How to have got top marks on Mrs Birling essay How am I being marked? AO1 Do you know the play well? Can you make a number of relevant points Do you use quotations which prove your point? AO2 Do you understand that this is a play? Can you comment on why Priestley uses the words and the dramatic techniques that he does? AO3 Do you understand the context – the historical influences? The political message? AO4 Spelling. Punctuation. Grammar. Good Writing style. 4 marks Checklist for success: 1 Clear point that directly references the question given 2 Supported with relevant evidence 3 Analysed an individual word/phrase 4 Explained the effect on the audience 5 Suggested what the writer’s purpose 6 Used subject terminology 7 Linked to the wording of the question • Secondly, by the end of the play, the relationship between Sheila and Gerald shows the audience that women can be opinionated and assertive. Sheila uses the noun “mummy” to address Mrs Birling at the beginning of the play but by the end this has changed to “mother”. This is effective because it conveys her newly found authority in the play. She has matured and learnt from her mistakes. In addition, this highlights the theme of responsibility as she has been able to mature as a direct result of accepting her part in Eva’s death. Gerald says to Sheila “Everything’s alright now, Sheila” at the end in an attempt to be the stereotypical reassuring male comforting the weak and emotional woman. However, Sheila rejects his support and judges him for the mistake he has made. She calls members of her family “childish” and accuses them of being unable to “face facts”. The adjective “childish” shows that although she is younger than her parents, she has been able to accept responsibility and grown up - they have not. Priestley therefore teaches the audience that despite being from a capitalist family and female, you can change your attitudes and become a more responsible member of society. He is pointing out that women are equal in their ability to change attitudes and ways and that Mr Birling’s views of women are outdated. How are women presented in the play, ‘An Inspector Calls?’ How am I being marked? AO1 Do you know the play well? Can you make a number of relevant points Do you use quotations which prove your point? Did you mention her key characteristics and provide good quality evidence to support your points? 5 minutes – what are her key characteristics to answer this question – add a quotation if you can. AO1 – Do you know the play well? • Rich and powerful • Snobbish and old fashioned – naïve • Superior attitude towards the Inspector and Eva – Stereotypes. Disrespectful. Boastful • Callous. Uncaring. Cruel. No compassion • Blind to her faults – tension is so high when she is blaming the father – cannot accept truth. • Stubborn and unremorseful to the end • Hateful character with no good points. How am I being marked? AO2 Can you comment on why Priestley uses the words and the dramatic techniques that he does? Do you comment on your quotations or leave them hanging? Do you understand that this is a play? Did you, at some points, mention play devices – stage directions or tension? How the audience reacts or feels? AO2 – Language and fact it is a play • Do you comment on your quotations? What are the important words and why? What do they show about Mrs B? • Pauses and hesitations later – contrast to the start. • Do you refer to aspects of this as a pay: o Stage directions o Attitude of the audience o Tension felt o Mrs B as a dramatic device to teach the audience how not to be How am I being marked? AO3 Do you understand the context – the historical influences? The political message? Did you show that Priestley is making a political point through Mrs Birling? A03 - The Political Point? • Social Responsibility – she does not believe we should look after other people – we are not responsible for others. There is no duty to care for or be kind to others. She believes in personal responsibility rather than collective. • However, she ultimately kills her own grandchild – Priestley is making a point in a very dramatic way that we are all linked together – we have a responsibility to others in our society. A04 - SPAG Your Examiner xxx Read the four extracts from essays you did. What is the glaring error in each one?