the TDS/IDS, supported by a bonnet. The washpipe assembly allows for the rotation of the TSD/IDS drilling string. Two types of washpipe assemblies are available: standard and hammerless. 8 Varco General Description Special Tools The standard washpipe assembly has hammer nuts on its washpipe nut and packing box. The hammer nuts are provided so that a special wrench and a hammer can be used to tighten to washpipe nut and packing box during installation. The hammerless washpipe assembly uses gear nuts which are tightened more precisely without a hammer but with a special torque wrench kit. This feature makes the unit easier to install by allowing the unit to swing in and out of its support bonnet before being torqued and does not require the use of a hammer. Standard Washpipe Standard Washpipe Wrench Strike here Hammerless Washpipe Torque Wrench 30-250 ft lb Hammerless Washpipe Torque Multiplier 3200 ft lb Removable extension not shown Socket Adapter Washpipe 9 Specifications Washpipe Assembly Pressure Ratings i Assembly descriptions are repeated for similar units. Use the assembly part number when referencing pressure ratings. Standard Washpipe Assembly Description Part No. Pressure Rating (psi) Small Bore (3-inch) 30123290 7,500 Large Bore (4-inch) 30123440 7,500 Large-to-Small Bore 30153491-50 7,500 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly 10 Description Part No. Pressure Rating (psi) Large Bore (4-inch) 30156883 7,500 Large-to-Small Bore 30173058-50 7,500 Varco General Maintenance Practices Equipment Maintenance Records Keep a record book of all maintenance procedures performed. Date each procedure, followed by a description and the technician who performed it. This data is valuable for fault finding and problem solving, should technical problems arise. i Procedures in this chapter relate to Varco only components. See the vendor manuals for maintenance procedures and schedules for the vendor equipment. Maintenance Schedules Maintenance schedules list preventive maintenance tasks. Inspection schedules assume normal operating conditions. Some conditions (excessive loading, dusty or corrosive atmosphere, temperature extremes, etc.) may warrant more frequent inspection intervals. Perform the procedures indicated, as warranted by the inspection. Safety Precautions Avoid equipment damage or injury to personnel by paying close attention to the important safety notes highlighted as Notes, Cautions, and Warnings used throughout this manual. To avoid serious injury or death, read and understand the following Warnings before performing maintenance or troubleshooting procedures: Unless instructed otherwise, properly lock out the main power source before performing any maintenance procedure. Wear protective glasses to prevent eye injuries. Do not attempt any adjustments while the machine is moving. Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before performing maintenance procedures. Washpipe 11 Standard Washpipe Assembly Initial Installation Procedure 1. Install the washpipe assembly on the TDS/IDS and hand-tighten the washpipe nut and packing box, then back off the packing box and washpipe nut by 1/4 turn. the packing box. securely tighten.) i Nut 12 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Initial Installation Washpipe 13 Standard Washpipe Assembly Initial Installation Procedure 11. Check washpipe alignment. Install dial indicator base on packing box. Adjust dial indicator to contact the washpipe approximately one inch above the packing box. 12. Rotate main shaft through one revolution, noting the minimum and maximum readings on the dial indicator. Subtract the minimum reading from the maximum reading to obtain the Total Indicated Runout (TIR). Maximum allowable TIR is 0.007 inch. Washpipe Dial Indicator Packing Box 14 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Maintenance Schedules Inspection Schedule Item Inspect for Interval Mating surface of stem liner(s) while it is installed in the TDS/IDS main shaft or gooseneck • Surface should be TDS/IDS main shaft bearing endplay Endplay is within specification (refer to TDS/IDS Service Manual) Once every six months and immediately after jarring Washpipe Assembly grease fitting Proper operation Replace every six months Washpipe pilot on the gooseneck and the washpipe pilot on the TDS/ IDS main shaft Proper alignment between pilots After TDS/IDS main shaft bearing endplay has been checked and is within specification All parts Refer to Disassembly Procedure Upon disassembly of washpipe assembly smooth and free of flaws or burrs • ID of stem liners When washpipe assembly is to be removed from TDS/ IDS Cleaning Schedule Item TDS/IDS bonnet (inside) Procedure Remove residual mud Interval Weekly Lubrication Schedule Washpipe Item Procedure Interval Washpipe Assembly grease fitting Apply 3 to 4 pumps of grease (refer to Lubrication Procedure) Twice daily or every 10 rotating hours 15 Standard Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures When Washpipe is to be Removed from TDS/IDS Service Limit (inches) 3.090 3.840 3.120 16 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures Every Six Months Procedure 1. Remove the washpipe assembly and replace the grease fitting. 2. Check the main shaft axial movement by applying an upward force to the main shaft and measuring the amount of axial movement with a dial indicator. 3. If axial shaft movement is not .001 in. to .003 in., remove the bearing retainer and adjust the number of shims under the bearing retainer as required to allow .001 in. to .003 in. of axial shaft movement (end play) with the bearing retainer capscrews tightened to the required torque depending on the size of the capscrew (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure for proper torque requirements). Washpipe Grease Fitting Replace Dial Indicator Washpipe 17 Standard Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures Every Six Months Gooseneck Pilot Dial Indicator 0.002 TIR between these two surfaces Bonnet removed for clarity. Main Shaft Pilot 18 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Lubrication Procedures Daily Lubrication Description grease fitting. Cyprina 2. Washpipe 19 Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting i The troubleshooting table does not necessarily cover all possible symptoms. The table provides an insight to typical symptoms, their possible causes, and what components to check. Symptom Leakage at threads between packing box and TDS/IDS main shaft Leakage at grease fitting access hole 20 Probable cause Remedy Poly Pak seal failure in main shaft stem liner Replace seal by removing the stem liner and installing the new seal. Be sure to deburr the edges of the main shaft as sharp edges will cut the seal on installation. Reinstall the stem liner. Lower O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. 2. Inspect the main shaft and stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Stem liner not smooth and does not allow O-ring to seal properly Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures, When Washpipe Is To Be Removed From TDS/IDS. Stem liner not flat and does not allow O-ring to seal properly Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures, When Washpipe Is To Be Removed From TDS/IDS. Spacers not flat and prevents packing seals from sealing between spacers proper Follow inspection procedures as outlined in step 8 of the Disassembly Procedure. Poly Pak seal failure in main shaft stem liner Replace seal by removing the stem liner and installing the new seal. Be sure to deburr the edges of the main shaft as sharp edges will cut the seal on installation. Reinstall the stem liner. Lower O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. 2. Inspect the main shaft and stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Remedy Leakage through grease fitting access hole (cont) Spacers not flat and prevents packing seals from sealing between spacers proper Follow inspection procedures as outlined the Inspection Procedure. Leakage at grease fitting Grease fitting failure Follow inspection procedures as outlined in step 12 of the Disassembly Procedure. Leakage between the washpipe and the packing box Packing failure Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Leakage between the washpipe and the washpipe nut Packing failure or packing is improperly seated Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Upper O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. and replace O-ring. 2. Inspect the gooseneck and, for big bore units with lined goosenecks, the stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Upper O-ring failure Leakage at threads between washpipe nut and gooseneck 1. Remove washpipe assembly. and replace O-ring. 2. Inspect the gooseneck and, for big bore units with lined goosenecks, the stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Premature failure after greasing Washpipe Packing failure or packing is improperly seated Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Improper greasing procedure Greasing can cause the seal to unseat from the washpipe and cause premature failure of the assembly. Running the TDS/ IDS without standpipe pressure allows the seals to reseat. Follow greasing procedure as outlined in the Lubrication Procedures. 21 Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Remedy Premature failure accompanied by occasional spurts of mud from packing box Washpipe alignment caused by improper installation, or misalignment of the gooseneck, or excessive bearing endplay If necessary, reinstall washpipe or realign the gooseneck. Check washpipe alignment as follows (see illustration on following page): 1. Install dial indicator base on packing box. Adjust dial indicator to contact the washpipe approximately one inch above the packing box. 2. Rotate main shaft through one revolution, noting the minimum and maximum readings on the dial indicator. Subtract the minimum reading from the maximum reading to obtain the Total Indicated Runout (TIR). Maximum allowable TIR is 0.007 inch. 3. If out of specification, check gooseneck alignment. Premature failure accompanied by occasional spurts of mud from packing box Misalignment of gooseneckto-washpipe pilot Inspect main shaft and mainshaft-togooseneck alignment as described in the Every Six Months Inspection procedure. Installation problems The proper installation sequence allows the packing and washpipe to align to each other, and ensures that both the washpipe nut and the packing box engage their pilots. Follow proper installation procedures (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure). Nut not torqued Improper torque prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers. When pressure is applied, it will extrude the packing between the spacers. Follow proper torquing procedures as described in the Initial Installation Procedure. Too mush grease during assembly of the unit Too much grease prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers during operation. The grease can sustain a hydrostatic pressure that resists torque during the installation. Premature failure due to flanged packing During operation the grease gradually leaks out resulting in loosening of the packing box. Follow proper greasing procedure during reassembly and check for proper spacer contact during installation (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure). 22 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Washpipe Dial Indicator Packing Box Washpipe 23 Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Packing is worn out Poor greasing schedule or improper grease. Follow proper lubrication procedures. RPM, pressure and mud temperature too high Friction between the seals and the washpipe create heat. TDS/IDS rpm and standpipe pressure contribute equally to the amount of heat generated. If pressure of rpm is increased, so is the amount of heat generated. Heat generation goes up with the square of the bore size. Mud is what cools the system. The hotter the mud, the less cooling it provides. The greater the amount of heat generated is relative to the amount of cooling the mud will provide, the hotter the seals run. As the seals run hotter, the wear resistance of the rubber drops. If using a large-bore washpipe, convert to a small-bore washpipe. Spacers too flat If the spaces are not flat, then metal-tometal contact cannot be maintained even when they are bottomed out against each other. The resulting small gaps will allow the packing to extrude into these areas. Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures. Nut not torqued Improper torque prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers. When pressure is applied, it will extrude the packing between the spacers. Follow proper torquing procedures as described in the Initial Installation Procedure. Blue spacers Improper torque or grease on the OD of the spacers Improper torque on the nut can lead to situations where the lower and middle spacers spin the packing box. The resulting heat achieves temperatures high enough to turn the spacers blue. Unable to maintain torque on packing box Improper assembly or installation 1. Remove washpipe assembly from TDS/IDS. 2. Disassemble the washpipe assembly, setting aside the packing seals for the lower, middle, and upper spacers. 3. Reassemble the washpipe assembly without the packing seals for the lower, middle, and upper spacers. Packing extruding between spacers 24 Remedy Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Unable to maintain torque on packing box (cont) Probable cause Remedy 4. Reinstall the washpipe assembly on the TDS/IDS as follows: a. Install the packing box onto the TDS/ IDS main shaft. Tighten until spacers are firmly held. b. Install the holding ring into the washpipe nut and install washpipe nut onto the TDS/IDS goosneck until the holding ring is firmly in place. c. Using a dial indicator, measure and record the distance between the flat surfaces on the washpipe nut and the packing box. Also for future use, mark the location where the measurement is taken. NOTE To ensure that the washpipe assembly has been sufficient tightened, measure the distance with each subsequent installation of the washpipe assembly. Washpipe 25 Standard Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure Snap Ring 1. Remove washpipe assembly from the TDS/IDS. 2. Completely disassemble the washpipe assembly. Take care to prevent damage to the sharp edge of the upper and middle spacers. 3. Dispose of packing, washpipe and O-rings. These parts are not serviceable and must be replaced. Holding Ring Washpipe Nut O-Ring Packing Box Grease Fitting i Washpipe Discard and replace these non-serviceable parts from the washpipe assembly. Upper Spacer Packing Set (5 per Set) Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Middle Spacer Middle Spacer O-Ring 26 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 4. Thoroughly clean and inspect remainder of parts. 5. Check that the ID of each spacer is within specification. 6. Check that the flat portions of each spacer are free of burrs that could prevent the spacers from seating properly. Burrs should be lightly filed flush. If surfaces are out-of-flat, replace spacer. 7. The edge that directly backs up the packing should be free of cuts, nicks, and burrs. If edge is damaged replace spacer. This surface to be smooth and flat ID This surface to be smooth and flat This edge to be sharp Spacer Varco Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Small Bore Upper Middle Lower 123585 30123286 123287 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.645 3.645 3.645 Large Bore Upper Middle Lower 30123434 30123435 30123436 4.895 to 4.900 4.895 to 4.900 4.895 to 4.900 4.905 4.905 4.905 Middle Spacer Upper Middle Lower 123585 30123286 123287 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.645 3.645 3.645 Middle Spacer Washpipe Assembly Large to Small Bore Washpipe Upper Spacer 27 Standard Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 8. Check that the ID of the washpipe nut where the washpipe passes through. 9. Check that the ID of the packing box where the washpipe passes through. Washpipe Nut ID Packing Box Washpipe Assembly Washpipe Nut Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Small Bore 123284 3.655 to 3.660 3.665 Large Bore 30123431 4.905 to 4.910 4.915 Large to Small Bore 30153493 3.655 to 3.660 3.665 Washpipe Assembly Packing Box Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Small Bore 30123563 3.637 to 3.644 Large Bore 30123626 4.900 to 4.905 Large to Small Bore 30153494 3.637 to 3.644 28 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 10. Inspect the holding ring drive dogs. Each dog has a slight undercut. If the undercut is no longer visible, replace the holding ring. Holding Ring This surface to be smooth and flat Undercut rease i This surface to be smooth and flat 11. Check that the flat portions of the holding ring are free of burrs that could prevent the ring from seating properly. Burrs should be lightly filed flush. 12. Inspect the spring tension in the ball of the grease fitting. If the ball is not properly tensioned, replace the grease fitting. If in doubt, replace the grease fitting. Replace the grease fitting every six months or every other rebuild of the washpipe assembly, whichever period is longer, even if the grease fitting is working properly. 13. Reassemble the washpipe assembly as described in the Reassembly Procedure. Washpipe 29 Standard Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 1. Apply a light grease film to the outside of each packing seal and fill the plunge with grease, flush with the packing. Packing Seal Fill with grease to level shown Spacer 2. Install one packing seal into each of the four spacers (one upper, two middle, one lower) that go into the packing box. Wipe all excess grease from the top edge of the packing and all excess grease from the spacers. Take care to prevent damage to the sharp edges of the spacers. Upper Spacer Sharp edge of spacer Sharp edge of spacer Sharp edge of spacer 30 Wipe grease from area shown, all the way around on each spacer. Middle Spacer Middle Spacer Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 3. Install each spacer (with packing seals) in the proper sequence in the packing box. Handle each spacer from the ID to ensure that no grease gets between the metal portions of the spacer, or on the outside diameter of the spacer. When installing the upper spacer, line up the slot in the upper spacer with the dowel pin in the packing box. Dowel Pin Grease Fitting Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Packing Box Ensure that the nose of the socket head dog nose screw is fully engaged in the groove of the lower spacer (screw should not push spacer off center) .010" Min i In the following step, an Arbor press may be required to compress the packing enough to in stall the screws. 4. Install the socket head cap screws. The heads of the screws should bottom out in the nut casing. The dog head should not bottom out on the space er. The screw prevents the spacers from not otherwise constrain them. 5. packing box. 6. NOT OVER GREASE. Washpipe 31 Standard Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 7. Lightly grease the washpipe, then install the washpipe into the packing box, with the slotted end of the washpipe up and the nonslotted end flush with the bottom edge of the packing box. 8. Install the washpipe nut onto the washpipe. Washpipe Nut Washpipe Packing Box 32 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 9. Lightly grease the packing seal, fill the plunge with grease, and install in the holding ring, taking care to not damage the seal on the splines of the washpipe. Wipe all excess grease from the top edge of the packing and wipe all grease from the holding ring. Holding Ring Wipe grease from area shown, all the way around the holding ring. Packing Seal Fill with grease to level shown. Holding Ring 10. Insert the holding ring and packing, seal side down, over the slotted end of the washpipe. 11. Install the snap ring. 12. Install the upper and lower O-rings. Apply a light coat of grease to the O-rings. Packing Seal Snap Ring O-ring 13. approximately the length of the washpip pe. 14. Initial Installation Procedure. Washpipe 33 Standard Washpipe Assembly Illustrated Parts List O-Ring Snap Ring Holding Ring Upper Spacer Packing Set 5 per set Washpipe Nut Middle Spacer Middle Spacer Washpipe Lower Spacer Packing Box O-Ring Grease Fitting Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Long-Arm Allen Wrench 34 Varco Standard Washpipe Assembly Illustrated Parts List Washpipe Description Small Bore (3-inch) Large Bore (4-inch) Large-to-Small Bore Washpipe Assembly 30123290 30123440 30153491 O-Ring 51300-348-F 51300-359-F 51300-348-F Snap Ring 30123562 123634 30123562 Holding Ring 30123288 30123437 30123288 Washpipe Nut 123284 30123431 30153493 Washpipe 30123289 (7,500 psi) 30123438 (7,500 psi) 30123289 (7,500 psi) Packing Box 30123563 30123626 30153494 Grease Fitting 53219-1 53219-1 53219-1 Socket Head Screw 30123564 30123564 30123564 Upper Spacer 123585 30123434 123585 Middle Spacer 30123286 30123435 30123286 Lower Spacer 123287 30123436 123287 Pressure Seal Kit (Packing Set) 30123290-PK 30123440-PK 30123290-PK Stem Liners 98290 112871 30153492 Poly Pak Seal 98291 112895 112895 Grease 56005-1 56005-1 56005-1 35 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Initial Installation Procedure i During installation the washpipe assembly is brought into place as one unit and handled by a tugger line. Ensure that the washpipe assembly is strapped together securely before lifting. 1. Unlock the TDS/IDS handling yoke from its stored position and swing it out to accept the washpipe assembly. Makes the washpipe assembly easier to install by allowing it to swing in and out of the motorsupport bonnet. i Nut Yoke 36 2 places Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Initial Installation Procedure the TDS/IDS main shaft. 4. it until it makes contact with the top of the main shaft. 5. packing box and the washpipe nuts. 6. Apply pipe dope to the threads and hand-tighten the washpipe nut and packing box. 7. align the pipe in the packing box. 8. Set the TDS/IDS brake. Torque Multiplier Ratio – 18.5 to 1 Removable extension Torque Wrench 9. Loosen the thumb screw on the pinion gear and raise the pinion gear from its stored position and lock the thumb screw in place when it aligns with the gear on the packing box. It may be necessary to rotate the square drive shaft to engage the gears. 10. Install the torque kit assembly over the square shaft. Set the torque wrench to 100 ft-lb and begin applying torque to the packing box gradually until the torque wrench clicks. Torque Wrench Setting-ft.-lbf. 75 100 125 150 Applied Torque to Nut-ft.-lbf. 4,500 6,000 7,500 9,000 11. Disengage the pinion gear from the packing box gear and engage it with the washpipe nut gear and secure it in place. Similarly, apply torque to the washpipe nut, completing the installation of the washpipe assembly. 12. Apply 6 to 8 pumps of grease to the grease fittings. 13. Return the pinion gear to its stored position and secure it with the thumb screw. Secure the handling yoke to its stored position by pinning it with the two pins. 14. Release the TDS/IDS brake and rotate the TDS/IDS at approximately 50 rpm for one minute. Washpipe 37 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Maintenance Schedules Inspection Schedule Inspect for Item Interval Mating surface of stem liner(s) while it is installed in the TDS/IDS main shaft or gooseneck • Surface should be TDS/IDS main shaft bearing endplay Endplay is within specification (refer to TDS/IDS Service Manual) Once every six months and immediately after jarring Washpipe Assembly grease fitting Proper operation Replace every six months Washpipe pilot on the gooseneck and the washpipe pilot on the TDS/ IDS main shaft Proper alignment between pilots After TDS/IDS main shaft bearing endplay has been checked and is within specification All parts Refer to Disassembly Procedure Upon disassembly of washpipe assembly smooth and free of flaws or burrs • ID of stem liners When washpipe assembly is to be removed from TDS/ IDS Cleaning Schedule Procedure Item TDS bonnet (inside) Remove residual mud Interval Weekly Lubrication Schedule Item Procedure Interval Washpipe Assembly grease fitting Apply 3 to 4 pumps of grease Twice daily or every 10 rotating hours ! To prevent rust from damaging parts, properly clean and grease the following parts before storage: 1. Jacking nut and shaft threads 2. Square shaft from top to bottom 3. Gear teeth on all three gears 38 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures Every Six Months Washpipe Assembly Alignment Satisfactory packing life depends on good washpipe alignment. Use the following procedure to check sleeve-to-gooseneck support alignment: 1. Attach an indicator base to the gooseneck support and place the indicator at the top of the sleeve. 2. Raise and lower the sleeve and record the total indicator reading. 3. Attach a magnetic indicator base or an improvised holding fixture to the sleeve or packing box. 4. Rotate the sleeve 360° and record the TIR. Washpipe Assembly Tolerances Use the following procedure to check washpipe assembly tolerances: 1. Shim the gooseneck support to obtain a required bearing clearance of 0.001 to 0.003 inch. 2. Check the clearance by raising and lowering the sleeve. The maximum allowable misalignment at the gooseneck support bore is 0.008 inch TIR. The maximum allowable misalignment at the gooseneck pilot is 0.010 inch TIR. The maximum allowable misalignment after complete assembly of the washpipe assembly is 0.010 inch TIR. i Inspection may indicate misalignment exceeding recommended limits. The packing box assemblies are designed to accommodate misalignment of the sleeve to the gooseneck and can operate with some excessive misalignment. However, to achieve maximum packing life, maintain the misalignment at the washpipe within the recommended limits. Washpipe 39 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures Every Six Months Procedure 1. Remove the washpipe assembly and replace the grease fitting. 2. Check the mainshaft axial movement by applying an upward force to the mainshaft and measuring the amount of axial movement with a dial indicator. 3. If axial shaft movement is not .001 in. to .003 in., remove the bearing retainer and adjust the number of shims under the bearing retainer as required to allow .001 in. to .003 in. of axial shaft movement (end play) with the bearing retainer capscrews tightened to the required torque depending on the size of the capscrew (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure for proper torque requirements). Washpipe Grease Fitting Replace Dial Indicator 40 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Inspection Procedures Every Six Months Gooseneck Pilot Dial Indicator 0.002 TIR between these two surfaces Bonnet removed for clarity. Main Shaft Pilot Washpipe 41 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Lubrication Procedures Daily Lubrication Recommended Grease Procedure Manufacturer Description Shell Cyprina 1. Twice daily or once every 10 hours of rotation, apply 3 to 4 pumps of grease to the washpipe grease fitting. 2. Rotate the TDS/IDS at 50 rpm for one minute with 0 psi standpipe pressure. 3. Turn on the mud pumps and check for leaks. 42 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting i The troubleshooting table does not necessarily cover all possible symptoms. The table provides an insight to typical symptoms, their possible causes, and what components to check. Symptom Leakage at threads between packing box and TDS/IDS main shaft Leakage at grease fitting access hole Washpipe Probable cause Remedy Poly Pak seal failure in main shaft stem liner Replace seal by removing the stem liner and installing the new seal. Be sure to deburr the edges of the main shaft as sharp edges will cut the seal on installation. Reinstall the stem liner. Lower O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. 2. Inspect the main shaft and stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Stem liner not smooth and does not allow O-ring to seal properly Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures, When Washpipe Is To Be Removed From TDS/IDS. Stem liner not flat and does not allow O-ring to seal properly Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures, When Washpipe Is To Be Removed From TDS/IDS. Spacers not flat and prevents packing seals from sealing between spacers proper Follow inspection procedures as outlined in step 8 of the Disassembly Procedure. Poly Pak seal failure in main shaft stem liner Replace seal by removing the stem liner and installing the new seal. Be sure to deburr the edges of the main shaft as sharp edges will cut the seal on installation. Reinstall the stem liner. Lower O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. 2. Inspect the main shaft and stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. 43 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Remedy Leakage through grease fitting access hole (cont) Spacers not flat and prevents packing seals from sealing between spacers proper Follow inspection procedures as outlined the Inspection Procedure. Leakage at grease fitting Grease fitting failure Follow inspection procedures as outlined in step 12 of the Disassembly Procedure. Leakage between the washpipe and the packing box Packing failure Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Leakage between the washpipe and the washpipe nut Packing failure or packing is improperly seated Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Upper O-ring failure 1. Remove washpipe assembly. and replace O-ring. 2. Inspect the gooseneck and, for big bore units with lined goosenecks, the stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Upper O-ring failure Leakage at threads between washpipe nut and gooseneck 1. Remove washpipe assembly. and replace O-ring. 2. Inspect the gooseneck and, for big bore units with lined goosenecks, the stem liner for any burrs that can damage the O-ring and deburr as required. The surface of the stem liner should be smooth and flat. If it is not, replace stem liner. 3. Replace the O-ring and reinstall the washpipe assembly. Premature failure after greasing 44 Packing failure or packing is improperly seated Disassemble and inspect components. Replace worn or damaged components on reassembly of the washpipe. Improper greasing procedure Greasing can cause the seal to unseat from the washpipe and cause premature failure of the assembly. Running the TDS/ IDS without standpipe pressure allows the seals to reseat. Follow greasing procedure as outlined in the Lubrication Procedures. Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Remedy Premature failure accompanied by occasional spurts of mud from packing box Washpipe alignment caused by improper installation, or misalignment of the gooseneck, or excessive bearing endplay If necessary, reinstall washpipe or realign the gooseneck. Check washpipe alignment as follows (see illustration on following page): 1. Install dial indicator base on packing box. Adjust dial indicator to contact the washpipe approximately one inch above the packing box. 2. Rotate main shaft through one revolution, noting the minimum and maximum readings on the dial indicator. Subtract the minimum reading from the maximum reading to obtain the Total Indicated Runout (TIR). Maximum allowable TIR is 0.007 inch. 3. If out of specification, check gooseneck alignment. Premature failure accompanied by occasional spurts of mud from packing box Misalignment of gooseneckto-washpipe pilot Inspect main shaft and mainshaft-togooseneck alignment as described in the Every Six Months Inspection procedure. Installation problems The proper installation sequence allows the packing and washpipe to align to each other, and ensures that both the washpipe nut and the packing box engage their pilots. Follow proper installation procedures (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure). Nut not torqued Improper torque prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers. When pressure is applied, it will extrude the packing between the spacers. Follow proper torquing procedures as described in the Initial Installation Procedure. Too mush grease during assembly of the unit Too much grease prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers during operation. The grease can sustain a hydrostatic pressure that resists torque during the installation. Premature failure due to flanged packing During operation the grease gradually leaks out resulting in loosening of the packing box. Follow proper greasing procedure during reassembly and check for proper spacer contact during installation (refer to the Initial Installation Procedure). Washpipe 45 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Washpipe Dial Indicator Packing Box 46 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Probable cause Packing is worn out Poor greasing schedule or improper grease. Follow proper lubrication procedures. RPM, pressure and mud temperature too high Friction between the seals and the washpipe create heat. TDS/IDS rpm and standpipe pressure contribute equally to the amount of heat generated. If pressure of rpm is increased, so is the amount of heat generated. Heat generation goes up with the square of the bore size. Mud is what cools the system. The hotter the mud, the less cooling it provides. The greater the amount of heat generated is relative to the amount of cooling the mud will provide, the hotter the seals run. As the seals run hotter, the wear resistance of the rubber drops. If using a large-bore washpipe, convert to a small-bore washpipe. Spacers too flat If the spaces are not flat, then metal-tometal contact cannot be maintained even when they are bottomed out against each other. The resulting small gaps will allow the packing to extrude into these areas. Follow instructions outlined in the Inspection Procedures. Nut not torqued Improper torque prevents metal-to-metal contact between the flat surfaces of the spacers. When pressure is applied, it will extrude the packing between the spacers. Follow proper torquing procedures as described in the Initial Installation Procedure. Blue spacers Improper torque or grease on the OD of the spacers Improper torque on the nut can lead to situations where the lower and middle spacers spin the packing box. The resulting heat achieves temperatures high enough to turn the spacers blue. Unable to maintain torque on packing box Improper assembly or installation 1. Remove washpipe assembly from TDS/IDS. 2. Disassemble the washpipe assembly, setting aside the packing seals for the lower, middle, and upper spacers. 3. Reassemble the washpipe assembly without the packing seals for the lower, middle, and upper spacers. Packing extruding between spacers Washpipe Remedy 47 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Troubleshooting Symptom Unable to maintain torque on packing box (cont) Probable cause Remedy 4. Reinstall the washpipe assembly on the TDS/IDS as follows: a. Install the packing box onto the TDS/ IDS main shaft. Tighten until spacers are firmly held. b. Install the holding ring into the washpipe nut and install washpipe nut onto the TDS/IDS goosneck until the holding ring is firmly in place. c. Using a dial indicator, measure and record the distance between the flat surfaces on the washpipe nut and the packing box. Also for future use, mark the location where the measurement is taken. NOTE To ensure that the washpipe assembly has been sufficient tightened, measure the distance with each subsequent installation of the washpipe assembly. 48 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Removing the Washpipe Assembly Remove the washpipe assembly by reversing the Installation Procedure. ! Once the packing box and washpipe nuts are unscrewed, the assembly must be strapped together as one unit before it is picked up by the handling yoke. i The hammerless washpipe assembly must always be handled as one unit. Avoid disassembly unless you suspect faulty parts (refer to Troubleshooting). Washpipe 49 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure Snap Ring 1. Remove washpipe assembly from the TDS/IDS. 2. Completely disassemble the washpipe assembly. Take care to prevent damage to the sharp edge of the upper and middle spacers. 3. Dispose of packing, washpipe and O-rings. These parts are not serviceable and must be replaced. Holding Ring Washpipe Nut O-Ring Packing Box i Washpipe Discard and replace these non-serviceable parts from the washpipe assembly. Grease Fitting Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Upper Spacer Packing Set (5 per Set) Middle Spacer Middle Spacer O-Ring 50 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 4. Thoroughly clean and inspect remainder of parts. 5. Check that the ID of each spacer is within specification. 6. Check that the flat portions of each spacer are free of burrs that could prevent the spacers from seating properly. Burrs should be lightly filed flush. If surfaces are out-of-flat, replace spacer. 7. The edge that directly backs up the packing should be free of cuts, nicks, and burrs. If edge is damaged replace spacer. This surface to be smooth and flat ID This surface to be smooth and flat This edge to be sharp Spacer Varco Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Large Bore Upper Middle Lower 30123434 30123435 30123436 4.895 to 4.900 4.895 to 4.900 4.895 to 4.900 4.905 4.905 4.905 Large to Small Bore Upper Middle Lower 123585 30123286 123287 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.635 to 3.640 3.645 3.645 3.645 Washpipe Assembly Washpipe Upper Spacer Middle Spacer 51 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 8. Check that the ID of the washpipe nut where the washpipe passes through. 9. Check that the ID of the packing box where the washpipe passes through. hpipe ut ID Packing Box Washpipe Assembly Washpipe Nut Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Large Bore 30123431 4.905 to 4.910 4.915 Large to Small Bore 30153493 3.655 to 3.660 3.665 Washpipe Assembly Packing Box Part No. Proper ID (inches) Service Limit ID (inches) Large Bore 30123626 4.900 to 4.905 Large to Small Bore 30153494 3.637 to 3.644 52 3 650 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Disassembly Procedure 10. Inspect the holding ring drive dogs. Each dog has a slight undercut. If the undercut is no longer visible, replace the holding ring. Holding Ring This surface to be smooth and flat Undercut Grea Fitti This surface to be smooth and flat 11. Check that the flat portions of the holding ring are free of burrs that could prevent the ring from seating properly. Burrs should be lightly filed flush. 12. Inspect the spring tension in the ball of the grease fitting. If the ball is not properly tensioned, replace the grease fitting. If in doubt, replace the grease fitting. Replace the grease fitting every six months or every other rebuild of the washpipe assembly, whichever period is longer, even if the grease fitting is working properly. 13. Reassemble the washpipe assembly as described in the Reassembly Procedure. Washpipe 53 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 1. Apply a light grease film to the outside of each packing seal and fill the plunge with grease, flush with the packing. Packing Seal Fill with grease to level shown Spacer 2. Install one packing seal into each of the four spacers (one upper, two middle, one lower) that go into the packing box. Wipe all excess grease from the top edge of the packing and all excess grease from the spacers. Take care to prevent damage to the sharp edges of the spacers. Upper Spacer Sharp edge of spacer Sharp edge of spacer Wipe grease from area shown, all the way around on each spacer. Middle Spacer Sharp edge of spacer 54 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 3. Install each spacer (with packing seals) in the proper sequence in the packing box. Handle each spacer from the ID to ensure that no grease gets between the metal portions of the spacer, or on the outside diameter of the spacer. When installing the upper spacer, line up the slot in the upper spacer with the dowel pin in the packing box. Dowel Pin Grease Fitting Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Packing Box Ensure that the nose of the socket head dog nose screw is fully engaged in the groove of the lower spacer (screw should not push spacer off center) .010" Min i In the following step, an Arbor press may be required to compress the packing enough to in stall the screws. 4. Install the socket head cap screws. The heads of the screws should bottom out in the nut casing. The dog head should not bottom out on the space er. The screw prevents the spacers from not otherwise constrain them. 5. packing box. 6. NOT OVER GREASE. Washpipe 55 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 7. Lightly grease the washpipe, then install the washpipe into the packing box, with the slotted end of the washpipe up and the nonslotted end flush with the bottom edge of the packing box. 8. Install the washpipe nut onto the washpipe. Washpipe Nut Washpipe Packing Box 56 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Reassembly Procedure 9. Lightly grease the packing seal, fill the plunge with grease, and install in the holding ring, taking care to not damage the seal on the splines of the washpipe. Wipe all excess grease from the top edge of the packing and wipe all grease from the holding ring. Holding Ring Wipe grease from area shown, all the way around the holding ring. Packing Seal Fill with grease to level shown. Holding Ring 10. Insert the holding ring and packing, seal side down, over the slotted end of the washpipe. 11. Install the snap ring. 12. Install the upper and lower O-rings. Apply a light coat of grease to the O-rings. Packing Seal Snap Ring O-ring 13. approximately the length of the washpip pe. 14. Initial Installation Procedure. Washpipe 57 Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Illustrated Parts List O-Ring Snap Ring Holding Ring Upper Spacer Packing Set 5 per set Washpipe Nut Middle Spacer Middle Spacer Washpipe Lower Spacer Packing Box O-Ring Grease Fitting Socket Head Dog Nose Screw Long-Arm Allen Wrench 58 Varco Hammerless Washpipe Assembly Illustrated Parts List Description Washpipe Large Bore (4-inch) Large-to-Small Bore Washpipe Assembly 30156883 & 30156883-750 30173058-50 & 30173058-100 O-Ring 51300-359-F 51300-348-F Snap Ring 123634 30123562 Holding Ring 30123437 30123288 Washpipe Nut 30152547 30173057 Washpipe - Low Pressure 30123438 (7,500 psi) 30123289 (7,500 psi) Washpipe - High Pressure 30123438-TC (7,500 psi) 30123289-TC (10,000 psi) Packing Box 30156884 30173056 Grease Fitting 53219-1 53219-1 Socket Head Screw 30123564 30123564 Upper Spacer 30123434 123585 Middle Spacer 30123435 30123286 Lower Spacer 30123436 30123287 Pressure Seal Kit (Packing Set) 30123584-2 (7,500 psi) 123292-2 (7,500 psi) Stem Liner 112871 30153492 Poly Pak Seal 112895 112895 Grease 56005-1 56005-1 59 Glossary ID - Inner Diameter IDS - Integrated Drilling System OD - Outer Diamaeter TDS - Top Drive System TIR - Total Indicator Reading 60 Varco FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 3.0 Links User Manual LINKS USER’S MANUAL Weldless Links Perfection Links Original Instructions REFERENCE Links REFERENCE DESCRIPTION Weldless Links and Perfection Links This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.p, its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. DOCUMENT NUMBER 50000870-MAN-001 VarcoBJ BV Nijverheidsweg 45 4879 AP Etten-Leur P.O. Box 17 4870 AA Etten-Leur The Netherlands Tel + 31-76-5083000 Fax + 31-76-5046000 REV E Nov 2011 User’s Manual Weldless Links Perfection Links REFERENCE Link REFERENCE DESCRIPTION Links This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.p., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. DOCUMENT NUMBER 50000870-MAN-001 VarcoBJ B.V. Nijverheidsweg 45 4879AP Etten-Leur Tel: +31-76-5083000 Fax: +31-76-5046000 REV E Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 2 of 20 Revision History Revision Change Description - First Issue A New style B Corrections C Corrections D Info added E Corrections This document is PDM-link controlled Change Description E 21.11.2011 Corrected link compatibility E 21.11.2011 Added information about allowable twist & wear data D 01.06.2009 Added Link connectors info C 18.05.2009 Added wear size Perfection links B 28.10.2008 Added Link connector info B 30.06.2008 Page 14: The SLX 5.1/2” - 24.1/2” link DOES fit in 500 tons 3.1/2” links, pn 25469 A 26.03.2007 Data updated; part numbers, inspection,handle - 12.03.2007 Issued for Implementation Rev Date Reason for issue © Copyright 2011 NOV®. All rights reserved. Varco is a registered trademark of Varco I/P reg. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. This publication is the property of, and contains information proprietary to NOV. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form, or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of NOV®. All product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Patents Pending US & Worldwide (D) Varco I/P, Inc. No US. D533,432. Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 3 of 20 Table of Contents General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Personnel Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Recommended Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 General System Safety Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Replacing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Routine Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Proper Use of Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Link restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Design safety factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Safe Working Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Limited warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Identification numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CE marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Weldless Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Perfection Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Intended usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Reference Numbers* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Perfection links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Link handle kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Elevator link compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Link connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Inspection & wear data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Wear chart shaft (shank) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Wear chart forged links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Wear data Perfection links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MPI and inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Qualifications and certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Evaluation of indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Acceptance criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Equipment covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 4 of 20 Table of Contents 1: General Information Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 5 of 20 General Information This manual contains installation, operation, maintenance and parts information. Information in this manual should enable qualified personnel to install, operate and troubleshoot this system. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. National Oilwell Varco (NOV) will not be held liable for errors in this material, or for consequences arising from misuse of this material. Conventions Notes, Cautions, and Warnings Notes, cautions, and warnings provide readers with additional information and advise the reader to take specific action to protect personnel from potential injury or lethal conditions. They may also inform the reader of actions necessary to prevent equipment damage. Please pay close attention to these advisories Note: The note symbol indicates that additional information is provided about the current topics. Caution: The caution symbol indicates that potential damage to equipment or injury to personnel exists. Follow instructions explicitly. Extreme care should be taken when performing operations or procedures preceded by this caution symbol. Warning: The warning symbol indicates a definite risk of equipment damage or danger to personnel. Failure to observe and follow proper procedures could result in serious or fatal injury to personnel, significant property loss, or significant equipment damage. Illustrations Illustrations (figures) provide a graphical representation of equipment components or screen snapshots for use in identifying parts or establishing nomenclature, and may or may not be drawn to scale. For component information specific to your application, see the technical drawings included with your NOV documentation. Safety Requirements NOV equipment is installed and operated in a controlled drilling rig environment involving hazardous situations. Proper maintenance is important for safe and reliable operation. Procedures outlined in NOV manuals are the recommended methods of performing operations and maintenance. Caution: To avoid injury to personnel or equipment damage, carefully observe requirements outlined in this section. Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 6 of 20 1: General Information Personnel Training All personnel performing installation, operations, repair, or maintenance procedures on the equipment, or those in the vicinity of the equipment, should be trained on rig safety, tool operation, and maintenance to ensure their safety. Caution: Personnel should wear protective gear during installation, maintenance, and certain operations. Recommended Tools Service operations may require the use of tools designed specifically for the purpose described. NOV recommends that only those tools specified be used when stated. Ensure that personnel and equipment safety are not jeopardized when following service procedures or using tools not specifically recommended by NOV. General System Safety Practices The equipment discussed in this manual may require or contain one or more utilities, such as electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or cooling water. Caution: Read and follow the guidelines below before installing equipment or performing maintenance to avoid endangering exposed persons or damaging equipment. Isolate energy sources before beginning work. Avoid performing maintenance or repairs while the equipment is in operation. Wear proper protective equipment during equipment installation, maintenance, or repair. Replacing Components Verify that all components (such as cables, hoses, etc.) are tagged and labeled during assembly and disassembly of equipment to ensure correct installment. Replace failed or damaged components with genuine NOV parts. Failure to do so could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. Routine Maintenance Equipment must be maintained on a routine basis. See the service manual for maintenance recommendations. Caution: Failure to conduct routine maintenance could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. Proper Use of Equipment NOV equipment is designed for specific functions and applications, and should be used only for its intended purpose. Lifting The lifting procedures should carefully be observed and carried out according to the manual. Link restrictions The Link is designed to be used as an connecting element between Top Drive Systems and elevators, or between Hooks and elevators, and must not be used for any other purpose. 1: General Information Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 7 of 20 Design safety factor The design-safety factor and design verification of the links is in accordance with requirements of API specification 8A, 8C PSL 1 or 8C PSL2. During manufacturing the link is proof load tested to 1.5 times the rated load. Safe Working Load Per API Specification 8C – The operator of the equipment shall be responsible for determination of the safe working load for any hoisting operation. The Safe working load is equal to the design load minus the dynamic load. Limited warranty The warranty will be void if the Link were either: unauthorized modified, repaired or serviced replacement parts not manufactured by NOV were utilized not properly stored or maintained any welding is carried out Identification numbers You will find the serial number of the tool stamped into the shank near the small eye. CE marking The link complies with the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC and 2006/42/EC The marking is as follows: Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 8 of 20 1: General Information 2: Specifications Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 9 of 20 General specifications Description Weldless Links Weldless links are forged from a single billet of high strength alloy steal and heat treated to provide maximum strength and toughness. Additional material is added in critical wear areas for extended life. NOV Weldless Links are available in 250, 350, 500, 750, and 1000 ton ratings. Perfection Links Dependable, efficient perfection links are designed for light loads. They are made by forging, bending and electric welding of high quality steel bar stock, which is then heat-treated and magnafluxed. For loads which exceed capacity ratings of perfection links Varco BJ Weldless links are recommended. Intended usage The links are designed to hang elevators from Top Drive Systems, Hooks, Beckets and Link Adapters. Fig. 1 Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 10 of 20 Part No. Nominal link Size, in (mm) size (inch) Rated Capacity /Set, Weight/Set, tons (tonnes) lb (Kg) 16363-1060 16363-1072 16363-1084 16363-1096 16363-1108 16363-1132 16363-1168 26940-1060 26940-1072 26940-1084 26940-1096 26940-1108 26940-1120 26940-1132 26940-1144 26940-1150 26940-1168 26940-1180 26940-1192 26940-1200 26940-1216 26940-1240 26940-1264 26940-1290 26940-1350 26940-1360 26940-1480 26940-1540 26940-1600 25469-1072 25469-1096 25469-1108 25469-1120 25469-1132 25469-1144 25469-1160 25469-1168 25469-1180 25469-1190 25469-1192 25469-1216 25469-1226 25469-1264 25469-1360 25469-1480 25469-1540 2.1/4 x 60 2.1/4 x 72 2.1/4 x 84 2.1/4 x 96 2.1/4 x 108 2.1/4 x 132 2.1/4 x 168 2.3/4 x 60 2.3/4 x 72 2.3/4 x 84 2.3/4 x 96 2.3/4 x 108 2.3/4 x 120 2.3/4 x 132 2.3/4 x 144 2.3/4 x 150 2.3/4 x 168 2.3/4 x 180 2.3/4 x 192 2.3/4 x 200 2.3/4 x 216 2.3/4 x 240 2.3/4 x 264 2.3/4 x 290 2.3/4 x 350 2.3/4 x 360 2.3/4 x 480 2.3/4 x 540 2.3/4 x 600 3.1/2 x 72 3.1/2 x 96 3.1/2 x 108 3.1/2 x 120 3.1/2 x 132 3.1/2 x 144 3.1/2 x 160 3.1/2 x 168 3.1/2 x 180 3.1/2 x 190 3.1/2 x 192 3.1/2 x 216 3.1/2 x 226 3.1/2 x 264 3.1/2 x 360 3.1/2 x 480 3.1/2 x 540 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 250 (226.8) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 350 (317.5) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 500 (453.6) 60” (1524) 72” (1828.8) 84” (2133.6) 96” (2438.4) 108” (2743.2) 132” (3353) 168” (4267) 60” (1524) 72” (1828.8) 84” (2133.6) 96” (2438.4) 108” (2743.2) 120” (3048) 132” (3353) 144” (3657) 150” (3810) 168” (4267.2) 180” (4572) 192” (4876.8) 200” (5080) 216” (5486.4) 240” (6096) 264” (6705) 290” (7366) 350” (8890) 360” (9144) 480” (12192) 540” (13716) 600” (15240) 72” (1829) 96” (2438) 108” (2743.2) 120” (3048) 132” (3353) 144” (3688) 160” (4064) 168” (4267.2) 180” (4572) 190” (4826) 192” (4826) 216” (5486) 226” (5740) 264” (6705.6) 360” (9144) 480” (12192) 540” (13716) 2: Specifications 480 (218) 530 (241) 580 (264) 630 (286) 680 (309) 780 (355) 880 (399) 620 (282) 685 (311) 740 (336) 805 (366) 870 (395) 935 (425) 1,000 (454) 1,064 (483) 1,095 (498) 1,190 (541) 1,255 (571) 1,320 (600) 1,363 (618) 1,450 (659) 1,580 (718) 1,770 (800) 1,944 (882) 2,180 (988) 2,235 (1014) 2,885 (1306) 3,187 (1446) 3,408 (1546) 705 (320) 1058 (480) 1,450 (659) 1,622 (736) 1,670 (759) 1,780 (809) 1,927 (876) 2,000 (909) 2,110 (959) 2,202 (998) 2,220 (1007) 2,422 (1098) 2,596 (1177) 2,882 (1307) 3,174 (1440) 3,968 (1800) 4,519 (2050) Document number Revision Page 2: Specifications Part No. 50000870-MAN-001 E 11 of 20 Nominal link Size, in (mm) Rated Capacity /Set, Appr. weight/ size (inch) tons (tonnes) Set, lb (Kg) 16143-1132 4.3/4 x 132 16143-1144 4.3/4 x 144 16143-1160 4.3/4 x 160 16143-1180 4.3/4 x 180 16143-1200 4.3/4 x 200 16143-1216 4.3/4 x 216 16143-1240 4.3/4 x 240 16143-1264 4.3/4 x 264 16143-1300 4.3/4 x 300 70101-1200* 5.1/2 x 200 M614000320Y1180 5.1/2 x 180 M614000320Y1200 5.1/2 x 200 M614000320Y1240 5.1/2 x 240 For TDS-4 and TDS-5 15386-1108 2.3/4 x 108 132” (3352) 144” (3688) 160” (3688) 180” (4572) 200” (5080) 216” (5486) 240” (6096) 264” (6705) 300” (7620) 200” (5080) 200” (5080) 200” (5080) 200” (5080) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 750 (680.4) 1000 (907.2) 1,250 (1133) 1,250 (1133) 1,250 (1133) 1,741 (790) 2,312 (1051) 3,178 (1445) 3,900 (1769) 4,550 (2063) 5,200 (2364) 5,864 (2660) 7,275 (3300) 8,800 (3991) 5,100 (2315) 4,550 (2063) 5,100 (2315) 7,275 (3300) 108” (2743.2) 350 (317.5) 920 (418) * other lengths on request Reference Numbers* Link P/N Nominal Dim. 250 Ton 16363 2.1/4” “ “ 350 Ton 26940 2.3/4 " “ 500 Ton 25469 3.1/2 " “ 750 Ton 16143 4.3/4 " “ 1000 Ton 70101 5.1/2 " “ 1250 Ton M614000320 5.1/2 " “ A B C D E F G H in (mm) 2.5/16" 58.7 5.1/2" 139.7 7.1/2" 190.5 2.7/8" 73 9.1/2" 241.3 12" 304.8 5" 127 15" 381 in (mm) 2.13/16" 5.5/8" 71.4 142.9 8.3/8" 212.7 3.1/2" 88.9 9.1/2" 241.3 12" 304.8 5" 127 15" 381 in (mm) 3.5/8" 92.1 6.1/2" 165.1 10.1/8" 257.2 4.1/2" 114.3 9.1/2" 241.3 12" 304.8 6" 152.4 17" 431.8 in (mm) 7.1/2" 190.5 10" 254 14.5/8" 371.5 6" 152.4 10" 254 14.5/8" 371.5 7.1/2" 190.5 23" 584.2 in (mm) 8.1/4" 209.6 12.3/4" 323.9 17.1/2" 444.5 6" 152.4 12.3/4" 17.1/2" 323.9 444.5 8.1/4" 209.6 29.1/4" 743 in (mm) 8.1/4" 209.6 12.3/4" 323.9 17.1/2" 444.5 6" 152.4 12.3/4" 17.1/2" 323.9 444.5 8.1/4" 209.6 29.1/4" 743 * The dimensions are nominal and actual dimensions will vary slightly due to manufacturing tolerances. All API contact radius dimensions are manufactured to API specifications, see Fig. 1 Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 12 of 20 2: Specifications Perfection links 9.00 5.00 X Fig. 2 2.00 3.12 Part No. Size, in (mm) Rated Cap/Set, Weight/Set, lb Dimension X inch tons (tonnes) (Kg) (mm)) 200450-130 200450-136 200450-142 200450-148 200450-160 2” x 30” (50.8 x 762) 2” x 36” (50.8 x 914) 2” x 42” (50.8 x 1,067) 2” x 48” (50.8 x 1,219) 2” x 60” (50.8 x 1,524) 100 (89.3) 100 (89.3) 100 (89.3) 100 (89.3) 100 (89.3) 49 (108) 58 (128) 67 (148) 76 (168) 95 (208) 30 (762) 36 (914) 42 (1,067) 48 (1,219) 60 (1,524) 2: Specifications Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 13 of 20 Link handle kit The Link handle kit can be used in combination with any Manual Operated Elevator. It is developed for easier handling of links and functions as a safe gripping point when closing and opening elevators. It suitable for 250 (2.1/4”) and 350 (2.3/4”)ton links. Part number 50006435. Fitting The handle(s) must be mounted to the eye of the link, and not to the shank. Ensure no interference occurs between handle and elevator when rotating the elevator. Fitted handle Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 14 of 20 2: Specifications Elevator link compatibility WARNING: Never use links which have a capacity too low for carrying the load intended (dynamic + static), even if the links may fit on the elevator. Elevator links Top Drive Solid Body Elevator Rating 250T 400T 500T 650T 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes no no no 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes yes yes yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 no yes yes yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no no no yes 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no no no no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" pn M14000320Y no no no no Elevator links Elevator Y series 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 YC yes yes no no no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" pn M14000320Y no 750T no yes yes yes no no MYC yes yes no no no HYC yes yes yes no no YT yes yes no no no HYT yes yes yes no no LYT* no no no no no MYT yes yes no no no no no no no no no *Requires link 7/8” - 1.3/4 Elevator links Elevator T(M)A series TA 1.050 - 2.7/8 TMA 2.3/8 - 5 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 1250 Ton 5.1/2" pn M14000320Y no no no no no no yes yes no no no no Elevator links Elevator G series 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 1250 Ton 5.1/2" pn M14000320Y MG yes yes no no no no RGG yes yes no no no no MGG yes yes yes no no no GG yes yes yes no no no HGG no yes yes yes no no TA 4.3/4 - 8.5/8 up to 100 ton yes yes no no no no RGA yes yes no no no no GA yes yes yes no no no TA 4.3/4 - 11.1/4 150 ton only yes yes yes no no no GGA yes yes yes no no no Document number Revision Page 2: Specifications Elevator links 50000870-MAN-001 E 15 of 20 Elevator X series SX SSD SLX SLX SSD 8.5/8-10.3/4 except 1.66-5.1/2 5.1/2-24.1/2 1.66-7.5/8 + 11.3/4-14 350 ton 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes yes yes yes no 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes yes yes yes yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 no yes no yes yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no no no no no 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no no no no no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no no no no no pn M14000320Y Elevator X series SMX SMX 150 Ton 250 + 350 Ton 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes yes 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 no yes* (rotation limited) 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no no 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no no pn M14000320Y yes yes yes no no no elevators in combination with 500 ton links gives reduced rotation possibility. Be advised to use 350 ton links. Casing Elevators / Spiders BJ Type Elevator links 750T 1000T 250T 350T 500T 1000T 24.1/2” 24.1/2” no no yes no no no no no yes yes no no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no no no no no yes no Riser handling solid body elevator rating 250 T 400 T 500 T 650T 750 T 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes no no no no 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes yes yes yes yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 no yes yes yes yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no no no yes yes 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no no no no yes 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no no no no yes pn M14000320Y no no Elevator links no SLX SD *250 and 350 ton SMX Elevator links Casing Elevators / Spiders Varco Type 750T 200T 350T 500T 14” 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes yes no no 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes yes yes no 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 yes yes yes yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no no no yes 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no no no no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no no no no pn M14000320Y SX 350 ton yes yes yes no no 1000T no no no yes yes yes no Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 16 of 20 Elevator links 2: Specifications BX1 450 T 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no pn M14000320Y BX2 500 T no yes yes no no BX3 350 T no yes yes yes no BX4-35 350 T no yes yes yes no no no no Elevator links BX4-75 750 T no no yes yes no BX5 1000 T no no no yes yes BX7 1250 T no no no no yes BXS, Slip type 350 T yes yes yes no no no yes yes no BX4-50 500 T 250 Ton 2.1/4" pn 16363 yes 350 Ton 2.3/4" pn 26940 yes 500 Ton 3.1/2" pn 25469 yes 750 Ton 4.3/4" pn 16143 no 1000 Ton 5.1/2" pn 70101 no 1250 Ton 5.1/2" no pn M14000320Y NOTES: 1. Compatibility is based on API 8C radii unless specific link part No's are listed. 