What if? XeRoPhYtE Cold weather at night : grow close to the ground to stay survive, go dormant in winter to survive freezing temperature, spines trap heat and provide a layer of protection against frost. Hot weather : store water in thick stems have a deep long roots to find water Big wind : grow low and spread out to stay anchored, have a strong root to hold into the soil CoLoUr Plants have a Desert Sage color due to trichomes, a waxy layer, and pigments that reflect sunlight, reduce water loss, and retain moisture, helping them survive in hot, dry environments. LeAveS Needle for reduce heat loss, thick for water storing, waxy coating can minimize evaporation, shedding leaves for reduce water loss RoOt deep roots to reach water underground, widespread root to absorb rain quickly, more root hairs to increase water absorption SpEcIaL MoDs CAM Photosynthesis: Stomata open at night to reduce water loss Drought Dormancy: Some plants shed leaves or go dormant in dry seasons. Water Storage: Succulents store water in leaves, stems, or roots. Rapid Water Absorption: Extensive root systems quickly absorb moisture from rain. GeNeRaL EnViRoNtMeNT High temprature 45C (113F) with cooler nights, low rainfall (less than 250mm per-year), high level of UV radiation and minimal cloud causing extreme temprature, sandy and rocky with poor water retention, strong wind causes the erosion and water loss. ShApE It has a rosette shape to store water and protect its core. Thick leaves with a waxy coating reduce evaporation, while sharp tips and serrated edges serve as defense. Shallow, widespread roots quickly absorb water. When blooming, a tall stalk grows to disperse pollen through wind, bats, or insects, enabling survival in dry and hot environments. StEm rainy = stem expand as they try to store all the water (for water storage and photosynthesis) dry = stem contact as they try to keep all the water not to evaporate waxy cuticle = reduce evaporation FlOwEr Bright and showy to attract pollinators in harsh environments Short blooming period to conserve energy and water. Deep roots or water storage to sustain flowering during drought. Wind or insect pollination optimized for arid regions. In Flower Stem Cactii Shape Agave Night-blooming to avoid over heat, in the night, it’ll attracts nocturnal pollinators for Queen of The Night reproduction It’s thick and tall, so that the plant can in stores water and do the photosynthesizes It’stall talllike like columnar columnar It’s plant reduce the plant toto reduce the surface surface areaarea for for photosyntesis photosyntesis it’ll reflects sunlight & conserves moisture Desert Sage Leaves Root Mesquite Tree Color Gray-green or silver so that e It’s spine like to reduce water loss Deep and lateral roots to accesses both deep and surface water Desert plants survive in hot, dry places by storing water and having deep roots, this organism design to hot climate weather Special Mods XEROPHYTE Thick waxy cuticula to ensure water storage, dormancy, and fireresistant. sig-sag