Table 1. Students’ Perception in the Utilization of Science Laboratory Statements Mean SD Interpretation 1. Science Laboratory is a secure 3.54 0.53 Strongly Agree environment to conduct scientific experiments. 2. Science Laboratory enables students to 3.53 0.56 Strongly Agree perform well in science activities. 3. There are enough learning resources in 3.40 0.60 Strongly Agree the Science Laboratory for Science activities. 4. Students have access to laboratory 3.33 0.69 Strongly Agree equipment during science class. 5. Students are confident in conducting 3.43 0.55 Strongly Agree science experiments when laboratory equipment is available. 6. The use of laboratory equipment is 3.58 0.55 Strongly Agree essential in science education. 7. The laboratory equipment used during 3.57 0.58 Strongly Agree science class is in good working condition. 8. The availability and utilization of 3.51 0.63 Strongly Agree instructional materials and laboratory equipment has an impact on overall science performance. Overall Mean 3.49 Strongly Agree Legend: Strongly Agree = 3.26-4.00 Disagree = 1.76-2.50 Agree = 2.51-3.25 Strongly Disagree= 1.00-1.75 Table 1 shows the students’ perception in the utilization of science laboratory. The table reveals that the respondents answered “Strongly Agree” in all indicators which are 1) Science Laboratory is a secure environment to conduct scientific experiments (M=3.54 SD=0.53), 2) Science Laboratory enables students to perform well in science activities (M=3.53 SD=0.56), 3) There are enough learning resources in the Science Laboratory for Science activities (M=3.40 SD=0.60), 4) Students have access to laboratory equipment during science class (M=3.33 SD=0.69), 5) Students are confident in conducting science experiments when laboratory equipment is available (M=3.43 SD=0.55), 6) The use of laboratory equipment is essential in science education (M=3.58 SD=0.55), 7) The laboratory equipment used during science class is in good working condition (M=3.57 SD=0.58), and 8) The availability and utilization of instructional materials and laboratory equipment has an impact on overall science performance (M=3.51 SD=0.63). Overall, the respondents answered, “Strongly Agree” (M=3.49) in their perception in the utilization of Science Laboratory. Table 2. Students’ Academic Performance in Science Academic Performance in Science frequency Percentage Grading Description Scale 90-100 Outstanding 32 45% 85-89 Very Satisfactory 29 40% 80-84 Satisfactory 10 14% 75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 1 1% Below 75 did Not Meet 0 0% Expectations Table 2 presents the students’ academic performance in science. It shows that out of 72 students, 32 or 45% are outstanding, 29 or 40% are very satisfactory, and 10 or 14% are satisfactory and 1 or 1% is fairly satisfactory in their academic performance in science. Table 3. Relationship between Students’ Perception in the Utilization of Science Laboratory and their Academic Performance in Science Degree of Computed Critical Decision Interpretation Freedom r r Value Learning Style 70 0.029 0.232 Accept Not the Ho significant Academic Performance Table 3 shows the relationship between the students’ perception in the utilization of science laboratory and their academic performance in science. The computed correlation (r) is equal to 0.029. Since the computed r is less than the critical value of 0.232, there is no significant relationship between the students’ perception in the utilization of science laboratory and their academic performance in science. IMPLICATIONS: Based on the stated results and findings, there is no significant relationship between the students’ perceptions in the utilization of science laboratory and their academic performance. Therefore, there might be several factors to be considered that may reflect on the academic performance of the students such as the form of assessment used. Moreover, one of the studies in India revealed that if there is no practical assessment in science which may involve the utilization of science laboratory it does not contribute directly to the measurement of students’ academic performance. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is important that resources are made available for establishing laboratories with adequate facilities in schools. It is, therefore, recommended that practical activities in science as a part of the formal assessment procedures must be included and take immediate steps or action to equip or set up science laboratory for the effective teaching and learning process. It is also suggested to facilitate science teachers being more resourceful by providing support materials for science teaching and learning so that students may apply the principle of John Dewey which is “learning by doing” as well as to develop thinking skills, and attempt or challenged to make some innovations on their own capabilities.