2. If a link part No. is not listed, suitable fit with the SBE is to be confirmed 3. In some cases special links are required for use on Top Drive SBE's to permit proper operation of link tilt. 4. In general, an elevator will fit one size larger and one size smaller noted link. However, fit should always be confirmed when combining sizes of links and elevators. Link connectors The link connector can be used to make a link assembly up to 50/60 Feet long. Part number 350 ton: 250167. Part number 500 ton: not available yet. Partnumber 750: 250341 Document number Revision Page 3: Inspection and wear data 50000870-MAN-001 E 17 of 20 Inspection & wear data Safety WARNING: NOV does not allow welding of links and bails. Links and bails cannot be repaired or reconditioned by welding. WARNING: Ensure daily if the secondary retention (wire, cotter pins) is in good condition. Replace or repair if needed. NOTE: Capacity of set is that of the weakest link. Wear chart shaft (shank) Wear/damage may result in a reduced section of the material, hence this will lead to a derating of the link according to below table. 250 Ton Link 350 Ton Link 500 ton link 750 Ton Link 1000 Ton Link 1250 Ton Link Diameter Rating Diameter Rating Diameter Rating Diameter Rating Diameter Rating Diameter Rating 2.75" 2.688" 2.625" 2.5" 5.25" 5.125" 5" 4.875" 1000 962 915 870 5.25" 5.125" 5" 4.875" 1250 1202 1143 1087 250 215 200 185 3.25" 3.188" 3.125" 3" 350 325 312 288 3.688" 3.625" 3.5" 3.375" 500 480 450 415 4.55" 4.438" 4.375" 4.25" 750 725 700 662 Wear chart forged links Fig. 3 Upper eye Lower eye NOTE: In general, an allowable twist between the upper and lower eye is 2 degrees Link 1.3/4" - 150 TON Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 3.38" 3.25" 3.13" Height less than 3.13 (greater or equal to) 1.625" 1.50" 1.44" Height less than 1.44 (Short Ton) 150 125 112.5 Scrap Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 18 of 20 Link Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 4.75" 4.63" 4.5" Height less than 4.5" (greater or equal to) 2.06" 1.88" 1.75" Height less than 1.75" (Short Ton) 250 200 180 Scrap Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 4.75" 4.63" 4.5" Height less than 4.50" (greater or equal to) 2.56" 2.38" 2.25" Height less than 2.25" (Short Ton) 350 290 260 Scrap Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 5.625" 5.25" 5." Height less than 5" (greater or equal to) 3.25" 3" 2.75" Height less than 2.75" (Short Ton) 500 440 375 Scrap Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 7" 6.75" 6.5" Height less than 6.5" (greater or equal to) 7" 6.75" 6.5" Height less than 6.5" (Short Ton) 750 700 600 Scrap Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 7.875" 7.5" 7.125" Height less than 7.125" (greater or equal to) 7.875" 7.5" 7.125" Height less than 7.125" (Short Ton) 1000 900 800 Scrap Upper Eye (A) Lower Eye (B) Rating (greater or equal to) 7.875" 7.5" 7.125" Height less than 7.125" (greater or equal to) 7.875" 7.5" 7.125" Height less than 7.125" (Short Ton) 1250 1125 1000 Scrap 2.1/4" - 250 TON Link 2.3/4" - 350 TON Link 3.1/2" - 500 TON Link 750 TON Link 1000 TON Link 1250 TON 3: Inspection and wear data Wear data Perfection links. Standard diameter of a Perfection link is 2.00”. Minimum allowable diameter is 1.75” 3: Inspection and wear data Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 19 of 20 MPI and inspection References 1. ASTM E 709 (latest edition) Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination 2. ASTM A 275 (latest edition) Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings. 3. API Specification 8A & 8C (latest edition) 4. API Recommended Practice RP 8B (latest edition) Qualifications and certification All personnel performing and interpreting examinations shall be qualified in accordance with the guidelines of ASNT-TC-1A (latest edition) or an equivalent standard recognized by ASNT. All personnel performing NDE shall also be trained in the NDE of forgings as well as trained in the interpretation of the MPI with regard to the acceptance criteria. Evaluation of indications Relevant indications: Only those indications with major dimensions greater than 1/16 inch (1.6mm) and associated with a surface rupture shall be considered relevant. Relevant indications are indications that results from discontinuities within the test part. Non relevant indications are indications that results from excessive magnetizing current, structural design or permeability variances within the test parts. Any indication believed to be non relevant shall be regarded as relevant and shall be re-examined to determine whether an actual defect exists. Linear indications shall be considered as those having a length of more than three times the width. Rounded indications shall be considered as those having a length less than three times the width. Aligned indication should be considered as a group of three or more indications which touch an imaginary straight line connecting any two of the group. Acceptance criteria The link is considered critical in all area’s. Equipment covered Wrought material: In all cases as specified in the following table. Relevant Indications No relevant indications with a major dimension equal to or greater than 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) No more than ten indications of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) long or greater in any continuous 6-square-inch (40 cm2) area No more than three 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) long or greater indications in a line separated by less than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) edge to edge Document number Revision Page 50000870-MAN-001 E 20 of 20 3: Inspection and wear data FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 4.0 Technical Drawing Package Technical Drawing Package TDS-11SA NOV Galena Park AC Ideal Rig 135 RIG/PLANT ADDITIONAL CODE SDRL CODE TOTAL PGS REMARKS MAIN TAG NUMBER DISCIPLINE CLIENT PO NUMBER CLIENT DOCUMENT NUMBER Client Document Number D811000461-GEN-001/04 REFERENCE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION M611005667-GEN-001 Customer Configuration This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco National Oilwell Varco RIG SOLUTIONS 11000 Corporate Centre Drive Houston, TX 77041 DOCUMENT NUMBER REV D811002283-DOS-001 01 Document number Revision Page D811002283-DOS-001 01 2 REVISION HISTORY 01 13/01/2012 Rev Date ( First Issue Reason for issue T. Harmon H. Lim H. Lim Prepared Checked Approved CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision 01 Change Description First Issue D811000461-GEN-001/04 Document number Revision Page D811002283-DOS-001 01 3 TECHNICAL DRAWING PACKAGE This document provides a list of drawings for the TDS-11SA. The actual drawings are arranged in the binder by assembly order. Drawings by Assembly General Customer Configuration ................................................................................ M611005667-GEN-001 General Arrangement, TDS-11SA ......................................................................................30170471 Hydraulic Schematic, TDS-11SA...................................................................D614000075-GAD-001 Block Diagram…………….. ........................................................................................ 10620480-DIA Electrical Interconnect Diagram, TDS-11SA ............................................................. 10620482-DIA Cable Schedule, TDS-11SA ....................................................................................... 10620483-IDX Network Topology, TDS-11SA………………………… ............................................... 10620486-DIA I/O Map…………......................................................................................................... 10620484-IDX Hazardous Equipment Index………………….. ........................................................... 10620485-IDX Top Drive Assembly Motor Housing, TDS-11SA ............................................................................................... 120900-UL Drilling Motor Assembly .......................................................................... 118217-40R60 & 40L60 Lube Pump Assembly .................................................................................................... 117603-1 Rotating Link Adapter Assembly ...................................................................................30173277 Hydraulic Drive/Shot Pin Assembly ....................................................................... 30151875-504 Hydraulic Oil Reservoir Assembly ................................................................................. 110068-2 Electrical Package ................................................................................................... 30188268-A60R Motor/Pump Assembly................................................................................................... 114113-2 Manifold Assembly.............................................................................................................114174 Hydraulic Plumbing Package..................................................................................................121403 Carriage Package…………………………. .................................................................. 30124540-502 Carriage Assembly (Left)……… ................................................................................ 124538-502 Carriage Assembly (Right)…….. ........................................................................... 30124539-502 Counterbalance Package………………………… ........................................................... 112190-120 Cylinder Assembly………………………………..................................................................110703 Cylinder Assembly………………………………..................................................................110704 Motor Guard Package………….. ............................................................................................120917 S-Pipe Package……………….. .............................................................................. 30156835-R75-2 Washpipe Assembly.....................................................................................................30123290 D811000461-GEN-001/04 Document number Revision Page D811002283-DOS-001 01 4 Bail Package………………. ............................................................................................ 121442-120 Shipping Package……………… ................................................................................. 30179070-501 Lubrication Kit…………………............................................................................................ 92643-15 Counterbalance Attachment Kit…………………. ..................................................... 118244-BLOCK BX Elevator Control Kit.. ............................................................................................ 30151452-CRT Manifold Assembly, BX Elevator ............................................................................ 30156900-UL Manifold Assembly, Rectifier ........................................................................................30116378 Pipe Handler and Adapter Kits Pipe Handler Package, PH-75…………………………………….. .............................. 30157366-35-B Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly………………. ..................................................................30119592 Torque Arrestor Assembly………………………. ...........................................................30157288 Cylinder Assembly, IBOP Actuator ............................................................................125594 Cylinder Assembly, Clamp…………………………………………………................30157287 Stabbing Guide Assembly……………….. ............................................................125158 Jaw Assembly……………………………. .........................................................30125052 Upper IBOP………………… ...................................................................................... 110103-500 Lower IBOP……………… .......................................................................................... 114706-500 IBOP (External) Crank Assembly…………………………. ...................................................98898 PH-75 Tool Kit………………………………………………. .................................. 30157616-NC50 Service Loops and Derrick Kits Service Loop Kit, Electrical ...................................................................................... 30183283-75-75 Derrick Leg Kit………………………….. .......................................................................... 124977-100 Derrick Termination Kit .......................................................................................................30183678 Rigging Guide Beam Kit………………………………………………………………………………..M614003021 Lower Tieback Kit………………………………………………………………………...………30178883 Accessories Tool Joint Adapter Kit, NC38…………………………………………………...……….30157622-NC38 D811000461-GEN-001/04 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.1 General This document contains proprietary information, and such information may not be disclosed to others for any purpose, nor used for manufacturing purposes without written permission from Varco International, Inc. LTR 01 02 REVISIONS PREPARED / DATE DESCRIPTION INITIAL RELEASE See ECN H. Lim C. George STANDARD ORDER INFORMATION SHIPMENT DATE: 27-Jan-12 PRE-SHIP DATA: N/A RIG TYPE: Land INSTALLATION LOC: US OPERATING LOC: US RELATED CONFIGS: N/A SALES ORDER #: 25957 PO #: GPK1000406 QUOTE #: 142603 SPARES QUOTE #: N/A TURNKEY QUOTE #: N/A UNIT #: TBD SERIAL (TDS)#: TBD CHECKED/ DATE 7/5/11 M. Clark 03-May-12 H. Lim Rev. 0 APVD / DATE 7/5/11 H. Lim 03-May-12 H. Lim QUALITY REQUIREMENTS CERT AUTHORITY / RULES: NATIONAL REGULATIONS: INDEPENDENT BODY: DATA BOOK: 3rd PARTY SERVICES: NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE CONTACT NOTES CUSTOMER: Tel: Fax: E-mail: CONTRACTS: SALES: RESPONSIBLE ELEC. ENG.: RESPONSIBLE MECH. ENG.: Joyce Guilford Michael Martin Michael Maslyar Hyoung Lim 7/5/11 03-May-12 APPLICATION NOTES: 1. Customer Configuration document to be inserted into the front of the Technical Drawing Package in the Owner’s Manual by the end user. The Customer Configuration lists the rig specific part numbers used to identify the drawings. 2. Configured with IDEAL Rig Guide Beam Design and PH-75 Pipehandler. 3. Unit is CRT-Ready. 4. Configured with four section guide beam kit. Sheet 1 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA PART NUMBER QTY -1* BSC DESCRIPTION *-1 IS AN INVENTORY ITEM. THE BALANCE OF ITEMS ARE NON-INVENTORY KITS, AND MUST BE MASTER SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY. QTE PO REF REF INDICATES NEW OR SPECIAL DRAWING/DESIGN. CONSULT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE. REFERENCE DRAWINGS / TEST SPECIFICATIONS 30170471 REF DRAWING, GENERAL ARRANGEMENT, TDS-11SA D614000075-GAD-001 REF SCHEMATIC, HYDRAULIC, TDS-9/11SA, AC IDEAL RIG M614003010-SPL-001 REF SPARES LIST, MECHANICAL, AC IDEAL RIG, TDS-11SA ASP00020 REF TDS-9SA/11SA Motor Housing Assembly Procedure 3ASP00073 REF TDS-9SA/11SA Motor Installation Procedure, Brake Hub & Pinion Gear 3ASP00030 REF TDS Inspection Form TS00259 REF Test Specification, Motor Housing Assembly, TDS-9SA/11SA TS00271 REF TDS-9SA/11SA Final Function Test Procedure TS00286 REF TDS-9SA/11SA Factory System Test TS00162 REF Test Specification, Hydrostatic Pressure & Post MPI Test (Gooseneck / S-Pipe) TS00168 REF Test Specification, Mag Particle Inspection TS00419 REF Post Function Test, Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness TS00465 REF Hydrostatic Pressure Test, Rotating Link Adapter Assembly, PH-75 TS00167 REF Test Spec. Link Pull Test, All TS00465 REF Hydrostatic Pressure Test, Clamp Cylinder Body 10620480-DIA REF BLOCK DIAGRAM, TDS-11SA 10620482-DIA REF ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM, TDS-11SA 10620483-IDX REF CABLE SCHEDULE, TDS-11SA 10620484-IDX REF I/O MAP, TDS-11SA 10620485-IDX REF HAZARDOUS EQUIPMENT INDEX, TDS-11SA 10620486-DIA REF NETWORK DIAGRAM, TDS-11SA 10620488-SPL REF CONTROL SPARE LIST, TDS-11SA D744000275 REF TRACEABILITY WORK SHEEET, TDS-9/10/11 Sheet 2 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA PART NUMBER QTY -1* BSC DESCRIPTION *-1 IS AN INVENTORY ITEM. THE BALANCE OF ITEMS ARE NON-INVENTORY KITS, AND MUST BE MASTER SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY. TOP DRIVE ASSEMBLY M611005667-1 1 OID(10388308-001) 120900-UL 1 30188268-A-60-R 1 30151452-CRT 121403 1 1 30124540-502 30157366-35-B 1 1 112190-120 120917 1 1 30156835-R75-2 1 121442-120 30179070-501 92643-15 30157616-NC50 118244-BLOCK QTE PO REF REF INDICATES NEW OR SPECIAL DRAWING/DESIGN. CONSULT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE. MOTOR/CARRIAGE ASSY, TDS-11SA 5000-7500 psi 1 MOTOR HOUSING, TDS-11SA Pressure Rating: ELECTRIC PACKAGE, TDS-11SA System Electrical: UL Installation Type: Service Loop Location: Right BX ELEVATOR CONTROL KIT HYDRAULIC PLUMBING PACKAGE, TDS-11SA System Electrical: UL CARRIAGE PACKAGE, TDS-9/11SA Setback: PIPE HANDLER PACKAGE, PH-75, TDS-11SA Drill String Connection: NC50 IBOP Trim: Link Option: 350 Ton COUNTERBALANCE PACKAGE, TDS-9/11SA MOTOR GUARD PACKAGE, TDS-9/11SA System Electrical: UL S-PIPE PACKAGE, TDS-9/11SA Mud Hose Connection: 4", Female Fig. 1002 S-Pipe Location: Pressure Rating: 7500 psi BAIL PACKAGE, TDS-9/11SA Bail Length: SHIPPING PACKAGE, GUIDE BEAM: W/SKID Setback: LUBRICATION KIT, TDS-9/11SA Lubricant Temperature Class: 1 1 PIPE HANDLER KIT, PH-75 Drill String Connection: NC50 COUNTERBALANCE ATTACHMENT KIT Attachment: To Block 1 1 Sheet 3 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 Portable 39.5" Standard Right 120" 39.5", PH-75 High CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA PART NUMBER QTY -1* BSC DESCRIPTION *-1 IS AN INVENTORY ITEM. THE BALANCE OF ITEMS ARE NON-INVENTORY KITS, AND MUST BE MASTER SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY. RIGGING M614003021 1 30178883 1 QTE PO REF REF INDICATES NEW OR SPECIAL DRAWING/DESIGN. CONSULT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE. GUIDE BEAM KIT: IDEAL RIG: FOUR SECTION IDEAL RIG Mast Height: 142A ft Guide Beam Section Length: TBD KIT, TIEBACK LOWER CONTROL SYSTEM (TDCS) MJOB-7127-00 REF AC DRIVE HOUSE, Supplied By NOV-Ross-Hill TDCS Connectors: Power & Control Cables VFD Option: Ross Hill TDCS Incoming Freq.: 60 Hz CABLE REQUIREMENTS 30183283-75-75 1 124977-100 120591-100 30183287-100 30183678 30178585-50-H 84514-96-0 1 1 1 1 1 5 SERVICE LOOP KIT, 777 MCM (TDS to mid Derrick) System Electrical: UL Installation Type: Portable Service Loop Length: 75 ft Aux. Loop Length: 75 ft DERRICK LEG KIT, 777 MCM, QD Installation Type: Portable CRT DERRICK LEG CABLE – 24/C CRT DERRICK LEG CABLE – 7 TSP DERRICK TERMINATION KIT, 646 MCM/777 MCM, QD Installation Type: Portable CABLE ASSEMBLY, 5 TSP HEAT SHRINK TUBING Sheet 4 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA PART NUMBER QTY -1* BSC DESCRIPTION *-1 IS AN INVENTORY ITEM. THE BALANCE OF ITEMS ARE NON-INVENTORY KITS, AND MUST BE MASTER SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY. QTE PO REF REF INDICATES NEW OR SPECIAL DRAWING/DESIGN. CONSULT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE. ACCESSORIES/SPECIAL ITEMS 30157622-NC38 1 TOOL JOINT ADAPTER KIT, NC38 26940Y1120 1 WELDLESS LINK, 350 TON X 120” LENGTH Sheet 5 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA PART NUMBER QTY -1* BSC DESCRIPTION *-1 IS AN INVENTORY ITEM. THE BALANCE OF ITEMS ARE NON-INVENTORY KITS, AND MUST BE MASTER SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY. QTE PO REF REF INDICATES NEW OR SPECIAL DRAWING/DESIGN. CONSULT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING PRIOR TO MANUFACTURE. SPARES SERVICE MANUALS AND SUPPLEMENTS 10482378-001 4 OWNER’S MANUAL: TDS-11SA D811002283-DOS-001 REF TECHNICAL DRAWING PACKAGE M611005667-GEN-001 4 CUSTOMER CONFIG DOCUMENT: See Note 1 on sheet 1. LEGACY D811002283-MAN-001 CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY/STATUTORY/INDUSTRIAL STD Designed, Built & Tested to API-8C, PSL-1 REF REF CRITICAL LOAD PATH ITEMS - See later page(s) of this configuration TDS SUMMARY (W/ACCESSORIES) TDS Motor Type (2) Elect. Type: Space Htr per motor Solenoids Blower motor: HydSystemMotor: X X 1 9 5 10 AC UL QTY QTY HP HP Encoder EEx 115 VAC 24 VDC 575 VOLTS 575 VOLTS X 60 Div 2 Hz 250 WATTS 60 60 Hz Hz 3 3 Sheet 6 of 7 CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 02 PHASE PHASE 2 1 QTY QTY CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA CLP: Critical Load Path (CLP) Component Index ESS = ESSENTIAL COMPONENT PRI = PRIMARY ESS PRI Motor/Carriage Assy: TDS-11SA (M611005667-1) Motor Housing Assy (120900-UL) Main Body (121227) Main Shaft w/ Landing Collar (121131) Collar, Landing (Set) (118377) Retainer, Landing Collar (118378) Rotating Link Adapter, 500 ton (121341) Body, Rotating Link Adapter (121340) S-Pipe Package (30156835-R75-2) Weldment, S-Pipe (117063-7500) Supply Pipe, Bent (117062-7500) Sub, Female (81156) Male Sub (110038) Nut, 4” (81161) Sub, Female, 3” (91922) Casting, Adapter (110037) Blind Plug, 3” (91921) Nut, 3” Hammer Union (91924) Wing Nut, 4” (81158) Elbow, S-Pipe, 4” Female Fig. 1002 (84617) Bail Package, 500 Ton (121442-120) Bail (109505-3) Bail Pin (109506) Pipe Handler Package (30157366-35-B) Saver Sub, NC50 (76666-2) Upper IBOP (110103-500) Lower IBOP (114706-500) X X X X X X X X SEC = SECONDARY SEC PPC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CONFIGURATION FORM CC-11S (f:\eng\appe7000\tds\_tools\M611005667-GEN-001_REV_02): 1:18 PM 5/3/2012 ESS PRI X X X X X X X X X X X X Adapter Kit, PH-75, NC38 (30157622-NC38) Crossover Sub (110852) Saver Sub, NC50 (118954-1) X X X X X X X Weldless Link, 350 Ton X 120” (26940Y1120) X X X X REVISION DOCUMENT NUMBER M611005667-GEN-001 SEC PPC Pipe Handler Kit, PH-75 (30157616-NC50B) Crossover Sub (79410-3) Saver Sub, NC50 (76666-2) Spacer Sub (80098) X X X Sheet 7 of 7 CUSTOMER PPC = PRIMARY PRESSURE-RETAINING COMPONENT 02 CUSTOMER / OWNER Cust: Rig: GALENA PARK AC IDEAL RIG 135 TDS-11SA MJOB-8375 TDS-11SA NEXT ASSY USED ON APPLICATION This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National-Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT TITLE CABLE SCHEDULE, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 INITIAL DRAWN B. BOEPPLE CHECKED R. MOENCH SIZE APPVD R. MOENCH B DATE 11/1/2011 SCALE DWG NO REV 10620483-IDX 01 NONE WT LBS SHEET 1 OF 3 D74DCF0049-TPL-001 (REV B) FROM TO CABLE ID CABLE NOV GLAND GLAND CABLE TAG NO. CONSTRUCTION PART NO. SIZE P/N TYPE TAG NO. 30175017-75-4-3-B - - - POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER POWER PE POWER POWER POWER PE POWER POWER POWER PE N.I.S. TD-MOT-01 TD-MOT-01 TD-MOT-01 TD-MOT-01 TD-MOT-02 TD-MOT-02 TD-MOT-02 TD-MOT-02 TD-P01 TD-P02 TD-P03 TD-P04 TD-ENC-01 DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL DRILL MOTOR INCREMENTAL ENCODER TD-P01-U TD-P01-V TD-P01-W TD-P01-G VFD VFD VFD VFD TD-PNJB01 TD-N03 2 7C x 1.5 mm - - - N.I.S. TD-HTR-01 DRILL MOTOR HEATER #1 TD-N04 7C x 1.5 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-HTR-02 DRILL MOTOR HEATER #2 TD-P08 4C x 2.5 mm 2 - - - POWER TD-MOT-03 TD-P06 4C x 2.5 mm2 - - - POWER TD-P07 CAB-N03A CAB-N03 CAB-N03B TD-LOOP 2 4C x 2.5 mm2 3 TSP x 16 AWG 3 TSP x 16 AWG 3 TSP x 16 AWG 124457-75-4-4-B - - POWER N.I.S. N.I.S. N.I.S. POWER TD-P01C TD-P02C TD-P03C TD-P04C TD-P01D TD-P02D TD-P03D TD-P04D TD-LOOP 1 TD-P01A TD-P02A TD-P03A TD-P04A TD-P01 TD-P02 TD-P03 TD-P04 TD-P01-U TD-P02-V TD-P03-W TD-P04-G TD-N20 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 4/0 AWG 3C x 777MCM + 3C x 2/0 AWG 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 444MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 4/0 AWG 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 646MCM 1C x 4/0 AWG 2 3 TSP x 1.0 mm 2 18C x 2.5 mm TD-P05C 18C x 2.5 mm2 TD-P05A TD-P05 TD-P05B TD-LOOP 3 TD-N01 TD-N01A TD-N01B 18C x 2.5 mm2 20C x 12 AWG 20C x 12 AWG 4 TSP x 14 AWG + 30C x 12 AWG 4 TSP x 14 AWG + 30C x 12 AWG 4 TSP x 14 AWG + 30C x 12 AWG 4 TSP x 14 AWG + 30C x 12 AWG TD-N05 DATE 11/1/2011 2:07:54 PM CABLE SCHEDULE, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO LOCATION TAG NO. BLOCK DIAG. REMARKS CABLE DWG. NO. SHT. DWG. NO. SHT. SUPPLIED BY TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE VFD TOP DRIVE VFD TOP DRIVE VFD TOP DRIVE VFD INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV TD-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 NOV TD-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 NOV HYDRAULIC PUMP MOTOR TD-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 NOV TD-MOT-04 RT. BLOWER MOTOR TD-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 NOV TD-MOT-05 DFT-NJB100 CAB-N03 - LT. BLOWER MOTOR DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TD-PNJB01 CAB-N03B - INSTRUMENT J-BOX GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL ASSIGNMENT CUBICLE TD/RT MAST PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 2 2 2 2 2 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 3 2,12 2 2 3 NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV - LOCATION INTERCONNECT 124459-01-20 - - POWER TD-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX 124458-100-B 30183284-75-4-4-B 123985-100-B 122718-01-20 - - POWER POWER POWER N.I.S. N.I.S. N.I.S. N.I.S. TD-P05 TD-N01 TD-LOOP 3 MAST PLUG PANEL GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL MAST PLUG PANEL DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 NOV GRASSHOPPER PLUG PANEL AC DRIVE HOUSE PLUG PANEL 600VAC MCC MAST PLUG PANEL DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET INSTRUMENT J-BOX 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 3 3 3 4 4,8 8 4 NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV NOV 3C x 1.5 mm 2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX TD-N06 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX PS-01 RT BLOWER DIFF. PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV PS-02 LEFT BLOWER DIFF. PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 TD-N07 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX NOV PS-03 IBOP PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N08 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX PS-04 LUBE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N09 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-01 BRAKE ON SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N10 3C x 1.5 mm 2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-02 ROTATE RIGHT SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N11 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-03 ROTATE LEFT SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N12 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-04 IBOP CLOSE SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N13 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-05 TORQUE WRENCH CLAMP SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N14 7C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (A) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-06 LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N15 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-07 LINK TILT "DRILL" SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N16 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-08 LINK TILT "FLOAT" SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N17 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-09 STAND JUMP SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 5 NOV TD-N18 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX SOV-10 Bx ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 5 NOV TD-N21 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. TDS-PNJB01 INSTRUMENT J-BOX PS-05 Bx ELEVATOR PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 NOV TD-N30 1 TSP x 1.0 mm 2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG PS-15 CRT SLIPS SET PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N31 1 TSP x 1.0 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG PS-16 CRT SJ ELEVATOR CLOSED PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N32 1 TSP x 1.0 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG PS-17 CRT STOP LOWERING PRESSURE SWITCH 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-P05B MCC TD-N01A DFT-NJB100 TD-PNJB01 SHEET 2 OF 3 DWG NO 10620483-IDX REV 01 DATE 11/1/2011 2:07:54 PM CABLE SCHEDULE, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO FROM CABLE ID CABLE NOV GLAND GLAND CABLE TAG NO. CONSTRUCTION PART NO. SIZE P/N TYPE TAG NO. TO LOCATION TAG NO. BLOCK DIAG. LOCATION INTERCONNECT REMARKS CABLE DWG. NO. SHT. DWG. NO. SHT. SUPPLIED BY TD-N25 3C x 1.5 mm 2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG SOV-15 CRT SLIPS UP SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N26 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG SOV-16 CRT ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N27 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG SOV-17 CRT LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N28 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG SOV-18 CRT LINK TILT DRILL SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N29 3C x 1.5 mm2 10054266-001 M20 (O) 10054938-001 N.I.S. - CRT PLUG SOV-19 CRT LINK TILT FLOAT SOLENOID 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-LOOP 5 24C x 1.5 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-N34B TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TD-N34 MAST PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N34 24C x 1.5 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-LOOP 5 MAST PLUG PANEL TD-N34A DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6,14 NOV TD-N34A 24C x 1.5 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-N34 DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL DFT-NJB100 DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 14 NOV TD-N34B 24C x 1.5 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-LOOP 5 TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL - CRT PLUG 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-LOOP 4 7 TSP x 1.0 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-N33B TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL TD-N33 MAST PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-N33 7 TSP x 1.0 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-LOOP 4 MAST PLUG PANEL TD-N33A DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6,13 NOV TD-N33A 7 TSP x 1.0 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-N33 DRILLER'S CABIN PLUG PANEL DFT-NJB100 DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 13 NOV TD-N33B 7 TSP x 1.0 mm2 - - - N.I.S. TD-LOOP 4 TOP DRIVE PLUG PANEL CRT PLUG 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 NOV TD-D1001 TD-P1001 TD-P1002 PROFIBUS 3C x 12 AWG 3C x 12 AWG - - - DATA POWER POWER DFT-NJB100 DFT-NJB100 DFT-NJB100 DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET MTC #1 MTC #1 MTC #1 MULTI TOOL CONTROLLER CABINET #1 MULTI TOOL CONTROLLER CABINET #1 MULTI TOOL CONTROLLER CABINET #1 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 4 4 4 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 16 16 16 NOV NOV NOV ANT-D1001 TD-S33 LMR400, COAX 3C x 0.75 mm2 10077615-001 - - - DATA I.S. DFT-NJB100 LT-02 DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET LINK CYLINDER LINEAR TRANSDUCER TDS-SJB01 OMNI ANNTENA FLEX POWER NODE 10620480-DIA 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 10620482-DIA 15 7 - SHEET 3 OF 3 NO BLOCK DWG NO NOV NOV 10620483-IDX REV 01 MJOB-8375 TDS-11SA NEXT ASSY USED ON APPLICATION This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National-Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT TITLE I/O MAP, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 INITIAL DRAWN B. BOEPPLE CHECKED R. MOENCH SIZE APPVD R. MOENCH B DATE 11/1/2011 SCALE DWG NO REV 10620484-IDX 01 NONE WT LBS SHEET 1 OF 3 D74DCF0051-TPL-001 (REV B) DATE 11/1/2011 2:13:31 PM I/O MAP, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO I/O SIGNAL ADDRESS TYPE NETWORK NODE ID No. I/O DESCRIPTION I/O 1 FUNCTION 0 FUNCTION 10DI0.0 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-PS-01 STATUS POS 1(1) STATUS OK PS FAILURE 10DI0.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-PS-02 STATUS 10DI0.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CAT 0 E-STOP POS 1(5) POS 1(4) STATUS OK E-STOP NOT ENGAGED PS FAILURE E-STOP ENGAGED 10DI0.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CAT 2 E-STOP POS 1(8) E-STOP NOT ENGAGED E-STOP ENGAGED 10DI0.4 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-DRILL MTR#1 (RIGHT) OVERTEMP SW POS 3(1) MOTOR TEMP OK MOTOR TEMP HIGH 10DI0.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-DRILL MTR#2 (LEFT) OVERTEMP SW 10DI0.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-RIGHT BLOWER MOTOR PRESS SW POS 3(5) POS 3(4) MOTOR TEMP OK TD AIR FLOW OK MOTOR TEMP HIGH TDS AIR FLOW LOW 10DI0.7 10DI1.0 NIS 24 vdc NIS 24 vdc DP1 DP1 10 10 TD-LEFT BLOWER MOTOR PRESS SW POS 3(8) TD AIR FLOW OK TDS AIR FLOW LOW TD-IBOP PRESS SW 10DI1.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-LUBE OIL PRESS SW POS 4(1) POS 4(5) IBOP CLOSED LUBE OIL PRESSURE OK IBOP OPEN LUBE OIL PRESSURE LOW 10DI1.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-Bx ELEVATOR CLOSED PRESS SW POS 4(4) Bx ELEVATOR CLOSED Bx ELEVATOR ARMED OR OPEN 10DI1.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 4(8) 10DI1.4 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE - - 10DI1.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 5(1) POS 5(5) - - 10DI1.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 5(4) - - 10DI1.7 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 5(8) - - 10DI8.0 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT SLIPS SET PRESS SW 10DI8.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT SJ ELEVATOR CLOSED PRESS POS 19(1) POS 19(5) CRT SLIPS SET CRT ELEVATOR CLOSED CRT SLIPS NOT SET CRT ELEVATOR ARMED OR OPEN 10DI8.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT STOP LOWERING PRESS SW POS 19(4) CRT LOWERING 10DI8.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 19(8) CRT STOPPED LOWERING - 10DI8.4 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE - 10DI8.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 20(1) POS 20(5) - - 10DI8.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 20(4) - - 10DI8.7 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 20(8) - - 10DQ0.0 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-BRAKE ON SOLENOID POS 7(1) 10DQ0.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-ROTATE RIGHT SOLENOID POS 7(5) BRAKE APPLIED TD ROTATES RIGHT BRAKE RELEASED TD STOPS 10DQ0.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-ROTATE LEFT SOLENOID TD ROTATES LEFT TD STOPS 10DQ0.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-IBOP CLOSE SOLENOID 10DQ0.4 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-TORQUE WRENCH SOLENOID POS 8(1) POS 8(5) POS 9(1) IBOP CLOSED RLA JOGS, SHOT PIN ENGAGES, TORQUE WRENCH CLAMPS LAST STATE TORQUE WRENCH RELEASE 10DQ0.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID POS 9(5) LINK TILT MOVES TO “EXTEND” POSITION OR FLOATS LINK TILT STOPS 10DQ0.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-LINK TILT DRILL SOLENOID POS 11(1) LINK TILT MOVES TO “DRILL” POSITION OR FLOATS LINK TILT STOPS 10DQ0.7 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-LINK TILT FLOAT SOLENOID POS 11(5) LINK TILT MOVES TO “FLOAT” POSITION OR FLOATS LINK TILT STOPS 10DQ1.0 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-STAND JUMP SOLENOID 10DQ1.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-Bx ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID POS 12(1) POS 12(5) COUNTER BALANCE CYLINDERS RETRACT Bx ELEVATOR OPEN COUNTER BALANCE CYLINDERS EXTENDS Bx ELEVATOR ARMED OR CLOSED 10DQ1.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 13(1) - - 10DQ1.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 13(5) - - LOCATION ENG. UNITS SHEET 2 OF 3 MIN ENG. MAX ENG. SETPOINTS REMARKS UNITS UNITS - DWG NO 10620484-IDX REV 01 DATE 11/1/2011 2:13:31 PM I/O MAP, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO I/O SIGNAL ADDRESS 10DQ1.4 TYPE NIS 24 vdc NETWORK NODE ID DP1 No. 10 I/O DESCRIPTION I/O 1 FUNCTION 0 FUNCTION SPARE POS 15(1) - 10DQ1.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 15(5) - - 10DQ1.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 16(1) - - 10DQ1.7 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 16(5) - - 10DQ8.0 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT SLIPS UP SOLENOID 10DQ8.1 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID POS 22(1) POS 22(5) SLIPS UP ELEVATOR OPEN SLIPS DOWN ELEVATOR ARMED OR CLOSED 10DQ8.2 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID POS 23(1) LINK TILT MOVES TO “EXTEND” POSITION OR FLOATS LINK TILT STOPS 10DQ8.3 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT LINK TILT DRILL SOLENOID POS 23(5) LINK TILT MOVES TO “DRILL” POSITION OR FLOATS LINK TILT STOPS 10DQ8.4 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 TD-CRT LINK TILT FLOAT SOLENOID POS 24(1) LINK TILT MOVES TO “FLOAT” POSITION OR FLOATS 10DQ8.5 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 24(5) - LINK TILT STOPS - 10DQ8.6 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 25(1) - - 10DQ8.7 NIS 24 vdc DP1 10 SPARE POS 25(5) - - 10IB2 DATA DP1 10 STATUS BYTE POS 17 - - POS 17 - - LOCATION ENG. UNITS 10IB3 DATA DP1 10 STATUS BYTE 10IB4 DATA DP1 10 VALUE BYTE POS 17 - 10IB5 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - 10IB6 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - 10IB7 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - POS 17 - - 10QB2 DATA DP1 10 CONTROL BYTE 10QB3 DATA DP1 10 SETPOINT BYTE POS 17 - 10QB4 DATA DP1 10 SETPOINT BYTE POS 17 - - 10QB5 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - 10QB6 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - 10QB7 DATA DP1 10 RESERVED BYTE POS 17 - - SHEET 3 OF 3 MIN ENG. MAX ENG. SETPOINTS REMARKS UNITS UNITS DWG NO 10620484-IDX REV 01 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. THIS DOCUMENT BEST VIEWED THROUGH MS EXCEL. 2. THE STATUS COLUMN AND REVISION LETTER CORRESPONDS TO THE MOST CURRENT CHANGE TO RESPECTIVE LINE (ROW). MJOB-8375 TDS-11SA NEXT ASSY USED ON APPLICATION This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National-Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT INITIAL TITLE HAZARDOUS AREA INDEX, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 DRAWN B. BOEPPLE CHECKED R. MOENCH SIZE APPVD R. MOENCH B DATE 11/1/2011 SCALE DWG NO REV 10620485-IDX 01 NONE WT LBS SHEET 1 OF 3 D74DCF0050-TPL-001 (REV B) NOV TAG NO. NOV P/N: DESCRIPTION DATE 11/1/2011 2:16:16 PM HAZARDOUS AREA INDEX, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO LOCATION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER P/N: HAZARDOUS RATING HAZARDOUS ZONE CERTIFICATION AGENCY CERTIFICATE No. TEMP. RATING IP RATING MATERIAL BLOCK DIAG. DWG. NO. SHT. INTERCONNECT DWG. NO. SHT. ASSOCIATED COMPONENT REMARKS TDS-11SA TD-MOT-01 108235 DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY TD-11SA RELIANCE ELECTRIC 108235 EEx nC II T3 ZONE 2 EPSILON 04ATEX1284X -20ºC TO +50ºC IP40 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 2 TD-MOT-02 108235 DRILL MOTOR ASSEMBLY TD-11SA RELIANCE ELECTRIC 108235 EEx nC II T3 ZONE 2 EPSILON Ex95Y4141X -20ºC TO +50ºC IP40 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 2 TD-MOT-03 109755-2 HYDRAULIC PUMP MOTOR TD-11SA RELIANCE ELECTRIC 109755-2 CLASS 1, DIV 1, GRP D - UL E10822 (N) -25ºC TO +40ºC IP56 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 TD-MOT-04 30172028-1 RT. BLOWER MOTOR TD-11SA RELIANCE ELECTRIC 6283074 CLASS 1, DIV 1, GRP D - UL E10822 (N) -25ºC TO +40ºC IP56 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 TD-MOT-05 30172028-1 LT. BLOWER MOTOR TD-11SA RELIANCE ELECTRIC 6283074 CLASS 1, DIV 1, GRP D - UL E10822 (N) -25ºC TO +40ºC IP56 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 TD-PNJB01 110139 INSTRUMENT J-BOX TD-11SA HOFFMAN A-1412NFSS - - UL - - NEMA 4X 304SS 10620480-DIA 2 10620482-DIA 3 PS-01 76841 RT. BLOWER DIFF PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS J120K-15642 CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP B,CD - UL E40857(N) -40ºC TO +71ºC IP66 - 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 PS-02 76841 LT. BLOWER DIFF PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS J120K-15642 CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP B,CD - UL E40857(N) -40ºC TO +71ºC IP66 - 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 PS-03 83095-1 IBOP PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS J120-15643 CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP B,CD - UL E40857(N) -40ºC TO +71ºC IP66 - 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 PS-04 87541-1 LUBE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS J120-15646 CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP B,CD - UL E40857(N) -40ºC TO +71ºC IP66 - 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 PS-05 83095-2 B & V ELEVATOR PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS J120-15644 CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP B,CD - UL E40857(N) -40ºC TO +71ºC IP66 - 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 S0V-01 127908-D2 BRAKES ON SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 S0V-02 127908J2 ROTATE RIGHT SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0713/NPT 24DC/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-03 127908J2 ROTATE LEFT SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0713/NPT 24DC/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-04 127908-D2 IBOP CLOSE SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SHEET 2 OF 3 DWG NO 10620485-IDX REV 01 DATE 11/1/2011 2:16:16 PM HAZARDOUS AREA INDEX, TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG 135 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO DESCRIPTION LOCATION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER P/N: HAZARDOUS RATING HAZARDOUS ZONE CERTIFICATION AGENCY CERTIFICATE No. TEMP. RATING IP RATING MATERIAL BLOCK DIAG. DWG. NO. SHT. INTERCONNECT DWG. NO. SHT. 127908-D2 TORQUE WRENCH SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-06 127908J2 LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0713/NPT 24DC/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-07 127908J2 LINK TILT DRILL SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0713/NPT 24DC/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-08 127908-D2 LINK TILT FLOAT SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 4 SOV-09 127908-D2 STAND JUMP SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 5 SOV-10 127908-D2 Bx ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID TD-11SA ATOS DHA/UL-0631/2/NPT 240C/20 CLASS 1, DIV 1 - UL TBS - IP66 CAST IRON 10620480-DIA 3 10620482-DIA 5 SOV-15 TBD CRT SLIPS UP SOLENOID TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 SOV-16 TBD CRT ELEVATOR OPEN SOLENOID TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 SOV-17 TBD CRT LINK TILT EXTEND SOLENOID TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 SOV-18 TBD CRT LINK TILT DRILL SOLENOID TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 SOV-19 TBD CRT LINK TILT FLOAT SOLENOID TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 PS-15 30178379 CRT SLIPS SET PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA UNITED ELEC CONTROLS - CLASS 1, DIV 1 & 2, GRP A,B,CD ZONE 1 DEMKO 03ATEX0252466X -50ºC TO +80ºC IP66 SS 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 PS-16 - CRT SJ ELEVATOR CLOSED PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 PS-17 - CRT STOP LOWERING PRESSURE SWITCH TD-11SA - - - - - - - - - 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 6 LT-02 10077587-001 LINK CYLINDER LINEAR TRANSDUER TD-11SA ROTA LTSY02621.SHB1804 EXII 1G, Eex ia IIC T4 ZONE 1 ATEX BASOATEX1322 -20ºC TO +85ºC - SS 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 7 TDS-SJB01 10509113-001 BANNER FLEX POWER NODE TD-11SA BANNER ENGINEERING 14428 Ex ia IIC T4 ZONE 0 LCIE 08ATEX6098X -40ºC TO +70ºC IP68 PLYCARBONATE 10620480-DIA 4 10620482-DIA 7 NOV TAG NO. NOV P/N: SOV-05 SHEET 3 OF 3 ASSOCIATED COMPONENT DWG NO REMARKS 10620485-IDX REV 01 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.2 Top Drive Assembly 8 N O TES 7 - U N LESS O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D : 1. REF: SYSTEM S C H E M A T IC 124222. 2 . L U B R IC A T E ALL B O LTS D 6 3 (R P ) = 4 PRESSURE O IL A IR 5 REPLAC EM AN T S W IT C H PART, 1 YEAR SPARES. - 18 PSI + 0, - 2 PRESURE S W IT C H - 1000 PSI ± 100 PRESSURE S W IT C H - 4 "W C ± .5 "W C P S I (F A L L IN G ). P S I (R IS IN G ). AT REV 2 1 1 S O L E N O ID C O IL VO LTAG E & VO LTAG E FREQUENC Y VARC O P / N IT E M D NO. A 24VDC 114174 10 B - - - TA B LE B L O W E R / H Y D R A U L IC D E S IG N A T O R V O L T A G E & Q T Y FREQUENC Y A S S E M B L Y . M IN IM U M 575VAC 60 Hz (T E F C ) 60 DELETED 3 (F A L L IN G ). P O T A L L R E C E P T A C L E S W IT H P O T T IN G C O M P O U N D (IT E M 6 3 ) P E R IN S T R U C T IO N S (IN C L U D E D W IT H P O T T IN G C O M P O U N D ). AFTER TA B LE D E S IG N A T O R S E T T IN G S : S W IT C H 6. M EGGER ALL AC - M O TO R LEADS R E S IS T A N C E : 2 M E G O H M S . 7 4 A L L B O L T S W IT H A N T I- S E IZ E C O M P O U N D . T O R Q U E P E R V A R C O S P E C . D S 0 0 0 0 8 A N D L O C K W IR E . PRESSURE IB O P 5 G. 1 2 M O TO R VARC O P/N: 114113- 2 VO LTAG E IT E M NO. D E S C R IP T IO N P U M P / M O TO R R EF 30172028- 1 B LO W ER ASSY M O TO R 30188268 - XXXX 1 8 B A S IC 8 C 9 B L O W E R M O T O R A S S E M B L E D A T M O T O R / H O U S IN G R E F E R E N C E D R A W IN G N O . 1 2 0 9 0 0 . REPLAC ES E X IS T IN G ASSEM B LY LEVEL S O L E N O ID H ARDW ARE TA B LE 10 M OVED Q TY TO SU B - ASSY SHOWN ARE FOR S E R V IC E 30182634. REFERENCE O N LY. P/N LO O P / P O W ER VARC O P/N: B L O W E R / H Y D R A U L IC 3 C O N N EC TO R B RAC KET IT E M NO. D E S IG N A T O R Q TY R ( R IG H T H A N D ) 1 3 0 1 8 3 2 7 2 - R B R K T , S E R V IC E 1 127652- 501 B R AC K ET, C O N N EC TO R 80 L 1 30183272- L B R K T , S E R V IC E 57 1 127652- 502 B R AC K ET, C O N N EC TO R (LE F T H AN D) C O IL V O L T A G E (S E E T A B L E 1 ) D E S C R IP T IO N LO O P POWER 56 LO O P C M OTOR VOLTAGE (S E E T A B L E 2 ) C ON N EC TOR, B RAC K ET (S E E T A B L E 3 ) 81 B B A U N LESS 30183077 NEXT TD S - 1 1 S A/ C R T ASSY USED O T H E R W IS E M A C H IN E D MAX 250 DRAW N 8 7 6 5 4 S P E C IF IE D TO RC H 1000 CURRENT ON A P P L IC A T IO N UNLESS O T H E R W IS E CUT MAX S P E C IF IE D IN IT IA L A G LO C K N E R C HEC KED H LIM APPVD H LIM DATE 5/16/07 3 A T H IS D O C U M E N T C O N T A IN S P R O P R IE T A R Y A N D C O N F ID E N T IA L IN F O R M A T IO N W H IC H B E L O N G S T O IN T E R P R E T D IM / T O L P E R A S M E Y 1 4 .5 MN A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . IT IS L O A N E D F O R L IM IT E D P U R P O S E S O N L Y A N D R E M A IN S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F D IM E N S IO N S A R E IN IN C H E S N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R E P R O D U C T IO N , IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T , O R U S E O F T H IS D E S IG N O R .X X ± .0 3 .X X X ± .0 1 0 .X ± .1 D IS T R IB U T IO N O F T H IS IN F O R M A T IO N T O O T H E R S IS N O T P E R M IT T E D W IT H O U T T H E E X P R E S S W R IT T E N A N G L E S ± .5 ° C O N S E N T O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . T H IS D O N O T S C A L E D R A W IN G D O C U M E N T IS T O B E R E T U R N E D T O N A T IO N A L O IL W E L L , L .P . U P O N R E Q U E S T A N D IN A N Y E V E N T U P O N C O M P L E T IO N O F T H E U S E F O R W H IC H IT W A S L O A N E D . T H IS D O C U M E N T A N D T H E IN F O R M A T IO N C O N T A IN E D A N D R E P R E S E N T E D H E R E IN IS T H E C O P Y R IG H T E D P R O P E R T Y O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R IG S O LU TIO N S 1 0 0 0 0 R IC H M O N D A V E . H O U S TO N , TE X A S 7 7 0 4 2 U .S .A . (7 1 3 ) 3 4 6 - 7 5 0 0 2 T IT L E : E L E C T R IC A L P A C K A G E , TD S - 1 1 S A (C R T3 5 0 ) SC ALE: WT P R O J E C T IO N : LB S: 1/8 D R A W IN G 900 S IZ E : D SH EET: 1 OF 4 R E V IS IO N : NUMBER: 30188268 - 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 7 8 D C 6 E L E C / M A N IF O L D SU B - ASSY 5 1 30182634 1 119888- 100- 38 C AB LE 2 50810- R- C W ASH ER, FLAT 145 4 51803- C NUT 144 4 50003- 6- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX 9 50649- 61 SCREW 18 56609- 11 T E R M IN A L 2 56612- 01 S P IC E 1 56611- 8 E L B O W , 4 5 ° IN T - D ELETED 138 - D ELETED 137 3 55008- 12- C5D SCREW, HEX 12 50182- 8- 03 S C R EW , C AP - B U TTO N 4 D 146 TR AY 10 1 143 H EAD 142 W IR E 141 R IN G 140 NUT 139 ELEC T H EAD ASSY E A R T H IN G ASSY 94 18 86872- 20- S L O C K W A S H E R , IN T E R N A L S TAR 48 4 94872- 4 C O N N EC TO R 93 1 86872- 25- S L O C K W A S H E R , IN T E R N A L S TAR 47 - D ELETED 92 3 16 50908- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 46 16 50804- R- C W AS H ER , FLAT- R EG U LAR 91 16 50904- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 45 8 50004- 10- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX 90 14 50906- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 44 1 115911 C AB LE 89 5 50910- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 43 1 115910 B R A C K E T , M O U N T IN G , C A B L E 88 6 50912- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 42 87 6 50012- 16- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 41 50606- 8- C SC REW , C AP- FLAT H EAD 40 2 50010- 52- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 39 - D ELETED 50005- 4- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 37 8 50004- 8- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 36 12 50006- 8- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 35 81 2 50008- 20- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 34 80 2 50010- 10- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 33 79 4 50008- 10- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 32 78 1 50010- 44- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 31 50006- 10- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX H EAD 30 15FT 135 H EAD C A B L E , P IG T A IL 118866 1 136 C AP 2 W ASH ER, LO C K 56609- 25 T E R M IN A L , W IR E - R IN G 133 2 50910- S - D ELETED 132 - D ELETED 28 51804- C N U T, H EX- S ELF 131 4 50206- B 20 50004- 8- C5 SCREW, HEX SEE TA BLE 10 A SEE TR AY 87074- 8- B 3 130 H EAD 118993 134 C AP (4 2 C A B L E , 7 0 m m2 BOSS H EAD LU G, C O PPER COMP B R A C K E T , M O U N T IN G , C A B L E P L U G , O - R IN G (U N C - 2 B ) B AR 115909 56531- 8- S LK G COND) 95 122718- 01- 20 1 1 TR AY TR AY Y E LLO W W / G R E E N TR A C E R - S TAR N U T, H EX B RASS H AN D B R A C K E T , C O N N E C T O R - R IG H T 3 H AN D 16 50006- 12- C5D - D ELETED 125 - D ELETED 124 4 50008- 8- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX - D ELETED 123 1 115720 LAB EL, C O N N EC TO R - D ELETED 122 - D ELETED 121 A/R 53200- 242 C O M P O U N D , L O C K IN G - D ELETED 120 - D ELETED 119 - D ELETED 118 - D ELETED 117 - D ELETED 116 1 53219- 3 F IT T IN G , G R E A S E - S T R A IG H T - D ELETED 115 2 116427 S T U D , G R O U N D IN G - D ELETED 114 - D ELETED - D ELETED 113 A/R Z 6 0 0 0 .8 L O C K W IR E Ø .0 3 1 - D ELETED 112 1 56541- 32 K IT , S P L IT FLAN GE - D ELETED 111 10 50905- C W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR 64 - D ELETED 110 5 3M 63 - D ELETED 109 10 3 126 C AP 4 78002 C L A M P , S E R V IC E 50008- 16- C5D LOOP SC REW , C AP- H EX B RAC KET H EAD 77 H EAD 56516- 12- 8- S R ED U C ER , TU B E 1 56525- 12- 12S T E E , S W IV E L 1 56509- 12- S N U T, S H O R T 4 56606- 8 3 108 - D ELETED (B LU E ) P O T T IN G 3 7 °/ 3 7 °/ 3 7 ° 25 72 18 86871- 20 W ASH ER, N YLO N S E A L IN G 71 1 78317- 50 LO C K N U T 23 22 EXTEN D ED 68 (N O T ( IN C L U D E S SHOWN) 66 COMPOUND ELB O W , C APPED 62 61 50012- 16- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX 59 4 50004- 14- C5D SC REW , C AP- H EX 105 - D ELETED 1 110022- 1R C O N N E C T O R , S IN G L E P IN , P O W E R , R E D 104 SEE TA BLE 3 B R K T , S E R V IC E LO O P - LEFT 1 110022- 1W C O N N E C T O R , S IN G L E P IN , P O W E R , W H T 103 SEE TA BLE 3 B R K T , S E R V IC E L O O P - R IG H T 1 110022- 1B C O N N E C T O R , S IN G L E P IN , P O W E R , B L K 102 A/R Z6001 L O C K W IR E Ø .0 5 1 (N O T SHOWN) 55 5 83444- 03 GLAN D, C AB LE, ARM O RED, 20m m 101 A/R Z 6 0 0 0 .9 L O C K W IR E Ø .0 4 7 (N O T SHOWN) 54 1 83444- 07 GLAN D, C AB LE, ARM O RED, 32m m 100 10 110078- L18 C AB LE, S AFETY ( Ø .0 3 2 ) (N O T SHOWN) 53 1 78317- 32 LO C K N U T 99 10 110078- FL2 C AB LE, S AFETY (F E R R U LE ) (N O T SHOWN) 52 1 86872- 32- S L O C K W A S H E R , IN T E R N A L 98 3 86625- 02 GLAN D, C AB LE - JAC K E TE D (U L) 51 1 86871- 32 W ASH ER, N YLO N S E A L IN G 4 86625- 01 GLAN D, C AB LE - JAC K E TE D (U L) 50 1 124459- 01- 20 C A B L E , P IG T A IL ASSY 86872- 50- S L O C K W A S H E R , IN T E R N A L PART NO. D E S C R IP T IO N L IS T OF M A T E R IA L Q TY REQD FOR BSC ASSY REF Q TY O N LY IT E M S ARE IN SUB - ASSY PART 58 NO. H AN D S TAR L IS T OF 1 78317- 25 LO C K N U T 78317- 20 LO C K N U T 1 129991- 07 GLAN D, EExe ARM OU RED C AB LE, 50m m 20 1 83444- 05 GLAN D, EExe ARM OU RED C AB LE, 25m m 19 13 83444- 01 GLAN D, EExe ARM OU RED C AB LE, 20m m 18 30183272- 07 P LATE 56626- 03 C A B L E , S H IP B O A R D - T W IS T E D / S H IE L D E D 1 25FT 1 0 1 5 9 F T 2 4 1 F T 5 6 6 2 5 - 1 .5 - 0 3 49 17 B RAC KET 5 6 6 2 5 - 2 .5 - 0 4 C A B L E , S H IP B O A R D - M U L T IC O R E 13 2 76841 PRESSURE S W IT C H , A IR 12 4 1 87541- 1 PRESSURE S W IT C H , O IL 11 4 1 83095- 1 PRESSURE S W IT C H , IB O P 10 - D ELETED 8 53301- 10- 6 - D ELETED 10 1 10 1 10 1 9 S C R E W , D R IV E - T Y P E 6 5 U 8 7 110143 P L A T E , M O U N T IN G - J - B O X / M A N IF O L D 6 4 112711 P LATE, M O TO R 5 1 115202 N AM EP LATE, C O N N EC TO R 124994 J- B O X SEE TA BLE 1 M A N IF O L D SEE TA BLE 2 P U M P / M O TO R PART NO. W A R N IN G 2 ASSY ASSY 1 ITE M NO. D E S C R IP T IO N L IS T Q TY R E Q D OF 4 3 ASSEM B LY A M A T E R IA L M A T E R IA L Q TY REQD FOR BSC ASSY REF Q TY O N LY IT E M S ARE IN SUB - ASSY 30182634 Q TY REQD FOR BSC ASSY REF Q TY O N LY IT E M S ARE IN SUB - ASSY S IZ E DWG NO SC ALE 7 14 H EAD D 8 15 C A B L E , S H IP B O A R D - M U L T IC O R E 4 10 66FT B 16 50008- 16- C 5D SC REW , C AP- H EX 56 ITE M NO. 21 3 3 57 H AN D D E S C R IP T IO N Q TY R E Q D 30182634 H EAD 24 18 1 H A R D W A R E )6 5 2 Q TY R E Q D 10 69 106 1 27 26 D ELETED ITE M NO. B U S H IN G , R E D U C IN G , E L E C T R IC A L S E A L IN G - COND) 96 56600- 12- 8 S E A L IN G 60 (1 8 28 4 W ASH ER, N YLO N W ASH ER, LO C K - REGU LAR COMP B U S H IN G , R E D U C IN G , E L E C T R IC A L W ASH ER, N YLO N 50912- C 9 56600- 16- 12 86871- 25 2 10 3 86871- 50 107 97 D ELETED 1 70 C 29 - 1 D ELETED S TAR 2 38 73 67 A/R 127386 4 75 END IN T 2 76 - H EAD 10 74 1 2 82 B R AC K ET, C O N N EC TO R - LEFT 3 TA BLE - 127 H EAD 10 83 D ELETED SCREW, HEX 10 84 W ASH ER, LO C K - 128 C AP 10 86 50008- 12- C5D H EAD 10 85 (B R AS S ) 4 SCREW, HEX 1 2 147 129 B 3 4 3 2 30182634 REV 30188268 1/8 WT LB S 2 OF 4 SHEET 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 7 8 6 5 4 3 1 2 51 134 28 2X 140 131 4X 141 6X 12 REF 142 3X D 4X 4X 131 143 130 96 130 4X 63 A/R 5 13 144 131 4X 130 4X 5 1 0 2 (B L K ) 131 4X 63 A/R 1 0 3 (W H T ) D 130 4X 5 63 A/R 1 0 4 (R E D ) 95 8 0 (R IG H T H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y ) 4 4X C C O N F IG . O N L Y ) 4X 55 A/R C O N F IG . O N L Y ) LEFT H AND 6 C 65 32 4X 2PL 4 128 9 4 46 9 80 FOR R IG H T 81 FOR LEFT H AND (O P P O S IT E S ID E ) 46 32 H AND AND 8 A/R 55 (L E F T R IG H T 75 59 2X 60 2X REF B O TH 94 H AND 81 (L E F T 146 8 57 55 H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y C O N F IG . O N L Y REF REF 4X A/R 33 43 2X 145 (R IG H T A/R 55 B 17 56 3X 78 H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y ) 14 6X 41 68 3X 73 ONE PER M O TO R 46 B 6X 42 147 10 4X REF 10 5X REF 37 20 64 19 101 22 REF 25 10 21 18 24 21 48 11X 5 35 49 A 6 28 21 97 24 98 48 REF 10 56 FOR 57 F O R L E F T H A N D C O N F IG . O N L Y (O P P O S IT E S ID E ) 41 8X A/R 42 R IG H T H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y 99 2X 34 1 HAND S E R V IC E LO O PS 140 2X 141 6X 142 3X A SHOWN S IZ E D SC ALE 7 6 REF 51 R IG H T 8 REF 46 13 REF 4X 44 18 10 A 10 55 100 4 REF 10 48 A 26 47 24 REF 69 23 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 30188268 1/8 WT LB S 3 OF 4 SHEET 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 7 8 6 5 4 (B L O W E R M O TO R ASSEM B LED AT 3 M O T O R / H O U S IN G ASSEM B LY P/N 1 2 120900) D D (R E F 12 ASSEM B LED 4X 36 2X ENCODER 2X 50 115299 (C O N N E C T O R M O T O R / H O U S IN G ASSEM B LY B 4X 45 AT P/N P/N PART 120900) OF P LU G - D IG IT A L E N C O D E R ) 15 A/R 55 B 16 8 1 (R E F - LEFT H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y ) (M O T O R POWER V IE W C AB LES) B-B SC ALE: N ON E C C 68 SEE D E T A IL REF C 82 2X 85 88 4X 135 93 2X 8X 91 86 4X 89 6 35 REF 84 10 TO EARTH B AR (IT E M 94) 44 5 7 (R E F - LEFT H AND C O N F IG . O N L Y ) 17 B 3X 10 14 46 2X 40 87 10 REF 30 2X B 44 REF 4X 135 8X 91 6 66 131 45 105 11 A/R C SC ALE 2 PL 1/1 50 147 4X REF D E T A IL 10 62 REF 27 2X 9X 50 139 50 15 10 137 4X 45 39 2X 43 31 A/R 55 43 36 A A/R 66 LEFT HAND A A V IE W A - A 3 S E R V IC E LO O PS 8 10 15 9X REF SHOWN S IZ E D SC ALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 30188268 1/8 WT LB S 4 OF 4 SHEET 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 N O TES: U N LESS 1. AP P LY O T H E R W IS E A N T I- S E IZ E 2 GREASE P O IN T S . 