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Learning English: Importance & Class Reflections

Nama:Mumtaz Lailaa
Prodi/Kelas: TPTL/1C
Learning English
Learning English is important, and also has many roles in our life and daily activity. English
is important that the country around the world should know how to speak in English. It is because
to easier the communication. As an Indonesian, I had studied English since I was in elementary
school. They taught me a vocabulary and a daily conversation. As an engineering student in a
college, that use many sources based in English such as journal, books, paper and many more,
understanding English is important. We usually write a report lab, daily task, any kind and structure
of machine in a lab, that is why English is important. Furthermore, after graduated from college,
many company hiring the employee with an English skill requirement. It is because when the
colleagues form around the world come to company, to easier the communication. That is why
English is important. Besides that, for me, English is a second language. I have to understand my
local language first, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to learn English. And there is another
exception about this. Known from several sources in the internet, France may be reluctant to the
tourist. They have a strong cultural pride, from that I assumed that it is more fun to visit other
country based what the language they use. The conclusion is English is important but we should
concern about the exception.
After I studied in the class for midterm semester, I have studied about describing person,
place, job, object, and math symbols. Describing person based from the appearance, the popularity,
and what makes we want to describe them. Describing place, we recommend the audience about
the place we showed, based from how far it is, is it cost money and how much, and the advantages
and disadvantages. Describing job, the teacher gave us a job and we described the job and let the
audience guess it. Describing job based from what they do, the uniform, the place they work.
Describing object, we showed the things around us and describing it based from the dimension,
size, color, material, component, and function. For math symbols, we don’t describe t but we
learned how to pronounce it. There are many math symbols such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, percent, decimals, and the symbols like ≤ (less then or equal to), ∞
(infinity), and many more. We also calculated the math problem.
I suggest to learn English in the class may be would fun if we learn English form the movie
about sciences and technologies or about the daily conversation. It has so many vocabularies about
engineering. As an engineering student, this is would be helpful to us for understanding books,
paper, journal we use in the lab. Besides, we should learn more vocabulary and the grammar in a
balance. It so helpful to understand both of them. And we should concern about the speaking skill
and writing skill. For speaking skill, maybe we should more learn about the daily conversation.
And for writing skill, honestly this kind like an essay would help us so much.