6 5 4 3 2 1 S P E C IF IE D AND TO RQ UE ALL B O LTS PER D S 0 0 0 0 8 , L O C K W IR E ALL B O LTS. A L L S E R V IC E 2 4X D D A 2 3 4 C O N F IG U R A T IO N 5 A DASH 5 A 5 A 3 15X 4 15X 6 AR NO SETB AC K TAB LE D E S C R IP T IO N -BSC 3 0 .0 0 -500 3 3 .7 5 -501 3 9 .5 0 T Y P IC A L A P P L IC A T IO N W H E N B L O C K IS N A R R O W S ID E T O G U ID E B E A M S P E C IA L U S E D O N L Y F O R T W O O R D E R S . SEE CC 128579 & 128952 -502 3 9 .5 0 S T A N D A R D V E R S IO N 3 9 .5 0 " S E T B A C K S -503 4 1 .0 0 F IR S T U S E D O N T A L IS M A N C L A Y M O R E C FOR A C 1 7 12 2 1 - - - - 124539-503 C A R R IA G E A S S Y , R IG H T , 4 1 .0 0 " S E T B A C K 13 1 - - - - 124538-503 C A R R IA G E A S S Y , L E F T , 4 1 .0 0 " S E T B A C K 12 - 1 - - - 124539-502 C A R R IA G E A S S Y , R IG H T , 3 9 .5 0 " S E T B A C K 11 - 1 - - - 124538-502 C A R R IA G E A S S Y , L E F T , 3 9 .5 0 " S E T B A C K 10 - - 2 - - 141510 C A R R IA G E S P A C E R , 3 9 .5 0 " S E T B A C K 9 - - - 1 - 124539-500 C A R R IA G E A S S E M B L Y , R IG H T , 3 3 .7 5 " S E T B A C K 8 - 124538-500 C A R R IA G E A S S E M B L Y , L E F T , 3 3 .7 5 " S E T B A C K 7 L O C K W IR E Ø .0 5 1 6 8 B 13 5 4X - - - 1 A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R Z6001 4 4 8 4 4 51222-12-16 P IN , S P IR A L 15 15 24 15 15 939390-10 W ASH ER , FLAT 15 15 24 15 15 50016- 20- C 5D SC REW , C AP- H EX C A R R IA G E A S S Y , R IG H T , 3 0 .0 0 " S E T B A C K C A R R IA G E A S S Y , L E F T , 3 0 .0 0 " S E T B A C K - - 1 - 1 124539 - - 1 - 1 124538 - 503 - 502 - 501 - 500 - BSC PART Q TY 5 U N LESS R IG H T S ID E V IE W 7 6 TD S - 9 S ASSY UNLESS O T H E R W IS E M A C H IN E D MAX 250 5 USED 4 TO RC H 1000 CUT MAX O T H E R W IS E CURRENT DRAW N S P E C IF IE D 3 2 1 IT E M D E S C R IP T IO N S P E C IF IE D OF NO. IN IT IA L M .C L A R K J .M A R T IN E S C HEC KED B .B R A M A N N .W E S T APPVD B .B R A M A N N .W E S T 5/9/07 3/26/98 DATE 3 A M A T E R IA L S T H IS D O C U M E N T C O N T A IN S P R O P R IE T A R Y A N D C O N F ID E N T IA L IN F O R M A T IO N W H IC H B E L O N G S T O IN T E R P R E T D IM / T O L P E R A S M E Y 1 4 .5 MN A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . IT IS L O A N E D F O R L IM IT E D P U R P O S E S O N L Y A N D R E M A IN S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F D IM E N S IO N S A R E IN IN C H E S N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R E P R O D U C T IO N , IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T , O R U S E O F T H IS D E S IG N O R .X X ± .0 3 .X X X ± .0 1 0 .X ± .1 D IS T R IB U T IO N O F T H IS IN F O R M A T IO N T O O T H E R S IS N O T P E R M IT T E D W IT H O U T T H E E X P R E S S W R IT T E N A N G L E S ± .5 ° C O N S E N T O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . T H IS D O N O T S C A L E D R A W IN G D O C U M E N T IS T O B E R E T U R N E D T O N A T IO N A L - ON A P P L IC A T IO N OF TD S - 9 S / 11S 8 TD S - 1 1 S 119953 NEXT L E F T S ID E REAR 119954 4 H EAD NO. L IS T A H ARDENED REQD A B O IL W E L L , L .P . U P O N R E Q U E S T A N D IN A N Y E V E N T U P O N C O M P L E T IO N O F T H E U S E F O R W H IC H IT W A S L O A N E D . T H IS D O C U M E N T A N D T H E IN F O R M A T IO N C O N T A IN E D A N D R E P R E S E N T E D H E R E IN IS T H E C O P Y R IG H T E D P R O P E R T Y O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R IG S O LU TIO N S 1 0 0 0 0 R IC H M O N D A V E . H O U S TO N , TE X A S 7 7 0 4 2 U .S .A . (7 1 3 ) 3 4 6 - 7 5 0 0 2 T IT L E : C A R R IA G E , SC ALE: WT LB S: 1/4 D R A W IN G 1300 P R O J E C T IO N : PACKAGE S IZ E : D SH EET: 1 OF 5 R E V IS IO N : NUMBER: 30124540 H 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 D D 2 8 C C B B A A V IE W A - A -BSC 1 7 D SHOWN S IZ E D SC ALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 1/4 WT LB S 30124540 H 1300 SHEET 2 OF 5 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 D D 9 2 C C B B 3 9 .5 0 S ETB AC K A 1 V IE W A - A A 7 D - 501 SHOWN (S P E C IA L ) S IZ E D SC ALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 1/4 WT LB S 30124540 H 1300 SHEET 3 OF 5 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 D D 11 C C B B 3 9 .5 0 1 SETB AC K A 1 V IE W A - A - 502 A 7 D SHOWN S IZ E D SC ALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 1/4 WT LB S 30124540 H 1300 SHEET 4 OF 5 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 D D 11 C C B B 4 1 .0 0 1 SETB AC K A A 1 V IE W A - A - 503 7 D SHOWN S IZ E D SC ALE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DWG REV NO 1/4 WT LB S 30124540 H 1300 SHEET 5 OF 5 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 8 7 6 5 4 3 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED CONFIGURATION TABLE 1. ADJUST TO ALLOW LIGHT CONTACT WITH ITEM 21. 2. LUBRICATE ALL JAM NUTS (ITEM 13) & (ITEM 7) WITH GREASE, TORQUE JAM NUTS (ITEM 7: 300 LBS) (ITEM 13: 400 LBS) 20 2X 19 3. LUBRICATE ALL OTHER THREADS WITH ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND, D 1 A/R 2X 27 24 2X 26 2X 2X 23 4X 25 4X 26 1 10 4X 12 3X 14 3X 7 4X 34 6 2 28 3X 4 31 3X 18 2X 8X 6 2 8X 7 7 8X 4 2 2X 13 2X 8 2X 5 5 13 8 2X 2X 2 2X 34 2X 22 B USED WITH ADDITIONAL SPACER 9.2 -500 33.75 -502 39.50 -503 41.00 13.0 STD FOR 39.50" SETBACKS D 18.7 20.2 16 2X 17 2X (ITEM 27) C 34 4X 30.00 REF DIM A 15 (20.8) 3 -BSC DESCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL 39.50" SETBACK 33 -503 5. PACK WITH GREASE PRIOR TO ASSY. 11 2X SETBACK -BSC 30 -502 4. GREASE CAM FOLLOWERS AFTER ASSY. 6. DRILL SHANKS Ø.141 ON ASSEMBLY FOR ITEM 31. DASH NO 29 -500 32 6X AND TORQUE TO DS00008. DO NOT LOCKWIRE. 2X 1 2 10 10 10 10 53201 FITTING, GREASE (1/8"-27 NPT) 34 1 - - - 124535-503 CARRIAGE, (LEFT), 41.00" SETBACK 33 6 6 6 6 51219-2 FERRULE, CABLE 32 3 3 3 3 51402-12-S PIN, COTTER 31 - 1 - - 124535-502 CARRIAGE, (LEFT), 39.50" SETBACK 30 - - 1 - 124535-500 CARRIAGE, (LEFT), 33.75" SETBACK 29 3 3 3 3 50812-N-C WASHER, FLAT 28 1 1 1 1 113370 STRAP, ACCUMULATOR, Ø6" 27 6 6 6 6 50908-C WASHER, LOCK-REGULAR 26 4 4 4 4 50008-10-C5D SCREW, HEX HD. CAP, 1/2 UNC X 1.25 25 2 2 2 2 50108-10-CD SCREW, CAP-SOCKET HD. 1/2 UNC X 1.25 24 2 2 2 2 88710 STRAP 23 1 1 1 1 125727-2 PLATE 22 2 2 2 2 125727-1 PLATE 21 2 2 2 2 30152845 PIN 20 1 1 1 1 51220-2 CABLE RETAINING Ø.063 2 2 2 2 125727-3 FERRULE BAR 72" LONG 18 2 2 2 2 50906-C WASHER, LOCK-REGULAR 17 2 2 2 2 50006-5-C5D SCREW, HEX HD. CAP 16 1 1 1 1 129375 BRACKET, ANGLE 15 C 19 3 3 3 3 30179918 BOLT, SHOULDER SOCKET HD (UNC-3A) 4 4 4 4 80569 NUT, JAM, 2"-12 UN-2B (MODIFIED) 13 3 3 3 3 50512-C NUT, HEX SLOTTED 12 2 2 2 2 30157306 PIN, LINCH Ø.188 11 4 4 4 4 109944 BUSHING, FLANGED, 2.75 ID 10 4 4 4 4 51132-C WASHER, LOCK, HI-COLLAR, 2" DIA. 8 8 8 8 8 55324-C NUT, HEX-JAM (1.50-12 UNF-2B) 7 8 8 8 8 30158767-04 BEARING, CAM FOLLOWER 6 2 2 2 2 30155438 CAM FOLLOWER 6" DIA 5 8 8 8 8 51024-C WASHER, LOCK - 1.5" 4 2 2 2 2 124537 BOGEY 3 2 2 2 2 112875 PIN, BOGEY PIVOT 2 - - - 1 124535 CARRIAGE, (LEFT), 30.00" SETBACK B 14 9 (A) 21 2X (68.0) A CONFIG -503 -502 -500 TDS-9S PRODUCT: TOLERANCES ARE: INSTALL CAM FOLLOWERS ON THE MILL SIDE OF BOGEY FINISH 250 6 5 4 FRACTIONS DEG ± 1/16 BREAK EDGES .02/.03 CURRENT TOL > ±.06 1000 INITIAL A. PHILLIPS JOHN MARTINEZ H. LIM NEIL WEST APPVD H. LIM NEIL WEST 1/26/10 3/17/98 3 1 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL A THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH BELONGS TO NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, L.P., ITS AFFILIATES OR SUBSIDIARIES (ALL COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO HEREINAFTER AS "NOV"). IT IS LOANED FOR LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF NOV. REPRODUCTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OR USE OF TITLE: THIS DESIGN OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS INFORMATION TO OTHERS IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOV. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE RETURNED CHECKED DRAWN DATE 7 ±.03 650 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED TOL < ±.06 X.XX ± 1/2 ANGLES DO NOT SCALE DRAWING WT LBS: ENSURE ALL CAM FOLLOWERS ROTATE AFTER THEY ARE INSTALLED AND TORQUED ±.1 X.XXX ±.010 SIMILAR TO: INSTALL LOCK WASHER AND NUT ON COUNTER BORE SIDE X.X NO. LIST UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 124540 NEXT ASSY: 8 PART QTY REQD BSC SHOWN END ITEM: 7 BSC TO NOV UPON REQUEST OR UPON COMPLETION OF THE CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY, LEFT USE FOR WHICH IT WAS LOANED. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AND REPRESENTED HEREIN IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF NOV. SCALE: RIG SOLUTIONS DWG NO. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2 1/4 PROJECTION: SIZE: D SHT: 1 124538 1 REV: OF 1 AA DRAWN IN ACAD RS-MECH_D-TPL-001 8 7 6 2 4 3 CONFIGURATION TABLE INSTALL LOCK WASHER AND NUT ON COUNTER BORE SIDE ADJUST TO ALLOW FREE MOTION OF ITEM 21. DASH NO SETBACK -BSC 30.00 & 39.50 ENSURE ALL CAM FOLLOWERS ROTATE AFTER THEY ARE INSTALLED AND TORQUED LUBRICATE ALL JAM NUTS (ITEM 13) WITH GREASE, DESCRIPTION 3. LUBRICATE ALL OTHER THREADS WITH ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND, AND TORQUE TO DS00008. DO NOT LOCKWIRE. 2X REF DIM A USED WITH ADDITIONAL SPACER 9.2 FOR SPECIAL 39.50" SETBACK TORQUE JAM NUTS 300 TO 400 ft-lbs. D 1 2 INSTALL CAM FOLLOWERS ON THE MILL SIDE OF BOGEY 8 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1 5 4 GREASE CAM FOLLOWERS AFTER ASSY. 5 PACK WITH GREASE PRIOR TO ASSY. 6 DRILL SHANKS Ø.141 ON ASSEMBLY FOR ITEM 25. 7. (OBSOLETE DWG 124539) CARRIES REVISION HISTORY FOR THIS DWG 1 -BSC 23 -500 -500 33.75 -502 39.50 -503 41.00 D 13.0 STD FOR 39.50" SETBACKS 18.7 20.2 24 -502 27 -503 3 8 (20.5) C C 2X 11 4X 15 4X 10 6 4X 29 1 3X 14 4 3X 16 6X 17 8X 2 6 2 8X 7 8 8X 4 2 2X 19 2X 13 2X 8 2X 5 15 4X 29 4X 5 2X 13 2X 8 2X 28 2X 2 2X 20 B 3X 22 15 2X 3X 25 12 29 2X 2X 18 10 10 10 10 GREASE CAP GREASE CAP 29 2 2 2 2 53000-2-C PLUG EXT. PIPE CTSK/HEX 28 1 - - - 124536-503 CARRIAGE, (RIGHT), 41.00" SETBACK 27 DELETED 26 3 3 3 3 51402-12-S PIN, COTTER 25 - 1 - - 124536-502 CARRIAGE, (RIGHT), 39.50" SETBACK 24 - - 1 - 124536-500 CARRIAGE, (RIGHT), 33.75" SETBACK 23 3 3 3 3 50812-N-C WASHER, FLAT 22 2 2 2 2 125727-1 PLATE 21 2 2 2 2 30152845 PIN 20 4 4 4 4 51220-2 CABLE RETAINING Ø.063, 48" LONG 19 2 2 2 2 125727-3 FERRULE BAR 18 6 6 6 6 51219-2 FERRULE CABLE 17 3 3 3 3 50512-C NUT, HEX-SLOTTED (UNF-2B) 16 10 10 10 10 53201 FITTING, GREASE (1/8"-27 NPT) 15 3 3 3 3 30179918 BOLT, SHOULDER SOCKET HD (UNC-3A) (MODIFIED) 14 4 4 4 4 80569 NUT, JAM, 2"-12 UN-2B 13 1 1 1 1 125727-2 PLATE 12 2 2 2 2 30157306 PIN, LINCH Ø.188 11 4 4 4 4 109944 BUSHING, FLANGED, 2.75 ID 10 4 4 4 4 51132-C WASHER, LOCK, HI-COLLAR, 2" DIA. 8 8 8 8 8 55324-C NUT, HEX-JAM (1.50-12 UNF-2B) 7 8 8 8 8 30158767-04 BEARING, CAM FOLLOWER 6 2 2 2 2 30155438 CAM FOLLOWER, 6" 5 8 8 8 8 51024-C WASHER, LOCK - 1.5" 4 2 2 2 2 124537 BOGEY 3 2 2 2 2 112875 PIN, BOGEY PIVOT 2 - - - 1 124536 CARRIAGE, (RIGHT), 30.00" SETBACK B 9 (A) -503 -502 -500 BSC PART NO. QTY REQD 21 2X A (68.0) TDS-9S UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. TOLERANCES ARE: END ITEM: 124540 NEXT ASSY: -BSC SHOWN FINISH 5 4 ±.03 ± 1/2 ANGLES FRACTIONS DEG ± 1/16 BREAK EDGES .02/.03 CURRENT TOL > ±.06 1000 INITIAL A. PHILLIPS JOHN MARTINEZ H. LIM NEIL WEST APPVD H. LIM NEIL WEST 1/26/10 3/17/98 3 A THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH BELONGS TO NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, L.P., ITS AFFILIATES OR SUBSIDIARIES (ALL COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO HEREINAFTER AS "NOV"). IT IS LOANED FOR LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF NOV. REPRODUCTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OR USE OF TITLE: CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY, RIGHT THIS DESIGN OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS INFORMATION TO OTHERS IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOV. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE RETURNED CHECKED DRAWN DATE 6 X.XX 650 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 250 ±.1 DO NOT SCALE DRAWING WT LBS: TOL < ±.06 X.X X.XXX ±.010 SIMILAR TO: 7 NO. LIST OF MATERIALS PRODUCT: 8 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION TO NOV UPON REQUEST OR UPON COMPLETION OF THE USE FOR WHICH IT WAS LOANED. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AND REPRESENTED HEREIN IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF NOV. SCALE: RIG SOLUTIONS DWG NO. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2 1/4 PROJECTION: SIZE: D SHT: 1 30124539 1 REV: OF 1 U DRAWN IN ACAD RS-MECH_D-TPL-001 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 N O T E S U N L E S S O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D 1. L U B R IC A T E A L L O - R IN G W IT H G R E A S E O R H Y D R A U L IC O IL A T A S S E M B L Y . 2. T H E S E P L A S T IC P L U G S A R E R E M O V E D A T T H IS L E V E L A N D R E P L A C E D W IT H IT E M 1 4 # 5 6 5 1 9 - 1 2 - 1 2 S D 3. 4. NO TO RQ U E ALL B O LTS PER DS00008. PO RTS P O S IT IO N D #3 C L E A N C L E V IS A N D R O D T H R E A D S , A P P L Y B L U E . L O C T IT E , A N D T O R Q U E T O 3 0 0 - 3 5 0 L B - F T . 5. T A G W IT H V A R C O P A R T N U M B E R A N D R E V IS IO N L E T T E R . 6. R E P L A C E B O L T S IN C L U D E D IN IT E M 3 W IT H IT E M 1 0 . 7. P E E N P R O T R U D IN G T H R E A D S T O P R E V E N T N U T S 2 .0 0 REF F R O M B A C K IN G O F F . 12 1 6 1 PO RTS P O S IT IO N 6 #4 C C 2PL 7 2 4 7 4PL 4 6 3 8 9 10 1 11 { 1 12 4PL Ø 1 .3 7 5 1 REF 6 5 B B 2 .5 0 PO RTS REF 2 P O S IT IO N 2 4 .1 8 0 FU LLY #1 RETRAC TED 4 2 56519-12-12-S ELB O W , O - R IN G B O SS/ 37° 14 Z6001 LO C K W IR E Ø .05 1 13 2 50516-C N U T, H EX SLO TTED 12 4 50906-C LO C K W ASH ER 11 4 50006-12-C5D SC R EW 10 1 1 1 0 0 7 8 - FL2 C AB LE, SAFETY, FER R U LE Ø .032 9 1 1 1 0 0 7 8 - L3 6 C AB LE, SAFETY, Ø .032 8 2 51437-16-S P IN , C O TTER 7 3 87196-12-S P LU G , SAE- 1 2 H EX SO C K ET 6 1 30172176-502 P IN , C LEVIS, C YLIN D ER , C O U N TER B ALAN C E 5 1 30172176- BSC P IN , C LEVIS, C YLIN D ER , C O U N TER B ALAN C E 4 1 94681-12 B LIN D FLAN G E K IT, C O D E 6 1 3 1 111935 C LEVIS, R O D EN D , C YLIN D ER , C O U N TER B ALAN C E 2 1 110687 C YLIN D ER , 4", C 'B AL A/R 2 PART Q TY NO. P AR T FLAG S PO RTS P O S IT IO N T R A C E A B IL IT Y C R IT IC A L L O A D P A T H IT E M C E R T IF IC A T IO N R E Q U IR E D #2 SPARE PART C O M M IS S IO N IN G IN S U R A N C E A R E IN DO NOT ANG ULAR T H IS C O N T A IN S DOC UMENT IN F O R M A T IO N PURPOSE 5 4 3 NOR W R IT T E N F MAY P R O P R IE T A R Y N E IT H E R USED FO R P E R M IS S IO N TO LERANC E BE M A N U F A C T U R IN G FRO M VARC O K. N G U YEN JER R Y J PREPARED BY TO CUT - - - - 110131 TDS-9S NEXT PRODUC T OTHERS PURPOSES T IT L E FO R SUC H ANY W IT H O U T IN T E R N A T IO N A L , IN C . D. STEPH ENS C HEC KED 2 A F IN IS H E S ± 0° 30' IN F O R M A T IO N , A N D D IS C L O S E D SURFACE *TO RC H C UT 1000 MAX .X ± .1 C A N B E * T O R C H .X X ± .0 3 0 .X X X ± .0 1 0 SC ALE DOC UMENT LTR 6 NO. M A T E R IA L S M A C H IN E D 250 MAX IN T E R P R E T D IM E N S IO N S & T O L E R A N C E S P E R A N S I Y 1 4 .5 & A B B R E V IA T IO N S P E R A N S I Y 1 .1 IN C H E S T H IR D A N G LE P R O JE C T IO N 7 OF D IM E N S IO N S U N L E S S O TH E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D O P E R A T IO N A L 8 IT E M M A T E R IA L REQD L IS T A 1 D E S C R IP T IO N BY ASSY C Y L IN D E R S IZ E DOC UMENT 8/19/03 JP SJ 2/15/95 SC ALE W E IG H T DATE 1/2 - R e le a s e d - BY NO. R E V IS IO N 110704 D D. STEPH ENS APPROVED ASSEM B LY, C OU N TERB ALAN C E LB SH EET 08/26/2003 1 F OF 1 0 8 :4 9 :5 6 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V B) 8 N O TES: U N LESS 1. 7 O T H E R W IS E 6 5 4 3 2 1 S P E C IF IE D . (D E L E T E D ) D D C C B Z6001 10 10 50812-N-C 10 10 50912-C 10 10 C O N F IG U R A T IO N -BSC STANDARD FO R 3 0 .0 , 3 3 .7 5 & SET -395 TABLE 3 9 .5 0 B AC KS U S E D F O R T W O 3 9 .5 0 SET B AC K O R D ER S O N LY SEE CC 128597 & 2 - 117089-395 W ASH ER , FLAT 12 W ASH ER , LO C K - R EG U LAR 11 1 1 121483 4 4 4 IN S T A L L A T IO N 8 51402-12 C O TTER (1 / 8 7 4 50512-C NUT, H EX 4 4 30177155 SC REW , C AP - 2 117089 1 1 1 1 HEX H EAD 5 W E LD M E N T S U P P O R T, U P P E R G U AR D / W E D G E 3 1 3 017 13 18 - 5 00 W E LD M E N T S U P P O R T, U P P E R G U AR D / W E D G E 2 1 12 08 8 7 PART G UARD, M O TO R NO. H O U S IN G 1 D E S C R IP T IO N IT E M NO. M A T E R IA L REQD C O M M IS S IO N IN G O P E R A T IO N A L IN S U R A N C E OF D IM E N S IO N S U N L E S S O TH E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D A R E IN IN T E R P R E T D IM E N S IO N S & T O L E R A N C E S P E R A N S I Y 1 4 .5 & A B B R E V IA T IO N S P E R A N S I Y 1 .1 IN C H E S DO NOT .X ± .1 C A N B E * T O R C H .X X ± .0 3 0 .X X X ± .0 1 0 SC ALE DOC UMENT ANG ULAR T H IS C O N T A IN S DOC UMENT IN F O R M A T IO N PURPOSE G LTR MAY NOR W R IT T E N T H IR D A N G LE P R O JE C T IO N 3 - 6 3 017 13 18 - 5 01 SPARE PART 4 SLO TTED 4 C R IT IC A L L O A D P A T H IT E M C E R T IF IC A T IO N R E Q U IR E D 5 - NOM) SU P P O R T, LO W ER T R A C E A B IL IT Y 6 P IN P R O P R IE T A R Y N E IT H E R USED FO R P E R M IS S IO N TO LERANC E BE M A N U F A C T U R IN G VARC O TO OTHERS PURPOSES M A T E R IA L S SURFACE A F IN IS H E S M A C H IN E D 250 MAX *TO RC H C UT 1000 MAX - T IT L E ± 0° 30' IN F O R M A T IO N , A N D D IS C L O S E D FRO M CUT FO R SUC H ANY W IT H O U T IN T E R N A T IO N A L , IN C . 119954 - 119953 TDS-9S NEXT PRODUC T ASSY GU ARD, M OTOR S IZ E DOC UMENT B . R IC E B . R IC E 02/15/05 JP SJ JP SJ 5/97 SC ALE W E IG H T DATE 1/4 310 R e le a s e d - C HEC KED 2 BY APPROVED BY NO. R E V IS IO N 120917 D H . SETH BY H O U S IN G , PAC KAGE T. SPARKS PREPARED B 10 L A B E L , L IN K P AR T FLAG S 7 HD 9 L IS T 8 13 SU P P O R T, LO W ER QTY A Ø .0 5 1 50012- 18- C 5D SC REW , C AP- H EX -395 -BSC 128952 L O C K W IR E A/R A/R LB SH EET 06/05/2003 1 G OF 3 1 0 :4 9 :1 6 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V B) 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 (4 4 .6 ) D D (IT E M 4) 2X 4 (IT E M 10 4) 11 4X 12 1 (IT E M 1) (4 5 .0 ) (IT E M 2 C 3) C 3 10 11 6X 5 12 A/R 6 13 4X 7 12 08 8 7 B B (5 4 .2 ) 8 A A BSC T H IS DOCUMENT IN F O R M A T IO N , N E IT H E R 7 6 5 4 AND C O N T A IN S SUC H D IS C L O S E D NOR PURPOSES W IT H O U T VARC O 8 BE PURPOSE USED W R IT T E N IN T E R N A T IO N A L , 3 P R O P R IE T A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N TO O TH E R S FOR M AY FOR ANY T IT L E S IZ E GU ARD, M OTOR P E R M IS S IO N H O U S IN G , PAC KAGE M A N U F A C T U R IN G FROM DOC UMENT NO. R E V IS IO N 120917 D SC ALE SHEET 1/4 IN C . 2 R e le a s e d - 06/05/2003 2 OF G 3 1 0 :4 9 :1 6 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V B) 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 D D (IT E M 9) 2X 9 10 11 4X 12 C C (5 4 .5 ) 10 11 6X 12 13 A/R B B 12 08 8 7 A A - 395 T H IS DOCUMENT IN F O R M A T IO N , N E IT H E R 7 6 5 4 AND C O N T A IN S SUC H D IS C L O S E D NOR PURPOSES W IT H O U T VARC O 8 BE PURPOSE USED W R IT T E N IN T E R N A T IO N A L , 3 P R O P R IE T A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N TO O TH E R S FOR M AY FOR ANY T IT L E S IZ E GU ARD, M OTOR P E R M IS S IO N H O U S IN G , PAC KAGE M A N U F A C T U R IN G FROM DOC UMENT NO. R E V IS IO N 120917 D SC ALE SHEET 1/4 IN C . 2 R e le a s e d - 06/05/2003 3 OF G 3 1 0 :4 9 :1 5 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V B) 8 7 N O TES: U N LESS 1. REM OVE 2. M ARK BOX 3. DO 4. 30123290 NOT O T H E R W IS E ALL B U R R S W IT H 6 5 VARC O SH ARP PART EDGES 8. .0 3 . P A C K IN G 2 1 K IT S : A. 30123290- PK NUMBER. C O N S IS T IN G P A IN T . RATED AT 7 ,5 0 0 P S I (1 1 ,2 5 0 5 B AND 6 P L A C E D E S S IC A N T (IT E M 1 5 ) IN S ID E B O R E (R E M O V E B E F O R E U S E ). 7. TO TO IN W ATERPRO O F OF P L A S T IC , A N D W ASH (S T A N D A R D ) OF: 1X 2X 1 2 3 2 9 2 - 2 P A C K IN G S E T 5 1 3 0 0 - 3 4 8 - F O - R IN G P S I B U R S T ). D ASSEM B LY, B AG 3 S P E C IF IE D AND PRESSURE 4 BOX 9 . (O B S O L E T E DWG 10. GREASE TO BE 11. -1000 ASSY 1 2 3 2 9 0 ) C A R R IE S R E V IS IO N H IS T O R Y FOR T H IS Ø 9 .0 DWG. D (1 4 x 9 x 9 ). USED IS S H E L L C Y P R IN A RA. P IP E IS O B SO LETE, U SE 30123290-BSC. IN C R E A S E S E A L A N D P IP E L IF E IT IS R E C O M M E N D E D G R E A S E P A C K IN G B O X E V E R Y T O U R (T W IC E D A IL Y ). 10 B AND 9 PLAC E O - R IN G W ASH P IP E IN S ID E BORE FOR ASSY FOR S H IP M E N T S H IP M E N T 1 1 .0 2 GOOSENEC K FAC E C C 6 BSC O N LY 7 -C88 O N LY 20 S H IP P IN G BSC O N LY 8 R E Q U IR E M E N T S SC ALE: 1/ 2 (3 .0 ) 5 H AN D PAC K ALL S E A L S W / IT E M # 1 4 1 REFREF C O M PLETELY F IL L V O ID (1 4 .4 ) (1 1 .1 ) 3 30150084 C-88 C O ATED 20 W R E N C H , W A S H P IP E 19 - - 123292-3 P A C K IN G - - 30123289- TC P IP E , W A S H 1 1 86268 D E S S IC A N T (N O T SHOWN) 15 A/R 56005-1 G R E A S E ,G E - M T R (S H E L L / T E x x o n ) (N O T SHOWN) 14 1 1 30123564 SCREW, SOCKET 1 1 53219-1 F IT T IN G , G R E A S E - 1 1 30123562 R IN G , S N A P 2 2 51300-348-F O - R IN G 1 1 123292-2 P A C K IN G - 1 30123289 P IP E , W A S H - 3 1 1 30123288 R IN G , H O L D IN G , 3 " W A S H 1 1 30123287 SP AC ER , LO W ER , 3 " W ASH 2 2 30123286 S P A C E R , M ID D L E , 3 " W A S H P IP E 4 1 1 123285 SPAC ER, UPPER, 3" W ASH P IP E 3 1 1 123284 NUT, 3" W ASH 30123563 B O X , P A C K IN G A S S Y , 3 " W A S H P IP E 1 PART D E S C R IP T IO N S E A L K IT - (5 PER SET) 3 IN . B O R E (H A R D ) N IT R IL E / A R IM ID E TUNG STEN 18 C O ATED 17 D ELETED 11 B 3 0 1 2 3 2 8 9 - C 8 8 P IP E , W A S H - 3 " B O R E , C - 8 8 R E FR E F R E F 6 (.0 4 ) 10 16 D ELETED 1 4 12 1 REF 1 - C 88 - 1000 B SC M A IN S H A F T L IN E R QTY FAC E (.3 1 2 HEX SOC KET) ? T R A C E A B IL IT Y ? C R IT IC A L L O A D P A T H IT E M ? C E R T IF IC A T IO N R E Q U IR E D U N LESS PLAC E 8 P IP E BORE O - R IN G FOR IN S ID E S H IP M E N T D IM E N S IO N S .X NEXT 7 SPARE PART 5 9 6 C O M M IS S IO N IN G 5 ? O P E R A T IO N A L ? IN S U R A N C E O T H E R W IS E IN T E R P R E T D IM / T O L P E R ASSY USED U N LESS O T H E R W IS E M A C H IN E D 250 M AX ± .1 .X X DO NOT ARE ± .0 3 AN G LES ON A P P L IC A T IO N W ASH 13 M A T E R IA L 1000 M AX / .X X X HEAT TREAT S T R A IG H T 3 12 EXT. 11 9 S E A L K IT OF (5 IN C H PER SET) 8 N IT R IL E / C O T T O N BORE 7 P IP E 6 P IP E 5 P IP E 2 IT E M NO. M A T E R IA L M A T E R IA L S V A R C O IN T E R N A T IO N A L , IN C . A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D ± .0 1 0 IN A N Y W A Y W ITH O U T TH E W R ITTE N C O N S E N T O F V A R C O . V A R C O O W N S A L L R IG H TS TO TH IS W O R K A N D IN TE N D S TO E N F O R C E ITS R IG H TS U N D E R TH E C O P Y R IG H T L A W S A S A P U B L IS H E D W O R K . A D R A W IN G CURRENT DRAW N C HEC KED T IT L E W A S H P IP E ASSEM B LY, 3" B O R E IN IT IA L M . S A Z O H .O L S T Y N S K I E. DEU TSC H JPSJ APPVD B . B RAM AN JPSJ DATE 09/20/04 11/97 S IZ E D SC ALE 4 NOSE Y 1 4 .5 M TH IS D O C U M E N T M A Y N O T B E C O P IE D O R R E P R O D U C E D IN C H E S T H IR D A N G L E P R O J E C T IO N CUT F IN IS H ASM E C O P Y R IG H T C ± .5 ° SC ALE S P E C IF IE D TO RC H IN S P E C IF IE D HD-DOG 10 L IS T P AR T FLAG S A NO. REQD B 2 DWG NO N TS REV 30123290 H WT LB S 85 SHEET 1 OF 1 1 DC F0022 (R E V C) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. CLEAN OUT ALL HOSES PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY. 2. CYCLE CYLINDERS AFTER INSTALLATION OF HOSES AND PRIOR TO ATTACHING TO HOOK. D 3. FOLLOW ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES IN SERVICE MANUAL. 4 D SEE DRAWING 112190 FOR ADDITIONAL COUNTERBALANCE COMPONENTS. C C CONFIGURATION TABLE 4 -HOOK CONFIGURED FOR USE WITH HOOKS. -BLOCK CONFIGURED FOR USE WITH BLOCKS -BECKET CONFIGURED FOR USE WITH BECKET B B DRAWING, COUNTERBALANCE PACKAGE (BECKET) SHACKEL (13.5 TON) 9 80392 LINK CONNECTING 7 80390 CHAIN 9 LINK 6 1 112190-DWG DRAWING, COUNTERBALANCE PACKAGE 5 2 - 96575 SHACKLE 4 - 1 - 117076 BEAM, COUNTERBALANCE 3 - - 2 76717 PEAR LINK 2 - 2 2 51405-18-S PIN, COTTER BECKET BLOCK HOOK 1 - - 95030-DWG 2 - - 88484 2 - - 2 - - - 1 - 8 1 PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY REQD ITEM MATERIAL NO. LIST OF MATERIALS A PART FLAGS TRACEABILITY CRITICAL LOAD PATH ITEM CERTIFICATION REQUIRED SPARE PART COMMISSIONING OPERATIONAL INSURANCE DIMENSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ARE IN INTERPRET DIMENSIONS & INCHES TOLERANCES PER ANSI Y14.5 & DO NOT SCALE DOCUMENT 6 5 4 3 .XX ±.030 *TORCH CUT 1000 MAX - - TITLE .XXX ±.010 ANGULAR TOLERANCE ±0° 30' INFORMATION MAY NEITHER BE DISCLOSED TO OTHERS FOR ANY - - KIT, TRAVELING 112190 TDS-9S EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENT NEXT ASSY PRODUCT PURPOSE NOR USED FOR MANUFACTURING PURPOSES WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM VARCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. B LTR 7 A FINISHES ABBREVIATIONS PER ANSI Y1.1 .X ±.1 CAN BE *TORCH CUT THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION, AND SUCH THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION 8 SURFACE MACHINED 250 MAX A. PHILLIPS B. KRUEGER B. KRUEGER 5/5/09 JRM B.SHUMSKI B.SHUMSKI 7/96 PREPARED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY DATE 2 SIZE DOCUMENT NO. REVISION 118244 D SCALE WEIGHT LB 1/10 125 20020219.09070623 SHEET 1 1 B OF 2 DCF0022 (REV B) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLOCK ASSEMBLY TYPICAL D D BECKET ASSEMBLY HOOK ASSEMBLY TYPICAL TYPICAL C C 4 2X 4 2 3 1 2X 4 4 2X 6 2X 7 2X 8 32.7 FULLY EXTENDED 31.5 AS SHOWN 24.2 FULLY RETRACTED B B A A THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY TITLE SIZE INFORMATION, AND SUCH INFORMATION MAY NEITHER BE DISCLOSED PURPOSE NOR USED PURPOSES WITHOUT TO FOR OTHERS FOR WRITTEN PERMISSION KIT, TRAVELING ANY MANUFACTURING FROM EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENT VARCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 DOCUMENT NO. REVISION 118244 D SCALE SHEET 2 1/10 20020219.09070623 1 B OF 2 DCF0022 (REV B) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.3 Pipe Handler and Adapter Kits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. 2 D DELETED LOCTITE AND TORQUE CLEVIS PER NOV DESIGN SPECIFICATION D 3DS00082 SECTION 5 3 IMPRESSION STAMP VARCO PART NUMBER APPROXIMATELY WHERE SHOWN. 4. PAINT PER VARCO SPECIFICATION VPS00001, COLOR - YELLOW. MASK ALL THREADS AND BORES. 5. (OBSOLETE DWG 119592) CARRIES REVISION HISTORY FOR THIS DWG. 6 PEEN CYLINDER TIE ROD THREADS AT TOP OF NUTS. 4 PLACES SAE #12 SAE #12 1 3 3 1.55 C C 2 5 2 5 4 4 B B 3 6 22.000 FULLY RETRACTED (4.500 SQ) 32.30 FULLY EXTENDED 2 51435-16 PIN, COTTER 5 2 50512-C NUT,HEX SLOTTED 4 2 30172154 PIN, CYLINDER MOUNTING 3 1 103141-7 CLEVIS 2 1 119416 1 CYLINDER, HYDRAULIC PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY REQD ITEM MATERIAL NO. LIST OF MATERIALS A TDS-9S/11SA PH-50/75 NEXT ASSY: 117820/30157366 PRODUCT: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. TOLERANCES ARE: END ITEM: X.X ±.1 X.XX ±.03 X.XXX ±.010 SIMILAR TO: FINISH A. PHILLIPS DRAWN TOL > ±.06 1000 8 7 6 5 4 NOV. REPRODUCTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OR USE OF TO NOV UPON REQUEST OR UPON COMPLETION OF THE TITLE: ASSEMBLY, HYDRAULIC CYLINDER USE FOR WHICH IT WAS LOANED. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AND REPRESENTED HEREIN H. OLSTYNSKI IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF NOV. B. KRUEGER JPSJ APPVD B. KRUEGER JPSJ 10/1/09 12/2/96 3 LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF CONSENT OF NOV. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE RETURNED CHECKED DATE L.P., ITS AFFILIATES OR SUBSIDIARIES (ALL COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO HEREINAFTER AS "NOV"). IT IS LOANED FOR OTHERS IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN INITIAL A THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH BELONGS TO NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, THIS DESIGN OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS INFORMATION TO BREAK EDGES .02/.03 CURRENT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 250 FRACTIONS DEG ± 1/16 DO NOT SCALE DRAWING WT LBS: TOL < ±.06 ± 1/2 ANGLES SCALE: RIG SOLUTIONS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2 DWG NO. PROJECTION: SIZE: D SHT: 1 30119592 1 REV: OF 1 L DRAWN IN ACAD RS-MECH_D-TPL-001 8 7 N O T E S : (U N L E S S 1 . IT E M O T H E R W IS E 4 , S P R IN G , T O 2. STO RE AS A 6 5 4 3 2 1 S P E C IF IE D ) BE COMPRESSED .3 5 AS IN S T A L L E D SET D D 1 2X 3 C C 2X 3 017 2 17 8 11 B B 7 4X 2 5 2X 2X 8X 6 8 9 2X 2X 50508-C NUT, H EX SLO TTED 12 2 30172178 P IN , G U ID E ARM 11 A/R Z6001 W IR E , L O C K , .0 5 1 2 51402-8-S P IN , C O T T E R 4 12 2 10 8 50908-C 50810-N-S 8 50008-13-C5D 2 76445 R E T A IN E R 5 2 76443 S P R IN G 4 2 76442 G U ID E , A R M 3 1 125059 G U ID E , S T A B B IN G , G A T E 1 125057 G U ID E , S T A B B IN G , C L A M P W ASH ER , LO C K C AP SCREW, HEX NO. T R A C E A B IL IT Y C R IT IC A L L O A D P A T H IT E M C E R T IF IC A T IO N R E Q U IR E D SPARE PART C O M M IS S IO N IN G O P E R A T IO N A L IN S U R A N C E 5 4 3 OF D IM E N S IO N S U N L E S S O TH E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D A R E IN IN T E R P R E T D IM E N S IO N S & T O L E R A N C E S P E R A N S I Y 1 4 .5 & A B B R E V IA T IO N S P E R A N S I Y 1 .1 IN C H E S DO NOT .X ± .1 C A N B E * T O R C H .X X ± .0 3 0 .X X X ± .0 1 0 SC ALE DOC UMENT ANG ULAR T H IS C O N T A IN S DOC UMENT IN F O R M A T IO N PURPOSE MAY NOR W R IT T E N C N E IT H E R USED FO R P E R M IS S IO N TO LERANC E P R O P R IE T A R Y BE D R IL L E D 6 H EAD 2 1 C YL IT E M M A T E R IA L NO. M A N U F A C T U R IN G FRO M VARC O H . SETH PREPARED BY TO OTHERS PURPOSES M A T E R IA L S SURFACE M A C H IN E D 250 MAX *TO RC H C UT 1000 MAX T IT L E FO R SUC H ANY W IT H O U T IN T E R N A T IO N A L , IN C . B . R IC E 30157287 PH-75 30122000 PH-100 NEXT PRODUC T ASSY B . R IC E 08/06/04 D . S E N E V IR A T N E D . S E N E V IR A T N E 5 / 1 2 / 9 8 C HEC KED 2 A F IN IS H E S CUT ± 0° 30' IN F O R M A T IO N , A N D D IS C L O S E D K. N G U YEN LTR 6 8 7 D E S C R IP T IO N T H IR D A N G LE P R O JE C T IO N 7 S E R IE S REQD P AR T FLAG S 8 REG W ASH ER , FLAT, N AR R O W L IS T A 9 4 PART Q TY 10 D IA BY APPROVED BY S T A B B IN G G U ID E Ø 6 .2 5 - 7 .5 0 T O O L J O IN T 1 - 5 FH ) 2 (N C S IZ E 50 DOC UMENT ASSY. NO. R E V IS IO N 125158 D SC ALE W E IG H T DATE 1/2 75 R e le a s e d - LB SH EET 08/09/2004 1 C OF 1 1 1 :1 7 :3 4 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V B) 8 7 N O TES: U N LESS 1. C LEAN 2. C O N N E C T IO N P R IO R 3. AN D TO O T H E R W IS E L U B R IC A T E TH READS ALL P AR TS B EFORE S H A L L R E M A IN PAC K W AVE S P R IN G C A V IT Y 100% W IT H 56003 GREASE O P E R A T IN G & THE A 5. RECORD M A T E R IA L T R A C E A B IL IT Y C RAN K S L ID IN G F IT ASSEM B LY. AN D B ALL TO B ETW EEN TH E TW O PARTS. IN F O R M A T IO N PER TS000205. 6. IN C L U D E D W IT H "R E P A IR K IT - C O M P L E T E ". 7. IN C L U D E D W IT H "R E P A IR K IT - 8. TEST 9. M A X IM U M W O R K IN G T E M P E R A T U R E : 2 0 0 °F 10. M A X IM U M W O R K IN G P R E S S U R E : 1 5 ,0 0 0 p s i (1 0 3 4 11. O R IE N T A T IO N O F IN T E R N A L H E X A N D P O IN T E R O N C RAN K M U ST B E AS SH OW N . EN SU RE TH AT TH E "R IG H T H A N D " C R A N K , IT E M 4 O R 5 , IS IN S T A L L E D A D J A C E N T T O T H E L U B R IC A T IO N P O R T A S S H O W N . M IN IM U M SOFT D E S C R IP T IO N B EST VALVE ASSY. N/A R E P A IR K IT - C O M P LETE R E P A IR K IT - SOFT TS000205. BORE D IA M E T E R 3 .0 6 IN C H E S (9 3 °C ) SEALS NO. KSI VARC O NO. 110103-500 N/A N/A 114859 N/A 114859-1 NO. KSI VARC O NO. -502, H2S, 15 B EST NO. 1 KSI VARC O NO. 110103-501 N/A N/A 114859 N/A 114860-2 29 27 14 12 25 18 N/A 114859-1 N/A 114860-1 28 26 13 11 23 24 17 110103-502 65021520 77408 65021520 77408 65021520 77408 SEAT 65021523 79489-14 65021523 79489-14 65021523 79489-14 WRENC H- NUT 65060325 89141-18 65060325 89141-18 65060325 89141-18 C RANK 2 IN F O R M A T IO N - 501, NAM , 15 B EST 3 P U LLER - WRENC H- S E A L S ". 22 33 3 D 21 4X b a r) 30 C LSD (R E F ). UP 12. - 500, STD , 15 ASSEM B LY. PROTEC TED B A L L C A V IT Y D U R IN G ENSURE PER 4 REFERENC E IN S T A L L A T IO N . SM OOTH 5 S P E C IF IE D IN S P E C T 4. D 6 OPEN 11 (2 2 .5 0 ) C 4 2 6 1 5 / 8 " A .P .I. R E G RH 16 15 31 C 32 5 6 4 5 / 8 " A .P .I. R E G RH 15 33 SEE D E TA IL "A " 16 2 1 1 4 2 (7 .3 7 5 ) 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 B 1 1 1 4 31 32 15 16 4 15 6 2 16 7 2 2 (1 0 .7 5 ) 1 1 VARC O PART NO. 110103- XXX CW 6 5 / 8 " R E G . R .H . 1 5 ,0 0 0 S/N 6 P S I IB O P 1 -502 CW -501 A 1 -500 11 110050 NEXT PH-50 ASSY USED O T H E R W IS E M A C H IN E D MAX 250 7 6 5 4 S P E C IF IE D TO RC H 1000 CUT MAX 5 D E T A IL "A " PART NO. D E S C R IP T IO N S P E C IF IE D APPVD DATE IN IT IA L - B . B R A M A N D .S E N E V IR A TN E 11/21/06 3 77369-5 91137-10 89453-1 89141-1 91137-12 89453-17 90441-10 89453-16 90441-9 96439-1 96439 65060625 89453-13 89141-13 89453-3 89141-3 89453-9 89141-9 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 89453-12 89141-12 89453-11 89141-11 89453-8 89141-8 BEST PART NUMBER IT E M NO. T H IS D O C U M E N T C O N T A IN S P R O P R IE T A R Y A N D C O N F ID E N T IA L IN F O R M A T IO N W H IC H B E L O N G S T O D .H IR U LK A R Q U IG L E Y 2 / 1 / 9 5 B .R IC E 20 16 B O D Y , IB O P B O D Y , IB O P O T H E R W IS E C HEC KED 3 110102 CURRENT DRAW N A P P L IC A T IO N UNLESS 9 IN T E R P R E T D IM / T O L P E R A S M E Y 1 4 .5 MN A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . IT IS L O A N E D F O R L IM IT E D P U R P O S E S O N L Y A N D R E M A IN S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F D IM E N S IO N S A R E IN IN C H E S N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R E P R O D U C T IO N , IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T , O R U S E O F T H IS D E S IG N O R .X X ± .0 3 .X X X ± .0 1 0 .X ± .1 D IS T R IB U T IO N O F T H IS IN F O R M A T IO N T O O T H E R S IS N O T P E R M IT T E D W IT H O U T T H E E X P R E S S W R IT T E N A N G L E S ± .5 ° C O N S E N T O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . T H IS D O N O T S C A L E D R A W IN G D O C U M E N T IS T O B E R E T U R N E D T O N A T IO N A L - ON 19 15 4 TH R E A D P R O TE C TO R - 6 5 / 8 " (N O T S H O W N ) P LU G , P R ESSU R E 6 7 R E T A IN IN G R IN G (H 2 S ) R E T A IN IN G R IN G N YLO N P LU G 7 B A C K - U P R IN G B A C K - U P R IN G O - R IN G O - R IN G SEAL, U - C U P SEAL, U - C U P S T A B IL IZ E R , S E A L R IN G B A C K - U P R IN G B A C K - U P R IN G O - R IN G O - R IN G 7 S P R IN G , W A V E S P R IN G , W A V E 6 SET, SEAT/ B ALL SET, SEAT/ B ALL B A C K - U P R IN G 7 B A C K - U P R IN G 7 O - R IN G 7 O - R IN G 7 SLEEVE, C R AN K SEAL, C R O W N 7 SEAL, C R O W N C R A N K , O P E R - L .H . C R A N K , O P E R .- L .H . C R A N K , O P E R .- R .H . C R A N K , O P E R .- R .H . 6 REQD U N LESS L O W S T R E S S S T A M P U S IN G 1 / 4 " H IG H L E T T E R S A S S H O W N . S E E R E F . IN F O . T A B L E A B O V E F O R P A R T N O . S T A M P "C W " IN C IR C L E AS SHOW N 4 8 65020193 650210B0 65060192 65060191 65060492 65060199 65060197 65060198 65060196 65060696 65060695 96438 65021193 65021191 65021192 65021190 65021491 65021490 30177893 30177204 65060794 65060792 65060793 65060791 98895 65060691 65060690 114901 110128 30114902 110118 1 XXXXXX 5 / 8 " R E G . R .H . QTY 8 10 3 2/6/95 O IL W E L L , L .P . U P O N R E Q U E S T A N D IN A N Y E V E N T U P O N C O M P L E T IO N O F T H E U S E F O R W H IC H IT W A S L O A N E D . T H IS D O C U M E N T A N D T H E IN F O R M A T IO N C O N T A IN E D A N D R E P R E S E N T E D H E R E IN IS T H E C O P Y R IG H T E D P R O P E R T Y O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R IG S O LU TIO N S 1 0 0 0 0 R IC H M O N D A V E . H O U S TO N , TE X A S 7 7 0 4 2 U .S .A . (7 1 3 ) 3 4 6 - 7 5 0 0 2 B A T IT L E : 6 A S S E M B L Y , U P P E R IB O P 5/ 5" X 6 5/ 8", PH- 50 SC ALE: WT P R O J E C T IO N : LB S: 2/3 D R A W IN G 260 S IZ E : D SH EET: 1 OF 1 R E V IS IO N : NUMBER: 110103 F 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) 4 N O TES: U N LESS 1. PRESS O T H E R W IS E RO LLER H O U S IN G , IT E M D 2. ASSEM B LE IT E M 3. C AM 2 , U S IN G STAM P 2 3 S P E C IF IE D B E A R IN G , IT E M 1, TO N O TED 5 , IN T O C RANK DEPTH . F O L L O W E R , IT E M IT E M 1 8. TO RQ U E "9 8 8 9 8 " A P P R O X IM A T E L Y 4, TO C RANK ARM, TO 300 IN - L B M IN . WHERE SHOWN. D 2 6 C C 3 7 1 B B 1 3 A/R 53200- 271 C O M P O U N D , L O C K IN G 8 1 51300- 220- B O - R IN G 7 1 53201 F IT T IN G , G R E A S E , S T R A IG H T (.1 2 5 - 2 7 N P T ) 6 1 79825 RO LLER 5 1 79824 C AM 1 99168 SPAC ER 1 98899 ARM, C RANK 1 98897 C RANK .1 5 5 2 4 5 QTY PART REQD B E A R IN G FO LLO W ER 3 P AR T F LAG S T R A C E A B IL IT Y NO. C R IT IC A L L O A D P A T H IT E M C E R T IF IC A T IO N R E Q U IR E D S P AR E P AR T C O M M IS S IO N IN G O P E R A T IO N A L IN S U R A N C E DO NOT DOC UMENT AN G U LAR TH IS C O N TA IN S DOC UMENT IN F O R M A TIO N PURPOSE 3 M AY NOR W R ITTE N B N E ITH E R USED FOR P E R M IS S IO N TO LER AN C E P R O P R IE TA R Y BE TO M A N U F A C TU R IN G FROM VARC O CUT O TH E R S PURPOSES SUCH FOR ANY W ITH O U T IN TE R N A TIO N A L , IN C . HYOUNG L IM J. P O P E PREPARED 2 (M A C H IN IN G ) 1 BY IT E M M A T E R IA L NO. M A T E R IA L S SURFAC E F IN IS H E S A *TO R C H C U T 1000 MAX M A C H IN E D 250 MAX - - 98903 PH60d 98900 PH60d T IT L E ± 0° 30' IN F O R M A TIO N , A N D D IS C L O S E D K. NGUYEN LTR 4 .X ± .1 C A N B E * T O R C H .X X ± .0 3 0 .X X X ± .0 1 0 S C ALE TH IR D A N G LE P R O JE C TIO N DC F0020B 1 OF IN T E R P R E T D IM E N S IO N S & T O L E R A N C E S P E R A N S I Y 1 4 .5 & A B B R E V IA T IO N S P E R A N S I Y 1 .1 IN C H E S 2 D E S C R IP T IO N D IM E N S IO N S U N L E S S O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D AR E IN (M A C H IN IN G ) H O U S IN G L IS T A 4 NEXT ASSY HYOUNG PRODUCT L IM B . P R IO R C HEC KED BY APPROVED BY 3/7/03 7/93 DATE R e le a s e d ASSEM B LY, EXTERNAL S IZ E DOC UMENT C R E V IS IO N 98898 SC ALE W E IG H T LB SH EET 1/1 - C RANK NO. 03/13/2003 1 1 B OF 1 0 8 :2 6 :5 2 A DC F0021 (R E V B) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.4 Service Loops and Derrick Kits 8 6 7 N O TES: U N LESS O T H E R W IS E 4 3 1 2 S P E C IF IE D 1. A L L IT E M S TO 2. USE 7, 8, 9, AND IT E M S BE 5 S H IP P E D LO O SE 10 TO IN T H E IR ATTAC H O R IG IN A L C O N T A IN E R S . IT E M 4 TO EARTH C O NDUC TO R. D LEN G TH (R E F ) IT E M S 1, 2, 3 IT E M D 4 C C IT E M 5 IT E M 6 B TAB LE I 124977-XXX-XX VARC O DASH NO. C AB LE L E N G T H (F T ) TO TAL W E IG H T (L B ) -50 50 450 -75 75 675 -100 100 900 -125 125 1125 -150 150 1400 -175 175 1650 -200 200 1800 2 2 78310-1 W A S H E R , B E L L E V IL L E , 1 / 2 " 10 2 2 50808-R-S W ASH ER , FLAT, 1 / 2 " 9 2 2 50208-S N U T , S E L F - L O C K IN G ,1 / 2 " 8 2 2 50008-12-S SCREW, HEX 7 1 1 124458-XXX-B C AB LE ASSY, AUX POWER (1 8 C O N D .) 6 1 1 123985-XXX-B C AB LE A S S Y , C O M P O S IT E (4 2 C O N D .) 5 - 1 125093-XXX C AB LE A S S Y , E A R T H IN G MCM) 4 - 1 114724- RED- XXX C A B L E A S S Y , P O W E R , W / C O N N E C T O R , R E D (6 4 6 M C M ) 3 - 1 114724- W H T- XXX C A B L E A S S Y , P O W E R , W / C O N N E C T O R , W H T (6 4 6 M C M ) 2 - 1 1 1 4 7 2 4 - B LK - XXX C A B L E A S S Y , P O W E R , W / C O N N E C T O R , B L K (6 4 6 M C M ) (M U L T IC O N D U C T O R C AB LE C AB LES O N LY) LEN G TH (S E E TAB LE B A S IC P/N I) Q TY NO. O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D ASSY USED CURRENT DRAW N R. HOLLADAY IN IT IA L T. PHAM RET URNED M A C H IN E D MAX 250 5 4 S P E C IF IE D TORCH 1000 CUT MAX CHECKED APPV D DATE M. MASLYAR L. MOLLETT 10 / 4 / 0 6 04/23/98 A INF ORMAT ION IS REQUEST C ONT AINE D T HE T IT L E : C A B L E K IT , J U M P E R ( H O U S E T O D E R R IC K L O O P ) NAT IONAL AND IN ANY EV ENT UPON C OMPL E T ION OF T HE US E F OR W HIC H W AS L OANE D . T HIS D OC UME NT AND T HE AND C OPY RIGHT E D IT REPRESENT ED PROPERT Y OF SCALE: L , L .P . S . C U R L E E N A T I O N A L - O I L W ERLIG S O LU TIO N S M. MASLYAR 3 TO O I L W E L L , L .P . U P O N HE RE IN O T H E R W IS E NO. M A T E R IA L S T HIS D OC UME NT C ONT AINS PROPRIE T ARY AND C ONF ID E NT IAL INF ORMAT ION W HIC H B E L ONGS T O I N T E R P R E T D I M / T O L P E R A S M E Y 1 4 .5 M N A T I O N A L - O I L W E L L , L .P . I T I S L O A N E D F O R L IMIT E D PURPOS E S ONL Y AND RE MAINS T HE D IM E N S IO N S A R E IN IN C H E S P R O P E R T Y O F N A T I O N A L - O I L W E L L , L .P . RE PROD UC T ION, IN W HOL E OR IN PART , OR US E .X ± .1 .X X ± .0 3 .X X X ± .0 1 0 OF T HIS D E S IGN OR D IS T RIB UT ION OF T HIS INF ORMAT ION T O OT HE RS IS NOT PE RMIT T E D A N G L E S ± .5 ° W IT HOUT T HE E X PRE S S W RIT T E N C ONS E NT OF D O N O T S C A L E D R A W IN G N A T I O N A L - O I L W E L L , L .P . T H I S D O C U M E N T I S T O ON A P P L IC A T IO N UNLESS OF 1 IT E M D E S C R IP T IO N BE NEXT 6 (4 4 4 REQD L IS T T D S - 9 / 11S A 7 1/2" -MC BSC UNLESS 8 1 MC PART A 1 / 2 "X B 1 0 0 0 0 R IC H M O N D A V E . H O U S TO N , TE X A S 7 7 0 4 2 U .S .A . (7 1 3 ) 3 4 6 - 7 5 0 0 2 WT 1/ 4 D R A W IN G LBS: TABLE 1 P R O J E C T IO N : S IZ E : D SHEET: 1 OF 1 R E V IS IO N : NUMBER: 124977 D 1 DCF0022 (R E V D) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.5 Rigging 8 7 N O TES: U N LESS 1. APPLY 6 O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D : 53200- 242 L O C T IT E (B L U E ) T O TH READS OF 5 IT E M 14, TO RQ U E PER DS 4 00008 AN D 3 2 1 10 L O C K W IR E . D D B B D E T A IL A 2X LOW ER C O N N E C T IO N PLATE ON 7 M AST 6 3 C C 2X 5 4 2X 3 7 SEE D E T A IL S E C T IO N A B-B 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 11 12 16 14 10FT Z6001 1 B 15 2X 2 8 2X 13 9 2 30178991 4 50016-44-C 8D C AP-SC REW , HEX HEAD 14 2 30178940 B O LTIN G , P LA TE 13 4 50816-W -C-5 W A S H E R , F LA T, W - S E R IE S 12 51016- C W A S H E R , LO C K 11 2 51605- 20- S P IN , R O LL 10 8 30158499- 04 S LE E V E , W IR E R O P E 9 4' 51220- 3 C A B LE , N Y LO N C O A TE D 8 4 1 1 8 8 4 4 - 1 6 - 2 0 B U S H IN G , 1 .0 0 ID X 1 .2 5 0 , F IB E R G LID E 7 2 30154386 P IN , P IV O T, TIE B A C K 6 2 30154385 H O O K , TIE B A C K 5 P IN , R E TA IN E R 4 2 30154684 4 1 1 8 8 3 6 - 1 6 - 3 2 B U S H IN G , TH R U S T, 1 .0 X 2 .0 X .O 6 , F IB E R G LID E 3 2 117496- 2 P IN , LY N C H 2 1 30178882 TIE B A C K , M A C H IN E , W E LD M E N T NO. O T H E R W IS E S P E C IF IE D OF T H IS D O C U M E N T C O N T A IN S P R O P R IE T A R Y A N D C O N F ID E N T IA L IN F O R M A T IO N W H IC H B E L O N G S T O N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . IT IS L O A N E D F O R L IM IT E D P U R P O S E S O N L Y A N D R E M A IN S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . R E P R O D U C T IO N , IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T , O R U S E O F T H IS D E S IG N O R D IS T R IB U T IO N O F T H IS IN F O R M A T IO N T O O T H E R S IS N O T P E R M IT T E D W IT H O U T T H E E X P R E S S W R IT T E N C O N S E N T O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . T H IS D O C U M E N T IS T O B E R E T U R N E D T O N A T IO N A L O IL W E L L , L .P . U P O N R E Q U E S T A N D IN A N Y E V E N T U P O N C O M P L E T IO N O F T H E U S E F O R W H IC H IT W A S L O A N E D . T H IS D O C U M E N T A N D T H E IN F O R M A T IO N C O N T A IN E D A N D R E P R E S E N T E D H E R E IN IS T H E C O P Y R IG H T E D P R O P E R T Y O F N A T IO N A L - O IL W E L L , L .P . IN T E R P R E T D IM / T O L P E R A S M E Y 1 4 .5 M D IM E N S IO N S A R E IN IN C H E S .X X ± .0 3 .X X X ± .0 1 0 .X ± .1 A N G L E S ± .5 ° D O N O T S C A L E D R A W IN G NEXT ASSY USED DRAW N A P P L IC A T IO N UNLESS O T H E R W IS E M A C H IN E D MAX 250 8 7 6 5 4 S P E C IF IE D TO RC H 1000 CURRENT ON CUT MAX IN IT IA L M . S H U LTZ M . SH U LTZ C HEC KED R. CHOU R. CHOU APPVD R. CHOU R. CHOU 12/08/05 11/09/05 DATE 3 R IG S O LU TIO N S 1 0 0 0 0 R IC H M O N D A V E . H O U S TO N , TE X A S 7 7 0 4 2 U .S .A . (7 1 3 ) 3 4 6 - 7 5 0 0 2 B 1 D E S C R IP T IO N L IS T Q TY R E Q D U N LESS 15 P LA TE , S P A C E R 4 PART A 16 LO C K W IR E , .0 5 1 D IA . IT E M NO. M A T E R IA L M A T E R IA L A T IT L E : T IE B A C K , SC ALE: WT LB S: 1/4 D R A W IN G P R O J E C T IO N : K IT S IZ E : D SH EET: 1 OF 1 R E V IS IO N : NUMBER: 30178883 A 1 DC F0022 (R E V D) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Section 4.6 Accessories FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 5.0 Mechanical Spares List TDS-11SA AC IDEAL RIG MECHANICAL SPARES LIST NOTES: 1. M614003010-1 2. M614003010-2 3. M614003010-3 Recommended Commissioning Spares Recommended Operational Spares Recommended Insurance Spares THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH BELONGS TO NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. IT IS LOANED FOR LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. REPRODUCTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART OR USE OF THIS DESIGN OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS INFORMATION TO OTHERS IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE RETURNED TO NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. UPON REQUEST AND IN ANY EVENT UPON COMPLETION OF THE USE FOR WHICH IT WAS LOANED. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AND REPRESENTED IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. CURRENT DRAWN CHECKED TITLE SPARES LIST, MECHANICAL AC IDEAL RIG, TDS-11SA INITIAL H. LIM D. STEPHENS SIZE APPVD H. LIM A DATE 3/27/09 SCALE DWG NO REV M614003010-SPL-001 NONE WT LBS SHEET 1 01 OF 5 DCF0045 (REV B) -1 Recomm. Commission Spare -2 Recomm. Operational Spare -3 Recomm. Insurance Spare Where Used Description Where Used - 1 1 - 120900 120900 Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy 98290 Liner, Upper Stem, Std. Bore - 1 - 120900 Motor Housing Assy 98291 Seal, Polypak - 1 - 120900 Motor Housing Assy 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 120900 Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Motor Housing Assy Part No. Description Motor Housing Assy 30173521 Bearing Isolator 30154362 Shield, Bearing 91250-1 77039 30123290 Z6001 53003-16 53219-2 51300-277-B 51300-425-B 109523 108216-12 118217-40L60 118217-40R60 109555 109528 30122104 117603-1 121272-2 121272-1 120117 115299 120119-2 120119-1 30151875-504 Seal, Oil Seal Assembly, Wash Pipe Lockwire, .051 Plug, Magnetic Fitting, Grease O-Ring, Cover/Bearing Ret. Seal, Hammer Lug Union Adapter, S-Pipe Ball Valve Drilling Motor Assy, LH Drilling Motor Assy, RH Rotor, Brake Brake, Caliper Disc Heat Exchanger, Oil Pump Assembly, Lube Tube Assembly, Breather Tube Assembly, Breather Belt, Timing Encoder, Digital Pulley, Timing Pulley, Timing Shotpin Assembly - 1 1 1 168 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Reservoir Assy 30113165 108119-16B 71613 51300-038-B 110132 110191-501 Valve, Relief-Popoff Sight Gage Reservoir Breather O-Ring Gasket Bladder, Reservoir (5 gallons) - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 110068 110068 110068 110068 110068 110068 Reservoir, Assembly Reservoir, Assembly Reservoir, Assembly Reservoir, Assembly Reservoir, Assembly Reservoir, Assembly Pipe, Wash, 3 Inch Bore Packing Seal Kit, Standard Ring, Snap Wrench, Washpipe - 1 5 1 1 - 30123290 30123290 30123290 30123290 Wash Pipe Assembly Wash Pipe Assembly Wash Pipe Assembly Wash Pipe Assembly Wash Pipe Assembly 30123289 123292-2 30123562 53303-14 SIZE DWG NO A SCALE REV M614003010-SPL-001 NONE WT LBS SHEET 2 01 OF 5 DCF0045 (REV B) Part No. Description -1 Recomm. Commission Spare -2 Recomm. Operational Spare -3 Recomm. Insurance Spare Where Used Description Where Used 2 8 1 2 1 2 - 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 30157366 Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package Pipe Handler Package 125098 30125094 30125097 98898 110042 107052 30119592 30122367 119139 Tube Assembly Tube Assembly Tube Assembly Crank Assembly Shell, Actuator, IBOP Lock Tab Cylinder, Hydraulic Assembly U-Bolt, 500 Ton U-Bolt, 350 Ton 114859 114859-1 99498-2 99498-1 110103-500 114706-500 Upper IBOP Repair Kit – Complete Upper IBOP Repair Kit – Soft Seals Lower IBOP Repair Kit – Complete Lower IBOP Repair Kit – Soft Seals Upper IBOP Valve Lower IBOP Valve - Brake, Caliper Disc 109528-1 109528-2 109528-3 109528-4 109528-5 109528-6 Friction Pads (2 required) Seal Kit Heavy Duty Spring (4 required) Screw, Return Spring (4 required) Pin, Guide (4 required) Bleed Screw Assembly 4 - 8 1 8 8 8 1 - 109528 109528 109528 109528 109528 109528 Brake, Caliper Disc Brake, Caliper Disc Brake, Caliper Disc Brake, Caliper Disc Brake, Caliper Disc Brake, Caliper Disc O-Ring O-Ring Glyd Ring Rotary, 11.000 Rod Piston Ring Ring, Thrust Glyd Ring Rotary, 11.500 Rod Glyd Ring Rotary, 10.000 Rod Seal, Wiper Retainer Ring Bushing, Turcite Bushing Bearing, Flanged Relief Valve Seal Bushing, Flanged - 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 - 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 30173277 Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Rotating Link Adapter Bearing, Self Lubrication Bearing, Self Lubrication Bearing, Self Lubrication Roller Cylinder Assy, IBOP Actuator - 2 2 2 2 - 1 30157288 30157288 30157288 30157288 30157288 Torque Arrestor Assy Torque Arrestor Assy Torque Arrestor Assy Torque Arrestor Assy Torque Arrestor Assy Rotating Link 500 Ton 51300-273-B 51300-381-B 30119319 30173156 30119357 30119143 118375 119547 30117775-2 119358 115176 112754-130 53250-5 77039 112754-116 PH-75 Torque Arrestor Assy 118844-16-08 118844-16-12 118844-22-22 71847 125594 SIZE DWG NO A SCALE REV M614003010-SPL-001 NONE WT LBS SHEET 3 01 OF 5 DCF0045 (REV B) Part No. Description -1 Recomm. Commission Spare -2 Recomm. Operational Spare -3 Recomm. Insurance Spare Where Used 30157287 30157287 30157287 30157287 Description Where Used PH-75 Clamp Cylinder 72219 72220 72221 30158690 Seal, Piston Seal, Rod Ring, Wiper Ring, Stabilizer - 2 2 2 2 - Hydraulic Package 30173216-1 30111013 110562-1 110563-1 110564-1 Filter Element, Hydraulic Filter, 60 micron Counterbalance Accumulator System Accumulator Accumulator 2 1 - 2 1 - 1 1 1 Hydraulic Package Hydraulic Package Hydraulic Package Hydraulic Package Hydraulic Package Pump Motor Assembly 114113 Motor Assy - - 1 Pump Motor Assy Electric Package 30172028 83095-1 87541-1 76841 53219-3 83095-2 Motor Blower Pressure Switch, IBOP Pressure Switch Pressure Switch, Air Fitting, Grease Pressure Switch - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electrical Package Electrical Package Electrical Package Electrical Package Electrical Package Electrical Package Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Valve, Relief Hydraulic Motor Valve, Relief Relief Valve, Low Flow Reducing/Relieving Valve Cavity plug, T-13A Short Relief Valve, Ventable 1 1 - 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 - 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Pilot – To – Open Check Valve Differential Unloading Valve Reducing / Relieving Valve Flow Control Valve Pilot – To – Close Check Valve Check Valve Check Valve Logic Cartridge Relief Valve Cavity Plug, T-11A Short Manual Valve, 3-pos. , Zero Leak - 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 - 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 114174 Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold Assy Manifold 127908-D2 127908-J2 94520-1AN 30158011 94522-1EN 111664-1EN 109858-1AN 93667-M13 P6140000631AN 107029-175N 107028-1ANB 99353-1AN 98402-800D 94537-130N 94536-230N 94536-14N 94534-1CXN 94520-1NN 93667-M11 110538-5 SIZE DWG NO A SCALE Clamp Cylinder Clamp Cylinder Clamp Cylinder Clamp Cylinder REV M614003010-SPL-001 NONE WT LBS SHEET 4 01 OF 5 DCF0045 (REV B) Part No. Description -1 Recomm. Commission Spare -2 Recomm. Operational Spare -3 Recomm. Insurance Spare Where Used Description Where Used 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 124539 124538 Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Assy, Right Carriage Assy, Left Carriage Package 109944 Bushing, Flange - 8 - 30155438 Cam Followers 6” - - 2 30158767-04 Cam Followers 4” - - 16 55324-C Nut - - 16 51132-C Washers - - 2 51024-C Washers - - 16 80569 Nut - - 2 112875 Bogey Pin - - 2 109944 Bushing - 2 - 30152845 Retaining Pins - 4 - 30157306 Lynch Pins - 4 - Counterbalance Kit 108894-P40 94522-21N 108894-B40 108894-G20 108894-Y4 108894-Z677 94536-175N 92654 112825 110704 110703 Seal, Piston Relief Valve Cartridge Body Seal Rod & Gland Seal Rod & Gland Wrench Spanner Wrench Check Valve Check Valve Cartridge Cylinder Assy, Counterbalance Cylinder Assy, Counterbalance - 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 1 110687 110703 110687 110687 110687 110687 111712 111712 111712 112190 112190 Cylinder Cylinder Assy Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Pre-Fill Valve Assy Pre-Fill Valve Assy Pre-Fill Valve Assy Counterbalance Kit Counterbalance Kit - 2 2 2 - 30154688 30154688 30154688 Guide Beam Kit Guide Beam Kit Guide Beam Kit - - 1 30183283 Service Loop Kit - - 1 30183283 Service Loop Kit - - 1 30183283 Service Loop Kit Guide Beam Kit 117496-1 Lynch Pin 117783 Retainer Pin 117782 Joint Pin Service Loops 30175017-75Power Service Loop 4-3-B 30183284-75Control Service Loop 4-4-B 30183959-75Aux Power Service Loop 4-4-B SIZE DWG NO A SCALE REV M614003010-SPL-001 NONE WT LBS SHEET 5 01 OF 5 DCF0045 (REV B) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 6.0 Control Spares List TDS-11SA AC IDEAL 135 SPARES LIST/KIT, ELECTRICAL NOTES: RIG/PLANT 1. 10620488-1 Recommended Commissioning Spares 2. 10620488-2 Recommended Operational Spares 3. 10620488-3 Recommended Insurance Spares NEXT ASSY PRODUCT MJOB-8375 ADDITIONAL CODE SDRL CODE TOTAL PGS REMARKS MAIN TAG NUMBER DISCIPLINE CLIENT PO NUMBER This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National-Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. National Oilwell Varco National Oilwell Varco 11000 Corporate Centre Drive Houston, Texas 77041 (USA) Phone + 281-854-0400 Fax + 281-854-0607 CLIENT DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT NUMBER REV Client Document Number 10620488-SPL 02 Document number Revision Page Template Name 10620488-SPL 02 2 ORA_SPL_TPL.doc REVISION HISTORY 02 11/22/2011 Corrected Part Numbers R. MOENCH B. BOEPPLE R. MOENCH 01 11/1/2011 Initial Release B. BOEPPLE R. MOENCH R. MOENCH Rev Date (mm.dd.yyyy) Reason for issue CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision 01 02 Change Description First issue Corrected Part Numbers to Match Assemblies D7440000254-TPL-001/01 Prepared Checked Approved Document number Revision Page Template Name 10620488-SPL 02 3 ORA_SPL_TPL.doc -1 Recom. Commission Spare -2 Recom. Operational Spare -3 Recom. Insurance Spare Where Used Part No. Description 76841 BLOWER MOTOR PRESSURE SWITCHES - 1 2 - 83095-1 IBOP PRESSURE SWITCH - 1 1 - 87541-1 LUBE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH - 1 1 - 83095-2 Bx ELEVATOR CLOSED PRESSURE SWITCH - 1 1 - 127908-D2 SOLENOID VALVES - 2 9 - 127908-J2 SOLENOID VALVES - 1 4 - 93939 FRAME DOLLY RETRACTED PROX SWITCH (OPTIONAL) - - 1 - 98263 BARRIER I.S. (OPTIONAL) - - 2 108616-6 115299 TD MOTOR INCREMENTAL ENCODER 1 2 2 - 10064178-096 SUPPLY MODULE DC 24V/FUSE 1 1 6 10540174-001 10064178-040 4 CH DIGITAL INPUT MODULE DC 24V 1 3 6 10540174-001 10064178-053 2 CH DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE DC 24V, 2.0A 3 6 12 10540174-001 10064178-032 INCREMENTAL ENCODER MODULE 1 1 1 10540174-001 10044752-001 RIM SS2 ENCODER SPLITTER 1 1 1 10540174-001 10064178-086 PROFIBUS DP/V1 12 MBd FIELDBUS COUPLER 1 1 1 10540174-001 10042793-001 PROFIBUS CONNECTOR 2 2 2 10540174-001 10044170-001 24VDC POWER SUPPLY 10A 1 1 2 10540174-001 10052294-001 SW, CAM, DISC, 4P, 32A - 1 1 10540174-001 10049691-001 RLY, SPDT, 24VDC (RLY), 10A AT 250VAC 2 4 4 10540174-001 10505066-007 CB 10A, 2P, 480VAC 1 2 2 10540174-001 10064194-029 FUSE, 6A, 125V, 5 x 20mm 2 2 2 10540174-001 D7440000254-TPL-001/01 Description Where Used TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE TDS-11SA TOP DRIVE BARRIER I.S./N.I.S. J-BOX TD-MOT-01 DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET Document number Revision Page Template Name Part No. Description 10620488-SPL 02 4 ORA_SPL_TPL.doc -1 Recom. Commission Spare -2 Recom. Operational Spare -3 Recom. Insurance Spare Where Used 10066667-001 TB-6.2MM, GRAY UT4 5 5 5 10540174-001 10065802-001 TB-GROUND BLOCK, UT-4-PE 5 5 5 10540174-001 10066985-001 TB-5.2MM, GRAY, UT2.5 5 5 5 10540174-001 10044673-001 PWR-SPLY REDUNDANT 1 1 1 10540174-001 10064178-070 MODULE, END, FIELDBUS 1 2 2 10540174-001 10068104-001 SPLITTER CABLE - 1 1 10540174-001 10077584-001 DATA STATION PLUS PROTOCOL - 1 1 10540174-001 10077585-001 PROFIBUS DP CARD - 1 1 10540174-001 10512924-001 BANNER WIRELESS GATEWAY - 1 1 10540174-001 10072732-001 ANTENNA-OMNI - - 1 10540174-001 10064179-004 TB-C/B, 4 AMP, THERMALMAGNETIC 1 1 1 10540174-001 D7440000254-TPL-001/01 Description Where Used DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET DRILL FLOOR TOOL REMOTE I/O CABINET FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 7.0 Electrical Trouble Shooting Guide FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 8.0 TDS-11SA, Pocket Guide LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION LUBRICATION ACCESSORY TOOLS ACCESSORY TOOLS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 34 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 9.0 TDS-11SA VFD Operation Manual Operation Manual TDS11 VFD Operation Manual REFERENCE RIG/PLANT REFERENCE DESCRIPTION TDS11 ADDITIONAL CODE SDRL CODE TOTAL PGS 111 REMARKS MAIN TAG NUMBER CLIENT PO NUMBER CLIENT DOCUMENT NUMBER DISCIPLINE This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National Oilwell Varco; it is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of National Oilwell. Reproduction, in whole or in part; or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of National Oilwell Varco. This document is to be returned to National Oilwell Varco upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. National Oilwell Varco National Oilwell Varco Rig Solution Group 1530 W. Sam Houston Pky N Houston, Texas 77043 (USA) Phone + 713-935-8000 Fax + 713-346-7426 DOCUMENT NUMBER REV D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 2 REVISION HISTORY 01 15.08.2006 Rev Date ( INFORMATION CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision 01 Change Description First Issue Reason for issue CRR ML CRR Prepared Checked Approved Document number Revision Page Technical Manual Air-Cooled AC Drives Model 800AC D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 3 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 4 TABLE OF ONTENTS 1 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 6 1.1 General ................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Safety Symbols ....................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Basic Safety Precautions ........................................................................................ 7 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 9 2.1 3 Abbreviations and Definition ................................................................................... 9 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 10 3.1 Input/Output Reactor ............................................................................................ 11 3.2 Input Rectifier........................................................................................................ 11 3.3 DC Bus ................................................................................................................. 16 3.4 Inverter ................................................................................................................. 16 3.5 Braking Chopper and Resistor Bank..................................................................... 39 3.6 Assignment Contactors ......................................................................................... 42 3.7 AC Induction Motors – Basic Principle of Operation ............................................. 43 3.8 PLC and interface for the Drilling Control System (DCS)...................................... 46 3.9 Technical Data ...................................................................................................... 49 3.9.1 Weights and Dimensions........................................................................... 49 3.9.2 Performance Data ..................................................................................... 52 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................... 53 4.1 CONTROL PANEL ............................................................................................... 53 4.1.1 Panel operation mode keys and displays .................................................. 54 4.1.2 Status Row ................................................................................................ 54 4.1.3 Drive control from panel ............................................................................ 55 4.1.4 Actual signal display mode ........................................................................ 56 4.1.5 Parameter mode ....................................................................................... 60 4.1.6 Function mode .......................................................................................... 61 4.1.7 Drive selection mode ................................................................................. 65 4.1.8 Reading and entering of Boolean values on the display ........................... 65 4.2 INITIAL MOTOR OPERATION SETUP ................................................................ 67 4.2.1 Visual Inspection ....................................................................................... 67 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 5 4.2.2 Configure Drive ......................................................................................... 67 4.2.3 General Set-up Procedures....................................................................... 70 5 6 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................. 94 5.1 Mechanical Installation ......................................................................................... 94 5.2 Electrical Installation ............................................................................................. 94 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................... 98 6.1 Warning and fault indications ................................................................................ 98 6.1.1 Programmable protection functions ........................................................... 98 6.1.2 Preprogrammed faults ............................................................................. 100 6.1.3 Warning messages generated by the drive ............................................. 101 6.1.4 Warning messages generated by the control panel ................................ 105 6.1.5 Fault messages generated by the drive .................................................. 106 7 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................ 110 8 OPERATOR SKILLS AND TRAINING ......................................................................... 111 Document number Revision Page 1 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 6 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read the entire Safety Summary located in the ABB operation maintenance manuals prior to performing any operations or maintenance to this equipment. The following safety instructions must be followed when installing, operating and servicing the National Oilwell air-cooled AC drives. If ignored, damage may occur to the operator and equipment. Read these safety instructions before working on the system. 1.1 General Safety is everyone’s business and must be of primary concern at all times during any operations or maintenance. Knowing the guidelines covered in this manual will help to provide for the safety of the individual, for the group and for the proper operation of the equipment. Only qualified personnel who are well versed in safety procedures should ever be allowed to operate and/or maintain this piece of equipment. If this guideline is strictly followed, this will minimize problems. Safety summaries and safety procedures can never replace good common sense. As detailed as some of these documents may be, some situations will require good common sense. Recognize all standard safety symbols. Understand their importance, read them carefully and make sure you understand their meaning. If something is unclear, ask. Do not take chances with your life and others. 1.2 Safety Symbols There are three types of safety instructions used throughout this manual and on the equipment: warnings, cautions and notes. Look for these standard safety terms and conventions that point out items of importance to the safety of the individual as well as others that may be in the area: WARNING safety notes MUST be followed carefully. Failure to do so may result in catastrophic equipment failure resulting in SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH. * CAUTION safety notes are also very important and should be followed carefully. Failure to do so may * Recommended safety conventions. American Petroleum Institute Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 7 result in EQUIPMENT DAMAGE and/or PERSONAL INJURY. NOTE NOTE is used to notify personnel of information that is IMPORTANT but NOT HAZARD RELATED. 1.3 Basic Safety Precautions As mentioned earlier, all personnel performing operations or maintenance tasks of any kind should be trained in both general safety and hazard recognition around a drilling rig, as well as specific instructions pertaining to the particular rig they are working. All operators and maintenance personnel should be versed in the specifics regarding performance characteristics and limitations of all rig equipment. Any personnel who intend to operate the unit needs to be both qualified and trained on the AC drive operating controls and have a thorough understanding of the limitations and functions of this piece of rig equipment. All personnel should be protected from exposed mechanical dangers such as guards fabricated from expanded metal and other similar hazards. Safeguards such as keeping hands, hair, clothing, jewelry, rags, tools, etc. away from all moving parts should be familiar and a part of all activities. Do not attempt equipment operation with inadequate visibility. Poor lighting can aggravate this, as can bad weather conditions, or other reasons. If you cannot see what you are doing, then do not do it! Operating and maintenance personnel should wear suitable protective clothing in addition to any other personal safety devices that conditions may dictate. Equipment used in heavy lifting and moving of the unit and accessories during operations must be sufficiently rated to handle the weights involved. Promote good safety measures at all times around the equipment and throughout all phases of operations. It is the equipment owners’ / operators’ responsibility to establish good safety measures including personnel training and enforcement of safety practices. The first person hurt by poor safety practices is most commonly the operator in the field. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 8 Operating instructions tend to be general in nature to make them clear and easy to understand, giving minimal details on individual component operation. If the operator is not thoroughly familiar with all control functions, equipment limits, and safety features – DO NOT OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT. Document number Revision Page 2 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 9 INTRODUCTION This manual is intended for personnel who plan the installation, install, commission, use and service of the system. A fundamental knowledge of electricity, wiring, electrical components and electrical schematic symbols is required. This technical manual includes data and information concerning the National Oilwell air cooled series of Variable Speed Drive Systems (VSDS) referred to as the model 800AC. National Oilwell VSDS are built from adjustable speed frequency converters, inverters, or combinations of both. This manual is written to include all of these devices and their respective system components. All National Oilwell AC variable speed drive systems are similar, but there are many variations according to each customer’s specific requirements. Therefore, it is recommended that the user review the reference document list in conjunction with this manual so that a thorough understanding of your specific system is ensured. The basic function of a model 800AC system is to convert a fixed frequency 3 phase AC voltage into a variable frequency, variable voltage source that is utilized to control motor speed and torque. To accomplish this, the model 800AC utilizes the following three steps: Standard three phase 50 or 60 Hz voltage is converted from AC to DC by 3-phase, full wave rectifiers. The DC voltage is inverted to variable frequency / variable voltage by the inverters. The variable frequency / variable voltage output is applied to a motor to control speed and braking. The rectifier installed in the model 800AC system is composed of individual diode semiconductors arranged in a full wave rectifier bridge. These diodes are mounted on a finned heat sink which utilizes an electric powered fan motor for cooling. The inverters in the model 800AC systems utilize the ABB model ACS800 inverter modules. These modules are combined to form the inverter or drive part of the system. More detailed information about the individual components, software, or systems can be found later in this manual, in vendor supporting documents or from the factory upon request. 2.1 Abbreviations and Definition ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit AHD Active Heave Draw works CW Clockwise CCW Counter Clock Wise CCS Cyberbase Control System DCS Driller’s Control System DW Draw works FDS Functional Design Specification Document number Revision Page GPM Gallons per minute HMI Human-Machine Interface HP Horsepower Hz Hertz IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor LED Light Emitting Diode MMI Man-Machine Interface MCC Motor Control Center MP Mud Pump M/U Make Up P&ID Piping & Instrument Diagram PHE Plate Heat Exchanger PLC Programmable Logic Controller PSI Pounds per Square Inch PWM Pulse Width Modulation RAM Random Access Memory RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer SVM Space Vector Modulation STEP7 Siemens PLC Programming Software TD Top drive VFD Variable Frequency Drive FC Frequency Converter VSDS Variable Speed Drive System DB Dynamic Braking VAR Volt-Amp Reactive D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 10 Converter An arrangement of solid-state devices that converts AC power to DC power Operator 3 The person assigned the responsibility of physically operating and maintaining the equipment SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A typical Model 800AC drive system (VSDS) includes most or all of the following components: Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 11 Input/Output Reactor Input Rectifier DC Bus Inverter (VFD) Braking Chopper and Resistor Bank Assignment Contactors AC Induction Motors – Basic principle of operation PLC and Interface for the Drilling Control System (DCS) If you are not sure about what equipment is installed in your particular system, review the electrical drawings referenced in the job specific detail drawings and document list. 3.1 Input/Output Reactor Input reactors are used in most systems to reduce the current ripple on the DC bus. Reducing the current ripple extends the bus capacitor lifetime. Input reactors also attenuate harmonics that are injected onto the AC bus by the rectifier bridge. Line reactors are generally dimensioned to provide 3% impedance at full load current, but may be less than this depending upon the source impedance of the system in which they are installed. Most input reactors are iron core, 3 phase inductors, but some systems utilize 3 single-phase reactors in order to save space. The primary function of the output reactor is to filter the output waveform of the inverter. The output reactor reduces motor temperature and audible noise caused by high frequency switching of the inverter. In addition, it reduces the risk of motor bearing currents and provides short circuit protection for the motor. 3.2 Input Rectifier The input rectifier transforms incoming AC voltage into DC voltage using a three-phase full wave diode bridge arrangement. The most basic three-phase bridge arrangement utilizes 6 diodes arranged as follows: Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 12 Figure 3-1: Basic Three-Phase Rectifier Bridge In the arrangement above, two of the diodes are “on” at a time. The diodes turn “on” when they are forward biased. The AC input supply voltage determines which diodes are forward biased at a given time. During operation, diodes A+ and C-, C- and B+, B+ and A-, A- and C+, C+ and B-, B- and A+ are forward biased at the same times. The resulting output of this operation is a DC output voltage with magnitude related to the AC input voltage magnitude. Various voltage sources are possible when using an AC drive. Transformers are used primarily in offshore applications, and generally have multiple secondary windings. The multiple winding supply transformer steps down incoming generator voltage to either 480 or 600/690 volts, depending on the system. Multi-winding transformers are used in high power offshore systems. Multiple phase-shifted windings make it possible to build VSDS systems that introduce very low harmonic distortion to the system supply bus. The most common power source for a portable land based VSDS are synchronous generators. The number and size of the generators varies from one system to another, however nearly all are 3 phase, 600VAC generators. Model 800 VSDS rectifiers typically fall within two basic classes, 6-pulse and 12-pulse. Both the 6 and 12 pulse diode bridges are built using assemblies made from 6 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 13 semiconductor diodes in a 3 phase, full wave bridge arrangement. A 6-pulse rectifier is built from a single assembly, while a 12 pulse bridge is constructed using two 6-pulse assemblies. In the 12-pulse arrangement, the two 6-pulse assemblies are supplied from the secondary of a ||/Y transformer whose secondary outputs are phase shifted by 30 electrical degrees. Occasionally, 24 pulse rectifiers systems are built using dual 12 pulse rectifiers and 2 ||/Y transformers, where each is phase shifted at the primaries +/- 7.5 electrical degrees. The 6-pulse rectifier is shown in figure 3-1 on the previous page. Figure 3-2 below shows the 12-pulse rectifier with an inter-phase reactor for load sharing. 6 P u lse R e ctifie r O p tio n a l In te rp h a se R e a cto r + 6 p u lse T ra n sfo rm e r To AC M a in s 1 2 P u lse D C O u tp u t 6 P u lse R e ctifie r - Figure 3-2: 12 Pulse Diode Rectifier with Inter-phase Reactor The inter-phase reactor balances current in 12 pulse rectifiers by forcing current sharing between the and Y bridges of the system. Current can become unbalanced in the rectifiers when there are slightly different impedances in the and Y windings of the transformer. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 14 The relationship between the AC input voltage and the output voltage of the 6-pulse rectifier is given by the equation VLL x 1.35 = Vdc. For a 12 pulse rectifier, the relationship is VLL x 1.39 = Vdc For either bridge, the unloaded DC value is approximately equal to the peak RMS value of the input voltage, or VLL x 1.414 = Vdc . The following table (3-1) shows some typical DC voltages for various inputs: Input Voltage - RMS line to line 6 Pulse Average DC Output Voltage 12 Pulse Unloaded DC output Voltage 480 648 667 600 810 848 690 932 960 Table 3-1: AC-DC Rectifier Voltages Note that under heavy load, the drive’s DC link voltage may drop slightly. The DC link voltage can be monitored at the drive controller keypad in the main monitor menu. The following figures show the output waveforms of the 6 and 12-pulse rectifier bridges. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 15 Figure 3-3: 6 Pulse Rectifier Bridge Output Waveform, Vin = 600VAC Figure 3-4: 12 Pulse Rectifier Bridge Output Waveform: Vin = 600VAC Document number Revision Page 3.3 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 16 DC Bus The Model 800AC VSDS systems may utilize a common DC bus. This means that 2 or more inverters are connected to the DC bus via disconnect switches and share a one or more rectifier bridges. There are certain advantages to the common DC bus, the most important being input power is conserved when one or more of the motors in the system are braking while others are motoring. An AC motor that is braking behaves as a generator, and its power is returned to the DC bus by the inverter. Therefore, the power required to operate the VSDS is reduced by utilizing the energy required to brake the VSDS motors. The net power supplied to the VSDS by the system generators is the load power less the regenerated power. For example, if 2 motors are consuming 1500 kW while another motor is braking and supplying 700kw to the DC bus, the net power required to run the system is 1500 – 700 = 800kW. Therefore, the system generators need only supply 800kW and 700kW have been conserved during the braking cycle. A DC link reactor may be used on systems with a common DC bus. This device is similar to an input reactor in that its purpose is to smooth the current ripple on the DC bus. DC link reactors are typically smaller than input reactors. Systems containing only one inverter cubicle typically will not require a DC bus. In these systems the output of the input rectifier is usually cabled to the input of the inverters directly. Please refer to the job specific drawings for more information. 3.4 Inverter The inverter section is the output section of the VSDS and is composed of IGBT semiconductor switches and electrolytic capacitors mounted on aluminum heat sinks. The IGBT collectors and emitters are electrically connected between the positive and negative DC busses, respectively. They are switched on and off in a specific sequence to produce a three phase output voltage of variable amplitude and frequency. The switching technique employed in National Oilwell VSDs is a variation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) used in high performance motor control. By varying the duration of the switching pulses, the inverter can directly control the magnitude of the motor voltage, and in so doing control motor current and torque. The fundamental frequency of the Model 800AC is adjustable from 0 to 300 Hz. The inverter converts filtered DC into variable frequency, variable voltage three phase AC. An inverter cubicle contains a single 2 pole disconnect switch, a pre-charge circuit, protective fusing, one or more IGBT inverter modules, and a digital control module with keypad. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 17 The output current of the voltage source inverter is nearly sinusoidal and can be measured with any quality current probe. If measuring the output current, be sure to adjust the inverter’s output frequency to within the tolerance range of the current probe, as most current probes are designed to work at frequencies between 40 and 60 Hz. Unlike the current, the inverter’s output voltage is non-sinusoidal and cannot be measured with ordinary test instruments. Fortunately, the line-to-line output voltage can be viewed on the DCM’ s LCD display by accessing the motor voltage parameter in the monitor menu. Figure 3-5: Inverter Power Units Inverter Main Circuit Components and Operation – Model 800AC VSDS Each inverter cubicle is supplied DC voltage through either the input rectifier bridge directly, or a common DC bus. Pre-charge Circuit Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 18 The pre-charge circuit is designed to gradually charge the DC bus capacitors and avoid damaging them. Voltage transients applied to capacitors produce sharp temperature rises and may cause them to rupture or explode. There are several different pre-charge methods employed depending on the system, but the general principle is the same for all. In every case, a resistance is temporarily inserted between the DC source and the capacitor bank so that the charging current is limited to a safe level. All drives are pre-charged before the main rectifier’s power is directly applied to the drive. Never attempt to bypass or defeat the precharge circuit or serious damage to the converter could result. Pressing the “Push to Charge” button initiates the capacitor pre-charge sequence. The operator can monitor the pre-charge status via the “DC Bus Charged” lamp. The purpose of the capacitor bank is to filter the rectified DC voltage and supply magnetizing VARs to the motor. The pre-charge circuit is utilized to prevent damage to the capacitor bank that would otherwise occur if the main rectifier’s output voltage were suddenly applied. Recall that a capacitor acts like a short circuit to a voltage transient; therefore the pre-charge circuit is designed to charge the capacitors slowly. It does this by temporarily inserting a resistance between the capacitor bank and the applied main rectifier voltage. By controlling the charging current, the pre-charge circuit gradually increases the voltage of the capacitor bank. It typically takes between 500ms-1s for the DC bus to reach nominal voltage. The AINT board senses the rising DC voltage, which reports the voltage level to the control module. Although it takes less than a second to reach nominal DC voltage, it may take many additional seconds for the control module to indicate that pre-charge is complete. The control module will then close a contact which controls the “DC Bus Charged” lamp. Once the ”DC Bus Charged” lamp is lit, the operator may close the disconnect switch (or circuit breaker) which connects the main DC supply bus directly to the inverter’s DC link. (Note: please refer to the job specific details. Not all systems contain disconnect switches in the inverter cubicles. Pre-charge circuit operation may vary.) Inverter Control Each Inverter module contains 3 output phases each consisting of a set of full-bridge IGBT’s and associated gate-firing and measurement electronics. With motor and cable attached, the IGBTs have a voltage rise time of between 3 and 5kV/uS. The switching frequencies are nonadjustable on the Model 800, fixed at 1.5kHz. Parallel 1000 amp fuses protect each of the inverter units. These fuses act to limit fault current between inverter units in the event of an internal short circuit. An RDCU drive control unit controls each inverter module used in a Model 800AC VSDS. These units are found behind the swing out compartment in the door of a VSD cubicle. Communication between the RDCU and each inverter unit is made through a fiber optic link. Fiber optical lines are run from the RDCU unit to an optical branching unit, then from the Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 19 branching unit to each inverter. Fiber optic connections can be made to its internal AINT board on the front face of the inverter modules. The inverter is controlled, protected, and monitored by a Digital Control Module (DCM). The DCM is responsible for all motor control operations and inverter bridge control. The control module is loaded with a firmware file. This file contains the all-necessary motor control programs as well as the DCM’s operating system. The two basic embedded motor control programs to choose from in the model 800AC inverter are open and closed loop control. Figures 3-6a and 3-6b show the two main components of the DCM installed in a NOI VSDS system. Figure 3-6a: Motor Control Board (RDCU) Figure 3-6b: Display/Keypad The DCM receives inverter bridge feedback from the AINT board via a fiber optic communication link. IGBT current, DC link voltage, and heat-sink temperatures are the Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 20 primary feedback signals processed by the AINT board and transmitted to the DCM. Phase current is sensed directly at the IGBTs by the measurement boards, which have the added responsibility of delivering gate pulses to the IGBTs. Based on input speed commands, load torque, motor speed, the DCM adjusts the switching patterns of the IGBTs so that the commanded motor speed and torque is realized. The DCM itself consists of a RMIO board and a LCD control panel. The RMIO board is designed with 3 open slots for I/O extension modules in addition to a section with designated I/O used with predetermined external signals. Slot 1 may host one of many option modules including: I/O extension (RAIO, RDIO), pulse encoder interface (RTAC), or Fieldbus adapter (RPBA). Slot 2 can house either I/O extension (RAIO, RDIO) or a pulse encoder interface (RTAC). Option module slot 3 is configured for a DDCS communication option module (RDCO-02). In addition, a keypad with an LCD display is mounted to the face of the control module’s enclosure via ADP1-01 adapter. The next two figures show the DCM control interface (3-7) and the typical I/O connections (3-8). Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 21 Figure 3-7: Control Interface of Inverter Unit Document number Revision Page STANDARD APPLICATION PROGRAM I/O D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 22 Document number Revision Page Figure 3-8: External Control Connections D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 23 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 24 Data Sheet 3-1: RMIO Board Technical Specifications Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 25 Figure 3-9: Isolation and Grounding Diagram Figure 3-9 above details the proper isolation and grounding arrangements to be followed. Care should be taken to ensure all signal grounds are as per this arrangement. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 26 Option Modules / Extended I/O Profibus-DP Adapter Module (RPBA-01) The PROFIBUS-DP Adapter module is an optional device designed to enable the connection of a drive to a PROFIBUS network. Each drive connected to the PROFIBUS network through an RPBA-01 module is considered a slave device. The RPBA-01 PROFIBUS-DP Adapter module allows the following: Give control commands to the drive Start,Stop, Run Enable, etc… Feed a motor speed or torque reference to the drive Read status information and actual valures from the drive Change drive parameter values Reset a drive fault Figure 3-10: RPBA-01 Option Module Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 27 The Profibus cable is connected to the connector labeled X1 on the RPBA-01 module. The diagram and table below depict the connector pin allocation. This configuration follows PROFIBUS standard. Table 3-2: X1 Connector Pin Allocation for the RPBA-01 Module Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 28 Bus termination is achieved by switching on a DIP switch located on the front of the RPBA-01 module. Bus termination prevents signal reflections from the cable ends. If the module is the first or last module on the network, bus termination must be set to ON. If using PROFIBUS specific D-sub connectors with built in termination, the RPBA-01 termination must be switched off. Figure 3-11 below shows the DIP switch details. ***Note: The built-in termination circuitry of the RPBA-01 is of the active type, so the module has to be powered for the termination to work. If the module needs to be switched off during operation of the network, the bus can be terminated by connecting a 220 ohm, 1/4 W resistor between the A and B lines. Figure 3-11: Bus Termination DIP Switch Rotary node address selectors on the RPBA-01 module are used to select the node address number of the drive. Each node address number is of decimal type ranging in value from 01 to 99. The left selector represents the first digit and the right selector the second digit. Node addresses may be changed while operating, but the module must be re-initialized for changes to take effect. ***Note: If 00 is selected, the node number is defined by a parameter in the fieldbus parameter group of the drive. Figure 3-12: Node Selectors Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 29 The diagram below is a demonstration of PROFIBUS network wiring. The PROFIBUS cable shields are directly earthed at all nodes. All cable is standard PROFIBUS cable consisting of a twisted pair and screen. Figure 3-13: Cable Connection and Grounding Diagram for Standard Profibus Cable Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 30 Pulse Encoder Interface Module (RTAC-01) The RTAC-01 Pulse Encoder Interface Module allows a digital pulse encoder feedback to be used for determining accurate motor speed or position. In most NOI Model 800AC systems the RTAC-01 module will be installed in slot 2 on the RMIO board. Signal and power connection is automatically made through a 38-pinm connector, upon installation of the module. Figure 3-14: RTAC-01 Module Layout Table 3-3 on the next page details the terminal designations for the encoder module. Most NOI model 800AC systems supply power to the encoder module using an external 24VDC power supply. When this is the case, the external 24VDC power supply should be connected to terminal X1-5 and the factory installed jumper across X1-5 and X1-6 should be removed. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 31 Table 3-3: Encoder Board Terminal Definitions and Signal Descriptions ***Note: Encoder inputs can be used with encoders having +15V to +24V signal levels. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 32 DDCS Communication Module (RDCO-02) A DDCS Communication Module may be used in NOI Model 800AC systems where a Master/Slave drive configuration is desired. The DDCS module offers an optical communication link between 2 drives. There are four fiber optical channels available on the DDCS module designated as shown below. DDCS modules will be installed in Slot 3 on the drive RMIO board. CH1 – Overriding system (e.g. fieldbus adapter) CH1 – I/O extensions CH2 – Master/Follower link CH3 – PC tools (such as Drive Ware) Figure 3-15: RDCO-02 Module Layout Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 33 Branching Unit (NDBU-44C) The NDBU-44C Branching Unit (shown in figure 3-16) is used to link the AINT boards of multiple inverter power units to one DCM. The optical inputs and outputs of the module are separated into sections labeled CH1-4 and AMC. Each of the optical channels has a transmitter and receiver. A channel is assigned to each inverter and then two optical cables are run between each inverter unit and the NDBU-42 module. Figure 3-16: NBDU-44C Module Layout Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 34 The TXD connector on the NPBU-44C unit is cabled to the RXD connector on the Inverter AINT board. The RXD connector on theNPBU-44C unit is cabled to the TXD connector. The RXD and TXD connectors are distinguished by color: Black= RXD and Gray=TXD. The AMC channel of the NDBU unit is cabled to the RMIO board of the DCM. Figure 3-17 on the next page shows an actual picture of the front of an inverter module where the fibers are connected to the AINT board. Figure 3-17: AINT Board Connections on the Front Face of the Inverter Power Unit Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 35 Motor Control The firmware program is the interface between the user I/O and the motor control program. Its job is to process all external control inputs such as start, stop, motor direction, and speed. The processed input data is then passed from the firmware program to the motor control program. Likewise, the firmware program receives information from the motor control program about such things as the inverter output current, motor speed, and DC bus volts, and passes it back to keypad display or the fieldbus. User control is most commonly exercised via fieldbus, but discrete control signals are also commonly used. The fieldbus protocol used with most NOI equipment is Profibus DP. Figure 3-18 is an inverter control block diagram illustrating the basic control theory of the Model 800AC. T y p ic a l In v e rte r B lo c k D ia g ra m L IN E R E A C T O R SHAFT ENCODER 0 B U S C A P A C IT O R S D C L IN K IN P U T R E A C T O R FREQ UENCY CO NVERTER Figure 3-18 Frequency Converter / Inverter Control Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 36 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 37 Multi-motor Modes of Operation There are two basic modes of operation that are used by National Oilwell when motors are operated in parallel. The first mode is known as master/follower mode, the second mode simply parallel inverter units. Each has certain advantages and disadvantages and they are utilized accordingly in each application. When a common shaft mechanically couples two or more motors, the optimum solution is for the associated inverters to force load sharing among the respective motors. This can be achieved using the master/follower mode of operation, in which the master drive is given a speed reference by the PLC or hardwired input. The remaining ‘followers’ receive a torque reference from the master drive via the controller’s system bus. In this way, the follower drives all receive the same torque reference as the master, insuring that load sharing is achieved. In this mode, the master drive is a “speed master” while those receiving their torque references from the master are known as “torque followers”. If one motor or drive is lost in a two drive system while in operating in master/follower mode, the remaining drive will automatically be configured to operate in master mode as soon as the other is removed from the fieldbus, or has it’s input power removed. Master/follower mode of operation is generally employed where precise load sharing between motors is required. An example of such an application is a multimotor drawworks. The second most commonly applied mode of operation employs dividing the output of one drive between multiple motors. In this mode of operation a single drive receives a speed reference, and generates an internal torque reference according to the load. Load sharing is achieved by virtue of the mechanical coupling between motors. Each motor receives the same voltage and current output as its counter part. This mode of operation is used quite frequently in dual motor top drives and mud pumps. It is also used in active heave drawworks applications where operation of the drawworks must continue without interruption. The reason this method is preferred to master/follower mode in a multi-motor system (more than 2 on a common shaft) is that in the event of a motor or drive fault, it is not necessary to re-wire or reconfigure the drive’s system bus in order to continue operation. With this method, the drive only responds to a single speed reference and is never looking to another drive for a torque reference in order to function. Motor Control Modes There are two basic types of motor control available from the National Oilwell VSDs. Open loop frequency control, or scalar control is the first method, and generally applied to motors connected to pumps, fans or other applications in which precise torque control isn’t required. In this type of control, the digital control module operates without speed feedback, and simply applies a constant ratio of voltage to output frequency. Without speed feedback, the DCM has no direct knowledge of the rotor slip or position. Consequently, precise speed and torque control in open loop is not possible. This mode of operation is still adequate where high starting torque is not required, such as a pump. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 38 The second method of motor control is known as closed loop speed control. In this mode, the DCM receives speed feedback via an incremental encoder, which is normally mounted on the motor shaft. In this mode of operation, precise speed and torque control is possible throughout the entire speed range of the inverter. This mode of operation is quite useful in applications that require holding a load stationary, such as a drawworks or a crane, as well as in applications where the motor operates above its base speed. For closed loop control to be successful, the encoder must supply information about rotor position and speed. Closed loop speed control is the most efficient and precise means of controlling a 3-phase induction motor. Closed loop speed control is used on all National Oilwell drawworks, cranes, pipe-handling equipment, and top drives. It may or may not be employed on other drilling machinery, depending on the customer’s performance requirements for the installed system. The summary of the major physical components of each inverter can be found in the following table. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 39 INVERTER COMPONENT SUMMARY Device Function Pre-charge Circuit Digital Control Module (DCM) User interface with the inverter. The keypad is used for changing drive operating parameters, monitoring drive data, and issuing control commands. Bus Capacitors Provide filtering of the DC bus voltage and furnish magnetizing VARs to the motor Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) (qty 2-6 modules per inverter) Converts DC voltage into 3-phase AC voltage of variable frequency and amplitude. AINT board Controls inverter firing and serves as an interface between the IGBT measurement boards and the digital control module. Table 3-4: Inverter component summary 3.5 Braking Chopper and Resistor Bank The brake chopper is a semiconductor switch used to reduce the DC link voltage when the motors are overhauling. The set point varies depending on the system voltage and the application. The proper set point for your system may be found on the parameter list in the Operating Parameters section of the manual. All AC drives installed on a drawworks, TD, or cranes employ a DB chopper of some kind. Some, but not all AC driven mud pumps also employ a braking chopper, depending on the nature of the drilling program, and the type of pump used. Generally speaking, drawworks and cranes require full braking capacity from the DB choppers and resistor banks, so they tend to be sized quite differently than systems that require only intermittent use or light braking. Stand-alone TD choppers are typically rated to provide longer deceleration ramps and braking cycles than a drawworks or crane, but their operation is the same. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 40 Figure 3-19 on the next page illustrates the basic configuration of a chopper unit. Note that the braking resistor is connected to the (+) DC bus and the collector of the lower IGBT switch, so that the lower switch provides the path between the braking resistor and the (–) DC bus. The upper switch is unused in this arrangement. In current NOI systems that do not require intensive dynamic braking, the choppers used are typically air cooled, non-programmable, “dumb” units that trigger on a fixed voltage. These units carry an 80kW to 400kW continuous rating, and are not re-configurable. There may or may not be an external DCM. Dynamic braking or electrical braking is achieved by forcing an AC motor to operate as an induction generator. This occurs whenever the inverter’s output frequency is less than the corresponding rotor speed. A common example of this is when the load drives a motor, and the commanded inverter frequency is slower than the actual motor speed. In this mode of operation, the inverter issues firing pulses and supplies magnetizing VARs to the stator. As long as the inverter supplies the stator with a magnetic field, the motor will operate as generator. When acting in this manner, the interaction between the stator’s rotating magnetic field and the induced magnetic field in the rotor will generate a torque that opposes the load torque. As soon as the inverter is stopped (firing pulses are suppressed), the stator and rotor magnetic fields will collapse and all braking torque will be lost. The power flow between the inverter and the motor is such that real power flows from the motor to the drive, while reactive power flows from the drive to the motor. The AC current flowing back to the drive is rectified by the inverter’s fly back diodes and flows into the inverter’s DC bus as direct current. The direct current charges the DC link capacitors, causing DC bus voltage to rise. Once the voltage reaches a pre-determined set point, the chopper will switch on and connect the braking resistor bank across the positive and negative DC bus terminals. In addition to lowering the DC bus voltage, the braking choppers and resistor banks will dissipate the excess power in the resistor bank. The total dissipated power in the resistor, inverter, and motor will equal the braking power applied to the load. In systems that share a DC bus and chopper(s), the other inverters may consume much of the regenerated energy, in which case the braking chopper is only required to dissipate the excess power. Mechanical braking is only needed for emergency braking or for parking the load when the AC Drive is stopped. In general, the dynamic braking power and torque can reach 150-175% of the motor’s nominal ratings over brief periods of time in hoisting applications, or where very short deceleration ramps are used. The shorter the deceleration ramp, the higher the peak braking torque and power will be. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 41 Figure 3-19: Typical DC Chopper Circuit Document number Revision Page 3.6 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 42 Assignment Contactors Assignment contactors are used to control the inverter output to meet system needs. One inverter can be switched between two or more motors, or one motor can be switched between two or more inverters. The number of contactors varies depending on the system’s requirements. Not all systems utilize assignment contactors. Figure 3-20 shows a few possibilities for assignment contactors. M M M M T Y P IC A L A S S IG N M E N T C O N T A C T O R ARRANGEM ENTS Figure 3-20 Sample Output Contactor Single Line Drawing Assignment contactors are either 3-phase AC contactors, or constructed from individual, single phase contactors. The VSDS PLC ordinarily controls their operation, but they are electrically interlocked to prohibit undesirable states in the event of a PLC malfunction. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 43 The following components are not considered part of the VSD, but a working knowledge of how they operate and the function they serve is useful in understanding and maintaining the variable speed drive system. One or more 3-phase AC induction motors. Ordinarily, each VSD powers a single motor at a time. Drilling Control System (DCS). The Drilling Control System provides the MMI for the driller and interfaces with the Model 800 VSDS to provide control of drilling equipment and to receive feedback information. 3.7 AC Induction Motors – Basic Principle of Operation The motors controlled by the Model 800AC VSDS are used to operate specific rig equipment, such as the drawworks, top drive, pumps, cranes, etc. The most commonly used motor is the 3phase “squirrel cage” induction motor. In most drilling systems, the motors are open frame and are cooled by an external blower, that forces cooling air directly onto the rotor and stator windings. Some motors installed on cranes are closed frame, and cooled using a combination of channels cut into the stator frame with fans mounted on the non-load end of the motor. In both types, the cooling blowers and fans are controlled from independent voltage sources located in the VSDS. Since the motor’s main shaft is not used to drive a cooling fan or blower, these motors may operate indefinitely at very low speeds as long as the cooling fans are functioning. Induction motors have certain characteristics that distinguish themselves from DC motors, including: They require little maintenance other than periodic lubrication of the bearings. They are intrinsically safe – they don’t generate arcing or sparks as with DC motors. They are capable of holding full torque at zero speeds indefinitely without sustaining damage to internal components. Generator operation (for braking purposes) is somewhat easier with an AC induction motor than a DC motor. The induction motor is composed of two main parts: a stator winding and a rotor. The stator is a set of copper coils wound into slots in the motor frame. As its name implies, it is stationary. The leads of the stator are connected to the 3 phase terminals of inverter. The stator windings are spatially arranged so that a 3-phase voltage source establishes a rotating magnetic field around the rotor. Stators are made up of pole pairs, so the minimum number of poles is 2. Nearly all AC drilling motors have 6 poles, however 4 pole motors are also commonly found on cranes and winches. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 44 The squirrel cage rotor is made of copper or aluminum bars that are held in place by the motor bearings at each end of the motor frame. Rotation is caused by the interaction of magnetic fields between the stator and the rotor. Specifically, the rotating magnetic fields of the stator induce a voltage in the rotor bars, which cause a current to flow in the rotor. In turn, the rotor current generates its own magnetic field, which attempts to align itself with the stator field. It is the relative motion between the stator and rotor magnetic fields that generates motor torque. Rotor speed is dependent on both the stator frequency and the motor load. Rotor speed is related to the stator frequency by the formula: Synchronous Rotor Speed = (120 x stator frequency) Number of poles It’s important to note the rotor’s fields never actually catch up with the stator fields; instead the rotor turns at some speed slower than the synchronous speed. So in practice, the actual speed of the rotor will differ from the synchronous speed, and is referred to as the motor slip. Slip is usually expressed as a percentage, and in which case it is expressed by the formula: %Slip = (Synchronous speed – Actual speed) x 100 Synchronous Speed The nominal or base speed of the motor expresses actual rotor speed for a fully loaded motor running at base frequency, usually 60 Hz. Therefore the rated slip of the motor can be found from this number, and it is at the rated slip the nameplate full load current, torque, and power apply. The nominal speed is usually found on the manufacturer’s nameplate. The following table lists motor nameplate information that is required input to the inverter’s DCM parameter list: MOTOR PARAMETER UNIT EXPLANATION / DEFINITION Nominal Voltage VAC Rated RMS line to line voltage Nominal Frequency Hz Field Weakening point Nominal Speed RPM No load motor speed @ nominal frequency Nominal Current AAC Full load current Nominal Power KW Rated Power [kW] = (HP x 746)/1000 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 45 Power Factor (cos phi) N/A Typically 0.85 Maximum Safe Speed RPM Highest speed at which motor should be operated Table 3-5 Required Motor Nameplate Data There are 2 basic regions of operation for an induction motor. The first region is between 0 RPM and the nominal motor speed, and is known as the constant torque region. The second region is between the motor’s nominal speed and it’s maximum speed, and is known as the constant horsepower region. In the constant torque region, the stator voltage is applied linearly with increasing frequency, so that the ratio of Voltage/stator frequency is held constant. Full (rated) voltage is applied when the motor speed is equal to the nominal nameplate speed. At this point, the FC has reached its voltage limit (output voltage cannot exceed input voltage), so the converter’s voltage is held constant as the stator frequency is increased. As frequency increases, the induction motor’s back-emf increases, and stator current begins to drop off because the difference between the converter’s output voltage and the motor’s opposing voltage becomes less. As current drops off, so does torque, but the horsepower remains constant even as torque drops off because the speed is increasing. Figure 1-9 illustrates these 2 regions. 14000 T Y P IC A L S P E E D V S T O R Q U E P R O F IL E OVERLOAD TORQUE O F A N IN D U C T IO N M O T O R M O T O R T O R Q U E (L b -F t) 12000 10000 RATED TORQUE 8000 CONSTANT HORSEPOW ER R E G IO N CONTANT T O R Q U E R E G IO N 6000 4000 2000 2450 M ax. RPM 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 M O TO R SPEED ( RPM ) Figure 3-21 Typical Induction Motor Curve 2200 2400 2600 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 46 The motor receives varying voltage and frequency from the IGBTs. Lowering the VFDs output frequency will change the motor’s speed. When the load forces the motor to rotate faster than the applied inverter frequency, the motor becomes a generator and converts rotational energy into electrical power. This electrical power is fed to the DC Bus via the inverter phase cells. The brake choppers and braking resistors then dissipate the excess power as heat. 3.8 PLC and interface for the Drilling Control System (DCS) The Drilling Control System is based on the Siemens S7 300 family of modular mini-PLCs. The PLC provides the link between the operator and the inverter either through a touch screen or other control panel. The PLC is responsible for controlling the inverter’s start, stop, and speed commands based on the user input, load conditions, and other system information. The PLC communicates with the inverter using the Profibus DP protocol, and therefore can access information from the converter and provide information to it. Among other things, the PLC may be used to change the inverter’s operating parameters, monitor and control the cooling system, manage system power, and report system alarm/system fault data to the operator. The PLC acts as the bridge between the MMI (Man-Machine Interface) console and the VFDS system components. A typical DCS is illustrated in below in Figure 3-22. Fig. 3-22 Sample Drilling Control System with Supervisory PLC The Siemens S7 PLC is usually located in the Incomer cubicle, or its own PLC cubicle. The PLC communicates with the other devices over a PROFIBUS communications network. There is I/O located on the PLC rack, as well as Remote I/O racks typically located in the MCC and the Operator Console. The purpose of having remote is to reduce the number of wires that need to be run between the field, the MCC, Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 47 and the PLC cubicle. By using remote I/O only the 2 wire PROFIBUS cable needs to be run. For remote racks located far away from the PLC, such as in the operator’s console that is normally located on the drill floor, fiber optic cables are used instead of the hard-wired system. In this case, an Optical Link Module is used to convert from the Profibus signal to the fiber optic communications. The variable inverters and the choppers also communicate with the PLC over the same PROFIBUS network. Each device on the network has a unique address to distinguish itself to the PLC. The Operator’s Console allows the operator to control the system with devices such as switches, throttles and potentiometers. The console also displays system status with pilot lights and gauges. These inputs and outputs are wired into a remote I/O rack that is connected to the PLC over the Profibus network. The PLC also switches on the auxiliary motors by controlling the motor starters. Some systems may include a remote I/O rack that controls this action. Based on the operator’s commands, the PLC sends commands to the drives. By communicating over the PROFIBUS network, the PLC can start the drive, send it speed and torque commands, as well as read back drive’s status information. The status information includes items such as voltage, current, run status and fault information. This information inside the PLC is usually sent to a touchscreen or remote monitoring system for troubleshooting purposes. The following table contains the fault and alarm codes and descriptions that can be read by the PLC. FAULT/WARNING BUFFER READ BY THE PLC Fault ACS 800 TEMP AI< MIN FUNC BRAKE ACKN COMM MODULE DC OVERVOLT EARTH FAULT ENCODER A<>B ENCODER ERR IN CHOKE TEMP MOTOR STALL MOTOR TEMP MOTOR 1 TEMP MOTOR 2 TEMP PANEL LOSS SHORT CIRC THERMISTOR UNDERLOAD DC UNDER VOLTAGE EXTERNAL FLT I/O COMM MOTOR PHASE OVERCURRENT OVERFREQ ID NUMBERS 95-99 Code 4210 8110 ff74 7510 3210 2330 7302 7301 ff81 7121 4310 4312 4313 5300 2340 4311 Ff6a 3220 9000 7000 ff56 2310 7123 Comment Inverter Temp Check Field Bus Short circuit See sub codes Check encoder module wiring (programmable fault fcn) (not used typically) (not used typically) (progammable fault fcn) (progammable fault fcn) (progammable fault fcn) Check mains and fuses (progammable fault fcn) Check fiber on CH1 (progammable fault fcn) Check encoder/Accel time Document number Revision Page PANEL LOSS PPCS LINK SUPPLY PHASE 5300 5210 3130 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 48 (progammable fault fcn) Check fibres at AINT board Check mains for imbalance Table 3-6: PLC Fault/Alarm code Reference Table Document number Revision Page 3.9 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 49 Technical Data The following table (3-7) includes technical specifications about the National Oilwell inverters and choppers. If more information is required, please consult the National Oilwell Factory in Houston, Texas. MODEL 800 INVERTER Parameter Specification Unit Environmental/Mechanical Ambient Operating Temperature Reduced Output (1%/1C) Storage Temperature Transportation Relative Humidity (no condensation) Altitude (w/o derating) Altitude (w/ derating) TYPICAL CHOPPER UNIT Parameter Environmental/Mechanical 0/32 to +50/122 C/F +40/104 to +50/122 -40/-40 to +70/158 C/F -40/-40 to +70/158 C/F 5< 95% 0..3000/0..1000 Ft/M 3000..12000/1000..4000 Ft/M Ambient Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity (no condensation) Altitude (w/o derating) -10/14 to +40/104 C/F -40/-40 to +70/158 C/F 5< 95% 3300/1000 Ft/M Specification Unit Table 3-7 National Oilwell Technical Specifications 3.9.1 Weights and Dimensions The components of a Model 800AC VSDS will vary from job to job. Assignment cubicles, if utilized, may contain different numbers of contactors. The number of VFDs may vary also, as will the size of the cooling system. The item that can vary the most is the incomer cubicle, depending on whether it is multi-pulse and what it’s amperage capacity is. Refer to the weight and outline dimensions as shown on the drawings for each job-specific system. A general guideline for dimensions of individual component cubicles of the system is as follows: CUBICLE DIMENSIONS HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH LAND DEPTH OFFSHORE INVERTER (2X Inverter units) 90” / 2286mm 24” / 559 mm 38” / 966mm 50” / 1270mm INVERTER (3X Inverter units) 90” / 2286mm 36” / 559 mm 38” / 966mm 50” / 1270mm INVERTER (4X Inverter units) 90” / 2286mm 48” / 559 mm 38” / 966mm 50” / 1270mm CUBICLE Document number Revision Page INCOMER (powering up to 4 Inverters) ASSIGNMENT D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 50 90” / 2286mm 24” / 914mm 38” / 966mm 50” / 1270mm 90” / 2286mm 30” / 762mm 38” / 966mm 50” / 1270mm Table 3-8 National Oilwell Cubicle Typical Weights and Dimensions Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 51 Inverter Module Dimensions and Diagrams INVERTER UNIT PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS MODEL W1 H1 MODEL 800AC 9.6450 54.4880 [in] D1 21.1800 MODEL 600/630/6000 INPUT TERMINALS Figure 3-23 Inverter Model Outline Drawings and Dimensions Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 52 3.9.2 Performance Data The following table (3-9) provides some fundamental performance information about National Oilwell VSDs. Ratings Nominal ratings Drive type UN=690 V ACS800-104-0580-7 ACS800-104-1160-7 ACS800-104-1740-7 ACS800-104-2320-7 ACS800-104-3490-7 Icont.max IMAX A (AC) A 486 953 1414 1866 2770 724 1419 2107 2780 4127 Light-overload use Heavy-duty use IN IHD A A 467 914 1358 1792 2659 362 710 1053 1390 2063 Frame Noise level Heat dissipation Air flow R8i 2xR8i 3xR8i 4xR8i 6xR8i kW m /h 73 74 75 76 78 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 42.0 1200 2400 3600 4800 7200 Table 3-9 Inverter Model Performance Data Summary 3 dBA Document number Revision Page 4 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 53 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The Inverters are normally controlled from the Driller’s Cabin via Profibus DP. During normal operation, the operator will provide start / stop commands and speed references, and monitor the performance of the equipment as it operates. No other operator interactions are normally required. The control keypad mounted on the front of the Inverter cubicles allows local monitoring and parameter adjustments of the Inverters. The details of this keypad are listed below. More information regarding the keypad and control unit is available in the ABB User Manual. 4.1 CONTROL PANEL The control panel is the link between the ABB frequency converter and the user. The ABB control panel features an alphanumeric display with 4 lines of 20 characters. There are four modes of operations: Actual Signal Display Mode (ACT key) Parameter Mode (PAR key) Function Mode (FUNC key) Drive Selection Mode (DRIVE key) The operation mode of the panel dictates the uses of the arrow keys and ENTER. The drive control keys are described below Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 54 Figure 4-1: Illustrates the ABB control panel and control keys 4.1.1 Panel operation mode keys and displays Figure 4-2: Panel Operation 4.1.2 Status Row Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 55 Figure 4-3: Description of status row 4.1.3 Drive control from panel The user may elect to control the drive by control panel as described below: Start, stop, and change direction of motor Give the motorspeed reference or torque reference Reset the fault and warning messages Change between local and external drive control The drive can always be controlled from the control panel while the drive is under local control and the status row is visible on the display. The next figure shows how to start, stop and change direction and how to set a speed reference both from the control panel. Figure 4-4: Start, Stop and Change Direction from Keypad Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 56 Figure 4-5: Setting a Speed Reference from Keypad 4.1.4 Actual signal display mode While in Actual Signal Display Mode, the user may: Show three actual signals on the display at a time Select the actual signals to display View the fault history Reset the fault history The panel will enter Actual Signal Display Mode automatically within one minute if the keypad is left alone. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 57 Figure 4-6: Selecting Actual Signals to the Display Figure 4-7: Displaying Full Name of Actual Signals Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 58 Figure 4-8: Displaying Fault History ***Note: Fault history cannot be reset if there are active faults or warnings. Figure 4-9: Resetting an Active Fault Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 59 Fault history updates information on current events (faults, warnings, and resets) of the drive. Below demonstrates how events are displayed in the fault history. Figure 4-10: Displaying Events Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 60 4.1.5 Parameter mode In the Parameter Mode, the user may: View parameter values Alter parameter settings Figure 4-11: How to Select a Parameter and Change the Value Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 61 4.1.6 Function mode In the Function Mode, the user can: Start a guided procedure for adjusting the drive settings (assistants) Upload the drive parameter values and motor data from the drive to the panel Download group 1 to 97 parameter values and motor data from the drive to the panel Adjust the contrast of the display Below is an example of how the Motor Setup task can be executed with Start-up Assistant. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 62 Figure 4-12: Motor Set-up with Start-up Assistance Uploading data from the drive to the control panel Note: Upload before downloading Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 63 Ensure the program versions of the destination drive are the same as the versions of source drive, see parameters 33.01 and 33.02 Before removing the panel from a drive, ensure the panel is in remote operating mode (change with the LOC/REM key) Stop the drive before downloading _____________________________________________________________ ___ Before upload, repeat the following steps in each drive: Setup the motors Activate the communication to the optional equipment (See parameter group 98 OPTION MODULES) Before upload, do the following in the drive from which the copies are to be taken: Set the parameters in groups 10 to 97 as preferred Proceed to the upload sequence (below) Figure 4-13: Uploading Data from the Drive to the Panel Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 64 Downloading data from the control panel to the drive Figure 4-14: Downloading Data from the Panel to the Drive Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 65 Figure 4-15: Setting the Contrast of the Display 4.1.7 Drive selection mode **Not applicable to NOI Model 800 VSDS systems. This mode would allow users to select drive of interest if multiple drives were to share one control panel. 4.1.8 Reading and entering of Boolean values on the display Some actual values and parameters are packed Boolean, i.e. each individual bit has a defined meaning (explained at the corresponding signal or parameter). On the control panel, packed Boolean values are read and entered in hexadecimal format. In this example, bits 1, 3 and 4 of the packed Boolean value are ON: Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 66 Figure 4-16: Example of Reading Boolean Values Document number Revision Page 4.2 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 67 INITIAL MOTOR OPERATION SETUP The following steps are to be performed prior to running a motor for the first time. 1. Verify the machine’s lubrication system is functioning properly, if applicable. 2. Verify the machine’s associated auxiliary motors are functioning properly bye briefly energizing them from the MCC or local control panel. Ensure the motor blower rotation is correct. 3. Ensure the motor is un-loaded. Verify the motor/machine brakes are operation if so equipped, and any shipping bolts installed to lock the rotor have been removed. 4. Verify that the motor cables and motor have undergone an appropriate insulation test by a trained electrician or technician. 5. Verify the motor’s frame is solidly earthed. 6. If equipped with an encoder, verify the encoder shaft coupling is tight and properly installed. Carefully inspect the encoder cable and verify it is properly terminated, in accordance with the electrical drawings. Verify the encoder cable is run at least 12” from any of the AC motor’s phase conductors. 4.2.1 Visual Inspection A visual inspection of the entire system should be performed before any other steps are taken during the system set-up. The system should be inspected for any damage that may have occurred during shipping or unpacking. Verify there are no loose electrical connections in both the control and main circuits of the entire system. Be sure to correct any problems before proceeding. 4.2.2 Configure Drive Each VFD of a NOI VSDS system must be specifically configured for the intended application. The following sections briefly describe the drive configuration procedure. Inverter Drive Size Under normal conditions, the inverter size dimensioning parameters only need to be set once; and this is done at the factory prior to shipping the drive. When the drive is powered up, pressing the “Drive” button on the Control Panel can check the inverter size. If the inverter size is incorrect, it must be corrected before the Motor ID run can be performed. To do this, please contact NOI in order to obtain the information on reconfiguring drive size. Performing a Motor ID Run A Motor ID run should be performed before any other action is taken with the drive. The motor data should be entered from the information found on the motor nameplate. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 68 Entering Motor Data The motor data can be entered in two ways. The first is by going to Parameter group 99 and entering the data as it appears on the motor nameplate. The second method is to press the “Func” button on the Control Panel and then selecting “Motor Set-up.” This will begin the Start-up Assistant, which will guide you through the motor set-up. The parameters should be set-up as follows: 99.01 Language English or English AM If English is chosen, the motor nominal power must be in kilowatts, and if English AM is chosen, the nominal power is in horsepower. 99.02 Application Macro This should be set to “Factory” unless the drive will be acting as a slave drive. In a slave drive, this is set this to “T-Ctrl” (Torque Control) 99.03 Application Restore 99.04 Motor Control Mode DTC In most cases DTC (Direct Torque Control) will be suitable. 99.05 Motor Nominal Voltage 99.06 Motor Nominal Current (off motor nameplate) 99.07 Motor Nominal Frequency (off motor nameplate) 99.08 Motor Nominal Speed 99.09 Motor Nominal Power (off motor nameplate) 99.10 Motor ID Run Standard The standard ID run will achieve the best accuracy. The motor must be uncoupled from the load. The procedure will take about 1 minute, however times will vary so do not be alarmed. If motor ID Run has not completed within 5 minutes, then look at Group 20 limit parameters as described below that may interfere with the ID Run profile. The drive will spin the motor and will run between 50% and 80% of the motor nominal speed, so make sure it is safe to spin the motor. Note that the motor is accelerated at a very fast ramp during the ID Run, thus the motor will tend to rock do to the rotor inertia. Make sure that the motor is placed on a solid base. The Motor ID Run is always operated in the Forward direction according to the drive phasing, so make sure the motor rotation during the test is consistent with forward rotation of the load/machine. If motor rotation is reversed with respect to the load, interchange any 2 motor cable phases after the ID Run is complete. No (off motor nameplate) (off motor nameplate) Before performing the ID run, other parameters must be checked. See the following section. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 69 Parameters for Motor ID Run Group 20 Go to Parameter Group 20 “Limits” and check the following parameters: Parameter 20.02 Maximum Speed The default for this is motor nominal speed. It should be kept there for the ID run. Parameter 20.03 Maximum Current The default for this is two times the motor nominal current. For the ID run it needs to be greater than the nameplate value Parameter 20.04 Torque Max Lim 1 This needs to be at least 100%. It is best to keep it at default (300%) for the ID run. Parameter 20.05 Overvoltage Control This should be set turned ON for the ID run. Under normal operation of the drive, if there is a chopper and brake resistor in the system, this should be turned off in order for the chopper to turn on. Remove PROFIBUS Control Profibus control must also be removed from the system. In order to do this, check the following parameters: Parameter 10.01 EXT1 STRT/STP/DIR This should be set to “Keypad” during the ID run. Parameter 11.03 EXT REF1 SELECT This should be set to “Keypad” during the ID run. Parameter 11.02 EXT1/EXT2 SELECT This should be set to “EXT1” during the ID run. Run Enable In Parameter Group 16 “System Control Inputs,” set parameter 16.01 “Run Enable” to “YES” during the ID run. Encoder Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 70 If an encoder is being used for speed feedback for the control of the drive, the encoder must be disabled during the ID run. By default, the encoder is not activated; Parameter 98.01 ENCODER MODULE will be set to “NO”. If the encoder feedback was already enabled by setting parameter 98.01 to a value other than “NO”, then disable the speed feedback of the encoder by going to Parameter Group 50 “Encoder Module” and set Parameter 50.06 “Encoder FB Sel” to “Internal” during the ID run. If motor rotation has been proven to be correct, then while the ID Run is running it is also beneficial to check the encoder wiring. To do this, compare ACTUAL SIGNALS 2.18 SPEED MEASURED (Encoder measured RPM) to 1.02 SPEED (drive’s internal calculated speed). Both numbers should be approximately equal and with the same polarity. If rpm does not match then check accuracy of encoder configuration in Group 50 ENCODER MODULE or look for improper wiring or encoder supply voltage (RTAC-01 module does not work with 5V DC encoder signals). If polarity is opposite, and motor rotation is correct, then swap “A” for “B” and “A-“ for “B-“ on the encoder feedback wiring. Note, “Z and Z-“ wires are unused in the ABB drives. Master/Follower If the drive that you are working on is set up in the follower mode, this must be disabled in order to perform the ID run. In order to do this, go to Parameter Group 60 “Master/Follower” and change parameter 60.01 “Master Link Mode” to “Not in Use.” Also remember to set Parameters 10.01, 11.02, 11.03 as described above. Start Interlock The Start Interlock must be active to start the ID run. To do this, place a jumper between X22:8 and X22:11. Starting the Motor ID Run In order to start the motor ID run, put the Keypad in the Local mode by pressing the “Loc/Rem” key on the Panel. An “L” should appear in the upper left hand corner of the display. Return to Parameter Group 99 and change parameter 99.10 “Motor ID Run” and choose “Standard.” Once this is chosen, the screen should read “**Warning** ID Run Sel.” After pressing the green button to start the ID run the screen will read “**Warning** Motor Starts.” During the ID Run, the screen will read “**Warning** ID Run.” By pressing the “ACT” key on the keypad, you can monitor the drive current and speed. When the ID run finishes, the screen will read “**Warning** ID Done.” ID Run Completed Once the ID run has been completed, the parameters that have been changed can be returned to their original values. Now the drive can be customized for the current application. 4.2.3 General Set-up Procedures The following procedure assumes that main power is available to the VSDS. It also assumes all normal procedures relating to resistance and insulation tests have been performed on the VSDS cabinet, supply bus, and the motors it powers. Each VSDS undergoes a system hi-potential test at the factory; however it is important to inspect the main power source network prior to starting the VFD. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 71 1. Before attempting to energize the inverters, verify that the VSDS system preliminary startup procedure has been followed. See the Reference Documents section for the appropriate procedure. 2. Verify that the inverter is isolated from its main power source. 3. Inspect all main power connections and verify they agree with the system drawings. Inspect each connection and Verify the motor cables not connected to the inverter, either at the plug panel, or at the motor itself. 4. Inspect all control connections to the inverter and verify they agree with the system drawings. Inspect each connection for tightness. 5. Ensure no condensation is evident on the inverter’s phase cells or electronics. 6. Ensure all fiber optic lines and control cables are properly installed according to VFD module interconnect drawings. 7. Ensure that all inverter cubicle doors are closed. All VSDS cubicle doors must remain closed while the system is energized 8. Connect converter to the main power supply by closing the feeder circuit breaker or main disconnect switch. Verify that the control panel has powered up and no fault or warning message is displayed. If the display indicates a warning or fault message, see the troubleshooting section and clear the fault before proceeding. 9. Using either the keypad or the Drive Windows commissioning tool, set the parameters according to the requirements of your application. See the Reference Document list for the proper parameters if these are not known. 10. Start the drive from the control console and monitor the output frequency on the keypad from the Actual Signal Display Mode. Issue a frequency reference from the operator’s Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 72 console and verify that the converter output frequency follows the reference. If this does not occur, refer to the troubleshooting section for assistance. 11. EMERGENCY STOP While the inverter is running activate the Emergency Stop switch for the drive. Usually this is located on the users remote console. If operating properly, the drive will stop issuing firing pulses and the output frequency will drop to 0. Be sure the emergency stop logic is working properly before proceeding to run any motors. 12. From the operator’s console, stop the inverter and remove power by opening the circuit breaker or main disconnect switch. The LCD display should go blank within 1 minute after removing power from the inverter. Wait at least 3 minutes after the LCD goes blank before opening the cubicle doors or touching the drive. Always use a voltmeter to check the converter’s DC bus before proceeding. 13. Lockout the inverter’s CB or main power source. Connect the motor cables to the inverter output at the appropriate panel. Make certain the motor/machine brakes are released, and there is no load on the motor. 14. Restore power to the inverter, verify there are no faults displayed, and start the drive from the console. Give a forward speed reference to the inverter and verify the rotation of the motor is correct. If not, reverse any two phases at the motor and re-test. 15. Speed Feed Back: Change encoder module parameter 50.06 to ENCODER. While monitoring both actual and estimated speed on the keypad, give the drive a speed reference and verify the following Table: Variable Direction Speed Reference Forward Output Frequency (hz) Positive Estimated Speed (rpm) Positive, equal to Speed Reference Actual Speed (rpm) Positive, equal to Estimated Speed Speed Reference Reverse Output Frequency (hz) Negative Estimated Speed (rpm) Negative, equal to Speed Reference Document number Revision Page Actual Speed (rpm) Negative, equal to Estimated Speed Table 4-1: Variable VS. Direction D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 73 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 74 The proper motor start sequence is diagramed in Figure 4-15 below. The diagram shows the relationship between several drive parameters and the role they play in that sequence. Ts Start torque at brake release (Parameter 42.07 and 42.08) tmd Motor magnetizing delay tod Brake open delay (Parameter 42.03) ncs Brake close speed (Parameter 42.05) tcd Brake close delay (Parameter 42.04) Figure 4-15: Drive/Motor Starting Sequence (w/ brake control function) Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 75 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 76 Table 4-2 Actual Drive Signals No. Name/Value Description 01 ACTUAL SIGNALS 01.01 PROCESS VARIABLE Basic signals for monitoring of the drive. Process variable based on settings in parameter group 34 PROCESS VARIABLE. 01.02 SPEED Calculated motor speed in rpm. Filter time setting by parameter 34.04. 01.03 FREQUENCY Calculated drive output frequency. 01.04 CURRENT Measured motor current. 01.05 TORQUE Calculated motor torque. 100 is the motor nominal torque. Filter time setting by parameter 34.05. 01.06 POWER Motor power. 100 is the nominal power. 01.07 DC BUS VOLTAGE V Measured intermediate circuit voltage. 01.08 MAINS VOLTAGE Calculated supply voltage. 01.09 OUTPUT VOLTAGE Calculated motor voltage. 1=1V 01.12 EXTERNAL REF 2 Temperature of the heatsink. External reference REF1 in rpm. (Hz if value of parameter 99.04 is SCALAR.) External reference REF2. Depending on the use, 100% is the motor maximum speed, motor nominal torque, or maximum process reference. 1 = 1 °C 01.13 CTRL LOCATION Active control location. (1,2) LOCAL; (3) EXT1; (4) EXT2. 01.14 OP HOUR COUNTER Elapsed time counter. Runs when the control board is powered. 01.10 ACS 800 TEMP 01.11 EXTERNAL REF 1 FbEq 1=1 -2000 = -100% 2000 = 100% of motor abs. max. speed -100 = -1 Hz 100 = 1 Hz 10= 1 A -10000 = -100% 10000 = 100% of motor nom. torque 0 = 0% 1000 = 100% of motor nom. power 1=1V 1=1V 1 = 1 rpm 0 = 0% 10000 = 100% See Descr. 1=1h 01.15 KILOWATT HOURS kWh counter. Application block output signal. E.g. the process PID controller 01.16 APPL BLOCK OUTPUT output when the PID Control macro is active. Status of digital inputs. Example: 0000001 = DI1 is on, DI2 to DI6 01.17 DI6-1 STATUS are off. 1 = 100 kWh 0 = 0% 10000 = 100% Value of analogue input AI1. 1 = 0.001 V 01.19 AI2 [mA] Value of analogue input AI2. 1 = 0.001 mA 01.20 AI3 [mA] 1 = 0.001 mA 01.21 RO3-1 STATUS Value of analogue input AI3. Status of relay outputs. Example: 001 = RO1 is energized, RO2 and RO3 are de-energized. 01.22 AO1 [mA] Value of analogue output AO1. 1 = 0.001 mA 01.23 AO2 [mA] Value of analogue output AO2. Feedback signal for the process PID controller. Updated only when parameter 99.02 = PID CTRL Feedback signal for the process PID controller. Updated only when parameter 99.02 = PID CTRL 01.18 AI1 [V] 01.24 ACTUAL VALUE 1 01.25 ACTUAL VALUE 2 Deviation of the process PID controller, i.e. the difference between the reference value and the actual value. Updated only when 01.26 CONTROL DEVIATION parameter 99.02 = PID CTRL. 1 = 0.001 mA 0 = 0% 10000 -10000 = -100% 10000 = 100% -10000 = 100% 10000 = 100% Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 77 01.27 APPLICATION MACRO Estimated motor temperature. 01.28 EXT AO1 [mA] Value of output 1 of the analogue I/O extension module (optional). 01.29 EXT AO2 [mA] Value of output 2 of the analogue I/O extension module (optional). IGBT maximum temperature in inverter no. 1 (used only in high 01.30 PP 1 TEMP power units with parallel inverters). IGBT maximum temperature in inverter no. 2 (used only in high 01.31 PP 2 TEMP power units with parallel inverters). IGBT maximum temperature in inverter no. 3 (used only in high 01.32 PP 3 TEMP power units with parallel inverters). IGBT maximum temperature in inverter no. 4 (used only in high 01.33 PP 4 TEMP power units with parallel inverters). 01.34 ACTUAL VALUE Process PID controller actual value. See parameter 40.06. 01.35 MOTOR 1 TEMP Measured temperature of motor 1. See parameter 35.01 01.36 MOTOR 2 TEMP Measured temperature of motor 2. See parameter 35.04. 0 / No Inversion 1 = 0.001 mA 1 = 0.001 mA 1 = 1 °C 1 = 1 °C 1 = 1 °C 1 = 1 °C 0 = 0% 10000 = 100% 1 = 1 °C 1 = 1 °C 1 = 1 °C 01.37 MOTOR TEMP EST Estimated motor temperature. Value of analogue input AI5 read from AI1 of the analogue I/O extension module (optional). A voltage signal is also displayed in 01.38 AI5 [mA] mA (instead of V). Value of analogue input AI6 read from AI2 of the analogue I/O extension module (optional). A voltage signal is also displayed in 01.39 AI6 [mA] mA (instead of V). Status of digital inputs DI7 to DI12 read from the digital I/O extension modules (optional). E.g. value 000001: DI7 is on, DI8 to 01.40 DI7-12 STATUS DI12 are off Status of the relay outputs on the digital I/O extension modules (optional). E.g. value 0000001: RO1 of module 1 is energized. 01.41 EXT RO STATUS Other relay outputs are de-energized. Motor actual speed in percent of the Absolute Maximum Speed. If 01.42 PROCESS SPEED REL parameter 99.04 is SCALAR, the value is the relative actual output frequency. Motor run time counter. The counter runs when the inverter 01.43 MOTOR RUN TIME modulates. Can be reset by parameter 34.06. Running time of the drive cooling fan. Note: The counter can be reset by the DriveWindow PC tool. 01.44 FAN ON-TIME Resetting is recommended when the fan is replaced. 01.45 CTRL BOARD TEMP No. Name/Value Control board temperature. Description 02 ACTUAL SIGNALS Speed and torque reference monitoring signals. 02.01 SPEED REF 2 Limited speed reference. 100% corresponds to the Absolute Maximum Speed of the motor. 02.02 SPEED REF 3 Ramped and shaped speed reference. 100% corresponds to the Absolute Maximum Speed of the motor. Speed controller output. 100% corresponds to the motor nominal torque. 02.09 TORQ REF 2 02.10 TORQ REF 3 Torque reference. 100% corresponds to the motor nominal torque. 1 = 0.001 mA 1 = 0.001 mA 1=1 1=1 1=1 1 = 10 h 10 FbEq 0 = 0% 20000 = 100% of motor absolute max. speed 20000 = 100% 0 = 0% 10000 = 100% of motor nominal torque 10000 = 100% Document number Revision Page 02.13 TORQ USED REF 02.14 FLUX REF 02.17 SPEED ESTIMATED 02.18 SPEED MEASURED 03 ACTUAL SIGNALS D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 78 Torque reference after frequency, voltage and torque limiters. 100% corresponds to the motor nominal torque. Flux reference in percent. 10000 = 100% Estimated motor speed. 100% corresponds to the Absolute Maximum Speed of the motor. Measured motor actual speed (zero when no encoder is used). 100% corresponds to the Absolute Maximum Speed of the motor. Data words for monitoring of fieldbus communication (each signal is a 16-bit data word). 20000 = 100% 03.01 MAIN CTRL WORD A 16-bit data word. 03.02 MAIN STATUS WORD A 16-bit data word. 03.03 AUX STATUS WORD A 16-bit data word. 03.04 LIMIT WORD 1 A 16-bit data word. 03.05 FAULT WORD 1 A 16-bit data word. 03.06 FAULT WORD 2 A 16-bit data word. 03.07 SYSTEM FAULT A 16-bit data word. 03.08 ALARM WORD 1 A 16-bit data word. 03.09 ALARM WORD 2 A 16-bit data word. 03.11 FOLLOWER MCW A 16-bit data word. 03.12 INT FAULT INFO A 16-bit data word. 10000 = 100% 20000 = 100% 03.13 AUX STATUS WORD 3 A 16-bit data word. 03.14 AUX STATUS WORD 4 A 16-bit data word. 03.15 FAULT WORD 4 A 16-bit data word. 03.16 ALARM WORD 4 A 16-bit data word. 03.17 FAULT WORD 5 A 16-bit data word. 03.18 ALARM WORD 5 A 16-bit data word. 3.20 LATEST FAULT Fieldbus code of the latest fault. 3.21 2. LATEST FAULT Fieldbus code of the 2nd latest fault. 3.23 3. LATEST FAULT Fieldbus code of the 3rd latest fault. 3.24 4. LATEST FAULT Fieldbus code of the 4th latest fault. 3.25 5. LATEST FAULT Fieldbus code of the 5th latest fault. 3.26 LATEST WARNING Fieldbus code of the latest warning. 3.27 2. LATEST WARNING Fieldbus code of the 2nd latest warning. 3.28 3. LATEST WARNING Fieldbus code of the 3rd latest warning. 3.29 4. LATEST WARNING Fieldbus code of the 4th latest warning. 3.30 5. LATEST WARNING Fieldbus code of the 5th latest warning. 09 ACTUAL SIGNALS Signals for the Adaptive Program 09.01 AI1 SCALED 20000 = 10 V Value of analogue input AI1 scaled to an integer value. 09.02 AI2 SCALED Value of analogue input AI2 scaled to an integer value. 09.03 AI3 SCALED Value of analogue input AI3 scaled to an integer value. 09.04 AI5 SCALED Value of analogue input AI5 scaled to an integer value. 20000 = 20 mA 20000 = 20 mA 20000 = 20 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 79 mA 09.05 AI6 SCALED Value of analogue input AI6 scaled to an integer value. 09.06 DS MCW 09.07 MASTER REF1 09.08 MASTER REF2 09.09 AUX DS VAL1 09.10 AUX DS VAL2 09.11 AUX DS VAL3 Control Word (CW) of the Main Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface Reference 1 (REF1) of the Main Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface Reference 2 (REF2) of the Main Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface Reference 3 (REF3) of the Auxiliary Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface Reference 4 (REF4) of the Auxiliary Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface Reference 5 (REF5) of the Auxiliary Reference Dataset received from the master station through the fieldbus interface 20000 = 20 mA 0 ... 65535 (Decimal) -32768 ... 32767 -32768 ... 32767 -32768 ... 32767 -32768 ... 32767 -32768 ... 32767 Table 4-3 Relevant Drive Parameters/Selections Index Name/Selection 10 START/STOP/DIR 10.01 EXT1 STRT/STP/DIR NOT SEL Description FbEq The sources for external start, stop and direction control Defines the connections and the source of the start, stop and direction commands for external control location 1 (EXT1). No start, stop and direction command source. Start and stop through digital input DI1. 0 = stop; 1 = start. Direction is fixed according to parameter 10.3 DIRECTION. WARNING! After a fault reset, the drive will start if the start signal is ON. Start and stop through digital input DI1. 0 = stop, 1 = start. Direction through digital input DI2. 0 = forward, 1 = reverse. To control direction, parameter 10.03 DIRECTION must be REQUEST. WARNING! After a fault reset, the drive will start if the start signal is ON. Pulse start through digital input DI1. 0 -> 1: Start. Pulse stop through digital input DI2. 1 -> 0: Stop. Direction of rotation is fixed according to parameter 10.03 DIRECTION. Pulse start through digital input DI1. 0 -> 1: Start. Pulse stop through digital input DI2. 1 -> 0: Stop. Direction through digital input DI3. 0 = forward, 1 = reverse. To control direction, parameter 10.03 DIRECTION must be REQUEST. Pulse start forward through digital input DI1. 0 -> 1: Start forward. Pulse start reverse through digital input DI2. 0 -> 1: Start reverse. Pulse stop through digital input DI3. 1 -> .0.: stop. To control the direction, parameter 10.03 DIRECTION must be REQUEST. 1 DI6 See selection DI1. 7 DI6, 5 See selection DI1, 2. Control panel. To control the direction, parameter 10.03 DIRECTION must be REQUEST. 8 COMM.CW Fieldbus Control Word. 10 DI7 See selection DI1 11 DI1 DI1, 2 DI1P, 2P DI1P, 2P, 3 DI1P, 2P, 3P KEYPAD 2 3 4 5 6 9 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 80 DI7, 8 See selection DI1, 2. 12 DI7P, 8P See selection DI1P, 2P. 13 DI7P, 8P, 9 See selection DI1P, 2P, 3. 14 DI7P, 8P, 9P See selection DI1P, 2P, 3P. 15 PARAM 10.04 Source selected by 10.04 Defines the connections and the source of the start, stop and direction commands for external control location 2 (EXT2). 16 10.02 EXT2 STRT/STP/DIR NOT SEL See parameter 10.01. 1 DI1 See parameter 10.01. 2 DI1, 2 See parameter 10.01. 3 DI1P, 2P See parameter 10.01. 4 DI1P, 2P, 3 See parameter 10.01. 5 DI1P, 2P, 3P See parameter 10.01. 6 DI6 See parameter 10.01. 7 DI6, 5 See parameter 10.01. 8 KEYPAD See parameter 10.01. 9 COMM.CW See parameter 10.01. 10 DI7 See parameter 10.01. 11 DI7,8 See parameter 10.01. 12 DI7P, 8P See parameter 10.01. 13 DI7P, 8P, 9 See parameter 10.01. 14 DI7P, 8P, 9P See parameter 10.01. 15 PARAM 10.05 Source selected by 10.05 Enables the control of direction of rotation of the motor, or fixes the direction. 16 10.03 DIRECTION FORWARD Fixed to forward 1 REVERSE Fixed to reverse 2 REQUEST Direction of rotation control allowed 3 11 REFERENCE SELECT Panel reference type, external control location selection and external reference sources and limits 11.01 KEYPAD REF SEL Selects the type of the reference given from panel. Speed reference in rpm. (Frequency reference (Hz) if parameter 99.04 is SCALAR.) REF2(%) %-reference. The use of REF2 varies depending on the application macro. For example, if the Torque Control macro is selected, REF2 is the torque reference. 11.02 EXT1/EXT2 SELECT Defines the source from which the drive reads the signal that selects between the two external control locations, EXT1 or EXT2. DI1 thru DI6 Digital input DI1 – D6. 0=EXT1, 1=EXT2 REF1(rpm) 1 2 1-6 EXT1 Decel Time 2 7 EXT2 COMM.CW(11) DI7 thru DI12 PARAM 11.09 11.03 EXT REF1 SELECT Sp.ref interp TC Fieldbus Control Word, bit 11. See selection DI1 Source selected by parameter 11.09. Selects the signal source for external reference REF1 8 9 10-15 16 Document number Revision Page KEYPAD VARIOUS AI and JOYSTICK SELECTIONS COMM. REF 11.04 EXT REF1 MINIMUM 0… 18000 rpm 11.05 EXT REF1 MAXIMUM 0 ... 18000 rpm 12 CONSTANT SPEEDS ********** D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 81 Control panel. The first line on the display shows the reference value. 1 See parameter 11.03 See parameter 11.03. Defines the minimum value for external reference REF1 (absolute value). Corresponds to the minimum setting of the source signal used. Setting range in rpm. (Hz if parameter 99.04 is SCALAR.) Example: Analogue input AI1 is selected as the reference source (value of parameter 11.03 is AI1). The reference minimum and maximum correspond the AI minimum and maximum settings as follows: EXT REF1 Range 2-19, 21-38 20 Note: If the reference is given through fieldbus, the scaling differs from that of an analogue signal. See the chapter Fieldbus control for more information. Defines the maximum value for external reference REF1 (absolute value). Corresponds to the maximum setting of the used source signal. Setting range. (Hz if value of parameter 99.04 is SCALAR.) See parameter 11.04. 1 . 18000 Constant speed selection and values. An active constant speed overrides the drive speed reference. Note: If parameter 99.04 is SCALAR, the constant speeds are given in Hertz and only speeds 1 to 5 and speed 15 are in use. GROUP NOT TYPICALLY USED IN NOI APPLICATIONS 1 … 18000 1... 18000 ********** 13 ANALOGUE INPUTS The analogue input signal processing GROUP NOT TYPICALLY USED IN NOI APPLICATIONS 14 RELAY OUTPUTS Status information indicated through the relay outputs, and the relay operating delays ********** 14.01 RELAY RO1 OUTPUT NOT USED READY RUNNING FAULT FAULT(-1) FAULT(RST) STALL WARN STALL FLT MOT TEMP WRN Selects a drive status indicated through relay output RO1. The relay energizes when the status meets the setting. Not used. Ready to function: Run Enable signal on, no fault. Running: Start signal on, Run Enable signal on, no active fault. Fault Inverted fault. Relay is de-energized on a fault trip. Fault. Automatic reset after the autoreset delay. See parameter group 31 AUTOMATIC RESET. Warning by the stall protection function. See parameter 30.10. Fault trip by the stall protection function. See parameter 30.10. Warning trip of the motor temperature supervision function. See parameter 30.04. ********** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Document number Revision Page MOT TEMP FLT D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 82 Fault trip of the motor temperature supervision function. See parameter 30.04. 12\0 ACS TEMP WRN Warning by the drive temperature supervision function: 115 °C (239°F). 11 ACS TEMP FLT Fault trip by the drive temperature supervision function: 125 °C(257°F). Fault or warning active Warning active Motor rotates in reverse direction. Drive is under external control. External reference REF 2 is in use. A constant speed is in use. See parameter group 12 CONSTANT SPEEDS. The intermediate circuit DC voltage has exceeded the overvoltage limit. The intermediate circuit DC voltage has fallen below the undervoltage limit. Motor speed at supervision limit 1. See parameters 32.01 and 32.02. Motor speed at supervision limit 2. See parameters 32.03 and 32.04. Motor current at the supervision limit. See parameters 32.05 and 32.06. External reference REF1 at the supervision limit. See parameters 32.11 and 32.12. External reference REF2 at the supervision limit. See parameters 32.13 and 32.14. Motor torque at supervision limit 1. See parameters 32.07 and 32.08. Motor torque at supervision limit 2. See parameters 32.09 and 32.10. The drive has received the start command. The drive has no reference. The actual value has reached the reference value. In speed control, the speed error is less or equal to 10% of the nominal motor speed. Process PID controller variable ACT1 at the supervision limit. See parameters 32.15 and 32.16. Process PID controller variable ACT2 at the supervision limit. See parameters 32.17 and 32.18. The relay is controlled by fieldbus reference REF3. See the chapter Fieldbus control. Source selected by parameter 14.16. On/Off control of a mechanical brake. See parameter group 42 BRAKE CONTROL. Selects the drive status to be indicated through relay output RO2. The relay energizes when the status meets the setting. 12 13 14 15 16 17 See parameter 14.01. See parameter 14.01. Source selected by parameter 14.17. See parameter 14.01. Selects the drive status to be indicated through relay output RO3. The relay energizes when the status meets the setting. 1-32 33 34 35 See parameter 14.01. See parameter 14.01 The motor is magnetized and ready to give nominal torque (nominal magnetizing of the motor has been reached). User Macro 2 is in use. See parameter 14.01. Source selected by parameter 14.18. See parameter 14.01. 1-3, 5-30 4 FAULT/WARN WARNING REVERSED EXT CTRL REF 2 SEL CONST SPEED DC OVERVOLT DC UNDERVOLT SPEED 1 LIM SPEED 2 LIM CURRENT LIM REF 1 LIM REF 2 LIM TORQUE 1 LIM TORQUE 2 LIM STARTED LOSS OF REF AT SPEED ACT 1 LIM ACT 2 LIM COMM.REF3(13) PARAM 14.16 BRAKE CTRL 14.02 RELAY RO2 OUTPUT SELECTIONS SAME AS 14.01 COMM. REF3(14) PARAM 14.17 BRAKE CTRL 14.03 RELAY RO3 OUTPUT SELECTIONS SAME AS 14.01 FAULT MAGN READY USER 2 SEL COMM. REF3(15) PARAM 14.18 BRAKE CTRL 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 31 32 33 34 35 Document number Revision Page 15 ANALOGUE OUTPUTS ********** D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 83 Selection of the actual signals to be indicated through the analogue outputs. Input signal processing. GROUP NOT TYPICALLY USED IN NOI APPLICATIONS ********** 16 SYSTEM CTRL INPUTS Run Enable, parameter lock etc. Sets the Run Enable signal on, or selects a source for the external Run Enable signal. If Run Enable signal is switched off, the drive will not start or stops if it is running. The stop mode is set by parameter 21.07. YES Run Enable signal is on DI1 External signal required through digital input DI1. 1 = Run Enable. DI2 thru DI12 See selection DI1. COMM.CW(3) External signal required through the Fieldbus Control Word (bit 3). PARAM 16.08 Source selected by parameter 16.08. 16.04 FAULT RESET SEL Selects the source for the fault reset signal. The signal resets the drive after a fault trip if the cause of the fault no longer exists. NOT SEL Fault reset only from the control panel keypad (RESET key). 16.01 RUN ENABLE 1 2 3-7, 9-14 8 15 1 DI1 DI2 thru DI12 COMM.CW(7) ON STOP Reset through digital input DI1 or by control panel: - If the drive is in external control mode: Reset by a rising edge of DI1. - If the drive is in local control mode: Reset by the RESET key of the control panel. See selection DI1. Reset through the fieldbus Control Word (bit 7), or by the RESET key of the control panel. Reset along with the stop signal received through a digital input, or by the RESET key of the control panel. 2 2-7, 10-15 8 9 20 LIMITS Drive operation limits. Defines the allowed minimum speed. The limit cannot be set if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. Note: The limit is linked to the motor nominal speed setting i.e. parameter 99.08. If 99.08 is changed, the default speed limit will also change. -18000 / (no. of pole pairs) . Minimum speed limit Par. 20.02 rpm 20.02 MAXIMUM SPEED Defines the allowed maximum speed. The value cannot be set if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. Note: The limit is linked to the motor nominal speed setting i.e. parameter 99.08. If 99.08 is changed, the default speed limit will also change. 20.01 MINIMUM SPEED -18000 / (no. of pole pairs) . Maximum speed limit Par. 20.01 rpm 20.03 MAXIMUM Defines the allowed maximum motor current in percent of the rated CURRENT heavy-duty use output current (I2hd). 0.0… 200.0% · Ihd Current limit 20.04 TORQ MAX LIM1 Defines the maximum torque limit 1 for the drive. 0.0… 600.0% Value of limit in percent of motor nominal torque. 20.05 OVERVOLTAGE Activates or deactivates the overvoltage control of the intermediate DC CTRL link. Fast braking of a high inertia load causes the voltage to rise to the overvoltage control limit. To prevent the DC voltage from exceeding the limit, the overvoltage controller automatically decreases the braking torque. Note: If a brake chopper and resistor are connected to the drive, the controller must be off (selection NO) to allow chopper operation. OFF Undervoltage control deactivated. 1 = 1 rpm 1 = 1 rpm 0… 20000 0… 60000 0 Document number Revision Page ON 20.07 MINIMUM FREQ -300.00 . 50 Hz 20.08 MAXIMUM FREQ D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 84 Undervoltage control activated. Defines the minimum limit for the drive output frequency. The limit can be set only parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. Minimum frequency limit. Note: If the value is positive, the motor cannot be run in the reverse direction. Defines the maximum limit for the drive output frequency. The limit can be set only if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR -50… 300.00 Hz 20.11 P MOTORING LIM 0… 600% 20.12 P GENERATING LIM -600… 0% 20.13 MIN TORQ SEL MIN LIM1 DI1 DI2 thru DI12 AI1 AI2 thru AI6 PARAM 20.18 NEG MAX TORQ 20.14 MAX TORQ SEL MAX LIM1 DI1 DI2 thru DI12 AI1 AI2 PARAM 20.19 20.15 TORQ MIN LIM1 -600.0… 0.0% 21 START/STOP 21.01 START FUNCTION AUTO Maximum frequency limit Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the inverter to the motor. Power limit in percent of the motor nominal power 65535 -30000 . 5000 -5000 . 30000 0… 60000 Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the motor to the inverter. Power limit in percent of the motor nominal power Selects the minimum torque limit for the drive. Value of parameter 20.15. Digital input DI1. 0: Value of parameter 20.15. 1: Value of parameter 20.16. See selection DI1. Analogue input AI1. See parameter 20.20 on how the signal is converted to a torque limit. See selection AI1. Limit given by 20.18 Inverted maximum torque limit defined by parameter 20.14 Defines the maximum torque limit for the drive. Value of parameter 20.14. Digital input DI1. 0: Value of parameter 20.04. 1: Value of parameter 20.17. See selection DI1. Analogue input AI1. See parameter 20.20 on how the signal is converted to a torque limit. See selection AI1. Limit given by 20.19 Defines the minimum torque limit 1 for the drive. Value of limit in percent of motor nominal torque -60000 . 0 0… 60000 Start and stop modes of the motor. Selects the motor starting method. Automatic start guarantees optimal motor start in most cases. It includes the flying start function (starting to a rotating machine) and the automatic restart function (stopped motor can be restarted immediately without waiting the motor flux to die away). The drive motor control program identifies the flux as well as the mechanical state of the motor and starts the motor instantly under all conditions. Note: If parameter 99.04 = SCALAR, no flying start or automatic restart is possible by default. The flying start feature needs to be activated separately by parameter 21.08. 1 1 2 3-13 14 15-18 19 20 1 2 3-13 14 15-18 19 Document number Revision Page DC MAGN CNST DC MAGN D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 85 DC magnetizing should be selected if a high break-away torque is required. The drive pre-magnetizes the motor before the start. The premagnetizing time is determined automatically, being typically 200 ms to 2 s depending on the motor size. DC MAGN guarantees the highest possible break-away torque. Note: Starting to a rotating machine is not possible when DC magnetizing is selected. Note: DC magnetizing cannot be selected if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. Constant DC magnetizing should be selected instead of DC magnetizing if constant pre-magnetizing time is required (e.g. if the motor start must be simultaneous with a mechanical brake release). This selection also guarantees the highest possible break-away torque when the pre-magnetizing time is set long enough. The premagnetizing time is defined by parameter 21.02. Note: Starting to a rotating machine is not possible when DC magnetizing is selected. Note: DC magnetizing cannot be selected if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. WARNING! The drive will start after the set magnetizing time has passed although the motor magnetization is not completed. Ensure always in applications where a full break-away torque is essential, that the constant magnetizing time is long enough to allow generation of full magnetization and torque. 21.02 CONST MAGN TIME Defines the magnetizing time in the constant magnetizing mode. See parameter 21.01. After the start command, the drive automatically premagnetizes the motor the set time. 30.0… 10000.0 ms Magnetising time. To ensure full magnetising, set this value to the same value as or higher than the rotor time constant. If not known, use the rule-of-thumb value given in the table below: 2 3 30… 10000 21.03 STOP FUNCTION COAST RAMP 21.07 RUN ENABLE FUNC RAMP STOP Selects the motor stop function. Stop by cutting of the motor power supply. The motor coasts to a stop. WARNING! If the mechanical brake control function is on, the application program uses ramp stop in spite of the selection COAST (see parameter group 42 BRAKE CONTROL). Stop along a ramp. See parameter group 22 ACCEL/DECEL. Selects the stop mode applied when the Run Enable signal is switched off. The Run Enable signal is put into use by parameter 16.01. Note: The setting overrides the normal stop mode setting (parameter 21.03) when the Run Enable signal is switched off. WARNING! The drive will restart after the Run Enable signal restores (if the start signal is on). The application program stops the drive along the deceleration ramp defined in group 22 ACCEL/DECEL. 1 2 1 Document number Revision Page COAST STOP OFF2 STOP OFF3 STOP 21.09 START INTRL FUNC OFF2 STOP OFF3 STOP 22 ACCEL/DECEL 22.01 ACC/DEC SEL ACC/DEC 1 ACC/DEC 2 DI1 DI2 thru DI12 PAR 22.08&09 22.02 ACCEL TIME 1 0.00… 1800.00 s D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 86 The application program stops the drive by cutting off the motor power supply (the inverter IGBTs are blocked). The motor rotates freely to zero speed. WARNING! If the brake control function is on, the application program uses ramp stop in spite of the selection COAST STOP (see parameter group 42 BRAKE CONTROL). The application program stops the drive by cutting off the motor power supply (the inverter IGBTs are blocked). The motor rotates freely to zero speed. The drive will restart only when the Run Enable signal is on and the start signal is switched on (the program receives the rising edge of the start signal). The application program stops the drive along the ramp defined by parameter 22.07. The drive will restart only when the Run Enable is on and the start signal is switched on (the program receives the rising edge of the start signal). Drive running: 1 = Normal operation. 0 = Stop by coasting. Drive stopped: 1 = Start allowed. 0 = No start allowed. Restart after OFF2 STOP: Input is back to 1 and the drive receives rising edge of the Start signal. Drive running: 1 = Normal operation. 0 = Stop by ramp. The ramp time is defined by parameter 22.07 EM STOP RAMP. Drive stopped: 1 = Normal start. 0 = No start allowed. Restart after OFF3 STOP: Start Interlock input = 1 and the drive receives rising edge of the Start signal. Acceleration and deceleration times. Selects the active acceleration/deceleration time pair. Acceleration time 1 and deceleration time 1 are used. See parameters 22.02 and 22.03. Acceleration time 2 and deceleration time 2 are used. See parameters 22.04 and 22.05. Acceleration/deceleration time pair selection through digital input DI1. 0 = Acceleration time 1 and deceleration time 1 are in use. 1 = Acceleration time 2 and deceleration time 2 are in use. See selection DI1. Acceleration and deceleration times given by parameters 22.08 and 22.09 Defines the acceleration time 1 i.e. the time required for the speed to change from zero to the maximum speed. - If the speed reference increases faster than the set acceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the acceleration rate. - If the speed reference increases slower than the set acceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the reference signal. - If the acceleration time is set too short, the drive will automatically prolong the acceleration in order not to exceed the drive operating limits. Acceleration time 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4-14 15 0… 18000 Document number Revision Page 22.03 DECEL TIME 1 0.00… 1800.00 s 22.07 EM STOP RAMP TIME D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 87 Defines the deceleration time 1 i.e. the time required for the speed to change from the maximum (see parameter 20.02) to zero. - If the speed reference decreases slower than the set deceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the reference signal. - If the reference changes faster than the set deceleration rate, the motor speed will follow the deceleration rate. - If the deceleration time is set too short, the drive will automatically prolong the deceleration in order not to exceed drive operating limits. If there is any doubt about the deceleration time being too short, ensure that the DC overvoltage control is on (parameter 20.05). Note: If a short deceleration time is needed for a high inertia application, the drive should be equipped with an electric braking option e.g. with a brake chopper and a brake resistor. Deceleration time Defines the time inside which the drive is stopped if - the drive receives an emergency stop command or - the Run Enable signal is switched off and the Run Enable function has value OFF3 (see parameter 21.07). The emergency stop command can be given through a fieldbus or an Emergency Stop module (optional). Consult the local ABB representative for more information on the optional module and the related settings of the Standard Application Program 0.00… 2000.00 s Deceleration time 27 BRAKE CHOPPER Control of the brake chopper. For more information, see the Brake Chopper User's Manual (code: 3AFE 64273507 [English]) 27.01 BRAKE CHOPPER CTL OFF ON Activates the brake chopper control. Inactive Active. Note: Ensure the brake chopper and resistor are installed and the overvoltage control is switched off (parameter 20.05). 30 FAULT FUNCTIONS Programmable protection functions 30.10 STALL FUNCTION Selects how the drive reacts to a motor stall condition. The protection wakes up if: - the motor torque is at the internal stall torque limit (not useradjustable) - the output frequency is below the level set by parameter 30.11 and - the conditions above have been valid longer than the time set by parameter 30.12. The drive trips on a fault. The drive generates a warning. The indication disappears in half of the time set by parameter 30.12. Protection is inactive. Activates the motor phase loss supervision function The drive generates a warning. The drive trips on a fault. Selects how the drive reacts in a fieldbus communication break, i.e. when the drive fails to receive the Main Reference Data Set or the Auxiliary Reference Data Set. The time delays are given by parameters 30.19 and 30.21. Protection is active. The drive trips on a fault and stops the motor as defined by parameter 21.03. Protection is inactive. FAULT WARNING NO 30.17 EARTH FAULT WARNING FAULT 30.18 COMM FLT FUNC FAULT NO 0… 18000 0… 200000 0 6553 1 2 3 0 65535 1 2 Document number Revision Page CONST SP 15 LAST SPEED D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 88 Protection is active. The drive generates a warning and sets the speed to the value defined by parameter 12.16. WARNING! Make sure that it is safe to continue operation in case of a communication break. Protection is active. The drive generates a warning and freezes the speed to the level the drive was operating at. The speed is determined by the average speed over the previous 10 seconds. WARNING! Make sure that it is safe to continue operation in case of a communication break. 42 BRAKE CONTROL 42.01 BRAKE CTRL OFF ON 42.02 BRAKE ACKNOWLEDGE OFF DI5 DI6 DI11 DI12 42.07 START TORQ REF SEL NO AI1 AI2-AI6 PAR 42.08 42.08 START TORQ REF -300… 300% 50 ENCODER MODULE Control of a mechanical brake. The function operates on a 100 ms time level. For the function description, see the chapter Program features. Activates the brake control function. Inactive Active Activates the external brake on/off supervision and selects the source for the signal. The use of the external on/off supervision signal is optional. Inactive Active. Digital input DI5 is the signal source. DI5 = 1: The brake is open. DI5 = 0: the brake is closed. See DI5. See DI5. See DI5. Selects the source for the motor starting torque reference applied at the brake release. The value is read in percent of the motor nominal torque. No source selected. This is the default value Analogue input AI1 Analogue input AI2-6 Defined by parameter 42.08. Defines the motor starting torque at brake release if parameter 42.07 has value PAR 40.28. Torque value in percent of the motor nominal torque Encoder connection. Visible only when a pulse encoder module (optional) is installed and activated by parameter 98.01. The settings will remain the same even though the application macro is changed. 50.01 PULSE NR 0… 29999 ppr 50.02 SPEED MEAS MODE A -B DIR States the number of encoder pulses per one revolution. Pulse number in pulses per round (ppr) A - Channel A: positive and negative edges calculated for speed. Channel B: not used. Channel A: positive and negative edges are calculated for speed. Channel B: direction. All edges of the signals are calculated. 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3-6 7 -30000… 30000 0… 29999 Defines how the encoder pulses are calculated. Channel A: positive edges calculated for speed. Channel B: direction. 1 A - B DIR A - B - 2 3 4 Document number Revision Page 50.03 ENCODER FAULT WARNING FAULT 50.05 ENCODER DDCS CHANNEL CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 50.06 SPEED FB SEL INTERNAL ENCODER 51 COMMUNICATION MODULE 52 STANDARD MODBUS ********** 60 MASTER/ FOLLOWER 60.01 MASTER LINK MODE NOT IN USE MASTER FOLLOWER D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 89 Defines the operation of the drive if a failure is detected in communication between the pulse encoder and the pulse encoder interface module, or between the module and the drive. Encoder supervision function activates if either of the following conditions is valid: -There is a 20% difference between the estimated speed and the measured speed received from the encoder. - No pulses are received from the encoder within the defined time (see parameter 50.04) and the motor torque is at the allowed maximum value. The drive generates a warning indication. The drive trips on a fault, gives a fault indication and stops the motor. Defines the fibre optic channel of the control board from which the drive program reads the signals coming from the pulse encoder interface module. The setting is valid only if the module is connected to the drive via the DDCS link ( i.e. not to the option slot of the drive). Signals via channel 1 (CH1). The pulse encoder interface module must be connected to CH1 instead of CH2 in applications where CH2 is reserved by a Master station (e.g. a Master/Follower application). See also parameter 70.03. Signals via channel 2 (CH2). Can be used in most cases. Defines the speed feedback value used in control. Calculated speed estimate Actual speed measured with an encoder The parameters are visible and need to be adjusted, only when a fieldbus adapter module (optional) is installed and activated by parameter 98.02. For details on the parameters, refer to the manual of the fieldbus module. These parameter settings will remain the same even though the macro is changed. The settings for the Standard Modbus Link. See the chapter Fieldbus control. GROUP NOT TYPICALLY USED IN NOI APPLICATIONS 1 65535 1 2 65535 ********** Master/Follower application. For more information, see the chapter Program features and a separate Master/Follower Application Guide. Defines the role of the drive on the Master/Follower link. The Master/Follower link is not active. Master drive Follower drive 1 2 3 70 DDCS CONTROL Settings for the fibre optic channels 0, 1 and 3. 70.01 CHANNEL 0 ADDR Defines the node address for channel 0. No two nodes on-line may have the same address. The setting needs to be changed when a master station is connected to channel 0 and it does not automatically change the address of the slave. Examples of such masters are an ABB Advant Controller or another drive. 1… 125 Address. 70.02 CHANNEL 3 ADDR Node address for channel 3. No two nodes on-line may have the same address. Typically the setting needs to be changed when the drive is connected in a ring which consists of several drives and a PC with the DriveWindow® program running. 1… 254 Address. 1… 125 1… 254 Document number Revision Page 70.03 CH1 BAUDRATE 8 Mbits 4 Mbits 2 Mbits 1 Mbits 70.04 CH0 DDCS HW CONN RING STAR 83 ADAPT PROG CTRL D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 90 The communication speed of channel 1. Typically the setting needs to be changed only if the pulse encoder interface module is connected to channel 1 instead of channel 2. Then the speed must be changed to 4 Mbits. See also parameter 50.05. 8 megabits per second 4 megabits per second 2 megabits per second 1 megabits per second Selects the topology of the channel 0 link Devices are connected in a ring. Devices are connected in a star. Control of the Adaptive Program execution. For more information, see the Adaptive Program Application Guide (code: 3AFE 64527274 [English]). 0 1 2 3 0 1 83.01 ADAPT PROG CMD Selects the operation mode for the Adaptive Program. STOP START EDIT Stop. The program cannot be edited. Run. The program cannot be edited. Stop to edit mode. Program can be edited. ****NOTE: Edit mode must be selected on the target and source when trying to download an adaptive program.***** 84 ADAPTIVE PROGRAM - selections of the function blocks and their input connections. - diagnostics THIS GROUP SHALL NOT BE ALTERED BY ANY PERSONS OTHER THAN QUALIFIED NOI PERSONEL ********** 84 ADAPTIVE PROGRAM ********** ********** Storage of the Adaptive Program constants and messages. THIS GROUP SHALL NOT BE ALTERED BY ANY PERSONS OTHER THAN QUALIFIED NOI PERSONEL ********** 98 OPTION MODULES 98.01 ENCODER MODULE NTAC NO RTAC-SLOT1 RTAC-SLOT2 RTAC-DDCS 98.02 COMM. MODULE LINK NO FIELDBUS ADVANT Activates the communication to the optional pulse encoder module. See also parameter group 50 ENCODER MODULE. Communication active. Module type: NTAC module. Connection interface: Fibre optic DDCS link. Note: Module node number must be set to 16. Inactive Communication active. Module type: RTAC. Connection interface: Option slot 1 of the drive Communication active. Module type: RTAC. Connection interface: Option slot 2 of the drive. Communication active. Module type: RTAC. Connection interface: Option module rack of the drive (communicates with the drive through a fibre optic DDCS link). Note: Module node number must be set to 16. Activates the external serial communication and selects the interface. No communication The drive communicates via a fieldbus adapter module in option slot 1 of the drive, or via CH0 on the RDCO board. See also parameter group 51 COMMUNICATION MODULE. The drive communicates with an ABB Advant OCS system via CH0 on the RDCO board (optional). See also parameter group 70 DDCS CONTROL. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Document number Revision Page STD MODBUS CUSTOMISED D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 91 The drive communicates with a Modbus controller via the Modbus Adapter Module (RMBA) in option slot 1 of the drive. See also parameter 52 STANDARD MODBUS. The drive communicates via a customer specified link. The control sources are defined by parameters 90.04 and 90.05. 4 5 99 START-UP DATA Language selection. Definition of motor set-up data. 99.01 LANGUAGE ENGLISH(AM) 99.02 APPLICATION MACRO FACTORY HAND/AUTO PID-CTRL T-CTRL SEQ CTRL USER 1 LOAD USER 1 SAVE USER 2 LOAD USER 2 SAVE 99.05 MOTOR NOM VOLTAGE ½… 2 · UN 99.06 MOTOR NOM CURRENT 0… 2 · I2hd Selects the display language. American English. If selected, the unit of power used is HP instead of kW. Selects the application macro. See the chapter Application macros for more information. Note: When you change the default parameter values of a macro, the new settings become valid immediately and stay valid even if the power of the drive is switched off and on. However, backup of the default parameter settings (factory settings) of each standard macro is still available. See parameter 99.03. 1 Factory for basic applications Two control devices are connected to the drive: - device 1 device communicates through the interface defined by external control location EXT1. - device 2 communicates through the interface defined by external control location EXT2. - EXT1 or EXT2 is active at a time. Switching through a digital input. PID control. For application in which the drive controls a process value. E.g. pressure control by the drive running the pressure boost pump. Measured pressure and the pressure reference are connected to the drive. Torque Control macro ****Note this selection is set on the slave drive, if application utilizes the master/slave drive arrangement**** Sequential Control macro. For applications that are frequently run through a pre-defined speed pattern (constant speeds and acceleration and deceleration ramps). User 1 macro loaded into use. Before loading, check that the saved parameter settings and the motor model are suitable for the application. Save User 1 macro. Stores the current parameter settings and the motor model. Note: There are parameters that are not included in the macros. See parameter 99.03. User 2 macro loaded into use. Before loading, check that the saved parameter settings and the motor model are suitable for the application. Save User 2 macro. Stores the current parameter settings and the motor model. Note: There are parameters that are not included in the macros. See parameter 99.03. Defines the nominal motor voltage. Must be equal to the value on the motor rating plate 1 Voltage. Allowed range is 1/2… 2 · UN of the drive Defines the nominal motor current. Must be equal to the value on the motor rating plate. Note: Correct motor run requires that the magnetizing current of the motor does not exceed 90 percent of the nominal current of the inverter. Allowed range: 1/6 . 2 · I2hd of ACS800 (parameter 99.04 = DTC). Allowed range: 0 . 2 · I2hd of ACS800 (parameter 99.04 = SCALAR). 1=1V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 = 0.1 A Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 92 99.07 MOTOR NOM FREQ Defines the nominal motor frequency. 8… 300 Hz Nominal frequency (50 or 60 Hz typically) 99.08 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor speed. Must be equal to the value on the SPEED motor rating plate. The motor synchronous speed or another approximate value must not be given instead! Note: If the value of parameter 99.08 is changed, the speed limits in parameter group 20 LIMITS change automatically as well. 1… 18000 rpm Nominal motor speed 99.09 MOTOR NOM Defines the nominal motor power. Set exactly as on the motor rating POWER plate. 0... 9000 kW Nominal motor power 99.10 MOTOR ID RUN Selects the type of the motor identification. During the identification, the drive will identify the characteristics of the motor for optimum motor control. The ID Run Procedure is described in the chapter Start-up; and control through the I/O. Note: The ID Run (STANDARD or REDUCED) should be selected if: - The operation point is near zero speed, and/or - Operation at torque range above the motor nominal torque within a wide speed range and without any measured speed feedback is required. Note: The ID Run (STANDARD or REDUCED) cannot be performed if parameter 99.04 = SCALAR. NO No ID Run. The motor model is calculated at first start by magnetizing the motor for 20 to 60 s at zero speed. This can be selected in most applications. Standard ID Run. Guarantees the best possible control accuracy. The STANDARD ID Run takes about one minute. Note: The motor must be de-coupled from the driven equipment. Note: Check the direction of rotation of the motor before starting the ID Run. During the run, the motor will rotate in the forward direction. REDUCED WARNING! The motor will run at up to approximately 50 . 80% of the nominal speed during the ID Run. ENSURE THAT IT IS SAFE TO RUN THE MOTOR BEFORE PERFORMING THE ID RUN! Reduced ID Run. Should be selected instead of the Standard ID Run: - if mechanical losses are higher than 20% (i.e. the motor cannot be decoupled from the driven equipment) - if flux reduction is not allowed while the motor is running (i.e. in case of a motor with an integrated brake supplied from the motor teminals). Note: Check the direction of rotation of the motor before starting the ID Run. During the run, the motor will rotate in the forward direction. WARNING! The motor will run at up to approximately 50 . 80% of the nominal speed during the ID Run. ENSURE THAT IT IS SAFE TO RUN THE MOTOR BEFORE PERFORMING THE ID RUN! Designates Parameter Group Typical NOI Application Setting 800… 30000 1… 18000 0… 90000 1 2 3 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 93 Document number Revision Page 5 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 94 INSTALLATION This section contains guidelines for installing NOI Model 800AC VSDS systems. This installation section is not intended to be a step-by-step procedure for installing the system, but more of an overall guide to aid in the installation. It will be necessary to refer to system drawings and documents for specific details about sub-systems. Once the system has been installed, the start up procedure should be followed. Any information not contained in this document can be found in the system manual or the system drawings. Any personnel involved in the installation and start up of this system should read all the documentation to before proceeding with any part of system installation and startup. 5.1 Mechanical Installation The VSDS system should only be lifted according to the job specific requirements. The systems may vary depending on customer requirements. Most systems are designed to be lifted either by forklift, or crane. Most systems lifted by forklift are provided with a lifting base with forklift fork accommodations typically in the base of the system. Systems that require a crane for movement typically have lifting bars or eyes for overhead lifting. Some systems will include shipping splits which are used to reduce the length and weight of the shipping sections. It is important to ensure that the individual shipping splits are placed in the correct orientation and bolted tightly together. 5.2 Electrical Installation The following section provides general guidelines that should be observed before applying power to the VSDS. It is important to ensure the VSDS system has the adequate ground connections. For stand alone systems installed in drilling modules, ensure that the base of the systems is seam welded to the deck. Also ensure that the cubicle frames are bolted (with star washers if cubicles are painted metal) properly to the system base. For systems which include a drive house, ensure that the proper size grounding conductor is installed to the dedicated ground bus on the house. Ensure the required control connections (encoders, profibus, fiber, etc.) are connected per the job specific drawings. Also ensure that the shielding on these signals is correct. The input and output power connections vary from system to system, so it is important to refer to your job’s electrical drawings in conjunction with this manual. Table 5-1 contains main terminal markings. Terminal Designator Definition Connected to B+ BU V Positive DC bus Negative DC bus Inverter output phase A Inverter output phase B + DC main bus - DC main bus Motor phase A Motor phase B Document number Revision Page W Inverter output phase C D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 95 Motor phase C Table 5-1 Inverter Main Terminal Designations Input power cables to the VSDS should be sized according to the cable schedule provided in the document package. As a general rule, the cable insulation should be rated for 600V and a temperature rise of 90C. It is also recommended that multi-core, 3 conductor cable be used to supply the input rectifiers. If not specified in the cable schedule, the ampacity of the cable should be adequate to carry the full load of the source which supplies the VSDS. It is recommended that multi-core, shielded VFD cable be used to connect the VSDS to the motor(s). For a 600V system, this cable is typically rated for 2000V, and a minimum of a 90 degree Celsius temperature rise. Be sure to consult the factory if unsure about cable sizes or ratings. See job specific drawings for exact termination point for input and output cables. The following list of guidelines should be observed before connecting any cable to the VSDS 1. Before connecting the motor or input cables to the VSDS, a qualified electrician or service technician should perform insulation tests on the cable. Check both the phase to ground insulation resistance and the phase to phase insulation resistance. In both cases, the resistance should be equal to or greater than 1 M 2. Before connecting the cables to the motors, be sure a qualified electrician or service engineer tests the motor insulation. The phase to ground and phase-to-phase insulation resistance should be a minimum of 1 M. The test voltage should be appropriate for the motor’s rated voltage. 3. Do not place the VSDS motor cables near other cables, such as supply or control cables. Avoid placing the motor cables in long parallel lines with other cables wherever possible. If motor cables are to be run along other cables, the following table is a guideline to use for establishing minimum distance between cables: DISTANCE BETWEEN CABLES 0.3m (1 foot) 1.0m (3.3 feet) SHIELDED CABLE Less than or equal to 50m (164 feet) Greater than 50m (164 feet) Table 5-2 Cable Spacing Guideline 4. Wherever possible, motor cables should cross other cables at 90 angles Special care must be given to the motor cables. They are unlike standard three phase cables. Each motor cable contains three drain wires as well as an overall shield. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 96 Figure 5-1 VFD Motor Cable Drawing The three phase conductors are connected to the inverter and motor using crimp style lugs and stainless steel hardware (except in the case where plugs are used). The drain wires and overall shield should be connected as per the diagram below. Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 97 Figure 5-2 VFD Motor Cable Connection Diagram Care should be taken to ensure that the earth cables or overall shield does not make contact with the phase conductors. This condition will create an electrical short in the cable and damage either the motor or the inverter. A solid connection to chassis ground must be established for the earth cables as well as the shield wire. These wires should be connected to an unpainted surface using crimp style lugs and stainless steel hardware. The length of these wires should be kept to the shortest length that is possible. The three earth cables are to be connected at both the motor and AC drives ends to provide the system earth connection. The shield armour connection only occurs at the inverter end of the cable. The motor end of the cable is left unconnected. It is important to ensure that all electrical cables have a tight connection. It is advisable to go over the entire system and check each connection point for loose connections. During shipment, some of the screws or bolts may have become loose due to vibrations. Document number Revision Page 6 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 98 TROUBLESHOOTING The following troubleshooting guideline is intended to act as an aid to fault tracing in the inverter. The majority of fault tracing is done through the inverter’s keypad. The information provided deals with the most common problems you may encounter. Therefore, a familiarity with the drive’s keypad/LCD display and how to navigate through its various menus is essential to being able to isolate the source of a problem. Due to the complex and unique operating environment in which this equipment operates, it is impossible to anticipate every possible problem and solution. If the equipment continues to present problems, or if the type of trouble exhibited by the equipment is not covered in this section, please contact your nearest National Oilwell representative to arrange service. 6.1 Warning and fault indications The drive is equipped with an internal system for indicating abnormal or failure conditions. In the event the drive detects an undesirable condition, it will display a warning or fault message on the control panel display. The latest warnings and faults are recorded together in the Fault History along with a time stamp identifying when the event occurred. Once the fault has been traced to its cause and then corrected, the drive may be reset. The drive can be reset by pressing the RESET key on the keypad, by digital input or fieldbus, or powering down the drive. 6.1.1 Programmable protection functions AI<Min AI<Min function defines the drive operation if an analogue input signal falls below the preset minimum limit. Settings Parameter 30.01. Panel Loss Panel Loss function defines the operation of the drive if the control panel selected as control location for the drive stops communicating. Settings Parameter 30.02. External Fault External Faults can be supervised by defining one digital input as a source for an external fault indication signal. Settings Parameter 30.03. Motor Thermal Protection The motor can be protected against overheating by activating the Motor Thermal Protection function and by selecting one of the motor thermal protection modes available. The Motor Thermal Protection modes are based either on a motor temperature thermal model or on an over temperature indication from a motor thermistor. Motor temperature thermal model The drive calculates the temperature of the motor on the basis of the following assumptions: Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 99 1. The motor is in the ambient temperature of 30 _C when power is applied to the drive. 2. Motor temperature is calculated using either the user-adjustable or automatically calculated motor thermal time and motor load curve (see the figures below). The load curve should be adjusted in case the ambient temperature exceeds 30 °C. Figure 6-1 Motor Thermal Load Curves Use of the motor thermistor It is possible to detect motor overtemperature by connecting a motor thermistor (PTC) between the +24 VDC voltage supply offered by the drive and digital input DI6. In normal motor operation temperature, the thermistor resistance should be less than 1.5 kohm (current 5 mA). The drive stops the motor and gives a fault indication if the thermistor resistance exceeds 4 kohm__ Settings Parameters 30.04 to 30.09. Note: It is also possible to use the motor temperature measurement function. See the subsection Motor temperature measurement through the standard I/O. Stall Protection The drive protects the motor in a stall situation. It is possible to adjust the supervision limits (frequency, time) and choose how the drive reacts to the motor stall condition (warning indication / fault indication & stop the drive / no reaction). Settings Parameters 30.10 to 30.12. Underload Protection Loss of motor load may indicate a process malfunction. The drive provides an under-load function to protect the machinery and process in such a serious fault condition. Supervision limits – under-load curve and under-load time - can be chosen as well as the action taken by the drive upon the under-load condition (warning indication / fault indication & stop the drive / no reaction). Settings Parameters 30.13 to 30.15. Motor Phase Loss The Phase Loss function monitors the status of the motor cable connection. The function is useful especially during the motor start: the drive detects if any of the motor phases is not Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 100 connected and refuses to start. The Phase Loss function also supervises the motor connection status during normal operation. Settings Parameter 30.16. Earth Fault Protection The Earth Fault Protection detects earth faults in the motor, the motor cable or the inverter. This protection is based on earth leakage current measurement with a summation current transformer at the input of the converter with the following provisions: An earth fault in the mains does not activate the protection. In an earthed (grounded) supply, the protection activates in 200 microseconds. In floating mains, the mains capacitance should be 1 microfarad or more. The capacitive currents due to screened copper motor cables up to 300 metres do not activate the protection. Settings Parameter 30.17. Communication Fault The Communication Fault function supervises the communication between the drive and an external control device (e.g. a fieldbus adapter module). Settings Parameters 30.18 to 30.21. Supervision of optional IO The function supervises the use of the optional analogue and digital inputs and outputs in the application program, and warns if the same input (output) is used for two purposes simultaneously. Settings Parameter 30.22. 6.1.2 Preprogrammed faults Overcurrent The overcurrent trip limit for the drive is 3.5 · I2hd (rated output current, heavy-duty use rating). 62 DC overvoltage The DC overvoltage trip limit is 1.3 ·U1max, where U1max is the maximum value of the mains voltage range. For 400 V units, U1max is 415 V. For 500 V units, U1max is 500 V. For 690 V units, U1max is 690 V. The actual voltage in the intermediate circuit corresponding to the mains voltage trip level is 728 VDC for 400 V units, 877 VDC for 500 V units, and 1210 VDC for 690 V units. DC undervoltage The DC undervoltage trip limit is 0.65 · U1min, where U1min is the minimum value of the mains voltage range. For 400V and 500V units, U1min is 380V. For 690 V units, U1min is 525V. The actual voltage in the intermediate circuit corresponding to the mains voltage trip level is 334VDC for 400V and 500V units, and 461VDC for 690V units. Drive temperature The drive supervises the inverter module temperature. If the inverter module temperature exceeds 115 °C, a warning is given. The temperature trip level is 125 °C. Short circuit Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 101 There are separate protection circuits for supervising the motor cable and the inverter short circuits. If a short circuit occurs, the drive will not start and a fault indication is given. Input phase loss Input phase loss protection circuits supervise the mains cable connection status by detecting intermediate circuit ripple. If a phase is lost, the ripple increases. The drive is stopped and a fault indication is given if the ripple exceeds 13%. Ambient temperature The drive will not start if the ambient temperature is below -5 to 0 °C or above 73 to 82 °C (the exact limits vary within the given ranges depending on drive type). Overfrequency If the drive output frequency exceeds the preset level, the drive is stopped and a fault indication is given. The preset level is 50 Hz over the operating range absolute maximum speed limit (Direct Torque Control mode active) or frequency limit (Scalar Control active). Internal fault If the drive detects an internal fault the drive is stopped and a fault indication is given. 6.1.3 Warning messages generated by the drive Figure 6-2 Drive Warning Messages Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 102 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 103 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 104 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 105 6.1.4 Warning messages generated by the control panel Figure 6-3 Control Panel Warning Messages Document number Revision Page 6.1.5 Fault messages generated by the drive Figure 6-4 Drive Fault Messages D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 106 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 107 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 108 Document number Revision Page D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 109 Document number Revision Page 7 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 110 MAINTENANCE This section reviews general maintenance issues and provides basic guidelines for consideration in preparing maintenance procedures. These are guidelines only however, and all items may not apply to every rig or component part. Specific maintenance procedures and details on replacement parts, filters, etc. are located throughout the Maintenance Manual. Regular operating personnel may carry out preventive maintenance as outlined in the Maintenance Manual. Specialists should perform other more complex types of maintenance. A qualified and experienced mechanic who is familiar with the equipment and the proper use of appropriate tools to complete each task should perform the disassembly, mechanical inspection and repair during equipment strip down. The National Oilwell Model 800 VSDS is designed and constructed to provide many years of reliable and cost-effective service. The only way this can be achieved is to maintain the equipment at optimum performance levels. The bottom line is that better maintenance equals better performance, equals better productivity, equals longer equipment life, and in some cases, the lives of personnel as well. The mechanical components used to create the operating systems on this piece of equipment have been selected to provide the most reliable yet cost-effective operation. Proper preventative maintenance should be considered an investment in smooth field operations with minimum downtime. Another consideration should be that when equipment is in the yard or shop for repairs or strip-down, new parts might be installed at far less expense than when the equipment is at a field location. In fact, if equipment is on location and the entire operation of the platform is shut down for emergency repairs, the cost of that repair can be many times that of a regular overhaul time repair. Under normal operating conditions, no regular maintenance is required. For systems that are shipped or moved regularly, it is recommended that the user check the tightness of all electrical connections after each move is completed. In general, the equipment must be kept clean and free of dust, dirt, or other contaminants. If the equipment is used in particularly dirty environments, it is recommended that the equipment is shutdown periodically and cleaned. This should be done with dry, compressed air. Document number Revision Page 8 D25TDS11-MAN-001 01 111 OPERATOR SKILLS AND TRAINING The operator shall receive on-the-job training from National Oilwell or a technician experienced in the operation of the Model 800AC VSDS. The operator shall have experience with the types of operations that the Model 800AC VSDS is to perform. The operator shall ensure that all safety procedures are followed while operating and maintaining the equipment. The operator shall study the available documentation during and after training to gain an overall understanding of how the equipment operates and what the limitations of the equipment are. Any questions about the operation and maintenance of the Model 800AC VSDS not covered in the available documentation should be referred to National Oilwell, Inc. Additional training regarding the operation and theory of AC drives is available by contacting National Oilwell’s Training Department at 713-935-8121. FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 10.0 Reliance Installation, Operating Manual (180-449) Installation, Operation and Maintenance Of Reliance® Standard Industrial AC Induction Motors z 180 – 449 Frames (NEMA) z 112 – 280 Frames (IEC) NEXT ASSY PRODUCT TDS-9S This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT DRAWN T. Harmon INITIAL J. Hensley CHECKED H. Lim S. Hansen APPVD H. Lim S. Hansen 07/22/2011 11/01/1996 DATE TITLE USER MANUAL RELIANCE MOTOR MANUAL 180-449 Frames (NEMA), 112-280 Frames (IEC) SCALE: WT LBS: SIZE: SHT: AV DWG NO.: 1 OF 1 REV: VDR00029 A D811000457-GEN-001/04 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 11.0 Reliance Installation, Operating Manual (L210-400) Installation, Operation and Maintenance Of RPM AC Inverter Duty Induction Motors FL180 – L440 Frames (Specifically designed for operation with Adjustable Speed Controls) NEXT ASSY PRODUCT TDS-9S This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco CURRENT DRAWN T. Harmon J. Hensley H. Lim S. Hansen APPVD H. Lim S. Hansen 08/02/2011 11/01/1996 USER MANUAL BALDOR RELIANCE MOTOR MANUAL FRAMES FL180 - L440 INITIAL CHECKED DATE TITLE SCALE: WT LBS: SIZE: SHT: AV DWG NO.: 1 OF 1 REV: VDR00030 B D811000457-GEN-001/04 RPM AC Inverter Duty Induction Motors FL180 - L440 Frames (Specifically designed for operation with adjustable Speed Controls) Installation & Operating Manual 9/08 MN406 Any trademarks used in this manual are the property of their respective owners. Table of Contents Section 1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparation for Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greater than 3 months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greater than 18 months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal From Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 2 Installation & Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stub Shaft Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stub Shaft Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doweling & Bolting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermostat Leads Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blower Motor Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shipping Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encoder Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optional Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Time Start Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3 Maintenance & Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relubrication & Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrication Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type of Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suggested bearing and winding RTD setting guidelines for Non-Hazardous Locations ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . MN406 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 Table of Contents i Section 1 General Information ii Table of Contents MN406 Section 1 General Information Overview Important: This manual contains general procedures that apply to BaldorReliance Motor products. Be sure to read and understand the Safety Notice statements in this manual. For your protection, do not install, operate or attempt to perform maintenance procedures until you understand the Warning and Caution statements. A Warning statement indicates a possible unsafe condition that can cause harm to personnel. A Caution statement indicates a condition that can cause damage to equipment. This instruction manual is not intended to include a comprehensive listing of all details for all procedures required for installation, operation and maintenance. This manual describes general guidelines that apply to most of the motor products shipped by Baldor. If you have a question about a procedure or are uncertain about any detail, Do Not Proceed. Please contact your Baldor District office for more information or clarification. Before you install, operate or perform maintenance, become familiar with the following: NEMA Publication MG‐2, Safety Standard for Construction and guide for Selection, Installation and Use of Electric Motors and Generators. ANSI C51.5 The National Electrical Code Local codes and Practices Limited Warranty Safety Notice: This equipment contains high voltage! Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt installation, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment. Be sure that you are completely familiar with NEMA publication MG‐2, safety standards for construction and guide for selection, installation and use of electric motors and generators, the National Electrical Code and local codes and practices. Unsafe installation or use can cause conditions that lead to serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment. WARNING: Do not touch electrical connections before you first ensure that power has been disconnected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment. WARNING: Disconnect all electrical power from the motor windings and accessory devices before disassembly of the motor. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. WARNING: The Adjustable Speed Controller may apply hazardous voltages to the motor leads after power to the controller has been turned off. Verify that the controller is incapable of delivering hazardous voltages and that the voltage at the motor leads is zero before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution may result in severe bodily injury or death. WARNING: Be sure the system is properly grounded before applying power. Do not apply AC power before you ensure that all grounding instructions have been followed. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. National Electrical Code and Local codes must be carefully followed. WARNING: Avoid extended exposure to machinery with high noise levels. Be sure to wear ear protective devices to reduce harmful effects to your hearing. WARNING: Surface temperatures of motor enclosures may reach temperatures which can cause discomfort or injury to personnel accidentally coming into contact with hot surfaces. When installing, protection should be provided by the user to protect against accidental contact with hot surfaces. Failure to observe this precaution could result in bodily injury. WARNING: This equipment may be connected to other machinery that has rotating parts or parts that are driven by this equipment. Improper use can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt to install operate or maintain this equipment. WARNING: Do not by‐pass or disable protective devices or safety guards. Safety features are designed to prevent damage to personnel or equipment. These devices can only provide protection if they remain operative. WARNING: Avoid the use of automatic reset devices if the automatic restarting of equipment can be hazardous to personnel or equipment. WARNING: Be sure the load is properly coupled to the motor shaft before applying power. The shaft key must be fully captive by the load device. Improper coupling can cause harm to personnel or equipment if the load decouples from the shaft during operation. WARNING: Use proper care and procedures that are safe during handling, lifting, installing, operating and maintaining operations. Improper methods may cause muscle strain or other harm. WARNING: Incorrect motor rotation direction can cause serious or fatal injury or equipment damage. Be sure to verify motor rotation direction before coupling the load to the motor shaft. WARNING: Motors that are to be used in flammable and/or explosive atmospheres must display the CSA listed logo. Specific service conditions for these motors are defined in NFPA 70 (NEC) Article 500. MN406 General Information 1-1 Section 1 General Information Safety Notice Continued WARNING: Pacemaker danger - Magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of current carrying carrying conductors and permanent magnet motors can result result in a serious health hazard to persons with cardiac pacemakers, metal implants, and hearing aids. To avoid risk, stay way from the area surrounding a permanent magnet motor. WARNING: RPM AC permanent magnet motors can induce voltage and current in the motor leads by rotating the motor shaft. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Therefore, do not couple the load to the motor shaft until all motor connections have been made. During any maintenance inspections, be sure the motor shaft will not rotate. WARNING: Before performing any motor maintenance procedure, be sure that the equipment connected to the motor shaft cannot cause shaft rotation. If the load can cause shaft rotation, disconnect the load from the motor shaft before maintenance is performed. Unexpected mechanical rotation of the motor parts can cause injury or motor damage. WARNING: Do not use non UL/CSA listed explosion proof motors in the presence of flammable or combustible vapors or dust. These motors are not designed for atmospheric conditions that require explosion proof operation. WARNING: UL Listed motors must only be serviced by UL Approved Authorized Baldor Service Centers if these motors are to be returned to a hazardous and/or explosive atmosphere. WARNING: Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. WARNING: C-Face motor is intended for mounting auxiliary equipment such as pumps and gears. When mounted horizontally Frames FL, RL and L280C thru L360C, and frames L400D thru L4461D must be supported by the feet and not by the C-Face on D-Flange alone. C-Face motors should be supported by the feet and not by the C-Face. Installations requiring a horizontally mounted motor in frames L280C - L440D must be supported by the feet as well as C-Face or D-Flange. Failure to observe these precautions can result in bodily injury and equipment damage. Caution: Use only a shielded motor power cable with a complete circumferential braided or copper film/tape ground jacket around the power leads. This ground should be secured to the motor frame from within the motor terminal box and must return without interruption to the drive ground. In addition, if the motor and coupled equipment are not on a single common metal baseplate, it is important to equalize the equipment ground potentials by bonding the motor frame to the coupled equipment using a high frequency conductor such as a braided strap. Caution: Do not over-lubricate motor as this may cause premature bearing failure. Caution: Do not lift the motor and its driven load by the motor lifting hardware. The motor lifting hardware is adequate for lifting only the motor. Disconnect the load (gears, pumps, compressors, or other driven equipment) from the motor shaft before lifting the motor. Caution: If eye bolts are used for lifting a motor, be sure they are securely tightened. The lifting direction should not exceed a 20° angle from the shank of the eye bolt or lifting lug. Excessive lifting angles can cause damage. Caution: To prevent equipment damage, be sure that the electrical service is not capable of delivering more than the maximum motor rated amps listed on the rating plate. Caution: If a HI POT test (High Potential Insulation test) must be performed, follow the precautions and procedure in NEMA MG1 and MG2 standards to avoid equipment damage. Caution: Do not use an induction oven to heat noise tested bearings. Arcing between the balls and races may damage the bearing. Failure to observe this precaution may result in equipment damage. Caution: Do not operate motors with a roller bearing unless a radial load is applied so that damage to the roller bearing does not occur. Caution: RPM AC permanent magnet motors with an open enclosure, such as DP-FV, should not be used where ferrous dust or particles may may be present . Totally enclosed permanent magnet motors are recommended for these applications. If you have any questions or are uncertain about any statement or procedure, or if you require additional information please contact your Baldor District office or an Authorized Baldor Service Center. Each BaldorReliance motor is thoroughly tested at the factory and carefully packaged for shipment. Receiving When you receive your motor, there are several things you should do immediately. 1. Observe the condition of the shipping container and report any damage immediately to the commercial carrier that delivered your motor. 2. Verify that the part number of the motor you received is the same as the part number listed on your purchase order. 1-2 General Information MN406 Handling The motor should be lifted using the lifting lugs or eye bolts provided. 1. Use the lugs or eye bolts provided to lift the motor. Never attempt to lift the motor and additional equipment connected to the motor by this method. The lugs or eye bolts provided are designed to lift only the motor. Never lift the motor by the motor shaft or the hood of a WPII motor. If eye bolts are used for lifting a motor, be sure they are securely tightened. The lifting direction should not exceed a 20° angle from the shank of the eye bolt. Excessive lifting angles can cause motor damage. 2. When lifting a WPII (Weather Proof Type 2) motor, do not lift the motor by inserting lifting lugs into holes on top of the cooling hood. These lugs are to be used for hood removal only. A spreader bar should be used to lift the motor by the cast lifting lugs located on the motor frame. 3. If the motor must be mounted to a plate with the driven equipment such as pump, compressor etc., it may not be possible to lift the motor alone. For this case, the assembly should be lifted by a sling around the mounting base. The entire assembly can be lifted as an assembly for installation. Do not lift the assembly using the motor lugs or eye bolts provided. Lugs or eye bolts are designed to lift motor only. If the load is unbalanced (as with couplings or additional attachments) additional slings or other means must be used to prevent tipping. In any event, the load must be secure before lifting. If the motor is not put into service immediately, the motor must be stored in a clean, dry area protected Storage from extremes of temperature, moisture, shock and vibration. Storage temperatures of 15°C (50°F) to 50°C (120°F) with a maximum relative humidity of 60% must be observed. Preparation for Storage Improper motor storage will result in seriously reduced reliability and failure. An electric motor that does not experience regular usage while being exposed to normally humid atmospheric conditions is likely to cause the bearings to rust or rust particles from surrounding surfaces to contaminate the bearings. The electrical insulation may absorb an excessive amount of moisture leading to the motor winding failure. The following preparations should be accomplished for storage. 1. Motors are to be kept in their original containers or provided with equivalent protection and stored in a warehouse free from extremes in temperature, humidity, and corrosive atmosphere. 2. If unusual vibrations exist at the storage location, the motor should be protected with isolation pads. 3. Some motors have a shipping brace attached to the shaft to prevent damage during transportation. The shipping brace, if provided, must be removed and stored for future use. The brace must be reinstalled to hold the shaft firmly in place against the bearing before the motor is moved. 4. To avoid condensation inside the motor, do not unpack until the motor has reached room temperature. (Room temperature is the temperature of the room in which it will be installed). The packing provides insulation from temperature changes during transportation. 5. When the motor has reached room temperature, remove all protective wrapping material from the motor. 6. Motor space heaters (when present) are to be connected and energized whenever there is a possibility that the storage ambient conditions will reach the dew point. Space heaters are optional. 7. Measure and record the electrical resistance of the winding insulation resistance meter. Minimum accepted meg ohm level is 5 Meg ohms at 40°C (104°F). If resistance decreases below this level, contact your Baldor District office. Measure and record these values every 30 days during storage. 8. All breathers and drains are to be operable while in storage and/or the moisture drain plugs removed. The motors must be stored so the drain is at the lowest point. All breathers and automatic drains must be operable to allow breathing at points other than through he bearing fits. 9. Coat all external machined surfaces with a rust preventing material. An acceptable product for this purpose is Exxon Rust Ban # 392. 10. Rotate motor shaft at least 15 turns every three months during storage (more frequently if possible). 11. After the first dielectric withstand test and rotating the shaft, etc., the vapor bag should be re-sealed by taping it closed with masking or similar tape. Also place new desiccant inside the bag before closing. The shell should then be placed over the motor and the lag bolts replaced. 12. If a zipper-closing type bag is used instead of the heat-sealed type bag, then zip the bag closed instead of taping it. Be sure to add new desiccant inside bag after each periodic inspection. 13. When motors are not stored in the original containers, but are removed and mounted on other machinery, the mounting must be such that the drains and breathers and space heaters are fully operable. In this respect the drains must be kept at the lowest point in the motor so that all condensation can automatically drain out. Motor space heaters when present are to be energized whenever there is a possibility that the storage ambient conditions will reach the dew point. Space heaters are optional. MN406 General Information 1-3 Greater than 3 months All requirements of general preparation and short term storage apply with the following additional requirements. Non-Regreaseable Motors Non-regreasable motors with “Do Not Lubricate” on the nameplate should have the motor shaft rotated 15 times to redistribute the grease within the bearing every 3 months or more often. All Other Motor Types Upon placing the motor into extended storage (+ 3 months) the following procedure must be performed. 1. Remove the grease drain plug, if supplied, (opposite the grease fitting) on the bottom of each bracket prior to lubricating the motor. 2. The motor with regreasable bearing must be greased per Table 1-1 . 3. Standard RPM AC Motors in frames FL180, FL210, and FL 250 (IEC frames FDL 112, FDL132 and FDL160) use double shielded bearings with oversized grease reservoirs that provide lifetime lubrication with no maintenance. 4. Replace the grease drain plug after greasing. 5. The motor shaft must be rotated a minimum of 15 times after greasing. 6. Motor Shafts are to be rotated at least 15 revolutions manually every 3 months and additional grease added every nine months per Table 1-1 to each bearing. 7. Bearings are to be greased at the time of removal from storage. Table 1-1 Lubrication Volume (Storage) Vol. in Cubic In. (cm3) NEMA Frame Size (IEC) L, RL, FL280, DL, RDL,FDL180 1.0 (16) L320 thru L360 (200-225) 1.5 (24) L400 thru L440 (250-280) 2.5 (40) Greater than 18 months All requirements of general preparation and short term storage apply with the following additional requirements. 1. Motor is to be crated in a box similar to Export Boxing but that the “shell” (sides & top of box) must be secured to the wooden base with lag bolts (not nailed as export boxes are). This design allows the opening and reclosing the box many times without destroying the “shell”. 2. The Motor will be sealed in an airtight vapor barrier bag with desiccant inside. This airtight bag will give added protection during shipment of motor to the permanent storage area. 3. After the first electrical resistance of the winding insulation resistance test measurement is recorded, the bearings are regreased, the shaft is rotated 15 turns, etc., add new desiccant inside bag before closing the vapor bag and re-seal by taping it closed with masking or similar tape. The shell should then be placed over the motor and the lag bolts replaced. 4. If a “zipper” type bag is used instead of a heat-sealed type bag, add new desiccant inside bag then zip the bag closed instead of taping it. 5. Be sure to add new desiccant inside bag after each periodic inspection. 6. Minimize the accumulation of condensed water in and around the storage area. Removal From Storage 1. Remove all packing material. 2. Measure and record the electrical resistance of the winding insulation resistance meter at the time of removal from storage. The insulation resistance must not be less than 50% from the initial reading recorded when the motor was placed into storage. A decrease in resistance indicates moisture in the windings and necessitates electrical or mechanical drying before the motor can be placed into service. 3. Regrease the bearings per Table 1-1 . 1-4 General Information MN406 Section 2 Installation & Operation Overview Installation should conform to the National Electrical Code as well as local codes and practices. When other devices are coupled to the motor shaft, be sure to install protective devices to prevent future accidents. Some protective devices include, coupling, belt guard, chain guard, shaft covers etc. These protect against accidental contact with moving parts. Machinery that is accessible to personnel should provide further protection in the form of guard rails, screening, warning signs etc. RPM AC motors are high performance motors specifically designed for use with adjustable frequency controllers. The basic design includes Class H insulation, 1.0 service factor, 40°C ambient, continuous duty. Standard enclosures are totally enclosed blower cooled, totally enclosed fan-cooled, totally enclosed nonventilated, totally enclosed air over piggy back and drip-proof force ventilated. Many modifications, and accessories are available. Motors are available as both induction and permanent magnet construction. RPM AC motors are equipped with metric hardware. It is important that motors be installed in locations that are compatible with motor enclosure and ambient conditions. Improper selection of the motor enclosure and ambient conditions can lead to reduced operating life of the motor. Proper ventilation for the motor must be provided. Obstructed airflow can lead to reduction of motor life. 1. Open Drip-Proof/WPI motors are intended for use indoors where atmosphere is relatively clean, dry, well ventilated and non-corrosive. 2. Totally Enclosed and WPII motors may be installed where dirt, moisture or dust are present and in outdoor locations. Note: Motors located in a damp, moist environment must have space heaters to protect against condensation when motor is not operating. Mechanical Installation WARNING: C-Face motor is intended for mounting auxiliary equipment such as pumps and gears. When mounted horizontally Frames FL, RL and L280C thru L360C, and frames L400D thru L4461D must be supported by the feet and not by the C-Face on D-Flange alone. C-Face motors should be supported by the feet and not by the C-Face. Installations requiring a horizontally mounted motor in frames L280C - L440D must be supported by the feet as well as C-Face or D-Flange. Failure to observe these precautions can result in bodily injury and equipment damage. Caution: Do not lift the motor and its driven load by the motor lifting hardware. The motor lifting hardware is adequate for lifting only the motor. Disconnect the load (gears, pumps, compressors, or other driven equipment) from the motor shaft before lifting the motor. Caution: If eye bolts are used for lifting a motor, be sure they are securely tightened. The lifting direction should not exceed a 20° angle from the shank of the eye bolt or lifting lug. Excessive lifting angles can cause damage. Caution: RPM AC permanent magnet motors with an open enclosure, such as DP-FV, should not be used where ferrous dust or particles may may be present . Totally enclosed permanent magnet motors are recommended for these applications. After storage or after unpacking and inspection to see that all parts are in good condition, do the following: 1. Rotate the motor shaft by hand to be sure there are no obstructions to free rotation. 2. A motor that has been in storage for some time should be tested for moisture (dielectric withstand insulation test) and relubricated (regreaseable type) prior to being put into service. 3. A motor with roller bearings is shipped with a shaft block. After removing the shaft block, be sure to replace any bolts used to hold the shaft block in place during shipment that are required in service. MN406 Installation & Operation 2-1 Table 2-2 Frame FL180 RL210, FL210 RL250, FL250 L280, FL280, & RL280 L320 L360 L400 & L440 Hole Dia. (Inch) Bolt Size & Thread 0.44 0.44 0.56 0.56 0.69 0.81 1.06 3/ -16 8 3/ -16 8 1/ -13 2 1/ -13 2 5/ -1 1 8 3/ -10 4 7/ -9 8 Recommended Torque lb-ft for Bolt Grade SAE 5 SAE 8 33-37 47-53 33-37 47-53 83-93 117-132 83-93 117-132 155-176 200-249 274-310 389-440 434-486 616-689 Stub Shaft Installation 1. Turn off and lock out power to the motor. 2. Remove in-line blower motor and cover assembly by removing the Hex head cap screws on cover (if enclosure is TEAO-Blower cooled). NOTE: An extended blower cover maybe required when a feedback device is installed. Contact your local Baldor District Office for assistance with an in-line blower. 3. Check the motor shaft center hole for chips, dirt, or other residue and clean as required. 4. Apply an even coat of Loctite 271 (red thread lock) to stub shaft thread. 5. Place stub shaft in motor shaft threaded hole and hand tighten. 6. Use a spanner wrench on motor shaft drive end (or alternate means of locking motor shaft), tighten the stub shaft to 20 lb-ft. 7. Use a dial indicator with .0005” graduations, indicate the stub shaft to within .002” T.I.R., except for Inland tachometers. Inland tachometer stub shafts must indicate to within .001” T.I.R. 8. Mount feedback device per manufacturer's instructions. Stub Shaft Removal 1. Turn off and lock out power to the motor. 2. Remove in-line blower motor and cover assembly by removing the Hex head cap screws on cover (if enclosure is TEAO-Blower cooled). 3. After removal of blower assembly, motor shaft will need to be locked from turning. The use of a spanner wrench on motor drive shaft or alternate means can be used. Place an open-end wrench on stub shaft flats and turn counter clockwise (right-hand) threads). 4. Replace blower motor and cover assembly (if TEAO - blower cooled) with the correct extended blower cover, using the hex head cap screws previously removed. Mounting Location All RPM AC motors are designed to be mounted by the “Mounting Feet”. Use appropriate hardware (not furnished). The motor should be installed in a location compatible with the motor enclosure and specific ambient. Allow adequate air flow clearance between the motor and any obstruction. Locate the machine where the ambient temperature is not over 40°C or 104°F unless otherwise marked on the nameplate and where clean air has free access to ventilating intake and outlet openings. Except for machines with a suitable protective enclosure, the location should be clean and dry. Note: The cooling system on (Non-Finned) frame RPM AC drip proof guarded force ventilated and totally enclosed, blower cooled motors requires clean air to be forced through ducts which are integral to the frame. It is important that these air passages be kept clean and that sufficient clearance be provided on the blower motor air inlets and outlets for unrestricted flow of air. For Drip-Proof Force Ventilated Enclosures sufficient clearance must be provided on all inlet and outlet openings to provide for unrestricted flow of air. Separately ventilated motors with exhaust to ambient (pipe-in only) must have at least 6 inches of clearance between the opening and adjacent walls or floor. 2-2 Installation & Operation MN406 The motor must be securely installed to a rigid foundation or mounting surface to minimize vibration and maintain alignment between the motor and shaft load. Failure to provide a proper mounting surface may cause vibration, misalignment and bearing damage. All hold down bolts must be the correct grade for the type of mounting and must be torqued to their recommended value. Foundation caps and sole plates are designed to act as spacers for the equipment they support. If these devices are used, be sure that they are evenly supported by the foundation or mounting surface. When installation is complete and accurate alignment of the motor and load is accomplished, the base should be grouted to the foundation to maintain this alignment. The standard motor base is designed for horizontal or vertical mounting. Adjustable or sliding rails are designed for horizontal mounting only. Consult your Baldor District Office for further information. Belted Drive Motor slide bases or rails, when used, must be securely anchored to the foundation with the proper bolts. Note: The motor shaft and the load shaft must be parallel and the sheaves aligned. Coupled Drive Standard RPM AC Motors will operate successfully mounted on the floor, wall or ceiling, and with the shaft at any angle from horizontal to vertical. Special mountings may have duty or thrust demands that may require a different bearing system. Accurate alignment of the motor with the driven equipment is extremely important. 1. Direct Coupling For direct drive, use flexible couplings if possible. Consult the drive or equipment manufacturer for more information. Mechanical vibration and roughness during operation may indicate poor alignment. Use dial indicators to check alignment. The space between coupling hubs should be maintained as recommended by the coupling manufacturer. Note: Roller bearing motors are not suitable for coupled duty applications. 2. End‐Play Adjustment The axial position of the motor frame with respect to its load is also extremely important. The motor bearings are not designed for excessive external axial thrust loads. Improper adjustment will cause failure. 3. Pulley Ratio The pulley ratio should not exceed 8:1. Caution: Do not over tension belts. Over tension of the V-Belts may result in damage to the motor or driven equipment. Unless otherwise indicated, V-belt load must not exceed values given in Table 2-1 . 4. Belt Drive Align sheaves carefully to minimize belt wear and axial bearing loads (see End‐Play Adjustment). Belt tension should be sufficient to prevent belt slippage at rated speed and load. However, belt slippage may occur during starting. Doweling & Bolting After proper alignment is verified, dowel pins should be inserted through the motor feet into the foundation. This will maintain the correct motor position should motor removal be required. (BaldorReliance motors are designed for doweling.) 1. Drill dowel holes in diagonally opposite motor feet in the locations provided. 2. Drill corresponding holes in the foundation. 3. Ream all holes. 4. Install proper fitting dowels. 5. Mounting bolts must be carefully tightened to prevent changes in alignment. Use a flat washer and lock washer under each nut or bolt head to hold the motor feet secure. Flanged nuts or bolts may be used as an alternative to washers. Alignment MN406 Installation & Operation 2-3 Guarding WARNING: Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions. This is particularly important where the parts have surface irregularities such as keys, key ways or set screws. Some satisfactory methods of guarding are: 1. Covering the machine and associated rotating parts with structural or decorative parts of the driven equipment. 2. Providing covers for the rotating parts. Covers should be sufficiently rigid to maintain adequate guarding during normal service. Electrical Installation Bypass Mode All RPM AC motors are inverter duty motors using optimum pole design. They are not intended to be used in bypass mode (across the line). Consult your Baldor District Office to determine suitability of motor for specific applications in bypass mode. Permanent magnet motors cannot be run in bypass mode. WARNING: Do not touch electrical connections before you first ensure that power has been disconnected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment. WARNING: The Adjustable Speed Controller may apply hazardous voltages to the motor leads after power to the controller has been turned off. Verify that the controller is incapable of delivering hazardous voltages and that the voltage at the motor leads is zero before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution may result in severe bodily injury or death. Caution: Use only a shielded motor power cable with a complete circumferential braided or copper film/tape ground jacket around the power leads. This ground should be secured to the motor frame from within the motor terminal box and must return without interruption to the drive ground. In addition, if the motor and coupled equipment are not on a single common metal baseplate, it is important to equalize the equipment ground potentials by bonding the motor frame to the coupled equipment using a high frequency conductor such as a braided strap. 1. Single Voltage/Three Lead Motors Connect leads marked U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 to the appropriate control output terminals (refer to the Controller Instruction Manual). See Figure 2‐1. 2. Dual Voltage Motors Be sure the motor leads are connected properly for “Low” or “High” voltage connection, see Figure 2‐1. Connect leads marked U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 to the appropriate control output terminals (refer to the Controller Instruction Manual). Figure 2‐1 Connection Diagram Connection Diagram 422927-1 3 Phase Dual Voltage Low Voltage High Voltage P1 P1 Thermo‐ P2 P2 T'Stat stat U/T1 U/T1 L1 L1 T7 V/T2 L2 V/T2 L3 W/T3 L2 T8 T4 W/T3 T7 L3 T9 T5 T4 T8 T5 T6 T6 T9 H1 H2 Space Heater RTD or Thermistor see Figure 2‐3. 3 Phase Single Voltage P1 P2 T'Stat U/T1 L1 V/T2 L2 W/T3 L3 2-4 Installation & Operation MN406 Leads P1 & P2 are thermostat leads. They are to be connected in series with the holding coil of the motor controller, which uses a manual momentary start switch. Thermostat Leads Connection As a standard feature, RPM AC motors have three (3) normally closed thermostats (one per phase) connected in series, with leads P1 and P2 terminated in the main conduit box. To protect against motor overheating, thermostats must be connected to the appropriate controller circuit (function loss). Failure to connect the thermostats will void the motor warranty. Follow the controller instruction manual for correct thermostat lead connections. Blower Motor Connection Three phase blower motors. RPM AC motors which are blower cooled incorporate an independently powered three phase AC blower motor to assure continuous cooling air flow regardless of RPM AC motor speed. The specific RPM AC blower motor depends on frame size and enclosure, see Figures 2‐1 and 2‐2. Figure 2‐2 Blower Motor Connections * GND is ground lead normally connects to ground lug in blower terminal box. U1= U2= V1= V2= W1= W2= GND= Black Green Blue White Brown Yellow Green/Yellow* (Delta) T6 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 L1 L2 L3 Low Volts (Star) T6 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 L1 L2 L3 High Volts (Delta) (Star) W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 Low Volts High Volts 1. Connect the blower leads as shown in the connection diagram supplied with the blower motor, see Figure 2‐2 2. Connect for low or high voltage as shown in Figure 2‐1. Grounding In the USA consult the National Electrical Code (NEC), Article 430 for information on grounding of motors and generators, and Article 250 for general information on grounding. In making the ground connection, the installer should make certain that there is a solid and permanent metallic connection between the ground point, the motor or generator terminal housing, and the motor or generator frame. Caution: MN406 Motors with resilient cushion rings usually must be provided with a bonding conductor across the resilient member. Some motors are supplied with the bonding conductor on the concealed side of the cushion ring to protect the bond from damage. Motors with bonded cushion rings should usually be grounded at the time of installation in accordance with the above recommendations for making ground connections. When motors with bonded cushion rings are used in multimotor installations employing group fusing or group protection, the bonding of the cushion ring should be checked to determine that it is adequate for the rating of the branch circuit over current protective device being used. There are applications where grounding the exterior parts of a motor or generator may result in greater hazard by increasing the possibility of a person in the area simultaneously contacting ground and some other nearby live electrical parts of other ungrounded electrical equipment. In portable equipment it is difficult to be sure that a positive ground connection is maintained as the equipment is moved, and providing a grounding conductor may lead to a false sense of security. Select a motor starter and over current protection suitable for this motor and its application. Consult motor starter application data as well as the National Electric Code and/or other applicable local codes. Use only a shielded motor power cable with a complete circumferential braided or copper film/tape ground jacket around the power leads. This ground should be secured to the motor frame from within the motor terminal box and must return without interruption to the drive ground. In addition, if the motor and coupled equipment are not on a single common metal baseplate, it is important to equalize the equipment ground potentials by bonding the motor frame to the coupled equipment using a high frequency conductor such as a braided strap. Due to the high switching frequencies of inverter controls, the ground connection/path must be low impedance, not only low resistance. The NEC grounding instructions are intended to protect from low frequency, high current considerations and are not adequate for grounding of high frequency circuits. RPM AC induction motors are designed to operate with a high frequency adjustable speed drive. To avoid damage to the motor and driven equipment due to bearing currents, the motor must be grounded and bonded properly. A low impedance ground conductor should be used to ground all RPM AC motors. Failure to ground the motor properly for high frequency transients (1MHz to 10MHz) may result in electric discharge damage to the motor bearings and/or the driven equipment. Installation & Operation 2-5 The drive manufacturer should specify a shielded motor power cable that includes a complete circumferential braided or copper film/tape ground. This ground should be secured to the motor frame from within the motor terminal box and must return without interruption to the drive ground. In addition, if the motor and coupled equipment are not on a single common metal baseplate, it is important to equalize the equipment ground potentials by bonding the motor frame to the coupled equipment using a high frequency conductor such as a braided strap. Shipping Blocks Motors supplied with roller bearings at the drive end are shipped with wooden blocking to prevent axial movement of the shaft during shipment. Remove the blocking and bolts securing it and discard. Make sure motor shafts turn freely. If motor is to be reshipped, blocking of bearing is required. Encoder Connections Due to the wide variety of brands and types of feedback devices provided for RPM AC motors, please consult the encoder installation and instruction diagrams provided with the device. Drain Plugs If motor is totally enclosed it is recommended that condensation drain plugs be removed. These are located in the lower portion of the end-shields or bottom of frame on each end for FL180 frame. Totally enclosed “XT” motors have automatic drains which should be left in place as received. Drive RPM AC motors FL180 thru FL/RL250 are supplied with a shaft suitable for a belt or coupled drive. Belt loads should be verified with maximum allowable radial loads, see “Shaft Loads”. Proper alignment is critical for long life of bearings, shafts and belts, and minimum downtime. Misalignment can cause excessive vibration and damaging forces on shaft and bearings. For direct coupled drives, flexible couplings facilitate alignment. For belt drives, the sheave must be placed as close as possible to the motor bracket. Minimum V-Belt Sheave Diameters Application of Pulleys, Sheaves, Sprockets and Gears on Motor Shafts. To avoid excessive bearing loads and shaft stresses, belts should not be tightened more than necessary to transmit the rated torque. The pretension of the V-belt drive should be based on the total tightening force required to transmit the horsepower divided by the number of belts. This procedure avoids the excessive load caused by tightening individual belts to a prescribed level recommended by belt manufacturers. Mounting In general, the closer pulleys, sheaves, sprockets or gears are mounted to the bearing on the motor shaft, the less will be the load on the bearing. This will give greater assurance of trouble-free service. The center point of the belt, or system of V-belts, must not be beyond the end of the motor shaft. The inner edge of the sheave or pulley rim should not be closer to the bearing than the shoulder on the shaft but should be as close to this point as possible. The outer edge of a chain sprocket or gear must not extend beyond the end of the standard motor shaft. Shaft Extension and Method of Drive RPM AC frames FL180 - FL/RL250 are supplied with a shaft and bearing system suitable for either coupled or belted drives. Belt loads should be verified with maximum allowable radial loads, see “Shaft Loads”. Frames L/FL/RL280-L440 are supplied with larger shafts and roller bearings when belted drives are specified. 2-6 Installation & Operation MN406 Caution: Shaft Loads - Axial and Radial RPM AC motors are suitable for limited shaft loads as shown in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 . Recommended maximum thrust loads depend on the mounting position, either horizontal or vertical. For recommendations for loads in excess of those shown, for higher speeds and special shaft extensions contact your local Baldor District office. Use of these radial load capacities requires the accurate calculation of the radial load. Radial loads for gears, sprockets, and flywheel are usually accurately determined but the radial loads due to V-belt drives are subject to miscalculations because they do not include all of the pre-tension load (belt tightening). The calculations of the radial load for a V-belt drive must include the pre-tension for transmitting the horsepower, pretension for centrifugal force on the belts, pre-tension for high start torques, rapid acceleration or deceleration, pre-tension for drives with short act-of-contact between the V-belt and sheave, and low coefficient of friction between belt and sheave caused by moisture, oil or dust. Over tension of the V-Belts may result in damage to the motor or driven equipment. Unless otherwise indicated, V-belt load must not exceed values given in Table 2-1 . Table 2-1 Radial Load Capacity- No Axial Load Frame FL180 FL/RL210 FL/RL250 L280 UL, UFL, URL280 L320 UL320 L360 UL360 L400 UL400 L440 UL440 2500 RPM 445 875 1375 1000 2400 1300 2850 1800 4550 1700 3625 2100 4650 Radial Load Capacities at the End of the Shaft in Lbs. 1750 RPM 1150 RPM 445 445 875 875 1525 1525 1175 1175 2500 2500 1475 1475 2850 2850 2050 2300 4550 4550 1950 2250 4090 4700 2400 2800 4650 4650 850 RPM 445 875 1525 1175 2500 1475 2850 2550 4550 2500 5190 3150 4650 Data for motors with roller bearings at the drive end (back end). Motors with ball bearings at the drive end are for coupled duty only. MN406 Installation & Operation 2-7 Table 2--2 Axial Thrust Capacity in Pounds -- for Minimum L--10 Bearing Life of 10,000 Hrs. With No External Overhung Load Horizontal Mounting Vertical Mounting Thrust Down ¡ Vertical Mounting Thrust Up ¡ Frame FL180 FL/RL210 FL/RL250 L,FL/RL280 L320 L360 L400 L440 2500RPM 1750RPM 1150RPM 850RPM 2500RPM 1750RPM 1150RPM 850RPM 2500RPM 1750RPM 1150RPM 850RPM 430 775 1160 590 705 875 1350 1300 480 880 1310 700 835 1075 1630 1550 480 1015 1520 850 1020 1350 2000 1800 455 805 1205 515 540 570 1110 345 555 905 1410 665 730 850 1500 610 470 970 1465 940 1145 1370 2305 2645 570 1070 1670 1090 1335 1650 2695 2910 480 1125 1680 975 1170 1525 2250 2050 385 705 1050 405 405 380 760 110 630 1005 1580 795 885 1025 1765 825 445 870 1310 830 1010 1180 1955 2410 645 1170 1840 1225 1490 1825 2960 3125 ¡ Thrust capacity for vertical mounting includes a constant whose value is plus or minus depending on the direction of the thrust load. The constant is plus for thrust loads acting upward against the force of gravity and minus for loads acting downward with gravity. Optional Accessories Figure 2-3 Accessory Connections One heater is installed in each end of motor. Leads for each heater are labeled H1 & H2. (Like numbers should be tied together). Three thermistors are installed in windings. Leads are labeled TD1--TD6 for shutdown and TD7--TD12 for warning. RTD CONNECTIONS One Per Phase Leads Phase1Phase2Phase3 Red(or Marked) 1TD1 2TD1 3TD1 White 1TD2 2TD2 3TD2 White 1TD3 2TD3 3TD3 Two Per Phase Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 Leads #4 #1 #5 #6 #2 #3 Red(or Marked) 1TD1 2TD1 3TD1 4TD1 5TD1 6TD1 1TD2 2TD2 3TD2 4TD2 5TD2 6TD2 White 1TD3 2TD3 3TD3 4TD3 5TD3 6TD3 White 418057--549 * One bearing RTD is installed in Drive endplate (PUEP), leads are labeled RTDDE. * One bearing RTD is installed in Opposite Drive endplate (FREP), leads labeled RTDODE. * Note RTD may have 2--Red/1--White leads; or 2--White/1--Red Lead. 2--8 Installation & Operation MN406 WARNING: Incorrect motor rotation direction can cause serious or fatal injury or equipment damage. Be sure to verify motor rotation direction before coupling the load to the motor shaft. WARNING: Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. Caution: Do not operate motors with a roller bearing unless a radial load is applied so that damage to the roller bearing does not occur. First Time Start Up 1. Be sure that all power to motor and accessories is off. 2. Be sure the motor shaft is disconnected from the load and will not cause mechanical rotation of the motor shaft. 3. Remove all unused shaft keys and loose rotating parts to prevent them from flying off. 4. Verify the mechanical installation is secure. All bolts and nuts are tightened etc., covers and protective devices are securely in their places. 5. If motor has been in storage or idle for some time, check winding insulation integrity. 6. Inspect all electrical connections for proper termination, clearance, mechanical strength and electrical continuity. 7. Be sure all shipping materials and braces (if used) are removed from motor shaft. 8. Manually rotate the motor shaft to ensure that it rotates freely. 9. Replace all panels and covers that were removed during installation. 10. Momentarily apply power and check the direction of rotation of the motor shaft. If motor rotation is wrong be sure power is off and change the motor lead connections as follows:. RPM AC motors are designed to be capable of bi-directional shaft rotation. When voltages in an A-B-C phase sequence are applied to leads U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 clockwise shaft rotation facing the opposite drive end will result. If shaft rotation is incorrect, change the direction of rotation as follows: a. Turn off and lockout all power to the motor and verify that the voltage at the motor leads is zero. b. Reverse any two of three motor power leads. c. Restore power. 11. Start the motor and ensure rotation is correct and operation is smooth without excessive vibration or noise. If so, run the motor for 1 hour with no load connected. 12. Momentarily apply power and check the direction of air flow is in agreement with the “direction of air flow” arrows mounted on the motor. If directional flow is incorrect be sure power is off and interchange power leads to T1 and T2 or U1 and V1, Figure 2‐2. 13. After 1 hour of operation, disconnect power and connect the load to the motor shaft. Verify all coupling guards and protective devices are installed. Ensure motor is properly ventilated. 14. If motor is totally enclosed fan-cooled or non-ventilated it is recommended that condensation drain plugs, if present, be removed. These are located in the lower portion of the end-shields. Totally enclosed fan-cooled “XT” motors are normally equipped with automatic drains which may be left in place as received. While operating the motor, observe the performance. It should run smoothly with little noise. The bearings should not overheat and should reach a leveling off temperature. Any undue noise, overheating, or erratic performance should be investigated and necessary corrective action taken immediately to prevent serious dam age. Please contact your Baldor District office. All RPM AC motors are lubricated before shipment and will operate for a long period before regreasing is required. The period will vary depending on environmental and service conditions. Refer to Maintenance section. Balance Motors are dynamically balanced to commercial limits unless ordered differently. Balance is done with a full length 1/2 height shaft key. A full shaft key is shipped with motor. Sheave or coupling should be balanced with a V2 height shaft key. Table 2-3 Standard Dynamic Balance Limits Max. Amplitude in Inches Highest Rated Speed RPM 3.000 - 4,000 0.0010 1,500 - 2,999 0.0015 1,000 - 1,499 0.0020 Up to 999 0.0025 MN406 Installation & Operation 2-9 WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: Caution: Caution: Do not touch electrical connections before you first ensure that power has been disconnected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment. Surface temperatures of motor enclosures may reach temperatures which can cause discomfort or injury to personnel accidentally coming into contact with hot surfaces. When installing, protection should be provided by the user to protect against accidental contact with hot surfaces. Failure to observe this precaution could result in bodily injury. Incorrect motor rotation direction can cause serious or fatal injury or equipment damage. Be sure to verify motor rotation direction before coupling the load to the motor shaft. Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. Do not operate motors with a roller bearing unless a radial load is applied so that damage to the roller bearing does not occur. RPM AC permanent magnet motors with an open enclosure, such as DP-FV, should not be used where ferrous dust or particles may may be present . Totally enclosed permanent magnet motors are recommended for these applications. Operation WARNING: Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. During operation observe the motors' performance. It should run smoothly with little noise. The bearings should not overheat and should reach a normal operating temperature. Any undue noise, overheating, or erratic performance should be investigated and corrective action taken immediately to prevent serious damage. All RPM AC motors are lubricated before shipment and will operate for a long period before regreasing is required. The period will vary depending on environmental and service conditions. Refer to Maintenance section of this manual. Balance Motors are dynamically balanced to meet the dynamic balance limits of NEMA MG1 Part 7 second for peak value of the unfiltered velocity in inches per second unless ordered differently. Balance is done with a full length 1/2 height shaft key. A full shaft key is shipped with motor. Sheave or coupling should be balanced with a 1/2 height shaft key. Std. Dynamic Balance Limits Table 2-4 Dynamic Balance RPM 0-1200 1201-1800 1801-3600 3601-5000 5001-8000 2-10 Installation & Operation FL180-L440 Velocity (in/sec) Peak Per NEMA standard 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 MN406 Section 3 Maintenance & Troubleshooting WARNING: UL Listed motors must only be serviced by UL Approved Authorized Baldor Service Centers if these motors are to be returned to a hazardous and/or explosive atmosphere. WARNING: Pacemaker danger - Magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of current carrying carrying conductors and permanent magnet motors can result result in a serious health hazard to persons with cardiac pacemakers, metal implants, and hearing aids. To avoid risk, stay way from the area surrounding a permanent magnet motor. WARNING: RPM AC permanent magnet motors can induce voltage and current in the motor leads by rotating the motor shaft. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Therefore, do not couple the load to the motor shaft until all motor connections have been made. During any maintenance inspections, be sure the motor shaft will not rotate. WARNING: Do not touch electrical connections before you first ensure that power has been disconnected. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. Only qualified personnel should attempt the installation, operation and maintenance of this equipment. WARNING: The Adjustable Speed Controller may apply hazardous voltages to the motor leads after power to the controller has been turned off. Verify that the controller is incapable of delivering hazardous voltages and that the voltage at the motor leads is zero before proceeding. Failure to observe this precaution may result in severe bodily injury or death. WARNING: Surface temperatures of motor enclosures may reach temperatures which can cause discomfort or injury to personnel accidentally coming into contact with hot surfaces. When installing, protection should be provided by the user to protect against accidental contact with hot surfaces. Failure to observe this precaution could result in bodily injury. WARNING: Guards must be installed for rotating parts such as couplings, pulleys, external fans, and unused shaft extensions, should be permanently guarded to prevent accidental contact by personnel. Accidental contact with body parts or clothing can cause serious or fatal injury. General Inspection Inspect the motor at regular intervals, approximately every 500 hours of operation or every 3 months, whichever occurs first. Keep the motor clean and the ventilation openings clear. The following steps should be performed at each inspection: 1. Check that the motor is clean. Check that the interior and exterior of the motor is free of dirt, oil, grease, water, etc. Oily vapor, paper pulp, textile lint, etc. can accumulate and block motor ventilation. If the motor is not properly ventilated, overheating can occur and cause early motor failure. 2. Perform a dielectric with stand test periodically to ensure that the integrity of the winding insulation has been maintained. Record the readings. Immediately investigate any significant decrease in insulation resistance. 3. Check all electrical connectors to be sure that they are tight. Relubrication & Bearings Bearing grease will lose its lubricating ability over time, not suddenly. The lubricating ability of a grease (over time) depends primarily on the type of grease, the size of the bearing, the speed at which the bearing operates and the severity of the operating conditions. Good results can be obtained if the following recommendations are used in your maintenance program. Relubrication with the shaft stationary and a warm motor is recommended. Lubrication Procedure WARNING: MN406 Disconnect all electrical power from the motor windings and accessory devices before disassembly of the motor. Electrical shock can cause serious or fatal injury. 1. Relubrication with the shaft stationary and a warm motor is recommended. If lubrication must be done with motor running, stay clear of rotating parts and electrical circuits. 2. Wipe all dirt from the outside of the grease fills and drains. 3. Locate the grease inlet at the top of the bearing hub, clean the area and replace the 1/8-inch pipe plug with a grease fitting if the motor is not equipped with grease fitting. 4. Remove grease drain plug located opposite the grease inlet. 5. Using a manual grease gun, pump in the recommended grease in the amount shown. This amount of grease will provide an ample supply of lubricant between lubrication periods for the service condition listed in Table 3‐5, Table 3‐6 and Table 3‐7. Use only clean, fresh grease from clean containers and handle so as to keep it clean. In general, mixing of greases is not recommended. If an incompatible grease is used, the lube system must be repacked completely with the new grease. 6. Wipe away any excess grease at the grease drain or relief and replace drain plugs. Maintenance & Troubleshooting 3-1 Type of Grease See the motor nameplate for replacement grease or oil recommendation. Use Exxon Polyrex EM or equivalent grease unless motor nameplate specifies special grease. Amount of grease to be added to RPM AC motors. See Table 3‐7 for relubrication interval. Table 3‐5 Relubrication Amount Volume Weight Frame Size in3 cm3 oz g L, FL, RL280 1.0 16 0.5 14 L320 - L400 2.0 32 1.0 28 L440 3.0 48 1.5 42 Note: FL/RL180, FL/RL210 and FL/RL250 have maintenance free non regreasable double shielded ball bearings as standard. The 280-440 frames have open ball bearings, with inner caps as part of PLS System. Determine service condition on the basis of the most severe operating parameter; that is temperature, bearing load, atmosphere, or operating hours per day. Table 3‐6 Service Condition Service Condition Standard Ambient -18 °C to 40°C (0°F to 104°F) Use/Day Atmosphere 8 Clean Severe -30 °C to 50°C (-22 °F to 122°F) 8 to 24 Extreme -54 °C to 65°C (-65 °F to 149°F) 8 to 24 Medium Dirt, Abrasives, Corrosion Heavy Dirt, Abrasives, Corrosion Bearing Load Steady Medium Shock, Vibration (less than .2 in/sec.) Heavy Shock, Vibration (more than .44 in/sec) - Motors must be specially designed for operation in ambient in this range. Special grease is required. Table 3‐7 Relubrication Periods For RPM AC Motors - Frames L, FL/RL280 - L440 Maximum Normal Operating Speed RPM 3450 and higher 2400 thru 3449 1700 thru 2399 800 thru 1699 500 thru 799 499 and lower Frame All L, RL/FL280 thru L440 L, RL/FL280 thru L320 L360 thru L440 UL360 thru UL440 L, FL/RL280 thru L320 L360 thru L440 UL360 thru UL440 L, FL/RL280 thru L320 L360 thru L440 UL360 thru UL440 L, FL/RL280 thru L440 UL360 thru UL440 Relubrication Interval in Months Standard Service Severe Service Extreme Service 9 4 1 9 3 1 36 12 3 18 6 2 9 3 1 36 24 8 36 12 3 9 6 1 48 36 12 36 24 8 18 12 4 48 36 12 24 18 6 - Maximum speed occurs more than 30%of operating time. - For Tandem drives increase frequency of lubrication by multiplying values by 0.8 3-2 Maintenance & Troubleshooting MN406 Table 3‐8 Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Motor will not start Excessive humming Motor Over Heating Possible Causes Usually caused by line trouble, such as, single phasing at the starter. High Voltage. Eccentric air gap. Overload. Compare actual amps (measured) with nameplate rating. Single Phasing. Improper ventilation. Unbalanced voltage. Rotor rubbing on stator. Over voltage or under voltage. Open stator winding. Grounded winding. Improper connections. Bearing Over Heating Misalignment. Excessive belt tension. Excessive end thrust. Excessive grease in bearing. Insufficient grease in bearing. Dirt in bearing. Vibration Misalignment. Rubbing between rotating parts and stationary parts. Rotor out of balance. Resonance. Noise Growling or whining MN406 Foreign material in air gap or ventilation openings. Bad bearing. Possible Solutions Check source of power. Check overloads, fuses, controls, etc. Check input line connections. Have motor serviced at local Baldor service center. Locate and remove source of excessive friction in motor or load. Reduce load or replace with motor of greater capacity. Check current at all phases (should be approximately equal) to isolate and correct the problem. Check external cooling fan to be sure air is moving properly across cooling fins. Excessive dirt build‐up on motor. Clean motor. Check voltage at all phases (should be approximately equal) to isolate and correct the problem. Check air gap clearance and bearings. Tighten “Thru Bolts”. Check input voltage at each phase to motor. Check stator resistance at all three phases for balance. Perform dielectric test and repair as required. Inspect all electrical connections for proper termination, clearance, mechanical strength and electrical continuity. Refer to motor lead connection diagram. Check and align motor and driven equipment. Reduce belt tension to proper point for load. Reduce the end thrust from driven machine. Remove grease until cavity is approximately 3/4 filled. Add grease until cavity is approximately 3/4 filled. Clean bearing cavity and bearing. Repack with correct grease until cavity is approximately 3/4 filled. Check and align motor and driven equipment. Isolate and eliminate cause of rubbing. Have rotor balance checked are repaired at your Baldor Service Center. Tune system or contact your Baldor Service Center for assistance. Remove rotor and foreign material. Reinstall rotor. Check insulation integrity. Clean ventilation openings. Replace bearing. Clean all grease from cavity and new bearing. Repack with correct grease until cavity is approximately 3/4 filled. Maintenance & Troubleshooting 3-3 Suggested bearing and winding RTD setting guidelines for Non-Hazardous Locations ONLY Most large frame AC BaldorReliance motors with a 1.15 service factor are designed to operate below a Class B (80°C) temperature rise at rated load and are built with a Class H winding insulation system. Based on this low temperature rise, RTD (Resistance Temperature Detectors) settings for Class B rise should be used as a starting point. Some motors with 1.0 service factor have Class F temperature rise. The following tables show the suggested alarm and trip settings for RTDs. Proper bearing and winding RTD alarm and trip settings should be selected based on these tables unless otherwise specified for specific applications. If the driven load is found to operate well below the initial temperature settings under normal conditions, the alarm and trip settings may be reduced so that an abnormal machine load will be identified. The temperature limits are based on the installation of the winding RTDs imbedded in the winding as specified by NEMA. Bearing RTDs should be installed so they are in contact with the outer race on ball or roller bearings or in direct contact with the sleeve bearing shell. Winding RTDs - Temperature Limit In 5C (405C Maximum Ambient) Motor Load 3 Rated Load Rated Load to 1.15 S.F. Class B Temp Rise 3 80°C (Typical Design) Alarm Trip 130 140 140 150 Class F Temp Rise 3 105°C Alarm 155 160 Trip 165 165 Class H Temp Rise 3 125°C Alarm 175 180 Trip 185 185 Note: Winding RTDs are factory production installed, not from Mod-Express. When Class H temperatures are used, consider bearing temperatures and relubrication requirements. Bearing RTDs - Temperature Limit In 5C (405C Maximum Ambient) Bearing Type Grease Standard Anti-Friction Alarm 100 Trip 110 Axial Float RPM AC motors have a wave spring washer between the drive end bracket and bearing. The opposite drive end bearing is positioned axially by a float restricting inner cap. Axial float (including bearing internal clearance) should be within the following limits: Axial Float -In./Min. Frame Size FL180 thru L440 Maximum In. mm. .051 1.29 Minimum In. mm. .013 .33 The L440 frame wavy spring is located on the opposite drive end. 3-4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting MN406 Figure 3‐4 Cross Section View of Totally Enclosed Blower Cooled Motor Conduit Box Blower Motor Blower Motor Conduit Box Grease Fitting Ball Bearing Eye Bolt BE Bracket Feedback Connector Grease Fitting Frame/Stator Rotor Ball Bearing Key Optional Feedback Device Motor Shaft Blower Grill FE Bracket MN406 Blower Cover Inner Cap Inner Cap Maintenance & Troubleshooting 3-5 3-6 Maintenance & Troubleshooting MN406 Baldor District Offices Baldor District Offices Baldor District Offices BALDOR ELECTRIC COMPANY World Headquarters P.O. Box 2400 Fort Smith, AR 72901-2400 (479) 646-4711 Fax (479) 648-5792 © 2008 Baldor Electric Company MN406 All rights reserved. Printed in USA 9/08 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 12.0 Motor Housing Assembly Procedure (TDS-9SA/TDS-11SA) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 13.0 Installation Procedure for TDS Motor Hub & Pinion Gear Installation Procedure for TDS Motor Brake Hub and TDS/ADS Pinion Gear REFERENCE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National Oilwell Varco; it is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of National Oilwell. Reproduction, in whole or in part; or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of National Oilwell Varco. This document is to be returned to National Oilwell Varco upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. National Oilwell Varco National Oilwell Varco Rig Solution Group 743 N Eckhoff Street Orange, CA 92868 Phone + 714 978 1900 Fax + 714 937 5029 DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 3ASP00073 C Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 2 REVISION HISTORY C B Rev 8/2/11 SEE EN 8/2/11 SEE EN 11/10/09 First Release Date Reason for issue ( C Silva L Rondou L Rondou Prepared T Gormsen T Gormsen T Gormsen T Gormsen T Gormsen T Gormsen Checked Approved CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision A B C Change Description First Issue Where changes have been made in old requirements, a vertical line appears in the margin of the paragraph affected as shown. New requirements are also shown in this manner. Where changes have been made in old requirements, a vertical line appears in the margin of the paragraph affected as shown. New requirements are also shown in this manner. Removed the statement <and rotate back and forth ¼ to ½ turn three to four times> section 1.5 page 5 Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 3 The following procedure is designed as a generic procedure for installation of pinion gears and brake hubs to various TDS/ADS motor styles. The pictorial shows a TDS-11. The other motors may have different looking fixtures, but the process is the same. The pictorial can be used as a reference for any style motor. 1 INSTALLATION OF PINION GEAR. 1.1 Measure shaft run out and record actual on The Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 for the pinion end. This is for reference only. Total run out after assembly is .005” max. Any measurement that is approaching .005” should be evaluated prior to assembly. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 4 1.2 Lightly clean up the shaft using WD-40 and 320 grit sandpaper. 1.3 Clean shaft and internals of pinion gear thoroughly with acetone and lint free wipes. 1.4 Apply Dykem Hispot blue to shaft Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 5 1.5 Carefully install pinion gear onto shaft. Pull the gear out approximately one inch and firmly push onto shaft. The gear and shaft should have a snug fit and not be able to be pulled apart by hand. 1.6 Remove pinion gear from shaft using gear jacks. Tighten jacks against gear alternately approximately 1/16 to 1/8 turn until gear loosens. Caution: The gear has a tendency to pop off suddenly. Make sure that the area in front of the gear is clear and there is a protective mat (i.e. wood, nylon, rubber, etc.) for the gear to land on. Keep clear of the landing area to prevent personnel injury Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 6 Jacks for Gear removal. Caution: Use safety precautions when removing the gear to avoid injury. 1.7 Inspect pinion gear internal area for a minimum of 85% transfer. Sign off Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 upon verification of proper fit. If 85% coverage cannot be verified, stop assembly and evaluate the shaft and gear to determine the cause. Reject discrepant part and obtain replacement. Verify minimum of 85% coverage Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 7 1.8 Clean off all Dykem from shaft and pinion gear using acetone and lint free wipes. 1.9 Install gear back onto shaft and lightly pop into place. Measure depth of shaft from the gear face and record actual on Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 under the PRE-SHRUNK column. 1.10 Install the installation set fixture onto the pinion gear. Install the dial indicator and lock in place with set screw. Assure the indicator is set to approximately midrange of its full travel. Bottom the adjustable screw on the fixture onto the shaft and lock screw in place with its lock nut. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 8 Bottom adjustable screw Lock in place with lock nut 1.11 Assure the dial indicator is in contact with the adjustable screw, reset if necessary. Zero out the dial indicator. Loosen the lock nut on the adjustable screw and back off from the shaft to the Initial Gear Offset dimensional requirement of Table 1 below. Lock the adjustable screw in place and verify the offset reading has not changed. Readjust if needed. Adjust to Table 1 offset requirements for Motor style being worked on and lock in place Caution: Do not use depth mikes for this measurement Dial indicator designed for fixture must be used to assure proper measurements Document number Revision Page Motor Style Initial Gear Offset Dimension Final Requirement after cool down TDS 9,10 & 11 .062 .068 ± .005 TDS 3,4 & 8 .080 .080 ± .005 TDX-1000 TDX-1250 .080 .085 + .005 Per Specific Motor Drawing Table 1 Per Specific Motor Drawing ADS 3ASP00073 C 9 1.12 Remove the dial indicator from the fixture. Remove the fixture from the pinion gear. 1.13 Remove pinion gear from shaft using gear jacks. Tighten jacks against gear alternately approximately 1/16 to 1/8 turn until gear loosens. Caution: The gear has a tendency to pop off suddenly. Make sure that the area in front of the gear is clear and there is a protective mat (i.e. wood, nylon, rubber, etc.) for the gear to land on. Keep clear of the landing area to prevent personnel injury Caution: Use safety precautions when removing the gear to avoid injury. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 10 1.14 Coat the Inside diameter of the pinion gear with a thin coat of Nalco RC. Allow to dry and wipe off excess. 1.15 Lightly clean up the shaft using WD-40 and 320 grit sandpaper. 1.16 Clean shaft thoroughly with acetone and lint free wipes. 1.17 Coat the outside diameter of the shaft with a thin coat of Nalco RC. Allow to dry and wipe off excess. 1.18 Set the Eddy-Therm heater to 380 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.19 Install pinion gear onto Eddy-Therm and attach temperature probe. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 11 1.20 Turn on Eddy-Therm and allow to heat up to approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit. At this point rotate the gear 180 degrees and continue heating to 380 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help assure an even heat across the gear. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 12 When the temperature reaches 380 degrees Fahrenheit, check the temperature of both ends of the gear to assure that it is evenly heated. If necessary, rotate the gear and continue heating until the gear is evenly heated. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling the gear. Note: The following steps should be performed as quickly as possible to assure the gear does not cool excessively prior to installation. 1.21 Remove the pinion gear from the Eddy-Therm and install the set fixture onto the gear. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling 1.22 Install the gear and fixture onto the shaft swiftly pushing into place until the fixture’s adjustable screw contacts the shaft. Assure button comes into contact with shaft Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 13 1.23 Remove the set fixture from the assembly. Allow the assembly to cool to room temperature and measure the offset of the gear and shaft. Record the dimension on the POST SHRUNK column of the Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 . Note: If the shaft is below the gear face, the Post-Shrunk dimension should be subtracted from the Pre-Shrunk dimension. If the shaft is above the gear face, the dimensions should be added. 1.24 Record the installed dimension as calculated in the above note. The dimension should meet the requirements of Table 1 for the Motor style being worked on. If the dimension is out of tolerance, the assembly must be disassembled and the parts evaluated for conformance to print. Reject and replace any non conforming parts. 1.25 If the motor style is a TDS 10 or TDS 4 with a straight cut gear, measure run out and record on the Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 . Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 14 2. INSTALLATION OF BRAKE HUB (TDS ONLY). 2.1 Measure shaft runout and record actual on Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 for the brake end. This is for reference only. Total run out after assembly is .005” max. Any measurement that is approaching .005” should be evaluated prior to assembly. 2.2 Lightly clean up the shaft using WD-40 and 320 grit sandpaper. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 15 2.3 Clean shaft and internals of brake hub thoroughly with acetone and lint free wipes. 2.4 Apply Dykem Hispot blue to shaft. 2.5 Carefully install brake hub onto shaft and rotate back and forth ¼ to ½ turn three to four times. Pull the hub out approximately one inch and firmly push onto shaft. The hub and shaft should have a snug fit and not be able to be pulled apart by hand. 2.6 Remove brake hub from shaft using gear jacks. Tighten jacks against hub alternately approximately 1/16 to 1/8 turn until hub loosens. Caution: The hub has a tendency to pop off suddenly. Make sure that the area in front of the hub is clear and there is a protective mat (i.e. wood, nylon, rubber, etc.) for the hub to land on. Keep clear of the landing area to prevent personnel injury Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 16 Jacks for Hub removal. Caution: Use safety precautions when removing the gear to avoid injury. 2.7 Inspect brake hub internal area for a minimum of 85% transfer. Sign off Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 upon verification of proper fit. If 85% coverage cannot be verified, stop assembly and evaluate the shaft and gear to determine the cause. Reject discrepant part and obtain replacement. Verify minimum of 85% coverage 2.8 Clean off all Dykem from shaft and brake hub using acetone and lint free wipes. 2.9 Install hub back onto shaft and lightly pop into place. Measure depth of shaft from the hub face and record actual on Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 under the PRE-SHRUNK column. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 17 2.10 Install the installation set fixture onto the brake hub. Install the dial indicator and lock in place with set screw. Assure the indicator is set to approximately midrange of its full travel. Bottom the adjustable screw on the fixture onto the shaft and lock screw in place with its lock nut. Bottom adjustable screw Lock in place with lock nut 2.11 Assure the dial indicator is in contact with the adjustable screw, reset if necessary. Zero out the dial indicator. Loosen the lock nut on the adjustable screw and back off from the shaft to the to the Initial Hub Offset dimensional requirement of Table 2 below. Lock the adjustable screw in place and verify the offset reading has not changed. Readjust if needed. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 18 Adjust to Table 2 offset requirements for Motor style being worked on and lock in place Caution: Do not use depth mikes for this measurement Dial indicator designed for fixture must be used to assure proper measurements Motor Style TDS 9,10 & 11 TDS 3,4 & 8 TDX-1000 TDX-1250 Initial Hub Offset Dimension .052 .080 Final Requirement after cool down .054 ± .005 .085 ± .005 .080 .085 + .005 Table 2 2.12 Remove the dial indicator from the fixture. Remove the fixture from the brake hub. 2.13 Remove brake hub from shaft using gear jacks. Tighten jacks against hub alternately approximately 1/16 to 1/8 turn until hub loosens. Caution: The hub has a tendency to pop off suddenly. Make sure that the area in front of the hub is clear and there is a protective mat (i.e. wood, nylon, rubber, etc.) for the hub to land on. Keep clear of the landing area to prevent personnel injury Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 19 Caution: Use safety precautions when removing the gear to avoid injury. 2.14 Lightly clean up the shaft using WD-40 and 320 grit sandpaper. 2.15 Clean shaft thoroughly with acetone and lint free wipes. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 20 2.16 Set the Eddy-Therm heater to 380 degrees Fahrenheit. 2.17 Install brake hub onto Eddy-Therm and attach temperature probe. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling 2.18 Turn on Eddy-Therm and allow to heat up to approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit. At this point rotate the hub 180 degrees and continue heating to 380 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help assure an even heat across the hub. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling the hub Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 21 When the temperature reaches 380 degrees Fahrenheit, check the temperature of both ends of the gear to assure that it is evenly heated. If necessary, rotate the gear and continue heating until the gear is evenly heated. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling the gear. Note: The following steps should be performed as quickly as possible to assure the gear does not cool excessively prior to installation. 2.19 Remove the brake hub from the Eddy-Therm and install the set fixture onto the gear. 2.20 Install the gear and fixture onto the shaft swiftly pushing into place until the fixture’s adjustable screw contacts the shaft. Caution: Use proper heat resistant gloves when handling Assure button comes into contact with shaft 2.21 Remove the set fixture from the assembly. Allow the assembly to cool to room temperature and measure the offset of the hub and shaft. Record the dimension on the POST SHRUNK column of the Quality Record 3ASP00079QR1. Document number Revision Page 3ASP00073 C 22 Note: If the shaft is below the hub face, the Post-Shrunk dimension should be subtracted from the Pre-Shrunk dimension. If the shaft is above the hub face, the dimensions should be added. 2.22 Record the installed dimension as calculated in the above note. The dimension should meet the requirements of Table 2 for the Motor style being worked on. If the dimension is out of tolerance, the assembly must be disassembled and the parts evaluated for conformance to print. Reject and replace any non conforming parts. 2.23 Measure hub run out and record actual on Quality Record 3ASP00073QR1 for the brake end. Requirement is .005” maximum. If it exceeds.005” the assembly must be disassembled and the parts evaluated for conformance to print. Reject and replace any non conforming parts. FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 14.0 Safety Wiring Procedure PROCEDURE THE USE OF AND APPLICATION OF SAFETY WIRE FOR SECONDARY RETENTION RIG/PLANT ADDITIONAL CODE SDRL CODE TOTAL PGS REMARKS MAIN TAG NUMBER DISCIPLINE CLIENT PO NUMBER CLIENT DOCUMENT NUMBER Client Document Number This document contains proprietary and confidential information which belongs to National Oilwell Varco; it is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of National Oilwell. Reproduction, in whole or in part; or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express written consent of National Oilwell Varco. This document is to be returned to National Oilwell Varco upon request and in any event upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. National Oilwell Varco National Oilwell Varco Rig Solutions 11000 Corporate Centre Dr. Houston TX 77041 USA Phone +1 (281) 854-0647 Fax +1 (281) 854-0508 DOCUMENT NUMBER REV ASP00019 A Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 2 C. SILVA T. GORMSEN REVISION HISTORY A Rev 15/04/2011 10/03/1995 Date ( SEE ECN First Issue Reason for issue CHANGE DESCRIPTION Revision A Change Description First Issue SEE ECN KTK Prepared K DAW Checked T. GORMSEN JES Approved Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 1 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................. 3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................... 4 REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 4 3.1 MATERIAL AND SIZE ............................................................................................ 4 3.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 5 3.3 LOCK-WIRING METHODS .................................................................................... 6 3.4 OTHER APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ 7 3.5 ILLUSTRATION OF TYPICAL LOCK-WIRE APPLICATION .................................. 8 QA PROVISIONS.............................................................................................................. 9 NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 9 SCOPE Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 4 This procedure establishes the method for the selection and application of safety wire. Lock wiring is the application of wire to prevent relative movement of structure or other critical components subject to vibration, tension, torque, etc. This procedure is intended to help eliminate the risk of dropped objects in components or parts manufactured. Bolts, Nuts and Screws are the common type of fasteners used on NOV equipment. They need to be locked (secondary retention) against loss of torque / pretension. Use of safety wire to prevent rotation of fasteners is a safe and primarily recommended secondary retention method for fasteners. It is the most preferred method because it not only prevents fasteners from loosening but also keeps them from falling in case of primary retention failure (bolt head Breaks off) and effectively prevents dropped objects. Note that the secondary retention will work only if the primary retention method is properly in place, i.e. bolts and screws are tightened and torqued as per specifications, and there is no play between the mating elements. Secondary retention methods aim in preventing any compromise in primary retention, loss of pre-tension in assembled fasteners, loosening and backing out. Definitions: Secondary Retention – The means of effectively retaining a fastener/joining component such that the operating loads do not compromise the integrity of the primary fastening component. 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DS00008-DES DESIGN TORQUE STANDARDS Machinery’s Handbook 27th Edition 3 3.1 REQUIREMENTS MATERIAL AND SIZE 3.1.1 Material Lock wire must be aircraft quality stainless steel 302/304 condition A. 3.1.2 Lock-wire sizes Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 5 a. 0.5080 mm (0.020 inch) diameter b. 0.8128 mm (0.032 inch) diameter NOV P/N Z6000.8 c. 1.1938 mm (0.047 inch) diameter NOV P/N Z6000.9 d. 1.2950 mm (0.051 inch) diameter NOV P/N Z6001 e. 3.1750 mm (0.125 inch) diameter NOV P/N Z6002 3.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.2.1 Safety wire shall be new upon each application. 3.2.2 Parts shall be lockwired in such a manner that the lockwire shall be put in tension when the part tends to loosen. 3.2.3 The lockwire should always be installed and twisted so that the loop around the head stays down and does not tend to come up over bolt head and leave a slack loop. 3.2.4 Care shall be exercised when installing lockwire to ensure that it is tight but not over stressed. 3.2.5 Properly twisted lockwire will have 7-12 twists per inch for .032 wire and 6-8 turns for .052 wire. More twists will over stress the wire and cause fatigue and breakage. 3.2.6 A pigtail should be ½” to 5/8” in length (4-8 twists) at the end of the wiring. This pigtail shall be bent back or under to prevent it from becoming a snag. 3.2.7 As per the Machinery’s Handbook 27th edition the following rules apply: a) No more than three (3) bolts may be tied together. b) Bolt heads may be tied as shown only when the female thread receiver is captive.(see figure 1) c) Lockwire must fill a minimum of 50% of the drilled hole provided for the use of lockwire. d) Diameter of lockwire is determined by the thread size of the fastener to be lockwired. 1) Thread sizes of 6 mm (0.25 inch) and smaller use 0.508mm (0.020 inch) wire. 2) Thread sizes of 6 mm (0.25 inch) to 12 mm (0.5 inch) use 0.8128 mm (0.032 inch) wire. 3) Thread sizes > 12 mm (0.5 inch) use 1.1938 mm (0.047 inch) OR 1.295mm (0.051) wire. The larger wire may be used in smaller bolts in cases of convenience, but smaller wire must not be used in larger fastener sizes. Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 6 Figure 1: Safety Wire / Lock Wire 3.3 LOCK-WIRING METHODS 3.3.1 The method involves threading a wire through holes in the fastener to lock it against being rotated loose. The wire is twisted before being threaded and is locked to next bolt. Safety wire should be placed in and around bolt head to maintain the pre-load. The use of safety wire ties is illustrated in figure 1 above. The illustrations assume the use of right-hand threaded fasteners. 3.3.2 The double-twist method: The double-twist method of lock-wiring shall be used as the common method of lock-wiring. CAUTION: screws in closely spaced geometric which secure hydraulic or air seals, hold hydraulic pressure, or used in critical areas of clutch mechanism should use double twist method of lock-wiring. Make sure that the wire is so installed that it can easily be broken when required in an emergency situation. 3.3.3 Lock-wiring widely spaced multiple groups by the double twist method. a) When the multiple fasteners are from 4-6 inches apart, three (3) fasteners shall be the maximum number in a series that can be safety wired together. b) When the multiple fasteners are spaced more than 6 inches apart, the multiple fastener application specified in Figure 1 shall not be used unless tie points are provided on adjacent parts to shorten the span of the wire to less than 6 inches. c) One end of the safety wire shall be inserted through one set of lockwire holes in the head of the bolt. The other end of the safety wire shall be looped around the bolt head in the tightening direction. Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 7 d) The strands, while taut, shall be twisted until the twisted part is just short of the nearest hole in the next bolt. The twisted portion shall be within 1/8” of the holes in each bolt as shown in figure 1 above. e) After wiring the last bolt, the wire shall be twisted to form a pigtail of 2-4 twists. The excess wire shall be cut off. The pigtail shall be bent back or under the part to prevent it from becoming a snag. 3.3.4 Single wire method: The single wire method may be used in a closely spaced, closed geometrical pattern (triangle, square, circle, etc.) on parts in an electrical system, and in places that would make the single-method more advisable as shown in figure 2 below. Closely spaced shall be considered a maximum of two inches between centers. Maximum length of wire shall not exceed 24” in total length. Figure 2: Safety Wire / Lock Wire Single 3.4 OTHER APPLICATIONS Document number Revision Page ASP00019 A 8 3.4.1 Hollow head bolts are safety wired in the manner prescribed for regular bolts. 3.4.2 Drain plugs and cocks may be wired to a bolt, nut, or other part having a free lock hole in accordance with the general instructions contained herein. 3.4.3 External snap rings may be locked if necessary in accordance with the general locking principles contained herein. 3.4.4 Internal snap rings shall never be lockwired. 3.4.5 Bolts and hardware may be wired using SAFE-T-Cable. Follow procedure D744000087-PRO-001. Safe-T-Cable® can be used similar to Safety/Lock wire to secure Fasteners. The safety cable installation procedure is shown in Figure. The safety cable comes in pre-cut lengths with stubs on one end. After sewing through the holes in the fasteners they are tightened and crimped using a ferrule cartridge and crimping tool. They are more convenient to use and take only a fraction of the time to secure fasteners as compared to safety wire as no wire twisting is required. However additional tools like ferrule cartridge and crimping tool are required. For additional information refer Safe-TCable® (website Figure 3: Safety Cable Installation Procedure 3.5 ILLUSTRATION OF TYPICAL LOCK-WIRE APPLICATION Document number Revision Page 4 QA PROVISIONS 5 NOTES ASP00019 A 9 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 15.0 Design Torque Standard DS00008 Design Specification Design Torque Standard THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WHICH BELONGS TO NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. IT IS LOANED FOR LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. REPRODUCTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART OR USE OF THIS DESIGN OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS INFORMATION TO OTHERS IS NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE RETURNED TO NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. UPON REQUEST AND IN ANY EVENT UPON COMPLETION OF THE USE FOR WHICH IT WAS LOANED. THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AND REPRESENTED IS THE COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY OF NATIONAL-OILWELL, L.P. CURRENT DRAWN TITLE Design Torque Standard INITIAL D.TRUONG A. Vargas CHECKED B.RICE B. Levay APPVD B.RICE JB DATE 7/25/11 11.13.1992 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 1 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) NOTES 1. Unless noted, all values are based on light machine oil or anti seize lubricated bolts (not high pressure lubes) 2. NOV does not recommend assembling bolts dry 3. Proof Strength is 92% of minimum yield strength 4. Torque values given represent 70% to 80% of proof strength 5. Clamp force is based on 75% of proof strength 6. These torque values are to be followed unless otherwise specified 7. If torqueing into aluminum, contact engineering for appropriate torque value. 8. After proper torque has been established in accordance with specification, fasteners shall be immediately identified as being torqued by either: a) Being safety wired in accordance with ASP00019 and/or b) Marked with an “X” using either a red or yellow paint marker. SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 2 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR LIGHT MACHINE OIL LUBRICATED BOLTS GRADE 2 T.S. = 74,000 PSI to ¾” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 55,000 PSI T.S. = 60,000 PSI 7/8” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 33,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 5.7 6.3 1,320 5/16 – 18 10.5 11.6 2,160 3/8 – 16 19 21 3,200 7/16 – 14 29 32 4,380 1/2 – 13 48 53 5,840 9/16 – 12 67 74 7,500 5/8 – 11 95 105 9,300 3/4 – 10 166 184 13,800 7/8 – 9 157 173 11,400 1–8 238 263 15,000 1 1/8 – 7 333 368 18,900 1 1/4 – 7 475 525 24,000 1 3/8 – 6 627 639 28,600 1 1/2 – 6 827 914 34,800 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 5.7 6.3 11.4 12.6 22 24 33 37 52 58 76 84 105 116 185 205 176 194 257 284 380 420 523 578 703 777 931 1,029 1,500 2,400 3,620 4,900 6,600 8,400 10,600 15,400 12,600 16,400 21,200 26,600 32,500 39,100 SIZE GRADE 5 T.S. = 120,000 PSI to 1” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 85,00 PSI T.S. = 105,000 PSI 1-1/8” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 74,000 PSI Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 7.6 16 29 48 71 105 143 247 409 608 760 1,064 1,387 1,843 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 8.4 18 32 53 79 116 158 273 452 672 840 1,176 1,533 2,037 Clamp Force (lb) 2,020 3,340 4,940 6,800 9,050 11,600 14,400 21,300 29,400 38,600 42,300 53,800 7 64,100 7 78,000 7 9.5 18 33 52 86 114 162 285 447 665 836 1,178 1,596 2,090 10.5 20 37 58 95 126 179 315 494 735 924 1,302 1,764 2,310 2,320 3,700 5,600 7,550 10,700 12,950 16,300 23,800 32,400 42,200 47,500 59,600 73,000 87,700 DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE 7 7 7 7 WT LBS SHEET F 3 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR LIGHT MACHINE OIL LUBRICATED BOLTS GRADE 8 TENSILE STRENGTH = 150,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 120,000 PSI HOLO-KROME TENSILE STRENGTH = 170,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 136,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 11.4 12.6 2,860 5/16 – 18 24 26 3,720 3/8 – 16 43 47 7,000 7/16 – 14 67 74 9,550 1/2 – 13 105 116 12,750 9/16 – 12 143 158 16,100 5/8 – 11 209 231 20,350 3/4 – 10 361 399 30,100 7/8 – 9 570 630 41,600 1–8 855 945 54,500 7 1 1/8 – 7 1,216 1,344 68,700 7 1 1/4 – 7 1,729 1,911 87,200 7 1 3/8 – 6 2,261 2,499 104,000 7 1 1/2 – 6 3,002 3,318 126,500 7 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 13.3 17.7 3,280 24 26 5,220 48 53 7,900 75 84 10,700 114 126 14,400 162 179 18,250 228 252 23,000 399 441 33,600 627 693 45,800 950 1,050 59,700 1,368 1,512 77,000 1,900 2,100 96,600 2,584 2,856 118,400 3,382 3,738 142,200 SIZE 7 7 7 7 7 7 Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 12 26 47 75 114 163 226 404 651 969 1,349 1,967 2,565 3,411 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 14 28 51 83 126 181 250 446 719 1,071 1,491 2,174 2,835 3,770 Clamp Force (lb) 3,240 5,340 7,920 10,850 14,450 18,500 23,000 34,000 47,000 61,700 7 77,800 7 98,700 7 117,800 7 143,200 7 14 29 52 84 124 183 258 451 718 1,064 1,511 2,180 2,926 4,769 16 32 58 92 137 203 286 499 794 1,176 1,670 2,410 3,234 5,271 3,750 5,920 8,050 12,150 16,250 20,700 26,200 38,000 51,900 67,600 87,000 109,400 134,000 201,000 DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE 7 7 7 7 7 7 WT LBS SHEET F 4 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR LIGHT MACHINE OIL LUBRICATED BOLTS STAINLESS ASTM F593G & F593H T.S. = 100,000 PSI to 5/8” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 59,000 PSI T.S. = 85,000 PSI 3/4” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 41,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 5.7 6.3 1,407 5/16 – 18 11.4 12.6 2,319 3/8 – 16 20.0 22.1 3,429 7/16 – 14 32 36 4,704 1/2 – 13 49 55 6,279 9/16 – 12 72 80 8,054 5/8 – 11 99 109 10,001 3/4 – 10 122 134 10,271 7/8 – 9 197 217 14,207 1–8 295 327 18,635 1 1/8 – 7 418 462 23,462 1 1/4 – 7 590 652 29,797 1 3/8 – 6 773 855 35,516 1 1/2 – 6 1,026 1,134 43,204 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 6.7 7.4 12.4 13.7 22.8 25.2 36 40 56 62 80 88 112 124 136 150 217 239 323 357 469 519 653 721 881 973 1,154 1,276 1,611 2,567 3,885 5,252 7,076 8,983 11,328 11,470 15,652 20,387 26,322 32,995 10,436 49,616 STAINLESS ASTM F593U TENSILE STRENGTH = 135,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 95,000 PSI 7 Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 8.6 18.1 33.3 52 80 116 160 282 456 684 968 1,366 1,792 2,378 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 9.5 20.0 36.8 58 88 128 176 312 504 756 1,070 1,510 1,980 2,628 Clamp Force (lb) 2,266 3,734 5,522 7,574 10,110 12,968 16,103 23,798 32,918 43,179 54,364 7 69,041 7 82,294 7 100,106 7 10.5 20.9 37 59 90 129 181 315 503 748 1,087 1,513 2,040 2,675 11.6 23.1 41 65 100 143 200 349 555 826 1,201 1,973 2,254 2,957 2,594 4,133 6,256 8,457 11,393 14,464 18,240 26,576 36,266 47,239 60,900 76,451 93,694 122,646 7 7 7 7 7 F593 U F593 G or H SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 5 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS LUBRICATED WITH AN ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND GRADE 2 T.S. = 74,000 PSI to ¾” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 55,000 PSI T.S. = 60,000 PSI 7/8” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 33,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 4.3 4.7 1,320 5/16 – 18 7.8 8.7 2,160 3/8 – 16 14.3 15.8 3,200 7/16 – 14 21.4 23.6 4,380 1/2 – 13 36 39 5,840 9/16 – 12 50 55 7,500 5/8 – 11 71 79 9,300 3/4 – 10 125 138 13,800 7/8 – 9 118 130 11,400 1–8 178 197 15,000 1 1/8 – 7 249 276 18,900 1 1/4 – 7 356 394 24,000 1 3/8 – 6 470 520 28,600 1 1/2 – 6 620 685 34,800 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 4.3 4.7 8.6 9.5 16.4 18.1 25 28 39 43 57 63 78 87 139 154 132 146 192 213 285 315 392 433 527 583 698 772 1,500 2,400 3,620 4,900 6,600 8,400 10,600 15,400 12,600 16,400 21,200 26,600 32,500 39,100 SIZE GRADE 5 T.S. = 120,000 PSI to 1” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 85,00 PSI T.S. = 105,000 PSI 1-1/8” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 74,000 PSI Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 5.7 12.1 21.4 36 53 78 107 185 306 456 570 798 1,040 1,382 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 6.3 13.4 23.6 39 59 87 118 205 339 504 630 882 1,150 1,528 Clamp Force (lb) 2,020 3,340 4,940 6,800 9,050 11,600 14,400 21,300 29,400 38,600 42,300 53,800 7 64,100 7 78,000 7 7.1 13.5 25 39 64 86 121 214 335 499 627 884 1,197 1,568 7.9 15 28 43 71 95 134 236 370 551 693 977 1,323 1,733 2,320 3,700 5,600 7,550 10,700 12,950 16,300 23,800 32,400 42,200 47,500 59,600 73,000 87,700 DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE 7 7 7 7 WT LBS SHEET F 6 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS LUBRICATED WITH AN ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND GRADE 8 TENSILE STRENGTH = 150,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 120,000 PSI HOLO-KROME TENSILE STRENGTH = 170,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 136,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 8.6 9.5 2,860 5/16 – 18 17.8 19.7 3,720 3/8 – 16 32 35 7,000 7/16 – 14 50 55 9,550 1/2 – 13 78 87 12,750 9/16 – 12 107 118 16,100 5/8 – 11 157 173 20,350 3/4 – 10 271 299 30,100 7/8 – 9 428 473 41,600 1–8 641 709 54,500 7 1 1/8 – 7 912 1,008 68,700 7 1 1/4 – 7 1,297 1,433 87,200 7 1 3/8 – 6 1,696 1,874 104,000 7 1 1/2 – 6 2,252 2,489 126,500 7 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 10 11 3,280 17.8 19.7 5,220 36 39 7,900 57 63 10,700 86 95 14,400 121 134 18,250 171 189 23,000 299 331 33,600 470 520 45,800 713 788 59,700 1,026 1,134 77,000 1,425 1,575 96,600 1,938 2,142 11,840 2,537 2,804 142,200 SIZE 7 7 7 7 7 7 Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 9.3 19 35 56 86 123 170 303 488 727 1,012 1,475 1,924 2,558 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 10.2 21 39 62 95 135 187 335 539 803 1,118 1,630 2,126 2,827 Clamp Force (lb) 3,240 5,340 7,920 10,850 14,450 18,500 23,000 34,000 47,000 7 61,700 7 77,800 7 98,700 7 117,800 7 143,200 7 10.7 21 39 63 93 138 194 338 539 798 1,133 1,635 2,195 3,577 11.8 24 43 69 102 152 214 374 595 882 1,252 1,807 2,426 3,953 3,750 5,920 8,050 12,150 16,250 20,700 26,200 38,000 51,900 67,600 87,000 109,400 134,000 201,000 DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE 7 7 7 7 7 7 WT LBS SHEET F 7 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS LUBRICATED WITH AN ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND STAINLESS ASTM F593G & F593H T.S. = 100,000 PSI to 5/8” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 59,000 PSI T.S. = 85,000 PSI 3/4” to 1-1/2” DIA PROOF STRENGTH = 41,000 PSI COARSE THREAD SERIES - UNC Max. Clamp Dia-Threads Min. Torque Torque Force (ft-lbf) Per Inch (ft-lbf) (lb) 1/4 – 20 4.3 4.7 1,407 5/16 – 18 8.6 9.5 2,319 3/8 – 16 15 16.5 3,429 7/16 – 14 24 27 4,704 1/2 – 13 37 41 6,279 9/16 – 12 54 60 8,054 5/8 – 11 74 82 10,001 3/4 – 10 91 101 10,271 7/8 – 9 147 163 14,207 1–8 222 245 18,635 1 1/8 – 7 314 347 23,462 1 1/4 – 7 442 489 29,797 1 3/8 – 6 580 641 35,516 1 1/2 – 6 770 851 43,204 1/4 – 28 5/16 – 24 3/8 – 24 7/16 – 20 1/2 – 20 9/16 – 18 5/8 – 18 3/4 – 16 7/8 – 14 1–4 1 1/8 – 12 1 1/4 – 12 1 3/8 – 12 1 1/2 – 12 FINE THREAD SERIES – UNF 5.0 5.5 9.3 10.2 17.1 18.9 27 30 42 46 60 66 84 93 102 113 162 180 242 268 352 389 489 541 660 730 866 957 1,611 2,567 3,885 5,252 7,076 8,983 11,328 11,470 15,652 20,387 26,322 32,995 40,436 48,616 STAINLESS ASTM F593U TENSILE STRENGTH = 135,000 PSI PROOF STRENGTH = 95,000 PSI 7 Min. Torque (ft-lbf) 6.4 13.5 24.9 39 60 87 120 212 342 513 726 1,025 1,344 1,783 Max. Torque (ft-lbf) 7.1 15 27.6 43 66 96 132 234 378 567 802 1,132 1,485 1,971 Clamp Force (lb) 2,266 3,734 5,522 7,574 10,110 12,968 16,103 23,798 32,918 43,179 54,364 7 69,041 7 82,294 7 100,106 7 7.8 15.7 28 44 68 97 135 237 377 561 815 1,135 1,530 2,006 8.7 17.3 31 49 75 107 150 261 417 620 901 1,254 1,691 2,218 2,594 4,133 6,256 8,457 11,393 14,464 18,240 26,576 36,266 47,239 60,990 76,451 93,694 112,646 F593 G or H 7 7 7 7 7 F593 U SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 8 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR LIGHT MACHINE OIL LUBRICATED BOLTS CLASS 4.6 T.S. = 400 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 225 MPa T.S. is for all dia. CLASS 8.8 T.S. = 830 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 600 MPa T.S. is for all dia *Metric socket head screws* METRIC SERIES Diameter - pitch Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) M3 - .5 M3.5 - .6 M4 - .7 M5 - .8 M6 - 1 M8 - 1.25 M10 - 1.5 M12 - 1.75 M14 - 2 M16 - 2 M18 – 2.5 M20 – 2.5 M22 – 2.5 M24 - 3 M27 – 3 M30 - 3.5 M33 – 3.5 M36 – 3.5 M39 - 4 M42 - 4.5 M48 - 5 M56 - 5.5 .4 .6 .9 1.7 2.9 6.9 14 24 38 57 81 112 151 193 280 381 514 656 852 1,059 1,586 2,535 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) .5 .73 1.1 2.1 3.7 8.9 17 31 48 74 104 145 196 251 365 496 670 857 1112 1380 2069 3310 Clamp Force (Ib) 183 247 320 516 732 1,331 2,106 3,055 4,177 5,664 6,975 8,851 10,940 12,746 16,570 20,216 24,961 29,422 35,122 40,363 53,038 7 73,007 7 Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) .9 1.5 2.1 4.3 7.2 17 33 57 91 141 195 274 372 472 690 934 1,267 1,627 2,102 2,599 3,899 6,253 4.6 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) 1.2 1.9 2.9 5.8 9.9 23 47 81 129 199 278 388 524 671 974 1,325 1,787 2,285 2,966 3,681 5,518 8,828 Clamp Force (lb) 489 659 854 1,378 1,954 3,550 5,617 8,148 11,141 15,106 18,600 23,604 29,174 33,989 44,186 53,911 7 66,563 7 78,460 7 93,661 7 107,634 7 141,435 7 194,686 7 8.8 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 9 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR LIGHT MACHINE OIL LUBRICATED BOLTS CLASS 10.9 T.S. = 1040 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 830 MPa T.S. is for all dia Diameter - pitch Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) M3 - .5 M3.5 - .6 M4 - .7 M5 - .8 M6 - 1 M8 - 1.25 M10 - 1.5 M12 - 1.75 M14 - 2 M16 - 2 M18 – 2.5 M20 – 2.5 M22 – 2.5 M24 – 3 M27 – 3 M30 - 3.5 M33 – 3.5 M36 – 4 M39 – 4 M42 - 4.5 M48 - 5 M56 – 5.5 1.3 2.1 3.1 6.2 10.6 25 50 87 138 212 297 414 557 715 1,034 1,408 1,896 2,421 3,145 3,907 5,853 9,352 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) 1.7 2.7 4.0 8.0 13.7 33 65 112 179 275 384 537 726 929 1,347 1,833 2,473 3,161 4,103 5,093 7,633 12,212 Clamp Force (Ib) 676 911 1,182 1,906 2,703 4,910 7,771 11,271 15,411 20,897 25,730 53,911 40,358 47,019 7 61,125 7 74,577 7 92,079 7 108,536 7 129,564 7 148,894 7 195,652 7 269,316 7 CLASS 12.9 T.S. = 1220 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 970 MPa T.S. is for all dia. * Metric socket head screws* Min. Max. Clamp Torque Torque Force (ft-Ibf) (ft-Ibf) (lb) 1.5 2.0 790 2.5 3.1 1,065 3.7 4.7 1,381 7.3 9.4 2,228 12 16 3,159 29 38 5,739 58 76 9,082 101 131 13,172 162 210 18,011 247 321 24,422 347 449 30,070 483 628 38,159 651 848 47,165 7 836 1,086 54,950 7 1,209 1,574 71,435 7 1,646 2,142 87,157 7 2,216 2,890 107,611 7 2,829 3,695 126,843 7 3,675 4,795 151,418 7 4,566 5,952 174,009 7 6,840 8,921 228,654 7 10,930 14,272 314,743 7 10.9 12.9 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 10 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS WITH AN ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND CLASS 4.6 T.S. = 400 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 225 MPa T.S. is for all dia. CLASS 8.8 T.S. = 830 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 600 MPa T.S. is for all dia *Metric socket head screws* METRIC SERIES Diameter - pitch Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) M3 - .5 M3.5 - .6 M4 - .7 M5 - .8 M6 - 1 M8 - 1.25 M10 - 1.5 M12 - 1.75 M14 - 2 M16 - 2 M18 – 2.5 M20 – 2.5 M22 – 2.5 M24 - 3 M27 – 3 M30 - 3.5 M33 – 3.5 M36 – 3.5 M39 - 4 M42 - 4.5 M48 - 5 M56 - 5.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.3 2.2 5 11 18 29 43 61 84 113 145 210 286 386 492 639 794 1190 1901 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.7 2.8 7 14 23 37 56 79 109 147 188 273 371 501 640 831 1033 1546 2472 Clamp Force (Ib) 183 247 320 516 732 1,331 2,106 3,055 4,177 5,664 6,975 8,851 10,940 12,746 16,570 20,216 24,961 29,422 35,122 40,363 53,038 7 73,007 7 Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) 0.7 1.1 1.6 3.2 5.4 13 25 43 68 106 146 206 279 354 518 701 950 1220 1577 1949 2924 4690 4.6 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) 0.9 1.5 2.0 4.2 7.0 17 32 56 89 137 190 267 363 460 673 911 1235 1586 2049 2534 3802 6097 Clamp Force (lb) 489 659 854 1,378 1,954 3,550 5,617 8,148 11,141 15,106 18,600 23,604 29,174 33,989 44,186 53,911 7 66,563 7 78,460 7 93,661 7 107,634 7 141,435 7 194,686 7 8.8 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 11 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) TORQUE VALUES FOR BOLTS WITH AN ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND CLASS 10.9 T.S. = 1040 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 830 MPa T.S. is for all dia Diameter - pitch Min. Torque (ft-Ibf) M3 - .5 M3.5 - .6 M4 - .7 M5 - .8 M6 - 1 M8 - 1.25 M10 - 1.5 M12 - 1.75 M14 - 2 M16 - 2 M18 – 2.5 M20 – 2.5 M22 – 2.5 M24 – 3 M27 – 3 M30 - 3.5 M33 – 3.5 M36 – 4 M39 – 4 M42 - 4.5 M48 - 5 M56 – 5.5 1.0 1.6 2.3 4.7 8.0 19 38 65 104 159 223 311 418 536 776 1056 1422 1816 2359 2930 4390 7014 Max. Torque (ft-Ibf) 1.3 2.0 3.0 6.0 10.3 24 49 85 135 207 290 404 543 697 1008 1373 1849 2360 3066 3809 5707 9118 Clamp Force (Ib) 676 911 1,182 1,906 2,703 4,910 7,771 11,271 15,411 20,897 25,730 32,652 40,358 47,019 7 61,125 7 74,577 7 92,079 7 108,536 7 129,564 7 148,894 7 195,652 7 269,316 7 CLASS 12.9 T.S. = 1220 MPa PROOF STRENGTH = 970 MPa T.S. is for all dia. * Metric socket head screws* Min. Max. Clamp Torque Torque Force (ft-Ibf) (ft-Ibf) (lb) 1.1 1.5 790 1.9 2.4 1,065 2.8 3.6 1,381 5.5 7.1 2,228 9.0 11.7 3,159 22 28 5,739 44 57 9,082 76 98 13,172 122 158 18,011 185 241 24,422 260 338 30,070 362 471 38,159 488 635 47,165 7 627 815 54,950 7 907 1179 71,435 7 1235 1605 87,157 7 1662 2161 107,611 7 2122 2758 126,843 7 2756 3583 151,418 7 3425 4452 174,009 7 5130 6669 228,654 7 8198 10657 314,743 7 10.9 12.9 The following tables specify torque values for fasteners used with Nord-Lock washers. SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 12 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) NORD-LOCK “Delta Protekt” Washers with Zinc Plated Bolt 8.8 Oil Washer Size Bolt Size Pitch (mm) NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 NL18 NL20 NL22 NL24 NL27 NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 NL42 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 .5 .7 .8 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Graphite Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) 1.2 3.0 5.8 10 24 47 82 129 197 276 385 525 664 968 1,322 1,779 2,295 2,960 3,663 540 944 1,529 2,181 4,047 6,295 8,992 12,364 16,861 20,682 26,527 32,822 37,993 49,683 60,474 74,861 88,125 105,211 120,947 1.2 2.7 5.2 9.1 22 43 74 117 177 249 348 474 599 873 1,192 1,600 2,067 2,663 3,297 540 944 1,529 2,181 4,047 6,295 8,992 12,364 16,861 20,682 26,527 32,822 37,993 49,683 60,474 74,861 88,125 105,211 120,947 NORD-LOCK “Delta Protekt” Washers with Zinc Plated Bolt 10.9 Oil Washer Size NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 NL18 NL20 NL22 NL24 NL27 NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 NL42 Bolt Size Pitch (mm) Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Graphite Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 .5 .7 .8 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 1.7 3.9 7.8 14 33 64 110 175 268 375 524 714 903 1,318 1,798 2,422 3,125 4,030 4,988 719 1,259 2,046 2,900 5,171 8,318 12,140 16,636 22,481 27,651 35,070 43,613 50,582 66,094 80,482 99,590 117,350 140,281 160,963 1.5 3.5 6.7 12 29 56 95 151 230 323 451 613 776 1,128 1,542 2,068 2,673 3,440 4,262 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE 764 1,326 2,158 3,057 5,620 8,768 12,814 17,535 23,830 29,225 37,093 46,086 53,505 69,691 84,978 105,211 123,870 148,149 170,180 DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 13 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) NORD-LOCK “Delta Protekt” Washers with Zinc Plated Bolt 12.9 Oil Washer Size NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 NL18 NL20 NL22 NL24 NL27 NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 NL42 Bolt Size Pitch (mm) Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Torque (ft-lbf) Graphite Clamp (lb) M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 .5 .7 .8 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 1.9 4.4 8.7 15 36 72 123 196 298 419 585 797 1,009 1,470 2,005 2,699 3,483 4,490 5,560 877 1,506 2,450 3,462 6,295 9,892 14,613 20,008 26,977 33,272 42,264 52,380 60,698 79,133 96,668 119,598 140,730 168,157 193,336 1.6 3.8 7.4 13 31 61 105 167 252 355 494 670 850 1,235 1,688 2,265 2,927 3,763 4,666 922 1,596 2,585 3,664 6,744 10,566 15,287 21,132 28,551 35,070 44,512 55,303 64,295 83,629 102,063 126,343 148,823 177,599 204,126 NORD-LOCK Stainless Steel with Stainless Steel Bolt A4 Washer Size NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL8 NL10 NL12 NL14 NL16 NL18 NL20 NL22 NL24 NL27 NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 NL42 Bolt Size Pitch (mm) A4-70 w/ Graphite Lube Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) A4-80 w/ Graphite Lube Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 .5 .7 .8 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.5 0.9 1.9 3.7 7 16 32 54 85 130 183 256 349 441 643 877 1,182 1,525 1,968 2,435 1.2 2.6 5.1 9 21 41 72 114 174 244 341 465 588 858 1,170 1,576 2,034 2,624 3,247 SIZE 337 585 922 1,326 2,473 3,822 5,620 7,644 10,341 12,589 16,186 20,008 23,155 30,124 36,869 45,636 53,729 64,071 73,737 DWG NO REV A SCALE 450 764 1,236 1,754 3,147 5,171 7,419 10,116 13,713 16,861 21,357 26,527 30,799 40,241 49,233 60,698 71,714 85,652 98,241 DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 14 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) NORD-LOCK “Delta Protekt” Washers with Zinc Plated Bolt Grade 5 Oil Graphite Washer Size Bolt Size Pitch (TPI) Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) NL3 NL3.5 NL4 NL5 NL1/4” NL8 NL3/8” NL11 NL1/2” NL14 NL16 NL3/4” NL22 NL 1” NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 #5 #6 #8 #10 ¼ 5/16 3/8 7/16 ½ 9/16 5/8 ¾ 7/8 1 1 1/8 1¼ 1 3/8 1½ 40 32 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 1.1 1.4 2.7 3.9 9.1 18 30 47 73 104 145 254 408 617 771 1075 1410 1860 550 630 970 1,200 2,200 3,600 5,400 7,300 9,800 12,600 15,600 23,100 31,900 41,800 46,400 58,900 70,200 85,500 1.0 1.3 2.4 3.5 8.3 16 28 42 66 94 131 230 369 557 697 969 1,270 1,670 550 630 970 1,200 2,200 3,600 5,400 7,300 9,800 12,600 15,600 23,100 31,900 41,800 46,400 58,900 70,200 85,500 NORD-LOCK “Delta Protekt” Washers with Zinc Plated Bolt Grade 8 Oil Washer Size Bolt Size Pitch (TPI) Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Graphite Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) NL3 NL3.5 NL4 NL5 NL1/4” NL8 NL3/8” NL11 NL1/2” NL14 NL16 NL3/4” NL22 NL 1” NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 #5 #6 #8 #10 ¼ 5/16 3/8 7/16 ½ 9/16 5/8 ¾ 7/8 1 1 1/8 1¼ 1 3/8 1½ 40 32 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 1.5 1.9 3.5 5.1 12 24 41 64 99 138 197 346 556 840 1,190 1,660 2,180 2,870 740 840 1,300 1,600 2,900 4,900 7,200 9,800 13,100 16,800 20,900 30,900 42,700 56,000 70,600 89,600 107,000 130,000 1.3 1.7 3.1 4.6 11 21 36 56 86 122 171 299 479 724 1,030 1,430 1,880 2,470 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE 780 890 1,400 1,700 3,100 5,100 7,600 10,400 13,900 17,800 22,100 32,700 45,100 59,200 74,500 94,600 113,000 137,000 DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 15 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) NORD-LOCK Stainless Steel with ASTM A574 Bolt Oil Washer Size Bolt Size Pitch (TPI) NL3 NL3.5 NL4 NL5 NL1/4” NL8 NL3/8” NL11 NL1/2” NL14 NL16 NL3/4” NL22 NL 1” NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 #5 #6 #8 #10 ¼ 5/16 3/8 7/16 ½ 9/16 5/8 ¾ 7/8 1 1 1/8 1¼ 1 3/8 1½ 40 32 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 Torque (ft-lbf) Clamp (lb) Graphite Torque Clamp (ft-lbf) (lb) 1.7 2.2 3.8 5.8 13 26 45 70 109 148 216 378 607 916 1,300 1,810 2,380 3,140 870 990 1,500 1,900 3,400 5,700 8,400 11,500 15,400 19,800 24,600 36,400 50,200 65,900 83,000 105,000 126,000 153,000 1.6 2.0 3.7 5.5 12 23 39 60 93 141 184 321 514 776 1100 1530 2020 2640 910 1,050 1,600 2,000 3,700 6,000 8,900 12,200 16,300 20,900 26,000 38,400 53,000 69,600 87,700 111,000 133,000 161,000 NORD-LOCK Stainless Steel with ASTM F593 Bolt Oil Washer Size Bolt Size Pitch (TPI) NL3 NL3.5 NL4 NL5 NL1/4” NL8 NL3/8” NL11 NL1/2” NL14 NL16 NL3/4” NL22 NL 1” NL30 NL33 NL36 NL39 #5 #6 #8 #10 ¼ 5/16 3/8 7/16 ½ 9/16 5/8 ¾ 7/8 1 1 1/8 1¼ 1 3/8 1½ 40 32 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 Torque (ftlb) Clamp (lb) Graphite Torque Clamp (ftlb) (lb) 5.2 10.3 18 28 43 61 85 104 166 251 356 497 653 859 1,300 2,200 3,300 4,500 6,000 7,700 9,500 9,800 13,500 17,700 22,300 28,300 33,800 41,100 5.2 10.3 18 28 43 61 85 104 166 251 356 497 653 859 SIZE DWG NO REV A SCALE 1,300 2,200 3,300 4,500 6,000 7,700 9,500 9,800 13,500 17,700 22,300 28,300 33,800 41,100 DS00008 NONE WT LBS SHEET F 16 OF 16 DCF0045 (REV B) FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 16.0 Recommended Lubricants and Fluids Recommended Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids NOV Drilling System Products Top Drive Systems Power Swivel Systems Iron Roughneck Systems Hoisting Systems Mud Pump Systems Pipe Handling Systems Rotating Systems BOP Transporter Systems Reference Reference Description This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole or in National Oilwell Varco part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to RIG SOLUTIONS others is not permitted without the express written consent of 11000 Corporate Centre Drive NOV. This document is to be returned to NOV upon request or Houston, TX 77041 upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco Document Number Rev. D811000719-PRO-001 05 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Revision History 05 15.08.2012 Engineering Update B. Dominguez S. Sobreira R. Luher 04 21.02.2012 Engineering Update B. Dominguez B. Levay B. Levay 03 30.11.2009 Engineering Update B. Dominguez P. Williams P. Williams 02 09.14.2009 Publication update B. Dominguez P. Williams P. Williams 01 10.01.2008 First Issue TCD BMD BDW Rev Date ( Reason for issue Prepared Checked Approved D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Change Description Revision Change Description 01 First Issue 02 1. Changed equipment reference to cover page. 2. Added temperature range reference to hydraulic fluids and gear lubricant pour point advisories to page 1. 3. Changed and added frequency of fluid changes for hydraulic fluids and gear lubricants to pages 4 and 8. 4. Changed Non-Arctic Service heading to Non-Arctic Service Fluids to page 6. 5. Changed “Viscosity” reference to “Kinematic Viscosity” reference in Non-Arctic Service Fluid table to page 6. 6. Changed Arctic Service heading to Arctic Service Fluids to page 7. 7. Changed “Viscosity” reference to “Kinematic Viscosity” reference in Arctic Service Fluid table to page 7. 8. Added “SUS” viscosities to best choice supreme grade arctic service hydraulic fluids to page 7. 9. Added “SUS” viscosities to alternative supreme grade arctic service hydraulic fluids to page 7. 10. Changed gearbox reference and added cross-reference information to operating temperature table for draining of gear oil to page 8. 11. Added "Conventional" reference to washpipe lubricant recommendation section to page 10. 12. Removed "AC" reference to page 10. 13. Removed grease brand example to page 11. 14. Added External Pinion and Gear Sets section with recommended grease information tables to page 9 and 10. 15. Changed “Viscosity” cell title to “Kinematic Viscosity” cell title in Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart to pages 14 and 15. 16. Added "External Pinion and Gear Sets" component lubricant reference to page 15. 17. Removed "AC" reference from drilling motor bearings to page 15. 18. Changed all primary temperature degrees to Celsius and changed all reference temperature degrees to Fahrenheit. 03 1. Added caution note and contact information note to page 2. 2. Removed oil additive recommendation note to page 15. 04 1. Moved Motor Bearings Lubricating Greases section from page 11 to page 12. 2. Moved External Pinion & Gear Set Lubricating Greases section from page 12 to page 13. 3. Moved Air Lubricator Misting Oil section from page 13 to page 17. 4. Add Wire Rope Lubricant section with recommended wire rope lubricant information (Titled: Inspection, Lubricating, and Rope Lubricants) to page 14 through page 16. 5. Added Wire Rope reference information to Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart to page 20. 05 1. Corrected cross-reference page information on page 9 to refer to the table on page 10. 2. Placed ambient temperature minus symbol in front of 9 celsius on column one, row two of Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox Table (page 10). 3. Placed ambient temperature minus symbol in front of 4 celsius on column one, row three of Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox Table (page 10). 4. Changed ambient temperature -10 Celsius to -9 Celsius on column two, row three of Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox Table (page 10). 5. Corrected inverted primary (Celsius) and reference (Fahrenheit) temperature degree call-outs to column two, row four of Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox Table (page 10). D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page i of i Table of Contents General Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Hydraulic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Change Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Non-Arctic Service Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Arctic Service Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Gear Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Change Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Low-Temperature Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Gearbox Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Grease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 General Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Conventional Washpipe Lubricating Greases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Motor Bearings Lubricating Greases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 IBOP/Kelly Valve Actuator Lubricating Greases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 External Pinion & Gear Set Lubricating Greases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 Wire Rope Lubricant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 Lubricating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Rope Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 Misting Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 Air Lubricator Misting Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 i D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 1 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids General Recommendations The lubrication intervals for NOV derrick-mounted equipment are based on lubricant supplier recommendations, original equipment manufacturer instructions, and engineering design criteria. Severe conditions such as extreme loads, extreme temperatures, or o operating in a corrosive atmosphere may require more frequent lubrication intervals. i Hydraulic fluids must pour freely at the minimum operating temperature. The Pour Point temperature of Hydraulic Fluid should be at least 17°C or (30°F) lower than the expected minimum ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature approaches the Hydraulic Fluid Pour Point, you may need to use a heater to get the fluid flowing and to ensure proper lubrication of components. i Gear lubricant must pour freely at the minimum operating temperature. The Pour Point temperature of Gear Lubricant should be at least 6°C or (10°F) lower than the expected minimum ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature approaches the Gear Lubricant Pour Point, you may need to use a heater to get the fluid flowing and to ensure proper lubrication of components. i Clean or replace filters whenever lubricants and fluids are replaced. ! When adding or changing fluids (gear oil or hydraulic fluid), take every precaution to prevent fluid contamination. Do not mix different types of fluids. Do not mix the same type of fluid from different manufacturers. 1 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 2 of 20 General Recommendations ! Always use NOV recommended lubricants in your NOV equipment. i Contact an NOV Service Center for additional instructions if none of the recommended lubricants have the correct properties for ambient and operating temperatures ranges at your location. 2 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 3 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids General Recommendations Precautions Make sure to read and understand the following prior to adding or changing lubricants. ! Do not over-lubricate parts. Over-lubricating a fitting can cause a bearing seal to pop out. Over-lubricated parts may also drip, creating a slipping hazard. Release all hydraulic oil pressure by bleeding accumulators before disconnecting hydraulic lines. Hydraulic oil under pressure can penetrate skin and cause serious injury. Before opening the hydraulic system, thoroughly clean work area, and maintain system cleanliness by promptly capping all disconnected lines. Dirt is extremely harmful to hydraulic system components and can cause equipment failure and subsequent injury to personnel. i Careful handling of all lubricants should always be practiced. Avoid prolonged contact to skin, splashing into eyes, ingestion or inhaling of vapor or mist. Refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for additional information. 3 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 4 of 20 General Recommendations Additional Information Refer to the following for related information. The design notes provided on the assembly drawing in the Technical Drawing Package (TDP) may list lubrication product information and instructions. The TDP is located in the NOV equipment Owner’s Manual. There may be a nameplate on the equipment that provides lubrication product information and instructions. The original equipment manufacturer’s (vendor) documentation may contain specific lubrication and hydraulic fluid requirements. Vendor-supplied documentation is located in the NOV equipment Owner’s Manual. The Maintenance chapter in the NOV equipment User Manual provides the specific component lubrication instructions. The Long-Term Storage section provides lubrication instructions associated with putting NOV equipment back into service after prolonged storage. This section is located in the NOV equipment User Manual. 4 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 5 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Hydraulic Fluid NOV recommends anti-wear (AW) hydraulic fluid of the proper viscosity grade. AW hydraulic fluid is typically mineral-based and contains anti-wear additives, along with rust and oxidation inhibitors. The hydraulic oil viscosity should be adjusted based on expected ambient conditions, refer to the recommended hydraulic fluid tables for specific hydraulic fluids for start-up and operating in non-arctic and arctic environments. Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness In order to ensure reliable operation, hydraulic fluid must be maintained at a minimum particle count (cleanliness) level that meets or exceeds an ISO 4406 rating of 17/15/12 (NAS Class 6 or better). Refer to the following NOV documents for specific instructions about maintaining hydraulic fluid cleanliness: FIP00121 – Specification for Fluid Cleanliness and for Cleaning and Flushing Hydraulic Lines SM00081 – Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Supplement Change Interval The hydraulic fluid should be changed after the first initial start-up or if returning the equipment to service after prolonged storage. Change all hydraulic fluids yearly or as frequently as operating conditions require. Fill all hydraulic fluid systems to correct levels with specified lubricants. Refer to the recommended hydraulic fluid tables for specific hydraulic fluids. ! Do not mix different types of fluids. Do not mix the same type of fluid from different manufacturers. Maintain a clean, sludge-free oil of proper viscosity. Filters Filters should always be replaced when changing hydraulic fluid. Refer to the Maintenance chapter (in the NOV equipment User Manual) for filter descriptions and details. Replace filters every three (3) months or whenever the lubricants are changed. 5 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 6 of 20 Hydraulic Fluid Inspection Check the hydraulic fluid level daily. i Keep the hydraulic reservoir full at all times. The oil level should be visible in the sight gauge. Inspect for leaks daily. Perform hydraulic system oil analysis once every six (6) months. 6 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 7 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Hydraulic Fluid Non-Arctic Service Fluids The recommended hydraulic fluid to use for start-up and operating in non-arctic environments are provide in the following table. i All temperatures are in degrees of Celsius. The Fahrenheit temperature is the reference temperature. Recommended Hydraulic Fluids for Non-Arctic Service Operating Temperature Range -12°C to 52°C (10°F to 125°F) Premium Grade AW Hydraulic Oil (with anti-wear and anti-rust additives) Best Choice Kinematic Viscosity 6.9 cSt @ 100°C (49 SUS @ 210°F) Viscosity Index 105 Pour Point -30°C (-22°F) ISO/ASTM Viscosity Grade 46 Hydraulic Transmission Oil Alternative Kinematic Viscosity 6.9 cSt @ 100°C (49 SUS @ 210°F) Viscosity Index 100 (minimum) Pour Point -37°C (-35°F) ISO/ASTM Viscosity Grade 46 i Contact an NOV Service Center for additional instructions if none of the recommended hydraulic fluids have the correct properties for the ambient and operating temperature ranges at your location. 7 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 8 of 20 Hydraulic Fluid Arctic Service Fluids The recommended hydraulic fluid to use for start-up and operating in arctic environments are provide in the following table. Recommended Hydraulic Fluids for Arctic Service Operating Temperature Range -40° C to 17°C (-40° F to 63°F) Supreme Grade AW Hydraulic Oil (with anti-wear and anti-rust additives; high shear stability) Best Choice Kinematic Viscosity 5.5 cSt @ 100°C (44 SUS @ 210°F) Viscosity Index 377 Pour Point -60°C (-76°F) ISO/ASTM Viscosity Grade 15 Supreme Grade AW Hydraulic Oil (with anti-wear and anti-rust additives; high shear stability) Alternative Kinematic Viscosity 3.72 cSt @ 100°C (39 SUS @ 210°F) Viscosity Index 140 Pour Point -42°C (-44°F) ISO/ASTM Viscosity Grade 15 Premium Grade AW Hydraulic Oil (with anti-wear and anti-rust additives; high shear stability) Alternative Kinematic Viscosity 6.4 cSt @ 100°C (47.5 SUS @ 210°F) Viscosity Index 155 Pour Point -50°C (-58°F) ISO/ASTM Viscosity Grade 32 i Contact an NOV Service Center for additional instructions if none of the recommended hydraulic fluids have the correct properties for the ambient and operating temperature ranges at your location. 8 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 9 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Gear Oil You should select gear oil based on the minimum ambient temperature expected before the next oil change. ! Using an oil with a viscosity greater than what is required could reduce oil flow and damage the gearbox. Higher viscosity oils may also damage the oil pump with excessive load. You should use an extreme pressure (EP) gear oil. EP gear oils are typically mineral oils that contain sulfur-phosphorous additives. Most EP gear oils meet American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) extreme pressure performance requirements. i Check the gearbox oil level daily. i Change oil whenever it becomes contaminated. Oil contamination depends on operating conditions and temperature. Continuous operation at 180°F (82°C), or above, will require more frequent oil changes. Inspection Inspect the oil level and check for leaks every 250 operating hours. Examine oil for changes in its appearance and odor. Change Interval The gear oil should be thoroughly drained after 500 operating hours or after the first (1) month of operation, following the initial start-up or if returning the equipment to service after prolonged storage. Under normal operating conditions, the gear oil should be changed every six (6) months, and oil viscosity should be adjusted based on expected ambient conditions for the next six (6) months. The gear oil should be drained when at normal operating temperatures. Refer to the table titled "Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox" on page 10. 9 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 10 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Gear Oil Low-Temperature Operation Equipment operating in cold areas must be provided with gear oil that circulates freely and does not cause high torque at start-up. Lubrication viscosity must be low enough to allow the oil to flow freely at start-up, but high enough to carry the load at operating temperature. Gearbox Lubricants The recommended gear oil grades for ambient and operating temperature ranges are provided in the following table. i All temperatures are in degrees of Celsius. The Fahrenheit temperature is the reference temperature. Recommended Gear Oil for the Transmission Gearbox Operating Temperature Range Ambient Temperature Gear Oil Minimum Operating Temperature Recommended Grade 10°C to 52°C (50°F to 125°F) 16°C (60°F) AGMA No. 7 EP, ISO/ASTM VG 460 -9°C to 16°C (15°F to 60°F) 4°C (25°F) AGMA No. 6 EP, ISO/ASTM VG 320 -29°C to -4°C (-20°F to 25°F) -23°C (-9°F) AGMA No. 4 EP, ISO/ASTM VG 150 -46°C to -18°C (-50°F to 0°F) -40°C (-40°F) AGMA No. 4 EP, ISO/ASTM VG 100 i Contact an NOV Service Center for additional instructions if none of the recommended gear oils have the correct properties for the ambient and operating temperature ranges at your location. 10 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 11 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Grease General Lubrication The recommended grease for general preventative maintenance is provide in the following table. General Lubricant Recommendation Ambient Temperature Range Above -20°C (above -4°F) Ambient Temperature Range Below -20°C (Below -4°F) NLGI Grade Number 2 NGLI Grade Number 1 Lithium-based, general purpose, extremepressure grease Lithium-based, general purpose, extremepressure grease Conventional Washpipe Lubricating Greases The recommended washpipe assembly grease for general preventative maintenance is provide in the following table. Washpipe Lubricant Recommendation Moderate Operating Conditions Extreme Operating Conditions (High Speed, Pressure, and Fluid Temp.) NLGI Grade 2 NLGI Grade 3 Non soap-based moly grease Non soap-based moly grease NOV Part Number – 7806084 NOV Part Number – 7806663 i Contact an NOV Service Center for additional instructions if none of the recommended greases have the correct properties for the ambient and operating temperature ranges at your location. 11 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 12 of 20 Grease Motor Bearings Lubricating Greases Some motors are equipped with greased bearings, which must be lubricated at manufacturer-recommended intervals. Generally, drilling motors and blower motors are vendor-supplied equipment. The motor housing may have a nameplate attached to it that provides the recommended lubrication product, amount to use, and lubrication intervals. If there is no nameplate, refer to the vendor-supplied documentation in the Owner’s Manual. If no vendor reference information is supplied, contact an NOV Service Center. Lubricate the drilling motor and blower motor bearings every six (6) months or as specified by the original equipment manufacturer, refer to your User Manual or to the vendor-supplied documentation in the Owner’s Manual. ! Always use the recommended lubrication product specified by the original equipment manufacturer. IBOP/Kelly Valve Actuator Lubricating Greases IBOPs and Kelly valve actuators may be vendor-supplied equipment. The actuator assembly may have a nameplate that provides the recommended lubrication product, amount to use, and lubrication intervals. If there is no nameplate, refer to the vendor documentation in the Owner’s Manual. If no vendor-supplied reference information is available, use grease with properties that meet the NLGI Grade 1.5 specification. ! Always use the recommended lubrication product specified by the original equipment manufacturer. 12 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 13 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Grease External Pinion & Gear Set Lubricating Greases Lubricate all external pinion and gear sets, such as the following: Handling Ring Assembly Repositioner Assembly Crown Tooth Gear Coupling Lubricate external pinion and gear sets weekly with a light coating to the entire pinion and gear set. The recommended external pinion and gear set grease for general preventative maintenance is provide in the following tables. Handling Ring Pinion & Gear Set Lubricant Recommendations For all environment conditions: Coat the gear teeth with an extreme pressure lubricant such as NOV "Copper Top", Jet Lube Inc. "Kopr-Kote" compound, or equivalent. Crown Tooth Gear Coupling Lubricant Recommendation Moderate Operating Conditions Extreme Operating Conditions (High Speed, High Torque) NLGI Grade Number 1 NGLI Grade Number 2 Lithium-based, general purpose, extremepressure grease Lithium-based, general purpose, extremepressure grease Repositioner Pinion and Gear Set Lubricant Recommendation For all environment conditions: Coat the gear teeth with an extreme pressure lubricant such as NOV "Copper Top", Jet Lube Inc. "Kopr-Kote" compound, or equivalent. 13 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 14 of 20 Wire Rope Lubricant Lubrication of wire rope at proper intervals will maintain the initial lubrication of the wire rope equipment. You should use an unleaded extreme pressure lubricant specifically designed for wire rope lubrication. Wire rope lubricants are typically mineral oils that contain additives and inhibitors for non sheening, extreme pressure, corrosion, low temperature flexibility, and low fling off adhesive attributes. Inspection Periodically inspect the wire rope and determine the condition of the strand and the condition of the lubricant coating, and if there is question on either the strand or lubricant coating the following procedures should be followed: When performing wire rope lubrication inspection, use appropriate tools, dry clean rags, and wear protective hand and eye safety equipment when examining or cleaning the rope. Never use detergents or solvents to clean rope; the use of solvents can effect or diminish the rope’s lubricant. Visually inspect the entire length of wire rope for bare rope surface, lubricant build up, lubrication appearance, and contamination. Refer to the applicable OEM literature in the User Manual for lubrication and inspection schedules for wire rope equipment. Visually and physically examine the entire length of wire rope and determine if its acceptable for service or requires replacement before re-dressing with rope lubricant. Refer to the applicable OEM literature in the User Manual for additional information for wire rope equipment. i Always follow all federal, state and local rules, code and rig-specific wire rope guidelines for inspection and maintenance of wire rope equipment. Inspection and lubrication recommendations provided in this supplement do not take precedence over local rules and regulations, OSHA regulation, or instructions issued by the manufactures of wire rope. 14 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 15 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Wire Rope Lubricant Lubricating Lubricate wire rope equipment frequently. Lubricate whenever rope becomes contaminated or shows a lack of lubrication. Lubricating depends on operating conditions, severe conditions such as extreme loads or temperature, corrosive atmosphere, and so on may require more frequent lubrication. The following procedure provides basic field dressing for wire rope equipment: Clean wire rope before lubricating to ensure it is free of contamination, moisture, and lubricant build up. Manually brush the rope uniformly as possible with new lubricant over the entire length of wire rope. i The lubricant used must be compatible with the initial lubricant applied by the wire rope manufacture. Follow recommendations concerning the temperature of the wire rope and atmosphere required when applying lubricant. The recommended wire rope lubricant for general preventative wire rope maintenance is provide in the table titled "Recommended Lubricant for Wire Rope" on page 16. See OEM literature for additional maintenance information or contact your NOV representative. 15 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 16 of 20 Wire Rope Lubricant Rope Lubricants Recommended Lubricant for Wire Rope1 Ambient Temperature Range Above 6°C (Above 43°F) Viscosity NGLI Grade Number 2 Color Blue Texture Smooth/Creamy Soap Type Lithium 12 Mineral Oil 50% Nominal Oil Separation% (Fed 791-321.1 1.94% Penetration: mm, (ASTM D217) 305 Viscosity, cST at 40 degrees Centigrade 320 Viscosity, cST at 100 degrees Centigrade 21-23 Dropping Point, C (F) 177 C (350 F) Low Temperature Flexibility (Section 4.4.4, No cracks @ 6 degrees C) Pass Rust Test, ASTM D-1743 Pass Salt Fog Corrosion Resistance ASTM B117 1,000 hr. / Pass Salt Spray, Fed, Standard 791, TM 4001 Pass Accelerated Weathering (ASTM G 152, 153) Pass Load Wear Index (ASTM D2596) 34.43 Adhesive% (Sec.4.6.6 150rpm @ 151 +/-2 leg/F) 99.7 Volatile Matter (2.0% Max.) 1.02 4-Weld, kg 250 4-Ball Wear Diameter, mm, max 0.65 LC50 Value (Over 25,000 PPM) 1. Coat the wire rope products with a lubricant designed for wire rope lubrication having the recommended properties in the above table such as “Dynagard Blue”, or equivalent. 16 D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 17 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids Misting Oil Air Lubricator Misting Oil Use misting type oil, 29-35 cSt @ 38°C (136-165 SUS @ 100°F), ISO Viscosity Grade 32. 17 < -7°C (20°F) EP Grease4 --- --- Grade 100 -46°C to -18°C (-50°F to 0°F) > -7°C (20°F) Grade 150 -29°C to -4°C (-20°F to 25°F) Synthetic Gear Oil Grade 320 -9°C to 16°C (15°F to 60°F) EP Gear Oil Grade 460 Grade 15 Grade 15 Hydraulic Oil3 Hydraulic Oil3 Grade 10W Grade 32 Hydraulic Oil2 AT Fluid Grade 46 Grade 46 ASTM/ ISO-VG/SAE Hydraulic Transmission Oil Hydraulic Oil1 Lube Type 10°C to 52°C (50°F to 125°F) -40°C to 0°C (-40°F to 32°F) -30°C to 17°C) -22°F to 63°F -12°C to 52°C (-10°F to 125°F) Environment #1 #2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- NLGI --- --- --- #4 EP #6 EP #7 EP --- --- --- --- --- --- AGMA Kinematic Viscosity --- --- 14.4 cSt @ 100°C (77.1 SUS @ 210°F) 14.5 cSt @ 100°C 78.1 SUS @ 210°F 24.0 cSt @ 100°C (120 SUS @ 210°F) 30.3 cSt @ 100°C (150 SUS @ 210°F) --- --- 149 95 95 95 377 140 3.72 cSt @ 100°C (39 SUS @ 210°F) 5.5 cSt @ 100°C (44 SUS @ 210°F) 172 155 6.4 cSt @ 100°C (47.5 SUS @ 210°F) 7.5 cSt @ 100°C (51 SUS @ 210°F) 100 min. 105 Viscosity Index 6.9 cSt @ 100°C (49 SUS @ 210°F) 6.9 cSt @ 100°C (49 SUS @ 210°F) 1. Must be Premium Grade with Anti-Rust and Anti-Wear Additives. 2. Must be Premium Shear Stable High VI, anti-wear hydraulic oil. 3. Must be Supreme Grade High Shear stability, anti-wear hydraulic oil with anti-rust and anti-wear additives. 4. Lithium base, general-purpose, extreme pressure grease. Repositioner Bearing Gearbox and Swivel Bearing Hydraulic System Component Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart --- --- -46°C (-50°F) -23°C (-10°F) -18°C (0°F) -7°C (20°F) -60°C (-76°F) -42°C (-44°F) -48°C (-54°F) -50°C (-58°F) -37°C (-35°F) -30°C (-22°F) Pour Point Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 18 of 20 18 Primrose Plus # 327 C Extreme Operating Conditions --- --- Primrose Plus # 327 1. For example: Jet-Lube KOPR-KOTE or NOV “Copper Top.” 2. Use the lubrication product specified by the original equipment manufacturer. 3. Polyurea-based grease or as specified by the motor manufacturer. 4. Lithium base, general-purpose, extreme pressure grease. Conventional Washpipe Packing Grease #3 #2 #1 #2 --- Moderate Operating Conditions EP Grease4 --- --- > -4°C (20°F) General Grease Bearings Misting Oil #2 #1.5 #2 NLGI Grade 32 --- Metalon Hi-Tech 1.5 Grease2 EP Grease3 --- EP Grease1 Lube Type < -4°C (20°F) All Air Lubricators Blower Motor Bearings All All IBOP/Kelly Valve Actuator Drilling Motor Bearings All Environment External Pinion and Gear Sets, and Elevator and Main Links contact surfaces Component ASTM/ ISO-VG/ SAE --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- AGMA --- --- --- Kinematic Viscosity --- --- --- --- 29-35 cSt @ 38°C (136-165 SUS @ 100°F) Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart --- --- --- --- 125 --- --- --- Viscosity Index --- --- --- --- -12°C (10°F) --- --- --- Pour Point D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 19 of 20 Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids 19 > 6°C (43°F) Environment Wire Rope Lubricant1 Lube Type --- #2 NLGI --- AGMA --- Kinematic Viscosity --- Viscosity Index --- Pour Point 1. Lithium 12 base, containing additives and inhibitors for non sheening, extreme pressure, corrosion, low temperature flexibility, strong adhesion, and low fling off. Wire Rope Component ASTM/ ISO-VG/ SAE Lubricants and Fluids Reference Chart Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids D811000719-PRO-001 Revision 05 Page 20 of 20 20 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 17.0 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Supplement SM00081 Rev. C October 26, 2000 Copyright 2000, Varco International, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is the property of and contains information proprietary to Varco International, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Varco International, Inc. Product names mentioned in this publication may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged. ii Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness SM00081-C Contents Supplement Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Scope .................................................................................................................... 5 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness ................................................................................. 6 Hydraulic fluid ............................................................................................... 6 Hydraulic Fluid Contamination ............................................................................ 7 Solid contamination ....................................................................................... 7 Classes of contamination ......................................................................... 7 Measuring the contamination of a system ............................................... 9 Taking samples .................................................................................. 9 Analyzing the samples .......................................................................... 10 Cleanliness during installation ........................................................................... 11 Service loops ................................................................................................ 11 Hydraulic pipe cleaning ............................................................................... 11 Reference documents: ........................................................................... 11 Pipe cleaning (carbon steel): ................................................................. 11 Pipe cleaning (stainless steel) ................................................................ 13 SM00081-C Contents iii October 26, 2000 iv Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness SM00081-C Supplement Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Scope The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the installers and users of Varco’s hydraulically powered equipment and to ensure that each piece of equipment performs as intended. Prior to connecting Varco equipment to a hydraulic system, the piping/plumbing/hoses/service loops must be cleaned and the hydraulic fluid filtered to minimize hydraulic fluid contamination. The following paragraph defines the hydraulic fluid cleanliness levels required for operating Varco equipment. Failure to maintain these cleanliness levels could result in premature equipment damage and nullification of the equipment warranty. This document outlines fluid cleanliness measurement and analysis criteria and also describes procedures for filtering and cleaning a hydraulic system. Each final assembly item from Varco will be function tested with clean hydraulic fluid maintained at ISO 4406 18/15 (was 9) or better (See Table 1). The hydraulic fluid cleanliness levels will be recorded on Test Specification document (TS00419) for each piece of equipment prior to shipment. SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 5 October 26, 2000 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Hydraulic fluid Varco recommends hydraulic fluid levels be maintained at a cleanliness level of ISO 4406 18/15 (was 9) or better prior to the initial connection, startup, and commissioning of Varco equipment. After initial system operation, Varco recommends that the hydraulic supply system be capable of continuously maintaining this level of cleanliness or better to assure that fluid contamination is not a factor in any component failure during the desired useful life of the hydraulic powered equipment. The final level of acceptable cleanliness prior to equipment hook up must be determined by a hydraulic fluid sample and should be analyzed by a qualified laboratory. 6 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Solid contamination When determining contamination of hydraulic fluids, you must consider the size and quantity of the solid particle contamination within a representative fluid sample. The contamination of hydraulic fluids by solid particles is covered by a number of different classification systems: ❏ ISO DIS 4406 ❏ MIL STD 1246 A ❏ NAS 1638 ❏ SAE 749 D ❏ CETOP RP 70 H CLASSES OF CONTAMINATION The various classes of contamination define the quantity of particles of a certain size in a 100 ml sample of fluid. A classification is determined by counting and sizing the contaminating solid particles. The classification is performed either under a microscope, or by using an electronic particle counter. The electronic counter method is more objective than using the microscope. Above a dirt concentration of about 20 mg per liter, or if the fluid is very turbid, the contamination can only be ascertained by weight, i.e., by gravimetric analysis. However, with this method, the individual dirt particles cannot be classified. SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 7 NAS 1638 (1967) SAE 749 D (1963) Particles per ml >10 µm ACFTD solids content mg/L 26/23 140000 1000 25/23 85000 23/20 14000 21/18 4500 20/18 2400 20/17 2300 20/16 1400 19/16 1200 10 18/15 580 9 6 17/14 280 8 5 16/13 140 7 4 15/12 70 6 3 14/12 40 14/11 35 5 2 13/10 14 4 1 12/9 9 3 0 18/8 5 2 10/8 3 10/7 2.3 10/6 1.4 9/6 1.2 0 8/5 0.6 00 7/5 0.3 6/3 0.14 5/2 0.04 Figure 1. 8 Mil STD 1246 A (1967) ISO DIS 4406 or Cetop RP 70 H Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 1000 100 700 12 500 11 10 300 1 200 0.1 100 1 0.01 Acceptable range for Varco equipment Acceptable range for Varco equipment October 26, 2000 50 0.001 Comparison of contamination classifications SM00081-C Comparison of contamination classifications MEASURING THE CONTAMINATION OF A SYSTEM Solid particle contamination is measured by taking a sample of fluid from the output of the hydraulic supply system at a location just prior to the Varco equipment and analyzing it. The analysis can reveal the following: ❏ Solid particle contamination of fluid delivered by suppliers ❏ Effectiveness of the system filters ❏ Flushing time when commissioning a system ❏ State of the system and any possible damage to components when making regular checks Taking samples Take a sample from a moving fluid (known as dynamic sampling) Sampling point: Take the sample within a system that is operating and which contains turbulent flow. (See ISO 4021.) Since obtaining a fluid sample can be an input for contamination the following general measures should be utilized when taking a fluid sample. ❏ Utilize continuous flow monitoring equipment that records a cleanliness level over a period of time whenever possible. ❏ Take a sample of the circulating fluid of a system that is at operating conditions and temperature. All fluid samples shall be taken from a system test-port fitting using a on/off flow sampling device. Never loosen or break a hydraulic fitting to establish a leak point as a fluid source for fluid contamination sampling. ❏ Before attaching the sampling device, carefully flush out the device and clean the system test-port fitting. ❏ Open sampling device and allow approximately 2 liters of fluid to flow through the test port prior to sampling the fluid. ❏ Without shutting the test port, open and fill the sterile sampling bottle by holding it in the continuous fluid stream. Cap and seal the test bottle. ❏ Label and date the sample bottle to identify the tool and sample hydraulic circuit location. e Only properly trained personnel should be allowed to take the fluid samples. Errors in sampling procedures can greatly affect contamination classes below ISO 18/IS. SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 9 October 26, 2000 ANALYZING THE SAMPLES Analyzing the fluid samples involves using a microscope to make a quick estimate of the amount of solid particle contamination. From this assessment, you can roughly assess the state of the system. To avoid errors in sampling, conduct particle counting off site. Do not allow rig personnel to attempt to check the samples at the time of sampling. Send the samples to an appropriate institute for testing. Usually, samples are analyzed by means of an electronic particle counter. These particle counters are employed by major users of hydraulics, manufacturers of hydraulic filters, and by various institutions. Since testing by an outside source may not be easily accessible from a rig, you can make a quick assessment of the fluid samples on the spot by using the assessment test charts in this document. z Mobile laboratory services can also perform the measurements for customers. 10 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness SM00081-C Cleanliness during installation Cleanliness during installation Service loops Varco service loops are blown clean in the factory and capped prior to shipment. They are not flushed. All service loops and hoses should be flushed as part of the overall hydraulic system prior to connecting Varco equipment. Hydraulic pipe cleaning z Clean hydraulic piping is critical to the cleanliness of the overall hydraulic system. The following processes are examples of pickling, cleaning, and flushing procedures for cleaning carbon steel and stainless steel pipes prior to hydraulic system installation and are provided for information and reference only. Varco is typically not responsible for any part of the pickling, cleaning, or flushing process of derrick and rig floor piping. The process for cleaning and preparing hydraulic pipes is dependent on the type of pipe (carbon or stainless), the condition of the pipe (pickled or not pickled), the types and levels of contamination, the types and temperatures of the pickling and flushing solutions in use, and the type of flushing equipment. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: ❏ ASTM Standard 5.02 D-4174, standard practice for cleaning, flushing, and purification of petroleum fluid hydraulic system. PIPE CLEANING (CARBON STEEL): Obtain the following chemicals: Hydrochloric acid - 35% commercial grade Alkaline cleaner, KD-500 Potable water - Unless otherwise specified Passivator - iron phosphate, KO-30 Inhibitor - Rodine 214 for HCL SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 11 October 26, 2000 Degrease Spray, immerse, or circulate with alkaline cleaner. Degreasing time for pipe depends on the nature of any contaminants present. Pipes and fittings with heavy rust, varnish or other tough soils should be sandblasted prior to pickling. Rinse Rinse carbon steel pipe with potable water until all alkaline cleaner is removed. Acid pickle Immerse or spray the pipe with a 10-15% inhibited hydrochloric acid solution at ambient temperature (for at least one hour) until all scale, slag, rust, etc. Is removed. Rinse with potable water until all alkaline cleaner is removed. Rinse Rinse the pipe with potable water until the water reaches a neutral PH (7.0). Flush Begin flushing the piping with the hydraulic power unit until the desired state of cleanliness is met. 12 Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness SM00081-C Cleanliness during installation PIPE CLEANING (STAINLESS STEEL) Use the following recommended procedure for cleaning stainless steel pipe: Obtain the following chemicals: Nitric acid - 42% technical grade Hydrofluoric acid - 35% technical grade Alkaline cleaner, KD-500 Potable water - unless otherwise specified Degrease Spray, immerse, or circulate with alkaline cleaner. Degreasing time for pipe depends on the nature of any contaminants present. Rinse Rinse pipe with portable water until all alkaline cleaner is removed. Acid pickle Immerse or spray the pipe with a 15-17% nitric acid/3-5% hydrofluoric acid mixture at ambient temperature (for at least two hours) until all scale, slag, rust, etc. is removed. Rinse Rinse the pipe with potable water until the water reaches a neutral PH. Passivate Use a 10 - 15% nitric acid/75-80% potable water mixture at ambient temperature for approximately one-half the time used in acid pickling. Rinse Rinse with potable water until the PH of the effluent equals the pH of the influent. Dry Dry with oil-free air until all visible traces of moisture are removed. Final inspection Use a white light to inspect all pipe and/or fittings for visible contamination. Prior to hooking up equipment pump clean hydraulic fluid through the plumbing and measure the contamination of the system per this specification. Additional flushing and cleaning may be required if contamination levels do not meet the requirements of this specification. SM00081-C Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness 13 FINAL DOCUMENTATION TDS-11SA - Top Drive Drilling System Chapter 18.0 Service Center Directory National Oilwell Varco Service Center Directory Reference Reference Description This document contains proprietary and confidential information which is the property of National Oilwell Varco, L.P., its affiliates or subsidiaries (all collectively referred to hereinafter as "NOV"). It is loaned for limited purposes only National Oilwell Varco and remains the property of NOV. Reproduction, in whole RIG SOLUTIONS or in part, or use of this design or distribution of this information to others is not permitted without the express 11000 Corporate Centre Drive written consent of NOV. This document is to be returned to Houston, TX 77041 NOV upon request or upon completion of the use for which it was loaned. This document and the information contained and represented herein is the copyrighted property of NOV. © National Oilwell Varco Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 Document Number Rev. D811001337-DAS-001 04 D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Revision History 04 12.11.2011 Operations update T. Drake S. Sobreira T. Harmon 03 18.01.2011 Operations update T. Drake T. Harmon T. Harmon 02 02.10.2009 Operations update T. Drake T. Harmon P. Williams 01 08.09.2009 First Issue T. Drake T. Harmon P. Williams Rev Date ( Reason for issue Prepared Checked Approved Change Description Revision Change Description 01 First Issue 02 • Moved Cairo office under North Africa heading. • Changed address information for India office. 03 • Removed outdated Louisiana contact information. • Added the new Louisiana service and repair center contact information. 04 • • • • • Updated/added Brazil, Canada, Colombia, UK contact information (page 3 through page 8). Added North Dakota contact information (page 4). Updated the contact information for the China office (page 6). Added addresses and contact information for Singapore and India (page 6). Updated contact information for NOV Dubai and NOV Abu Dhabi. (page 8). D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Service Center Directory SC The link below provides after-hours contact information for emergencies or other equipment issues requiring an immediate response by NOV service personnel. Americas Brazil National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, s/n KM164,5 - n° 8.500 Imboassica – Macaé – RJ – Brazil CEP 27925-290 +55 22 2773 0600 (reception) +55 22 9882 7591 (after hours) +55 22 9702 8866 (drilling equipment) +55 22 9974 7056 (PCE / MoComp equipment) +55 22 9894 6608 (lifting and handling equipment) +55 22 2773 0635 (repair shop) +55 22 2773 0675 (inside sales) +55 22 2123 2452 (tech college) Canada NOV Rig Solutions Aftermarket Service, Repair and Rentals (Leduc) Varco Canada ULC CO 009 6621 – 45 Street Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 7E3 +1 780 986 1712 (main) NOV Rig Solutions Spares (Edmonton) Varco Canada ULC CO 009 7127 – 56 Ave Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6B 3L2 +1 780 801 1800 (main) +1 780 619 5579 (24 hour on-call) Colombia National Oilwell Varco de Colombia Bogota, DC Top Drive Rental and Service +57 316 875 8748 (mobile) +57 317 515 3321 (mobile) 3 Form D811001123-GEN-001/06 SC Service Center Directory D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 4 of 10 Americas USA Colorado NOV Service and Repair (Colorado) 420 South Ash St. Fruita, CO 81521 +1 970 858 4522 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) Louisiana NOV Service and Repair (Covington) 73765 Penn Mill Rd. Covington, LA 70435 +1 985 892 8216 (direct) +1 800 722 4425 (toll free) (Cranes: AmClyde, Unit, OS National, Dreco, Kingpost) +1 985 871 8609 (service) +1 985 871 8603 (parts NOV Service and Repair Center (New Iberia) 5212 Highway 90 Service Road West New Iberia, Louisiana 70560 (All NOV spare parts; legacy Shaffer, Varco, and NOI equipment) +1 337 374 1400 Minnesota NOV Service (St. Paul) 240 East Plato Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 (lifting and handling equipment) +1 651 293 4745 (service) +1 651 293 4776 (service) +1 651 293 4600 (parts) +1 651 293 4603 (parts) North Dakota NOV Service, Repair, and Spare Parts 3201 1st Avenue W. Williston, ND 58801 +1 307 473 8888 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) Oklahoma NOV Service and Repair (Oklahoma City) 7713 North West 3rd St. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127 +1 405 495 1000 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) 4 D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 5 of 10 Service Center Directory SC Americas USA Pennsylvania NOV Service (Pittsburgh) 1349 Saw Mill Run Blvd. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15226 +1 412 884 1027 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) Texas NOV Service and Repair (Alice) 2351 Energy Avenue Alice, Texas 78380 +1 361 668 4154 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) NOV Service and Repair (Houston) 5100 North Sam Houston Parkway West Houston, Texas 77086 +1 281 569 3050 (24/7 technical support) +1 281 569 3051 (eHawk remote support) Wyoming NOV Service and Repair (Casper) 1080 North Robertson Road Casper, Wyoming 82601 +1 307 473 8888 +1 281 569 3050 (after hours) Venezuela NOV Rental and Service (Maturin, Monagas) Varco International de Venezuela Top Drive Rental and Service +58 291 651 6489 +58 414 394 2784 (mobile) +58 291 651 4384 (fax) 5 SC Service Center Directory D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 6 of 10 Asia China NOV Service 18th Floor, Raffles City Beijing Office Tower No. 1, Dongzhimen South Street, Dongcheng District Beijing 100007 P. R. China +86 139 0121 9392 +86 800 810 5109 (24/7 technical support) India NOV Service and Repair R-619, TTC Industrial Area Rabale, MIDC Navi Mumbai – 400 701 Maharashtra, India +91 22 3916 9700 +91 982 009 1322 +91 983 349 6154 (after hours) NOV Machining Centre (Pressure Control) 11A/2 (NP) Sidco Industrial Estate Ambattur Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600098 +91 44 4285 8074 +91 95 0008 4149 (after hours) Singapore NOV Service and Repair 29 Tuas Bay Drive Singapore 637429 +65 6594 1000 +65 6594 1222 (24/7 technical support) NOV Machining Centre (Pressure Control) 22 Jalan Terusan Singapore 619299 +65 6265 1900 +65 9128 2545 (after hours) 6 D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 7 of 10 Service Center Directory SC Europe France NOV Service +33 24 068 3600 +33 24 068 3611 +33 24 068 3600 (after hours) +33 677 790 943 (after hours) Norway NOV Service (Asker) Blakstadmarka 26 1386 Asker – Norway +47 6400 5000 +47 6400 5001 (after hours) NOV Service (Kristiansand) Skibaasen 2 4636 Kristiansand – Norway +47 3819 2000 +47 3819 2482 (after hours) NOV Service (Molde) Granfjaera 24 6415 Molde – Norway +47 7120 2020 +47 9169 9664 (after hours) NOV Repair (Stavanger) Dusavik Base Notberget 46 4029 Stavanger – Norway +47 5781 8181 NOV Service (Stavanger) Lagerveien 8 4069 Stavanger – Norway +47 5181 8181 +47 4140 0041 (after hours) +47 9511 8181 (24/7 eHawk remote support) Russia NOV Service and Support Russia, 119071, Moscow Leninsky prosp., 15A, 7th floor +7 495 287 2601 (direct) +7 495 981 3470 (fax) +7 985 410 5272 (mobile) 7 SC Service Center Directory D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 8 of 10 Europe UK NOV Service and Repair (Aberdeen/Montrose) Forties Road Montrose Scotland DD10 9ET +44 1674 677222 UK after hours, on-call contacts +44 (0) 7711 415 485 (mechanical) +44 (0) 7711 415 484 (electrical) +44 (0) 7739 170 079 (repair workshop) +44 (0) 7713 643 012 (spare parts) +44 (0) 7770 325 333 (distribution) +44 (0) 7801 078 092 (IMO/MD Totco) Middle East UAE NOV Service and Repair (Abu Dhabi) Varco Al Mansoori Services LLC P. O. Box 27011 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates +971 2 555 2668 +971 2 554 2280 (fax) +971 2 554 0012 (fax) +971 50 811 6083 (after hours service) +971 50 617 1235 (after hours workshop) NOV Service and Repair (Dubai) P.O. Box 61490 R/A No.13, Plot MO 0682 Daimler Chrysler Street Jebel Ali Free Zone Dubai, United Arab Emirates +971 4 883 8776 +971 4 883 8795 (fax) +971 56 686 2184 (after hours service on-call) North Africa NOV Service (Algeria) Overseas Equipment Service Africa BP 852 Zone Industrielle Algerie Hassi Messaoud Ouargla Algeria 30500 +213 29 73 1236 +213 29 75 4105 (fax) 8 D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 9 of 10 Service Center Directory SC Middle East North Africa NOV Service and Repair (Badr City) IMPEC (Sea Harvest Company) Part B, 47 Acer Area Badr City, Cairo, Egypt +20 2 231 08001 +20 2 231 08002 +20 2 231 08003 (fax) Saudi Arabia NOV Service and Repair (Dammam) P. O. Box 20754, Al-Khobar 31952 Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia Gate No. 2, Makkah Street (opposite of Saudi Electricity Company) Dammam Second Industrial City Dammam, Saudi Arabia +966 3 835 3061 +966 3 830 2453 (fax) 9 SC Service Center Directory D811001337-DAS-001 Revision 04 Page 10 of 10 10